• Published 2nd Nov 2015
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Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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805 - Sortie of Spells

The beast within Lex howled in glee as he leaped at Sissel, relishing in the chance to finally indulge its killer instinct.

Lex made no attempt to suppress those urges the way he had for the last few days, allowing the savage desire to rend and tear his enemies into bloody pieces to fill his mind. Indeed, he deliberately allowed them to saturate his thoughts, focusing on how he could best use all of his powers and abilities to slaughter everyone who stood against him.

The result was a tenuous alliance between his higher self and the beast within, and when a roar poured forth from his throat in mid-leap – soaring over the kneeling adlets to pounce directly onto Sissel, the snow giant grimacing as she tried too late to bring her axe up to intercept his unexpected assault – it was one of triumph as much as bloodlust.

Do it now, Solvei!

Without hesitation, the winter wolf obeyed his command, putting into practice the plan her master had fed her in those last few moments before he attacked. Concentrating fiercely, she dug deep into the reservoir of magical strength that she’d gained as a result of their bond, using it to empower her ice magic.

Immediately, seracs identical to her own formed beneath each of the kneeling adlets, the magic imbued in the frozen platforms keeping their passengers from slipping off. Not hesitating, Solvei immediately gestured toward the blind corner behind her, mentally directing the icy conveyances she’d created and sending them hurrying in that direction. Master, they’re almost clear! But I won’t be able to get them very far! Making so many of those seracs at once means that they won’t last long before dissolving!

Just get them to out of immediate danger! Then kill everyone else here!

Lex didn’t bother replying any further, instead digging the talons of his back legs deeper into Sissel’s cuirass, having latched onto the snow giant’s torso. Of his foreclaws, one was sunk deep into the meat of her right bicep, causing her to grimace as she kept her weapon up, having managed to get the haft of her axe between the two of them. His other claw gripped the weapon just below the head of it, directly above her right hand, and struggled to push it backward so that he could close the last few inches of distance between them and sink his teeth into her face.

As he’d hoped, his new appearance and unexpected frontal assault had caught Sissel by surprise, allowing him to get in close before she’d been able to bring her magic to bear. Better yet, her sisters and the venedaemons seemed equally off-guard, and although Lex knew they’d recover in a matter of seconds, that would hopefully be enough time for Solvei to get the adlets away-

Recovering from its own shock, the tiny sphinx on Sissel’s shoulder – whom Lex recognized as having held the mirror from which she’d projected her illusory image in their last confrontation – let out a scream of terror, turning and leaping to the ground as it ran for cover.

The sound seemed to shake everyone else out of their stupor, and Vidrig charged forward, giving a guttural cry as she dashed over, bringing her own axe into Lex’s side. It hit with enough force to split stone, but Lex barely felt the strike, his new body, magic items, and defensive spells absorbing nearly all of the damage.

But it managed to dislodge his claws just enough that Sissel, muscles straining as she grunted with effort, was able to fling him off of her.

Immediately, Grisela and the venedaemons all cut loose with their magic.

In the space of a few seconds, Lex was assaulted by storms of ice, beams of fire, bolts of lightning, and gouts of acid. They shot in from every direction, and out of his peripheral vision Lex could see several venedaemons popping into being even as others faded away, proving that he’d been correct about the creatures using invisibility and illusions to disguise their real positions.

But Lex had no time to congratulate himself on his foresight as he did his best to weather the onslaught of magic. Diving through an explosion of super-cooled air – none of which harmed him in the slightest, thanks to a ward against cold which Solvei had previously placed on him – he leaped in place, body contorting in ways his pony-self never would have been able to as he did his best to dodge a trio of blazing rays of searing heat.

He wasn’t entirely successful, the first two missing him only for the last to graze along his side. The beam was hot enough to make him grit his teeth, but he ignored the pain, knowing that it was only a minor wound. The creature he’d merged with had been completely immolated by his own magic, only to shrug it off. The venedaemons’ would have needed dozens upon dozens of heat rays before he’d be in any real danger from them.

