• Published 16th Mar 2014
  • 12,112 Views, 532 Comments

The Witch of the Everfree Forest! - FLUTTERxxDASH

The Witch, to some a faerie, to most just a tale the tell kids to stay away from the Everfree. Twilight Sparkle had been alive for thousands of years, she has met and even taught many individuals but for the last one hundreds years, none have come in

  • ...

The Chess Game that began many years ago.

Author's Note:

Software checked.

Edited by these amazing people, Void Runner, Trail Cutter, EternityFlame. Thank you so, so much guys! :heart:

The Witch Of The Everfree Forest!

Written By

Serra Quill

Day after day, hour after hour, the ticking of the clock went by as a maid went about the manor doing her chores, lest she be punished. Lord Vandergruit was most fair to all when you don't irk the man, though it didn't stop him from randomly assaulting the servants of the house, Twilight knew this all too well.

A young boy walked over to Twilight as he put down the bucket he carried, wearing his rags and worn out sandals, "Sister? Hast the time come to eat? I am quite starved"

"Thy wait shan’t be long... " Twilight said as she looked at the clock which read nearly quarter to nine, "we hath but three hours to wait and we assure thou that our master will retire soon. Forsooth he hath royals coming hither from the west soon, and he oft sleeps early when he wishes to court." Twilight said as she pulled him into a hug, "whence we may be given pardon for nightly duties tonight, so I can spend tonight with my dearest little brother," Twilight said as she nuzzled him.

"I hope so sister dearest." he said, wrapping his arms tighter around his big sister.

The Next day, the Manor entry way

A fat, bald man turned in circles every few feet in wait for his guests, "You! Go with haste, make a cake of the greatest calibre for my guests. And you!" he said, pointing at Twilight who awaited her order in the line, "You hath but one order, thou shalt comply with the whims of my guests," he said as the doors opened to the hallway.

A small stubby man hobbled in with a large scroll following close behind him in green magic, magic hast always been so beautiful, "May I introduce, The future Princesses' of Valor Forest, Princess Celestia and her littlest sibling, Princess Luna." he said as they walked in.

Twilight looked on with a smile, her shock of course, hidden by her practised mask. How can they be Princess'? The small one looks no older than my brother and Princess Celestia looks younger than I.

As Twilight looked forward, she caught the eye of the woman in her white and golden dress, her pink hair draping over her shoulders, and the women smiled gratefully at her.

It was beautiful but very strange for someone so young to be able to calm someone so much by just looking at them, not like the master at all. As requested Twilight walked over and went to grab their bags, only to have them levitate in golden and blue hues next to their owners, "Mistress, please, tis my job to help thee," Twilight said, her eyes flicking over to her master who harrumphed angrily.

The Princess having seen the look on Twilight’s master’s face, was notified in an instant of what would happen, "But of course, Luna, let her do what she must"

Luna dropped her bag carefully, but pulled out a small midnight black bunny toy from her bag. She held it close before grasping her elder sister's hand tight, her only reply to Celestia was a cute noise as she buried her head into her sister’s back.

"I am very sorry Lord Vandergruit, we hath quite a shy sister, come along then miss?"

"Twilight Sparkle Mistress," Twilight said as she bowed, not letting any item slip.

"Good, Your Lordship," Celestia made a small curtsy as she led her sister after Twilight, "We shall speak later, alas, our trip has taken its toll on us and we wish to retire."

A few minutes later

Twilight walked through the double doors and shuffled to the side as she set the bags down as the two royals walked into the room, "What a wondrous room, Twilight my dear, please relax whilst you are with us. You need not worry whilst you are in this room." Celestia said as Luna made her way over to the bed that held lots of stuffed toys and porcelain dolls that she was quick to look through, pulling them from her luggage. "Please," Celestia said as she gestured to a seat just in front of a small table, "May I ask, where is it you come from?"

