• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,194 Views, 10,244 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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351 - Besties With Benefits

Her face frozen in a rictus grin, Nosey struggled to wrap her head around what Sonata had just said. “…huh?”

“You and I should totes make out!” repeated Sonata, smiling widely. “That’s, like, absolutely guaranteed to bring Kara running!”

“But…but we’re…I mean, why would…that’s…” sputtered Nosey incoherently. The fact that Sonata had even proposed such an idea was embarrassing enough, but the way she was being so casual about it somehow made it even worse. “W-we can’t do that!” she managed at last.

Blinking, Sonata cocked her head. “Why not?”

“Because…” With no answer coming to mind, Nosey went with the first thing she was able to think of. “Because it won’t work!”

“Aw, sure it will!” Her smile returning, Sonata took a step closer to her. “You said that we could catch Kara’s attention if we did something that has to do with love, and this is, like, perfect! You’re my best friend, and I really love you for that, so if we start going at it then we can totes kick things up a notch! We can be, um…” She paused for a moment, putting a hoof to her chin. “Hm. What comes after besties? Oh! I know!” Her eyes lit up with excitement. “We can be besties with benefits!”

“‘Besties with…b-b-benefits’?” stammered Nosey, her face almost aching from how red she’d become. Does she even know what “with benefits” means?! Swaying dizzily, she suddenly found herself remembering some of the more lurid fantasies she’d had since coming to Vanhoover. Inspired by romance novels, they’d mostly revolved around Lex giving up on Sonata and pursuing her instead…mostly. A few of them had explored more scandalous territory, where Lex – a stallion who was as dominant as he was demanding – didn’t choose between them but instead decided that he wanted them both. And while Nosey was under no illusions that she was knowledgeable about the details of such an arrangement, even she knew that when three people went to bed together, it was unrealistic to expect two of them not to touch each other…

But it was one thing to engage in some titillating fantasies in the privacy of her thoughts, and another to suddenly be confronted by them in broad daylight. Hence why Nosey found herself backing away from Sonata, shaking her head so hard she felt almost dizzy. “No, no way, nuh-uh, not happening!” she babbled, panic causing the words to spill from her lips in rapid succession.

“Aw, but you said you’d help me out!” pouted Sonata, a crestfallen look on her face as her ears folded back. “Please Nosey, I really need to talk to Kara!”

A flash of guilt made Nosey bite her lip, trying to figure out some way to avoid what Sonata was proposing without going back on her offer of assistance. “Look, there has to be something else we can try…”

A helpless shrug accompanied Sonata’s expectant look. “Okay. What?”

“Um…” Nosey wracked her brain, hoping against hope that a flash of inspiration would strike. But as the seconds ticked by, the only thing that came to her was an upswing of nervous tension.

Sonata frowned at the silence. “Look, if you have a better idea I’m, like, all for it,” she huffed. “But if you don’t then I say let’s make with the smooches and see if it works. Now pucker up!” With that she strode toward the blonde mare, clearly intent on locking lips with her.

Nosey immediately began backing up, her heart once again hammering in her chest. “W-wait a second! Sonata, wait a second! We can-, oof!” Her protests were cut off as her back leg hit the edge of a cobblestone that was slightly higher than the ones around it, sending her tumbling to land heavily on her back.

Momentarily dizzied by the fall, there wasn’t anything she could do as Sonata moved to stand over her, planting her hooves on either side of her to prevent her from escaping. “There we go!” cheered Sonata. “Now just relax and enjoy. I don’t wanna brag or anything, but I’m, like, super good at this.”

With that she started to lower her head, and Nosey didn’t have time to think, instead blurting out a half-formed thought. “This is why you’re mad at Lex!”

The words made Sonata stop in mid-motion, her face only a few inches away from Nosey’s. “Huh?”

“Er, I mean…” It took Nosey a few seconds for her brain to catch up to what her mouth had just said. That was made all the more difficult by how close Sonata was; the blue shades of her mane were tumbling down around them, framing a face that she knew belonged to one of the most beautiful mares in all of Equestria. But while she’d never paid too much attention to her friend’s looks before (besides a combination of mild admiration and even milder jealousy), now it was impossible for her to think of anything else, swallowing nervously as she couldn’t help but compare the soft pink of her lips to the raspberry hue of her eyes, both of them set against the gentle bluish white of her coat and oh sweet Celestia what was she thinking about?!