But it was the first of what he knew would be a series of attacks that were slipping past his defenses. There were simply too many for him to dodge them all, even if he ignored the ones to which he had heightened resistance. A pressurized spray of acid caught him on the shoulder before he could roll away. A lightning bolt grazed his flank faster than he could avoid it. A volley of force missiles battered away at his defensive enchantments, momentarily staggering him as they shattered against his personal shields.

And those were just the attacks that he could physically avoid. His magical senses registered just as many esoteric attacks being directed at him, trying to wear him down in other ways. Two different attempts to artificially dull his reaction speed were shaken off, followed immediately by a nauseating display of color exploding directly in front of his eyes, forcing him to squeeze them shut. Knowing better than to stop moving, Lex relied on instinct alone to carry him forward as a fear spell, a charm spell, and a vertigo spell all broke against his mental defenses.

Opening his eyes a second later, he risked a glance behind him as the volley of magic died away, seeing that the seracs carrying the adlets had reached Solvei’s position. Another two seconds, maybe three, and they’d be around the corner and out of immediate danger.

Returning his attention to his enemies, Lex let a feral grin cross his lips. “Is that the best you can do?”

Her mouth set in a grim line, Sissel regarded him silently for a moment, then turned to her sister. “Grisela.”

Leveling her black ice staff at Solvei, the hag let out a shriek. “Take the she-wolf!”

Solvei tensed, and Lex registered her apprehension spiking, certain that she was about to be subjected to the same barrage of spells that he was. But he knew she could handle it; the trick would be keeping the seracs moving – since they operated by her mental commands – while making sure that none of the adlets were harmed by-

That was when the adlets, moving in unison, leaped from the frozen platforms bearing them away and dogpiled Solvei.

Yotimo was the only one who didn’t obey, groaning and hunching over as he rolled off of his serac, looking like he was injured despite the lack of any visible wounds. But the other adlets all pounced on Solvei without hesitation, breaking the cords which had bound their hands behind their backs as though they were made of tissue paper.

“Wh-what’re you doing?!” shrieked Solvei as her own people tackled her. “Stop! STOP!”

None of them listened to her, their faces expressionless and their voices silent as they threw themselves at her. Despite Solvei’s increased size, being twice as large as the rest of them, she hadn’t been prepared to be tackled anymore than Sissel had. As one adlet after another leaped at her, grabbing at any handhold they could find, she shrieked, swayed, and finally toppled off of her own serac, the bipedal lupines immediately moving to pin her down.

Now it was Lex’s turn to be shocked, not having expected that to happen. He’d scanned the adlets for magic, and found nothing on any of them, so what was going on?!

“This is your last chance.” Sissel’s voice made Lex turn away from Solvei’s predicament, the snow giant having taken a fighting stance, axe raised to a ready position. “I’d prefer not to let Mother down, but I’m growing tired of your obstinance. Cease fighting and go to Hvitdod’s lair, or I’ll kill you and your bitch here. It’s your choice.”

Lex paused, glancing back at Solvei again. Trying to fight so many enemies was already a daunting task. Trying to fight them in addition to the same people they’d come here to save would be much harder, especially when he didn’t know why-

“Off! I said get OFF!” One of Solvei’s arms came up then, throwing the adlet holding it bodily through the air. Arms cartwheeling, he came down hard, head slamming against a particularly jagged rock.

The impact caved the back of his skull in.

A second later, the downed adlet got up and threw himself back into the press of bodies, seemingly unaware of the fatal injury that he’d just taken.

The sight made Lex inhale sharply. Solvei, they’re not adlets!


Puppets! explained Lex, staring at the damaged creature’s head injury.

Where there should have been blood and brains seeping out the back of its cranium, there was only ice and snow.

They’re Grisela’s puppets!

Darting backward, Lex made a beeline for Solvei’s position. From his vantage point, he could see Yotimo struggling to get up, a trickle of blood coming from his nose as a result of his fall. That confirmed that he, at least, was who he appeared to be. But none of the others displayed any hints that they were actually alive, and as Solvei’s thrashing grew heavier in response to his warning, he could see more injuries appear on her attackers, all revealing nothing more than frozen water underneath.

