A Lamenter goes to Equestria

by McCrowley

First published

A Warhammer 40k/Pony Crossover

The most screwed-over chapter in the Imperium's history. Cursed to die horribly, turn to Chaos, or both wherever they appear.

What would happen when one is finally able to rest after being placed in possibly the most peaceful and relaxing world in the known galaxy?

Fallen Brothers

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>On Malvolion, during the Second Tyrannic War (992.M41)

The hulking monstrosities of chitin were nearly upon the small barricade the Astartes had erected. Scything talons and claws had already killed many of his chapter, but the sergeant of 5th company’s remaining Tactical squad had held fast. His men were battle forged by the Badab War and tempered in the acidic blood of the same Tyranids they were fighting.

Loses were heavy, both for the foe they were fighting and the squad. Unfortunately, the squad wasn’t an endless horde of ravenous monsters hell bent on devouring everything alive. Bolter slugs and the odd plasma burst pierced the flesh of the xenos, but to no avail. The horde was endless and the Marines few. But they were Space Marines of the Lamenter Chapter, they WOULD hold the line.

The sergeant was doing his best at rallying the men, but they all knew they would die here. Such is the curse of the Lamenter Chapter. But they would die in glory, knowing full well that thanks to their efforts, countless lives would be saved.
A chainsword swing by the Sergeant decapitates the unlucky Hormagaunt that was leaping at the squads plasma gun wielder, “Thanks for the save brother!” He says, “I owe ya’ one!”

The sergeant gave a light chuckle, “That’s what? Two THOUSAND favors you owe me then? Buy me a drink when we get out of here and I’ll call it even.”

The squad laughed along at the fun poked at their brother, but the squad had a type of bond that normal men could not comprehend; for they were Brothers in arms as well as Brothers in blood. This squad was completely unique in the fact they literally meant it when they said “Brother”.

The Battle was quickly turning away from their favor however. They were just one squad with no support and no heavy weapons. If anything larger than a genestealer showed their face, the squad would be hard pressed.

The squad was well known in the chapter for being light hearted; all ten members had a charm that seemed infectious even to their more somber brethren. Even after the death of five of their brothers, they still light up the chapters hearts. Garvel was the eldest and as such was trusted to be the squads Sergeant. He was the gentlest of them all, and had a reputation for actually caring about the lives of guardsmen and civilians. Next came the triplets; Silvanus, Frastus, and Titus, Who were the squads plasma gunner, Banner carrier, and sharpshooter respectively. These three probably could make an Ancient Dreadnaught laugh his chassis of, and if they knew they could, they would try their hearts out. While all the brothers were skilled in close combat, none came close to the skill in which Brother Thaddius possessed; as such he was always cocksure of himself, even in the direst situations.

The Badab war and this current conflict had claimed the life of the rest of their brothers save for Mordecai, the youngest, who was having both arms replaced upon the Battle-Barge of their chapter. Mordecai was the most reserved of the brothers, he had just risen above the level of scout marine and was immediately sent into conflict with his brothers, but being an aspirant meant he clung to the Codex Astartes much firmer than the rest of his brothers, and as such was a black sheep of the family.

“Garvel”, Thaddius suddenly shouted over the Vox, “Do you remember that one song? The one song mother always sang to us before bed?” Even with all their helmets on, the frowns of the squad were very apparent. The song was one of death and glory, the death of mighty heroes, and the glory to their families.

“Why on Holy Terra would you want THAT song? Of all the songs mother sang?” Titus asked. “Why not the song Father sang on his way to the fields every day? Or the one that one maiden you were so in-“

“OH shut you’re trap you! That was just… A fling!” Thaddius replied. A short laugh emanated from everyone. “But seriously… Garvel.' His tone becoming solemn, "Do you remember the song or not?”

A single puff of air and a few shots from his bolt pistol into the horde. “Yes I do, Thaddius. Yes I do…” A slow humming began, combining with the roar of their bolters and screeches of the Tyranids.

“Over the hills he went, on his steed of steel,
And though his family wept, pride was all they could feel.
His sword would sing through his foes, and at his feet they would kneel,
And his family would never know that his fate had been sealed.

By this time, the Tyranids had broken through the defensive barrier, forcing the marines into close quarters combat. Already the banner had fallen to the ground.

Gone for years without even a letter, never knowing his fate,
Until the day he returned, his mount sauntering through the gates.
His armor torn and ragged, his breath starting to abate.

The squad was broken now. The triplets had fallen together and Thaddius was being overrun. Garvel was doing his best and continued to sing and fight.

His spoke of glory and of lands unknown, his thirst for adventure gone,
He wished to rest his weary body, so he sung his final song.
His body falls to the ground, wishing his family no wrong.

Garvel was being swarmed. Dozens of Tyranids had swarmed him. His sword cutting a bloody swathe through them, but it was to no avail. Genestealers and Hormagaunts were already clawing through his armor, ripping past the hard ceramite and into the flesh beneath. But he still would not fall.

“Well, brothers” He said to no one in particular. “That is the end of our song… We fought like Astartes. And so shall we die like them.” Pulling out a frag grenade as the tide of flesh slowly pulled him down into their rending claws and gnashing teeth.

“THE EMPEROR PROTECTS!” One last noise, one last bright light,then finally. Blackness.

>Equestria. Twilight Sparkle’s Home.

Twilight sat gazing into the sky through her telescope as she normally did when she couldn’t get any sleep. But tonight was different. She didn’t know WHAT was keeping her awake! She was dreadfully tired but she felt like something as pulling her from her bed.

She gazed at her favorite quadrant of Luna’s sky, the Obscurus sector. This particular sector was personally named by her idol, Star Swirl the Bearded! One thing that she always wondered though is, in all of his writings, Star Swirl sounded… Scared of this particular sector.

Her favorite constellation, which was unique in its coloration and size, had little to no information. He always referred to it as an Eye of some sort. When Twilight was actually able to get all of her friends interested in astronomy once, Rarity referred to it as an Eye as well, but more as “A Miasma of perfectly chaotic beauty! Like the Eye of a god!”
Silly Rarity, there’s no such thing as a god! Even Celestia is just a normal Pony!

But still… She always felt a drawing towards this sector.

It wasn’t until the whole Eye suddenly lost all color save for blue that she felt anything. “Wha-! How… But... That’s NOT possible!” Twilight suddenly exclaimed.

“All my studies... I need to report this to the Princess! This has to be something incredibly powerful in magic!” At this thought, her eyes shone as if a diamond was lodged in them.

“Magic… That’s IT!” The last word came out much louder than she thought when she suddenly heard the thump of something falling upstairs. It seems she woke spike up. With a quick yell and a grunt in response, she reasoned he was well enough that he was okay. And thus began her new experiment.

“If it has to do with magic… Then maybe I can draw some of its power towards Equestria! And with a sample of the magic, I can test whether the source is benevolent or natural!” Her scientist nature was already erupting as she ran around the room, collecting note parchment, quills, and various magical tomes.

As soon as she was sure she had everything she needed, as dictated by her pre-Experiment checklist, she sat down in front of her telescope, making sure she knew where the Eye was. Her horn began to glow a magenta shade as she slowly gathered her energies into its tip, hoping to release them in a manner that would allow her to extract a sample of the star matter.

As she slowly released the energy around her horn, she didn’t notice the small change in hue. Her magic was gaining a tint of blue as her power surged forward from her horn into the sky.

One last noise, one last bright light, then finally. Blackness.

Chaotic Chess

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>The warp

Just as planned.

The culmination of hundreds of years of shaping and trickery were finally paying off. These particular mortals were to be instrumental in his plan for chaos in this particular world. He knew that what the Imperium’s definition of “Chaos” had been boring since its first inception. It was time for some… Change.

Two pillows materialized before his throne, one significantly larger than the other, with a snap of his fingers.

If there was one thing he was good at, it was planning. No one in the entire universe could best him in that aspect, not even those who served him with foresight of the future.

“Three… Two… One…” as soon as the countdown ended, two near deafening cracks echoed throughout the throne room. Two objects began a steep and hearty descent towards the base of the throne. Both were flailing about hopelessly, thinking doing so would suddenly grant them wings.

Just as planned, the pillows had been spawned in the exact locations needed to catch the two falling creatures. With one almighty THUD and a small pomf beside it, it was now time to start explaining.

“Hello, mortals… You may not know me. But I most certainly know you.” The two creatures were still recovering from their fall, but as the voice spoke, they sought to identify it.

And identify it they did. A short gasp erupted from the smaller of the two creatures, as small lavender equine with a protrusion emitting from its forehead. And the speaker was most certainly a sight to behold. A being with the height of at least three Astartes tall, or about the size of a two story Equestrian home. But the height isn’t what frightened the small Unicorn, no. It was the sheer evil emanating from the creature, not to even mention the countless faces occasionally springing up from the armor and uttering a noiseless scream of pain.

The creatures head arched down towards the two, its beak twisting into something of a smile. The fear in the eyes of the small one he could literally smell, and even the Astartes feared his presence. The creature fluffed his feathers with a twist of his arms, preparing to speak to the two.

“Hello, my little mortals. You may not know me… But I know you,” The creature purred both physically and psychically. The small equine suddenly doubled over, hooves clutching the side of her head, screaming like a howling banshee in pain.

The creature was confused, his eyebrows scrunched and his head tilted slightly. Most sentient species responded with surprise, but very few responded with pain.

“Ah… I see… You are a very powerful psyker aren’t you? I anticipated you to be powerful… But never in this regard. I shall stop speaking as I normally do, for I need you alive.” A soft chuckle emanated from behind the beak, “For now.” A wave of his taloned hand and a wave of benevolent warp energy rolled over the small one, healing her mind from his invasions.

The Astartes before him was still as stoic as he was when he fell from the sky, not having moved a singular inch. But such was expected of the Anathema’s pet projects. He had his fun with this one already, but now he was to fit his purposes.

The purple one was beginning to come back to the mortal plane, her headache the only reminder of the severe pain she had experienced. “As I was saying before I was so… Rudely interrupted” he said with a glare. If he hadn’t know better, he would have sworn that she had blushed and mouthed the words “sorry”.

“I know who you two are… But let us go around this merry circle and introduce ourselves to each other? Hmmm?” He smiled once again, but this time much more caring than they expected.

>The Warp

You are Twilight Sparkle, and what the BUCK is going on?! The last thing you remember, you were powering a spell to investigate any magic sources from the constellation, and now, you’re sitting on a lush pillow in front of… SOMETHING. And that something had just wreaked havoc inside your mind just by talking. And now he wants to introduce someone.

But it said you two… Is someone else here...? You look to your side, at first seeing a pillow much larger than yours. But as your eyes slowly drifted upwards towards the colossal hunk of metal sitting next to her. This thing is covered in SOMETHING black, and as it starts dripping down with a familiar texture, you can only assume it can be… No. Don’t think of that, you are sitting here, somewhere you do not know where, and you are being asked to introduce yourself.

With a deep breath in, you prepare yourself mentally and physically. “Hello, I am Twilight Sparkle. I am the personal student of Princess Celestia, and I arrived here after-“

“No Miss Sparkle, you arrived here at MY bidding”, the creature suddenly exclaimed, its voice a mix between a caring father figure and that of nails on a chalk board. You wince at the sudden correction, not used to being scolded as such.

You idly play with your hooves, waiting for the other to introduce himself, and maybe alleviate some of your fears. But it just sits there, glaring at what Celestia knows what. As soon as you are preparing to speak to him, you hear a low rumbling. A rumbling from the thing. It stood up with speed befitting Rainbow Dash, and ran head first at the other creature. The smell of ozone permeated from the larger creature right before it struck the metal thing down with lightning! Lightning had SHOT from its TALONS! The metal creature flew back at least ten feet, and crashed into the floor with the force of a train car.

Your mind reeling from the aspect of non-unicorns using magic, you almost miss the quiet words from the metal creature.

“I… Am Garvel. Sergeant of… The Lamenter’s 5th company. I… Am… The Emperor’s servant… and not your plaything DAEMON…” Daemon? Daemons are only an old filly’s tale. There was no way this other thing could be a-

“How VERY observant of you, Space marine… But I must inform you, I am not a daemon.” His raven like head craned down till his beak was straight in front of Garvel’s face, or at least what you assumed to be his face. “I am far more than that. I am Tzeentch. Lord of change, Master of fate, and king of magic. Every step you make is something I had planned; Your rise, your fall, and your future elevation. You serve chaos now, whelp. But for the betterment of man and…” he slowly looked in your direction, “Pony kind…”

The thing, who had identified himself as Garvel, suddenly took interest in your presence, and the sheer amount of hatred in his gaze made you sink into your pillow with hopes of being invisible. And just as quickly as he had before, he stood up, his walking reminiscent of parade patterns you had seen from being raised up in Canterlot.

But that didn’t surprise you, nor did it hold you attention for long. You were in the presence of a GOD. A being of which you had seemingly dismissed as fiction for the longest portion of your life, as had many others that you knew. And he was the god of MAGIC. The smile on your face would only grow in size as he looked towards you and smiled in return.

“Yes Miss Sparkle, you heard that correctly. I am a God, and one whose power over magic is unrivaled.” You prepare yourself for the barrage of questions you intend to ask this deity, but before you can he holds up a hand. “Before you ask questions, I need to detail my reasons for summoning you two.”

Disappointed, you slowly return to the pillow laid out for you, not realizing how far you had left it in an attempt to get closer to the action and Tzeentch. You slump down, feeling disappointed but still keep our head up to listen.

“Well. As I explained already, I am Tzeentch.” His claws snapped, summoning a glass with some form of liquid as he relaxed back into his throne. “I am the master of fate and a god of Chaos.”

Wait. Chaos? Like Discord? That could only mean trouble…

“Yes Miss Sparkle, like Discord. Except I am his master, and he has revolted. I wish to bring him back into the family… By any means necessary.” A quick glance at Garvel confirmed your suspicions. He was a warrior. That was blood coating and dripping from his mustard yellow armor. A LOT of blood. You hold back the urge to empty three days of food onto the floor. You instead let out a gag and hold up our hoof.

“Discord knows of my wishes for him to return to my side, for he is second amongst my creations in levels of power.”
“He has abused this power, to rebel against me and claim lordship over your world, and sealing it from my sight.”

Tzeentch took a swig of the drink he had held aloft with magic. “So now you know my plan. Two pawns in my hand have their goals, and they shall achieve them.”

He snapped his claws. One last noise, one last bright light, then finally. Blackness.

A Father's Love

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The Astronomican

A bright light had enveloped the lone marine. He was dead. He was sure of it.

For once in his millennia of service, he was warm. Not the artificial warmth of his armor or the burning heat of the sun or flamers. His soul was warmed by the mere light of the Emperor’s love. He was in the embrace of the Lord of Mankind. He was Home.

But he still felt empty. He had lost his brothers. They had reached the Emperor’s embrace before he had, and he would never see them again. Or so he thought.

He felt his body begin to take a material form, still within the light of his Lord. His Armor gone, all that was left were his bare skin, warmed by the feeling of a radiant sun upon his skin. A cold form pressed against his shoulder suddenly.

