• Published 16th Mar 2014
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The Witch of the Everfree Forest! - FLUTTERxxDASH

The Witch, to some a faerie, to most just a tale the tell kids to stay away from the Everfree. Twilight Sparkle had been alive for thousands of years, she has met and even taught many individuals but for the last one hundreds years, none have come in

  • ...

The Shackles that bind.

The Witch Of The Everfree Forest!

Written By

Serra Quill

Sunset and her friends slumped to the floor, their clothes in tatters, their bags and Rarities suitcases nowhere to be seen. Gasping for air behind the castles large front door, Pinkie was the first to recover, "Let's do that again!" a massive smile threatening to tear her face.

In reply the rest of the group just groaned, "Land sakes Pinks, how could you think that was fun, well, the dirt-boarding was interesting, but the rest... hoo nelly I dun want'ah be doing that again," Aj said, getting up and dusting herself off.

"Personally, I don't ever want to try "dirtboarding" ever again, I don't think I will ever get the muck out of these pants and don't get me started on this camisole!" Rarity said with a gruff.

"A kami hwhat now?" Scratching her head, Aj waited as her friends got off the floor, looking at the hallway they were in, though, ex-hallway to be honest as one of the walls were missing as moonlight streamed through the break.

Rarity huffed at her, "A camisole is what I'm wearing Applejack, not to mention I have lost all my extra clothing! My purple one-piece gown, my sequined black V-neck, so many lost treasures..." Rarity squeaked, lifting a hand to her head, "oh, I feel dizzy," stumbling to the side as Fluttershy grabbed and held her up.

Dash raised her eyebrow, "you brought extra clothes? to the forest? really?"

In retort Rarity glared over at Dash, "Of course, one needs an outfit for every occasion, my dear, unlike others, I am above being so uncouth to have only one ensemble for an evening," crossing her arms and hmphing, whipping her head to the side, making Fluttershy duck beneath her tendrils of purple hair.

Sunset dusted off her pack, letting her friends argument drift into the background noise as she got the tome out that she needed, an old book with the layout of the old sisters' castle. Flicking through the pages and going over the sticky notes she placed in she hadn't realized her friends had stopped arguing and made their way over to her, looking over her shoulders as Dash tapped a sticky not, making her jump, "Soe's this where we have to go then the artefact treasury?" Turning to Sunset with a questioning look and a head tilt.

Grounding herself again after she jumped Sunset stood back up, with the Tome still in her hands, "Yep, we should find what we need in there, did everyone bring their Element just-in-case we run into anything here?" Grabbing her armband of pink silver, that had a purple gemstone like a starburst, placing it on herself, so if she needed so she could use it.

The rest of her friends held their arms up as she could see their own Elements, Wristbands with Gems of varying colours, each representing their own Element, "Good, then I guess we best go and see if we can find this," squinting at the page she placed her finger under the word so she wouldn't lose where she was, "Auceps lapis, Aparently it was a tool to trap a creature in place, rendering it unable to move for so long depending on how strong, or how much magic it had."

"Well then Egghead, what are we waiting for!" Rainbow said, then to her namesake did what she did best and began to Dash down the hallway in the direction of the artefact treasury, "C'mon slowpokes, catch up!"

The group grumbled before they ran after their friend, Rarity gasping as she began, "I hate... running.... argh!"

The surface, as bleak as it could be, she was bored of this desolate place, grey... grey and more grey. Just you wait, that treasure will be mine! The nightmare though, looking at the sparkling blue and green planet only a seemingly hands reach away, her grin turning malicious as she saw the sun begin to rise behind her moon, the chains that held her to the surface began to rattle, though she heard nought a sound around her. Her laughter heard by no one, as magic brushed the surface of the moon the chains glowed a bright gold just before black magic of darkest night seeped out of the chains, crumbling them as the Nightmare yanked what was left out of the stone, standing with her head looking directly up at the jewel that tormented her for these last thousand years, Let the Nightmare begin

Nightmare Vanished from the surface, leaving a dark blue mist behind that seemed to move on its own. It watched as the Nightmare hit Equestrian Atmos before two Amethyst eyes looked out of the mist at the alicorn disappearing before the creature itself seeped back into the surface of the moon with a cackle, leaving a viscous black liquid on the surface of the moon with small black and green crystals on its surface that glittered.

