> The Witch of the Everfree Forest! > by FLUTTERxxDASH > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The curiosity of Fillies, what could happen? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Witch of the Everfree! Written By Serra Quill Ponyville Schoolyard, fifteen minutes to three. The children sat in class as their teacher, Miss Cheerilee, handed out homework. They all wanted to go home... Well, almost all, except three girls who sat at the back of the class. Instead they awaited the end of the day so that they could go find what they were talking about during the Lunch break time. After the teacher had finished handing out sheets she asked the class to stand, five minutes remaining on the clock as everybody grabbed their bags with their lunch boxes, Miss Cheerilee wrote one last thing on the board before turning around. Somehow Miss Cheerilee always made her speeches on the dot because right after she told them all to have a good weekend the bell rang. The three girls ran outside, knocking that snotty girl, Diamond tiara on her butt in the process, "Damn you, mark-less idiots!" The last thing the three heard from the classroom was Miss Cheerilee reprimanding Diamond for cursing. With a giggle they breached the front door of the school and ran to their bikes and scooter. A candy apple bike stood next to a small white bike, and finally, an orange scooter. The purple haired filly placed her helmet on as she turned to the others, "So you guys ready to find that witch? I heard she has a cottage deep in the evergreen where she eats Timberwolves" A pink hair bow bobbed as another little girl turned to the one who spoke, "Yall can't eat Timberwolves Scoots, they're made of wood," the girl said as she got on the bike and put on a green helmet. The pink and purple haired girl blinked between her friends, her shrill voice squeaked out, "So do we have to go into the Everfree to find this Timberwolf eating witch? Isn't that kinda dangerous?" "Well, we go to Zecora's all the time, so it can't be that dangerous and," she looked at her friend on the bike, "She doesn't eat Timberwolves, so we should be fine, Sweetie Belle. Anyway, if anything happens all we have to do is run as fast as we can back to Appleblooms house, right?" she asked like it was flawlessly planned. The other two shrugged as they all got on their bike and scooter, Scootaloo grinned as she turned to her side to face them, "Cutie Mark Crusaders, Witchfinders GO!" she bellowed as the other two joined in, the small Valkyrie flapped her wings and sped off on her Scooter , the other two peddling behind her as fast as they could. In the Everfree The light hum of a song drifted through the low-lit trees of the Everfree, a small glow of eerie purple made shadows through the forest as a face danced around, the face was actually that of a woman. Twilight Sparkle, the immortal spellcaster, guardian of the forest of magic... At least that was what it was once called. Many years ago when the forest was flush with life that emanated within, the ponies would dance among the fauna and wildlife, but long ago a dark individual had corrupted the essence of the forest. The individual was somebody Twilight had known well, too well, but that is for another time. Twilight had gotten rid of the dark magic that lay upon the forest, those many years ago, but the fear was already deep upon the populace, none would enter her forest again, though many new encampments surrounded the Everfree. It was strange how fast the people of Equestria adapted with their new "Technologies". The inventions were very intriguing, though Twilight still preferred her magic over the clanging noisy hullabaloo of present day society. Nearly forty years ago she checked up on the latest village that had sprung up close to the Everfree. She went transformed as a cat; it was wonderful to see her fellow kind once again. Though since that night, when a few people accidentally caught her changing back into her human form as she returned to the forest, they dubbed her the Witch of the Everfree... Some, though, called her a faerie. None of the superstitions were true, she was simply an immortal who liked the wilderness. Sure the Everfree had evolved into a self-sustaining ecosystem where large predators liked to stay, but it was still her home. Only four among the living knew about her, and only two could call her friend at the moment. The first was a dragon she had known for nearly one hundred years now, whom she found as a hatchling left behind by his mother for reasons unknown. Twilight had brought him up as her own child, and now he was quite a large Drake, nearly as tall as her home, with large purple scales and spines of green that descended his tail. The Dragon had named himself Spike, and she was happy to call him that. Seventy years later an encounter with another race brought her second friend. A small Shaman wandered her forest floors. Twilight had followed the child, probably only fourteen or fifteen, until they stumbled upon a hydras cave. Twilight had intervened and shown herself for the first time in many years to another living creature by her own choice, and said creature could never be more thankful. To this day Zecora would visit every so often to see how Twilight was doing, her small abode was quaint, but it was always a welcome surprise when Zecora came around. That is why when Twilight heard laughter that she had never heard before ringing through her forest , it surprised her, stopping her studies as she listened closer. Once more laughter came, different from the first, and she realised someone else had stumbled quite close. Twilight looked around her forest as her eyes flicked around in the direction it came from, Now who would wander through my forest? It isn't Zecora, there is more than just one voice, I think it best I check before anything happens. Twilight looked around as she took off her cloak and placed it down, only torn fabric across her chest with her hips bare. She lit her horn as her body began shifting and shrinking, all the way down into the form of a cat but still retaining her horn. Let us be off, She paused as she turned, she bolted to the left of her house where heat blew her fur back. There sat Spike laid upon his claws, his nostrils flared as heat passed by Twilight. The Drake opened an eye slightly as he looked down at the cat, no bigger than his claw. "Spike, be a dear and check on the Timberwolves pack, there seemed to have been some voices in the forest just now." The large Drake began to stand as he arched his back, large audible cracks sounded off as he breathed a sigh of relief, his voice rippled in a low octave as he spoke, "Sure, I'll be back soon," He then turned as he ran through the tree swiftly. The dragon was grounded, as he was born without wings, but that never meant Spike was slow. Twilight sighed in relief, glad to know the Timberwolves wouldn't move without her say in the matter. She watched Spike fade into the gloom before she turned on her paws and ran in the opposite direction. A few minutes later she came upon the sight of three little girls, no older than twelve, What are you three doing, didn't your parents ever warn you about this place? I swear I should have sealed this place once the populace began fearing it. Not only me, but Celestia should have warned the populace of its dangers. Her small steps made little to no sound as she stalked the children, careful not to scare them. For the next few minutes she watched as the small purple haired girl told jokes, and every so often she would jump and flutter her small wings, it was rare to see such small wings on a girl of her size. A large roar suddenly rang through the forest. Twilight knew what it meant immediately; the pack were not near their burrow. This was very bad as these three had the scent of normal ponies, Twilight had adapted to life in the forest and by doing so, after thousands of years she could smell more. One thing, in particular, was fear. All three smelled of it, but the worst by far was the little Valkyrie girl, she was a beacon for the Timberwolves and no doubt they had smelled her. The only thing Twilight could do was try to divert them away from going deeper, she burst from the bushes, making the three girls jump. That was until the second small girl squealed shaking her fists before she dove to her knees grabbing Twilight, "A little kitty, Soo~ cute~" "You sure yah should be grabbing at animals from the Everfree Sweetie? Sure, it might not be clawin' or biting y'all yet but-" "Look at this face, though-" Sweetie said as she lifted Twilight up. Twilight herself, quite confused by the exchange, shook her head to snap out of her trance. She pushed the child's hands apart, dropping to the floor before she ran in front of them and hissed, trying to look agitated and dangerous. Well, attempting to at least. Applebloom came up to Sweetie and placed a hand on her shoulder, "See, it's still a wild animal Sweetie, let's just keep going," Applebloom said as she tried to pass Twilight, who in turn jumped to the side to block her path, "What the-?" Applebloom stepped to the side. So did Twilight. "Move a little kitty, we gotta go somewhere, we're going to se-" Suddenly the sound of branches ripped their attention away from the cat. Twilight sighed in defeat, thinking, Well, that failed miserably, and now I have to deal with this group... Yet again. The three fillies got close together as they looked around, eventually staring at the two orbs of yellow coming closer from the shadows. The three had seen this twice before and already knew they couldn't outrun it, and without their sisters, they knew they wouldn't be leaving. The two orbs split as more appeared from the darkness, at least seven Timberwolves, So the whole pack is out, Shouldn't be too hard, but these girls might see me, Twilight turned her head to face the three as she thought it over. Sweetie looked down at the small feline as it pondered its thoughts, she thought it was weird, but brought her voice through the fear, "Kitty run! Run now little Kitty!" That made Twilight turn her head again, this girl had warned another creature from the Everfree, one that had just hissed at her, such a pure soul. The other two little girls nodded with their friend as they made shooing motions, though keeping an eye on the Timberwolves. The Timberwolves finally breached the shadows as a wooden muzzle came into the light that shone through the canopy above, noxious fumes spread as it snarled. The three fillies looked up at the sound as they turned to face the wolf. It began crouching to leap as it came closer, then it jumped as the three closed their eyes, awaiting their doom. Though it didn't come. Instead came a yelp, followed by a thump from a few meters away. With trepidation the three slowly opened their eyes. There stood a very tall woman, long purple hair that glowed slightly as it ran all the way to her ankles, her arm was outstretched in front of them as the other Timberwolves snarled. "Thou shalt not touch these children, if you do not wish to join your leader, begone, or forever live with thine wounds!" the Timberwolves recognised this person, she was the owner of the forest, one whom had always been there since they were pups. To defy her was certain death. Begrudgingly they backed away, the leader whimpered as he got to his paws, with a look at Twilight he bolted into the thick of the trees out of sight. Twilight turned around as she sighed, only to see three wide-eyed fillies, the Valkyrie girl suddenly began jumping, "we found her, we found her, it's the witch... Wait.. It's the witch," after her excited display all three looked at each other before they dropped to their knees and clasped their hands together. "Please don't eat us... We won't come in the Fore-" "Eat you?" Twilight said with a humorous grin, "Heavens no children, why would I ever eat you?" The smallest of the three instantly stopped shaking and turned her head up, "You won't? Don't witches eat all little kids?" Sweetie asked. Twilight thought about that for a second, "I don't know, I have never met a real witch, though many call me a witch so to answer your question... No" The three sing-song an, "Oooooh~" "What are you three doing in the Forest? Haven’t your parents told you it's dangerous? I mean you saw the creatures didn't yo-" suddenly a large dragon dropped behind Twilight as the three fillies screamed and fell into the mud, the dragon began laughing in its throaty voice, Twilight turned to him and whacked him. "That was not very nice Spike, you got them all dirty," she said as she sighed and facepalmed. Scootaloo pointed a shaky hand at Spike, "D..d-dragon!! That's a dragon right?" she said with wide eyes. Twilight turned her eyes back to them, "Technically, yes, but the term to use for Spike is Drake." "Y'all mean like those we find inside the earth?" Applebloom asked, she herself actually quite calm compared to her friends. Spike stopped his laughter, "Sorry... Sorry, I could not help myself, Mom," he said as the scared looks turned to yet again confused. All three said in unison, that was actually creeping them out, "Mom?!" Sweetie belle came forward, "you mean the Witch is your mum?" Twilight stopped Spike from saying anything else, "Firstly I am not 'the witch', my full name is Twilina Crescent Sparkle but you may call me Twilight young ladies. As for Spike, I am his adoptive mother," once again it earned a Unified Oh. "Why were you out here?" Twilight asked them. Applebloom spoke up, "We were looking for the Witch... I didn't believe Scoots at first, but yah was real, even Mah' sis' and her friends can't stop Timberwolves from attackin’ They have to use them elements to beat them." The Elements? Twilight thought, They haven't been used since Luna was imprisoned. This could be more interesting than I thought, Luna and Celestia had used them after I showed them the tree of harmony and now they are used by normal ponies... I guess I can talk a bit more. As she looked at them, they looked like they needed to bathe now since Spike had covered them in mud. "Follow me and we will talk some more, I shall show you a place to bathe as I am sure you do not wish to return to your families covered in mud," Twilight said as she returned to cat form. Sweetie gasped, "That was you? cool~" Twilight rolled her eyes, this was simply magic to her so it was a surprise to see a unicorn gasp at magic. "C'mon, we're not too far from here," Twilight said as Spike bent down so she could jump up, "get on" The three looked at each other before grinning, Scootaloo bellowed once again, "Cutie mark crusaders, dragon riders GO!" before they ran up to jump on Spikes back. > The curiosity of Mares, what could happen? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Witch of the Everfree Forest! Written By Serra Quill Ninety-six Years ago. Many years living alone without your family is very lonesome indeed, especially when you have lived for thousands of years, so, of course, there is always that familiar hole deep within that aches for nourishment. Too bad in this case it really bit her back, damn curious thoughts, wanting to find out how society has fared in the last three hundred years... Why did I forget what happened last time? The tall women sighed as she walked through her wooden door and into her familiar home. As she sat down the sound of footsteps came closer, "Mom? Are you alright?" She turned her head to see her son, his small purple chubby cheeks had an orange glow from the reflection of the fire. Twilight sighed as she sat up and levitated him onto her lap, "Yes... Now I am Spike, it’s just been a rough day. Did you know so much has changed? They now use stones so that roads are flat. The walls are alive with colours of many hues, pinks and purples and many other colours," she said as she bopped his nose with a finger. "But alas, society is quite... loud for my taste. I much prefer the forest and natural resources it brings us. Too bad that you didn't see this place thousands of years ago Spike, it was so beautiful, the rivers ran far and wide and the trees and wilderness were alive even at night time" Spike leant into his Mum as he curled up, "What happened that was stressful though?" Spike asked. He was never Star Swirl when it came to picking up traits and such, but he knows when someone isn’t quite feeling themselves. Twilight sighed again, I have to stop doing that, a horrible tick it is. "It seems I was seen on my way back into the forest, someone had caught a glimpse of me returning to cat form and casting my light magic" "Is that a bad thing?" "No, but I am sure they will have been shocked by the magic they saw and with a woman going back through a forest deemed too dangerous by the Princess herself. If it comes to it, I will just have to visit her majesty and fix the little problem, after all, we can't have anyone wandering into a place such as this without caution, I still haven't subdued all of the predators of this place" Spike nuzzled further into her fur coat as she pulled a small cover made out of woven green wool over the two of them, "Are we going to have to move from the forest Mum?" "No, sweetheart, it won't be that bad" The edge of the Everfree, twenty-four Years ago. Padded paws placed carefully as tufts of purple hair came through the tall grass, Twilight lay in the bushes as she watched the people of Ponyville talk. People seemed to wear very strange clothing; bell bottomed leggings and ghastly tops of many colors were somehow in style at this moment in time... Such ghastly clothing, I wish I had never had slipped into that clothing shop and shocked those assistants. The group of people had been coming back time and again to the same spot, one in particular with very strange hair, it was zig-zagged... Cheerilee I think the others called her. Apparently, since the night she was seen many were infatuated with the speculation of a ghost or apparition that many had seen leading into the dangerous forest. Twilight had watched them for the last few days, sometimes nights even, as they watched and discussed what they saw. They were looking for the "Faerie"; by deduction Twilight came to the idea somehow the locals were referring to her as such. It wasn't long before the few became many. People would come and sit around fires as they ate and watched the stars and wilderness for any signs that Twilight was nearby, if only they knew she actually sat eating her own prepared meal just a few yards away. It was odd though. This town was so close to the Everfree and with the strange new behaviour the populace had it was definitely curious that Celestia had not come as of yet. Small as it may be, it was still a worry that these people would stumble into the woods soon in search of her... They would not fare too well with its inhabitants. Cheerilee sat on the cool grass as the wind blew past her face, the low blue light from the moon shone down into the meadow just by the Everfree as she ate her sandwich. Rose had told her of something she had seen and had been dragged to with her, her words being what's better than a new mythical being... Sure, it was a far-fetched idea, but it was a fun thing to do, Rose would always bring an assortment of treats as Lyra and BonBon came to sit with them. They would usually just watch the stars and eventually head home, it was a nice thing to do with friends, it's not like there really can be anything like... A cat? Twilight heard footsteps coming closer, strange, no one would dare come closer to the Everfree would they? She thought as she turned to see the hands of Cheerilee grabbing her around the waist. She struggled slightly and she was picked from the bush but still ended up being pressed tightly against the women in the death vice like a hug. Why did this woman just come over and grab me? Cheerilee looked at the cat as it turned its head around to meet her, two eyes locked in a look of disdain, "What's a little kitty doing by the-" she stopped as she noticed a small feature on the cat, a horn. "That's new, I have never seen a cat with a horn before, wonder what Rose would think?" she