Desperately forcing her brain back on track before Sonata got impatient and closed the last little bit of distance between them, Nosey spoke up. “Think about it,” she gulped. “You’re mad at Lex because he was, you know…g-getting closer to Aria.” That was the best way she could phrase it; right at that moment, saying anything even slightly more explicit was more embarrassing than she could bring herself to do. “So if w-we…you know…do s-stuff, won’t it be the same thing that you’re mad at him for?”

“Pfft, of course not,” scoffed Sonata. “We’re just two best friends kissing a little, but he was gonna go all the way with my sister. That’s, like, totes different!”

“I don’t know if that’s true…” murmured Nosey, unable to meet Sonata’s eyes at the frank description of what was apparently about to happen.

But to her surprise Sonata didn’t try and push things, instead giving her a sympathetic smile. “Hey,” she said gently. “I get it.”

Nosey’s eyebrows went up, not at all sure what Sonata meant by that. “You do?”

“Uh-huh. This is part of how you’re all nervous about everything all the time now because of what happened to you, right?”

It took Nosey a moment to realize that Sonata was talking about Xiriel, mostly because the idea that the devil was the reason she was uncomfortable right now made no sense whatsoever. But Nosey knew better than to give up on a potential exit from the extremely awkward position she was in. “Y-yeah. That’s right.”

“Thought so,” grinned Sonata, quite clearly pleased with her powers of observation, before giving Nosey a warm look. “Well, don’t you worry, I totes don’t want you to do this if you’re feeling freaked out by it.”

A shudder of relief – at least, she was pretty sure it was relief – ran down Nosey’s spine. “Oh. Oh wow, thanks. That’s-”

“So it’s a good thing,” chirped Sonata breezily, “that I’ve got just the spell to get your motor running!” Without further ado, she began to sing a quick tune, her voice turning provocative as the syllables left her lips.

Nosey’s eyes widened in shock, realizing she had just made a serious mistake. She had always accepted Sonata using magic to help her out whenever she’d been overcome with trauma-induced anxiety before, and now Sonata thought she was asking for her to use it on her again! A protest immediately sprang to her lips, but Sonata was faster, finishing her spell before Nosey had a chance to utter a sound.

“There we go,” purred Sonata as she felt her spell take effect. Smiling down at the mare under her, she pitched her idea again. “So, feel like making out with me now?”

Her answer came in the form of Nosey slowly reaching upward – one hoof gently tracing the cascade of soft blue hair upward to caress Sonata’s cheek, before moving further up and curling behind her head – and pulling her down into a passionate kiss.

As soon as Sonata’s lips touched hers Nosey’s eyes fluttered close, a sensual moan escaping her throat. All of her hesitation was completely gone now, replaced by a driving need for the mare standing over her. A second later Sonata leaned down further, deepening the kiss, and Nosey felt herself heat up, a pleasant tingling in her lower belly making her shiver. Then Sonata laid down on top of her, pressing every inch of that soft, perfect, feminine body against hers, and Nosey couldn’t stop herself from bucking her hips upward against her, the sudden spike of pleasure so intense that it made her throw her head back and gasp, eyes wide and staring at nothing as her mind tried to deal with what her body was telling her.

“Atta girl,” murmured Sonata, leaning down to nuzzle her neck. The sensation of Sonata’s tongue on her skin made Nosey cry out in need, but the other mare stopped after a second to speak quietly, her breath hot against Nosey’s throat. “You see this, Kara? You wanna come talk to me now?”

The delay, as Sonata called out to the goddess, was only for a moment, but for Nosey it bordered on agony. She could already feel herself starting to cool down, and the frustration from being brought to such a high only for it to recede was a torture great enough that she didn’t hesitate to beg. “Sonata,” she whimpered. “More! Please!”

Giggling softly, Sonata lifted her head back up. “Sure. We have to try our very best to get her here.” She didn’t hesitate to make good on that, shifting forward enough to rub every inch of herself across Nosey’s body as she resumed kissing her. Almost spasming from the renewed sensations, Nosey found herself moaning into the kiss, and a moment later felt a thrill rush through her when the other mare’s tongue entered her mouth, running over her own and sending shudders down her spine, pooling below her waist. The sensation was enough that for a moment Nosey forgot how to breathe, and that was when Sonata’s lips left hers again, whispering another message to Kara. She might have been encouraging her to call out to her as well, but Nosey was beyond caring. Who needed Kara when there was already a sex goddess right here?