“Hello, Garvel. It is great to… See you again.” A disembodied yet present voice sounded. It sounded familiar, yet too much so.

“Don’t you recognize us, Garvel? It’s us.” The realization hit like a meltabomb.

“We’re your brothers.”

Garvel turned around to face the apparition, but instead only saw a glimpse of light in the vague shape of an Astartes. Solid pieces of light made up the form of the body, but glittered around as easily as water.

“Brothers…?” Garvel choked out, finally gaining control of his mouth. “Is this really… You?”

The figure warmed their touch slightly. “Yes Garvel. All of us. We are in the Emperor’s embrace here, and we await you as well.” They chilled once again, their voices sounding solemn. But wait. He was supposed to be dead… Why hasn’t he joined with his brothers then? Garvel thought.

Because I do not will it yet, my warrior.” An almost deafening voice called out. But yet, it sounded soft, caring, and warm. “You see Garvel, brother. You aren't dead yet. By some… Warp trickery, you STAND here before us. And of course…” He began to turn around, only to be scooped up in the arms of the largest man he had ever seen. “The Emperor of course.”

Garvel could not think of a word. Here he was, being crushed in a tight hug by his Lord and Emperor. So he did the one thing he could think of, something he used to do as a child. He wept. He wept unto the chest of the Emperor he had fought for his whole entire life, bled for millennia for, killed untold thousands for. “And you shall not stay for long, Garvel. Yes, I can read your thoughts. I see what all my children see, I feel what all my subjects feel, and I die a little more with every life extinguished.

“And so, to see one of them approach me in full flesh and the spark of life still within them, it brings my heart joy.”

Garvel’s smile was easily absorbing the tears his eyes had just expunged. His voice finally returning, Garvel managed to croak out a few words, “But my Emperor… Why am I here...? My brothers say I am not yet dead, though I willingly ended my life for you…”

The Emperor’s smile melted away any reservations Garvel had, “Yes my son… And you did. And doing so, you saved THOUSANDS of other lives. You and your brothers are heroes this day.

But you being alive is due to something more… Sinister than Tyranids.” The Emperor exclaimed.

Chaos has taken you, my son. They have plans for you.” Fear crept up Garvel’s spine; something tinkering with his life was something even an Astartes feared. “There is nothing I can do to save you. But what you are doing will aid the Imperium as well as Chaos.” His Emperor said with a cold malice and determined face of marble.

“But My Emprah-“ “Fear not, My Child. I protect all of my sons. All of my children belong to me.” As the last words crept through his ears, Garvel seemingly saw a different smile creep upon the Emperor’s face. But before he could comment, darkness consumed him.

“My Emperor…? Where are you…? Brothers?” The darkness was absolute. Not even his own enhanced senses could determine which way was which. Nothing but everlasting darkness and cold compared to his master’s overwhelming light and warmth. And once again, the super human wept. He had finally passed into the Un-life.

He knew it was his duty for the Imperium, but that did not make the task and feeling any easier. He was gone. And now he didn’t even have the embrace of the Emperor’s Light, like he had been told he would since he was born.

Garvel wept for what seemed like days, but in this realm, he wasn’t sure. His mind would conjure images of foul worlds. He saw worlds where physics held no meaning, worlds where oceans were filled with blood, beautiful garden worlds that inspired dread, and Hive Worlds of debauchery and sin.

The Warp actively assaulted his battle hardened mind. Images of Terra burning, his family ripped apart, and the various and abundant ways to torture him pass through his mind for ages. Unbeknownst to him, the dreams were not his alone.

For the third time that night, Twilight awoke in cold sweat and drenched sheets. A mane shriveled and defunct the only clues to her past sleep. Her nightmares had been increasing in intensity over the course of the last week and showed no sign of stopping. Though she did not understand them, she FELT like she did.

Images of distant places and different ponies (and non-ponies) filled her mind, obviously not her own thoughts. But she found herself looking beyond what she saw and seeing the true horrors. Her own family, her own friends, her neighbors. They burned and writhed in pain as their eyes popped, their bones snapped, their skin peeling back, and many other forms of torturous pain and sadistic devices.

All at her hooves. And she enjoyed their cries of pain and pleas for mercy, a cruel smile always upon her face.

She dared not tell anyone of these dreams, seeing as the might seem off to many. But she kept and extensive journal on the subject, going so far as to describe the emotions she felt during the dreams. As she picked up the journal once more to detail tonight’s feelings and images, she felt a cold sense of dread eased over her mind once more.

“This journal is getting fairly heavy…” A quick look in her bedside mirror made her giggle, “As well are the circles under my eyes… Maybe a Therapist is just what I need…” She said.

A strike of the clock made Twilight jump to near comical heights. With a loud THUMP later, the clock droned its six more dongs before returning to the eerie mechanical silence. “Oh sweet Celestia, it’s already seven?! I had plans with the girls this morning!”

The swirl of magic soon filled the tree house as Twilight rushed to finish any and all preparations needed before she left the library, “Books organized by color and author… Check. Mane brushed…Check. Breakfast cooking… Make that burning… Check.”

One by one, the number of chores needed for a day out and the length of her previously made checklists shortened. She finally wrapped up the final chore, preparing a nice early breakfast for spike before preparing to leave. She paused to write a letter to tell him where she was going and to give a slight nuzzle to her best friend in the world.

“I’ll be back later Spike” she whispered, “Enjoy your day off.”

The soft click emanated from the door as she closed and locked the simple door as she walked off to begin her day with her friends.

The Heavens Ablaze

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The Warp

Garvel floated for months. And the loneliness of the warp had finally started to overtake him. The severity of it made Tyranid invasions seem like a small outbreak of rodents aboard a guardsmen frigate. He was bored.

It was not a good pain.

He longed for at least a combat knife to fight these pesky little daemons. Twice already he had to resist daemons who tried to either tear apart his armor to eat him, and thrice more to resist daemons who tried to take off his codpiece to… Eat him.

There was that one particularly ravishing Daemon, who instead of trying to murder/rape him, decided to strike up conversation. They talked for hours upon hours on their lives, the galaxy as a whole and even classic literature. It had all fallen apart the moment he mentioned the Emperor…

“Oh well… That opportunity is long gone… Not to mention it is heresy…” Garvel said aimlessly as he tried to do a front flip for the fifth time; and failing. Miserably.

And flying head first into an Inquisitor’s personal craft.

“Sweet holy hymns of the Ecclesiarchy! I’m saved!” Garvel shouted. He shouted at craft, pounded its windows, and cried for holy salvation. And it came. In the form of a middle finger pressed against the window while activating the ships warp engines from the Inquisitor lord.
Fucking Lord Inquisitor.

“Well… I’m bored again. It’s been like… MINUTES since I last did something” thought Garvel out loud. He idly floated through the warp, oblivious to the various sights that would drive even the most tempered souls insane.

Suddenly a rip in reality opened up and swallowed Garvel whole, causing his stomach to do several of the tricks he had for so long tried to perfect. As he exited into real space, Garvel felt something other than vomit filling his helmet however.

“Oi Boss! We’z yah new Grotz!”

Suddenly. Xenos. Xenos everywhere.

“We’z here to make yur Suit all nioce and flash!”

Garvel wrestled with the tiny scampering Xenos, but for everyone he squashed in his hands, three more sprouted around his armor and started tinkering with it.

“Release me tiny Xenos! And STOP altering my HOLY armor!”

“But… Boss! We’z makin it so youz can lievs in deh atmo... atmos…. Goinz into deh planetz!”

“Wait what.” Sure enough, when Garvel looked past the tiny, filthy Xeno’s head, there stood a planet. “Oh Emperor, preserve me…” The moon was currently in the path of Garvel as he was soon being sucked into the Planet’s gravity. This would not be good.

Meanwhile in Canterlot…

Luna, Princess of the night and of all that beheld her realm, co-ruler of Equestria, and soon to be mother, was in a very somber mood that evening.

While she had control of the moon and certain constellations, her powers did not dictate themselves outside of their solar system. True, only the most powerful of Telescopes could tell, but her painter’s aspect of the night sky was limited, small, and ugly compared to the rest of the dark nights in the vast universe.

Her mood spiraled further down when she received the news of Twilight’s discovery of Star Swirl’s Eye’s potential magical ability.

Outside forces were beautiful and magical while hers were simple dots in the night sky!

She was on her fifth tub of ice cream when she remembered her duties as the night’s protector and moving the moon.

“By the royal… We’ve missed several HOURS! Wallowing in our own pitiful misery…” She reached out with the powers she possessed over the night and proceeded to make up for lost time very rapidly. “Ohhhhh… This is such a FOALISH mistake! I’m just glad Tia isn’t…”

“Isn’t what, little Woona?” A gulp was all that the Sun Goddess needed to lose composure and start giggling. “TIA! I can explain! I was…” Luna’s eyes drifted around the room like tracking lights on a mosquito, looking for any possible excuse. Her eyes suddenly drifted over a book and she quickly brought it over to her in an instant. “I was Reading! Yes! That’s it… Reading…”

The Elder sister trotted over with a kind playful smile upon her lips, “Fifty Shades of Hay? Ohhhhh… Little sister is pervert now is she?”

To say Luna turned red was an understatement.


In orbit

The moon had just moved Kilometers. In seconds. Even the Xenos were blinking back their surprise. It had moved KILOMETERS in SECONDS. “Am I still in the warp, tiny Xeno?”

“Ey don’ think so Boss…” The Gretchen then took a globule of its spit, held up its finger and somehow deduced that they were not in the “Weirdboyz Tunnel”. The next sound that could be heard besides laughter was the sound of Ceramite upon Ceramite as Garvel’s hand slowly dragged across his faceplate.

“HEY! Now We’z can see if youz Suit can makez it into the Planetz!” Once again, there stood the planet. It looked much like Holy Terra did before all the Cities and The Palace were built on top the land. It had several Large Continents, several oceans, and looked much like a Garden world in its prime.

But none of that was running through Garvel’s mind. Something that was running however was his heart rates. He was slowly drifting straight into a Planet. With no ship, no jump pack, no weapons, and above all, onto a possibly unknown or hostile world. That would at least explain the Greenskins…

The Codex Astartes did not support this action.

Slowly but surely the lone marine and his newly acquired entourage of tiny, scampering xenos drifted towards the planet. They soon entered the upper atmosphere and were already beginning their fiery descent. As one, all but one of the xenos caught fire, while the last put on a helmet. Above the sounds and smells of burning flesh and hair, Garvel caught notice of the final Xeno leaping from his back to the planet.

The fall was anything but relaxing. Fire’s sprouted up all over Garvel’s armor, but the extra plating the xenos gave him seemed to actually PROTECT him instead of hinder. The heat was still unbearable. Even for his altered physiology, the Space Marine was feeling the effects of the G-Forces pulled against him, the flames seemingly melting his insides, and the crushing against his chest as he fell thousands of feet to his most likely demise.


Today was as normal a day as anyone could wish. The sun was shining, the clouds were absent, and nopony had come to destroy all they held dear for at least a week now. To say the populace was anxious was an understatement.

Nopony knew what to expect, but they knew something was coming to ruin their perfect day. The only ponies not concerned were the six who had repeatedly saved the whole of Equestria, and by default Ponyville, many times before. The Clopping of their hooves against the streets and their assorted laughter was infectious, as many who were seemingly preparing for the worst would just simply smile and wave off any thoughts they had on the subject.

The six had been out since the early morning; they had a whole day planned and nothing was going to ruin that. They had already had a nice breakfast courtesy of Applejack, whom all could agree was the most amazing cook this side of Canterlot. They were now heading to that same city for some shopping for the next G.G.G (Grand Galloping Gala), which was to hold the entire city as a party event, instead of the formal castle.

So imagine their surprise when they suddenly see what looks to be a Meteor flying straight for the center of town.

“Wait… WHAT?..” Said one Twilight Sparkle, with a look of intense surprise and worry upon her face, “But… I was just looking in the sky last night!.. How could I have missed a METEOR…?”

Twilight looked to her friends to apologize for her mistake of not being able to tell them about the meteor, but her gaze was returned by stares of unbelief and one stare of complete knowing.

“Twilight… A METEOR is coming into Ponyville, and you care more about not logging it down?!” Said her more refined friend, Rarity.

‘Oh… Right!” Said a rapidly blushing Twilight, “We need to find out where it’s going, and then contain it! Alright girls! Follow that Meteor!”

First Contact

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The cobblestone road echoed with the clopping of hooves as the six mares ran towards where they believed the giant ball of flame would land. Twilight was quickly doing calculations in her head of the various angles and trajectories that the meteor was going through, always yelling “How is this possible?!”

The town was already in full panic mode, as those who had seen the meteor screams had alerted any who had not seen the inferno falling from the heavens. Ponies of various sizes and hues were running away from the center of town, and under any cover they thought would protect them before the meteor could hit. Some were screaming things such as “The Horror!” or “My cabbages!”

The six running towards the center of town would shout out to those running away to stay calm, that the situation was under control, and any other mistruth they could think of. Already, fires were falling faster to the ground and lighting the thatch roofs of the houses around the center, much to chagrin of many of the residents.

Fires were further enhanced by the decreased distance the falling hunk from space beginning to find its new home. The meteor was barreling towards the dead center of town, right in the market district. Applejack was distraught with the turn of events, as she had been in the market not more than an hour ago, conversing with fairly polite guard of the local regiment.

The six were drawing the ranks of the that very regiment as much of the population was now out of the disaster area and were retreating towards the fields surrounding the town. The small regiment was taking orders from the girls about where they thought the fires would be most critical and needed putting out immediately.

And the final sound rang throughout the town. The sound reached Canterlot to the north, it reached Manehattan to the south, it reached the reaches of the Everfree, and it reached into the mind of everypony gathered near Ponyville. The meteor finally collided. The sound came as soon as it happened, but the shockwave took the ponies still in the town by surprise and off of their hooves.

Houses, stalls, trees, and even the one statue in Ponyville fell to the sheer amount of power that the impact held. Fires were extinguished by the rush of air and the absence of that followed. The sounds of rubble falling, and then the anguish of those caught underneath, soon filled the air and penetrated the morale and ears of those still standing.

Just as Twilight had predicted, the meteor had fallen into the dead center of the town. Already, as is the Equestrian way, medics were tending to the wounded and guards were rushing forward to examine the space rock. One at the head of the pack caught Applejack’s eye personally, as it was the polite gentlecolt who had spoken to her earlier today, a captain as she found out.

The Captain was ecstatic that he was first to the space rock, his whoops and hollers already lifting the sour mood of the ponies. So imagine their surprise when something rose from the rubble and tore the Captain clean in half.

The pain was incredible. Even his training with jump packs and Drop Pods had not prepared Garvel for this inconceivable pain. His armor felt as if it had been melted into his skin, into his Black Carapace. No amount of pain medication his suit could deal out could help him. But he consoled in his mind, that were it not for the xenos, he would have most likely been dead or crippled beyond life. He still hated the scampering things, but he hoped for their absolution in the eyes of the Emperor.

The fires were the least of his worries however, as he saw the earth speed towards him in a manner not too unlike a speed bike. If that speed bike had been drunk one night and hooked up with a titan and had a child.

