• Published 4th Nov 2015
  • 793 Views, 2 Comments

The Heart of the Sun Princess - keithsterling

For sometime now Princess Celestia been hiding the fact that she been dating her Personal guard

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chapter 3

In the courtyard of the Canterlot Royal Palace after talking with Cadence, Celestia boarded her chariot in the hopes she can catch up with the family she herself hurt. Celestia knows this is not going to be easy to fix, because for the second time since knowing Justice she had betrayed his trust in her. The first was when he was still just her guard. She took the word of an un-trustworthy stallion over her most trustworthy guard Justice and tosses him into the palace dungeon for weeks. After Justice was cleared he never again spoke to her, something she doesn’t want to repeat. Celestia knowing this time there’s no retry and she must do whatever it take to fix what she did.

‘I hope it’s not too late to fix what I broke. I’m sorry Justice….once again, you put so much trust into me and I turn around and betrayed it….but this time I am a big enough pony to own up to my own mistakes no matter what the cost…even if that cost is my one chance at true happiness with you and your family (a single tear runs down her cheek)’ Celestia thought scanning the horizon trying to find any sign of the general direction the Silverlight family went.

Meanwhile one mile from Celestia’s current location, a small plume of smoke rises from a large camp fire in the center of the Silverlight Royal Family campsite. Due to the large number of ponies that decided to follow it forced the lead group to stop periodically to wait for the rear groups to catch up before moving on.

In the main tent of the campsite sitting behind a small traveling desk doing some of her paperwork was a light blue older unicorn mare with a crimson red mane and tail. It was streaked with gray, wearing black rim glasses on her face. This unicorn mare was Countess Ophelia Silverlight, Justice’s Grandmother. A very intentional audible sigh draws Ophelia’s attention to her right side. She lifts her hoof up and chuckles into it as she floats her quill pen back into the ink bottle in one corner of her desk. She turns her body to her right lying on a rug in the tent. With her was Justice, who had a despairing look on his face.

“Grandson, you know you just have to ask me to stop, if you want to talk to me…there’s no need to get my attention that way…I will stop my work to talk to any of my grandchildren…It’s what a unicorn grandmother does.” Ophelia said in a kind voice but correcting as she uses her unicorn magic to straighten her glasses on her face.

“I know grandmother, but…….” Justice said, his voice trailing off as his face becomes drawn.

“You are thinking about that Alicorn Princess…. are you not?” Ophelia said as Justice shakes his head “yes”.

“I thought Celestia and I ment something to each other…..after everything she went through to start this relationship with me…..members of her own court trying to tell her it could hurt her reign and turn her ponies against her….me being a common royal guard, not knowing I have royal blood in my veins….it might not be Alicorn blood, but you don’t need to be an Alicorn to rule….you just need the heart to care about those you rule.” Justice explains as Ophelia smiles.

“What it really comes down to grandson, you are wondering why Celestia failed our test of forgiveness….after her sister Princess Luna passed and her niece Princess Cadance passed.” Ophelia explains as Justice shook his head again.

“Remember grandson, what I told you when you told me you started a relationship with that Alicorn Princess (Justice trying to remember) when the time comes that you want to marry that alicorn princess she will be a difficult pony to put through our family’s test of forgiveness… for eons she has carried so many scars and blames herself for the lost of her sister.” Ophelia explains as Justice’s heart just drops.

“Then what you are saying grandmother, there is no hope that Celestia will forgive us for what we did to Luna and the love we had was all a big lie.” Justice heartbroken as Ophelia walked over to him and hugs him, before placing a kiss on his forehead.

“I never said that grandson; if that Alicorn princess really loves you….she will come around and forgive us.” Ophelia said caring as Justice cheers-up a bit from the words of his Grandmother.

Two miles out from the campsite, Celestia spots a group of maybe five earth ponies all carrying things on their back heading south-east in the direction of the Macintosh hills and the Badlands. Celestia quickly orders her royal Pegasus guard teams to turn and head south-east and ahead of the earth pony group. In the distance, Celestia sees a plume of smoke rising from a large camp fire in the center of a campsite. She knows she was on the right track when her chariot and Pegasus team got buzzed by 10 Pegasus ponies wearing the gunmetal gray color armor of her Solar Guard unit.

The Solar Guard Pegasus ponies force Celestia’s chariot to land, on the ground. A white pegasi mare with a dark blue mane and tail with a light blue stripe wearing the polished gunmetal gray color armor approaches the chariot. Her front leg mounted a magic crossbow at the ready. Celestia knows this pegasi her name is Lady Anita Stormchaser. She’s an old foalfriend and most loyal to Justice and would follow him anywhere along with Sir Keith Sterling.

