• Member Since 25th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen May 25th


I started writing went I started college, I continued writing then.


After watching her first love, the Good King Sombra from the alternate world absorbing the evil princesses to save the good Princess Celestia. She retired to her private bed chamber at the Canterlot Royal Palace and breaks down. The lost was great to her. After composing herself, Princess Celestia notices her empty diary sitting on her desk. Not since she was a filly has she ever written in her diary. With all her feeling mudded Princess Celestia set quill to paper and wrote till she could not write anymore.

The following morning, a refreshed Princess Celestia raises the sun, as she normally does. After finishing the business of the morning court, Princess Celestia returns to her private bed chamber to rest for a while until afternoon court begins. After a short nap she gets up to write in her diary. It feels good to put all her feeling down on paper. As she opens the cover of the diary, she was shocked to read what she wrote. It has some of the worst things that a hurt and angry mare could write. If any pony finds this Black diary it could hurt her in the long run so she runs down to the Canterlot Archives and hides the Black diary deep in the archives under several out of date maps of Equestria. With the task done, she goes back to work.

Time marches on, the loss of good King Sombra becomes a distant memory for her and good things started to happen. Reuniting with her sister Princess Luna was number one. But something she never thought would happen was falling in love again with a Noble unicorn Knight, Sir Justice Silverlight and marrying him. From that uniting, it bore Princess Celestia three wonderful foals of her own.

Her first born foal, her oldest daughter Princess Aurora Silverlight was a copy of her mother’s personality in the body of a unicorn mare. Her calm manner and natural charm have won over many pony families in her mother’s court.

Her second born foal and only son, Prince Somnus Silverlight was an honorable unicorn knight of unmatched bravery and combat skill, not only with the sword (his aunt’s favorite weapon) but with unicorn magic. He is the unicorn knight that the princess’s count on to aid them when needed.

And finally, her last born foal, her youngest daughter, Princess Blueberry Swirl Silverlight. Her unmatchable compassion have made her a gifted healer and a well loved Royal foal in Equestria along with her older brother and sister.

Now after so many years, the black diary their mother wrote long ago has come to the surface once again. Found by the one pony Princess Celestia was hoping would never find it, her only son Prince Somnus Silverlight. Like his father, Somnus is unquestionably loyal to his mother and would lay down his life to protect her and Equestria. But after reading many portions of the black diary his mother wrote Somnus has started to question his beloved mother’s true intention.

Did she truly love their father, Prince Justice Silverlight and morn him when he passed away?

Does she love her foals like she said she does?

Princess Celestia pic done by Jane Canvas on Deviantart

Chapters (5)

It 500 years later after Luna returns from her banishment to her moon, every since the incident Princess Celestia has wondered if she could have done more to prevent her little sister from turning. The simple answer is NO…..she did everything a big sister could have done to help her little sister. But it was not enough to keep her little sister from turning.

It month before Princess Celestia very special day in her long life her wedding day to her personal guard a noble unicorn knight-paladin named Lord Justice Silverlight, the Silverlight unicorn family has a long quiet noble and modest history of heroic champions defending the powerless in Equestria. But even a noble family like the Silverlight’s has dark secret best left in the past, for this dark secret has been in the making for thousand years.

Can Princess Celestia forgive the family that causes her so much sadness and aloneness?
Will Princess Celestia’s follow her sadden heart or her loving heart that will lead her to brighter future?

Princess Celestia pic done by Jane Canvas on deviantart

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to The Heart of the Sun

For millenniums Princess Luna has stood against the very darkness that cost her, her freedom a thousand year ago the sole guardian of the night. Now a male pony born from the light possessing the dark has enter this Princess of night life. Her first instinct to push this pony away and not get involve with him, let his own mother guide him for she is more powerful than she. But Luna can’t for this pony means the world to her and if she can't guide him from easy path; it could cost him, his freedom. A punishment undeserved for the son of the most noble unicorn knight Princess Luna has ever known.

Princess Luna pic done by Jane Canvas on deviantart

Chapters (4)

Princess Celestia for thousands of years ruled Equestria. In that time, numerous ponies say they love her, but the truth was none of them did. To them, princess Celestia was a stepping stone to their own ambition at cost of her own heart. With that sad fact in mind, Princess Celestia set her heart aside and ruled as a Princess should with no personal connections with the exception of those that she help to guide to their destiny.

But that all changed when a mysterious unicorn horse from the Federation of Dream valley( a land as mysterious as the unicorn horse) joined the ranks of Canterlot royal guard. He quickly rose through the ranks catching the eye of Princess Celestia, who quickly appointed him to her personal guard unit and leader of her Solar Guard. All the time Celestia spent with Justice Silverlight. It started to slowly chip away at her self-appointed cold heart. Till she start to feel the warmth she once had, with that in mind, she pursues a relationship with him. At first Justice, being an honor-bound Princess's protector, refused to entertain the thought of a relationship with his princess. Celestia's determination wore him down till he finally agreed to begin this relationship with her.

The relationship between Princess Celestia Whitelighter and Justice Silverlight has been going on for several months now. Many times Justice's had wanted to end the relationship with Celestia, but his heart had stopped him everytime. Truth be told, Princess Celestia is a type of pony Justice had been looking for. She has a heart of gold and is Beautiful. She is pony he could truly love forever. As for Celestia, Justice is a type of pony who sees her as an Alicorn mare and not as the ruler of Equestria; a pony she could truly love forever.

Princess celestia/ Tia pic done by Jane Canvas on deviantart

Chapters (2)