Yep. This would hurt like a bitch.

Garvel did what he could to try and protect himself from his rapidly approaching crash. He sealed up the ports in his suit, locked the joints in his armor, and began the arduous process of shifting more blood cells to his Larraman organ for the certain wounds he was to receive. He couldn’t afford to use his Sus-an organ… Not a techmarine in sight as far as he could tell.

He lets his eyes wander for what could have been the final time. Embracing the suns light as it falls upon the green hills. The forest that bordered the small town. The glittering river- Wait what? A town? There might be some salvation in this world yet then! He braced himself for the fall even more, knowing there may be some redemption to be had here. There would be either Xenos to kill or words of the Emprah to be spread.

He hoped it was the former. He was extremely bored still. But the Emprah did need venerating.
The earth was approaching more rapidly now, as the marine finally knew what he had to do. His Emperor has sent him here to spearhead the Imperial efforts to protect this world from Chaos. His lord was a Tactical Genius. Hurrrr.

So, the first things to do were to land on this forsaken rock and NOT die. Even for an Astartes, that may be a problem. But wait! This town must have a market! The genius mind of this Space Marine, whom has watched many Holovids in his spare time, began to spin. Market stalls are usually soft, and they could most likely cushion his blow from space!

The sound of physics face palming itself could be heard in the warp.

Garvel was sure of his plan; there was no way he could fail. The Emperor was smiling upon him, and he shall not disappoint! He did his best to steer for whatever district he believed to be the market, the dead center of town looked like it to him.

Pieces of the shambled orkish armor were starting to rain down upon the village, taking much of the fire with them. Fires were popping up over the town, but Garvel could not care less. He was focusing on the math he needed to survive the fall. His descent angle, his speed, his mass. All of it running through his mind as he began the final descent.

One final blink and a large boom later, Garvel had officially become the first Space Marine to survive Orbit re-entry without a jump pack or a drop pod. He was not aware of this fact, as he was still covered in debris. Rocks, pieces of wood, and the remains of the sheet metal the Grotz put upon him covered him to head to toe. His mind swam with the impossibilities of it all, but also the pride he had for not failing.

Then he heard the voices. Whooping and hollering in Low Gothic. Was this an Imperial planet? He lifted some of the debris off of himself and allowed himself a peak. Standing before his self-made crater was a Xeno. A quadruped Xeno. A bright pastel quadruped Xeno.

The rage he felt towards this creature would make a Templar feel out of place. He rose up through the smoke behind the creature. It was addressing a group of similar Xenos, some with different variations. Holy Redemption for this world it was then. The one in front of him had a form of armor, possibly Iron by the way it looked. He looked important as well.

He didn’t even notice as Garvel walked right up behind him, and then barely registered what happened next. The other Xenos sure did however. To them, they saw two glowing red eyes and an eight foot behemoth simply pick up the small Xeno by the fore and back legs, and simply rip him in half.

Garvel allowed himself a small glimmer of a smile underneath his helmet as he heard the screams and gasps as the blood splattered the ground and his armor. He nearly laughed when the Xeno finally realized what was happening and gave his final death scream before falling limp.

Poem of Death

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Shit had hit the fan. Ponies all around had gathered in front of the space rock before… Before the guardpony… Twilight didn’t know what to do. Neither did anypony else, as they all stood as still as if a Cockatrice had waded through the village.

There was a hulking monstrosity, easily at least two heads taller than the princesses; standing over the corpse of a guardspony that it had just ripped in two separate pieces. It was wearing some form of… Metal? It looked so ramshackle that Twilight couldn’t tell. All she knows is that the red wasn’t just from the blood.

The blood. Oh Celestia… There was so much..! The guard was still quivering and twitching as everypony assembled there stared in utter disbelief of the enormity of the situation. His cries were only masked by the sound of the collective breath the herd gathered before the crater was holding. In Twilight’s studious eyes, she did the only thing she could. She analyzed the whole situation from a scientist’s perspective.

Her mind rambled through all the facts presented before her eyes. The height and potential strength of the creature, the individual tendons and muscles able to be seen still twitching from the guard, the thoughts of the gathered ponies and their logical course of action, and even what the Princess’s own judgments may have been. Her eyes had been closed for the better part of around two seconds, but twilight had formulated the perfect plan.

A Friendly greeting of course.

Now all she needed was the courage to walk towards the hulking bloodthirsty THING from space. She needed her friends. The same friends she had faced the rest of the world’s evils with and the same friends standing by her side. With a smile she turned her head and looked at the ponies gathered around her. The smile quickly faded as she saw each individual face.

Applejack was in near tears; that guard being a personal friend and a new found crush. Pinkie Pie had her mane flattened to paper thin levels and her eyes held a grey color to them in the replacement of their natural blue color. Rainbow dash had her wings locked to her side and her eyes were as wide as dinner plates, showing every ounce of fear in the sports pony. Rarity and Fluttershy had long since abandoned standing, instead deciding to weep together on the ground silently. A look around the crowd confirmed that this was the norm for most ponies. No one would step forward or step backwards.

Twilight was alone. She had to be the one to confront the alien and prevent further bloodshed. Fear itself had crept along her spine in that moment, wallowing in cowardice as well. She began to move, one fetlock in front of the other. Slowly but surely she began to lift her legs to start the atrociously long spotlight lit walk towards the respectable distance for talking. Shuffling behind her confirmed her best hopes. She was inspiring them! The crowd was beginning to stand! But she still had to take this journey alone.

With her heart playing out a beat faster than one of Vinyl Scratch’s songs, she advanced even further. Into the proverbial reach as her father once said. Her steps, long and slow, carried the weight of the world behind them. The light of the sun warm upon her mane, wind whipping across her face, the sound of a wings beating in the distance, and the soft pitter patter of her heart urging her forward.

The creature was moving now. Taking pieces off of its own body, taking the spikiest and crudest pieces and discarding them as if nothing mattered about them. What was revealed was a golden behemoth. He had about him a radiant glow that came directly from the pleasing sun. His “Skin” shined much like the Royal treasures and the Guard uniform it crushed underhoof. The smoke obscured the small symbols across the large being, but one thing was painfully obvious. Its eyes were aglow with a light so red it seemed to be as malevolent as the very pits of Tartarus themselves.

And they were staring straight at her.

An audible gulp escaped the deathly silent town. Twilight was now only a scant ten yards away from what seemed like the living avatar of death. The sun shined from behind the construct, giving it a glow that made Sun goddess of a teacher this particular pony preened about endlessly.

One hoof in front of the other. One hoof in front of the next. Keep your fetlocks from seizing. Don’t collapse and cry into the puddle of blood you are now standing in. These were the majority of the thoughts running through the lavender pony’s mind, a long ways away from the calculating genius mind she normally possessed. The most important was very different however.

To keep on smiling.

The last few feet here at hoof and the final stretch towards what seemed like eminent demise were before the two. Twilight’s smile was beginning to falter as she thought of what to say to the monstrous creature that could probably take on a manticore and win. Lines of dialogue went through the young mare’s head, most circumstances ending with her being torn apart and used as a club to kill her friends.

“Death be not proud, though some have called thee. Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so”. The thing tilted its head towards Twilight, seeming very surprised. The large body’s posture seemed to shift. But what came next surprised all. It responded.

“For, those, whom thou think'st, thou dost overthrow. Die not, poor death, nor yet canst thou kill me.”
Its voice was loud and grating, but underneath the entire technologic sounding rabble was a voice Twilight could understand. The sound of a Stallion in pain of loss. And an educated one at that. She deemed to continue the verbal tirade with the creature, maybe gain some peace with it

“From rest and sleep, which but thy pictures be. Much pleasure, then from thee much more must flow”, she continued. This poem may not have been her favorite, nor was it a very good conversation starter, but it was working.

“And soonest our best men with thee do go. Rest of their bones, and soul’s delivery.” The deep voice continued, seeming less and less robotic with every syllable.

“Thou art slave to Fate, Chance, kings, and desperate men. And dost with poison, ware, and sicknesses dwell.” It seemed to cringe at these words. But the disposition was beginning to rise as much as the talking behind them in the crowd.

“And poppy or charms can make us sleep as well. And better then thy stroke; why swell'st thou then?” The creature knelt down towards twilight, still towering over her but now only half as much so. It was reaching up towards what Twilight presumed to be its head and several popping and hissing sounds were heard. What happened next was a complete shock to all.

With a final hiss and a clank, what appeared to be his head was removed. What remained reminded Twilight of the stories she was told as a filly of the valiant knights in shining armor. While obviously not a pony, the creature almost looked similar and was obviously male. He had a medium cut mane of nearly golden hair that framed his face.

His face was like stone. Chiseled and strong but still supported a warm smile that melted Twilights heart. His coat, or maybe skin as Twilight had not the nerve to touch it, had a very bloodless look about it. It reminded her very much of blended Peaches and Cream. His eyes radiated a coldness that reminded Twilight of the Crystal Empire’s borders. But they were also filled with a type of jovialness that reminded her slightly of Pinkie.

Scars were scattered around the warrior’s face, enough to justify her guess of his occupation as a soldier. Pocket marked scars littered his face and were numerous; the largest however was one near the eye, or rather on top of it. This scar went from the far tip of his left eye brow and into the middle of upper lip. The scars, which normally would repulse Twilight, seemed to be worn with pride and honor, and as such made the vision of her golden knight seem much more real.

“Tell me small Xeno…” the break in the silence surprised the now welcoming crowd as much as the welcoming of one of the Royal sisters. “Do you remember the remainder of this ancient poem?”

Twilight stammered for a while. She had recited this poem for her Magic School Literary Class. She had explained it to Princess Celestia personally after she had seen Philomena “die” for the first time. She slaved for weeks over this and many other poems to teach the fillies and colts at the Ponyville schoolhouse when Cheerilee was on vacation. But for some awe inducing reason, the logic thinker of Ponyville could not remember her lessons.

“Speak not Twilight, for I shall answer to this beast.” Said an angelic voice from above. That voice belonged to none other than Princess Celestia as it turned out when Twilight was able to break her vision of the Warriors face. Following her in the sky was a whole division of royal Guardsponies. And none of them looked too happy to see a captain of theirs slaughtered on the ground.

Celestia continued, however. Finishing the poem that Twilight had forgotten. “One short sleep past, we wake eternally.” Her voice was beginning to become much darker, a look of pure anger was written across her features. The warrior needed no more incentive than the light gathering at the base of her horn to replace his helmet upon his head as the hiss soon told Twilight. “And death shall be no more; Death. THOU SHALT DIE!” With the final words, she released a beam of pure sunlight that burned the very molecules. With a shout, the warrior was already sprinting towards the line and Celestia herself. Shit was going down.

“PSYKER!” Garvel yelled as the beam of light soon left the horn of the taller winged Xeno. A shame he had to go into combat so soon though. He was enjoying his little soirée with the lavender one.

Garvel rushed the line of guards, who were surprised to say the least to see a several hundred pound warrior from space charged their line. The space marine laughed a hearty one when he saw the small creatures draw their flimsy spears of wood and iron. He leapt over the small line as if it were a hurdle. He knew blood would be shed, and in the Emperor’s name he was going to destroy that Psyker if it killed him.

A quick pivot lead to his arm being nearly embedded into a Xeno skull, leaving a nice Aquila indent in his skull. Thrusts were made to futile attempt as the superior weight and strength of the space marine was able to counter balance the pony guards and throw them into one another.

Breaking a spear within his hands, Garvel used pieces to reenact Angron’s fighting style. As in, “Stab everything till it dies, then keep stabbing”. Blood formed a visceral spray over the visor of the Sergeant, but nothing was to stop him from reaching his target.

One of the winged ones decided to rush him from the six ‘o’clock position, but what they did not understand is that an Astartes is the perfect war machine. With his amplified hearing, the rush of wings and the brandishing of weapons was easy to pick upon in the heat of battle.

Garvel was beginning to feel his warrior instincts taking over, putting him a trance like state to ensure utter destruction of his enemies. Still sprinting through the lines, Garvel took one of the pieces of the broken spear and rammed it through the poor bastard’s skull, using its own momentum against it. Blood drenched his fist as he ripped the Xeno off his arm to throw him at the Psyker. There was a small circle protecting the large witch, all of them having horns very similar to the purple one.

Comparisons ran through his genetically enhanced mind; There were normal Xenos without aid of either wings or horns who were the most numerous, winged Xenos whom could fly obviously, and horned Xenos, which seemed to be a fairly powerful psyker level.

Classification of the Xeno biology present complete, Garvel returned to Holy Slaughter. His assumptions that horned Xenos were Psykers proved to be correct when the final barrier between him and most likely the monarch all had their horns aglow and began to fire shots in his general direction.

Weaving through the brightly colored lights reminded Garvel of his participation in the Badab Rebellion. But this time, he was alone and these were not his Brothers in arms he would be fighting. His mind flashed to visions of similar battles during the war. He began to see the equines as Daemons he saw during his passage through the warp. His own features were shifting, his hair grew longer, his armor turned golden, and his hands melded to hold his new found weapons.

One thing startled him the most however. He was no longer on the Xeno world, He was on Holy Terra. The forces of Chaos were attacking the Imperial palace and he had to protect the Eternity Gate from the forces of Chaos. His Rival Ka’Bandha stood in a ring of Thousand Sons and he was determined to kill the Daemon.

“I am Sanguinius! Primarch of the Blood Angels!” He cried as he charged. “And today, Daemon. You WILL die!” The traitors could not stand to face the raging God of a man as he charged the Bloodthirster. Blow after blow rained down upon the hulking daemon. Blow after blow deflected by its chaotic blade. The fury of a Primarch and the Rage of the Blood God flowed through the two immortal soldiers.

The daemon was deflecting each and every blow Sanguinius had been raining down upon it, but it was beginning to falter and rely on warp magic to preserve its eternal life. Its blade no longer thirsted for the Primarch’s blood, but more for the safety of its owner. Fear crept upon the Daemon’s once rage filled face. Its death was at hand, revenge for the Blood Angels was at hand.

That looked changed to one of utter confusion as the Primarch smashed through the barriers and grasped the Daemon by the throat. The fight was over, the Daemon knew it. He would fall to Sanguinius this day. Its breath squeezed out of the lungs it possessed, it turned to a point behind the holy Primarch and muttered these words, “Twilight. Run”.

The noble Primarch spared a glance behind him, to view this daemon’s lies. What he saw was a small field, the ground behind him covered in small equine xenos both bleeding and crying for help or dead by his hands. One lone Xeno stood, of lavender coat and horned. This confused the noble Primarch; this daemon was playing tricks with something he had never seen. He turned to face his rival and the one thing standing between him and utter defense of his Father.
What he saw was a White alabaster horse from Ancient Terra. It had wings that spread to try to unbalance the Primarch from his task. Its face held a look of utter pain as the life seeped out of wounds left by His blade and the air was crushed from its lungs. Where was Ka’Bandha? Where was his arch foe? Sanguinius moved to push his hair out of his eyes but instead was greeted with the scraping of Ceramite upon Ceramite as his gauntlet met his armored helm he had not been wearing before.