“Why have you come, Celestia? Have you not done enough damage to Justice are you trying to destroy him completely!” Anita says sharply poking the bolt tip into Celestia’s neck as Anita waits for Celestia’s answer. One of the new royal Pegasus guards pulling the chariot, flinches causing the other solar guard Pegasus ponies to ready their own leg mounted crossbows.

Celestia sighs in relief knowing what makes the Solar Guard unit the best in the Equestrian Royal Army is the coolness under combat pressure. If it were any other troops, this could have ended very badly and she wouldn’t get the chance to make-up with Justice and the Silverlight’s.

“Only one warning, Celestia! Tell your royal Pegasus guards not to move again! As of right now, we are not under the rule of Canterlot and Princess Celestia….we are under the rule of Queen Silverlight and the kingdom of Dream Valley….so once again, why have you come, Celestia?” Anita warning, holding her crossbow under Celestia chin.

“All of you don’t move…. No matter what happen to me.” Celestia orders as the royal Pegasus team holds absolutely still.

“I have come to right a wrong that I have done, I betrayed the one stallion’s heart, twice, that I truly loved and misjudged a whole family, blinded by my own guilt.” Celestia confessing as Anita lowers her crossbow and looks over her shoulder to the edge of the forest. In the shadow of the forest stands the pony in charge of the whole solar guard unit, a shake of the head tells Anita to continue what she’s doing.

“All right Celestia….Keep talking maybe….. I’ll let you and your team go unhurt ….Maybe?” Anita said warning as she gestures the rest of the unit to close ranks and keep Celestia’s Pegasus team still.

“I don’t know if it’s possible Lady Stormchaser, that you would allow me to speak to Prince Justice so this pony may apologize for her foolishness (removing her gold tiara with her magic and sets it on the ground at the hoofs of Anita.)” Celestia said hopeful, bowing down to the ground in a humble gesture.

“All I really want is my beloved stallion back in my life. You don’t know just how much it hurts to have betrayed the stallion who has given me nothing but unconditional love since I’ve known him….only to turn around and throw it back at him….by accusing him and his family of wrongdoing….which I now know is false….so please if you can find it in your heart Lady Stormchaser please take me to see my beloved Justice!…..I beg of you! Please! Please! Take me to Justice! So I may get him back before it’s too late!” Celestia said in tears as she slams her horseshoe clad hoof in the dirt over and over.

A moment later a dark blue leg with a black hoof reaches down under Celestia’s chin and gently lifts her head up. Looking into her light purple eyes were a pair of adoring sky blue eyes that belong to her beloved stallion, Justice.

“Are you truly sorry for what you did, Celestia?” Justice inquires,

“Indeed, I am Justice…I guess, I am not that prefect princess so many ponies think I am…I make mistakes….big mistakes….my biggest mistake was not lighting the lantern and learning the terrible secret your family must bear forever.” Celestia’s voice cracking as Justice floats Celestia’s gold tiara back on her head, before kissing her on her lips.

“As long, as I have a wife like you Celestia by my side…..the secret is not so hard to bear.” Justice comments lovingly as he smiles at her.

“Besides my dear Celestia,….I am still upset at you for thinking my family or I would ever intentionally hurt you or your sister….so you still have to pay the piper for your decision.” Justice said matter of fact.

“WHAT!” Celestia exclaimed

“Now come on Justice….I said, I am very sorry, is that not good enough? There’s no need for me to pay the piper…..I am so very sorry for that.” Celestia said nervously because Justice knows everything about her and he has so many options he can use against her that will not hurt her, but embarrass her.

“Justice! Can we talk about this?!” Celestia calls running after him before he figures out what he’s going to do to her.

“Mmmm…...maybe something to do with your supply of tea…I know how much you love your tea, dear Celestia.” Justice said scheming with a crafty smile.

“NNOOO! My tea is innocent….don’t touch my tea, Sir Silverlight that is an order from your Princess!” Celestia yells at Justice who’s still scheming.

It’s the afternoon of the wedding day of Princess Celestia to her personal guard Sir Justice Silverlight. The wedding ceremony has gone off without a hitch and the late afternoon wedding reception is in full swing. After the ceremonial first dance, the happy royal couple cut their wedding cake. They quickly rush off to the palace courtyard, the Princess waits in her wonderful wedding gown for her new husband to board the chariot so the royal newlywed couple can start their short honeymoon.

Celestia must return to Canterlot and her duties as the ruler of Equestria in the next few days, the duties of running the land of Equestria don’t feel all that bad as they did before now have a loving husband by her side. Justice climbs aboard the chariot and the newlywed couple head off to a small beach house owned by the Silverlight family near Los Pegasus to begin their honeymoon as husband and wife.

