• Member Since 12th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Last Friday

Impossible Numbers

"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying, And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying."


Sunset Shimmer owns this world. She can do whatever she likes, play whatever games are devised, run around in a high-tech simulation the like of which has never been seen, smelled, heard, touched, or tasted before. And why wouldn’t she, when the Spirit of Chaos himself is her own personal game master?

But sooner or later, all good games must come to an end…

Contestant for the Sunset Shipping Contest: Endings. Further details are available via this link.

Chapters (2)

This is a world in which Gods rule their cities. Magic is a divine manifestation of nature's power. Demons – both figurative and real – lurk in the shadows.

Sunset Shimmer – unparalleled thief, master of the arts, and a magical prodigy – worships the brightest and the warmest of all Gods. More than worships, in fact: six years, all born from one strange and terrifying encounter, have fuelled a fire in her heart that will never die.

If only the same could be said about her. For surely, mortals and Gods were never meant to fall in love.

Inspired by, but not a contestant for, the Sunset Shipping Contest: Changing Seasons. Further details are available via this link.

Chapters (6)

Sunset: devotee of fire, mage of the flame. Sea Swirl: water shaman, mage of the sea. Neither seems to be a good fit for the other, yet time has forged their bond unbreakable. However, once they both journey into the deep…

Written for the Sunset Shimmer Shipping Contest: Journeys.

Chapters (1)

There is one moon, with two sides. There is one planet, its partner. There is nothing else.

A runaway and a wizard, Sunset knows about the duality of a cold and careless cosmos. The cruellest of all is the one that separates life and death. Now her life is intertwined with those of a humble farming family. And nowhere is that more evident than with the infuriating, stubborn, lively, and heroic Applejack.

Until one fateful time, when life gives way to the other side of the coin.

Sunset broke the rules once before. She's willing to break them again. Or she'll break her spirit trying. There is no third choice.

Contestant for the Sunset Shipping Contest: Changing Seasons. Further details are available via this link.

Chapters (7)