The color of his armor had changed as well, from the noble Gold of his Chapter to a plain yellow.
The symbol of his Noble Legion had been replaced on his shoulder as well, instead replaced by a bleeding heart surrounded on two corner sides by checkerboards. He was no longer the Noble Primarch. He was no longer Sanguinius, Angel of the Imperium. But who WAS he?

The lone Space Marine fell to his knees, releasing the large Xeno from his grasp. It scrabbled away and looked upon him in a gaze of utter terror and fear. He held his head in memory. Who was he?

“I am… I am Garvel. Space Marine Sergeant of the… Lamenter Chapter’s… Fifth company”. The sudden noise startled the Xenos. He continued on however, “Servant of the Imperium… A loyal warrior for His holiness upon the Golden Throne, The Emperor of Mankind…Descendant of Holy Sanguinius… Primarch of the Blood Angels…”

“I have fought, bled, and… Died for my Emperor…” The last phrase seemed to rattle the Xenos, seeing how he was still breathing before him. “My brothers and Myself have fought all over the galaxy, destroying the Emperors enemies and baring the Imperial Creed upon our lips…” For the second time that day, hissing and clanking signaled the release of his helm. The warm sun once again fell upon his face, showing the tears that plagued the stone cut warriors face. “I am the last of the Chapter I know of… We were doomed to death… But still… We HELD THE LINE!” With his final words, the marine felt something he had not felt in over a thousand years. He felt the warm embrace of someone he did not know, someone he could weep with. The remaining Xenos held his armored form and cradled him like a child crying over a toy.

Garvel began to close his eyes for the first time in what seemed like the first time ever. A soft humming permeated from the Xenos, lulling him further into sleeps grasp. One last noise, one last bright light, then finally. Blackness.

The Green Sea Rises

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War. War never changes. From rocks, to swords, to guns, to bombs that could level a city. They all relied on the same thing. Power. The strength to wield the weapons of war was a skill he had perfected long ago. Bred into his blood and perfected by his ancestors. The fire in him called for more blood to be spilt, more war to be waged, and more followers to be gained. In short, he needed a WAAAGH! Since his “landing” on this world, he could feel his muscles rippling, his brain beginning to formulating strategies. The lone Gretchen was no longer a weak little git to be pushed around. He was a Nob. But to start this WAAAGH!, this Nob needed a Warboss.

“Well. I is deh Biggest. I is deh Strongest. And… I is deh only Ork here… Den I is deh Warboss!” The lone Ork roared into the forest. During his flight, the Ork saw many a chance for Lootin’, but the world had different plans for him. His flight was controlled by the air currents above the large forest he now resided in. The forest contained many an animal to fight, and then presumably devour, but nothing compared to the Imperial men he had fought in the last WAAAGH! he was in.
He needed to find the Space Marine. He would soon be calling for help from his Puny friends, ensuring that there was MUCH to fight and stomp. Just like how the Ork liked it.

First things first, he needed some Boyz. And to do that, he needed to release some spores.

Now… How did the big ones during his time as a Gretchin release those spores? By dying of course! But he couldn’t die, he was the Warboss! He needed to be alive! So how else could he make some new Boyz…?

Mork and Gork must have looked down upon this lone Nob and seen great things, perhaps greater that Grazghkull Thraka, for at that time something came bounding out of the forest straight towards the lone, weaponless Ork.
The beast was around a story tall and seemed very strange to the Ork. It had a muscular body of some sort of feline. The wings on its back seemed very reminiscent of wings the Ork had seen on certain Dark Eldar before, leathery and spiny. What finished the set was a large tail surrounded by carapace and tipped with a large dagger like barb.

Fear is something most races and species feel, especially when confronted by a predatory creature at least twice their size. Death is one thing that no creature wishes to face, so a fight or flight feature was added by the Old Ones. The Orkz however, never got the Flight feature.

With a grin and a yell of “WAAAGH!” the lone Ork charged the manticore, determined on picking up a broken branch on the way. Club in hand and enemy in sight, a battle of nature began.

The manticore looked surprised, never before had something determined to attack it, being the largest predator and toxic as well. But here was a creature clad in rags at least half its size charging it with a stick. If Manticore’s were capable of laughter, this would be a hilarious moment indeed. The beast reared its paw in preparation to casually swipe at the little green thing, even though he was sure his den-mother had told him to not play with his food on multiple occasions.

Surprise when the branch in the Ork’s arms crashed against the paw being risen and shattered bones underneath. A pained yelp arose from the Manticore, never used to being injured on the hunt. The lone Ork however, did not let up his assault, determined to beat this beast and release at least some spores. He swung his branch with the fury only another Ork his size could match, catching the Manticore in places it could not protect. Everywhere the branch connected, the sound of bones cracking under the immense stress could be heard over the cries of pain that arose from the manticore.

Now on the retreat, the manticore was afraid. Not even the ponies he harassed from time to time ever HURT him! They usually just scared him away! This… Thing was different than anything this Kit had ever seen. One of his paws was already useless due to the first attack, and now he could feel other bones beginning to crack under the onslaught.

The manticore raised his injured paw in an attempt to block at least some of the blows, but this only allowed for more of a beating to it from the Ork. That was the final straw on the Camel’s back. The Manticore simply dropped the paw it had been raising up, and tried to cover its body. The paw made connection with something however, as the kit could feel his claws rake through something.

The Ork looked on to the new change in the battle of nature. The manticore had just taken his left arm off. The Commissar Fuklaw Meter of Angry© in his head now went from KINDA ANGRY to FUCKING PISSED. “THAT WUZ MY SHOOTA ARM YU STOOPID GIT!”, he yelled towards the now surprised Manticore. He charged once more prepared to continue the relentless beating.

Blow for blow rained down upon the poor manticore, most now being aimed at the large head of the beast. Snap went the bones of the arms covering the head as the Ork continued his onslaught. The branch breaks but the beatings do not. What was once the bone breaking force of a club was now the sharp fingernails and blunt fist of the frenzied Ork.

So much blood spilled from the Manticore’s head, too much to allow it to still be alive. But the Ork continued. He was enraged, hungry, and the first Ork to feel this in centuries; in pain. The beast lay at his feet limp and lifeless, blood pooling and eyes open.

The Ork stood above the corpse of his first foe. His muscles rippled from the intense battle, the WAAAGH surged through his mind, the feel of power at his fingers. He needed a name. Every great Warboss had a Great name. What should his be…
A twitch from the body initiated his response to that. Without even a second glance, he stamped out the remaining life with a single stomp of his mighty feet. “Dat’s it… I am… WARBOSS SKULSMASHA!” His screams scared birds for miles as he lifted his arms to the heav-

Snap. Skullsmasha slowly turned his head towards the sound. Who would dare interrupt a Warboss from his victory cheer? There standing at the opposite end of the clearing was a small pastel colored… Horse? It stood looking at him in a look of complete fear and could not seem to break his gaze.

Skullsmasha grinned. Another play thing. He slowly walked towards the thing, intent sprawled across his face. “Oi! You dere! Im gonna krump yah good ‘less you start tellin’ ME what I wantz to know!” He picked up the small thing by its- her as he found out- mane and lifted it straight to his face. “Good ol’ Brainz is tellin me youz can talk. So Spill it! First… Wots your name?”

A barely audible murmur arose from behind the hair. “Speak Louda!” a barely louder reply. “I said… LOUDA!” He pressed his ear right next to her muzzle to hear her speak.

“My name… Is… Fluttershy…”

Author's Note

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This is just a small note from your local Daemon. I am sincerely sorry I have not updated in a long time, my Browser would not load FIMfic at home so I apologize. I should have a new chapter up fairly soon if possible. Aufwedersehen!

Past Love and New Hate

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The relentless sound of shovels could be heard throughout his sleep. He was back on some planet, fighting alongside his Mortal counterparts. The Imperial Guard may have been squishy in his and many others eyes, but their work was undeniable. This particular segment of the guard was a fairly stoic bunch, but then again you would be too if you were called the Death Korps.

Their shovels pierced the dirt in one monotonous pattern. Stab, scoop, chuck. Stab, scoop, chuck. They were preparing their trenches against the enemy. An enemy whose smell drifted across the entire continent, whose presence tortured the guardsmen and their weapons, whose war cries sounded more like garbled arguing. But these were men of Kreig. They felt no fear.

Above them floated the spirit of the Garvel and further still an Imperial battleship broadsiding a Chaos Cruiser. This was the battle for the Cadian Gate, something The Lamenter’s did not participate in, but something every Imperial remembers.

Garvel floated in a spectral form above the growing trench works, his mind in a state of dreams but his soul left to wander. He saw the growing hordes of Daemons and Heretics on the horizon, as did his fellows below. The feelings he felt left him not sad, but angry. He was somewhere else, on some forgotten Xeno world in the midst of probably a dungeon or possibly gallows or the headsman’s block.

He began lamenting his passing once more when the hordes began their charge. A soul shattering screech and roar tore through into the hearts and minds of all men present. Vast lights of friendly fire streaked past Garvel into the oncoming horde, tearing open Nurglites, Khornates, and Tzeechtians alike. But they did not halt. Millions of men and daemons alike streamed constantly towards the Imperial lines as did their fire. Hundreds of Kriegsmen fell before the bastardized forms of Old Imperial Weapons. Lasguns and Bolters fired from both sides, autocannons raked across the lines, and Garvel was locked in the midst, unable to perform with his fellow men of the Emperor.

Garvel walked the lines of the Guardsmen for quite some time, the trenches spanning easily a few miles. He watched the faces of the loyal men before him, stalwart and ready for war. Gasmasks on every face, sparing them from the nauseous smells. Death claimed many this day, his scythe reaping a healthy toll upon the zealous soldiers. Blood sprayed here in there from where soldiers were already in close quarters with the faster Khornates. The roaring of chainaxes became a cacophony in his ears. It takes approximately three Kriegsmen to take out one Space Marine as he found out.

But none of that mattered. He continued his lonely romp through the battlefield, sparing glances occasionally at the lines of both of the forces. Members of the Eccliarchy pocketed the forces of the Guardsmen, boosting their already zealous fervor, while Dark Apostles did the same for the heretics. They spewed the same lines of power and honor while promising peace in the afterlife.

But the end of the lines began to approach, and with them, a dark truth. Soldiers and Daemons of Slaanesh had finally joined the fray in the form of a pincer formation in true Slaaneshi fashion.

From the rear.

The vast hordes of scantily clad men, women, and some combination of both genders ran across the open fields behind the line. Upon instinct Garvel reached towards the nearest Ally to try and warn them of the impending force. Who he touched appeared to be a young Cadian, fresh out of boot camp, and probably the last surviving member of his regiment. The spectral hand of the Marine passed through the sol- boy, but seemed to have an effect. He had just enough time to turn around and scream as Daemonette’s blade sliced clean through his skull.

He watched. He simply watched. Guardsmen after guardsmen were slaughtered before the unending torrent of debauchery and heresy as they were squished by the opposing forces. The Blood God would feast tonight.

Suddenly, a cold armored gauntlet wrapped around Garvel’s pauldron and yanked him to the ground. What stood before him was surprising to say the least. What appeared to be a female Noise Marine. Her cold eyes pierced Garvel’s own, their cerulean shade enticing. She gazed long and hard before driving her bayonet in his gut. She looked surprised when it passed complete through him without even a spray of blood or piercing of the armor. Once again upon instinct, Garvel attempted to grasp ahold of something on her armor to pull himself up and here down and found that he could. They both stumbled to the ground in a tirade of fists and kicks.

His spectral form forgotten, Garvel returned blow for blow. They continued like this for some time, other Slaaneshi’s beginning to form a circle and watch their comrade squirm under what they assumed to be a drug induced hallucination. They writhed upon the ground more and more until she was finally able to pin Garvel to the ground with the tip of her blastmaster under his chin.

“What are you, Loyalist?” Her cracked voice sounded, her vox speakers making her voice sound technologically enhanced.

A smile crept upon his lips as he felt the embrace of half sleep begin to flee, and with a tone befitting an inquisitor said, “Your doom, Traitor.” And with that he vanished.

The beds couldn’t take the bulk of what appeared to be alien, so mattresses were laid down for him upon the ground. No heart monitor could be placed around his arm, but the sound of his breathing was enough.

Many ponies called for his outright execution. Some called for his imprisonment at least. But no. Upon insistence from Celestia, he was given a place to stay at the Canterlot General Hospital. His face alone drew many a pony to visit.
But the argument still raged on between the Royal Sister and her advisors within the royalty and upper class. About seven guards lost their lives in the span of ten minutes, another ten were severally wounded. Many of those guards had parents in the nobility, and as such their concerns were heard by both of the sisters constantly.

Celestia sighed inwards. These nobles had been before her for the last three hours pleading for their case. While she felt sympathy for the guards, she being there when they died. But that was just it! She was there! She too had her throat nearly ripped out and personally saw the carnage. What she needed now was a cup of tea and possibly a neck brace. But here she was, being the good monarch like she had been for nearly two thousand years. Needless to say, patience was at its maximum.

“All we’re saying, your Highness, is that under Equestrian LAW,” The last word strained and paused for emphasis, “That… THING! Should be executed!” Agreement sounded from the crowd surrounding the pompous stallion. He had literally stated laws word for word, laws SHE had helped write with the founding citizens!
Gods above was she bored… Her head craned towards the location of the hospital, half expecting to see the Warrior charging out of the hospital in a rage. Thankfully, no sight et entreated her eyes. But the distant setting of her sun was a welcome view, bringing a smile to the old Monarchs face. She left her throne and walked towards the windows, much to the chagrin of the assembled.

“My decision is final, Sir Knox.” Her tone sincere yet holding a much colder undertone, “And I shall defend it. I saw that… Thing and abhor it as much as you. He nearly KILLED me!” The crowd found that the floor tiles were excellent in this light.

“But… Inside his tone, there was something I recognized.” She turned towards those assembled, “And I’ll be damned if I let that happen under my watch again! Do I make myself clear?” Various heads of varying colors nodded their heads, “Good. Now, if that is all, I must retire. The night court will be open for any who wish to voice their concerns to my sister.”

The trot back to her quarters was a quiet one. Not a servant disturbed her, no guards followed her every step, and no nobles berated her to her door like the previous nights. She felt content, a small smile forming on her face.
Removing the royal wear was a time home skill of hers, allowing the pieces of precious metals to clink into their cases to be polished for the next day in unison. As the moon rose above the horizon and the sun finally waned, Celestia allowed herself to relax. She paced once again to the window, intent on seeing the beautiful night sky her sister painted every night.

“Like I said Luna…” She turned to the bed and began to lay down, “Never. Again.” She choked out with a sob.

Blood upon the Water

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These pitiful equines believed these tiny chains and ropes could contain him. With a mere strain of his muscles and with the aid of his Holy armor, the instruments holding him back would soon become weapons of destruction.

But held him they did. Nary a flex nor even acknowledgment that he still breathed came from the giant of Ceramite, perplexing the small creatures to no end. But he watched. He watched them scurry about with cold disinterest. He understood their reasons. He had slaughtered many of their number in a blind fury unbecoming of his chapter. Death was a symphony, and he had become its maestro.