said as she went to turn. Twilight, though, had other plans as she slightly nipped at her hand. Cheerilee dropped her and Twilight dashed away into the forest. Cheerilee looked at her hand, two small red dots were forming, she looked up to the wall of trees as to where the cat had disappeared, "kitty?" A few minutes later when Twilight had gotten far enough into the forest, she stopped and looked around, I’m not too far from home. I guess they won't come in but that girl will definitely become a problem if she sees me again. Twilight would have begun her walk home if it were not for the scream that emanated from behind her, followed by a low brittle growl that she knew all too well, a damned chimaera. Twilight shifted back into her normal form so she could run faster, trees passing by in a flurry of green and blue hues as she sped along. She was just in time to see the girl who had picked her up had fallen to the floor unconscious in front of a large snarling beast. The beast growled and bleated and hissed all at once, the noise was volatile and the sight was none the less worse off. The lion head went in for the first bite just before an arcane light with purple highlights flourished from the shadows, sending the beast tumbling through the underbrush and skidding to a halt. The beast reared its heads back up and snarled as Twilight came into view. In a matter of seconds, the creature's world turned upside down, it lay with its belly facing the skies, wondering how it went from running at the pony who stopped it from getting a meal to looking up at her. "You're quite big for a chimaera. Luckily I found you before you did something you would regret. Now, get up," Twilight said as she helped the creature turnover, it was quite confused at this moment in time until it got a better view of Twilight. Suddenly the beast went from lion to kitten in ten seconds flat as it held its head's low in submission, "We are sorry lady of the forest, we are hungry and saw the meat, we did not know meat belong to the lady of the forest," the lion head said along with nods from the other two. "She does not belong to me, but-" "So we can eatsss it?" the snake asked with glee. "No, they are still a person, you hunt animals in my forest young ladies," Twilight said sternly as the chimaera grumbled something too quiet to understand, "Now go on, get going before I call my boy to get you out of here" The chimaera turned on its claws before looking on with a sad expression at the ’possible snack’ on the ground, though one last look at Twilight had them yelping as they ran to the distance. Twilight’s cottage in the Everfree, present day. It was very strange, even back then the only time she had really met anyone was when they were in trouble, you would think the people who were warned about a dangerous forest would stay out. Twilight waved towards the three girls as they hopped through the safe path, now clean of the muck and grit that Spike had scared them into. Hopefully, they wouldn’t come back in here anytime soon. Twilight turned to have a look at the potion she was making, the last of the wood just about turning to ash underneath the large cauldron, "Well so much for Veidrenspeich, guess I will just have to wait for the next moon," Twilight said as she looked up to the just rising white orb in the sky, Isn't that right, Dear sister? > How Curiosity Caught the Cat! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Witch Of The Everfree Forest! Written By Serra Quill "Oh darling be oh so careful with that please," a woman said to the movers who were carrying boxes into her quaint little shop. Another woman walked up next to her, her clothes covered in mud as she wiped sweat from her brow, "New stock Rarity?" "Ah, Applejack, yes, I ordere-" she began saying as she turned to her, only to let a shriek of terror as she saw her friend, "Applejack, please cover yourself up more, it's quite uncouth" Applejack looked over herself, all she had done was tied her checkered red top in a knot to cool off. It wasn’t like she was doing anyone harm by showing her stomach, "what? Just a little skin and y’all go doo-laddy on me? Gees Rare. Anyway, have' ya seen Applebloom lately? She keeps disappearin’ on me?" Rarity turned to Applejack, arms crossed over her white blouse which fluttered into a cut-off the dress around her knees, "I can't say I have My little Sweetie Belle has been doing the same; she had said something about the nice women in the woods this morning, probably Zecora? No?" "Ah don't know," Applejack said as she mulled over where they could have gone, "I woulda seen em go through the back of the orchard It’s safer that way, except they haven't gone that way since the other day so Applebloom could try a hand at potions... She came back blue that day," Applejack shrugged, "Ah’ll just ask her when she gets back, gotta go, Mac is behind the stand and y’all know he ain't the best at calling in the crowd." Rarity waved the stetson-wearing cowgirl off as she herself went back into her shop, "Well now, where are those rubies for the next set... Hmm?" Rarity walked over to a large chest as her eyebrow shot up at a note stuck to it. "What? What is this?" Rarity thought out loud as she ripped the note from the chest, "Dear Rarity... I'm so... So.. Sorry, I needed the nice red crystal thingies for a new friend, I promise I will repay you. See you later at dinner..... " As Applejack let her brother go back to hauling the apples from the crates to her stall on the street, she heard a familiar distinct sound of her friend's high pitch screams, Sweetie Bell musta took some of her collection again, Applejack thought as she giggled heartily. Potions levitated around, moving from the brown wooden shelves they sat on and over to a large pot before tipping their contents out one by one causing green smoke to begin to simmering over the edge of the pot. "You know, I did say I liked the company, but I must say I have never seen anyone, or should I say a group of little girls try this hard to get into danger. This is the third time this week you have come into the forest unannounced, what if the wolves had come once again?" "Pfft, wolves? We can take them, isn't that right guys?” Scootaloo said, albeit a little shakily. The other crusaders giggled slightly at their friend, "Sure, but I much more like the thought that Miss Twilight is the protector of the woods sooo~ I don't think anything could happen to us, right Miss Twilight?" Sweetie Bell said, "Oh, do the rubies work? You said a crystal that is red and pure, so, I just thought of my sister's collection" Twilight nodded as she dropped three more rubies into the pot, the green mist turning ever so slightly pink as she did, "They do but stealing is not okay, okay? You must be sure you apologise to your sister when you get back Sweetie Bell, even a small thing like that can rip sisters apart... I know that all too well..." "What was that yah said Twilight?" Applebloom asked as she put down a vase of blue liquid. "Oh, nothing my dear, just an old woman grumbling nothings to herself as usual, now what can I do for you today? I am sure you aren't just here for nothing," Twilight asked as she finished stirring her pot. Sweetie Bell came to the front of the other two as she twiddled her thumbs, "We-well, It's my sister’s birthday soon, I was wondering, erm..." she said as she blushed slightly, looking over to the pots of various potions. "Would... Would it be okay to take a love potion," she said with a large hopeful smile. Twilight herself looked back with a sad smile, "My dear, I am afraid you cannot. Love is not to be trifled with. Much like the varying mysteries of magic, love is a vast unknown that is just as, if not stronger than magic itself" "Sooo~ that's a no then?" "Yes" "So it's a yes? Yay!" Sweetie Cried out. Twilight sighed, "No, I mean yes as in, no... I mean I can't give you the potion, I am very sorry Sweetie, it's not something you should mess with," Twilight said as she used a ladle to lift some of the green liquid from the pot, an empty phial floated in purple hue over to her. "Now I finally have a potion for my Veidrenspeich, well, at least the start, I still need the light of a full moon" A Few hours had passed since the girls had left her cottage. She sat upon her woven chair in front of the green lit fire, a glass of red liquid quenching her thirst. "One of the many things we shared my dearest sisters, those many moons ago, if only it hadn't happened... If only my brother didn't do what he did. Dark magic should have been something we never trifled with," she said as she clenched her hand shut, the glass smashed in her palm, the shards grating into her skin. She looked to her palm that was covered in small shards. Wincing ever so slightly, she pulled the pieces from her hand with magic, "Curiosity always catches the cat. Why did you have to do that Luz, my little brother?" "Curiosity, the one word that could fell a country. Curiosity has created many good things in the world, but, much more darkness came from it than what it was worth. It turns beautiful places into a writhing dark place. It splits brothers and sisters apart. It-it changes people in ways you wouldn't think possible. Years ago, there were four who worked together, two sisters who were royalty, and two servants who adored their Princess'. One day, the servants were taken from their arduous and painful homes and taken in by the Princess', to which the two had sworn loyalty, in return, the sisters proclaimed them family" "Though it did not last long, the younger siblings writhed in the shadows of their elders, both boiled with jealousy that their sibling would be taken from them. But, the youngest Princess kept her hate and jealousy in check, If only Luz could have done the same, if only." Twilight thought out loud so that Spike could just listen outside the windows, Spike looked through the windows as he lay his head upon his claws, "What happened to the brother?" he asked, Twilight turned with a sad smile. "He died. Sad, I know, but it happened long ago. He had studied the dark arts. Disgusting magic, only our youngest Princess had a true grip on the magic... Until my little brother Luz had convinced her of something even darker magic promised," Twilight said as she sighed. Twilight stood up and placed the wool cover back in its place on the chair before heading to the window, "I think it best we head to sleep soon, the night approaches," she said as she looked back up at the familiar orb in the sky, "Soon sister, the time comes soon" That evening at Sweet Apple Acres "Applebloom! git yer butt down the stairs this instant, y’all are gonna tell me where your friends and you've been goin’, even if I hafta take your bike from yah for a week," Applejack hollered up the stairs, cuffing her mouth as her stetson fell to her back dangling by the strings. The stomping of her little sister came from the stairs on the second floor of the building, "AH'M C'MON, I told yah, I wen’ ta Zecora's hu-" "Don't you lie to me. Y’all know I can tell, I also saw Zecora going to tha market today. I even talked to her, she said she ain't been seeing you and the others in days... Where.. Have you.. Been," Applejack said, stepping forward with every word until Applebloom stood with her back to a wall with a really bad poker face on. Applebloom fidgeted on the spot for a little while, Oh fudge, I knew she'd catch on soon, but not this soon. "Nowhere, I really mean it, please can I just have mah dinner now?" Applebloom grumbled to her sister, her fake smile fading slightly under her glare. To her surprise though, Applejack’s face went from a scowling glare to a smiling happy face in an instant, "Of course, dahling, go an sit at the table, Grans just finishing her stew, Ah'l be in, in a min," Applejack said. Applebloom slightly closed one eye in confusion, "ooookaay~ well... Good talk, then AJ," she said before bolting to the kitchen for some food. As Applebloom went out of ears reach Applejack scowled again, "If yall won't talk, ah will just hafta find out mah’self then won't I?" she said as she stepped into the kitchen. A white clad form stood at the end of a marble balcony that overlooked the lights and sounds of a city far below, "My dearest sisters... How I miss you so..." > The Chess Game that began many years ago. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Witch Of The Everfree Forest! Written By Serra Quill Day after day, hour after hour, the ticking of the clock went by as a maid went about the manor doing her chores, lest she be punished. Lord Vandergruit was most fair to all when you don't irk the man, though it didn't stop him from randomly assaulting the servants of the house, Twilight knew this all too well. A young boy walked over to Twilight as he put down the bucket he carried, wearing his rags and worn out sandals, "Sister? Hast the time come to eat? I am quite starved" "Thy wait shan’t be long... " Twilight said as she looked at the clock which read nearly quarter to nine, "we hath but three hours to wait and we assure thou that our master will retire soon. Forsooth he hath royals coming hither from the west soon, and he oft sleeps early when he wishes to court." Twilight said as she pulled him into a hug, "whence we may be given pardon for nightly duties tonight, so I can spend tonight with my dearest little brother," Twilight said as she nuzzled him. "I hope so sister dearest." he said, wrapping his arms tighter around his big sister. The Next day, the Manor entry way A fat, bald man turned in circles every few feet in wait for his guests, "You! Go with haste, make a cake of the greatest calibre for my guests. And you!" he said, pointing at Twilight who awaited her order in the line, "You hath but one order, thou shalt comply with the whims of my guests," he said as the doors opened to the hallway. A small stubby man hobbled in with a large scroll following close behind him in green magic, magic hast always been so beautiful, "May I introduce, The future Princesses' of Valor Forest, Princess Celestia and her littlest sibling, Princess Luna." he said as they walked in. Twilight looked on with a smile, her shock of course, hidden by her practised mask. How can they be Princess'? The small one looks no older than my brother and Princess Celestia looks younger than I. As Twilight looked forward, she caught the eye of the woman in her white and golden dress, her pink hair draping over her shoulders, and the women smiled gratefully at her. It was beautiful but very strange for someone so young to be able to calm someone so much by just looking at them, not like the master at all. As requested Twilight walked over and went to grab their bags, only to have them levitate in golden and blue hues next to their owners, "Mistress, please, tis my job to help thee," Twilight said, her eyes flicking over to her master who harrumphed angrily. The Princess having seen the look on Twilight’s master’s face, was notified in an instant of what would happen, "But of course, Luna, let her do what she must" Luna dropped her bag carefully, but pulled out a small midnight black bunny toy from her bag. She held it close before grasping her elder sister's hand tight, her only reply to Celestia was a cute noise as she buried her head into her sister’s back. "I am very sorry Lord Vandergruit, we hath quite a shy sister, come along then miss?" "Twilight Sparkle Mistress," Twilight said as she bowed, not letting any item slip. "Good, Your Lordship," Celestia made a small curtsy as she led her sister after Twilight, "We shall speak later, alas, our trip has taken its toll on us and we wish to retire." A few minutes later Twilight walked through the double doors and shuffled to the side as she set the bags down as the two royals walked into the room, "What a wondrous room, Twilight my dear, please relax whilst you are with us. You need not worry whilst you are in this room." Celestia said as Luna made her way over to the bed that held lots of stuffed toys and porcelain dolls that she was quick to look through, pulling them from her luggage. "Please," Celestia said as she gestured to a seat just in front of a small table, "May I ask, where is it you come from?" Twilight did not say as she sat down, the master had told her she wasn't supposed to tell anyone where she and her brother had come from. Twilight shook her head, the long wait must be suspicious, "I don't know," she said, in return Celestia raised an eyebrow slightly. Celestia snapped her fingers as a tea set popped in front of them, it sent Twilight off the back of her chair in surprise, "Oh dear me, are you quite alright Twilight? I did not mean to frighten you," Celestia said as she stood and walked over, throwing an arm forward to help Twilight up. But as always the servant just shook her head and stood on her own. She retracted her arm with a small, sad smile, "Have you seen magic before?" "Yes mistress, the master's daughter knows some, not anything as brilliant as yours but she knows how to levitate objects," Twilight replied as she dusted herself off before sitting back down. Celestia poured two cups, Luna looked over at them in disgust at the liquid before shying away as she caught Twilight looking at her. Celestia giggled slightly as she levitated the cup over to Twilight, who fumbled to grab it with haste, "My sister is very reclusive, I apologise. She had been very sheltered for years. T’is the first time she has truly come away from the palace." Celestia took a sip of tea and hummed in delight at the taste. "My own recipe, one of a kind, I do hope you like it" Twilight took a sip, her eyes went wide as the taste of the tea ran across her tongue, "t-this is amazing, mistress!" Celestia lowered her cup down, "Tia will do Twilight, whilst we are alone, I do not like to be so formal in the company of my friends." Celestia said with a smile. "F-friend?" Twilight asked, blushing furiously as the cup in her grasp nearly fell to the floor. Celestia giggled as she blushed, "Of course." she then looked around and over to her bags, "Twilight?" "Yes, Mist- Erm... Tia?" Twilight replied as her face grew ever redder. Celestia got up and walked to her first box of luggage, "Have you ever played chess?" "A little, why?" "Hmm, well, how about a game or two before I go to see the Lord? It hath been quite a while since I hath had a partner to play against? What say you my dear?" she asked as the buckles and straps that ran across the box clicked open in magic, levitating the pieces to the table. Twilight grinned as she saw the beautiful board game, "It would be my pleasure, I am regretful as I do not have the aptitude of an adequate player but I shall try Mist- Tia,... Sorry" Twilight stuttered, just before she got up to set the chess table for them both. "T’is quite alright" Three hours later Many of the pawns lay at the side of each, the black and white pieces, three castles were off the board and Twilight lay in checkmate without any move to make Celestia had her... Yet again, for the fifth time. "I concede Tia, thou art too knowledgeable in the ways of chess. Tis a shame you only have I to play against," Twilight said as she looked down shamefully. "T’is quite alright, my dear, all talent grows with practice. Even those without talent can gain knowledge and power with hard work." Celestia said as she slid the board back in place. Celestia rose and looked over to Luna, who lay on her bed, her chest rising and falling as she slept in peace, "Please Twilight, look after Luna. She has nightmares frequently and I think she quite likes your company. I shall be back soon, I have to discuss matters of the country with the Lord before we leave tomorrow. There is also another matter I wish to address; have your sibling come to my room tomorrow and I will tell you what is to happen" Twilight looked confused, but remembered her master's order to comply with the guests’ every whim, "Yes Celestia, we shall be here when you awake tomorrow" "Thank you Twilight," Celestia said as she walked over to Luna's sleeping form and lay a small kiss upon her forehead, "Sweet dreams Luna." Twilight pulled her covers closer to her as the chill came through her window, the sounds of owls and other critters that ran through the Everfree at night could be heard. Not to mention the snoring of a large dragon, but that never annoyed Twilight in the slightest. "Celestia, the time comes soon, what will we do?" Twilight asked to no one as she held her bracelet close. The bracelet held five, six-pointed purple stars as they shimmered in the moonlight. Twilight looked up to the moon, "She moves in the shadows, just like him... What will we do Tia?" Twilight said as she closed her eyes to sleep, a small tear ran down her cheek as it hit the pillow. > Those five a day fruit, Apples for everyone! