• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,193 Views, 10,244 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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237 - Invisible Scars

One of them was a liar.

Nosey knew that one of the ponies around her was just pretending, going through the motions of being normal. Slowly, she swept her eyes over everypony in the café, looking at each of them for only a fraction of a second before moving on. She couldn’t stare at any one of them for too long, couldn’t let her eyes linger to the point where they’d make eye contact, or they’d know that she knew. They’d know that she knew what was going on, and then whichever one of them was that monster would come and get her…

Just the thought of that happening made her stomach churn in terror, and she lightly pushed her half-eaten lunch away, the sight of it nauseating her. For an instant she thought of getting up and heading to the bathroom, but she couldn’t move, couldn’t draw attention to herself. Not if she wanted to avoid its notice. Instead, she choked her discomfort down, taking deep breaths and shakily sipping some water as she fought to regain control over herself. Normal. I just have to act normal and it won’t see me.

One of them was that monster in disguise. One of them was another pony, trapped in their own body and screaming silently the way she had been, unable to do anything as they were used for its plans, its enjoyment. Which of them was it? She knew that it was one of them but which one?! She had to know, had to figure out which of them she needed to get away from…

There was an elderly unicorn stallion on the balcony, reading his newspaper as he sipped his tea. Was it him? Had he been staring at the same page too long, just pretending to read? Or was it the mare across the room, talking to some friends of hers? Her smile seemed just a touch too wide, her laughter slightly too loud to be natural. Or maybe the waiter, going around to each table to check on the patrons. Hadn’t he just made his rounds a few minutes ago? Wasn’t he more interested than he should have been, lingering at each table just a moment longer than was polite? Or maybe the colt eating his lunch a few seats away…had he just glanced at her?

A moment later she realized what was happening, and the sense of horror that enveloped her then was so overwhelming that she couldn’t even scream. It was toying with her, and had been all along! It wasn’t just one of the ponies here, it was all of them! They were all under its control, and it was making them pretend to act normal while introducing just enough flaws in their actions to let her figure it out, all for its own amusement!

I have to get out of here! All of a sudden her limbs worked again, primal instincts kicking in as she scrambled to get up. What had she been thinking? She’d deliberately sat down in a booth tucked into the back corner of the café so that she’d have her back to a wall, but now she felt trapped. Cornered. The space around her felt so cramped that she could barely breathe. Reflexively, she reached for her purse, trying not to pant in terror as she hastily drew out some coins and tossed them on the table. She had to go NOW! The door to the stairwell was on the other side of the room, too far to get to, but there was a window nearby. They were only on the second floor; if she leaped out it, she’d be able to get away. Lurching to her hooves, she took a step-

They were looking at her.

Each and every one of them was staring at her. All conversation, all movement, had stopped. Instead they were simply looking at her with blank expressions. Somehow that was more frightening than if they had been frowning or leering, and she froze again even though she knew it was the wrong thing to do. No no no please sweet Celestia no!

“Where do you think you’re going, Nosey?” the elderly stallion on the balcony asked. It took her a moment to realize that he was speaking in the voice of the monster’s left head.

When she didn’t respond, the mare sitting at the table with her friends spoke up next. “We have so much to catch up on,” she said in the feminine tones of the right head, a long black tongue snaking out to lick her lips.

“And once you’re done telling me everything,” smiled the waiter, his voice androgynous just like the middle head, “you know what’ll happen next?”

“No…!” Her sob was one of protest rather than denial. She wanted to lunge for the window, wanted to jump out it and run for all she was worth, but she couldn’t bring herself to move. She knew that if she tried it would get her, and she’d give anything to stop that from happening again, even for just another few seconds. She knew it was foolish, knew it wasn’t rational, but rational thought was beyond her now, leaving her unable to do anything but shake and whimper as tears spilled from her eyes. “No no no!”

“yES yOu Do,” screeched the colt, slowly standing and moving toward her. His face wasn’t that of a pony anymore. Instead, his entire head had transformed into a fang-filled ringed maw, the orifice contracting and releasing as it spoke. “yOU rEmeMbEr fROm lAsT tIMe.” It moved closer, until it was right in front of her, leaning in until its teeth were only inches away from her. “aNd nOW iT’S gONnA hAPpeN aGAiN.”

The scream that tore itself from Nosey’s throat then wasn’t that of a pony. It was the sound an animal made when it was trapped and knew that something unspeakable was about to happen to it. She screamed and screamed and screamed, not seeing the other ponies in the café closing in on her, not seeing the colt in front of her transforming into the monster she feared the most, not seeing the sudden and incongruous appearance of Princess Luna, until screaming was all there was in her universe…

Nosey was still screaming as she woke up.