His lungs still ached from the exertion his Primarch had put upon him. While he was the essence of a perfect warrior, his Primarch WAS the perfect warrior. Never tiring, always fighting, a symbol of the Emperor’s vision for humanity. And as such, much better than a civilian slaughtering marine such as him.

For days he lay in what seemed like suspended animation, but were actually just thoughts clouding his mind. And while Idleness was heresy, so was brashness. Litanies and strategies flew through his mind at the speed of a Bolter round. Yet no respite came. Should he simply slaughter them all and conquer this world himself? He could easily slaughter these small equines, even the larger Psykers as he had proven already. But what of other species? Were there other, more dangerous races or wildlife that could possibly threaten him?

And what of the Imperium? Why has he never heard of this species of Xeno before? Was the Imperium too far to absolve him and possibly retake this world? Had he been lost forever?

Thoughts such as these were heresy and were thusly expelled from his mind. But still they lingered. Always returning with more treacherous thoughts. He needed to cleanse himself. Either in righteous combat or upon his own skin in the form of pain or holy waters. Lying in this small room contained on this “Bed” would do no help however. He needed to escape.

But lo and behold. They not only posted guards around every single facet of him, scientists and doctors scurried about, intent on finding his form beneath. Already many of them had begun to adorn Aquilas they crafted after looking upon form. They spoke constantly, understandable to him, but ignored nonetheless.

He needed to escape, preferably without bloodshed. A funny thing coming from the living avatar of death a space Marine is. He watched their movements with interest. Much like the brave men and women of the Imperium he had given his life to protect. Talking about their lives alongside their works. Music, food, dress, and even a few secret whispers of love and courtship passed between these things. All while looking upon his holy form in awe and fear.

The guards however, looked upon him in hatred. Nothing but pure hatred. A smirk appeared upon his face whenever he looked upon their visage and saw their glares like daggers. He deserved their hate. But it shall effect future decisions, no matter what they are.

Escape. That’s right. That was what he was talking about. It would be easy to simply overpower the small equines and escape, but in his lamentation simple choices were hard. He needed to vacate the room for even a small amount of time, allowing for a quick sprint and possibly safety. But how?

Suddenly- Nothing happened. Garvel was still trapped in the room and Equines still surrounded him. This really sucked.

He rolled his head to the side to look out the window; a sight which he had not seen in Centuries greeted him. Vast open plains, beautiful rolling hills, gleaming cities and towns. And with it, the view of the town he had drenched. Plain in his sight nestled between a forest and fields. He knew that was the town. The smell of pain simply drifted towards him. A sigh escaped past the cold ceramite of his helmet; he was unsure what to do. These equines seemed so human, yet so foreign. He killed a whole squad of Soldiers and they embraced him and placed him in a hospital. He was Xeno to them and yet they forgave his trespasses and did their best to heal him.

Tis the folly of a fool that helps his enemy. His head turned once more upwards. He had no idea where he was meant to go and how. This was enemy territory and he was without support and away from any traces of the Imperium. At least on desolate worlds, he held the fact that his battle brothers stood by him and more were stationed above in space. Here, however, all he had was faith.

And his faith was strong. He was a vessel of the Imperium! He stood amongst the most elite warriors the galaxy had ever seen! He has braved horrors much more than simple “Abandonment”. He sat up, eager to praise his Lord in any way possible. Only to be met by a near platoons worth of spears jammed near his neck. Oh yeah. The equines were still there weren’t they? He slowly raised his hands, nothing threatening. The chains clinked against his armor and ropes tensed. Behind the guards, two of the large Psykers stood. One was the one he had nearly killed, bandages still upon its throat. The other was a midnight blue version, a head shorter than the other and seemingly more feminine.

Well. This was certainly a pickle. Had he been externally saying his monologue again? “Yes you were, Garvel. Indeed you were.” Said the short one in a tone of amusement. He could tell this one would be much more interesting than the others. “Well then. Maybe you should call off your guards and we can chat like reasonable hum-… Beings.” The two looked at each other; probably using their warp powers to communicate, and after a quick second nodded in the direction of one particularly shiny officer equine. He in turn nodded to the others who lowered their spears in motion. All save for one.

This one still had his spear up to Garvel’s throat, right above the Jugular. Should he be able to pierce the black carapace, he would quickly slay a space marine and end nearly a millennia worth of life. “Private Green Petal.” The shiny equine, whom you have now dubbed Shining Armor as appropriate, spoke with a tone befitting a Dress Officer. “I have given an order. Follow it.” The last words seeming forced yet still sincere to the Marine’s ears.

“B…but SIR! He… Killed… Killed my only-“She was cut off as the spear was torn from her grasp and snapped like a twig. The other guards reacted and barred arms once more, but more cautiously. Garvel let the small spear fall to the floor and forced the grill of his helm into the equines face. “Listen here… Equine. I have killed thousands stronger than you. I am a Warrior” His hands lifted much to the grimace of the guards and tall Psykers, but instead of cause harm, began to remove the helm as they did before. “And I have killed, yes plenty. Were they your friends? Family? Lovers?” the last statement drew a short nod from the private, “The hear this. I have seen a whole sector burn once. On it was my family, my friends, and my wife… They were given the Emperor’s final peace by His Holy Inquisition and my Battle Brothers, who even the lowliest, would always be better than you Xeno.” The last words were spat directly at the private as the helmet was finally off to reveal his cold blue eyes and menacing scowl.

But not only that, but tears at the corner of his eyes. “I lost much more than you ever will, and have become much more than anything you have ever known. I am the last Lamenter, possibly. The Tyranids probably made sure of that. ” His cold eyes drifted over the crowd, viewing the hatred and the sadness meld into one solid emotion. “And while you have the right to try to take my life, know I have the ability to take yours.”

With the final statements, he stood to full height, scraping the ceiling with his form and ripping the ropes from their supports. His eyes of ice pierced the taller Psykers, seemingly speaking with them yet dissolving their will as well. “I assume you two must have questions of my origin. Know that no amount of torture will allow me to release classified material, but I will tell you what I can in a more secure environment.” With that he began his march, helmet in hand, “If you need me, I will be searching for an appropriate location to bathe and death awaits those who disturb me.” More as a reflex than any thought of his own, he made the symbol of the Aquila before the Psykers and resumed his journey in search of a bucket to cleanse his filth.

Many scientists followed him blindly, as if enraptured by a god. True, he was possibly the closest thing this world has ever seen to a god of battle, as he could so tell by the variety of screams that erupted from unprepared xenos as he stomped past them. He was easily past double any of their heights, standing at about eight feet tall. This hospital was however, well-built and only required a minimal amount of slouching. The small scientists still scurried about him, asking question upon question, some ranging from how he looked in the rest of his armor to the true name of the Emperor. HA! Wouldn’t anyone like to know? Still they scurried, never once trying to help him find cleaning utensils.

He didn’t need their help however, as signs on the wall in a form of Low Gothic lead him to a bath area. Public, but he could easily make it private. And he did. In the form of three chairs and multiple towels to ensure no one could enter or see in. But locks work both ways.

The baths were always a true relaxation on tired hearts Pinkie Pie thought, and the hospital in Canterlot had the best baths EVER! Princess Celestia had the girls,except for Fluttershy and Rarity who opted to stay home, taken to Canterlot along with that… Thing to ensure if they were all okey dokey. But things were far from peachy keen. That meanie weenie had hurt a lot of ponies! She blew her bubbles in the surface as her mane drifted in the water around her.

He had hurt a lot of ponies, good friends too! But it was true that he was new to these parts… Maybe he didn’t know how to show his friendship like they did? It was a silly thought but who else but the party mare of Ponyville to think it up? She suddenly heard the doors lock. Hmm… Visiting hours must be over. Oh well, more bath time for her! But she didn’t feel safe, true the mare and stallions sides were separated, but still. Her Pinkie Sense© was saying differently.

Confirmed were her suspicions! Someone started talking to themselves! It was slow and almost… Mournful? Much deeper than any stallion she had met before as well.

A small shiver jolted up Pinkies spine. Deep voice? Slow talking? To THEMSELVES?! It must be the big meanie alien guy! A Quick peek over the small dividers confirmed her suspicions. There he was with a wet cloth kneeling near the bath chanting something inaudible to her ears.

He would soak the cloth, say something under his breath, then wash a piece of that yellow metal on him. Slowly taking it off… piece by piece… Oh Celestia why was she watching?! He was going to wash himself and be nude! She tried to pry her eyes away, but curiosity was her middle name. Pinkie “Responsibility Curiosity” Pie. And something pulled her in the direction of his flawless yet completely scarred skin.

Piece by piece the armor came off, allowing more of his form to be revealed. Words became clearer, all somehow pointing to that Emperor guy. But most were asking for forgiveness from him. He cleaned his gloves extra hard when he noticed they STILL had blood on them, something that caused her to wretch.

The arms came completely off at first, revealing two pillars of marble muscle. Veins glowed in the lights of the bath, even more so were the various bits of metal and studs in them as well. The chest came next, revealing that he was wearing something underneath. The black skin tight shirt left little to the imagination however, making Pinkie begin to subconsciously blush. The firm rippling muscles visible from a mile away, the bleeding heart imprinted upon the shirt even more so. Her heart began to beat fast as he began working on the legs, chanting even louder now.

“By the Emperor and His Holy light I beg forgiveness. I have sinned in his vision and seek his atonement in the form of my blood.” Wait his blood? The cloth he had used so rigorously was now tightened and lashed across his back with one arm. Droplets of pure scarlet fell from that one lash, falling into the pool and staining the blue surface. “Please my Emperor, forgive my trespasses. These Xenos are not known by Your most Holy Inquisition, and were not deemed for destruction.”

Another lash and another stream of blood. “Forgive my trespasses against your son, as I am not him. Forgive me my Primarch from the curse in my blood, so far am I from your Holiness.” The legs all but crashed into the ground, leaving the alien bare save for a black carapace like shirt/pants combo. Once again, leaving little to the imagination of the now shivering pink pony.

Blood ran across the perfectly blue pool. A usual sight for the marine but a shaking visual for Pinkie Pie. So much blood… a seemingly tear shaped pool formed in his bath, scaring the Pink pony to death. That was it; she needed to get out of here. She tried ever so hard to silently creep along the water’s edge.

“I can hear you, Equine. Show yourself.” A chill not from the water crept up her spine. “There is no use hiding. Either you come out or I come get you.” A gulp was all that emanated from her throat. “I will give you till the count of three to present yourself. I will not hurt you.” Not hurt her? But what about all those ponies he had hurt before? Hadn’t they just been trying to help him? “One.”

Oh sugar honey iced tea! She had to high tail it over there! But… There was a door right over there… She could just as easily escape as to return to him. “Two” “Time for a quick decision, Pinkie” she thought to herself, either face the alien or run from this place. “Two and a Half…” The obvious tone of anger beginning to form. So a decision was made.

She went over to divider once more, and peeked out around the corner once more to see his cold face staring back at her. But gone was his scowl and so was the blood, having sunk to the bottom and out of her sight. “Ah. I see you have made the wiser of two decisions. Come, Sit by me.” He patted the area nearest to him, a dry portion devoid of his lifeblood. She obeyed of course, not wanting to incite his wrath. Dutifully she sat upon her hind legs, ready to bolt at a moment’s notice. With a smile he looked towards her, looking at her as a grandfather would a son. Or a priest to a new follower.

“Equine. You have heard some very holy things come from my mouth in the short time you spied upon me.” She opened her mouth to defend herself but was stopped by his hand in front of her. “You are not the first. Well… You are the first Xeno, but not the first. I wish to tell you a tale. The tale of what happened to that first soul.”

Quietly he slipped into the pool, sighing contently as the warm waters met his skin. Pinkie continued to sit rigidly, still prepared to bolt. “She was much like you. Terrified of me, save she had seen much, much more than you most likely will. It was a Feral world. We were liberating this world for the Emperor with a small detachment of another chapter called the Black Templars. They could have taken the whole world themselves they said! Hah!” His laugh was one of true heart to Pinkie, her hind legs beginning to relax as did her smile.

He seemed nice when he wasn’t all grouchy McMeanpants, his laughter was nearly infectious a lot like hers. He already seemed very sorry… But still. She couldn’t let her guard down!

“Anyway, I was saying those Templars went off running for a fight? Well they did and left us behind, took the whole world themselves really. So most of us trailed after them, slowly, and mostly just using their chaplain to convert the locals to the light of the Emperor. We would regularly wash our Holy armor, and it is a very similar situation that I found her.” His gaze was slowly beginning to drift into his own subconscious, that much was obvious to Pinkie as she had seen many others do the same.

"She was, of course, human. But as I said they were quite feral. She however held this nearly noble air about her, as if she was raised in the Imperium. Blonde haired and fair skinned. She was curious as all warp would allow as well! She spied our procession and came to watch. And while many battle brothers prefer to pray together, I fell more myself when I am as such. Down to the river I went, searching for a suitable place. I heard her from a mile away of course but I pretended to be oblivious.”

“I proceeded much like I did here, removing my armor piece by piece while chanting my Rites. She continued spying. Always watching. I could feel her eyes rake across my nude form at times, but it mattered not. When I went to wash myself of my impure blood she ran forward and stopped my hand, a very courageous thing to do for a mortal. She thought I intended to harm myself, which of course I did.” He cupped some water into his hands then, seemingly only getting a handful of his blood. Pinkie shivered, blood still was not something she was used to and she hoped she never would be.

“As an Astartes, I am used to pain. But the pleading in her eye convinced me; they enraptured me beyond doubt. She was a chosen of the Emperor and just didn’t know it yet. So I taught her. I taught her everything I knew about the Emperor and the Imperial Faith. She listened as I went on for hours upon hours. Se winced not as I told the tale of the Heresy and the Internment of our Lord. She felt it instead. Tears flowed from her as the river ran by our feet. It was then I knew her place.”
Pinkie released the breath she had been holding. Unaware that it had passed, she continued listening as the woman in the story had as well. Here was a near GOD of a man telling a lowly pony like her a seemingly heartwarming tale. He didn’t hate the smaller, he just didn’t understand was all!

“She needed to become a Sister. An Adeptus Sororita. A daughter of the Emperor. She followed me, and our force, for quite some time. She always joined us in prayer even when she knew not the words or how to pronounce them. I felt the fire in her heart, one that only service to the Emperor could quell. So after the bloody spectacle of the conquest, my brothers and I took her aboard our cruiser, to be taught the ways of the Imperium. She learned well under our Ecclesiarchy staff… But I could tell she was meant for the Sisters. So the next time we came across a major force of Sororitas, My squad and I personally lead her to them. The last I heard of her however… was quite a long time ago. I was told she had passed every test and had become a Hospialler, aiding many a brother during many crusades.” The giant let out an almighty sigh then still seeming far far away from the lone pink pony and this Emperor forsaken world.

But to Pinkie, that sigh showed just how much she had not known. And she was eager to learn now. “Ummm… mister?...” She said in a tone that a mortal would not even be able to hear. He turned his head towards the sound, as if he had forgotten she was here, and gave an almost loving smile, once again like a father to daughter. “Yes, Xeno?”