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Witch Of The Everfree Forest Written By Serra Quill Twilight stood in a circle of well-placed stones and glyphs scraped into the ground. As she looked across the riverbank, her bracelet glowed, the earth beneath her shook as roots from nearby trees erupted from the ground. The roots entwined as they arched across the river, making a thick and sturdy natural bridge. Twilight released her magic as she felt the tree root itself firmly, "That's better than that old log bridge," she said to Spike as he pulled the fallen tree from the river. "Hopefully she left the library intact, since there are a few things we need." she levitated a scroll to her hand as she checked and double checked her list, "Looks like I didn't miss anything, well, let's go Spike" Sure, it might have been easier to have Spike just swim the water, but in the long run, she could use the bridge when she was alone now. As she passed across the newly made bridge, she looked up to the castle that lay in the middle of the forest path, Soon "Applebloom, if y’all think yah’ gave me the slip, think again!" Applejack said as she stepped through the muddy trail, dirt trailing up her legs. She wiped her hand clean after the fall she just had, "Might not of lost yah’ both... How do yah keep clean in here?" she asked as she spotted the three girls moving quite fast through the forest. "You think she will let me ride Spike for a bit today?" Scootaloo said as she grabbed some leaves off a nearby tree, jumping to get them before running back to her friends side. Applebloom just shrugged as Sweetie jumped over a puddle, seconds later they turned as they thought they heard Applejack, but all they saw was the moving surface of the puddle, "Musta been the wind. C'mon girls." "I don't know, my sister was really, really~ angry with me for borrowing those rubies, even if I did get ice cream after that fight," Sweetie said as she looked down. She then gasped as she turned to her friends, "What if I can ask miss Twilight to teach me a spell to find Rubies? I might even get a talent like my sisters!" "And I could be a dragon rider!" Scootaloo said with a puffed out chest, until she saw her friends holding their giggles at their friend's stance, "What?" she said as she blushed. "RD might do that stance well Scoot but... I think yah might have tah’ get a little taller for that to look cool." Applebloom said, patting Scootaloo on the head, to which Scootaloo growled. "Just cause you got earth magic, you are so tall, I mean C'mon. Look at your bro, he's like... Like... Like tall," Scoots said as she raised her arms. Sweetie belle jumped again as she startled the other two, "Ooh, ooh, look there's Twilight!" she said as she took off running, "TWILIGHT!!" she shouted waving her arms. Water dripped down onto the grass as she slipped through the bushes, luckily the girls hadn't seen her, Applejack breathed a sigh but then she could smell herself. "Is that... That's me? Aaah that’s gawd darn awful! What is this?" she said as she flicked her arms so that the water or whatever it was came off as best as she could. Getting up, she saw the girls once more, still keeping off the trail she came into the ears reach of the girls, "Dragon rider? What?" she heard Applebloom’s friend say, the small winged girl. Moving closer she could see that the path had been only walked on a few times, "So this is the new spot they go to, what's the big secret then sis?" Applejack saw Applebloom's friend run faster as the two followed, not being able to keep up, she jumped onto the path and ran after them as fast as she could as her Stetson fell onto her back. "Spike, will you bring me my pot, please? I want to get started on this potion so that the second part of the Veidrenspeich is ready for the next full moon." Twilight motioned as she read from the golden hardback that she held in her hands. Spike moved from where he was as he stretched, his joints popped and spines extended out his back and along his tail, "Just be a sec then mom." he said as he ran back down the trail leading to their hut. Twilight carried on reading... “TWILIGHT!!”... Twilight looked up and around to see nothing, "Strange, I thought someone called me," again she read from her book, flicking past a few pages she skimmed through. “TWILIGHT!!”... This time she had heard it, looking around to the path again, she saw the forms of three little girls running down a path waving their arms. Twilight began to wave back to them until she saw a fourth shadow coming closer to the girls, Twilight dropped the book as she ran in the direction of the girls, her form changing quicker than the eye could tell. Pads met the ground as dirt and dust picked up from the ground, her claws scraped through the earth as she picked up speed. This time she was no small cat, she was a lion, about to protect the children that come to her den, from whatever that shadow was. Applejack looked forward at the three girls running faster, somehow making a small distance between them, that was until Applejack noticed something running towards them. A strange purple coloured lion looking creature rushed at very high speeds directly down the path, but why were the girls still running that way? Picking her pace up she soon caught up to Applebloom, who in turn stopped in surprise, "Applejack!?" "Stay there, Ah'll protect yah!" Applejack said as she ran faster at the lion. Twilight was not far now, whoever it was had ran past the girls and straight toward her, she growled as her muscles burned with energy. Jumping as she came into contact with the unknown person, whoever it was she was unwelcome if she was following these poor little girls. "STAY AWAY FROM MY SISTER YAH VARMINT!" Applejack shouted as she held Twilight at bay, her strong arms equal to the strength of even a lion. "Sister?" Twilight said, her face going from angry to confused in an instant. At hearing a lion speak, Applejack began making her best goldfish expression. "Geez sis, why’d yah follow me! Ah’ thought ah’d’ heard yah earlier.. Sorry Twilight, ah’ really didn't mean to bring her." Applebloom said as she apologised. Applejack and Twilight looked over to her and her friends. Applejack then turned back to the lion who gave a small chuckle, "It's quite alright girls, I never said I was hiding, I just didn't want to put anyone in any danger of coming into the forest." "The lion... It talks?" Applejack said, still stunned as she got back to her feet. "Beg my pardon," Twilight said apologetically before releasing her spell, standing as her original self again as Applejack gawked at her. It wasn’t just her surprise though, Applejack hadn't seen such a slender body before, not to mention the fact that she looked so much like the Princess. She was very tall just like the Princess, and seemed to have a very regal aura in the way she talked and moved. "Sorry about that, if I had known you were Applebloom's sister, I would have reacted differently. I thought you were stalking them." Twilight said as she rubbed the back of her head. "The... th-the lion became a woman..." was the last thing Applejack said before fainting. Twilight sighed as she used magic before she hit the ground, "Not surprising really, the practice of transmutation ended when the forest became like it is today. All of my students were lost to me, so I guess seeing this magic was too much." "Ah, don't know~ Sis has seen some really fancy magic, Ah’ mean, her friend is the student of Celestia. Not tah’ brag, but mah sis is cool too, one of the strongest in Equestria," Applebloom said as she blushed while looking with pride at her sister, until she noticed she was still unconscious, "well, when she doesn't faint she is." "It's quite alright. Now, we can't just leave her here, can we? Come along, Spike will be back shortly and your sister will arise soon." Twilight said as Applejack began to rise into the air, her clothes floating like there was no gravity. Twilight began walking back again, "So my little friends, to what do I owe the honour of your presence today?" Twilight asked, already used to the whimsical group of rapscallions and their funny idea's to gain talents in their rush to grow up. Sweetie Belle bounded forward in front of the group as she began walking backwards, "Miss Twilight, would you happen to know of a spell to find rubies? or... or any crystals at all?" Twilight looks slightly distraught before nodding. "I do know of a few spells, though it was never my speciality, I did know someone.... a long time ago who was rather versed in those spells, though" The air grew chilly after her comment, the group deciding it would be best to stay quiet until they got back to Twilight’s cottage. It didn't take too long, and as they arrived so did Spike holding the large black pot whilst he stared at the floating body at the side of his mother, who in turn just shrugged. With a thud the large cauldron dropped into the middle of the four logs; carved runes and symbols littered the area. Twilight moved her arm up and pointed it toward her house. As the wooden slats on her window opened, a small woollen cover floated out which she used to cover Applejack, and lowered her to the side of the ring of logs. "Now girls, I just have to do this small task and then I can teach you magic, even to you two." At that point both Applebloom and Scoot's eyes shot wide, Applebloom then looked to Sweetie Belle who was also surprised, then back to Twilight, "Yah mean, Me and Scoots can use magic, like Sweetie.... And not our own magic like Null or Valkyrie magic?" "All in due time my little dear's." Twilight said as a book and several phials containing ground up materials floated next to her, "All in due time..." Applejack found herself having the most wonderful dream, all her family around her, Granny smith jammin out to her favourite album..... Actually, that was slightly creepy, but who would like to see their grandmah's dance moves? As she walked around she saw lots of people she knew, although she had to walk in the opposite direction when she saw Braeburn. Even in her dreams he doesn't usually leave her alone. It was so nice to have a dream like this every now and again, though something was off. Every now and again she saw a flash of purple amongst the crowd of the Apple family. That's when she saw Applebloom and her two friends race over from the food stand over to a lady who was sitting down, her slender legs coming out of a well-cut green dress, her body language speaking years of wisdom. That's when the woman stood and made her way through the fray of Apple's, to which Applejack found herself sweating. For some reason she wanted to get out of this situation. As she came closer the dream began to bend and warp, her family members disappearing one by one until they were face to face, the woman raised her arm and then poked Applejack in the head... Seemingly popping the dream. As Applejack’s eyes flung open she came to a sight she’d only heard of during her D&D nights when she played with her brother; a black cauldron with swirling magic flares coming from it, and evil witches chanting into her brew as she made an evil concoction. Though there was a difference; her sister and her two friends were sitting to the side happily talking to a FREAKING DRAGON!!! Applejack sat up and got to her feet. Twilight turned her head to the now awake Applejack, "It seems you have arisen… What? Oh, don't worry, he is harmless, and wouldn't hurt a fly" "That's a dragon, raght? Why, why would a dragon be here?" Twilight looked over to the three girls and her son, Scoots sat around Spike's neck as he lifted her up, only to slide off and be caught by him, "Because he is my child." "You had a dragon child?!!" Applejack exclaimed as Twilight let off a soft giggle shaking her head. "No, I had found him as an egg, abandoned in the forest. The great Dragon migration had past many a year prior and he was lost to his mother. I found him and decided to hatch him in hopes he would find his way back to them when old enough. Though my old heart could not let my son go, I have seen too many people disappear from my life to want of my own family to also leave my side." Applejack looked over to Twilight with knowing eyes, "Ah’ know the feelin’. Though it's strange, there's a dragon, though ah ’ can agree on wantin’ to be with your family. That's why Ah’ was worried Bloom would get into trouble bein’ in these wood's" she said as she looked over to her sister, just before her eyes shot wide, "Oh dangit, where's mah manners, I never mentioned mah name miss." "It's quite alright Applejack" "What? But how did you...?" "Your dream. Your emotions let it stray, and I was able to see small amounts of the dream and the names of your family... Does your grandmother always dance like that?" Applejack blushed furiously before nodding, realising something was missing, she began to fret just before Twilight levitated the old brown hat back over to her, "You dropped this in our tussle, I think this is important to you so I kept it safe." "Worth more than mah life." Applejack then dusted it off and stood up stoically with her hands on her hips, "Well, looks like Bloom'll be safe here. It was nice ta meetcha Miss Twilight. Just don't teach her too much or she’ll be nose high by the mornin." Applejack then turned around and looked at Applebloom who held a red crystal that glowed, "What... What's that?" The crystal then floated into the air and lit the area in a red glow, "AH’ DID IT GIRLS, AH’ DID IT!" Applebloom then began to dance around on the spot doing a little jig of joy. "Ah’ know some magic now!" Applejack looked back to Twilight, "Magic? Like actual magic?" Twilight smiled at her, making Applejack blush slightly from her regal form, "Magic is not only limited to the body; one has their own magic they can tap into, but there are more forms in this world that have yet to be discovered. Your sister is quite skilled with druidic magic if I do say so." Twilight said with a glimmer in her eye as she looked at Applebloom. "Druid magic? What's that? Ah’ve never heard of such a thing." "Many won't have. I am sure the only ones who do know now are either lost to us or do not wish for anyone to know. Alas, I am alone, though the future might change, soon all will change and I think you will be one of the ones most affected by this change my dear." Applejack looked over to see Twilight contemplating, She talked so much like the Princess did, "Well, Miss Twilight, Ah’ think Ah’ better go. Mah brother is tendin’ the farm by himself and might need some help.... Feel free to come over, it's always nice to have a neighbour over for a good hearty meal every now and again." Twilight pulled herself from thought as she turned back to Applejack, "I think I will take you up on that offer, It has been too long since I have seen how morta- people cook food, I can only seem to bake one thing anyway" "Just' make sure Bloom get's home by nightfall. Don't want her out too late. See y’all later." Applejack shouted over to the girls and Spike, who in turn waved his large claws. Twilight watched the retreating form of Applejack as she left, "So that's Honesty. Quite fitting; I guess it's time to come out of the sleeping forest and awaken old tales." a vial containing blue liquid then floated into her hands, "The time draws near sisters, what say we awaken the castle and have some fun once again?" Twilight began to smile as she looked north at the moon. "Yes, a bit of fun is in order." > Chicken can also be a hurtful word!! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Witch Of The Everfree Forest! Written By Serra Quill "Well, it is certainly a lively little town now, there's the tree I planted not too long ago! So many memories, forty years comes and goes in a blink of an eye, it's always nice to see how society fares every once in awhile" Twilight said to herself as she jumped across another roof, a man below had his mouth wide open as he watched the cat run off. "Did that... Cat just talk?" the man said as he took off his hat and scratched his head, "I really gotta lay off that Apple family cider, or I just might become as cooky as mah wife says I will." Twilight stopped at the edge of a roof, standing atop one of the taller buildings of the town and had a look around at all the new buildings as well as the old ones that she could remember. She breathed in the Ponyville air as nostalgia hit her; this was the first village under her rule, Quite prosperous if I do say so myself Celly. The Apple family hasn’t left the town in nearly two hundred years and the town seems to have grown at least twice in size since I have last seen it. She then jumped down from where she sat onto a carriage roof, then onto a crate and finally onto the ground where she proceeded at a steady but calm pace to walk around. Passing some flowers she moved her little nose into a night lily and smelled the wondrous flower, at the same time a violet haired woman came out with a canister of water, who then begin to grin at the little kitty. "I hope they smell good, do you like them, miss kitty?" she asked in a playful tone, to which she was surprised when the cat actually nodded. "Well then, haha, I guess you can have one," to which she plucked a small night lily and placed it between a tuft of fur near Twilight’s ear. Twilight purred in delight at the gift as she let the lady rubbing her head, The people are still nice too, I'm glad the bearers are from this town. Best get to work though. Seconds after the kitty left Roseluck began pouring over the flowers she tended to, happy to please another creature who also adored her work, only to jump when a loud squeal came from behind her. Picking herself off the floor, she looked down at the now empty canister, huffing out a sigh as she turned to the pink menace that surprised her, "Why did you do that Pinkie?" "Oh... Sorry Rose, er... Have you seen anyone new around, I got a Pinkie sense that somebody new has been just here. I checked all over, and I have been following my sense through town and just can't seem to find the source?!" Pinkie said in a delightfully frustrated tone, most unlike the pink wonder. Rose put on a calmer demeanour at the sight of Pinkie, "I'm sorry Pinkie, I can't say I have seen anyone new, the only new person or should I say creature I have seen today was a really nice purple kitty who liked my flower bed." "Oookay then," Pinkie said as her hair deflated, only to shoot back up as she felt another twitch. Pulling out a checkered hat and a monocle she turned towards the school down the lane, "THE CHASE! IT BEGINS! I will feed you cake, whoever you are!" Twilight wandered the streets as she happened upon some metal railings. Not far from there she could hear the laughter of children and then spotted a group she knew, it was the CMC over by a bench. "We've got history, next guys!" Scootaloo moaned aloud before slamming her face into the old wood of the bench, "Why does it have to be history, can't it be something like PE or art... Something at least cool... I never do any good in that phooey subject!" Applebloom shrugged at her friend, "History is important Scoots, why mah family has been part of Ponyville fer’ centuries. If we didn't document all our findin’s and where we came from there's nothin’ stoppin’ someone comin’ and takin’ our land" "I know that much AB but... It's about learning about the nobles and all that stuff; they're all