Fortunately, Sonata’s lips found hers again an instant later, and for several long, glorious moments the world was made up of nothing but ecstasy, each wave of pleasure rising and falling in conjunction with the press of their bodies against each other. But eventually, the sensations began to taper off, and Nosey almost cried as the bliss she’d been reveling in began to recede. No! she screamed silently. I want more! I NEED more!

Almost mad with unfulfilled desire, Nosey rolled them both over, holding Sonata close as she moved the other mare onto her back. The move was enough to earn another giggle from Sonata. “Oh wow! You’re, like, really into it, even though my spell’s already worn off!”

But Nosey was beyond paying attention to what was being said, as years of frustrated urges and desperate cravings roared through her, driving away all thoughts except the need for gratification. Hungrily, she leaned down and captured Sonata’s lips again, panting hotly as she bucked and writhed against the soft body underneath her. But it wasn’t enough, and it was a combination of instinct and half-remembered imaginings that made Nosey start to move lower, kissing down to Sonata’s neck, then her chest, then her belly…

Panting from how unexpectedly heated the make out session had become, Sonata only belatedly realized what was about to happen. “Nosey? Nosey, hey, what’re you-, oh!” Her eyes widened and her body shuddered as the blonde mare reached her destination. “OH!”

As it turned out, this wasn’t so different from what Lex and Aria had done after all.

A little while later, Sonata was still on her back, staring up at the sky as she tried to get her breathing under control. Licking her lips, which still tasted of Nosey – in more ways than one – she tried to process what had just happened. “I think,” she began after several seconds of careful consideration, “that it was, like, a really good thing we did all that stretching first.”

No response came, and Sonata glanced over at Nosey. The other mare was close enough to touch, and like Sonata was lying on her back and breathing heavily, draping one foreleg across her eyes and obscuring her face from view. Without meaning to, Sonata found herself watching Nosey’s chest rise and fall, the motions matching the sound of her slightly-labored breathing, so similar to how she’d panted when Lex had touched her during his research sessions to change Aria back…

The thought of her boyfriend and her sister made Sonata frown, looking upward again as she tried to deal with the sudden rush of guilt and confusion about what had just happened with Nosey. Did she still have any right to be mad at Lex and Aria now? Or was this payback, getting even with them for what they’d done? Neither option made her feel better, and she couldn’t help but groan. “Listen, I’m not trying to say anything about what just happened,” she sighed, “but I really wish this had gotten through to Kara. I seriously need to talk to her now.”

“Poor dear. What’s happened that you need my help so badly?”

“Huh?” Blinking, Sonata sat up. The voice had been Nosey’s, and looking over she saw that the blonde mare had shifted, lying on her side and giving her a bemused look. “Uh, Nosey?” asked Sonata tentatively. “You feeling okay?”

“Oh, Nosey’s doing just fine,” answered the other mare, stretching languidly. “She panicked a little bit when I arrived, something about a devil doing this to her before, but I’m talking her down now.” Glancing down between her hind legs as she sat up, the smirk that appeared on her face was very unlike Nosey’s usual smile, chuckling as she turned back to Sonata. “We’re lucky the rules are so different here. Usually it takes a literal death to call me like this, rather than a few ‘little deaths.’”

“Wait, what’s going on?” Climbing to her hooves, Sonata couldn’t keep her confusion off of her face. “Oh geez, did I accidentally blow your mind, too?”

A mellifluous laugh came from Nosey’s lips. “Oh Sonata, I’ve missed you.” Putting a hoof to her chest, she gave her a knowing look. “It’s me. Kara. Thanks to you, I’m able to borrow Nosey’s body for a little bit.”

Sonata’s eyes widened and her jaw dropped. “Wait, Kara?! For realsies?!”

“In the temporarily-adopted flesh,” chuckled the goddess. “Now, tell me what’s troubling you.”

Author's Note:

Sonata and Nosey unexpectedly change their relationship in their attempt to summon Kara. Even more unexpectedly, the summoning works!

What will happen now that Everglow's goddess of love is here?

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