There were ponies all around her, and she thrashed wildly, trying to escape from what had to be that monster’s thralls bearing down on her. “GET AWAY FROM ME!” she screamed at the top of her lungs. “GET AWAY FROM M-”

Suddenly something heavy landed on her, knocking her to the ground just as she’d gotten her legs under her, and she struggled harder as she recognized it as a body. “Miss Newsy! Stop!” yelled a male voice, and she only dimly recognized it as being different from the monster’s. She tried to scream again, but a hoof covered her mouth before she could. “Stop! You’re safe now!” yelled the voice of the pony on top of her. “Miss Newsy! You’re safe!” She heard the words, but they barely registered to her. She obviously wasn’t safe, so why was it taunting her like this?!

She put everything she had into breaking free then, wrapping her telekinesis around the stallion on top of her and pushed upward while simultaneously trying to get her legs under her. In response, she felt her attacker struggle harder, trying mightily to stop her from getting up. “Help me hold her down!” he yelled, and a moment later she felt several more bodies press down on her, their combined weight easily forcing her back to the ground. For an instant she kept struggling, trying to scream again, but it was useless, and then she went limp, squeezing her eyes shut to try and block out what was about to happen as sobs began to uncontrollably spill out of her, muffled by the hoof over her mouth.

But as the seconds ticked by, she didn’t feel the horrible sense of something evil slipping inside her, nor the expected loss of control over her body. Instead, the ponies keeping her pinned down just…held her there. “I think she’s calming down,” announced the voice again. “Miss Newsy, can you hear me? Do you know who I am?”

Somehow managing to stifle the pitiful sounds coming from her throat, Nosey – more certain now that she knew this voice from somewhere, and that it wasn’t that monster’s – tentatively cracked one eye open. For a second she couldn’t focus on anything, her vision blurred by tears. Blinking, she looked up at the stallion on top of her, and for a moment didn’t recognize him. But then comprehension came back to her, and she realized that he was the doctor that had been treating her before… House Call she suddenly remembered. Doctor House Call.

Suddenly it all came rushing back. Lex had saved her, he’d killed the thing and brought her back, and then Sonata had calmed her down, and they’d handed her off to the doctors. It had been going alright, just a routine exam like any she’d ever had, until one of the nurses had smiled at her in a way that – because of the bad light inside the medical tent – had made her face look vaguely like that horrible thing. Nosey shuddered as she remembered going into a panic then, everyone telling her to calm down and not understanding that she wanted to calm down but couldn’t! Then House Call had injected her with something and then…

Going limp, Nosey somehow managed to make eye contact with the doctor, giving a small nod. He paused, weighing her response, then spoke. “I’m going to withdraw my hoof from your mouth. Please don’t scream.” She nodded again, and a moment later he uncovered her mouth. “I’m sorry. Normally it’s a terrible idea to obstruct a hysterical patient’s mouth, but we can’t have you screaming under the current circumstances.” He motioned to the ponies around them, and they slowly released Nosey, stepping back to give her a little room.

For a moment, she just laid there, not trusting herself to move. It was only after several seconds’ worth of deep breaths that she started to sit up. “Where am I? What hap-” She couldn’t finish, her stomach suddenly clenching harshly as her adrenaline surge ebbed. Doubling over, she started to dry heave, retching as her stomach tried to expel its contents even though it was empty. It took several seconds before the episode ended, and it was with a pained moan that she flopped onto her side, deciding that standing up was a bad idea right now. “What happened?” she tried again.

“You became hysterical while we were treating you, so we had to sedate you,” explained House Call, making sure to keep his voice as level and soothing as possible.

“No, I mean…” She limply waved a hoof toward the night sky. It had been daytime last she remembered. “What’s going on?”

House Call paused just for an instant before answering. “You shouldn’t worry about that right now. You need to focus-”

“Don’t,” she croaked, giving him a pleading look. “Just…tell me what’s happening right now. Please.”

Biting his lip for a moment, House Call sighed. “Lex Legis announced that the ghouls in Vanhoover are about to attack the camp. He and Sonata Dusk are going to intercept them. They gathered everypony here so that he can use a spell to hide us all in the meantime.”

Lex… Just hearing his name made her feel better, and Nosey felt her stomach unclench just a little. He killed it. It’s dead, and it’s not coming back. Repeating the mantra to herself a few times, Nosey unsteadily stood up. “Where is he? I have to see him.”

“He’s over there,” House Call canted his head behind her, “but you can’t go to him right now. He’s casting the spell to protect us. Listen.”

Turning in the indicated direction, Nosey pricked her ears up. Sure enough, she could hear Lex’s voice raised in a chant. Although the words themselves were in some language she didn’t understand, just the sound of him sent waves of relief through her, making her gasp and shudder as her anxiety lessened. House Call was saying something else to her then, telling her what Sonata had told them about needing to be very still and quiet in order for his illusion to fool the undead ponies, but she barely heard him.

All she could think about right then was how badly she wanted to be by her savior’s side.

Author's Note:

Nosey struggles with the trauma Xiriel inflicted on her. Will she be alright?

Meanwhile, Lex continues to invoke his spell to hide everypony, despite knowing the damage it will inflict on him.

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