Every Day Life with Pony Girls

by Slash17

First published

Spike tries to live a normal life while more and more inter dimensional pony girls keep moving into his house. Inspired by Monster Musume

“Hi, my name is Spike Draco, and I am-or I was your average everyday Joe. I had moved to a pleasant city after graduating college, got a good paying job and a nice big house like I had always wanted( though it was kind of lonely at first). Yeah, I was just another guy in a normal world, until the government revealed an earth shattering secret. There’s a whole another dimension that existed just outside our reach, a dimension of pony girls and all kinds of other species of humanoid people, and now the governments of both dimensions have agreed to start allowing for the movement of our peoples into each other’s worlds, with the condition that all foreigners are taken care of by only the most trustworthy of people.

When I heard about this I figured it wouldn’t affect me very much so I didn’t pay it much attention, that is until one day a government agent by the name of Mary Sunset came to my door assigning me to…get this….a princess! You would expect for an Alicorn girl princess to be living in the white house, but by her request she asked to live with a normal person. When I met her I was kind of scared, not because of her she was actually kind of cute after all she looked mostly human, all she had were those pony ears, wings and horn. I was scared of losing my normal life. Now though it’s been a few months since she’s settled in, and while things have changed it hasn’t  been that bad, the worst it’s been is that few weeks ago she accidently made my hair green….well at least it’s just one girl, they can’t make me take care of more right?

A Morning with an Alicorn Girl (Edited by starblade)

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It was sunrise in Sanctuary City, and the metropolis was in its normal morning state: quiet, calm, and peaceful. Sanctuary City wasn’t like the other populated cities, where people were always on the move and there’s never a moment of tranquility to be found. It was a serene, relaxing place. Sure it had its moments of hustle and bustle, but nowhere near that other cities had.

In one particular house, located within the serene suburbs of this peaceful city, dwelled a 22-year-old young man who was just waking up from a short, yet restful sleep. The young man sat up in his bed and hit his alarm clock before it had a chance to go off and make an unnecessary noise. His hair was just barely long enough to cover his eyes, if he didn’t comb it. It was also naturally spikey and—to many people’s surprise—a bright shade of green. He wore a pair of blue long johns and a white T-shirt. He rubbed his head and rapidly blinked his eyes in an attempt to shake off the last dregs of drowsiness.

“*yawn* Man, I gotta convince Twilight not to keep us both up so late studying. It’s a good thing I’ve got today off from work,” the young man said as he slowly got out of bed.

Walking over to his bedroom mirror, he picked up his comb before taking a good look at himself. One thing he just couldn’t get use to was his green hair. His once full head of charcoal black hair had suddenly turned emerald green. It happened a few weeks ago while he was helping Twilight practice one of her spells; unfortunately, the spell backfired, resulting in his new verdant hairstyle. Twilight promised that she would whip up a potion to turn it back to normal, but has yet to bring forth any results.

“You’d think a princess capable of making a portal to another dimension could find a way to change someone’s hair color.....and not by accident,” he speculated as he finished combing his hair.

Princess Twilight Sparkle—Twilight, or Twi, to her friends and loved ones—was a magical princess from another dimension. She and her subjects were pony/human hybrids, magical humans with a few noticeable equine traits, and thus the people of Earth referred to her as a “pony girl.” Physically, Twilight looked like any other human save for a few features: lavender pony ears, a lavender horn sticking out from her forehead, a silky purple tail with a pink streak going through it (which perfectly matched her shoulder-length hair), and a pair of lavender wings on her back. Her wings, horn, and royal status characterized her as an alicorn, the rarest type of “pony” from her dimension, an alicorn. She could channel magical power through her horn to conduct spells, fly through the sky with her wings, and possessed enhanced physical strength and endurance compared to the average human. Twilight tended to exercise her magical talents more than her other two gifts. Unfortunately, as the young man’s new green locks indicated, she was far from perfecting her craft.

The young man put on some sandals and went down stairs to wake up his magically endowed roommate before starting breakfast. He walked through the halls of his recently refurbished home, and like most mornings as of late, he took a moment to gaze at the renovations. Ever since the arrival of his roommate, his house had undergone a severe transformation from a normal two-story house, to a castle-like mansion, with its high ceilings, white-washed walls, many rooms. His home was already large enough for him when he was the only occupant, but after Twilight moved in, it now felt absolutely gigantic. Considering Twilight happened to be a princess, the young man’s less than humble abode probably seemed more like an outhouse than a suitable dwelling. Hence, the recent upgrade.

The young man walked through the halls until he reached his roommate’s favorite part of the mansion: the library. A month ago, it was his man cave, complete with entertainment system, an assortment of video games, fully-stocked mini-fridge, and a hockey table that he used whenever his buddies came over. Now, it was Twilight’s personal study, where the dimension-hopping royal spent most of her time, including when she slept. Oddly enough, when she wasn’t sleeping in the library, she insisted on sleeping in the young man’s bed, even if he was there. Especially, if he was there. It made him question why she even had her own bedroom if she wasn’t going to use it. When the young man entered the library, he was met by the all too familiar sight of books, papers, and various writing materials scattered haphazardly across the room. No doubt it was yet another in a long line of Twilight’s messes that he would have to clean up.