just stuck up people and nobody likes them but we still have to learn what they did for Equestria... I'm sure all they really did was sit on their hands while other people did the work." Scoots moaned as she lifted her face, only for her nose to be bopped by a paw. Twilight sat there in front of Scoot's while the other two had their backs to the table watching around them, not having a clue to the new arrival. "You are not that far off from the truth my dear Scoot's, they really didn't lift a finger themselves for all the so called achievements they made. Only a few are true to their word." The duel sound of, "Twilight!?" came from behind. To which both of Twilights paw's covered her ears, "Please... Not so loud. We’re in public and I don't want to be found... Yet." "What y'all mean yet Twilight?" Applebloom said as she turned in her seat to sit facing the table when she sat she reflexively began to pet Twilight in the same way she pets her dog. Twilight purred slightly at the gentle movements before carrying on, "Nothing to worry about, just some business that will happen right here in Ponyville." suddenly all three little girls giggled. "What? Did I say something wrong?" Twilight said as her right ear folded back. "Nah, it's jus' nothin' ever happens ‘round here, don't see why any business would take place in this town. It's the quietest town in the country... No, the world in fact!" Applebloom said before returning back to patting Twilight’s head. Moving to her side and scratching it making Twilight’s left hind leg shake. Twilight moved away from the hand and stared dumb-founded, "How did that... That was weird... Anyway, I was hoping you would be able to show me around tomorrow, so I thought I would follow your scent and find you, girls. Luckily I didn't need to since I happened upon your school" Sweetie Belle shot to her feet and began to bounce on the spot, "This is going to be so fun! There are so many cool spots around town, we have to go to Pinkie’s place for some of her Cake!!" "CHOCOLATE CAKE!!" the three chorused, only to have Twilight cover her ears again and twitch. When the girls stopped, they looked at the kitty on the table who had fur sticking out in different places as her eye twitched. "Please..." she said with gritted teeth before breathing a deep breathe, "no more shouting." "Supreme cake? Well, you don't say... No wonder chicken can't fly, too much weight to pick her off the ground with her scrawny wings, am I right Silver, or am I right?" "You're right~," another voice said as two girls a little taller than the CMC made their way over to the table, and Twilight visibly saw the group deflate, Scootaloo more so. "What? You can't say that to Scoota-" "And what are you going to do about it," the nasty girl said as she moved closer to Sweetie Belle, nearly a full head taller than her, her small tiara making her look even taller. "What can any one of you do about it... Or anything for that matter? Nothing, because you're just a bunch of talentless hacks from this backwater village. Daddy and, I came from a regal place and will soon be moving back away from you useless backwater people." Twilight began to growl at the nasty child, causing the girl turn towards her, "Ewww nasty mangy thing, GET IT AWAY, GET IT AWAAAY~" she said as she backed off, flailing her arms in front of her body. "Hey, that's not nice, she ain’t done nothin' tah y’all!" Applebloom said as she took a step forward with her hands clenched. Diamond huffed as she glared at the girl who dared to talk back, "It’s a mangy, filthy thing that needs to be put in a box far away from my clean self! I don't even know why I'm talking to the lot of you, let's go Silver!" "Yeah... oh wait, that wasn't an insult," the other girl said as Diamond face-palmed while walking away. When they were out of sight again Applebloom moved over to Scootaloo who was facing away from the group, sniffling whilst rubbing her sleeve across her face. Applebloom sat down next to her and swung an arm around her friend. Twilight sighed at the sight, "Well, I better get on my way, will you be okay, Scootaloo?" Twilight inquired as she got up from her sitting position. Sniffling, she giggled slightly, "Who me? ‘Course I'm okay, just got some dust in my eye, damn dust!" The girl stood from where she was and nodded to Twilight, just before she ran off to the building waving back to them. Applebloom sighed as she saw her friend probably running to the toilets to splash water on her face, "She may be one tough gal, but her wings are a might touchy subject for Scoot. If it weren't for Tiara..." she choked out,her clenched fists turning white as Sweetie gently placed a hand on her shoulder. Twilight looked up to Bloom with a smile, "As long as she has you two, I am sure she will be fine, even though words can be as sharp as a sword. Though the blade pierces, it will not go deep if you have friendship, which is and always has been the strongest shield known to Eques. Just make sure to always be there when she needs you, as she will be for you and you will see that she will remain strong in dire times," she said, looking over to the building. "It’s who we are, it's who we strive to be... And whatever we wish to become, it can all be reached with a helping hand." she explained in a fashion that confused the two girls, making her giggle slightly. "You will understand in time, as does everyone. Yes, as do we all." she declared, not only to the girls but to herself as well. The hour was growing late and Twilight had finished her rounds of the Everfree; there were three new pups of the Greenbark tribe, such cute little guys too. Twilight bobbed up and down as Spike moved through the forest floor, Twilight clicked her fingers as she summoned scrolls to her side. While each was old and very dirty, but all the same still important to her. Upon opening the first Scroll she saw the Twenty names she had written, many other names before then making her smile, but also feel slightly sad. With another click of her fingers a quill appeared for which she pricked her thumb for ink. Scribing three new names onto the sheet; Leaf wind, Sap Tooth, Twig Bark and then forlornly penning deceased next to another name further up the list. It was a hard feeling having watched someone or some creature you have cared for pass, but that was the life of one who has lived so long. After all, the old give their young room for growth... Twilight snapped her fingers again before she laid it back on Spike to pat his head. "I can feel the forest slowly growing more chaotic, I think the time is drawing close; he will awaken very soon. I must find the rest of the bearers soon, I hope Celestia has been searching; without Luna she has no hope of swaying that mad man." "Was he really that bad mother? Did he really get locked away for such silly things?" "If taking the hair of all females in the land and then making mops out of it all as gifts isn't enough, turning a mountain full of peaceful creatures into a sea of flames is much more worthy of the crime we imprisoned him for, not to mention what he did to this, to my sanctuary." Twilight said as she looked around the dark forest. "Do you know who the bearers are? What they look like?" Spike asked as he tilted his head up, trying to see his mother’s face while she was riding his neck. "I have only surmised one to be of the group so far, and sadly I do not know who or know what the rest look like. I only know of the virtues needed to power the crystals of old. My brother was the one to discover their abilities, while Celestia and Luna were the first to use them, though now it is quite impossible for them to use them, and now they must be used against her again, even at the cost of life," Twilight said as she looked at her arm, a scar running in a spiral up her arm and then to a star shape at the end of her forearm. "If you use the crystal's without having the correct virtue, the consequences are dire," Twilight said before covering her arm back up. "Did you and-" "Please Spike, I do not wish to remember such a sombre tale, let us just get back home for the moment," she lamented, looking into the dark woods around her. "You got it, Mom," Spike said with a worried look before he picked up the pace. A few minutes passed before they arrived at their hut. They were surprised to see someone had been waiting for them, finding Scootaloo sitting by their door. Twilight stood up on Spike’s neck as she morphed, black feathers sprouting as her body shrunk, becoming a raven and flying down to Scootaloo. Scootaloo scrambled to her feet when she saw Spike, getting up and moving closer to them, and as she did, she saw the Raven that was flying towards her change into Twilight. "Hey" Twilight blew a black feather from her arm as she walked up to Scoots, "And what brings one of my new friends here at such a late hour? I am sure your family would be worried," she said,. "Nah, they don't really care what I do, as long as I stay out of the way. The only one in my family who seems to care is my aunt." Twilight put her hand on Scoot’s shoulder as she raised her other hand toward the door, "Tea my dear?" "Er... I don't usually drink tea," she said, scratching her head, "but Sweetie says it tastes good, so sure, I guess." she admitted with a shrug. "Good, come along then," Twilight said just before stopping and turning upon her heels, "Spike, would you be a star and get a new born leaf from a red oak tree... It had escaped my mind when we were on our outing" "Sure," Spike answered as he slunk off silently into the darkness; she still didn’t know how he can be so quiet sometimes. With a smile, she walked Scootaloo into her cottage and sat her down on a carved tree stump with a woollen cover , "Now, pray tell what is this visit truly about my dear?" Scootaloo began rubbing her arm as she looked down, much like earlier within the day, "Can, can I tell you a secret, one that not even my hero knows?" She said as she looked to Twilight. Not even her Hero? I will have to ask her later, "Of course, you can always confide in me," Twilight stated as she lifted her arm, a purple aura stretched from it to the low-lit fire in the corner, making it larger as a pot hooked onto the stand above it. Still keeping her eyes on the girl, for a time now she had suspicions of what was wrong, but hopefully, she was about to find out. Scootaloo shuffled her feet before looking up again, and nowshe was slightly shaking too, "I'm a failure," she chirped out with a grimace. "That's what Dad says anyway, I come from a family that has strong flyers and adventurous characters. But... It was never my fault, I always get the blame for everything when it comes to them" "To what Scoots," Twilight inquired gently as she moved closer to the child. "To these!" she said as she flared her small wings to the side. I knew there was something wrong. Twilight thought as she watched Scootaloo start to tear up. Scoots huffed before carrying on, "It was never my fault that I was born this way... My dad, he- he- he says I am the reason he drinks... That I am the cause of all his troubles." Twilight wrapped her arms around her small frame as she heard sniffles coming from her, "No one is the cause of someone's pain for those reasons, I should know myself... Are you having troubles at home, is that why you are here?" "Y-yes?" Twilight sighed before looking down at her, still shivering, her nose slightly dribbling from holding back tears. "I can't fix something like a home situation, I am afraid," Scootaloo's face darkened slightly at that, "but I may be able to help in some ways" "How?" Scootaloo said as she sniffed, rubbing her eyes on a sweatband she was wearing. "It wasn't long ago when this forest had many people living in it, if you feel the need to, you may stay here... With us," Twilight said as she looked to the window, seeing Spike just arriving back. Sticking his head in he dropped the red-colored leaf upon the table. "Unless you can stay with your aunt?" Scootaloo shook her head, "I can't live with my aunt, she is really cool, but she doesn't stay around much because of her job." Twilight hummed in thought as she looked at the girls back. "Well, we can talk more about that in the morning. I am sorry if this is too intrusive, but would you mind telling me what is wrong with your wings?" she asked as gently as she could. Scootaloo slipped back slightly away from Twilight;s arms, her red jacket crinkling as she slouched forward, eyes squinting as she tried not to cry. Reaching an arm over to feel her feathers she looked into them, "It’s called, Angel Wing, it can either be transmitted or inherited. In my case, I inherited it off... from my Dad. That's why he blames me, just because I can't be a Wonderbolt, what he always dreamed of being. It's a virus that infects the muscles of Valkyries’ wings; some are still able to fly even though they tire fast. In my case, I can hover... but not for long." Scootaloo explained glumly. The pot upon the fire began to whistle and Twilight levitated it away from the fire, pouring two cups of tea and put one into Scoot’s shaking hands, "I see. Had they said there was anyway to treat it?" "Not that we can afford. Some have muscle transplants, I don't really like the idea though, so I wouldn't get that done to myself even if I had the option. The doctor I had been seeing told me I would never be able to fly normally, so my Dad took to drinking and quit his job, while my Mom and my Aunt tried their best to raise me. My Aunt even took on a job that she needs to travel for just to send us more money and left the house. She still sends some checks, but eventually Mum began blaming stuff on me too. It can't be helped really, trouble just seems to follow me." Scoots choked out as she scuffed her heel on the floor. Twilight hummed in thought, "Would you mind if I were to take a look at the top of your back and your wing muscles?" Twilight asked, Scootaloo rubbed her arm whilst she was looking away, "It will be just for a second, I just want to confirm something that I have been thinking for a while now." Scootaloo pulled her eyes from the floor back to Twilight as she nodded her confirmation. "Alright, then my dear, all you have to do is turn around for me, okay?" to which Scootaloo did as she was told. Twilight stood from where she was sitting and moved behind the little crusader, kneeling she placed both hands on her back. Slowly she channelled her magic into the nerves at the tips of her fingers and palms, feeling the small vibrations and pulses that ran through the child's back. It's just as I thought, I don't know what Angel Wing is but I do know why she has such small wings, Twilight hummed while she thought over how to go about the situation she found herself in, pulling her hands off of Scootaloo’s back and letting her magic dissipate. "Scootaloo," she said to the girl. Swiveling on the stool, Scoots turned around to face Twilight, seeing her face in contemplation, "Yeah?" "I know why you are in the condition you are in, there is also a treatment I know of," and Twilight began to explain, Scootaloo’s face brightened as she was about to say something, but Twilight held up her hand, "But, it's not a fast nor even an easy and safe treatment. I can't promise that it will even work, it could even make it worse... Not only for your flying, it could affect your health." Twilight said with a serious demeanour. "Scootaloo, do you understand the depth of the danger you could be in if I were to treat you? If you want this I need to know you are ready for what comes with the treatment." Shuffling her feet nervously, Scootaloo looked to Twilight, "What's wrong with my wings?" Twilight sat back in her seat as she saw Spike blowing more fire onto the cauldron with her food, cooking, "To save confusion I will explain it as easily as I can. The reason you can only last so long is that your body burns your energy too fast, so your muscles can't keep up with the effort needed to fly. As well as that, since this has happened your growth has been stunted and your muscles have become underdeveloped." "I already know that, the doctors had explained in detail to me about my muscle size and how it has stopped my wings from growing." Twilight lifted Scootaloo’s chin whilst smiling, "True, your muscles and wing structure are underdeveloped, but it doesn't mean it's not treatable, but again, I will re-iterate that this could be life changing, be it for good or bad. Plus, it won't be an overnight treatment, it will be daily for quite some time, but know that if you chose to agree, I will help you within all my power." Twilight explained with a smile. Scootaloo looked to be hesitating on what to say, "Do... Do you mind if I think things through before I decide anything?" Still smiling Twilight nodded, "Of course, that's fine, I won't rush you into answering, it is a big decision. If you decide you want it, I will tell you the details of what we will do. "Princess please, this book has all the signs, and it all points to that forest with the castle of the two sisters!" a young woman with red and yellow hair said, while holding an old tome up. The clink of a cup and a sigh was heard from whom the young woman was talking to, "Sunset, I understand you are quite infatuated with this idea-" "Celestia, this isn't just an idea... There are facts, and signs all through history, I have thoroughly researched into it all and I am sure I can find what we need to defend ourselves against Nightmare Moon at the Castle if you just let me go there." Sunset pleaded. Celestia looked out of her balcony windows, the dark forest of the Everfree in the distance, Maybe it is time, after all, I can't stop how inquisitive my own student can be, she thought with a smile. Sighing, she turned back to Sunset, "Fine, but there are conditions." "Anything," Sunset said as she grinned, clutching the tome closer to her. "You can go to explore the castle of sisters, as long as you don't go alone; take your friends with you as you go." She said as she saw Sunset began to complain, putting her hand up to stop what she was about to say, "This is non-negotiable, being alone in that forest is very dangerous and I know one of your friends knows the forest quite well. Also, being in a group will be much safer." she said in a tone that left no room for argument. Taking another sip of her tea, "As well as that, I want you to oversee the preparations for the summer sun celebration whilst you are in Ponyville. Since you want to explore the castle, you can also be the planner for the festivities whilst you are there," she said with a quirked eyebrow and a grin. "That’s unfair Princess, I can't be the planner when I need to concentrate on..." "Sunset, please just go and have some fun with your friends, plan the party with them. You will still have time to visit the castle, there are still four days remaining from the 'prophecy,'" Celestia said with a giggle that sounded like delicate bells, "Please?" > The wheels of fate begin to turn. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Witch Of The Everfree Forest! Written By Serra Quill "So you got to stay at Twilight’s last night?" Sweetie asked as she brought another spoon of pudding to her mouth with a hum of delight. Applebloom was off to the side of them, looking across the yard since she had already finished her dinner, "So what was it like, stayin’ in the Everfree at night Ah’ mean?" Her bow bobbed as she looked back at her two friends, "Was' it full of creepy noises, or did yah' hear Twilight snorin', cause she said she was' old n' granny can snore for all of Equestria combined." Bloom said with a chuckle. "It was alright, I guess... I mean, it's not like there was any danger in Twi's house, though my Dad wasn't happy this morning but he's always like that, even when I stay at the clubhouse, or one of your houses." Sighing she put her half eaten apple down, and without much appetite it would probably stay that way. Then she looked back at Bloom, "and to answer your second question, Twilight didn't snore, though Spike did," she picked her apple up and placed it back in the small plastic bag before shoving it back in her backpack. Sweetie Belle was currently scraping the last of her sugary goodness out of her pudding cup as she plopped the spoon in her mouth, "Sho, wur yu awright," swallowing the chocolate she put her spoon back down, "this morning I mean... did your Dad do anything?" Sweetie and Applebloom had known what Scootaloo’s home situation had been like for a long time, but no matter what they said to get her to tell someone else about her Dad, even to Rarity or Applejack, neither could convince Scootaloo to ask for help. Scootaloo looked down at the table as she began twiddling her thumbs, "Just the usual really, Mum was in bed, but I at least got to see auntie this morning as she had some deliveries in Ponyville. That's where I got the money for lunch," Scoot smirked, "Not like Dad would ever use any of his booze money on me, plus the fridge was empty this morning," groaning she thunked her head on the wooden bench, "maybe I should take the offer," she mumbled. Bloom looked over to Sweetie, who was also looking over to her, "Well, if'n yah' want, maybe you could come to mine tonight? Ah'l ask Applejack if yo-" "Sorry Bloom but... I really can't, I've got to go see Twi about.. something," she said worriedly, hoping that they wouldn't inquire further, she loved her friends and would usually tell them anything but this was a decision she had to make by herself. Applebloom looked over to Sweetie again to see her shrug her shoulders, "Well, maybe another day then?" "I could even ask my Dad if I could stay over too," Sweetie added with that high pitched voice only early teens have. Putting her chin on her arms, she smiled over at her two best friends, "Yeah, I'd really like that, sorry that it can't be tonight." Scootaloo apologised. Applebloom was about to say something else as the bell rang, making Sweetie groan as she got to her feet, "This sucks, it didn't even feel like forty minutes, and now I have to go to Magic 101..." she admitted, groaning again. Scoots looked at her confused, "I thought you wanted to learn magic? Or am I missing something?" she asked. "No, it's just stupid that I have to sit and listen to lectures about how to use magic without being allowed to actually do any magic, since its Magic 101... practicals don't start until next year in Magic 201." she answered with yet another groan. Applebloom nodded her head in agreement, "Ah feel yah, Ah grew up on a farm. Ah already know what Ah need tah' fer' growin' crops since Sis has already taught me, plus Ah'd have tah' be blind to not learn as I did mah' chores. So when it came tah' Earth Magic class for us Null Magic users, more in-tune with nature... sure, most don't just do crops and don’t practice as much as Ah' did, still don't mean that we can shirk away from lessons." Applebloom said, pointedly making her way to a different building. It finally dawned on her, Scootaloo realised it was that day again, when all the different races in school had specific lessons, meaning she also had to go to her flight class... to yet again feel bad that she would have to try and fail to stay in a hover. So with a groan of her own, she swung her backpack over her shoulder and trudged across the yard. I don't think at this point there really is anything stopping me from making this obvious decision... Steam rose above her cup as she looked down at the newborn Phoenix, sitting in its shell between two other tremendously massive birds that were ablaze, two bright blue eyes stared up into the azure sky for the first time as the baby was nuzzled by its mother. I remember when I first hatched Spike like this, though there was an explosion, as well as being in a cave for many other reasons. It was still one of the happiest days of my life, to finally have someone to hold dear again, to train and to have a family again. Twilight sipped her tea as she looked downstream, a train of ducks were drifting by the side, cleaning off from their trip through the woods. I hope you have someone to hold dear, little sister of mine. Celestia stood calmly by a large carriage, hearing the ruckus of her student and her personal guards coming from inside the castle’s side entrance. She moved slightly to the left of the door, just before it swung open, a guard clattering to the floor with a fiery bird pecking at his helmet. Sighing Celestia stepped in to stop her friend from yet again having to make her order a new guard suit for the poor soldier. "You know that Philomena gets testy when you bug Sunset so much, what was it this time?" she asked, the Phoenix flying to her arm as she held it out, Celestia giggling at the situation, but not at the guard. Brushing his helmet off, looking back through the doors at Sunset was none other than a guard in training, Flash Sentry, who was also Sunset’s childhood friend. "I didn't do anything, I offered to carry her bags, that's all I swear," he replied, his eyes shifting back and forth. "Not mentioning the fact that he wouldn't shut up about how dangerous and blah, blah, blah. What?" Sunset asked, seeing the Princess giving her the look. Celestia sighed as she ordered the Valkyries at the front of the carriage to move Sunset’s bags onto the roof of the vehicle, "He is not wrong though, but you asked to go there. I suggested that you should take your Guards and you immediately said no. I understand you can take care of yourself but it wouldn't hurt to at least take Flash would it?" "No, but I’m still not taking any of them.." Celestia looked to her student who had her arms crossed, "Then I guess there is no changing your mind. I am sorry Flash, we both know how stubborn she is." Celestia said with a smile, "At least try to be careful, for me, and do try to have some fun." she said as she held her arms out. Sunset sighed as she uncrossed her arms, a smile coming to her face as she leant in for the hug, "I will, I promise, I mean c'mon... Pinkie is waiting for me with a party planned already I bet." she said with a laugh. "Quite, that girl knows nothing in the way of normality when it comes to the world. She is one enigma that will probably baffle me for centuries to come." Celestia agreed as she laughed. Looking down at her student once more, she released her hug, letting Sunset board through the side door of the carriage, closing for her before she stuck her head out the window, saying to her, "Remember my faithful student, you always have my full confidence and trust, no matter what." "I know, I won't let you down Princess, I swear I will find the Elements of Harmony," Sunset declared as the carriage began to ascend into the air, pulled by the four Valkyries. I know you will… We know you will... Good luck, it's not long now until she is here. Twilight was writing into a large book, eyes flicking to and from another book, looking at the data she had gathered earlier in the day on a new type of fungus that had appeared near the far north caves, as she heard a knock on the door. Getting up, she moved to her door and unlatched the bolt with magic and opened the door fully to show Scootaloo stood there with a backpack nearly spilling with clothes and another bag tied to her scooter handle bars filled with more stuff. "I've made my decision!" Scootaloo declared as she walked through the door. > A pain worth living for. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Witch Of The Everfree Forest Written By Serra Quill "I want you to stay as still as you can Scootaloo, this will be painful for only a few minutes as I open up your bloodstream. I am sorry that there is no other way." Twilight told her as she laid her hands just under the Valkyrie’s small wings. Looking back at Twilight with an unsteady grin Scootaloo nodded just as the pain began spreading from where Twilight was touching her back. It spread slowly as she could feel her blood pumping. By the point where vine like symbols spread over her shoulders, seeming to resonate with her heartbeat, she was locked in a silent scream and in too much pain to notice. She could’ think clearly through the pain, which though only passing in moments seemed to last for days. Then, with a splash, she fell to her knees in the shallow pond. Her ragged breathing leaving her desperately gulping at the air. Twilight sighed behind her before walking in front of her and kneeling in the water herself, cupping her hands and lifting water until it was above her shoulders and letting the cool liquid flow across her shoulders and down her back. Gasping, not in surprise but relief, Scootaloo relaxed as this went on for the next few minutes. "Are you alright to stand Scootaloo?" Twilight inquired in a gentle voice, holding her hand out to the young girl, "I won’t lie and say it gets easier, I would not do that to you, but the first time is always the hardest” Scootaloo looked up at Twilight as she grabbed Twilight's hand and yanked herself to her feet, Twilight not even moving. "b-but..." she started with a raspy breath, finding it hard to speak clearly, "but, it will help me, so it's worth it right?" She asked. Twilight casting a spell on the area around them causing the air to warm slightly, the flowers opening their petals and turned to face the centre of the spell. "There is quite a long road ahead of you. For now we can help your body slowly adjust to a state that will advance the growth of your wings and the overall state of health that your wings have," Twilight clarified as she tapped the young girl on the back, surprising Scootaloo that there was no pain anymore. "So, to recap, what exactly are we doing to make my wings healthier?" She asked, blushing slightly as she scratched her head, "cause', I ain't really the brainiest and it did slightly go over my head when you first explained it... Y'know?" Twilight giggled, causing Scootaloo to blush again about her apparent lack of knowledge, "It's perfectly fine, there are very few who could truly understand what I am doing. Well, to make it simple, it is to do with your blood flow; currently you do have a problem with your wings." she said as Scootaloo flinched. Twilight gave her shoulder a small squeeze to reassure her, "True enough. Though there isn't much we can do for your wings themselves, as I said earlier; your wings are stunted in growth. If they grow, it should counteract all aspects of the 'Angel Wing'. Yet, how does Angel Wing take hold in a Valkyrie..." Twilight asked. Scootaloo put her hand to her chin as she squinted her eyes and began to think, eventually just shrugging after not being able to think of anything. Twilight slowly ended the flow of magic from the spell she was casting in the area as she breathed slower, almost on purpose. "Firstly," she said, making a motion with a hand of the air flowing to her lungs, "you need oxygen; it is the fuel which muscles use. Secondly, the tracks which move the oxygen to the muscles needed widening, to more effectively use the oxygen. And lastly," she began, moving her hand to point over where her heart would be, "your heart. It is the epicentre of your whole body, it's the engine that pushes the catalyst amongst the tracks to where it needs to be, but, with the slowly widening of the tracks, the harder it is for the engine to run the system." "I think I get it... " Scootaloo said, "I think." "We can't rush this process. Sure I could open up your blood stream right now, you would be able to fly to the best of your ability currently, as well as your wings would begin to grow at an excessive rate.." Scootaloo looked confused as she wrung out part of her shorts that were still slightly wet, even after the dry spell, "So then why can't we do that then?" Twilight looked into the trees, hearing Spike lumbering closer, just on time, "Because you would probably only live for two- maybe three years before your heart would shut down from overwork... and that is if you were to not use your wings like you want to." Twilight explained as she shook her head, Spike’s muzzle lowering next to them quietly as he listened to the conversation. Twilight placed a hand on his scaled neck as she turned to face Scootaloo again, "So what we are doing is slowly opening up your whole system at regular intervals. It's slow, not to mention painful, but this way instead of what could be fixed in one night to give you at most a year's worth of the life that you want to live however you wish, we will spend the majority of this year, taking a small amount of time in the mornings strengthening your body, bit by bit." Scootaloo walked over to Spike's curled body as she slid down against his shoulder and sat on his claw, putting her arms behind her head and shutting her eyes. She sat in quiet contemplation, "well, I guess it can't be helped then," Scootaloo said with a grin, "guess your stuck with me for now." she chuckled. Walking through the trees, she lifted her hand to move the hair out of her eyes as the wind rushed between the ground and the canopy of the apple orchard, "Well if'n you ain't a sight fer' sore eyes. What brings you here sugar, would've thought you'd be getting ready fer Celestia's big party?" the jovial cowgirl said, picking up her basket of produce and swinging it over her shoulder. "Well, to be honest, that's why I am here Applejack." Sunset replied as Philomena blew a stream of fire, dropping a notepad and pen into her outstretched hands. Clicking the top of the pen and adjusting her glasses she put on her serious face, "On behalf of the Princess I would like to make a deal for Sweet Apple Acres to supply food for the upcoming Summer Sun Celebration that is to be held right here in Ponyville." Applejacks eyes widened just before a massive smile broke out on her face, patting Sunset on her back with a laugh, "Well why didnt y’all say so, a'course Ah can help. Heck, what'er friends for?" Sunset groaned slightly from the stinging pain on her upper back as she readjusted her glasses which had slipped down her nose, "Well..." Slapping her back again as she hooked her arm around Sunset, Applejack gave a bark of laughter as she grinned over at one of her five best friends, "An’ why are you talkin' all rigid like? Loosen up will ya’." "But it's an assignment from the Princess so I have t-" Applejack stopped her by putting her hand over her mouth, "C'mon, she did tell you to have fun right? I'm right aren't I?" Applejack inquired as sunset huffed. Shrugging her shoulders with a groan of annoyance she slumped against the tree, "You got me again, just like all the other times." Snickering, Applejack walked over to the cart she had nearby and dropped the apples in, before setting the basket down again under the next tree, "Just' like every other time she has sent you from the castle against yer wantin’. Ya’ know ya’ might have a tad bit of fun if'n you just relaxed. We can gather the gals after this row and talk it out, sound good?" Resounding a sigh of defeat, Sunset shrugged her shoulders, "I just can't beat you Applejack. Sure, I'm gonna go say Hi to Granny, Mac and Bloom." She said as she began to walk away. Applejack tightened the fastenings on her fingerless leather gloves as she grinned over to Sunset, "Goin’ to see Mac, heh heh. Bloom’s out though an' Ah’ think Granny will be sleepin' round about this time of day." With a blush, Sunset turned around just long enough to give Applejack her best imitation of her friend’s infamous stare. Though not as scary, she did get an apologetic wave back from Applejack. It's not like I’m here to see Mac alone, she thought while frowning, but couldn't help a small tug at the corners of her mouth to inch up slightly. Applejack watched her walk away for a minute before taking her stance in front of the tree, Well good luck anyhow, she thought with another bark of laughter before her leg whistled with speed, colliding with the solid bark and shaking the whole trunk. Taking a step back from the tree, she took a calming breath, a second later all the apples in the tree came falling from the branches and straight into the basket. Still got it, she giggled. > The one who spreads chaos! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Witch Of The Everfree Forest! Written By Serra Quill "A little to the left, my dear, that's it, a little~ more... yes, just perfect" "Rarity, please, just pick a ribbon... it's been three hours now." Sunset said with exasperation, slumping over in fatigue. Her friend Rarity just waved her hand back and forth, "Pish posh Darling, you just can't rush perfection, everything has its place." Rarity said with conviction, adjusting her glasses before she called up to her other friend, who also sighed and moved the sheet a smidgen to the left. "I have to agree with Egghead, like around two hours forty-five minutes ago. C'mon Rares, I am super bored now, not to mention hungry." Rainbow whined just as her stomach let out a massive gurgle. Pointing to her stomach, "See, it agrees, these purple ones will do, now c'mon will yah!" She said as she flew back to the ground to the others, "Let's get going already, were already extremely late as it is." Sunset laughed loudly before letting out a small snort, giggle, "You’re concerned about being late? You’re the last person who could complain about being late dash, you always have your head in the clouds... or more precisely, on them," Sunset uttered with a smirk. Dash pulled her face as Rarity gave a light chuckle herself, covering her mouth with her hand, "Yes, agreed, but I believe she is more worried that Pinkie will have eaten everything before we could get there... though, it is a very plausible worry... Maybe we should hurry up and get going after all." Rarity offered, to which her two friends cried out "Thank Celestia!" Rarity grumbled just before she started to walk in the direction of her pink friend's workplace, "Alright, alright, let's hop to it then, shall we?" "Oh... I erm, I don't like the sound of that," a small girl with long soft pink hair said, before hiding behind her hair, "Sorry," she squeaked. "But I need you and the rest of the girls to be able to get to the castle. Please Fluttershy, you're the only one who really knows how to get through the Everfree without much hassle from the wildlife." Sunset pleaded to Fluttershy as the valkyrie sat and twiddled her thumbs, quickly looking to her other friends who were around the table. "W-well, I could, I mean, if you really, really~ needed help..." she said, looking away from Sunset, before adding in a whisper, "Please say you don't really need my help." "If it was anything else, believe me, I wouldn't push this much, but I really, really need help." Sunset pleaded once again. "O-oka-" "Now wait a sec, Ya'll are sayin' ya' wan'ta be going to that spooky castle? Yah’ know it’s haunted right?" Applejack said, interrupting what Fluttershy was about to say, even making her begin to hide under the table as the cutlery started to bounce from her shivers. "Oooh~ bouncy!" another Pink haired girl chimed as she started to bounce in rhythm with the knives and forks. Rarity glared over to Pinkie before ducking slightly under the table to help out Fluttershy. Undeterred , Applejack carried on like nothing was happening, as did everyone else as they were used to it. "So then, what exactly haunts the castle?" Sunset said skeptically, "Will this be another Zecora case?" Applejack grinned cheekily before adjusting her hat, "nah, that was different than this, ain't no lie. There's a tale 'bout that castle, that it has a curse upon it n' it's haunted by a ghost who brings chaos to anyone who walks the halls of the castle." she began as she leant further into the table, looking left to see if anyone was listening also checking her right side which coincidentally was the window. "They say he can cause chaos with just a snap of his fingers, he takes your friends or your family and turns them into shadows of their old selves, who start to act differently and then they just... then they disappear! That he lives in the shadows and that if you were to ever see him, you have to run, keep runnin' and never to look back at his eyes if he sees you." Sunset sighed, What's with this town and all its fairy tales, first there was boggy bottoms basilisk problem