She tried and tried to choke out these words of pleading. But they were so hard to say! How exactly does one say they want to hear everything that ever happened in the happening of forever! She thirsted for the knowledge but couldn’t bring the cup to her lips. So instead, she simply took the cloth from the ground and whipped it across her back much like he had done earlier.

This surprised Garvel. This Xeno had copied his action and deliberately hurt herself! It intrigued him even more that even through the tears of one who has never been injured, she was able to take her hood and with it paint something with her blood.

An Imperial Aquila no less.

“Pl-Please… Tell me more about… The Emperor.” The say his hearts grew three sizes that day along with his smile.
“As you wish Xeno. But take heed, this is a long and dark tale. Take notes if you wish.” And with that he began his speech.

New Wars. Old Rivalries,

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Thick Trees. Must feed. Small animals. Must feed. Losing blood. Must FEED.




These were all the thoughts that ran through the mind of the simple creature, much more teeth than anything else. He did not remember anything. Few of his kind did. He however only lived to FEED. He must feed the hive. He must please the Hive. He was the Hive. The Hive was him.

No larger creatures commanded him, so he fed. That was all he could do. Nothing really else… He could Feed some more. But for what purpose? And for that reason the Small creature was left to think. This was strange to it. It wasn’t used to this. It was used to feeding. Feeding for the Hive. But here… There was no Hive. He couldn’t sense any of it… it was alone.

The small thing wandered for great distances, this forest providing much needed sustenance to even continue. It did not know where it was, nor did it care. Thoughts, which had never entered its mind before began to trace lines in its brain. Many of the creatures ran at the mere sounds he made, and this made him think further. What exactly was it?

The Hive mind would have told it. But the Hive was not here. He WAS the Hive. He could always burrow and become another organism, but that sounded silly. It felt like being what he was now. A Ripper. And for the first time, it was full.
He wandered the forest far and wide, but never once saw anything that reminded him of what his old form would see.

Forests were normal on some worlds, but where were the Imperials? The Orkz? Eldar? Tau? None of its old life felt right anymore. It-No He, longed for explanation. He wanted some creature to tell him what to do. All these thoughts hurt his small mind. And this forest wasn’t helping! So dark and looming. Everything was beginning to run away from him too, even the bigger things. It… Hurt him. He longed for something to be there.
He longed for love he has never felt.

His thoughts continued for days. He wandered, fed when necessary, and thought. The lone Tyranid did what no other of his kind had and felt things other than hunger.

He strayed near a clearing, something drawing him near. He had been following a pack of the dog like creatures after they had thrown him a scrap of cloth for some reason. The cloth smelt disgusting. He still ate it but it smelt like the backside of an Ork.

They were here too, already running towards something green in the middle. He couldn't see it well but he felt as if he should stay where he was.

Garvel had finished teaching the pink pony nearly two long weeks ago. She had since retreated into her quarters for study and to practice his bastardized form of the Imperial faith. To say Garvel was touched was a mere understatement.

He was still kept under close watch by the guards and scientists. Brief visits from the apparent royal sisters confirmed his suspicion that this would be kept up for a long time. But under their gracious watch he was given some materials to practice.

It was while he was practicing with a carved wooden sword onto a hay dummy that he was approached by what seemed to be the leader of the scientists. Or which ever had drawn the short straw, whichever came first. The smell of fear was still wafting into his nose from the second they entered the square. He knew dozens watched him at nearly all times, especially when he trained, but few approached him. In that regard he missed the Pink pony and her endless tides of questions she had uttered with a vast array of emotional expressions.

This seemed to be the first pony to approach him with non-official conversation in mind hopefully. But fear still reeked from his small form. He was small, even compared to those that watched from afar. A motely brown coat mixed with cracked glasses reminded you very much of Administratum members. Except not a bunch of dicks who’ll send a thousand tons of rations to a dead world because no one told them NOT to. A bunch of dicks.
It seems that while you surmised on past events this small Xeno had already mustered the urge to speak to you. And apparently had been for quite some time. Well fuck.

“I apologize small Xeno.” You say while continuing to beat upon the hay in full regalia, “I have completely missed everything you have just said. May you please repeat whatever it is you were saying.” He looked very peeved at not only being interrupted but also not being listened to.

“Fine! Asf I wasf Jusft sfaying…” Dear Emperor his lisp was annoying, “One of the Elementsf hasf gone missffing. We have sfent many guardsf out to find her but they too have gone missffing. We, asf the Princessffessff and asf equesftriansf, are asfking you to help sfearch for her.” You have never heard such discordant noise as this one pony. Not even against the Forces of Chaos have you wished for sweet silence. “Fine. If only to stop the ringing in my ears.” He again seemed peeved at the comment but the others behind the door were ecstatic to say the least.

Suddenly, a rainbow blur landed before you. One of the Flying Xenos. A familiar one at that. “Point Dexter if you so much as open your bucking mouth I am leaving, I already hate what you are asking me to do but I don’t need your damn trap to make it any bucking worse.” This seemed to stop the speech already beginning to spew out this daemons mouth. “Listen here flank kisser,” she turned to look at him suddenly. “I bucking hate you. Got that? But these idiots at the palace seem to know that I know the Everfree better than anyone else as well as being one of Fluttershy’s best bucking friends. They want ME to accompany you to find her. So we are getting our flanks on a train and going back to MY home which YOU destroyed! Then WE are going to bucking look for Fluttershy until you are DEAD. Got me?” Garvel blinked away his surprise, never since his days as a scout had anyone talked to him like that. He was Centuries older than her but her she was. Screaming in his face as if he was a piece of Squig. At the mention that it was her home though, he realized why he remembered her garish colors sadly.

She was there. She was there during his greatest shame. She was there when he slain all those that aggressed him for their own protection. And she had all of a right to be like this. She would lead him in his repentance. The Emperor had sent her for his own sake.

He nodded his brief approval and began to follow the Xeno as she began to hover away, towards the doors and the scientists cowering behind it. They looked shocked as she had done such a thing, as if she had just blasphemed against some unwritten code.

She led him down corridors he had not yet pursued, towards an open platform, where two chariots with accompanying pegasi. There, the others were also awaiting them.

The Pink one, Pinkie Pie as he had found out after his tutorage, was still pouring over her notes but made time to lift an Aquila shaped necklace from her neck with a wide smile. Her hair still laid flat upon her head, and sometimes obstructed one of her eyes. The others seemed to just look upon him in held back terror and hatred, while they looked upon her with a look of betrayal.

No words were shared at that moment. Pinkie opted to ride in the same chariot as you, while the cyan one was told by the guards to do the same. Of course she hollered at them why but that was the word apparently and no more was had.
In a chariot with one angry Xeno and a Xeno servant to He upon the throne. Oh Garvel how the Mighty have fallen.

With lift off there was still silence. The Ponies in the other car chatted nervously, small topics that meant nothing to the warrior. He opted instead to ready his meager weapons. His training weapons, made completely out of wood.

He whittled down any protrusions. He reverently took care of this meager weapon, as he would with his holy Wargear before.

Thinking back, how he wished for at least his combat knife. A bolt pistol, A chainsword, power weapon. Anything! Anything but a simple piece of wood! They did not trust him with an actual sword just yet. He swore not to kill, a lie obviously, but his repentance was not yet complete. Hopefully this excursion would find his bloodlust satiated.

But without a mission briefing how could he succeed? He looked up from his work, noticing they were nearing the forest. He looked towards the Xenos, all seeming looking towards the Purple one for advice. She was doing her best to dull out information to them, but none of that was of importance. He needed the details of his mission; enemies, obstacles, terrain, target. Those sorts of things. They would not understand but it never hurt to ask.

“Xenos. I must ask about what exactly it is we are doing. Just a few questions, if you’d please.” He could tell without even looking up that everyone nearly jumped at his words. The rainbow one was the first to answer, anger hinting heavily on her voice. “I already told you! We need you for some damn reason to find Fluttershy, who has been missing ever since you freaked the BUCK out!”

“That was not what I meant XENO.” The last word laced with more venom than a Dark Eldar blade, “I meant Specifics! I cannot just blindly charge into a forest that may or may not kill all of you! Tell me of the beasts that dwell within.” Once again they looked towards the purple one, who seemingly acted the leader or the librarian. She looked upon him but could not meet his eyes, hidden though they were.

“Well… There is plenty of Fauna inside the forest. Ranging from the smallest wood mouse to the largest Hydra…” A hydra? That will be… Interesting if seen thought Garvel. “What else? Which is the most likely thing we will most likely en-“

Suddenly a few howls from below were heard. Wolves most likely. “Well Probably those” said Twilight, “Timberwolves. As the name implies the are wolves made of wood, fairly dangerous…” Her tone still spoke volumes of her knowledge but also her lack thereof. She had no idea what the definition of dangerous was.

As to answer that definition, a new call came to the forefront. One long and loud. Strong and proud.


Downright Orky if you ask anyone who knows what an Ork was.

Baffled were the ponies when their supposed warrior jumped to out of the chariot to the ground just over a hundred feet below plunging straight into the forest. Some showed their surprise in the form of gasps, others in snarls, but only one in acceptance.

Of course it wasn’t her own mind that accepted it.

Three Minutes Prior

He was loud. He was mean. He ate meat. He was stronger than her. There was nothing for her to do.

By the end of week one he had made a collar and a leash for her and never let her out of his sight. That meant he was never out of hers either. She saw how he tore into the flesh of the small animals she had once cared for. She saw how violent he was in fights against the bigger animals that meant no harm. She saw him as he grew and grew and yelled and yelled.

She was beyond the feeling of scared. She had seen so much, too much, for one pony to handle. She just wanted to curl up and be forgotten like usual.

But no. He insisted on having her, as both a guide and slave. He insisted he could trade her for “Flashy bitz” or whatever those were. He used for slave labor whenever he needed it, whether it be something simple like carrying wood or the more vile waste removal.

He had explained her and his position many times; he was the Warboss of the WAAAGH while she was a lowly “Grot” not fit for anything in life.

Oh how she longed for his death. She had seen many an animal come close. Cockatrices staring straight at him, Manticores thirsting for revenge, Timberwolves circling for the kill, and even nature seemed to be after him as the forest depopulated when he came near. But no. He would boast new scars, new trophies, and more food. No matter what he refused to die.

He was much bigger than when she first saw him. While he already towered over her then, now he made her seem non-existent. She barely came up to the navel area of this large creature. He was even taller than the Yellow Daemon that attacked town square before.

Headsmasha was leading her into a clearing now, yanking tightly on the cheap rope he had made. He probably wants a place to sleep for the night. He probably wants her to work for him and do everything for him. But what he doesn’t know is that a pack of Timberwolves has been following them for nearly five miles now, gaining quickly. The moment he sat down he would die.

She left a message for help for her animal friends to respond to long ago. This was not the first group nor would it be the last. They would keep coming until all of them or he was dead. She was their guardian, she was the element of kindness, and she deserved nothing but what she gave to the world. To treat her like this… Made everything sick.

He was in the middle of the clearing now. Her mind swam with thoughts that seemed odd for the yellow pony. “Turn your back and you’re dead, bucker.” “I can’t wait to carry your corpse to town.” “JUST DIE ALREADY”. But he never turned around, he never moved once he reached the dead center. He just swiveled his head around, nose in the air and ears rotating around.

He must have known. They must not have been stealthy enough. A snapped twig perhaps? No matter. There were twenty wolves and only one Ork. His organs were as good as spilled.

And twenty wolves there were. One long howl from the whole pack, one blood curdling howl of pure hatred. Out of the bushes and trees they came. From all angles save from where she was in the way they came. Twenty bloodthirsty wolves of timber charging at speeds faster than any pony on land.

He just smiled. The bucker smiled. He raised his one fist holding her rope, lifting her slightly off the ground, choking her. He lifted her close to his maw. A smile played across his lips, showing his vile tusks which still had pieces and stains. His black beady eyes narrowed as he took a breath so large, the air around her went missing. Then he let it loose.
What happened next was chaos.

Chapter update news

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I could make an authors note thing but that would be too fu- Oh wait were live?

Hello there citizens and followers! Tis your author speaking! I have come! WITH NEWS! OF PONIES

Okay so I was GOING TO update the new chapter last night, but alas. The herb was a mighty foe and my mind was clouded with thoughts of metal and lemons. I am aiming to make it a fairly long chapter, MAYBE around five thousand or maybe stopping at the three thousand words I am at now. I feel a bit like Dan Abett (GLORIOUS IS HE) here cause I rarely do actual fight scenes and seem to focus more on internal conflict???1? But I am motherfucking trying. I shold have the chapter up soon, maybe even today before work or after it. I'll delete thisnews after I post the chapter!

Also! A LITTLE UPDATE ON REAL LIFE BECAUSE YOU FUCKERS ARE READING THIS ANYWAY. I am now a legal adult! of the age 18! I HAVE BEEN SINCE MAY BUT FUCK THAT NEWS. I have also slightly fallen out of love with ponies! But the seed is still there and I shall try to continue this story! Maybe even finish it! Also as I have said earlier, the herb is my massive enemy! But also my only friend! So here i sit, alone in a room of smoke. FOREVER ALONE (except I am not but shh).

ANYWAY. THis is McCrowley! Signing off! Stay classy equestria!

(Other information such as my tumblr where you can see what has replaced the pone in my heart will be added HERE

Chaos in the Woods pt 1

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Garvel had fought on forest worlds before, but this was just ridiculous! Trees were so close together that he had to walk around their mighty bodies, others were so small that he could just run right through them without even looking back. He hadn’t seen a single animal yet though, just these accursed trees and bushes.

His helmet picked up some poisonous flowers up ahead, blue ones with spots. Of course his armor kept him safe, but he opted to play safe and simply walk around towards the sounds of the scuffle.

Up ahead was a clearing, but the trees were thick here, allowing no entrance. He would have to find another way in.
He ran to the right, dead set on finding that Ork. If even a single Ork was on this planet, then may the Emperor protect them all. Also judging by the loudness of that yell, it must have been a much larger enemy, possibly a Nob or a Mad Dok.

He could hear the fight, snapping jaws and meaty fists rang throughout the clearing. And the sound of whimpering. Female whimpering, trying to leave the clearing just ahead. It must be that ShutterFly or whatever the Xeno’s name was.

He continued trying to find an exit, for it seemed she was doing the same. The trees were still too thick to catch anything but small glimpses, but that was enough. It was obviously a very large Nob, perhaps even a Mega Nob. How it got on this planet he did not know. All that mattered was part of the creed. Death to the Xeno.

A slight slithering sound could be heard, but he paid no head. No mere snake could possibly puncture this armor.
He was nearing her location, she having apparently finding a small enough hole in the trees to escape. Garvel was close enough to hear her breathing, as erratic as it was. She sounded on the verge of tears, vomiting, and screaming all at the same time. And judging by the smell you couldn’t blame her. Capture at the hands of the Orkz is highly degrading, and for a Xeno her size to have been captured for two weeks spoke wonders about her character. She must have been the bravest of them all, feeling no fear in the eye of defeat and terror incarnate.

So it was much to his surprise when she simply fainted the moment she saw him. He blinked away his surprise just long enough to cover her with a few larger leaves before attempting to enter the clearing.