“Now, it’s time to play everybody’s favorite Where’s Waldo parody, Where’s Twilight?” he quipped, looking around the room for the Alicorn Princess.

He checked underneath the desk, between the shelves, above the shelves, and even in the desk drawers. The latter was the least likely hiding spot, but he had seldom found her hiding in weirder places, so he checked it anyways. And yet, still no sign of her.

“Where did that girl go? Twilight! If you can hear me, make a sound!”


There you are!” he cried, walking over to an apparently living pile of papers.

The young man saw the slight up-and-down movement of the pile and heard the unmistakable sound of his roommate’s breathing. He cleared the papers of her head and began to lightly tap her admittedly cute face. Its initial response was only a slight twitch of pony ears, so the young man switched tactics, leaning in close and whispering the young monarch’s name in her ears. This time the pony ears perked up, signifying she was waking up.


“Morning, Princess. You sleep well?” the young man chuckled as he stood up, looking down at the girl’s exposed face.

“Spike? Good morning. I slept well, thanks. How about you, Bae?” she asked as if she wasn’t mostly buried in a mountain of papers.

“I slept alright. Would’ve been better if I had gone to sleep a little earlier,” Spike replied, ignoring the nickname she gave him. As he recalled, it was short for Best assistant ever since he often helped her in the library and with her spells. Though sometimes he wondered if Twilight knew what that word meant in this world.

“Oh Bae, you ever consider that maybe you sleep too much?” Twilight asked with a giggle.

“You ever want to get out of that mess of papers?” Spike snarked.

“Huh? Oh yeah,” she said, finally realizing the state she was in. She slowly rose to her feet, letting the pile of papers slide to off her body onto the floor.

“Well, come on. I got to get breakfast rea-what the heck!” Spike yelled, quickly turning around to diver his eyes from the pony girl wearing nothing but lavender lingerie.

“What is it, Bae?” Twilight asked, confused by her roommate’s reaction.

“Twilight, you’re in your underwear,” Spike deadpanned, hiding the blush on his face.

“Yeah, so what?”

“I thought I asked you to stop doing that. What happened to the night gown I gave you?”

“You know I can’t sleep in that thing. Besides, it’s normal for the girls in my dimension to do this when in the comforts of their own home, and you did say that I could make myself at home, didn’t you?” she asked with an arched eyebrow.

“Well, yeah. But you weren’t doing this a few months ago.”

“That was because I was still adjusting to living in this new world, but now I really like it here....and....I really like you,” she said, her cheeks growing pink while Spike kept his back turned.

“Yeah...? I...uh, like you, too,” he replied. “By the way, have you finished working on the potion to change my hair back to its original color?” he asked hopefully.

“Sorry, Bae, but with all the time I’ve spent researching your Earth books, not to mention all the reports I’ve written and sent back to the other Princesses in Canterlot, I’ve barely had the time,” she replied.

“Heh...I still find the names you pony people give to your cities funny. Canterlot, Trottingham, Baltimare, Prance, Ponyville, and that last one wasn’t even very creative!” Spike chuckled. “Well, find your gown and meet me in the kitchen. I’ll have breakfast ready and then we can go out today.”

“Sounds good,” she said as Spike left the cluttered room. As soon as she was sure he was gone, Twilight’s ears folded back and her shoulders slumped down in relief. “Phew, I don’t know how much longer I can keep this up.”

Twilight walked over to the shelf that Spike had been standing next to and briefly searched the shelves. She found the paper she was looking for pinned beneath a book. She moved the book aside, picked the sheet of paper up and stared at it pensively. It contained the counter-spell that could change Spike’s hair back to normal.

Twilight knew the spell the entire time and could have changed Spike’s hair back instantly after it turned green, but when the dust first settled on the day of the accident and she got a good look at Spike, her heart skipped a beat. She couldn’t help but swoon for a moment at her roommate’s emerald green hair that now perfectly matched his eyes. The change in hair color made him look more like a denizen of her world rather than that of Earth, and she secretly decided that she preferred Spike’s new look over the old one. She had actually been lying to Spike this entire time just so that she could have a little extra eye candy for as long as possible.

“That was close. I don’t know how he didn’t notice this. I mean, it says Hair Coloration Manipulation Spells right at the top of the sheet,” she muttered before she giggled. “He may not be the brightest assistant, but he sure is the most caring....and handsome.”

After waking up Twilight, Spike had made his way to the kitchen and put on his trademark, pink apron. When she first moved in, Twilight had given it to him as a “thank you” gift for allowing her to stay and putting up with the remodeling of his house. Before starting on breakfast, Spike had turned on the TV and turned it to the local talk show aired within Sanctuary city. He liked to listen to the sounds of music, singing, laughter, and conversation whilst he worked.