Twilight did not say as she sat down, the master had told her she wasn't supposed to tell anyone where she and her brother had come from. Twilight shook her head, the long wait must be suspicious, "I don't know," she said, in return Celestia raised an eyebrow slightly.

Celestia snapped her fingers as a tea set popped in front of them, it sent Twilight off the back of her chair in surprise, "Oh dear me, are you quite alright Twilight? I did not mean to frighten you," Celestia said as she stood and walked over, throwing an arm forward to help Twilight up. But as always the servant just shook her head and stood on her own. She retracted her arm with a small, sad smile, "Have you seen magic before?"

"Yes mistress, the master's daughter knows some, not anything as brilliant as yours but she knows how to levitate objects," Twilight replied as she dusted herself off before sitting back down. Celestia poured two cups, Luna looked over at them in disgust at the liquid before shying away as she caught Twilight looking at her.

Celestia giggled slightly as she levitated the cup over to Twilight, who fumbled to grab it with haste, "My sister is very reclusive, I apologise. She had been very sheltered for years. T’is the first time she has truly come away from the palace." Celestia took a sip of tea and hummed in delight at the taste. "My own recipe, one of a kind, I do hope you like it"

Twilight took a sip, her eyes went wide as the taste of the tea ran across her tongue, "t-this is amazing, mistress!"

Celestia lowered her cup down, "Tia will do Twilight, whilst we are alone, I do not like to be so formal in the company of my friends." Celestia said with a smile.

"F-friend?" Twilight asked, blushing furiously as the cup in her grasp nearly fell to the floor.

Celestia giggled as she blushed, "Of course." she then looked around and over to her bags, "Twilight?"

"Yes, Mist- Erm... Tia?" Twilight replied as her face grew ever redder.

Celestia got up and walked to her first box of luggage, "Have you ever played chess?"

"A little, why?"

"Hmm, well, how about a game or two before I go to see the Lord? It hath been quite a while since I hath had a partner to play against? What say you my dear?" she asked as the buckles and straps that ran across the box clicked open in magic, levitating the pieces to the table.

Twilight grinned as she saw the beautiful board game, "It would be my pleasure, I am regretful as I do not have the aptitude of an adequate player but I shall try Mist- Tia,... Sorry" Twilight stuttered, just before she got up to set the chess table for them both.

"T’is quite alright"

Three hours later

Many of the pawns lay at the side of each, the black and white pieces, three castles were off the board and Twilight lay in checkmate without any move to make Celestia had her... Yet again, for the fifth time. "I concede Tia, thou art too knowledgeable in the ways of chess. Tis a shame you only have I to play against," Twilight said as she looked down shamefully.

"T’is quite alright, my dear, all talent grows with practice. Even those without talent can gain knowledge and power with hard work." Celestia said as she slid the board back in place. Celestia rose and looked over to Luna, who lay on her bed, her chest rising and falling as she slept in peace, "Please Twilight, look after Luna. She has nightmares frequently and I think she quite likes your company. I shall be back soon, I have to discuss matters of the country with the Lord before we leave tomorrow. There is also another matter I wish to address; have your sibling come to my room tomorrow and I will tell you what is to happen"

Twilight looked confused, but remembered her master's order to comply with the guests’ every whim, "Yes Celestia, we shall be here when you awake tomorrow"

"Thank you Twilight," Celestia said as she walked over to Luna's sleeping form and lay a small kiss upon her forehead, "Sweet dreams Luna."

Twilight pulled her covers closer to her as the chill came through her window, the sounds of owls and other critters that ran through the Everfree at night could be heard. Not to mention the snoring of a large dragon, but that never annoyed Twilight in the slightest. "Celestia, the time comes soon, what will we do?" Twilight asked to no one as she held her bracelet close. The bracelet held five, six-pointed purple stars as they shimmered in the moonlight. Twilight looked up to the moon, "She moves in the shadows, just like him... What will we do Tia?" Twilight said as she closed her eyes to sleep, a small tear ran down her cheek as it hit the pillow.