• Member Since 20th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen Jan 31st, 2019


Brony who likes fan-fic reading/writing.


Princess Celestia has her mind set on a mid-morning snack but a concerned Luna wants her to work out with her in Canterlot's gym. With not enough time for both activities, can Celestia come out of this predicament with her cake and her sanity intact?

Chapters (1)

Things have been going great for Babs Seed since she started her own Cutie Mark Crusaders chapter in Manehattan. She's met and befriended four other fillies who share her goal of obtaining cutie marks. But when a pair of prospective foals from neighboring Bucklyn think about joining, Babs learns that bullying comes in forms other than being blank-flanked.

Takes place just after "Apple Family Reunion".

Cover art by Spirit Shift

Chapters (6)

(Second-person fic)

You are a school-age colt who hates Hearts and Hooves Day with a passion and wishes the holiday would leave as soon as it arrives. All that changes when you run into the local bully Diamond Tiara. You say something nice to her and suddenly your world starts to change...

EDIT: Featured on 3/9!
EDIT: Third Place Winner of the Poniverse Hearts and Hooves Day Contest!

Chapters (1)

Spike has put on some weight after a slow week at the library, so much that Rarity refuses to take him gem hunting. Things go from bad to worse when Twilight puts him on a diet and he realizes how much he'll miss eating gems and his favorite fattening foods. The Cutie Mark Crusaders see this as an opportunity to earn their personal trainer cutie marks and put Spike on an exercise program in hopes that they'll get him back in shape.

EDIT: Popular Story on 2/15! Thanks, guys!

Chapters (1)

At a slumber party hosted by Twilight, Rainbow Dash suggests playing a game she and Fluttershy grew up playing. Twilight thinks it will be fun until Pinkie Pie designates her to be "it" first...

Takes place in Season 1, sometime after "Look Before You Sleep"

Chapters (1)

Nightmare Night, the one evening where all your worst dreams come true, is almost over...or is it? With Luna's moon still glimmering over Ponyville, the Apple family gathers together in their storm cellar to exchange scary stories before turning in for the night.

Some comments contain spoilers!

Entry for HONORABLE MENTION in the Poniverse Nightmare Night Contest

Don't Sit Near the Apple Tree (with Anypony Else but Me) - told by Granny Smith: A young Granny Smith finds a dying apple tree in the orchard. Anypony who goes to chop it down is never seen again.
I See Dead Ponies - told by Apple Bloom: Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle spend the night in a haunted cottage but when their stay becomes miserable, they receive unlikely help.
Fiddlin' Amok - told by Applejack: Fiddlesticks auditions for the Canterlot Chamber Orchestra which soon becomes cursed when she doesn't get in. Contains gore.

Chapters (7)

As the resident drama queen of Ponyville, Rarity is not one to let her actions speak louder than words. But when words fail her, she has to rely on her mirror for advice.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle, Rarity and Spike have just finished organizing some new books for the library. Twilight tries out a new invisibility spell on Spike but Rarity gets hit instead. Before Twilight can find a counter spell, Rarity must go through life while her friends react to her new-found invisibility.

Chapters (1)