”Good morning, Sanctuary City! I’m your host, Jade Williams...”

“...and I’m your co-host, Johnathan Smith.”

“And this is ‘Bright and Early, Sanctuary City!’”
“And this is ‘Bright and Early, Sanctuary City!’” the two talk show hosts said in unison.

As Spike went into the kitchen to prepare a breakfast fit for two, he heard the two co-hosts discuss the hottest topic of the day. As usual, it was about the pony people who had visited our world and their effect on Earth’s societies. For instance, the new inter-dimensional Pop stars that had crossed over from the pony world, Countess Coloratura and Sapphire Shores, had gained worldwide popularity almost overnight.

“I have to say, Jade, these pony people are just incredible.”

“They sure are, John. Their talents have changed our world in so many different ways, due in no small part to the Equestrian and Earth pact signed a few months ago by the various national leaders of Earth and the Princesses of Equestria. Thanks to this pact, a number of Equestrian immigrants have integrated into human society without serious incident and without drastically changing the life of average everyday peopl-”

The TV was suddenly shut off by Spike, whom had finished making breakfast and was now brewing a fresh pot of coffee.

“I’m not sure about that last part. My life has been changing more and more the longer Twilight stays with me. Who would’ve thought this would happen to me.”

“I know what you mean.”

“What the heck!” Spike yelled at the sound of the unexpected reply.

Although the voice was feminine in nature and sort of familiar, Spike knew that it definitely wasn’t Twilight’s. Even more unsettling was that the sound of the voice came from directly behind him. In other words, someone had not only managed to get inside the mansion somehow, but was also able to sneak up on him without him noticing.

Spike quickly turned around and came face-to-face with the owner of the voice. Standing before him was a young woman with a head of shoulder-length, red and orange hair. She wore a bright red blazer with black high heels and a pair of sunglasses. She leisurely stood there, enjoying a cup of coffee as if her sudden presence was completely natural and not alarming.

“Hello there, Spike,” she greeted.


“What’s wrong, Spike? Don’t you remember me? I’m Agent Mary Sunset, your Equestrian Girl Guidance Instructor,” the woman said, introducing herself.

“Okay, first of all Agent Sunset, I know who you are, and second, what are you doing here so early in the morning?” Spike asked.

“Oh, I just stopped by to make sure everything was in order. It’s my job to do that, after all.”

“Well, don’t worry. As you can see, everything’s in order.”

“I hope so. I know that you’re still not very well versed in the details of the new pact that’s been formed. So I stopped by just to remind you that the golden rule is not to bring any harm to her,” she reminded.

“Yeah, yeah, don’t worry, I haven’t hurt her in any way,” Spike replied nonchalantly. He turned his back on Agent Sunset to finish brewing Twilight’s coffee, but he suddenly froze when he felt a killer intent directed towards him from behind.

“’Hurting her’ also includes plucking her ‘lavender flower,’ just so you know,” she said in his ear. Her voice was completely calm, but Spike could hear the hostility in her tone.

“W-What?!! I haven’t done that, either! And I never would!” he replied, turning to face her.

“Well, I’m sure it’s crossed your mind. She may have pony ears, wings, a horn, and a tail, but she also has the physical appearance of an irresistibly cute human girl. If anything, her extra features give her an alluring, exotic appeal. Wouldn’t you agree?” Sunset asked, her voice dripping with suspicion.

“Like. I. Said....I haven’t done anything to her,” Spike replied through clenched teeth. The government agent was slowly starting to grate his nerves.

“Well then, what about her? Has she tried anything? Being part pony, the Equestrians are more in touch with their animal instincts than us humans. That means that these pony girls can be pretty passionate about whatever, or whoever, catches their interest. Has Princess Sparkle acted strange towards you or sent any signals?”

“Uh...no, not at all,” Spike lied. ‘Other than walking around in nothing but her skivvies, or that time she “accidentally” blasted both of our clothes off while we were sitting on the living room couch,’ he thought to himself.

“That’s good to hear. I ask only because she seems to be getting awful friendly with you as of late,” Sunset took off her shades, “and you don’t seem to be putting up much of a fight,” she said, her voice taking on a more husky tone.

She gazed into Spike’s eyes as she grabbed him by the chin and pulled him close to her face. Spike was completely caught off guard by Sunset’s unexpected change in demeanor. His cheeks took on a rosy hue as their faces grew ever closer. He could smell the contrasting scent of her perfume mixed with the smell of coffee on her breath. Their faces were merely a few inches apart now. Spike could feel her warm breath on his skin as Sunset’s lips were nearly upon his own.

“Hey! Stop that!” cried an agitated voice.

