• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,194 Views, 10,244 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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257 - Only So Much

“You don’t have to worry, you know. Sonata’s going to be fine.”

Nosey’s comment was enough to make Lex pause in mid-stride, stumbling slightly. “How-”

“-do I know you’re worried?” Nosey’s smile was only a shadow of her usual boisterous grin, but the similarity was still there. “Well, besides the fact that you freaked out when you heard that she’d left without you, you’ve glanced northward five times in the two minutes we’ve been outside.”

Lex huffed lightly, feeling vaguely upset at how completely she’d read him. “I was going to ask how you could be so sure she’s alright,” he muttered churlishly. As he spoke, he started moving again, closing the distance between himself and Severance. He could have simply reached out and grasped the scythe with his telekinesis to draw it to him, but he wanted to overlook the site of the battle from last night. Even so, he kept one eye on Nosey, unwittingly betraying his interest in her answer.

Still keeping herself pressed against him, she bit back a laugh at how transparent he was. But her grin faded away a moment later, and her eyes slid to the ground as she spoke. “Xiriel told me.”

Despite the fact that he was less than ten feet from Severance, Lex came to a halt again, giving Nosey his undivided attention. “What?”

Glancing around self-consciously, Nosey confirmed that nopony else was around them before she started speaking again, taking a deep breath. “When…when I was possess-…” She had to stop, and Lex felt a shudder run through her as she closed her eyes. Her distress was obvious enough that he wondered if he should do something to try and ease her anxiety, only to come to the conclusion that he had no idea what to do. But Nosey answered that question for him a second later, when her horn began to glow.

A matching aura instantly came to life around his right fore-hoof, and Lex struggled to maintain his balance as she raised it off the ground, causing him to lean against her more as a result. Even as he did, she pulled his leg around her shoulders, making him embrace her while one of her own forelegs copied the gesture and curled around him. The entire thing barely took a second, and Lex blinked as he found himself in a mutual embrace with the blonde mare. “Nosey?”

“I’m sorry,” she murmured, the tension in her voice audible despite her face being buried against his neck. “I’m sorry, just…please let me do this. Please.”

“Uh…sure.” If it had been anypony else, Lex would have shoved them away with a snarl. But coming from one of the few ponies he cared about, and knowing that Nosey’s bewildering actions were the result of what she’d suffered at Xiriel’s metaphorical hooves (even if he couldn’t understand why that was causing her to act like this), the combination of uncertainty and guilt was enough to override his natural inclinations, leaving him feeling awkward and self-conscious as he let Nosey do what she needed to. Glancing around, he felt certain that more than a few pairs of eyes were on them, even if everypony else was keeping well away from the edge of last night’s battle.

It took a minute before Nosey finally released him, and even then she made no move to separate her body from his, simply ending the hug with a soft sigh. “Sorry about that. I’m okay now,” she said with a smile that anypony else would have been able to identify as completely fake.

Lex, however, took her statement at face value. “How do you know Sonata is alright?” he prompted.

Nosey’s smile wavered for a moment, but she nodded briskly. “When I was possessed,” she began, keeping her voice level despite breaking eye contact with him, “Xiriel spoke directly into my mind. Most of what it said was j-just…just to be cruel, but it-” With visible effort, Nosey kept herself from falling apart. “It talked about the other monsters around Vanhoover. It mentioned the ghouls, and it mentioned the sahuagin and Tlerekithres-”

“Who?” Lex interrupted, alarmed at the unfamiliar name.

“The kraken,” explained Nosey. “The Great Lord of the Deep. Its real name was Tlerekithres.”

Lex’s eyes narrowed. “If it knew that…”

“They were working together,” nodded Nosey. “Not very much; it was more like they were using each other, but Xiriel made it sound like they were coordinating things, at least a little.” She looked back at him then, wanting to make sure her next point was as clear as could be. “But Lex, those are the only other monsters Xiriel talked about. The ghouls and the sea creatures. That’s it.” She waved a hoof toward the north. “There’s nothing out there that’s a threat to Sonata.”

“You’re sure about that?” pressed Lex. “You’re absolutely certain?”

“Yes. The closest it came to anything like that was letting it slip that it manipulated a few other ponies to keep Vanhoover cut off from the rest of Equestria – I don’t know who – but that’s all.”

Lex frowned, not liking the possible implications of that particular revelation, but there was nothing he could do about it now. Moreover, while Nosey’s testimony was informative, that didn’t mean it was necessarily iron-clad. The devil had been a skilled prevaricator and manipulator, and there might be other monsters out there that it hadn’t known about. But still…Lex couldn’t help but feel a tightness in his chest loosening as he weighed what Nosey had told him. Sonata’s going to be fine, he told himself, and although the anxiety didn’t completely go away, it regressed to tolerable levels. “Did it give you any other useful information? Anything at all?”