He really should have paid attention to that slithering.

This forest scared the young ripper. He just wanted answers. He just wanted recognition of the fact he was alive besides constantly devouring bio-matter.

He smelled many a thing in the breeze. He smelt blood, most likely from the sounds of a small conflict up ahead. The wolves he had been following, their blood was in the air. As well as some… Testosterone filled blood as well.

If there is one thing positive about a ripper, it is their sense of smell. And he smelt something else besides the blood. He smelt a burnt ichor. Burnt Tyranid ichor. Barley masked by the smell of sweet ceramite and the flesh it hid. Imperials. Space marines. They slaughtered his kind by the millions, just as they did to them. They were perhaps the tastiest of all the fleshy creatures in the Galaxy.

Gone was his fasting attitude. He hungered, for the flesh of this Imperial who would dare stand against the Hive. He peered through the bushes towards the Imperial; he seemed to be looking for a way into the clearing. The marine stopped for a moment, seemingly in shock. A… Horse? It had just… Fainted at the sight of the Marine.

The ripper thought what would it had done had it seen him. Fainted? Screamed? Tried to exterminate him? The marine had long found his way into the clearing by the time these length thoughts drilled through Ripper’s head. He could pursue, but conflict was never the place for a lone creature such as him.

And being so close to so many smells meant he was able to discern them. He gagged slightly at the cloth he had eaten about a week before. It didn’t just smell like Ork behind. He could still taste the multitudes of Fluids that he could smell all too clearly now.

The lone ripper chewed his way through some of the trees that blocked his path and boy howdy was he rewarded with a sight.

These bloody wood wolves were keeping him from finding the space marine! THEY WERE KEEPING HIM FROM HIS LOOT! That enraged him to levels unseen in anything besides an angry marine. It is a basic rule of the universe; Do NOT get between a Nob and his Loot.

“GET OUTTA MAH WAY YOU GITS! I got a Space mahreen to stomp!” The Timberwolves once again ignored his large roars and rushed forward. There were dozens of the things. What the blood hell did they want? There was plenty to eat- Oh wait no he ate most of the things in a four mile radius. There was plenty of terri- Oh wait no he claimed most of the woods by now. Well damn. This really puzzled the smart tactical part of HeadSmasha’s brain. Which was deep, deep inside his skull. The rest, which was completely active at the time, was focused on the fight.

Even without his shoota arm, Headsmasha was able to hold his own. Long ago he had started using a club he had fashioned out of one of the earlier timber wolves carved with his teeth as a weapon. Timber wolf wood is highly durable, almost unbreakable by anything that wasn’t incredibly powerful. So He lost a few teef carving the thing but as everyone knows, "Teef grow Back!".

He swung his club in a downward arc with a roar, smashing a charging timber wolf right before it bit his side. The spine cracked loudly, giving all the others a small pause. He grinned his bright yellow and tooth smile and charged in with loud yell.

What is it an Ork yells into battle? “WAAAAAGGGHHHHH!”

His thick legs propelled him across the small clearing, the Wolves barely having time to react. Only three out of the remaining six were able to dodge his wide swing, the other three being propelled nearly to the edge of the clearing. The remaining three scampered out of his reach, beginning to circle him slowly.

Headsmasha looked around him, eyeing the three Timber Wolves. The circled him slowly, two males and one large female. Not that Headsmasha cared, but that’s what they were. Their beady eyes glowed slightly as they growled long and low.

His grin widened slightly as he raised his club, pointing it towards the larger of the three. “Oi You wolf ting!” his voice rattled loud and strong, “You and yer lot are FINISHED. I’M deh new WARBOSS around ‘ere! And yer-“

His words were cut off by a brush of yellow and a loud CLANG, as he was hurled about three feet from where he stood. “WUT THE ZOG WUZ DAT?” Headsmasha yelled as he shook his head in confusion. The wolves too looked to where the large Ork once stood, utterly confused by a new entry into the fight.

“For those we cherish, we die in glory!”

He just bucking charged in like a princess damned idiot! How he survived the fall was way beyond her. Rainbow dash was pissed off more than a manticore with a big thorn in its paw. She lazily chased after him, gently floating out of sight behind the trees so the idiots up in the chariots didn’t see her. Even after they all SAW what he was capable of NONE of them want to just straight up EXECUTE him!

And now they trust him enough with finding her motherbucking best friend? What were they, Stupid?!

Worse enough Pinkie had the Gall to listen to the damned bastard… Her friends were slowly dripping from her. Only Applejack and her seemed only mildly influenced. Pinkie seems to join his madness, Twilight can’t seem to do ANYTHING right anymore. Rarity… Well let’s say Fluttershy isn’t the only they haven’t seen in some time.

There was a clearing she remembered from up above the sounds of something beating on wood as well as the howl of wolves. Was he beating on the local Timberwolves now?! She poked her head out into the clearing through some bushes and there… Well there was something new.

The biggest thing she had ever seen, even taller than captain flank kisser or whatever. It was big, mean, and very, very green. It was smashing Timberwolves with bucking no mercy. They’d all rush him from every angle but he would just shake em off and beat them to death! Sometimes they wouldn’t even get that… He left quite a few laying there, laying in agony.
It stirred… Something in her. But not as much as what happened next. She saw him through the bushes to the back left of the big green thing. He stopped for a moment to ready his wood weapon. Why the buck did they let him have that again? Sheer idiocy?

She blinked away her surprise from his speed in the dash, just in time to witness the green thing hurled a good three feet. Fast and Strong? Now that’s just not fair anymore. Her confusion only increased tenfold when she heard what she to be the battle call.

“For those we cherish… We die in glory?” Came her conflicted voice broke her own silence.

“Such a funny phrase… Isn’t it dashie?” Came an energetic voice from behind her.

“Pinkie? Wha-? How did you get down here? Last I checked the chari-“, She was cut off by a pink hoof. One over her mouth, the other around her neck.

“Shhh shhh… Think about the phrase, Dash. For those we cherish. We die. In glory.” The pauses in between the smiling pink mare increased, her smile curing into a relaxing content face. “Well he obviously doesn’t sound like such a meany weeny now does he? He well OBVIOUSLY cares about things doesn’t he? Just think about it a bit more?...”

The rainbow mare sighed once more, as she had done almost on instinct whenever she talked to pinkie anymore. She tried in every single way to get them all to come listen to her ‘preach’ or something. She apparently learned a lot from the bucker… After that little bath system mind erase thing he had to have done.

“Pinkie! Seriously! This isn’t the bucking time! Look! There’s ANOTHER thing here! We could possibly have another Ponyville massacre! Why don’t you shut up for just one!-“ She was cut off again as pinkie stuck out her head to look and placed her hoof over Rainbow’s mouth again.

When she popped back in, her smile was wider and much more cheery. “Oh that’s just an Ork Silly! Garvel has the love of the Emperor in this fight! No way can he lose!” Her smile beginning to turn much more relaxed once more as she turned back to look at Rainbow. “You see dash… That’s all you really need. The love of the Emperor.”

The rainbow mare stared at her pink friend, whom had donned a red looking cape cloak thing before the trip and was now uttering a small prayer into her own hooves. “Pinkie…” The mare choked back her true feelings as she spoke, “What the buck is wrong with you?..”

There he was. Some lone Ork Nob looking for a scrap. But he knew what that could entail, a single Ork can spell doom for a planet if left unchecked. For soon his spores will reach suitable ground, and out comes the WAAAGH!

Garvel stood proud as he looked up to the Ork standing before him as it dusted off the dust from the small fall it had. It didn’t even flinch when it saw the proud Astartes standing firm in a battle stance, wooden blade drawn. A smile broke upon its scarred and toothy lips.

“Wuts dis? The Space marine came to find ME? HEH! Aint that a rioght bit a laugh that is!” The large Ork said with a chuckle coming. He hefted his club up, pointing it at Garvel. “Alright you lil git! Dis is MY worl’ now! And YOUS IN MY WAY!”
The last words echoed with the meaty thud of large feet pushing the Ork’s large frame forward, Timberwolves completely forgotten in lieu of a “fun fite”. Garvel anticipated the dash, but was surprised as the makeshift club swung down, connecting with his chest with a loud crack.

The Ork wasn’t done there as a large foot connected next, sweeping the lone marine off his feet and onto the ground. “This Ork is FAST. Too fast…” thought Garvel as he quickly gained his footing once more. “I need to end this quick.”

The Ork laughed once more as he slowed to a stop near something near the edge of the clearing. As he picked it up, Garvel almost wished the Ork hadn’t. Being lifted in the air was a small yellow Xeno. Having been crumpled earlier by his presence, it was in the prime position for a small snack for the Ork. What came next was a shock.

“You come for this lil useless git? She’s been one hell ava burden! Even GROTS do more work dan ‘er!” He tossed the small Xeno over his shoulder, seemingly used to the expression and weight.

“FLUTTERSHY!” Came another distressed cry from behind Garvel, the rainbow one caught up to him it seemed. The last thing he saw was a rainbow trail before all hell broke loose.

Chaos in the Woods pt.2

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First off, how can something move that fast? Secondly, How can something that isn’t refracting water molecules create a rainbow Spectrum? Thirdly, Why did he smell warp fire? All three could be attributed to Xenos witchery but the first is what astounded Garvel the most.

The entire expanse of the field in the time it took a normal human to even evaluate if something is a threat, approximately a quarter of a second. But Garvel was not a normal human, No. He was Astartes.

Not that it mattered much but he really enjoyed the fanfare that blared in his head when he said things dramatically like that. He had begun to move the moment he saw her emerge from the brush, sensing an opportunity. As she rammed into the Ork, he was a second behind. He heard something snap as her hooved appendage connected with the meaty jaw of the green skin. He’s seen Orkz fight before and he knew it definitely wasn’t the Jaw.

He watched seemingly in slow motion as the club dropped and the hand came swinging towards her, seemingly encasing her in a wall of meat. He watched her expression change from one of bravery and anger to one of fear and despair. He watched in utter happiness as his “blade” slowly swung towards the Ork’s gut. The force of the swing causing the handle to slightly crack.

Were that an actual weapon, the Ork would have been bisected at the hip. As it were though, he simply doubled over and roared while both the frightened and unconscious Xenos fell to the ground in a pile.

“AAARH! Dat was a Low Blow Space mahreen!” the Ork yelled as he clutched his gut, a few coughs bisecting his words of hate and bestial anger. Garvel readied his blade once more, waiting for a good opportunity to strike.
The wolves circled the Ork and the Marine slowly as they did before, seeing their friend crumpled on the ground in between them. Short quiet barks to each other and snaps in their direction gave their intention quite clearly.

A foul Greenskin and the forces of nature itself were building themselves up against Garvel. But he was a soldier of the Emperor, and he would gladly die in service.

The smell of warpfire was still burning his nostrils however. It was severely beginning to worry him. He could tell the other group was quickly beginning to approach from the same way the rainbow one had approached.

He closed his eyes as they approached closer, his mind already lulling him into a battle trance. This would be a difficult battle he was sure of it.

He switched his stance, the blade pointing downwards and his arm outstretched acting as a shield. This is going to be fun he thought as a smile forced its way onto his face.

The chariots were parked some ways away, causing the others to chase down their friends at a near break neck pace. Not that it mattered, she already knew the outcome. Garvel would slay the Ork and emerge victorious.

Pinkie sauntered around the clearing, watching rainbows brash actions and Garvel’s swift response. Clearly his strength would prevail. She had been here for quite some time, watching and waiting. Her pinkie senses warned her of a doozy that would be coming up soon, something even bigger than the hydra.

Few things could ever scare Pinkie that she couldn’t simply laugh at. So when she heard the small amount of hissing she simply giggled and move on, her red robes swaying against the bushes. What came out was not what she expected.
It was shorter than a snake, but fatter. Where its head was seemed to be a crest like cover. How it could see was far beyond her imagination. Its mouth was large, larger than she had ever seen on any snake. Short clawed arms dangled right behind what she assumed was the entire head.

She stared with a confused expression, tilting her head to the side as the small thing crawled out of the bushes. When it noticed her it seemingly repeated the expression, using its small legs to propel its head up, seemingly trying to get a view of her.
It was goddamn adorable. In its own way of course.

It took of all of Pinkies willpower to simply not squeal and pick the thing up and hug it tightly. As much as she wanted to, those were some fairly large teeth. And of course what would Garvel think?

It tilted its head once more, eliciting small insectoid chatter. The temptation met no resistance this time around. She flailed around with the small thing lodged between her forearm and her chest, making a high pitched noise that obscured the frightened chitters.

His name would be slithers and he was going to be the best pet ever, after gummy of course!

It is said that on this day, millions of Light years away, The Holy God Emperor of Man and every Tyranid in the Galaxy shared a moment in which they all shed a single tear.

They galloped as fast as they could, dodging trees and jumping over what they could. The guards near them formed a tight circle around the group, weapons drawn and faces set forward. These were true professionals, Twilight thought.
Until something actually happens apparently. A hulking mass of green was sent flying through the trees, right before the entered the Clearing. Right before them in a small lump of shattered trees was the largest looking… THING any of them had ever seen!

The small group of guards had at first held up their spears and pointed down upon the thing. Contain the Perpetrator, simple guard duties. All sense of order was lost when a gigantic hand reached up out of the small amount of debris, proceeded to grab a single guard by his head, and toss him like a stone straight at Garvel as he began entered the hole the beast had caused.
A soul sickening crunch was heard as he collided with the armor, everyone already knew the outcome.

Twilight stared on with her mouth agape as the green Giant had already gotten back to its feet and tackled Garvel back into the clearing. “What… What just happened? … Is he? ...” The guard captain, whom Twilght remembered their name was Oak Shield, next to her managed to choke out.

Everyone was startled to say the least, the twitching the body didn’t help either. Most of the Elements had already backed off some, trying to get as far away from the dueling giants in the clearing as possible. “Captain. Orders? …” came the Voice of one guard, currently trying to comfort Applejack, who had collapsed from the Affairs.

The captain did not respond, but instead turned face. She took a moment to catch her breath before turning back. “We… We uhhmm…” She dragged her hoof over her face and looked up to the sky, seemingly for an idea. “We uh… Perform Standard Procedure. Contain the Incident and await reinforcements!” Captain Oak Shield finally stammered out. “Surround the clearing! I want to know if these two big boys make it out again as soon as it happens you hear?! And someone… Someone say something short for Trickle Stream...”

The small amount of excitement in their words of “affirmative”, “Yes ma’am”, and “Omaha” told Twilight just exactly how this was going to end. Badly of course!

“ALL Shall Fester… ALL Shall ROT…” The Gooey voice sounded. “No matter your… Tricks… Young Prince…” The last words literally dripping with Malice.

“I concur, you slimy Bastard! This world… There is something to it~ And It just makes me Shiver! I want it!!” A more immaculate voice came from the dark.


The darkness was quiet for some time after that. No one seeming to understand The Blood God’s Logic. Wasn’t Blood still Blood?

“… I already have an agent on the world so there HAH! Mine anyway, you losers!” Came the Immaculate voice of Slaanesh again, much to the chagrin of Khorne and Papa Nurgle.