Thirty-three minutes and forty-two seconds until Sunrise

Twilight waved goodbye to Scootaloo as she made her way back to town with Spike carrying her, since it was still dark she wanted her ward to be safe traversing the forest in the dark, well with that sorted I guess its time I left for the castle then, Snapping her fingers she changed into the form of a lioness before she started to sprint in the direction of the castle.

On the way there she heard several screams and a loud sound like a rock slide, though one of the voices was squealing in laughter, Celestias Champions no doubt, Shaking her head she sprinted even faster so that she could activate her wards on time. Minutes past as she got to the castle, leaving only a small amount of time before the Nightmare released her shackles. She knew she would come here first, hoping that she would be able to trap her Sister and tear the wretch of a demon away from her Sisters body.

Coming out of her form of a lion she knelt down to the marked stones that lead around the castles outer rim, connected with purified salt and ash, snapping her fingers she pulled a vial into existence. Purified mana, made for the past one thousand years, it takes seven years for the smallest of drops to accumulate, I can only hope this works She thought, just before dropping some on the stone, just before running to the next and pouring a little on the next.

The problem was that purified mana didn't last long, depending on the amount, it would stay for a varied amount of time before being absorbed back into the aether and funnel into the ley lines around the forest. Though with this amount it should give them at least twenty minutes if she calculated accurately enough, which was usually the case, at least twenty, being that it all depends on the potency of the mana... it is annoying that I cant calculate it to a definite point, She grumbled in her mind as she poured the last drop on the very last stone.

Not seconds later she looked up at the moon, the shadow of the skull coalesced into one point before disappearing, a moment later she felt it, the magic of a dark caster. Just before hearing a cackle as it slammed into the castles observatory, at that point the last petal upon her bloom wilted away, leaving only the roots, to which she placed her hand into the soil in front of the stones. The roots themselves moving down her arm and connecting with the stones, each lighting up a varying colour of purple before she pulled her arm back out, stepping through the barrier as vines of purple grew over the castle at a rapid pace.

Twilight walked down the halls towards the artefact room, knowing where she needed to be, "I'm coming now sister, wait for me!"

Something was definitely wrong now and it wasn't just Sunset being Sunset, the group heard the cackle of a woman just before the ground shook and a loud bang disturbed the dust off the old stone of the castle. Dash quickly stood up from her place quivering under Fluttershy with a blush, coughing gruffly before looking around "I wasn't scared, nothing could scare Rainbow Danger Dash! what even was that?" she said, pointedly not looking at Aj who now held a smirk.

Sunsets features turned grim, "It could only be one thing," pulling another Tome out of her bag, this one with chains across the cover and a magic seal on the side, questioning looks were given, "the extra restricted section of the library... I have access"

"Of course the Egghead has access," Dash quipped before being slapped on the back of the head by AJ, who then nodded at Sunset to carry on.

Nodding back she opened the seal and moved it to the page she needed, "this isn't the only rendition, they even made a kids tale out of what happened, that even mention the Elements. Though this is the accurate description of what happened, Celestia had to seal her Sister on her own moon over a thousand years ago, it doesn't go into exact details of what had caused the change within Princess Luna but she was turned into-"

"Black Snooty!!" Pinkie exclaimed with a smile.

Sunset raised a brow... "erm, no but close, Luna turned herself into a creature called Nightmare moon and I think that is what is now in the castle, we have to hurry gir-"

"Not meaning to interrupt darling, but is the forest meant to be doing this?" Rarity asked, pointing at the window that had now glass, to which the group could see vines slowly snaking their way across the opening and sealing the window. Rarity peered closer as she stretched a handout, a small pink zap of electric came from the vine, making her retreat back with a yelp, "it shocked me, how could it shock me!"

Sunset moved past her friend who was now being comforted by Fluttershy, looking over the magical vines, the amount of mana needed for a spell like that would be tremendous. Turning from the window she looked back at the girls, "don't touch any of the vines, something in the castle wants to keep us, or whatever else in the castle. Most likely either being Nightmare moon noticing we are in the castle," the girls all looked scared as they turned all around looking for anything out of the ordinary, seeing nothing they turned back to Sunset, "or someone else did this."