Suddenly, a lavender bolt of magic flew in-between Spike and Sunset’s faces, causing the two to quickly separate. Almost immediately afterward, Spike’s body was covered in a lavender magic aura and he found himself lifted off his feet and into the air. He soon found himself pulled through the air towards the source of the agitated voice, Twilight Sparkle. Unfortunately, as good at magic as she is, Twilight’s emotional state often effected how much control she had over her magic. In this case, her irritated state was severely hampering her control over her magic. As a result, she accidentally bashed Spike into the wall behind her before gently bringing him next to her, albeit groaning in pain.

“Damn, he’s got it worse than I thought,” Sunset muttered, sending a brief pitying gaze towards the young man.

“Hey, listen up! Don’t you ever touch my Bae again, or I’ll make sure you regret it!” Twilight declared, unaware that her magic grip on Spike had grown stronger and was slowly crushing him.

“Hmmhmm....don’t worry, message received,” Sunset replied holding her hands up in a placating gesture. “Bae, make sure you and Princess Sparkle don’t break any rules. I’ll be in touch....bye now.” Sunset placed her shades back on her face and made her exit, leaving Spike still in the incensed royal’s magic grip.

At that moment, despite the throbbing pain and magic squeezing him, Spike noticed that Twilight had put on her night gown like he asked. However, she was slightly wet. He assumed that she must have bathed before putting the night gown, but didn’t dry off properly. As a result, her garments were wet enough to the point that they were see through, showing off the princess’ bountiful chest.

“Twilight, maybe you should change into something else. You might get sick if you stay in those wet clothes too long,” he said with a slightly strained voice.

“Bae, what was she here for?” Twilight asked, completely ignoring his previous statement.

“Oh, she was just here to make sure we weren’t breaking any rules. And I know you wouldn’t do such a thing, Twi. You are a princess, after all,” Spike wheezed. Twilight’s magic grip was starting to force air out of his lungs.

“I know that, of course. But I was thinking, you know you would never hurt me, not like some of those other humans that might want to.”


“Like, you know that even if the law protects me and most humans don’t try anything, a lot of them have shown signs of mistrust and aggression towards us Equestrians because of our magical abilities.”


“But your different. You’re not jealous like some humans, or greedy and evil like some of the politicians I met when I first crossed over; I know they would want to hurt me.”


“That’s why from here on out, I give you my personal permission to do whatever you want to me. I know you’ll never bring me any harm. I trust you completely. How’s that sound?” she said proudly with her eyes closed, awaiting a response.





A Few Minutes Later....

“Come on! Don’t give up on me, you bastard!” Agent Sunset shouted, trying frantically to pump air back into Spike’s lungs. The unfortunate young man laid unconscious on the floor while Twilight anxiously paced back-and-forth behind them.

“He’ll be fine. It’s fine. It’s all going to be fine. You look nervous, Sunset. You know you really shouldn’t be nervous,” Twilight said, sweating feverishly as Sunset continued to pump his chest.

A few seconds later, Spike came back to them.

"Its Not A Date!" With An Alicorn Girl (Edited by Starblade)

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“Okay. So now that you’re breathing and back in good condition-”

“I don’t know about good condition, I think her magic may have broken some things,” Spike said, cutting off Agent Sunset, whom had brought the air back to his lungs just a few minutes ago. It seems not even death can save Spike from her.

“Good. Condition,” she repeated tersely, slightly irritated at being rudely interrupted by the man whose life she just saved. “I must remind you not to do anything inappropriate while you and the princess are on your date.”

“It’s not a date, it’s a research mission,” he corrected.

“Is that what she’s calling it, too?” Sunset asked with a raised brow.

“…….Just get on with it.”

“Sure. So, first of all, remember that the law says no harm can be brought to any of the inter-dimensional foreigners by a human. Second of all, that rule goes both ways. So while you can’t harm them, they can’t bring any harm to people like you either…”

“Uh-huh,” Spike muttered skeptically, glancing briefly down at his formerly suffocating chest.

Anyways, there is to be no using the foreigners for lewd purposes. So no taking her to any of the city’s more...stimulating areas, or I WILL find out,” Sunset said.

“Yeah, I got it,” Spike nodded in confirmation.

“And lastly, she isn’t allowed anywhere on her own, so make sure she’s by your side at all times,” the agent finished.

“Alright, alright, I got it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I think Twilight’s ready by now.”

“Very good. Have fun on your date!” Agent Sunset said, leaving the room.

“Bae! I’m ready! Let’s get going!” Twilight cried, stepping out from behind one of the doors to reveal her preparations for the dat-research mission! The research mission. Because that is what this is, a mission for Twilight to learn about human cultures and pastimes.

“Alright, Twi. Where would you like to go?” Spike asked, walking her to the front door.

“Oh, you know, wherever you want to take me,” she said, cuddling up into his arm. It was then that Spike began to notice her clothing and figure (again). She was wearing a lavender sundress that hugged her curves rather nicely. Of course, there were holes in the back of the dress for her wings and her tail, the latter hanging low to the ground. She also wore some black ballet shoes, the same ones she wore when she first arrived on his doorstep. What’s more, Spike realized that she wore her hair down, exposing the height difference between them—with Spike being a head taller than her. Overall, Spike thought her ensemble looked good on her because of how well it matched her hair and eye colors.