Grisela’s puppets are magical constructs, but none of them had spell auras around them! Which means she or Sissel or one of the venedaemons knows the spell to suppress magical emanations! Darting toward the press of bodies as fast as he could, Lex cursed his own stupidity. Sissel even said that she knew I was checking them for magical auras! And I was so caught up in the ones I could see, it didn’t occur to me to look any deeper at what I couldn’t!

Getting close enough, Lex called upon their bond, teleporting Solvei. But not to his side; instead, he placed her as close as he could to Yotimo’s position, the enlarged wolf appearing with a gasp of surprise. Solvei, Yotimo looks to be the only one who’s real! Get him and get out of here!

What? Clamoring to her feet, Solvei tried to orient herself. Master, wait-

Just grab him and go! Once you’re far enough away, summon an ice elemental to guard him! I’ll summon you back once you do!

I...I underst-

“Have it your way, then.”

Sissel’s voice was followed by heavy footsteps, as she darted forward faster than someone of her bulk should have been able to, her free hand gesturing rapidly as she murmured the words of a spell. Lex had just enough time to recognize it as one that would inflict a particularly virulent poison on whomever she touched...and then the snow giant was on him.

In an instant, Lex called upon his horn’s magic to turn into a shadow...but the creature inside of him rebelled at that, furious at how he’d been retreating instead of pressing his attack. Momentarily torn, Lex found himself unable to act, and that was all the opening that Sissel needed, her hand coming around to seize him by the throat. Her fingers grasping him just above the hem of his cloak, Lex could feel a tingling against his skin as the poison set in.


GO! Out of his periphery, he could see the collection of adlet-puppets already picking themselves up and starting toward where Solvei was. Likewise, the venedaemons were already in the midst of casting more spells, and Grisela and Vidrig were both moving up to support Sissel. You wanted to save your precious people, didn’t you?! So grab the one that’s here and go! NOW!

Whimpering, Solvei hesitated for the briefest instant before turning and dashing toward where Yotimo was lying. Lifting him as though he were a child, she darted across the blind corner, barely managing to avoid a spray of acid from one of the venedaemons on the cliff’s edge as she slipped out of sight.

Knowing he had to cast his poison-retardation spell as soon as he could, Lex didn’t wait a second longer, channeling power into his horn. Inwardly, his beast snarled again, but this time he was ready for it, managing to quell its anger. This might be a defensive tactic, but it’s one I can use to attack!

A second later he turned incorporeal, slipping out of Sissel’s grasp.

But he had already turned solid again before he hit the ground.

And then he was incorporeal again, rapidly blinking back and forth from shadow to flesh, looking like he was under a strobe effect as he slowly stood up.

The last time he’d used this, he’d been told by the ponies who’d witnessed it that it was particularly intimidating. Sissel, however, seemed unimpressed as she hefted her axe, unwilling to give him the time he needed to cast a spell. “Nice trick, but it won’t save you. Whether it’s by magic, poison, or just being cut to pieces, you’re still going to die. Just like your wolf.”

She punctuated her statement with a swing of her weapon, the blade arcing out in a horizontal slash before he’d finished righting himself.

But it took less than a thought for Lex to adjust the timing of his shifting, and the axe caught him at a moment when he’d turned into a shadow. The impact still hurt – the blade was clearly magical, and so was able to damage him even in his incorporeal state – but it was far less damaging that it would have been had he been solid.

Even better, Sissel was momentarily off-balance, overcorrecting from her swing having encountered no resistance despite having scored a hit. In response, Lex reared up and brought his claws across her face, again timing it perfectly so that his talons were solid as they tore into her alabaster cheeks.

“My bond with Solvei was too strong for you to kill.”

Cursing, Sissel stumbled back, her free hand coming up to where he’d cut her.

Her fingers came away wet with blood.

The sight made the monster inside him howl in joy, and Lex bared his teeth, the two of them once again in consensus.

“And so am I.”

Author's Note:

The battle between Lex and Sissel is joined!

With each side having managed to surprise the other in their opening exchanges, who will emerge victorious?

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