• Published 2nd Nov 2015
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Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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763 - Three Paths to Power

“Tell me why you think I have a blessing from Kara.”

Sanguine Disposition didn’t immediately respond to Lex’s demand, instead eating a spoonful of his bloodfruit. Savoring it for a moment, he reached for his wineglass as soon as he swallowed, closing his eyes as he sipped at the vintage. “It’s the contrast that makes this particular wine go so well with bloodfruit,” he murmured, lightly swirling the glass. “The tartness of the dish is counteracted by the syrinelle’s sweetness, and the mixture of the two on your tongue is just...exquisite.”

Lex glowered at the leather wing, but when Sanguine Disposition opened his eyes, he didn’t lose his relaxed smile. “You should try it before it gets cold,” he urged, nodding toward Lex’s plate. “The piquancy is at its sharpest when it’s still warm.”

When Lex ignored the food in favor of glaring at him, the red-eyed stallion snickered softly. “Or are you worried that the dish is poisoned?”

Lex’s lip curled at that, though in truth the thought had crossed his mind. He had a divine spell that could retard – though not prevent – the onset of poisons, toxins, drugs, and other such substances by several hours, by which time he hoped to be gone from Sanguine Disposition’s presence. But that spell wasn’t available to him right now; he’d used up the magic necessary to cast it when he’d created the food necessary to bring Teyu Yagua under his influence. Just like his dark magic and the Charismata, it would be the better part of a day before that power replenished itself.

But then again, he wasn’t even sure if poison was something he had to worry about at the moment. His physical body was still back on Everglow; the part of him that was in Darkest Night right now was his soul, manifesting as an approximation of his corporeal self, albeit also with copies of everything that had been on his person at the time he’d undergone the Rite of Sublimation. Was that why Sanguine Disposition had been chuckling when he’d broached that idea? Because poison was self-evidently a non-issue in his current incarnation?

Silently cursing his own lack of knowledge, Lex took a moment to weigh his options before telekinetically lifting his spoon.

With no way of measuring the particulars of his current situation, there were only two choices: either continue to play Sanguine Disposition’s game, or discontinue indulging the other stallion’s so-called hospitality and leave, by force if necessary. Both options carried risks, but the latter had a markedly higher chance of precipitating a violent confrontation, and that was still something Lex wanted to avoid. Particularly since all indicators were that, even without Breakdown, Sanguine Disposition wouldn’t be defeated as easily as White Wraith had been.

A pleased sound came from the other stallion’s throat as Lex tried the bloodfruit. “Make sure to follow it with the wine,” he purred, gazing at the unicorn with hooded eyes from across the trio candles that separated them. “I’m curious to know if we have the same taste in what we find delightful.”

Taking a sip of the syrinelle, Lex tried to figure out what response would be most conducive to terminating this line of conversation. “The interplay of flavors was as you described.”

“It’s good to know that I’ve proven my credibility,” teased Sanguine Disposition, pausing to take another bite of his bloodfruit, followed by a sip of wine. “Which,” he continued after another moment of appreciation for the meal, “is why you can be certain that it’s not a case of my ‘thinking’ you have a blessing from Kara. It’s that you absolutely do.”

Lex paused, another portion of bloodfruit halfway to his mouth. “And how, precisely, do you know that?”

“Hmm.” Not replying immediately, Sanguine Disposition continued eating, and after forcing down his frustration at being so clearly toyed with, Lex did the same.

For almost a full minute, the only sound was the soft clinking of their mutual dining, before at last Sanguine Disposition spoke up again. “As one of our goddess’s faithful, I assume you’re familiar with what her religion teaches about the three manifestations of power?”

“...my relationship with the Night Mare has been a matter of pragmatism, rather than faith,” admitted Lex, trying not to grimace. First the Keeper, and now Sanguine Disposition; it was enough to make him regret not having made even a cursory study of the Night Mare’s dogma during his previous sojourns to Everglow.

“Is that so?” mused Sanguine Disposition softly, smirk deepening. “Well, you’re in luck then, since I make a habit of teaching stallions new things.”

Lex’s brow furrowed at that, but the leather wing didn’t give him a chance to say anything before forging ahead. “Power can be defined in many different ways. Some say it’s purely about controlling energy, while others call it the ability to effect change. But the truest form of power, according to the Night Mare, is power over other people. That’s because, unlike energy – which bends to anyone with the ability to manipulate it – and effecting change, which simply alters a dynamic without necessarily guiding it, the wills of others have the capacity to act independently. Ergo, suborning them to your own is an accomplishment beyond simply altering some aspect of your environment; it demonstrates mastery, rather than mere ability.”

A scowl crossed Lex’s face then, but he didn’t protest the doctrine. Before, he would have pointed out the lack of any moral element to what Sanguine Disposition was saying, citing a critical lack of responsibility with regard to how that influence was achieved, or what ends it was put toward. But now, having so recently been shown the futility of his life up until now, he didn’t bother objecting, allowing the red-eyed stallion to continue.

“How, then, does one take control of another?” asked Sanguine Disposition rhetorically. “The Night Mare teaches us that there are three ways: the first is through violence. Whether directly or by implication, wielded against an enemy or something they care about, the prospect of pain, destruction, and death has always been a reliable method of ensuring obedience.”

This time Lex couldn’t help but snort, and Sanguine Disposition made a show of nodding at him. “Ah, I suppose I should have mentioned that method – all of them, really – only work if you’re more resourceful than a potential opponent. Someone who has greater command of a particular application of power won’t be dominated so easily.”

“An important caveat to keep in mind.”