Spike himself was wearing a purple T-shirt, a brown leather jacket, blue jeans, and purple sneakers. He may have lacked Twilight’s color coordination, but he thought he looked good. Real good.

“Well, how about we start at the local library? You could learn about human history, science, biology and even internet,” Spike said. ’Besides, it wouldn’t seem like we’re on a date in a place as boring as the library. She may be a bookworm, but I doubt even she’d find that remotely arousing,’ he thought.

“Bae...that sounds fantastic! I’d love to learn more about what makes a human tick. And maybe while we’re at it, you can find out what we Equestrians are into~” Twilight replied, batting her eyelashes at him.


“Never mind what I just said, let’s go on our date!” she said, thrusting a hand energetically in the air.

“It’s not a da-ahhhhhh!” Spike yelled as he was lifted in the air by a magical aura and carried upwards, following Twilight as she flew in the air.

“Alright Bae, give me the directions to the library and we should be there in no time,” Twilight said, levitating Spike right next to her. Unfortunately, he was upside down, and to make things worse, he was beginning to feel sick to his stomach. However, for Twilight’s sake, he chose to ignore it.

“Twi, let’s just take it slow, okay? The library is that way,” Spike said, pointing towards the Sanctuary City Public Library.

“Aright, I think I see it,” Twilight replied as she flew towards the direction Spike was pointing, levitating Spike right behind her as she flew. It was a bumpy ride for Spike as he was spun around in the air like a spinning top—sideways while upside down—until he and Twilight came to a sudden stop just a few feet off the ground in front of the library. Just then, a group of young, teenaged boys and girls leaving a local school and also taking a trip to the library looked up just in time to see Twilight and Spike arrive. They looked on in amazement at the sight of a flying woman, until they saw what she was wearing underneath the sundress.

“Oh look, there’s a field trip going on! Hi, kiddies!” Twilight waved cheerfully. However, she soon became less cheerful and more curious when she saw all the boys had severe blushes on their faces while the teachers struggled to make them look away. “Hey Spike, why are they all blushing like that?”

“Uh...Twilight? You’re flying right above them.”


“You’re wearing a sundress,” Spike pointed out.

It only took a few seconds for Twilight to realize the implications of Spike’s words. It took even less than that for her to respond. She let loose a high-pitched scream before suddenly teleporting herself to the ground. Unfortunately, in her haste, she forgot to take Spike with her.

“Oh craahhhh-OW!” Spike yelled as he belly flopped on the ground. Thankfully, he landed on grass, not cement, so his landing was slightly softened upon impact.

“Oh my Celestia! I’m sorry Bea, I didn’t mean to drop you like that!” Twilight said, running over to where Spike had fallen to help him up.

“It’s alright. I know you didn’t mean it, so let’s just go inside,” Spike said, getting up and dusting himself off. As they entered the library some of the school boys couldn’t help but jump in what they felt was victory.

“Dude! Did you see that?” one asked the other excitedly.

“Yeah man! Total panty shot! We are men now!” the other replied, throwing his fist into the air.

Back inside the library, Twilight was gawking at the shelves of books like a wild predator staring at pieces of meat.

“Alright Twi, where do you want to start?” Spike asked.

When he didn’t hear a response, Spike looked over towards Twilight and found her frozen with a star-struck look on her face. Realizing his words had gone in one ear and out the other, he briefly shook Twilight’s shoulder. Spike’s nudge broke Twilight out of her trance, letting her re-compose herself as she scoped the scene for a place to start.

“Hmmm…..ooooohhhh~! Is that the human world history section? Let’s go there!” Twilight said, racing off.

“Twilight, wait! I have to stay by your side, remember?!” Spike said, running after her.

A few minutes later, Twilight had gone on a study binge, surrounding herself with stacks of books focused on human history as far back as the times of the Roman Empire. She was absolutely captivated by stories of human history and how many similarities it had with the history Equestria and her world in general.

“I see. So humans did have royal monarchs like Equestria does,” Twilight observed with interest.

“Yeah, back then the strongest ones were in Europe, but most countries over there are democratic now. Any remaining royal families are merely figureheads and don’t really have much to do with leading anymore,” Spike explained, sitting next to Twilight next to one of the library’s computers.

“Huh. So why did they all these countries change to democracy?” Twilight inquired.

“Well a lot of people got tired of the old ways and wanted the right to choose their own leaders, so they got rid of the monarchies and installed republics and democracies,” Spike replied.

Got rid of? What do you mean by that?” Twilight asked.

“Well, most of the time, the monarchs didn’t want to give up their power and wouldn’t leave willingly. So the people got together and...well, got rid of them, like during the French Revolution,” Spike said while dragging his finger across his neck.