Nosey thought for a moment, then shook her head. Lex considered pressing her for a moment, but let it go. Nosey was a reporter; her special talent was to find pertinent information and disseminate it. If she didn’t think that she had any other useful information, then she was most likely correct. That, and he didn’t want to do anything that could cause her to break down again.

Instead, he turned his attention to Severance, idly floating a few feet away from him. Crossing the last few feet to it, he telekinetically took hold of the weapon and laid it across his back. “Report,” he demanded curtly. A moment later the scythe complied, though its report consisted of there being nothing to report; there had been no activity that it had detected during the night. Lex didn’t bother replying, instead turning his attention to the site of the pitched battle that had occurred here only a few hours ago.

Now that the sun was out, the full extent of the ghouls’ annihilation was plainly visible, and the sight was a gruesome one. Closest were the bodies of the undead ponies that had gotten past Severance to engage him and the others in battle directly; they were numerous enough that it looked as though someone had exhumed an entire graveyard and tossed the inhabitants haphazardly about. But as macabre as the piles of decaying bodies were, beyond them was far worse.

The field to the west of the camp had been splattered – there was simply no other word for it – with the remains of the ghoul army. Spreading out in a semi-circle that had to be over a hundred feet in radius, the ground was entirely hidden beneath what was left of the undead ponies. Some of them had merely been sliced in half, and Lex could see numerous intact torsos among the carnage. But those were the exceptions; the vast majority simply hadn’t been able to retain nearly as much cohesion in the face of Severance’s destructive force, their rotted bodies having been reduced to pieces. Heads, hooves, shriveled organs, and other body parts were strewn about chaotically, all spread among a layer of offal and gore.

Lex swept his eyes over all of it, inured to the horror of what he was looking at. We need to start the cleanup today, he decided. The stench was already starting to gather, thanks to the summer heat. By this time tomorrow it would be unbearable, and the presence of scavengers and disease would follow in very short order. First, he’d need to-

“Can we go?” murmured Nosey, and it was then that Lex realized she’d closed her eyes, not looking at the field of bodies in front of them. Giving a grunt of acknowledgment, Lex turned around, leading her away from the place. Opening her eyes as they headed back toward everypony else, Nosey gave a sigh of relief. “So, what happens now?”

“Now I put everypony to work,” replied Lex immediately. “The remaining bits will be divided up among teams who will be dispatched to all of the nearby farms in order to buy food. Meanwhile, others will be sent into Vanhoover to acquire more necessities. We’ll take more bits from some of the local banks to supplement our cash on hoof, as well as see what medical supplies can be scavenged.” He glanced backward briefly before he continued. “And shovels. A great many shovels.”

“Can’t you just make those with those black crystals of yours?”

“I could,” acknowledged Lex. “But they wouldn’t last for more than an hour, and recreating them over and over would be unduly burdensome.” Even if he channeled additional magic through himself, trying to make enough equipment to dig a mass grave of the size they’d need would deplete him long before they’d displaced sufficient earth, let along moved the bodies and subsequently filled the hole. Would that I could just invent a spell for this, he thought irritably, knowing that the current circumstances made such a prospect unfeasible.

Inventing a spell to increase his personal fortitude so as to channel additional magic through his body – allowing him to feed everypony the morning after he’d arrived here – had been inordinately difficult. With no materials or reagents to test the practical applications of his research, no supplementary materials besides his own notes to abet his mental calculations, no dedicated work environment in which to perform field testing, and numerous other suboptimal conditions working against him, it had been nothing short of miraculous that he had managed to succeed…and even then, that had only been due to his being personally familiar with the spell effect he was trying to create, having both seen it and experienced it before.

All of that…and it had not only still taken multiple days to complete, but it had resulted in his inflicting severe injuries on himself. To try and create a more powerful spell – one that could displace tons of earth – in less time, with less references and materials, since there was nothing like that on Xiriel’s scroll…it would be a complete waste of time and effort at best; at worst, it would court disaster. More than that, it would require him to ignore virtually everything else in the meantime, and that simply wasn’t acceptable. There were too many circumstances that needed his personal attention. Aria’s transmogrification being one of them. Another was that the ponies being led back into Vanhoover to gather money and supplies would be led by him personally; this time he’d allow no opportunity for some X-factor to injure more of his people-

“Um, Mr. Legis?”

Lex glanced over at House Call as the medical pony called his name, a hesitant look on his face. The sight of him brought something else to mind, another task that needed to be dealt with, and which – unlike so many others – could be taken care of immediately. “Bring Spit Polish to me,” blurted Lex before the doctor had a chance to keep talking.

The order clearly caught the other stallion off-guard. “I’m sorry?” He sent a glance at Nosey in a silent query for more information, but the mare shrugged and shook her head.

“Bring the would-be assassin to me,” repeated Lex. “I’m going to hand down his sentence right now.”

Author's Note:

Lex contemplates what to do next, and reflects on why he can't just use magic to solve everything, before preparing to punish Spit Polish.

What will he do to him?

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