Aj thought for a second, "wait a tick, it could'a been tha' witch of the everfree!"

Sunset shook her head, "we don't have time for fairytales Aj, let's get moving, C'mon guys." Aj grumbled before the group started moving again, only a few minutes away from the room they needed.

Stumbling into the room after running full speed the six women dropped into the room through the door, picking themselves up they began to look around at the room, mostly empty shelves and cobwebs all over the place, though a pedastal where what looks like armour would have been looked to be disturbed without any dust around it. Sunset quickly looked around for what she needed, "the artefact looks like a spiderweb inside an obsidian ball of glass, quick girls, let's find it!" the girls and sunset were about to move into action before a voice stopped them.

"No need my dear sun loving little girlies," the group turned as the echo of heels wrang through the room, a woman in dark blue armour with accents of black stared at them, casually throwing a black ball into the air, the very same artefact that they came for, "I won't be letting anyone use this precious little gem again," gripping the glass orb tighter until it burst into little crystals of glass she peered back over to the group with a sneer. Pointing a finger at them, "now which one of you cast the ward, I want my revenge and my throne and no one shall stand in my way, especially not children playing heroines!"

Pinkie stepped forward before blowing a raspberry at Nightmare, "we won't tell you anything black snooty!"

Sunset nodded, so this means it wasn't Nightmare, "Pinkies right, C'mon girls, lets use the Elements," as she said that, they all stood in formation to use the Elements of harmony again, only for Sunset to be sent flying into the back wall of the room and crash through the shelves. Sunset coughed the air out of her lungs upon impact, just before seeing her friends swatted to the side like flies, Nightmares eyes only on herself.

Nightmare sneered before teleporting in front of the child, "weak, so this is what a student of my sister amounts to these days!"

"Celestia believes in me, I won't let her down," Sunset said, wincing at her side, just before Nightmare grabbed her by her shirt and pulled her up the wall.

Nightmare looked at her confused, "Celestia? are you not Twilights student, Celestia wouldn't know how to cast a ward such as this, keeping me in place here," Nightmare questioned, looking into the fiery-haired girl who was thrashing to get out of her grip.

"Who in the name of tarterus is Twilight," Sunset shouted as she tried to kick the alicorn, all for nought as it did nothing but irritate Nightmare. Though she struggled for a while she suddenly felt herself drop to the floor, free from Nightmare Moons grasp, only to look up at a woman bathed in purple light and swirling crystals.

Twilight looked away from where she threw Nightmare Moon and down to Celestia's Student, "I see my little sister has taught her student well in magic, though you could do with some help when it comes to a bit of combat, to ask you question my dear, I am Twilight," the woman radiated an aura much like celestia, though seemingly more uptight, much like if Celestia's main job was a bookkeeper or a librarian.

Still shocked Sunset watched as the woman turned back around, "and now for you my dear little sister," Twilight said, getting the attention of the black haired alicorn, her cyan slitted eyes gaining a small red glow to them.

"YOU! Why do you have to get in my way, again and again!" Stomping the ground, Nightmare seemed more like a child right now than the evilest enemy known the mankind at the moment, quickly letting off two shots of mana at Twilight, "DIE!"

Twilight moved quickly, grabbing sunset and running over to her friends, who had seen everything and were gaping at the woman, all apart from Aj, though something seemed to click in Rarity's head at seeing the woman.

Twilight placed Sunset down on her feet as she cast a shield to block a stray bolt of mana, "wait for my signal girls, I will call for your help, all of you," she said, looking at each girl in turn, before the woman suddenly turned into a cheeta, bolting across the room at tremendous speed, latching onto the Nightmare with her teeth and rolling with the kinetic energy she had built up, throwing Nightmare into the window and against her vines, shocking her as she dropped to the ground.

Nightmare got up, smoke rising off her back from the electricity, Two wings of obsidian sprouted behind her, "it will not go in your favour this time sister, I've smashed your precious artefact, its over!" Nightmare said triumphantly, knowing that she had more power than Twilight, even with her being the one with less experience and knowledge of magic.