“Yeeesh. They must have really gotten those people mad. Oh Pegasus feathers, we have to go soon. But I still have so many questions,” Twilight said, disappointed that they would have to move on soon.

“Well, if you still have some questions, you can use the internet,” Spike suggested.

“Ah yes, I’ve heard of this internet before. It’s used for entertainment and research worldwide, correct?”

“That’s right. Now, get acquainted with whatever history you can. I’ve got to go register the books we’re gonna borrow,” Spike said before walking off.

Twilight sat there, both curious and excited as she looked at the computer screen. She couldn’t believe that a world that claimed to have no real magic could still produce a device like this that gives you anything you wanted.

“Okay, so where to start?” Twilight muttered, looking around the screen until she looked up to the top left corner and saw something called “Browser History.”

“Hmmm….what could browser mean? Well, that’s why I have the internet to help me find out. Now, let’s see if I can remember how Spike explained how to use it,” she said. Twilight took what she believed Spike called the mouse and dragged it to the button that said “Browser History.” She clicked it and blinked when a small window opened up with a list of previously visited websites, one of which particularly caught her attention. It was called, “Double D’s and the Nerds Who Love Them.”

“I wonder what that could be?” Twilight wondered as she clicked on it. When the image finally loaded, her face turned as red as an apple. The screen was filled with images of nude human females, all bearing conspicuously large breasts. She completely froze in place as her eyes darted all over the screen, the lewd imagery soaking into her subconscious. Just then, Spike was returning with the books he selected to check out.

“Hey Twi, I got the books. Let’s-” Spike froze as he noticed what was on the screen, his face turning a similar shade as the pony princess’. “Twilight, what are you doing on a website like that?! Get off it!” Spike yelled before pushing Twilight out of the chair and swiftly took the seat himself.

Spike hastily tried to exit out of website himself, however, as he tried to close the page, disaster struck. The kind of disaster that easily counts as one of the worst possible fears that lie within the hearts of teenage boys worldwide, the computer screen froze. Realizing that the cursor wasn’t moving, Spike began to freak out, frantically moving and clicking the mouse to avail. Then, things took a turn for the worst as Mrs. Brown, a 65-year-old librarian, came to check on him and Twilight.

“Excuse me, I was wondering if the young lady would like a library membershi-OH MY WORD!” the old lady screamed, alerting everyone in the library, before she collapsed onto the floor. Seconds later, a small group of college girls came over to investigate and caught sight of the unconscious woman.

“Oh my goodness! Mrs. Brown, what happened?!” one of the girls cried, running over to help her up. The girls noticed Spike standing nearby—his face pale and dewed with sweat—and decided to ask him what happened.

“Sir, do you know what happened...to the.....librarian?”

She placed her hands over her mouth in shock, catching a glimpse of the screen before Spike could cover it completely. Suddenly, she turned to her friends with an angry look on her face and whispered to them what she had seen. Within seconds, Spike had a crowd of angry girls closing in on him. Meanwhile, Twilight watched from behind a nearby bookshelf, trembling in fear. Her face was still very red from what she had seen.

“Um….please don’t hurt me….”

Five minutes later...

“I’m really sorry I got you kicked out of the library, Spike,” Twilight said, looking down as the two walked to their next destination.

“It’s no problem, Twi. I never really went there much anyways,” Spike said, gently putting an arm around her shoulder. He used his free hand to rub his stinging cheek, still branded with the glowing red handprints of the girls who slapped him.

“I assume that a website like that is used for clopping?” Twilight asked with a blush.

Clopping? What’s that?”

“Its when…..well, when you….pleasure yourself,” Twilight said, looking away in embarrassment.

“Oh. Uh, we humans call that masturbation,” Spike said, looking away in the opposite direction.

“Oh...okay.....Spike? I’m still curious about one thing.”

“What’s that?”

“There was a button on the page that said “Share to Social Media.” Isn’t that what you use to communicate with friends and family?”


“Who in their right mind watches something like...like that and thinks, ‘You know who would like this, my friends and family’?” Twilight asked, looking at the young man.

“That’s actually a pretty good question, but I have no idea who. Or for that matter, why.”


“Yeah. Anyways, where do you want to go next?” Spike asked, hoping to steer the conversation elsewhere.

“Well, I’m kind of hungry. Is there somewhere we can get something to eat?” Twilight asked, looking back up at him.

“Sure. There are bunches of restaurants in the city, but I assume you want a vegan place since you’re basically an herbivore.”

“Yeah, although we can eat meat, we pony people don’t really like to. Dragonbloods and Griffons do, though,” Twilight explained.

“Cool,” Spike said outwardly while inwardly thinking, ’If you only eat vegetables, then how the heck are most pony girls so curvy? They should be skinny as wooden planks.’ “Alright, I know just the place,” he said as he took her to a nearby place with a salad bar. When they got there, they received quite a few stares from some of the other customers—mostly those whom had never seen an Equestrian before—but they chose to ignore it and sat at a table next to a window.