that turned out to be just a dead tree that fell over and got covered in mud, plus it was Rose and her two friends who saw it first so that was a big give away to actually check what it was first. Then obviously there was Zecora, but Applebloom helped me out with that one, apparently the two had been friends after an accidental meeting and lastly, there was... "You can't believe every tale out there Applejack. What’s next, the witch becoming real?" Applejack stared at Sunset for a second before she just simply said, "Yep..." with a gulp, Well I hadn't been told not to tell anyone about Twilight being the witch, since she said herself that she wasn't hidin'. Twilight paced through the forest as Scootaloo followed her, leading the young girl into an area where there was currently no tree canopy above, "It’s not long now before we get there." Scootaloo just nodded as she looked around her, jumping slightly at the sounds of the forest. Without her friends by her side, she was more scared of the forest than she thought she would be. Creeping closer to Twilight she followed quietly through the underbrush , until she had to shield her eyes from a sudden bout of sunshine as the clearing came into view. Twilight carried on walking as Scootaloo looked around, before noticing Twilight and sprinting after her, "So, today I would like you to try another bit of druidic magic, slightly different than the first kind I taught you," she said as she morphed into a raven, flying up to a large boulder before changing back and landing in a sitting position on its edge with grace. Without a clear way up, Scootaloo looked up at Twilight, since she had to admit that the boulder was too high for her to get up with her wings current health. "So is this magic I am going to be able to do? Because most of the magic involving using the stones didn't work that well for me... It worked pretty alright for Bloom though," she recalled. Twilight nodded as she looked into the sky above them, a solitary cloud lazily drifting by, "I believe so, yes. Since it is more in-tune with your core, compared to your two friends who really don't need this specific spell... yet." "And what would it be?" Scoot asked irritably, she thought Twilight was nice, but she did speak a bit too mystically sometimes... is mystically even a word...? Twilight looked down with humor at the young girl, remembering of a time immemorial and chuckling, "I want to teach you how to see the air currents and all it entails, to be able to use it to your advantage, meaning you would need to use your muscles less and you could use your head instead. For instance-" she replied as she snapped her fingers; a blue feather appeared in the air and began to slowly float to the ground before Twilight gently caught it in her hand. Twilight hopped down off the ledge and slowly floated down somehow, which Scootaloo gaped at in disbelief, "This feather here," she held her hand out with the item between her fingers, "it doesn't way much. The Calamus is a bone that is hollow that lessens the weight as well as the rest of the feather being very light,but still there is a force that drags it to the earth. Like so," she lectured as she tipped her hand, the feather drifting down before it landed on the ground without disturbing anything. "Gravity, got it," Scoots answered, nodding as Twilight’s magic picked the feather up again, "I already know quite a bit about feathers since, y'know..." "Yes, I do. It is still important. Now to stop gravity from pulling a Valkyrie to the earth because of their wing size, they use their magic and their stamina to keep aloft. In your case you have the magic, as well as the stamina, but you can't use it efficiently yet, so that's where this druidic magic can help." She began as she pointed to her eyes, a soft blue glow came over her iris that if Scootaloo wasn't paying attention, she probably would not have noticed if it were not for Twilight pointing it out. "Whaaaat~ that looks so cool, can you like, shoot lasers out of your eyes or something with it?" she exclaimed in excitement, "cause a mark in eye lasers would be so cool!" Whatever would someone want to shoot lasers from their eyes for, Twilight wondered as she shook her head, "I am afraid not." she said as Scootaloo 'awed'. It didn't last long, though, as Scootaloo seemed to be ready to listen again, "What it does do though, is it helps you find updrafts, as well as many other things the more you use it." Scootaloo scratched her arm as she looked around them, "So how do I exactly use this magic then? I have no clue how to actually use my magic as its more passive compared to the other races..." "And that is the tricky part. I will help you with your first use, then you can try to replicate the technique without me next time." Twilight said as she stood directly in front of the girl and held out her hand, "Would you hold my hand for a moment?" Scootaloo did so without any hesitation since she did agree to learn druidic magic, and if she had to be honest it was pretty cool seeing Twilight do stuff that she said even she could do. She had agreed to start some minor training with Twilight just earlier when Twilight had suggested she had something she could teach her to help her fly quicker. "Like this?" she asked. Twilight placed her thumb onto the back of Scootaloo’s hand, as she cupped it within her own, "It is fine, now close your eyes and try to clear your mind. Concentrate on what you feel," she finished as she started her spell, her eyes becoming the same tiny blue glow as before, just as a network of glowing blue lines streamed down her arm and attaching themselves to Scootaloo. Twilight held firm as Scootaloo squirmed slightly, "I know it feels peculiar, but you will get used to it." she said, as the lines made their way to Scoot’s neck before dividing into two separate lines and rising up her cheeks into her eyes. "My eyes feel slightly warm... is that supposed to happen?" Scootaloo said worriedly, still having her eyes closed. Twilight finished the spell as the lines receded back into her, "Yes it is. There isn't anything to worry about. Now this ability is something that is tricky to use but with time I am sure you will learn to adapt to its ways." "So, can I open my eyes now or?" "Slowly, as your eyes will feel more sensitive to the light, which is another thing that you will adjust to," she explained as Scootaloo slowly opened one eye and then the other, "Well, what can you see, can you describe it to me?" Scootaloo stood still as she stared at the air around her, seeing bits of pale red and yellow whisking around them both in different hues, "I can see colors, lots and lots of colors," she said as she reached out to a red stream near her, feeling the slight change of temperature in the air and the speed at which it was rising up before the red receded into the sky. "Are these updrafts?" Scootaloo turned to Twilight, seeing her with a smile that felt somehow different from normal, "Yes, yes they are. The more red, the more heat that is in the updraft, meaning you rise faster. The yellow tones are more mild updrafts that will keep you aloft It is a very helpful technique when you are outside, Blue streams are downdrafts... sadly this won't help much indoors or in enclosed areas. " "Now Scootaloo, I want you to try to stop seeing these drafts on your own, just give it a try," Twilight asked as she watched Scootaloo nod with a grin. Breathing out slowly Scootaloo closed her eyes and cleared her mind, concentrating on the feeling her eyes were giving off and trying her best to stop it, even growling in effort before she let out a puff of air and flung her arms in the air, "I can't!" she exclaimed. Laughing, Twilight assured her that was fine, "I remember when I first did this, my teacher left me alone and never actually taught me how to stop the spell, he drove me absolutely mad. He would come and prank me and keep bugging me all day for days until he finally went too far, but at the same time I stopped thinking about my eyes and focused solely on him as I was too annoyed. As I did this, the spell tapered off and deactivated, so what do you think would be the cause for the spell wavering and disappearing?" Scootaloo thought for a few seconds, as intriguing as it was to hear Twilight’s past, she was being taught something important and interesting. "Was it that you forgot about the spell being on your eyes?" "Very perceptive. With me being bugged all the time, although it's clearly not the correct way of teaching," she said with a sigh, "it did show me what to do." Twilight walked over and held a hand on the girls back as she chuckled, "So are you interested in any boys?" To this, Scootaloo sputtered as she waved her arms across her face, blushing as she hurriedly refused to be a mushy frilly girl who was into boys... with a gag to add dramatic effect. Twilight gave a hearty laugh as Scootaloo noticed the enchantment on her eyes had dissipated, "Oh my, I haven't had so much fun in a thousand years, that old goat was annoying but he did have a few things to teach." "That wasn't funny," Scoot grumped, folding her arms before she asked, "What old goat?" At the question, Twilight flinched slightly before coughing into her hand, "A story for another time I am afraid, but I have two tasks for you now," She started, immediately getting away from the subject of her teacher. "Uh-huh?" Twilight walked back to the big boulder and patted it with her hand, "Try to reactivate the spell and use the air currents to get on top of this. Oh, and here," she said before passing her student a small blue crystal, already having left the other on top of the ledge when she went up earlier, "There is another stone on top of the boulder. If you get up there, I want you to touch the stones together as it will notify me of your success... Now, I will place a warding spell around the clearing so that absolutely no creatures but me or Spike will come near and then I can leave you to try your best." Scootaloo shuffled her feet, "Maybe, erm... could you stay just a while longer? I will try my hardest, it's just I don't think I will be able to get it that easy and I might need some help." Twilight walked over and gave the girl a pat on the head and ruffled her hair, "You will do fine. I will stay a while, but then I want you to be able to stay here and keep trying. I will be back in another few hours before night falls, you will be perfectly safe, I will even send Spike to keep you company if you wish?" She asked as Scootaloo smiled up happily. Scootaloo nodded eagerly, "That’d be cool, if he's not too busy, I'll try my best!" Twilight smiled down at her before nodding and moving to sit down on a close rock that was high enough to be a seat, "Then let’s begin, shall we?" she said as she started to cast her spell, just as Scootaloo tried to replicate how the spell from earlier felt and tried to activate it again. Hours had passed and Scootaloo now slept, absolutely exhausted. She hadn't been able to fully activate the spell, but she said she got it to flicker on so a big smile was now spread across her face as she snuggled into the feathery blanket covering her on the couch. Twilight smiled down at her before she felt someone coming. Standing up, she exited her carved tree house and made her way to the small pond out back, waving at Spike, signaling him to go back to sleep. Upon arrival, she smiled as she sat down on the fallen tree that was just beside the pond, turning her head to greet her visitor, who beat her to it, "Hello big sister." > A long time. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Witch Of The Everfree Forest! Written By Serra Quill "Hello big sister, quite a fine night if 't be true I doth sayeth so myself." Twilight smiled down at the woman next to her, though in a more ethereal light to be true. Reaching over and brushing the stray tear that faded from existence, "quite little sis, its been far too long since we have spoken, I am glad to know my spell has worked," looking over to the bottle that contained the Veidrenspeich, now a seemingly blueish black in colour that connected to Luna's form as smoke. Luna frowned as she looked at the bottle, before realization came across her features, "Ah! Veidrenspeich, quite an fusty spelleth, one wouldst bethink hath lost to the ages?" Luna quipped with a quizzical expression. Looking down at her hands, ethereal light drifting in a none existent wind as she moved them back and forth, "forsooth intriguing to beest sure!" "Oh Luna, I do have to bring you up to speed on current speech," laughing at how nostalgic it was to hear her speech, remembering how much she took after her Father, unlike herself and Celestia who was more carefree and spoke more in-line with the common people. Sighing she looked to the moon, seeing the darkened skull upon its surface, Luna also looked only to look away in shame, " it's not your fault my dear, love truly is a strong force in this world, it blinds you. She only took advantage of what was happening." Luna shook her head fervently, "Nay sist'r, t wast all mine own fa-" Twilight stopped her mid-sentence by grabbing ahold of her and hugging her tightly, tears welling within Lunas eyes, "no it isn't, the Nightmare is the way it is without your input, it feeds off those who feel helpless, if only we had both seen what was happening to you, instead of focusing solely on my brother." "No, you should have focused on him!" Luna all but shouted, momentarily dropping her speech, knowing in her head there wasn't any point to it anyways without any subjects around, "I was just a silly little girl struck with grief over something I couldn't have and I took it out on you and Big sister. I can only ask for your forgiveness, but I know it won't be long before I break the bonds that hold me on the moon, then she will be free. I know that I must be sealed once again Sister, I cant fight her, she is too powerful now for me alone," clutching her hands to her chest, wincing as she felt the pull of her body trying to drag her spirit back to the moon. Twilight just smiled down on Luna's form before raising her head, "Don't worry, knowing Celestia she has something planned and I myself won't just leave you to be chained away again, even if I have to use that again..." Twilight said, a dark grimace coming onto her features. Shaking her head, she smiled down at Luna before giving her forehead a small kiss, "it wont be long now little sister, I promise to save you from the nightmare, till the morrow, have a fair night," she said, hugging Luna, who in turn held her back with a smile, a single tear sliding down her cheek as her ethereal form faded from the area, the bottle of Veidrenspeich having met its end and turning to a murky grey colour. Twilight just sat there for a while, looking to her sisters moon, determination sat across her features, looking down at the bloom upon her arm she sees the last of the petal begin to wilt, Celestia, I hope your champions are ready for what is to come in the coming hours, because come by daybreak, it will be either us or the nightmare. A clear teapot swirled in golden magic, as six pink petals slowly mixed through the water inside, steam rising from the spout. Celestia sat, waiting as she saw her sisters moon slowly start to touch the far-off mountains where her Sun was to rise, thirty-eight minutes and twenty-two seconds if she is counting correctly until the stars align, to which magic will be pushed in just the right way for the nightmare to break its chains. Bringing the cup to her lips she went to take a sip, only to recoil at the temperature, it wasn't the fact that it was hot, it was that it wasn't its usual temperature that she had made in the same way for centuries and had become second nature to doing so when she was making her tea. It seems I am a little more worried than I thought I would be, I pray for your triumph Sunset, I know you will do me proud. Two Hours until sunrise Sunset began shovelling books and tools into the rucksack, having finished all her jobs, she was going to sneak off as her friends were not still on board with the thought of going to a spooky castle whilst the Princess was going to do her sunrise for the summer sun celebration. Though Sunset knew what was going to happen, even if Celestia wouldn't admit it, she wasn't stupid, she could tell the Princess was worried and hiding something for a while now. It was why she started to investigate in the first place. got that, got that Tome... yep... check, got it.. go- wait... there it is, grabbing the pack of food she made, putting that into the rucksack she hefted it onto her shoulder before strapping the other arm across her and locking the buckles together, but before she could take a step she was yanked back slightly as she fell to her butt, "Ow, hey who did that," she grumbled, looking behind her to see Rainbow dash with an over the shoulder bag, a big smile on her face as she guffawed through her teeth. "You should have seen your face," taking a deep breath as she held her stomach, "you were like," pausing her laughter, Dashs face trying to imitate Sunsets shocked expression, just before bursting into laughter again. Sunset was about to shout at her but was interrupted as her front door opened, "now what have ah told ya about doors Dash, ah'swear yall were born in a barn, now git the poor girl up so we kin git goin'" Applejack said in her Southern accent, an annoyed look across her features as Dash wiped her tears from the laughter. Dash threw her hand out, which Sunset grabbed, albeit with a frown at her friends, "Sorry, I just couldn't help myself, though I didn't mean to make you fall over Egghead, I think you might have packed a little much. Cmon then," Dash said brushing off Sunset just before turning on her heels and walking towards the door, AJ beginning to follow her. Sunset watched for a second before hurrying after them, getting to her front door to see the rest of the girls with varying backpacks... though Rarity had five wheeled suitcases which made her shake her head, "I thought you guys wanted to stay at the party?" Sunset asked as Aj and Dash got to the bottom of the oaks steps and stood next to her friends, all of them looking at each other. Surprisingly Rarity herself being the one to speak up, "and what, miss all the action and whatnot as Dash would say! Darling, we wouldn't let you go into that, admittedly filthy looking," Clearing her throat with a dainty cough, swirly her hand in the air, "forest, all by yourself." Smiling at her friend, just before physically shaking for a second at the thought of all the icky creatures and muck that she would have to go through. "Yeah Sunny, we wouldn't leave you to go through some spooky woods by yourself, it'd be way to fun to miss out on!" Pinkie said, bouncing on the spot as the rest of her friends stared down the line at her, "what? who doesn't like being scared?" She said, snorting with a giggle. Shaking her head, Sunset smiled at her friends, "Well, I'm happy that you girls will help me, even if you don't exactly believe me that something will happen at the castle today. Well, I guess we best be on our way then huh?" shaking her pack into a better position as her friends grabbed their bags, Rarity not included as she started to roll her suitcases with magic. Fluttershy timidly looking back at the town as they headed to the forest, which was seemingly more scary since it was still dark out, "Erm, maybe, possibly... I should stay at the-" Dash placed her hands on the back of Fluttershy, she herself letting an Eep escape her lips and stopping mid-sentence, "no way Shy, C'mon, it'll be fun!" Fluttershy shook her head, passing through the threshold of the forest into the darkness and undergrowth. Fluttershy whimpered as her feet dragged dirt, a quiet little voice escaping her lips as her chin quivered, "Debatable." > The Shackles that bind. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Witch Of The Everfree Forest! Written By Serra Quill Sunset and her friends slumped to the floor, their clothes in tatters, their bags and Rarities suitcases nowhere to be seen. Gasping for air behind the castles large front door, Pinkie was the first to recover, "Let's do that again!" a massive smile threatening to tear her face. In reply the rest of the group just groaned, "Land sakes Pinks, how could you think that was fun, well, the dirt-boarding was interesting, but the rest... hoo nelly I dun want'ah be doing that again," Aj said, getting up and dusting herself off. "Personally, I don't ever want to try "dirtboarding" ever again, I don't think I will ever get the muck out of these pants and don't get me started on this camisole!" Rarity said with a gruff. "A kami hwhat now?" Scratching her head, Aj waited as her friends got off the floor, looking at the hallway they were in, though, ex-hallway to be honest as one of the walls were missing as moonlight streamed through the break. Rarity huffed at her, "A camisole is what I'm wearing Applejack, not to mention I have lost all my extra clothing! My purple one-piece gown, my sequined black V-neck, so many lost treasures..." Rarity squeaked, lifting a hand to her head, "oh, I feel dizzy," stumbling to the side as Fluttershy grabbed and held her up. Dash raised her eyebrow, "you brought extra clothes? to the forest? really?" In retort Rarity glared over at Dash, "Of course, one needs an outfit for every occasion, my dear, unlike others, I am above being so uncouth to have only one ensemble for an evening," crossing her arms and hmphing, whipping her head to the side, making Fluttershy duck beneath her tendrils of purple hair. Sunset dusted off her pack, letting her friends argument drift into the background noise as she got the tome out that she needed, an old book with the layout of the old sisters' castle. Flicking through the pages and going over the sticky notes she placed in she hadn't realized her friends had stopped arguing and made their way over to her, looking over her shoulders as Dash tapped a sticky not, making her jump, "Soe's this where we have to go then the artefact treasury?" Turning to Sunset with a questioning look and a head tilt. Grounding herself again after she jumped Sunset stood back up, with the Tome still in her hands, "Yep, we should find what we need in there, did everyone bring their Element just-in-case we run into anything here?" Grabbing her armband of pink silver, that had a purple gemstone like a starburst, placing it on herself, so if she needed so she could use it. The rest of her friends held their arms up as she could see their own Elements, Wristbands with Gems of varying colours, each representing their own Element, "Good, then I guess we best go and see if we can find this," squinting at the page she placed her finger under the word so she wouldn't lose where she was, "Auceps lapis, Aparently it was a tool to trap a creature in place, rendering it unable to move for so long depending on how strong, or how much magic it had." "Well then Egghead, what are we waiting for!" Rainbow said, then to her namesake did what she did best and began to Dash down the hallway in the direction of the artefact treasury, "C'mon slowpokes, catch up!" The group grumbled before they ran after their friend, Rarity gasping as she began, "I hate... running.... argh!" The surface, as bleak as it could be, she was bored of this desolate place, grey... grey and more grey. Just you wait, that treasure will be mine! The nightmare though, looking at the sparkling blue and green planet only a seemingly hands reach away, her grin turning malicious as she saw the sun begin to rise behind her moon, the chains that held her to the surface began to rattle, though she heard nought a sound around her. Her laughter heard by no one, as magic brushed the surface of the moon the chains glowed a bright gold just before black magic of darkest night seeped out of the chains, crumbling them as the Nightmare yanked what was left out of the stone, standing with her head looking directly up at the jewel that tormented her for these last thousand years, Let the Nightmare begin Nightmare Vanished from the surface, leaving a dark blue mist behind that seemed to move on its own. It watched as the Nightmare hit Equestrian Atmos before two Amethyst eyes looked out of the mist at the alicorn disappearing before the creature itself seeped back into the surface of the moon with a cackle, leaving a viscous black liquid on the surface of the moon with small black and green crystals on its surface that glittered. Thirty-three minutes and forty-two seconds until Sunrise Twilight waved goodbye to Scootaloo as she made her way back to town with Spike carrying her, since it was still dark she wanted her ward to be safe traversing the forest in the dark, well with that sorted I guess its time I left for the castle then, Snapping her fingers she changed into the form of a lioness before she started to sprint in the direction of the castle. On the way there she heard several screams and a loud sound like a rock slide, though one of the voices was squealing in laughter, Celestias Champions no doubt, Shaking her head she sprinted even faster so that she could activate her wards on time. Minutes past as she got to the castle, leaving only a small amount of time before the Nightmare released her shackles. She knew she would come here first, hoping that she would be able to trap her Sister and tear the wretch of a demon away from her Sisters body. Coming out of her form of a lion she knelt down to the marked stones that lead around the castles outer rim, connected with purified salt and ash, snapping her fingers she pulled a vial into existence. Purified mana, made for the past one thousand years, it takes seven years for the smallest of drops to accumulate, I can only hope this works She thought, just before dropping some on the stone, just before running to the next and pouring a little on the next. The problem was that purified mana didn't last long, depending on the amount, it would stay for a varied amount of time before being absorbed back into the aether and funnel into the ley lines around the forest. Though with this amount it should give them at least twenty minutes if she calculated accurately enough, which was usually the case, at least twenty, being that it all depends on the potency of the mana... it is annoying that I cant calculate it to a definite point, She grumbled in her mind as she poured the last drop on the very last stone. Not seconds later she looked up at the moon, the shadow of the skull coalesced into one point before disappearing, a moment later she felt it, the magic of a dark caster. Just before hearing a cackle as it slammed into the castles observatory, at that point the last petal upon her bloom wilted away, leaving only the roots, to which she placed her hand into the soil in front of the stones. The roots themselves moving down her arm and connecting with the stones, each lighting up a varying colour of purple before she pulled her arm back out, stepping through the barrier as vines of purple grew over the castle at a rapid pace. Twilight walked down the halls towards the artefact room, knowing where she needed to be, "I'm coming now sister, wait for me!" Something was definitely wrong now and it wasn't just Sunset being Sunset, the group heard the cackle of a woman just before the ground shook and a loud bang disturbed the dust off the old stone of the castle. Dash quickly stood up from her place quivering under Fluttershy with a blush, coughing gruffly before looking around "I wasn't scared, nothing could scare Rainbow Danger Dash! what even was that?" she said, pointedly not looking at Aj who now held a smirk. Sunsets features turned grim, "It could only be one thing," pulling another Tome out of her bag, this one with chains across the cover and a magic seal on the side, questioning looks were given, "the extra restricted section of the library... I have access" "Of course the Egghead has access," Dash quipped before being slapped on the back of the head by AJ, who then nodded at Sunset to carry on. Nodding back she opened the seal and moved it to the page she needed, "this isn't the only rendition, they even made a kids tale out of what happened, that even mention the Elements. Though this is the accurate description of what happened, Celestia had to seal her Sister on her own moon over a thousand years ago, it doesn't go into exact details of what had caused the change within Princess Luna but she was turned into-" "Black Snooty!!" Pinkie exclaimed with a smile. Sunset raised a brow... "erm, no but close, Luna turned herself into a creature called Nightmare moon and I think that is what is now in the castle, we have to hurry gir-" "Not meaning to interrupt darling, but is the forest meant to be doing this?" Rarity asked, pointing at the window that had now glass, to which the group could see vines slowly snaking their way across the opening and sealing the window. Rarity peered closer as she stretched a handout, a small pink zap of electric came from the vine, making her retreat back with a yelp, "it shocked me, how could it shock me!" Sunset moved past her friend who was now being comforted by Fluttershy, looking over the magical vines, the amount of mana needed for a spell like that would be tremendous. Turning from the window she looked back at the girls, "don't touch any of the vines, something in the castle wants to keep us, or whatever else in the castle. Most likely either being Nightmare moon noticing we are in the castle," the girls all looked scared as they turned all around looking for anything out of the ordinary, seeing nothing they turned back to Sunset, "or someone else did this." Aj thought for a second, "wait a tick, it could'a been tha' witch of the everfree!" Sunset shook her head, "we don't have time for fairytales Aj, let's get moving, C'mon guys." Aj grumbled before the group started moving again, only a few minutes away from the room they needed. Stumbling into the room after running full speed the six women dropped into the room through the door, picking themselves up they began to look around at the room, mostly empty shelves and cobwebs all over the place, though a pedastal where what looks like armour would have been looked to be disturbed without any dust around it. Sunset quickly looked around for what she needed, "the artefact looks like a spiderweb inside an obsidian ball of glass, quick girls, let's find it!" the girls and sunset were about to move into action before a voice stopped them. "No need my dear sun loving little girlies," the group turned as the echo of heels wrang through the room, a woman in dark blue armour with accents of black stared at them, casually throwing a black ball into the air, the very same artefact that they came for, "I won't be letting anyone use this precious little gem again," gripping the glass orb tighter until it burst into little crystals of glass she peered back over to the group with a sneer. Pointing a finger at them, "now which one of you cast the ward, I want my revenge and my throne and no one shall stand in my way, especially not children playing heroines!" Pinkie stepped forward before blowing a raspberry at Nightmare, "we won't tell you anything black snooty!" Sunset nodded, so this means it wasn't Nightmare, "Pinkies right, C'mon girls, lets use the Elements," as she said that, they all stood in formation to use the Elements of harmony again, only for Sunset to be sent flying into the back wall of the room and crash through the shelves. Sunset coughed the air out of her lungs upon impact, just before seeing her friends swatted to the side like flies, Nightmares eyes only on herself. Nightmare sneered before teleporting in front of the child, "weak, so this is what a student of my sister amounts to these days!" "Celestia believes in me, I won't let her down," Sunset said, wincing at her side, just before Nightmare grabbed her by her shirt and pulled her up the wall. Nightmare looked at her confused, "Celestia? are you not Twilights student, Celestia wouldn't know how to cast a ward such as this, keeping me in place here," Nightmare questioned, looking into the fiery-haired girl who was thrashing to get out of her grip. "Who in the name of tarterus is Twilight," Sunset shouted as she tried to kick the alicorn, all for nought as it did nothing but irritate Nightmare. Though she struggled for a while she suddenly felt herself drop to the floor, free from Nightmare Moons grasp, only to look up at a woman bathed in purple light and swirling crystals. Twilight looked away from where she threw Nightmare Moon and down to Celestia's Student, "I see my little sister has taught her student well in magic, though you could do with some help when it comes to a bit of combat, to ask you question my dear, I am Twilight," the woman radiated an aura much like celestia, though seemingly more uptight, much like if Celestia's main job was a bookkeeper or a librarian. Still shocked Sunset watched as the woman turned back around, "and now for you my dear little sister," Twilight said, getting the attention of the black haired alicorn, her cyan slitted eyes gaining a small red glow to them. "YOU! Why do you have to get in my way, again and again!" Stomping the ground, Nightmare seemed more like a child right now than the evilest enemy known the mankind at the moment, quickly letting off two shots of mana at Twilight, "DIE!" Twilight moved quickly, grabbing sunset and running over to her friends, who had seen everything and were gaping at the woman, all apart from Aj, though something seemed to click in Rarity's head at seeing the woman. Twilight placed Sunset down on her feet as she cast a shield to block a stray bolt of mana, "wait for my signal girls, I will call for your help, all of you," she said, looking at each girl in turn, before the woman suddenly turned into a cheeta, bolting across the room at tremendous speed, latching onto the Nightmare with her teeth and rolling with the kinetic energy she had built up, throwing Nightmare into the window and against her vines, shocking her as she dropped to the ground. Nightmare got up, smoke rising off her back from the electricity, Two wings of obsidian sprouted behind her, "it will not go in your favour this time sister, I've smashed your precious artefact, its over!" Nightmare said triumphantly, knowing that she had more power than Twilight, even with her being the one with less experience and knowledge of magic. Twilight shook her head with a sad smile, "True, I won't be able to use it again, thus I shall just use my magic directly against you instead of using a median in my stead, I did create the Auceps Lappis," Twilight said as her eyes took on a more purple hue, pink smoke rising from the whites of her eyes as her outfit gained a more crystalline look to it. Nightmare began to snarl, "No! you didn't have the strength to use that magic before, its impossible," Nightmare said as she tried to get away, noticing her legs had already begun to spiderweb in black crystal. "and I still don't, for long anyway, this spell was more a thing my brother could do," Twilight winced as her arm was taken over more by the crystal, cracking across the surface of her skin, "GIRLS, use the Elements!" the six who were watching in awe shook off their confusion and moved into place next to Twilight, who seemed to be getting weaker by the second as sweat dropped to the floor as crystals, forming flowers and grass as it hit the floor. Twilight looked at Sunset, "Don't think about beating her or sending her back to the moon, it will not work. Befriend her, use your magic to release the dark magic within Nightmare moon, I know you can do it, all of you," Struggling that last sentence out as Sunset nodded, all the gems of Harmony building to a crescendo of light before the magic flood past Twilight and hit the trapped woman, who screamed for all but a few seconds. Sunset dropped to the floor, as did her friends, looking up they saw Twilight still holding a struggling Nightmare moon, though she seemed to be much smaller. Nightmare screamed all hell as she tried to free her arms, "you will not win, I will taint this world is shadow! you will no-" Before she could finish her sentence, fear struck the Nightmare silent, looking back to Twilight, noticing the pink mist had turned purple and her eyes had green surrounding them, the magic that held her in place gripped tighter and Twilight seemed to be able to use it all the more easily as she strolled up the Nightmare, "Shush now, your struggling does you no good, its time, I want my sister back and you can go back to your shadows." Nightmare shook her head, it remembered the nothing, it did not want to go back to that, to him. "Please, don't! PLEASE!" She begged as Twilight opened her palm, the last of the roots on her arm coalesced onto her palm as a lotus flower made of amethyst bloomed on her hand, draining the darkness away from Nightmares form, screaming only for a second before it left a blue-haired small girl who slid to the floor unconscious. Twilight took the now black lotus in hand, snapping her finger she sent it to where it needed to be, back to the dark. Twilight now stood as she began calming herself, dark magic, I never wanted to use it again, it's a cruel thing. Slowly her features turned back to normal, her breath growing haggard once again and she slumped down to her little sister, fatigue taking her into the dream realm as she fell asleep on Lunas lap. The six girls watched as she fell asleep very quickly, Aj making the first move to go and see if she is okay before a bright golden light erupted into the room, blinding all awake for a second before the girls could see Celestia, cradling both Luna and Twilight. Celestia didn't care that the girls could see her tears as Sunset made her way over to her teacher, "Princess? I thought that Nightmare couldn't be saved?" Celestia looked up at her student and her friends, "By me and my big sister, no, we did not have the right to do so with the Elements. But you girls are the new Guardians of the Elements, by you, without a doubt it was possible," Celestia said with the most honest smile Sunset had seen her have. Though Sunset quirked her brow, a question upon her lips, "big sister?" Celestia looking up in confusion, then back down at the two breathed a sigh of relief at her own blunder, forgetting the request made by her sister, "I guess there is no hiding it, it was my fault for the slip of tongue, first let me thank you for saving my little sister, Luna," she said, noticing Luna was slowly sturring out of her sleep, brushing a hand through her hair. Before turning and doing the same to Twilight, "and let me introduce my older sister, Twilina Sparkle, or as she likes to be called, just Twilight," she said with a giggle as she heard her big sister murmer in her sleep. Everyone else though stood like a headless chicken as she said that, Sunsets eyes as wide as saucers, even Aj was surprised. Sunset stumbled backwards slightly, "Big sister..." before borrowing a page from Rarities book, fainting onto a Rainbow Dash. Celestia watched her student faint before slowly closing her eyes and shaking her head with a smile, "Well I think we best move this to a better place, has everyone been teleported before?" receiving nods, her forehead glowed a golden colour before all that was left in the room was the black and purple crystal. > As a new Day begins. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Witch Of The Everfree Forest! Written By Serra Quill "This is really annoying, I know I'm not doing it wrong, I can feel the magic," Flopping to the floor, Scootaloo crosses her arm looking back at the dragon, happily munching down on a small hoard of sapphires. Groaning again she turns over to her stomach and holds her head in her hands, "with all the weird stuff yesterday, school being closed and Twilight not around I thought you would know more than... "she'll be back soon." Shrugging his shoulders, Spike throws another crystal in his maw with a crunch, "its what it is, she disappears sometimes. Plus, this is something you would be doing anyway, I'm sure she is fine and will explain what was happening anyway, the suns up ain't it," with a grin, pointing one clawed finger at the baby blue sky above. Getting up from the ground, shaking his body as his scales rippled, sitting onto his back legs much like a dog would, "and anyway, I thought you would be happy with a day off from what you tell me how "boring" and "pointless" school is." Frowning at Spikes sarcastic tone, "fair point, I still don't like the fact that Twilight isn't here tho, I also don't want to go back home." Picking up a stone, she began chucking and catching it in the air, "I just want her to be here to teach me, I get the "how" to do this, I just can't seem to get it to work like yesterday. Maybe I'm just useless..." Laying down into an easier position to see Scootaloos face, Spike chuckled, "Maybe?" he stated, making Scootaloo look at him in incredulity, waving his arm at her with a chuckle, "though, only if you believe yourself to be useless, the only one stopping you from being all you can be is yourself right? its not the action of not being able to do something that makes you useless, its the inaction of not even trying to improve yourself that makes one useless. In my eyes, I see someone whos willing to improve, making them not so useless to me, am I wrong?" raising an eyebrow. Scootaloo twiddled her thumbs, looking around before grumbling, "I guess so, still doesn't change the fact that I can't do it." Spike moved closer and gently flicked the small girl on the forehead, making her jump and rub the spot where he got her, a cheeky grin coming over his face. Using one claw he drew a small circle on the ground in the dirt, pointing at it, "Sit here for me, I'll tell you a secret." An annoyed Scootaloo moving over to the spot and sat down with a harrumph, "okay, like before, close your eyes," to which Scootaloo did, "now, don't think." Scootaloo immediately opened her eyes, "WHAT?! what do you mean don't think... that makes no sense, I have to concentrate on the feeling of the magic, or else I wo-" Flicking her forehead again, making her eep once more, "just do it, trust me a little." Scootaloo clenched her fist in irritation, "fine, but stop flicking me, its annoying," calming herself down again, she closed her eyes, breathing deep like Twilight had told her to. Spike watched as the little girl's features slowly calmed down, a leaf beside her slowly drifting across the ground in the wind, "that's it, now just listen to my voice, feel the air brush past you. Focus only on what you feel, on what you felt as you used the spell, not on how to use it, let your body remember the feeling." Letting her arms rest on her legs, she felt her pants ruffle in the wind, the air brushing across her primaries and secondaries on her wings. Letting herself get lost in the feeling of the winds, the ever-changing temperatures that all Valkyries are sensitive to. Finally feeling a warmth grow behind her eyes, she let the feeling overtake her as she felt the zap of magic once more, opening her eyes to see varying colours. Spike had been blowing hot air around her, letting it brush past the circle she sat withing, only barely touching upon her. But it was enough for her to remember the feeling of when Twilight held her hands and helped her the first time she used the spell. Jumping up and down, "I did it! I can see the air! Thanks!" she all but shouted, running at the dragon before nearly bouncing off with her hug, Spike just taking it like the big lug he was and patting the little girl on the back with a grin. "not so useless huh? though now comes the hard part and I think Twilight might be happy if her apprentice can at least get halfway up the boulder right?" Spike questioned, pointing at the stone on the boulder in front of them. With a challenging smile, Scootaloo span on her heels, "no probs dude! I got this," opening her wings, she ran at the boulder, following the air to the place she would get the best "lift," "Let's do this..." In all my years, this has to be the oddest day of my life... not one but three of them, I'm going to go grey with all this stress. With a plop, another sugar cube was added to the third cup, making it two for the first, none for the second and five for the Princess'. Letting the tea leaf infuser drift for a few seconds more before Sugar Lumps pulled it away from the rose engraved clay teapot, I hope they like it at least. Placing it all onto the move able tray, Sugar began to wheel it to Princess' personal social space in the Royal quarters, only being two minutes from the Royal kitchen that she was stationed it didn't take much time at all. Walking in to hear her Princess, "Luna, you have jam all over your cheeks," with a dainty chuckle, she saw the Princess rub the small blue haired girls cheeks with a napkin. Struggling to get away from Celestia, Luna grumbled as she was cleaned, "tis not mine fault, I am not used to having such a small body... you know my magic is depleted sister." crossing her arms. If she wasn't the Princess' small sister, therefore being a Princess herself and apparently over a thousand years old at least to Sugars knowledge, it would have been a seen that she would have squeed at the adorable childlike woman. Celestia noticing her, waving her over, "Tea Princess? I hope the usual is alright for your 'sisters'?" passing the cups off to the table that was between the cream coloured suites. Celestia smiled as she picked up the cup of tea, breathing in the aroma, "As delectable smell as always Sugar, though I think it will only pass for Luna's tastebuds, she prefers a much stronger blend," at the panic on Sugars face, Celestia cheekily winked at her with a small smile, "its fine as it is my dear, why don't you have yourself a break?" Celestia said, to which Sugar bowed with a smile, pushing the cart out of the room with a click of the door. Celestia smiled down at the cup as she looked over to Luna, who drank the tea albeit with reluctance, though as she looked over to Twilight, she herself seemed to be enjoying the brew. Breathing a sigh, Twilight placed the cup back on the knitted mat, "you never seem to change what you like Tia, you really need some change sometimes," Twilight said with a grin. Celestia laughed slightly, between them Luna had finally given up and placed her mug down, looking around at the pristine white walls and gold ornate around, "I see that the castle is well looked after, I assume the subjects still love their princess." Celestia grimaced at the remark, until Luna grinned over to her, "Especially thine large tuccus sister, you have gained quite a few pounds," she chuckled. Twilight burst out laughing at Celestia's shocked expression, wiping a tear away as Celestia raised a cushion in magic before launching it at Luna, making the small girl topple backwards off the buffet she was just able to sit on. Just before Luna sent it right back. Making the challenge clear as cushions began firing back and forth as Twilight slowly finished her tea. Minutes later, with a clink, Twilight placed her cup onto the tray on the side ready to be taken away, looking over to her sisters in a pile, chests heaving from exhaustion, snapping her fingers as she placed feathers back in the cushions. Tea that was spilt was placed back into and reheated in their respective cups, the one curtain that had been torn was mended and finally, her sisters were drifted back into their places. Celestia sat back, wiping the sweat off her brow, "it has been too long since I have just let go like that, I have missed you both so much." saying this as Luna came over to her side, sitting at head height with her chest, hugging her. Celestia slowly rubbing her fingers through Lunas hair. Twilight looking on with a smile, "I am just glad that Luna is back with us, I am sorry for not talking again Tia, I was scar-" Holding a hand up, Celestia shook her head, "Don't, its fine, what has been done is in the past. Please, let us look to the future since some subjects already know, why don't you move here... officially?" Celestia said, her eyes full of hope. Twilight smiled sadly at her two little sisters, even Luna eyed her from her position with tired eyes, "you know I cant Tia, I'm not royalty for starters, not to mention I believe there is not enough green here for me." Celestia looked down-trodden. Twilight stretched across the table and grabbed ahold of Celestias hand, "but it doesn't mean I won't visit, you don't need to hide me anymore either. I will openly traverse around as I am sure there is no one left awake under the stars who know of the past. Though I still shall remain adamant that I am not a Princess, okay?" Celestia chuckled, "You can say it all you want Twily, but I am afraid that the masses will think differently, what with you being almost as tall as I am, they will think you are an alicorn like we two are, you have lived a long life with more magical knowledge than any other being this world has seen. I won't push a position onto you that you don't want but I believe it an impossible task for the people of this world to think you not a "Princess" of this realm." Twilight groaned, cuffing one hand in the other as she thought, "still, even if they think me so, I will refuse the role of a Princess as I will be busy with my apprentice," with a smile, she snapped her fingers again, since Sugar hadn't been back yet and she wanted another cup of tea, tea leafs popped into existence in a ball of water that floated in the air as steam slowly rose off the colour changing liquid. Just before dropping into a see-through glass cup. Celestias brow rose, "An apprentice? truly? its been near eight hundred years since the last one hasn't it?" Picking her reheated tea back up, making it slightly hotter with her own magic and taking a sip. Twilight nodded, humming in delight at her own brew, "Indeed, the little changeling did make for a wonderful apprentice, though I think little Scootaloo will make for a much more enthusiastic student." noticing the inquisitive look upon Celestia and Lunas face she carried on, "She has a spark not many have these days... no I'm lying, she isn't the only one with the spark, her two friends are in much the same when it comes to having such inquisitive minds. Scootaloo though, I find to be much like myself when we first met," She said with a grimace, "though not like my position as a slave, just the same feeling." Celestia also didn't like the sound of having someone in a similar situation to what Twilight was, "what is wrong, is she orphaned? or something worse?" Twilight shook her head, "No," snapping her fingers a crystal ball of obsidian appeared before flashing lavender as the girl in question appeared across it, showing both her sisters her new apprentice, "not an orphan, not like we were. Though not far from it with the way she talks about her parents, she says she has an aunt who has helped when she could but her home situation is in dire need of repair. From how I see it, she was neglected, with defects that could have been fixed with care and proper attention. I have been filtering magic through her body to speed up the healing process on her wings... it will not be easy. I would like to take her away from her parents, in an official manner if you would help me." She asked, a pleading look upon her features. Celestia looked down to Luna who had fallen "asleep," "I can, but the law is much different now big sister, there is things you must do before you can officially adopt the young girl. Though I will fully support you if the parents are found guilty of neglect, not to mention another niece would be wonderful to have." This time Twilights brow rose, "Another?" Huffing and panting, that's all she could do right now, looking at that little blue crystal on the boulder as Spikes snoring could be heard behind her, Scootaloo rolled to a sitting position and lent upon her hands, spanning her wings wide as she felt them throb. An itch underneath her muscles had been bugging her like her feathers were out of place, even after letting them recall beneath her sigils and recalling them, she knew they were perfectly preened. Rose coloured light began to glow over the tattoo like symbols on her back as her golden brown wings disappeared in light speckles. With a huff she got to her feet, "Time for a break," making her way past Spike, to the small pond behind him, dunking her head underneath the surface she began to take large gulps, resurfacing for a few seconds for air before dunking right back in. As she was underneath she saw a fish swim past, pulling her head out she sat back against a tree that was near her with a smile. Even after so many attempts that she stopped counting, something about this part of the forest just made her completely chill. Hearing the call of birds, the trickle of the water down her back and Spikes snoring the perfect place to just be herself. She sat there for a while, watching as a line of ants brought leaves and twigs over to their hill as she got her breath back, wiping the sweat away, guess I cant slack off either huh? she thought as she hopped up, One more time! as she cast her Valkyrie magic, unbeknownst to her, her wings were half an inch longer than the last casting, as well as the muscle on her back, was more defined. She looked up at the boulder with a grin, noticing the last mark she made being three quarters the way up, she rubbed at her nose before she cast her sight magic in the blink of an eye without any trouble this time, crouching as she felt the updraft around her and launching into the air, this time I will reach you! I am so done, so... so done. Not only one sister but two, how did I not know this. Its such a failure, I know every book in the canterlot archives, not to mention Celestia has let me at all her private documents, but none has anything to do with Princess Twilight. Sunset was slowly making a grove in her carpet, well, her old carpet anyway. Finally waking up from passing out, as she walked around her room she began to hear Pinkies giggle from her sitting room, making her way over she all but fell over as the pink menace burst through the door. "Oops, sorry Sunny, didn't mean to get'cha," Pinks said as she grabbed Sunsets hand, pulling her through into the sitting room where all but Rarity were sat. Pinkie was already somehow sat on the sofa munching on a muffin whilst waving energetically at Sunset from across the room. Shaking her head Sunset walked in and sat down on one of the floors bean bags, sinking into the crunchy feeling of the styrofoam beads, "Wheres Rares?" asking whilst Pinkie grabbed five more muffins, stuffing two of them in her top, somehow no bulges where they were placed were visible, gunna ignore the physics behind that. Aj moved the plate of muffins away from Pinkie with a frown, "shes reapplying her frou frou makeup, makin hersel' all purty again, the usual. What about you, feeling better after sleepin fer a bit?" Sunset scratched the top of her head, "define better... how long have I been asleep?!" Aj turned her wrist over to look at her watch, "bout' seven hours lug, got a kip mysel' only one who hasn't had no sleep is Pinks," Aj said, whilst slapping the drooling Pinkies hand away from the last two muffins. Fluttershy daintily nibbled at her muffin, her first muffin, "I was really worried when you collapsed, though with the shock of three Princess' I'm not all too surprised," a worried look on her face, "do you think that Twilight was the witch?" looking at Sunset. Sunset was about to answer before Aj chuckled, "Ah tried tah tell yall before we go further in bout her, that's her alright Shy, now we know why the stories span generations." Sunset shook her head, "that cant be true though, she is just a fairy tale!" Everybody in the room looked at her with an incredulous manner, Dash being the one to speak up, "so was Nightmare Moon egghead, or have you forgot?" snarking from her spot on a high cupboard which she used her wings to get to, just liking to be in a higher place in the room. Sunset opened her mouth to retort, pointing one finger at Dash before letting it drop to her side, "point taken I guess... so do we know where the Princess is?" Pinking grabbed her head from behind as she was pulled Sunset back to look at her eyes, "Sure, shes with Twily and little woona in the Royal Quarters!" Sunset jumped up, "they're both here, then... then... " was all she said, before sprinting out the door past a surprised Rarity walking into the room. "My word, Sunset!" Rarity said, shouting down the hallway, "Slow down dear, you're going to cause an accident," though it fell on deaf ears as Sunset had already run around the corner and down toward the Princesses Quarters. With a shake of her head, she went to sit down and take the last muffin that was being save for her, though as she reached across the table an arm snaked its way from underneath the white cloth and snatched the treat under the table before an audible "nom" was heard. Rarity looked aghast at the action as Aj shook her head, "I guess Pinkie didn't have her morning cake then with all that has happened, I didn't need the muffin anyway, I have been trying to slim down for summer anyways I guess..." "so tell me Tia, how long have you been training your Apprentice? she seemed quite adept at magic and had a very raw amount from what I could feel." Celestia smiled at the many memories running through her head, "Since her childhood, she was one of my maid's children, sadly the maid had passed away and I saw talent in young Sunset. Instead of letting her raw talent go to waste I took her under wing as a student... as well as a daughter," with a smile she felt Luna rise up and look at her. "I have a not only one but two nieces, with possibly a third? When will we meet her then Tia?" Luna said with a face splitting grin, " we wish to meet her immediatly! right now!" Twilight smiled at Lunas childlike antics, knowing it to just be her finally letting her feelings be known instead of repressing herself, "yes Tia, please do call on young Sunset so we can get a good look at our dear-" All of a sudden the door to the room swung open as a frazzled looking Sunset appeared, just before her face turned ghost white, grabbing the door and slowly closing it. Celestia sighed as she waited a few seconds, before the door opened again with a less panic looking Sunset who came into the room, twiddling her thumbs, before bowing, "Princess I-" Celestia got up from the suite and came over to Sunset, standing behind her with her hands on her shoulder making Sunset stop mid-sentence, "Sisters, I would like you to meet your niece, Sunset Shimmer!" She said with a smile. Sunset looked flabbergasted as she was all but pile drived by Luna with a giggle, "Hello young one, we art your Aunt Luna!" the young looking girl said, a head height smaller than Sunset herself. "er... Hi," was all Sunset could say before she saw the woman in a purple dress raise from the opposite suite her mother sat upon, "Hello dear, its a pleasure to meet my sister's daughter, I am Twilight, or if you prefer you could call me Aunty?" Sunset shook her head, "I could never Princess! I-" Celestia chuckled before patting Sunset on the back, turning to Twilight, "I told you people would be confused big sister, even your own niece believes you to be a Princess." Shaking her head, Twilight felt as Luna stood ahold onto her leg beside her, "we are family Sunset, there is no need for barriers, as well as the fact that I am no Princess." Twilight told, brushing Luna on the top of the head and receiving a full smile in return, "so please, can you call us by name?" Sunset seemed to struggle with the idea of not calling the Princess' Princess, even her own Mother, though, in the end, she acquiesced. "I guess I could do that, A-Aunty Twilight," she said with a stumble of words before she could feel Luna back on her stomach again with childlike wonder expecting something, "a-and you too, Aunty Luna," with a smile, she hugged Luna back. Unbeknownst to the four in the room, the rest of Sunsets friends and Sugar herself was peeking into the room, all Daw'ing at the scene within the room, even dash, though if you were to ask her she would deny it.