“And To Answer Your Question, Khorne. You Are Here Because I Have Already Seen Through Your… Plan…” Came the fourth, raspy Voice of Tzeentch.


It’s because you are too stupid and your penis doesn’t work, isn’t it big guy?” With a giggle came from Slaanesh, already being chased around the Darkness by Khorne.

“Come, Brother Khorne… Even I see through your…” a long winded Wheeze was the only sound that came out of Nurgle’s large gaping mouth, heard over the sounds of Khorne beating Slaanesh, and her own… Moans.

“… It is an ILL fated attempt… But It did surprise me… Change from you, Old friend?...” the raspy and bloated voice continued.

“No Matter Is It Now. Chaos Descends Upon This World. It Matters Not Who Takes The First Piece…” The raspy laugh that followed seemingly cut the darkness out of Existence, as if it were never there Hovering above the World in question, Hiding behind its moon.

Some Dark cave somewhere close by to our main characters in Townsvill- I mean Ponyville.

“Cruor cruento Deo… Calvae calvarum solio…” Each syllable seemingly interrupted by a constant slicking, wet sound. Before long, a roaring portal erupted in the dark cave, and with it, the laughter of a thirsting god.

Battle Medic

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War. War never changes. Give a Man a stone and he will beat the nearest man to death with it. Give him a sword and he will slash and stab at a man with a different religion than he. Give him a gun and he will shoot someone with a poorer quality gun for their oil.

Give a man a fully automatic gun capable of shooting rounds that explode inside a target, and well… You have a whole different kind of war then.

Garvel was really missing his old Bolt Pistol right about now, dodging out of the way of another downward strike from the Ork. A single shot would have ended this fight were he lucky. But no, he was not lucky, he thought as he delivered a quick punch to the beast’s stomach, causing it to bend over and wretch.

A sword even! Power or Chain! A loud thunk to the back of the Ork’s head caused it to stumble away slightly cursing in its foul language. What he lacked in strength compared to the Ork, he could easily make up for in Finesse with a blade!

But alas, here he was, having to beat down this Infestation with his bare hands. He was far from done, all of the blood on his armor did not belong to him in the slightest. The Ork however, had taken quite a few hits already; most of his Teef had fallen out, his eyes already beginning to swell shut, and telltale bruises forming over very important parts of its body.

Where Garvel struck with Precision and Power, the Ork only swung wildly. It connected a few times, never enough to penetrate though, but enough to damn well hurt.

The Ork scrambled to his feet, its breathing ragged and its stance wobbly. It took a moment to build up but it let out a pained yell then, “Itz not FAAIIRR! Yous gots both yer arms! I’s only got me one arm!!” As its tirade ended it let out another pained yell before turning tail and sprinting towards the hole that was made earlier.

“I’ll be back Spehss Mahreen! I’ll krump yah if its the last fing I do!!” The large thing thumped away, knocking away a surprised guard with a swing of its gigantic fist.

Garvel attempted to give chase, but it was futile as the beast maneuvered through the thick foliage much better than he could. As it faded into the forest, the smell of warpfire seemed much more intense though his grille.

Something was off.. A sense of dread had hung over the air. As he began to move farther in to investigate, he heard the cries of the Xenos behind him. They called for him, another crying out in pain.

Garvel let out a deep sigh. As much as his gut was telling him to Investigate, his Oath to the Emperor told him to repay his Sins, and that meant aiding the Xenos for the time being…

He grudgingly stamped back to the clearing, the ponies preferring it over the dark and gloomy forest. There the Guards had formed a small spear wall, shaking spears allowing him to pass, and a small meeting. Only two casualties, One fatally wounded guard whom was covered with a small blanket by the looks of it.

And one hollering wounded soldier being attended to by the Witches of the group. Their Xeno Magic holding his fore leg still as they attempted to set it. It appears he was the one hit by the Ork in the Beasts escape. Thank th-

“Oh there you are Garvel!” came the ever ecstatic voce of the Pink Pony.

“We were wondering if you were going to come back or not but I told them you’d definitely come back either with that meany Ork’s Head or…” He had already shut her out as he walked closer to the meeting. The captain was dishing out orders to her Subordinates, telling them to report to the castle Immediately to report their findings.

As he looked over, however, he could literally see the captain’s hairs stand on edge, her coat seeming to pale as she attempted to continue rambling to her underlings. It brought a soft chuckle to Garvel’s lips.

As he neared the other civilian ponies that accompanied him, he could see more clearly what they were dealing with on the injury. And then, all respect he had garnered for the Military lifestyle of these Pony guards had vanished in an instant.

All their magic and all their care was going towards a SIMPLE broke leg. Not even bent that far and certainly there were no bones sticking out. Yet here the guard was, hollering as if his entrails were in his hooves.

He thundered over, much to the chagrin of the Guards nearby, they backed away slowly with spears ready. Those that turned to see him walking over soon had the same idea, including the braver two of the six civilians, leaving the two magicians at their craft and the “wounded” Soldier.

He sighed as he undid the clasp on his helm before barking “Move” In a commanding Growl to the two Mages. With a cry along the lines “No I am attempting to save this poor waste of space’s life” The purple one refused as she continued to pour magic into the limp, moving it inch by inch.

She protested more as he pushed her aside as he took to his knees, staring the guard directly in the eyes.

“Are you Injured, Guard?” Came his authorative voice once more. The shocked guard could only reply with a frantic nod as Garvel’s eyes burned holes into his own.

What happened next shocked the assembled crowd, as he placed a mighty gauntleted hand upon the Xeno’s side gently. “Be at peace Xeno, Your pain will end soon enough…”

The crowed released the collective breath they all held, seeming much happier already, giving other words of encouragement to the guard in question.

What they didn’t expect was for Garvel’s other hand to grasp the broken limb between thumb and fingers, snapping the bone back into position with a loud CRACK that was soon followed by the howls of pain of the guard and the thumps of several ponies fainting at the gruesome sound.

He chuckled as he stood up, mages already putting their magics back into his leg to make sure it set properly. He thought back to his training, enjoying the bits where he learned basic battle medicine.

The smell of warpfire still pervaded however… But he could not venture out alone, not yet.

Faith Warrants Arms

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Five months had passed. Five Wretched months upon this xeno infested world… Garvel had spent many a day in prayer to the Emperor, asking for some form of sign that he was still in His eternal gaze and Grace. Nary a whisper returned…

The Xenos were… Still rather disgusting. But over the months they had begun to grow upon Garvel. Where he once would crush their skulls for the slightest sound, he now tolerated open prayer alongside him. Where their colorful and pathetic “military” had once offended him, he now oversaw training as well as the hunts for the Greenskin. He still wanted to kill them all though, he thought as he looked over the training field watching various exercises of regimental battle.

He now had a seat beside the princesses, eating their vegetarian meals and sharing his insight and wisdom about the kingdom and stately affairs. Those who did not know him personally knew his position at least and fear was no longer a common emotion when he walked the streets. Oh how the mighty have indeed fallen…

He turned and stamped away from the training field, his helmet under his arm. His hair had grown a bit in these past few months, now reaching down to his chin if not held up in the Warriors tail as he called it. He refused to call it a pony tail.

He continued marching, eventually ending up inside the castle as per usual, stalking towards the Canterlot Library as it was called. He quite enjoyed the silence as it allowed him to pen accounts of history for these ponies to read. At first it was to make them tremble in fear, showing them tales of the Mighty Imperium and how it conquered all of its enemies. Now… Now he simply wrote fictions and other accounts of valor he could remember.

However, his destination had been predetermined for him beforehand. So when he entered the library, it wasn’t to the usual silence but to the greetings of those he had come to know as the writers and bookworms of the city, as well as those of the mares whom he had the immense displeasure of being attached to for most of the time. Before him in a large circle of chairs and other seats sat many ponies, all of whom had gathered for a weekly book club as they called it. He sighed under his breath, remembering how he had been roped into not only coming to these, but being the main attraction…

One month prior:

“Oh come on Garvel! I am sure your stories would be a big hit!” Twilight badgered. She had been on his case for the last few days, having just read most of what he had written out of sheer amazement. He was a wonderful writer! One of the best she had ever read from in fact!

“My answer is final Miss Sparkle. I will not be put on display for all of your amusement. My writings are meant to ins- The answer is no.” He said as he continued penning down what she was sure would be another Epic.

“Oh its nothing like that! It’s a club for likeminded individuals, where we discuss novels and stories-“She quickly cut herself off with a glare from over the top of his desk. Most of the furnishings in his rather large room had been made custom for his large stature, but even then the desk still seemed small as he peered over it.

“If I go once, will you leave me be?” She smiled brightly at this, already hopping over to the door to escort the marine to the Library…

Present day:

Garvel sat upon what to normal humans would seem like a throne, looking quite bored with his hand under his chin and his eyes half opened. A few of the so called intellectuals had broken into an argument over one of his latest works of fiction, the topic being whether or not a Deathwatch Psyker would trump the Eldar Farseer he had penned.

While the answer was obvious to him, after his last outburst of anger left a fewquivering in puddle, he had agreed to no longer vent his rage. He looked over to Twilight, she herself quite engrossed in the argument in favor of the Eldar. He imagined wringing her neck in his mighty hands when he heard the faint clicking of his proximity alarm.

“Pssttt! Garvie!! It’s me pinkie pie!!” The Pink pony whispered from behind him, to his annoyance. She had become quite the asset over the months, speaking many times in his favor and leading the Hunt for the Greenskin with great fervor when he could not.

He craned his head to the side, looking at her with the same bored look. She was clad in the now familiar red robes, tinged with streams of gold and bearing a modified Aquila on her chest. It was the same in most respects he noticed, except it now sat above a similar but equine version of itself.

He snorted at this before speaking up in a harsh whisper “What is it, Miss Pie? Can you not see I am…” He paused for a moment, looking at the quarrel as it began to escalate, with insults being thrown about by those whom he one thought Intelligent.

“You were saying My lord? Hehehe! But seriously! This is sooo borrrinnnggg! Would you rather be speaking to faithful?” She whispered back with a wide grin.

Faithful? Speaking? What on Holy Terra was she speaking of? Before He could question and berate her, she slinked away towards a set of doors in the rear of the room. He looked back to the gathering, words coming to blows over various works of his and others. It was without great difficulty that he too slinked away, following the trail of Pinkie Pie.

She led him through corridors, through halls, through rooms and even through a kitchen. She always seemed to be around the next corner by the time he entered an area, his eyes catching her red robes just barely. It wasn’t until he came to a desolate part of the castle at the top of a set of stairs did she pause and smile back at him.

“Now… You may be wondering why I have taken you-“

“I have already deduced something, Miss Pie. You have taken me here, as you said to speak. To whom, I am barely guessing…” He spoke loudly, towering over the Pink pony. She did not look perplexed the slightest, in fact seeming to smile wider as he neared her.

“You said it yourself in one of your stories, My lord… Every great saint needs an army to lead… And I am here to bring you that Army!” Once again she slunk off away, leading Garvel down a long flight of stairs.

As he entered what he believed to be the Basement, Cheers erupted from the entire room. The room was packed from wall to wall with Ponies of various size, shape and color. Guardsponies took up a large portion of the Masses he realized, Forming a large square in the center of the room. They all cheered at his appearance, hooves clattering against the floor in thunderous applause.

He was lead to a makeshift podium for someone his size by Pinkie, still taking in the sight himself. It was then the crowd began to become silent and Garvel realized what this was. An opportunity. These assembled xenos were those whom had listened to Miss Pie and her bastardization of the Imperial Faith. Those who now saw the Space marine as a Saint instead of a cold blooded killer. My how things have changed…

He felt a nudge at his thigh, looking down to see none other than Pinkie. She smiled and ushered to the crowd, their breaths held in anticipation. She looked out at them with a soft smile on her lips as she muttered to him.

“This was all I could muster, My lord… Those who I can definitely see following you into battle. And those who I can see in the after victory party!” she beamed. “All they need is a leader and a fire in their hearts.”

He looked at the assembled crowd, the guards his focus. Each and every one as a disgusting xeno. They should all be quivering at the sight of a Space Marine, fearing the Angel of Death. Yet here they were, waiting for him to speak to them as if they were his servants and he nothing more than a mortal man. But as he looked out to the crowd, he saw many Aquilas both normal and the Equine version, some guards even taking it to the point to scratch them into their armor in rather neat lines.

There was no question they all saw him as a Gift from the Emperor, all were waiting for some conformation that the Emperor did Indeed smile upon them. A revolting thought. He should debase them all now, sending them on their way to mope and whine. But… Miss Pie had mentioned an Army, and one such as this would at least aid in ridding the eventual green tide…

“Before me… I see a mass of… believers” he began. The room was silent as he spoke, his voice carrying to the far reaches of the room without impairment. Silence hung after each of his words, eyes staring back up at him with wonder as he spoke.
“A mass, yet nothing else. I see guards and civilians alike. Those who have taken to the Imperial Faith…” The whole situation unnerved Garvel, his own faith stretched to its limits and yet he was expected to be a beacon of light for XENOS.

“In days past and future, the sons and daughters of the Emperor die upholding this faith, and you shall be no different. To be a servant of the Emperor is to forfeit your life, as it was His to begin with.” This sent shivers down the spines of some, the cowards of the group he assumed.

“Life is the Emperor’s currency, spend it well… I intend to spend your lives in service to the Emperor, to throw you into combat and let the path of War test your faith. Does this offend any of you?” He did not expect an answer, but when one did come from the forefront of the Guards, he was rather surprised to see who it was.

“Lead us into the fray my Lord! My Guardsponies stand ready to weather whatever there is!” came the voice of none other than Captain Oak Shield. Her mane hidden under her helm and her armor brightly shined and regal looking. Purple with a gold trim… How ironic thought Garvel.

He walked from the podium, looking the captain in the eyes with the same bored stare he had on for the entire day.
“Are they truly, captain?”

“Y-yes, my Lord… We were told… By Miss Pie from… Her scriptures… The Emperor is our light…” She stammered slightly as he came to stand above her, not flinching in her gaze.

He looked down at her , curling his lip up in disgust and spitting by her, causing her to yelp as the acid sizzled into the ground. Oh did he have much to teach these ponies of war, of battle and faith.

“Miss Pie is but one of you, enlightened only by my sorrow and my own words.” He looked up from her to the assembled host, throwing his arms wide.

“From this point forth, I take all of you under my command. You shall be known henceforth, as the First Imperial Auxiliary of Equestria.” He paused to allow the Applause he knew was coming, and come it did with a roar of praise and the thunder of hooves.

He raised up his hand for silence, “But. That means all of your lives are now in my hands and in the balance of the Emperor. Whether you live or die, means nothing. For only in death, does duty end.” He turned his back, expecting silence as he began to stomp out of the room. But from the far corners of the room, he heard something that made his hearts skip a beat.

“For the Emperor!”

He continued up the stairs as the room erupted in cheers once more, the chanting of For the Emperor sounding above all. He sighed as he reached the top of the stairs, closing his eyes as he could barely hear the crowd now.

“Pitiful xenos…” He muttered under his breath. He sighed once more as he looked up, only to see the Everfree in flames from a window.