Twilight shook her head with a sad smile, "True, I won't be able to use it again, thus I shall just use my magic directly against you instead of using a median in my stead, I did create the Auceps Lappis," Twilight said as her eyes took on a more purple hue, pink smoke rising from the whites of her eyes as her outfit gained a more crystalline look to it.

Nightmare began to snarl, "No! you didn't have the strength to use that magic before, its impossible," Nightmare said as she tried to get away, noticing her legs had already begun to spiderweb in black crystal.

"and I still don't, for long anyway, this spell was more a thing my brother could do," Twilight winced as her arm was taken over more by the crystal, cracking across the surface of her skin, "GIRLS, use the Elements!" the six who were watching in awe shook off their confusion and moved into place next to Twilight, who seemed to be getting weaker by the second as sweat dropped to the floor as crystals, forming flowers and grass as it hit the floor.

Twilight looked at Sunset, "Don't think about beating her or sending her back to the moon, it will not work. Befriend her, use your magic to release the dark magic within Nightmare moon, I know you can do it, all of you," Struggling that last sentence out as Sunset nodded, all the gems of Harmony building to a crescendo of light before the magic flood past Twilight and hit the trapped woman, who screamed for all but a few seconds.

Sunset dropped to the floor, as did her friends, looking up they saw Twilight still holding a struggling Nightmare moon, though she seemed to be much smaller.

Nightmare screamed all hell as she tried to free her arms, "you will not win, I will taint this world is shadow! you will no-"

Before she could finish her sentence, fear struck the Nightmare silent, looking back to Twilight, noticing the pink mist had turned purple and her eyes had green surrounding them, the magic that held her in place gripped tighter and Twilight seemed to be able to use it all the more easily as she strolled up the Nightmare, "Shush now, your struggling does you no good, its time, I want my sister back and you can go back to your shadows."

Nightmare shook her head, it remembered the nothing, it did not want to go back to that, to him. "Please, don't! PLEASE!" She begged as Twilight opened her palm, the last of the roots on her arm coalesced onto her palm as a lotus flower made of amethyst bloomed on her hand, draining the darkness away from Nightmares form, screaming only for a second before it left a blue-haired small girl who slid to the floor unconscious.

Twilight took the now black lotus in hand, snapping her finger she sent it to where it needed to be, back to the dark. Twilight now stood as she began calming herself, dark magic, I never wanted to use it again, it's a cruel thing. Slowly her features turned back to normal, her breath growing haggard once again and she slumped down to her little sister, fatigue taking her into the dream realm as she fell asleep on Lunas lap.

The six girls watched as she fell asleep very quickly, Aj making the first move to go and see if she is okay before a bright golden light erupted into the room, blinding all awake for a second before the girls could see Celestia, cradling both Luna and Twilight.

Celestia didn't care that the girls could see her tears as Sunset made her way over to her teacher, "Princess? I thought that Nightmare couldn't be saved?"

Celestia looked up at her student and her friends, "By me and my big sister, no, we did not have the right to do so with the Elements. But you girls are the new Guardians of the Elements, by you, without a doubt it was possible," Celestia said with the most honest smile Sunset had seen her have.

Though Sunset quirked her brow, a question upon her lips, "big sister?"

Celestia looking up in confusion, then back down at the two breathed a sigh of relief at her own blunder, forgetting the request made by her sister, "I guess there is no hiding it, it was my fault for the slip of tongue, first let me thank you for saving my little sister, Luna," she said, noticing Luna was slowly sturring out of her sleep, brushing a hand through her hair. Before turning and doing the same to Twilight, "and let me introduce my older sister, Twilina Sparkle, or as she likes to be called, just Twilight," she said with a giggle as she heard her big sister murmer in her sleep.

Everyone else though stood like a headless chicken as she said that, Sunsets eyes as wide as saucers, even Aj was surprised. Sunset stumbled backwards slightly, "Big sister..." before borrowing a page from Rarities book, fainting onto a Rainbow Dash.

Celestia watched her student faint before slowly closing her eyes and shaking her head with a smile, "Well I think we best move this to a better place, has everyone been teleported before?" receiving nods, her forehead glowed a golden colour before all that was left in the room was the black and purple crystal.