• Published 16th Mar 2014
  • 12,112 Views, 532 Comments

The Witch of the Everfree Forest! - FLUTTERxxDASH

The Witch, to some a faerie, to most just a tale the tell kids to stay away from the Everfree. Twilight Sparkle had been alive for thousands of years, she has met and even taught many individuals but for the last one hundreds years, none have come in

  • ...

A long time.

The Witch Of The Everfree Forest!

Written By

Serra Quill

"Hello big sister, quite a fine night if 't be true I doth sayeth so myself."

Twilight smiled down at the woman next to her, though in a more ethereal light to be true. Reaching over and brushing the stray tear that faded from existence, "quite little sis, its been far too long since we have spoken, I am glad to know my spell has worked," looking over to the bottle that contained the Veidrenspeich, now a seemingly blueish black in colour that connected to Luna's form as smoke.

Luna frowned as she looked at the bottle, before realization came across her features, "Ah! Veidrenspeich, quite an fusty spelleth, one wouldst bethink hath lost to the ages?" Luna quipped with a quizzical expression. Looking down at her hands, ethereal light drifting in a none existent wind as she moved them back and forth, "forsooth intriguing to beest sure!"

"Oh Luna, I do have to bring you up to speed on current speech," laughing at how nostalgic it was to hear her speech, remembering how much she took after her Father, unlike herself and Celestia who was more carefree and spoke more in-line with the common people. Sighing she looked to the moon, seeing the darkened skull upon its surface, Luna also looked only to look away in shame, " it's not your fault my dear, love truly is a strong force in this world, it blinds you. She only took advantage of what was happening."

Luna shook her head fervently, "Nay sist'r, t wast all mine own fa-"

Twilight stopped her mid-sentence by grabbing ahold of her and hugging her tightly, tears welling within Lunas eyes, "no it isn't, the Nightmare is the way it is without your input, it feeds off those who feel helpless, if only we had both seen what was happening to you, instead of focusing solely on my brother."

"No, you should have focused on him!" Luna all but shouted, momentarily dropping her speech, knowing in her head there wasn't any point to it anyways without any subjects around, "I was just a silly little girl struck with grief over something I couldn't have and I took it out on you and Big sister. I can only ask for your forgiveness, but I know it won't be long before I break the bonds that hold me on the moon, then she will be free. I know that I must be sealed once again Sister, I cant fight her, she is too powerful now for me alone," clutching her hands to her chest, wincing as she felt the pull of her body trying to drag her spirit back to the moon.

Twilight just smiled down on Luna's form before raising her head, "Don't worry, knowing Celestia she has something planned and I myself won't just leave you to be chained away again, even if I have to use that again..." Twilight said, a dark grimace coming onto her features. Shaking her head, she smiled down at Luna before giving her forehead a small kiss, "it wont be long now little sister, I promise to save you from the nightmare, till the morrow, have a fair night," she said, hugging Luna, who in turn held her back with a smile, a single tear sliding down her cheek as her ethereal form faded from the area, the bottle of Veidrenspeich having met its end and turning to a murky grey colour.

Twilight just sat there for a while, looking to her sisters moon, determination sat across her features, looking down at the bloom upon her arm she sees the last of the petal begin to wilt, Celestia, I hope your champions are ready for what is to come in the coming hours, because come by daybreak, it will be either us or the nightmare.

A clear teapot swirled in golden magic, as six pink petals slowly mixed through the water inside, steam rising from the spout. Celestia sat, waiting as she saw her sisters moon slowly start to touch the far-off mountains where her Sun was to rise, thirty-eight minutes and twenty-two seconds if she is counting correctly until the stars align, to which magic will be pushed in just the right way for the nightmare to break its chains. Bringing the cup to her lips she went to take a sip, only to recoil at the temperature, it wasn't the fact that it was hot, it was that it wasn't its usual temperature that she had made in the same way for centuries and had become second nature to doing so when she was making her tea. It seems I am a little more worried than I thought I would be, I pray for your triumph Sunset, I know you will do me proud.

Two Hours until sunrise

Sunset began shovelling books and tools into the rucksack, having finished all her jobs, she was going to sneak off as her friends were not still on board with the thought of going to a spooky castle whilst the Princess was going to do her sunrise for the summer sun celebration. Though Sunset knew what was going to happen, even if Celestia wouldn't admit it, she wasn't stupid, she could tell the Princess was worried and hiding something for a while now. It was why she started to investigate in the first place.

got that, got that Tome... yep... check, got it.. go- wait... there it is, grabbing the pack of food she made, putting that into the rucksack she hefted it onto her shoulder before strapping the other arm across her and locking the buckles together, but before she could take a step she was yanked back slightly as she fell to her butt, "Ow, hey who did that," she grumbled, looking behind her to see Rainbow dash with an over the shoulder bag, a big smile on her face as she guffawed through her teeth.

"You should have seen your face," taking a deep breath as she held her stomach, "you were like," pausing her laughter, Dashs face trying to imitate Sunsets shocked expression, just before bursting into laughter again.

Sunset was about to shout at her but was interrupted as her front door opened, "now what have ah told ya about doors Dash, ah'swear yall were born in a barn, now git the poor girl up so we kin git goin'" Applejack said in her Southern accent, an annoyed look across her features as Dash wiped her tears from the laughter.

Dash threw her hand out, which Sunset grabbed, albeit with a frown at her friends, "Sorry, I just couldn't help myself, though I didn't mean to make you fall over Egghead, I think you might have packed a little much. Cmon then," Dash said brushing off Sunset just before turning on her heels and walking towards the door, AJ beginning to follow her.

Sunset watched for a second before hurrying after them, getting to her front door to see the rest of the girls with varying backpacks... though Rarity had five wheeled suitcases which made her shake her head, "I thought you guys wanted to stay at the party?" Sunset asked as Aj and Dash got to the bottom of the oaks steps and stood next to her friends, all of them looking at each other.

Surprisingly Rarity herself being the one to speak up, "and what, miss all the action and whatnot as Dash would say! Darling, we wouldn't let you go into that, admittedly filthy looking," Clearing her throat with a dainty cough, swirly her hand in the air, "forest, all by yourself." Smiling at her friend, just before physically shaking for a second at the thought of all the icky creatures and muck that she would have to go through.

"Yeah Sunny, we wouldn't leave you to go through some spooky woods by yourself, it'd be way to fun to miss out on!" Pinkie said, bouncing on the spot as the rest of her friends stared down the line at her, "what? who doesn't like being scared?" She said, snorting with a giggle.

Shaking her head, Sunset smiled at her friends, "Well, I'm happy that you girls will help me, even if you don't exactly believe me that something will happen at the castle today.
Well, I guess we best be on our way then huh?" shaking her pack into a better position as her friends grabbed their bags, Rarity not included as she started to roll her suitcases with magic.

Fluttershy timidly looking back at the town as they headed to the forest, which was seemingly more scary since it was still dark out, "Erm, maybe, possibly... I should stay at the-"

Dash placed her hands on the back of Fluttershy, she herself letting an Eep escape her lips and stopping mid-sentence, "no way Shy, C'mon, it'll be fun!" Fluttershy shook her head, passing through the threshold of the forest into the darkness and undergrowth.

Fluttershy whimpered as her feet dragged dirt, a quiet little voice escaping her lips as her chin quivered, "Debatable."