“Wow, I’ve never heard of some of these salads,” Twilight said while perusing the restaurant’s menu. “Hey, there’s no hay on the menu,” Twilight pointed out disappointingly.

“Well of course not. Humans don’t eat hay, remember?” Spike chuckled.

“Oh, r-right,” Twilight said quietly, her cheeks growing warm and rosy as she hid her face behind her menu.

“Go ahead and order, Twi. It’s on me.”

“Well, if you say so. I’ll have…..”

A few minutes later, the couple’s table was overcrowded with vegetarian dishes. Twilight had ordered whatever she thought looked good, which turned out to be nearly the entire menu. Spike watched in astonishment, his mouth agape at the sheer amount of food that had been brought to the table. However, if he was slack-jawed before, his jaw really hit the floor when he saw how ferociously Twilight began tearing into her food. It reminded him of a documentary he saw on the animal network about lions.

“Wow, Twi……your appetite is kind of scary,” Spike said as he watched a veggie burger disappear instantly before his very eyes.

“Oh, this is nothing. You should see me when I eat hayburgers back in Equestria. *Belch*” Twilight released the cutest little belch Spike had ever heard, prompting a light chuckle from the green-haired youth. “Oops, excuse me,” she said.

“Mommy, mommy, that lady has a tail!” a small boy cried. Twilight and Spike turned around and found the boy sitting on the other side of the restaurant. He was pointing directly at Twilight while his mother pulled him away.

“It’s impolite to stare, Billy,” the mother chided.

“But it’s so weird! Look at her ears, too!”

Twilight’s ears drooped in sadness at the boy’s comment. Her face took on an increasingly scared expression as the child’s comments had drawn the attention of the other customers towards her. Spike noticed this and opted to take her somewhere else. Just then, a camera flash came from the side. Spike looked and saw a teenage girl had taken a picture with her smartphone.

“Come on, Twi. Let’s get out of here,” Spike said, taking her by the hand and escorting her toward the exit. When they got outside, the two discovered a small group of people with their phones and cameras directed at Twilight. The two realized that the group had most likely been watching her through the window for a while. Spike noticed that Twilight was starting to get a bit uncomfortable with all the recent attention.

“Dammit, I got to find us a way out of here,” Spike said to himself.

He grabbed Twilight by her hand and led her zigzagging through the streets until they were out of sight. By the time they finished running, they found themselves heading in a random direction through some alley they didn’t recognize. As they approached the end, the alley opened up to an area with a lot of foliage.

“Um…Bae, is that the ocean I hear?” Twilight asked.

“Huh?….Oh, yeah, you’re right. We must be close to the docks or something,” Spike replied.

The soothing sounds of the nearby waves and salty, sea breeze flooded their senses. The couple continued their trek past the docks, heading up along a hill with lots of trees, bushes, and other foliage. They soon realized that they had walked up a cliff, one that felt very familiar to Spike.

“Where are we?” Twilight asked in awe.

Looking around, the pony princess had to admit that they had come across a very wondrous scene. Before them lay a beautiful sunset, its red and orange rays reflecting off the sparkling waves of the ocean. Behind them lay several well kept trees and bushes, some of which possessed blooming flowers. This place must have been attended regularly by gardeners.

“You know, I feel like I’ve been here before. It looks nice, the area is well kept, we’re near the high schools, and-*gasp*” Spike suddenly gasped, realizing their current location.

The second he remembered the high schools, he realized that he and Twilight hadn’t stumbled upon any ordinary cliff. This place was more commonly known by local teenagers as “Cuddle’s Cliff.” This was considered to be one of the most romantic spots in Sanctuary City. A place where teenagers could bring their boyfriends or girlfriends so that they could…...

“Bae?” Twilight called out.

“Huh?” Spike said, snapping out of his trance.

He looked over and saw Twilight had moved from his side and was sitting on nearby bench. It was neither too close nor too far from the edge of the cliff. Spike soon joined her, sitting right next to her on the bench. For a while, the two didn’t say anything. They just sat in silence, watching as the sun sunk slowly beyond the horizon.

“Spike?” Twilight said, finally breaking the silence.


“Are you only nice to me because of what the law says?” she asked, shocking the young man.

“What? Of course not, Twi. What could possibly makes you say something like that?”

“Well, that’s why most humans seem to tolerate us,” she replied as she lay her head down in his lap. “Look at me, Bae. I’m not dangerous or weird,” she said, caressing the side of Spike’s face with one of her wings, “and I would never even hurt a fly. But humans, some humans, treat us like circus animals or monsters. But we’re harmless. I’m harmless. Don’t you think…..?” she asked, staring longingly into his eyes.


“Yes, Bae?”

“D-do you hear that?”

With a slightly confused look, Twilight’s ears perked up, listening for any strange sounds. After a moment, Twilight sat back up, her face showing even more confusion. She did hear something. Whatever it was, it was loud and approaching fast.