Chuckling again, Sanguine Disposition took a moment to enjoy more of his meal before continuing. “The second form of power is through control of resources. It’s by far the most expansive of the three, as ‘resources’ can be almost anything. Food, water, and shelter are universally recognized as necessities for living. Others use money, magic, or information. What it comes down to is that you’re the one who oversees access to something that others need, or at least want, badly enough that they’ll obey you in order to gain it. Though in some cases that can also include others not wanting something distributed to someone else.”

Memories of Vanhoover came to Lex then, recalling how the ponies there had quickly fallen under his sway when he’d begun passing out the things they’d needed after he’d liberated the city from the monsters infesting it. Food, medicine, and money; even before he’d taken his royal title from that wretch Blueblood, the population had been willing to follow him when they’d recognized his ability to procure the supplies they’d so desperately needed to begin rebuilding their lives.

But those memories, like so many others, were painful to recall now, and Lex found himself eager to change the topic. “And the third form of power?”

Sanguine Disposition arched a brow then, giving Lex a pointed look. “Isn’t it obvious? Charisma.”

Lowering his wineglass from where he’d been having another sip of syrinelle, Lex couldn’t help but sneer. “You can’t be serious.”

“I’m entirely serious,” countered Sanguine Disposition. “Charisma isn’t just a charming smile and a winning personality, you know. It’s an ability to present yourself as being someone special, superior to others in a way that they themselves not only can’t help but acknowledge, but regard with awe rather than envy. It’s what draws sycophants to celebrities, causes soldiers to charge into certain death on a commander’s orders, and makes commoners kneel when kings and priests walk by.”

Frowning, Lex found himself thinking of Princess Celestia then, recalling how she’d been revered by all of Equestria for a thousand years despite having done nothing for her people – besides fight the occasional monster and manage the odd crisis – during that time. The mere sight of her, or any alicorn, had been enough to cause ponies to accept them as royalty, bowing down whenever they caught sight of the unaging monarchs simply because of what they were.

“Of course,” continued the leather wing, taking another bite of his bloodfruit, “the most effective rulers command more than just one form of power. Violence, by itself, eventually inspires a revolt. Control of resources fails when alternative resources are discovered. Charisma alone isn’t enough to overcome a more direct challenge to one’s authority. Hence why the strongest leaders are those that have all three, and the most successful of the strong are those who make sure to reinforce those forms of power among the groups that they control.”

That last part struck a chord with Lex. “You’re referring to institutionalization.”

“Precisely!” Flashing Lex a grin, Sanguine Disposition took another sip of his wine. “The idea that laws must be obeyed or there will be punishments administered is nothing more than the threat of violence writ large. Control of resources at the societal level is a combination of taxation, acquisition and distribution of goods, and control over management processes. And charisma, the most ephemeral, can be turned into a cultural value where certain positions and individuals are revered as a part of a group’s collective identity.”

Lex pondered that for a moment, but any attempt to put what he’d been told into a practical context made him think more about Equestria, and he’d already grown sick of doing that. “What does any of this have to do with what you said about my having Kara’s blessing?”

Pausing as he ate the last of his bloodfruit, Sanguine Disposition leaned back in his chair. “As the exemplar of all three forms of power, the Night Mare encourages those who worship her to develop those strengths. Or at least, to support those that do if they determine that they’re personally unable to ascend to such heights. But to that end, she can also imbue certain mortals with the qualities that she herself possesses.”

Again, Lex was able to infer what his dinner partner was hinting at. “You’re referring to the Charismata.”

“It’s the third form of power, taken to a godly extreme,” nodded Sanguine Disposition. “As the nature of the divine is to rewrite parts of reality through force of will, your possession of a sliver of the Night Mare’s own godly essence allows you to, essentially, over-awe certain aspects of reality that she claims dominion over. Eldritch beasts, which are part of her divine portfolio, will – unless they command incredible power – be forced to obey your orders, will gain new powers or have their existing ones augmented if you wish them to be, and will even pledge their souls to you if you demand it of them. All because their essential nature recognizes that you’re beyond them, and submits accordingly.”

This time Lex had to fight down a wince, thinking of Solvei. Either Sanguine Disposition didn’t notice, or pretended not to, refilling his wineglass. “Of course, you can use the Charismata to exert your influence over certain other parts of existence, but those won’t work nearly as well. Mortal bodies can only hold so much power, after all, so it’s no surprise that even the greatest blessing is sharply limited compared to the full range of even a minor god’s might.”

The Keeper’s words came to mind then, the floating skull having asked why Lex hadn’t used the Charismata to sanctify the area, or his companions’ gear, before fighting Sissel and her siblings. Given how recently he’d learned that he could do more than control certain creatures’ motor functions, Lex had been keenly aware of the implication that he still hadn’t learned the full range of what the Charismata could do.

Now Sanguine Disposition was lending that idea further credence.

But the leather wing wasn’t finished delivering revelations just yet.

“For what it’s worth, I can sympathize if you find the Charismata’s limitations frustrating,” he added lightly, leaning back in his chair. “I would have preferred something more substantive than ferrying out hidden truths, which is a form of resource-control, but we don’t get to choose what sort of blessings we receive.”

Pausing as he finished the last of his wine, Lex slowly lowered his glass, staring at the red-eyed stallion as a chill went down his spine. “...what?”

“That’s how I knew you have a blessing from Kara,” answered Sanguine Disposition lightly.

“The same way the Night Mare gave you the Charismata, she gave me the Secreta.”

Author's Note:

Sanguine Disposition reveals that he has a blessing from the Night Mare also!

Does this mark him as a potential ally for Lex? Or a rival?

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