Its a few hours later, a robed Justice sits on the balcony of the beach house overlooking the beach. He drinks some warm tea to relax and watch the sunset as his wife Celestia starts to end this very special day of two ponies that found love in the Capital City of Equestria: Canterlot. As Justice watches the gorgeous sunset, his light blue eyes hide an inner anxiety, which his wife picked up on as she joins him on the balcony wearing her robe. She floats a tea cup over to herself from the nearby table and begins to sip it as she too watches the sunset.

“I can’t help but notice that something is troubling you my King.” Celestia exclaims as Justice’s face hardens.

“I have told you my love….I am not your king….I am your equal….so please stop calling me your king….everytime you call me that it makes me feel unsuited to love a Princess like you…My love, my beloved or even just Justice I am ok with that….I am no better than any other pony living in Equestria….so if you do love me please don’t call me your king…I am your husband Justice and you are my wife Celestia.” Justice snaps as it catches Celestia by surprised.

“As for troubling me….you are now my wife….so I must tell you of my curse…the curse placed on only the stallion line of the Silverlight family….when the Nightmare Overlord placed the curse on the patriarch he wanted us to suffer as he did sealed in the cave….So he forced us to remain balanced in both day magic and night magic…..if any of the two forces become unbalanced …bad things could happen…..worst of all if the night magic become more powerful than the day magic, I will transform into the Alicorn of Nightmares…he calls himself Dream Eater… Dream Eater seeks the power of the sun, the moon, love and friendship just like Tirek did…but unlike Tirek he need not drain it….Just simply steal it from the Princesses and add it to his own.” Justice explains calmly as Celestia kisses him on his cheek.

“As you said I am your wife….so it’s my responsibility to make sure you will remain balanced for as long as you remain alive….when I said I do, I ment it.” Celestia knowing, kissing him on his cheek again.

“Thank you, Ms Silverlight.” Justice thankful hugging his wife tightly.

“The next thing I must tell you my love….It will hurt you the most. Any foal that I give you that are colts will be cursed like me….but it’s worse for them. If they become unbalanced they will forfeit their life, I am so confident that it will not happen, because of Luna, she had faced the darkness and beat it. With her guidance our colt will grow-up to be a strong stallion ….a credit to his mother Celestia and his aunt Luna.” Justice explains as tears run down this cheek.

“I’m sorry I didn’t think calling you, my king, would upset you so. I apologize. As for our foals, let’s not focus on that right now. We can face that together at a later time when it comes up. (looking at the moon) If it wasn’t for Twilight and her friends, Luna and I may have never been brought back together.(looking back at Justice) I am wondering my dear Justice, what do you think of Twilight and her friends? Whenever I mentioned Twilight to Keith he doesn’t give me a direct answer….I’m asking you because Twilight may be the next ruler of Equestria.” Celestia comments as Justice’s face glazes with shock.

“What? (spiting his tea out of his mouth)” Justice exclaimed,

“And when that time comes, I want to know if your people would show her and her friends the same respect as you showed Luna and I,” Celestia inquiries as Justice floats a napkin up from the table and dries his mouth.

“That my dear, could become problematical. If we have foals of our own and you pass them over as the ruler of Equestria….for Princess Twilight Sparkle….as she might very well grow into the role of ruler….the mine set of the Silverlight foals will be hostile towards her and the land of Equestria….for placing a non-family member on the throne.” Justice said foreboding, sipping his tea.

“Twilight and her friends are an upstanding group of ponies…I have only known Princess Twilight for a short time….as my Solar guard squad and I have been busy running covert operations for Equestria….so I can’t say too much about it, my beloved. (rubbing the side of his snout along Celestia’s neck affectionately) Justice Comments

“As for Keith….his family and Anita both followed us from the Kingdom of Dream Valley when it fell….The Sterling clan are the most powerful warrior clan in Equestria at this time…as you can testify to, my beloved…as most of his family make-up a large part of your own personal military force, along with my specialized Solar guard unit (filling Celestia’s tea cup with more tea for her to drink)” Justice explains looking at the moon and lifting his hoofs up.

“So to answer your question, what does Keith think of Twilight?…I have no answer to give you my beloved….I am sorry if you thought I could give you a straight answer…The only one that can answer that is Keith himself.” Justice replies as he takes the last sip of tea from his cup.

“Well, young Sparkle is in love with Keith, but he’s in love with Luna. He doesn’t think of Twilight as a true Princess. But my love, I would be willing to spend some time with Sparkle! And while you’re doing that, I’ll figure out how to end your curse (Kissing his cheek).” Celestia said as she turns and begins to head back inside.

“I’m going to bed” Celestia explains as she stares adoringly at her husband still sitting on the balcony.

“Coming?” Celestia asks with a wink