Then, seemingly appearing from under the cliff, a black helicopter rose into the sky just above them, blowing small gusts of wind their way. As it hovered above them, the side doors to the helicopter slid open and a couple of thick ropes were thrown out from within, uncoiling down to the ground. A small squadron of seven men came out of the helicopter and slid down the ropes. Upon closer inspection, these men were dressed in black, S.W.A.T. team armor, complete with facemask. They soon took up position surrounding Spike and Twilight, making no further movement until a female officer came out from behind them and stood at their front.

“Stop right there!” the officer cried. “We know you have brought the young lady here for lewd purposes, despite the law clearly forbidding such actions with a-”

“EVERYBODY MAKE A BREAK FOR IT!!!” an alarmed voice shouted.

Spike, Twilight, and the surrounding officers all froze, each of them coming to the same conclusion. They weren’t alone. Suddenly—emerging from behind the various bushes, rocks, and trees—young teenage couples bolted from their various hiding spots. Some of them were barely wearing any clothing as they ran down the hill, away from the police that they believed were here for them. After a minute of panicked scrambling, only Spike, Twilight, and the eight officers remained on the cliff.

“Well...that was odd,” Twilight said, watching the teenagers run like bats out of hell.

“Wait, Princess Twilight? And…uh, Bae?” the female officer said, removing her S.W.A.T. mask to reveal her identity. It was none other than Agent Sunset.

“Agent Sunset!” Spike and Twilight cried.

“The one and only.”

“H-how did you know we were here?” Spike asked.

“Oh, we have cameras planted all over the city. So when one of them spotted an Equestrian with a human in a place like this, we had to act quickly,” Sunset replied.

“I see….wait. You have cameras planted in a place where teenagers come to lose their virginity?” Spike asked in shock.

“Hmmhmmhmm….Oh yes, we most certainly do. Though, personally, I mostly use it for a good laugh. You wouldn’t believe how many of those high school boys are ‘one pump chumps,’ and I’m not talking about the virgins,” she giggled hysterically.

A few minutes into the conversation, the trio decided to make their way down the cliff. Everything was going smoothly, until they got to the bottom and encountered a pair of drunken men from the local bar. From their grungy clothes and unkempt facial hair, the threesome could tell right away that they were the scummy type. Their loud and obnoxious voices were a pretty big giveaway, too.

“W-wow. Are you seeing *burp* that, man?” one of the drunkards asked his companion, his voice loud enough to grab the trio’s attention.

“Yeah, it *cough* *cough* it looks like one of those inter-dimensional freaks, and its coming down Cuddler’s Cliff, ha!” the other declared.

“Hey, why don’t you go back to where you came from you lousy, no good, horse girl! This world is already weird enough as it is! We don’t need any horn-having, winged, devil monsters around!” he yelled at Twilight, whom was slowly losing her patience with how some of the people were treating her.

“Hey, you two! Stop that this instance!” Agent Sunset yelled to no avail.

It was at that moment that Sunset noticed Twilight’s horn charging up with magic. Judging by the angry look on the princess’ face, she was preparing to hit the two hecklers with a magical blast. Just as Sunset feared that she may have to subdue Twilight, she and Twilight were both shocked to find Spike silently approaching the drunkards. Without speaking a word, he suckered punch the one on the right in the stomach with enough force to send him flying backward. The green-haired youth then followed up with jamming his knee into the stomach of the other, forcing him to kneel on the ground in pain while clutching his stomach. Completely blindsided, the two loudmouths quickly fell unconscious, succumbing to the pain of their injuries.

“Hmm...I wonder if I went a little overboard?” Spike asked himself as he observed the two men bent over in pain. After Twilight and Agent Sunset picked their jaws up off the ground, they made the long journey back to the Spike’s house where they settled in after the long day.

“So Agent Sunset, what did you do about those two guys earlier?” Spike asked rubbing his right hand.

“Oh, I made sure to handle them properly without starting anything big,” Sunset smirked, crossing her legs.

“Well, that’s good. I wouldn’t want anything to happen to Twilight.”

“Speaking of whom, I think she wants to talk to you,” the agent said pointing to nearby door where Twilight was standing. “I’ll give you two some privacy,” Sunset said, taking her leave.


“Yeah, Twi?”

“Why did you hit those guys?”

“Why do you think? If I had let you blast them, you’d end up getting deported.”

“...Is that all?”

“*Sigh* No, Twi. They were insulting you, and I couldn’t let them do that. You’re my best friend, Twi, and I couldn’t let anyone mistreat you. I hope you know how much I care for you,” Spike said, giving her a hug which she happily returned. “Now, I think I’m gonna hit the hay early tonight. How about you?”

“Yeah, that’s probably a good idea. Good night, Spike. I had fun on our date,” Twilight said sweetly as she teleported to her room.

“Yeah, me too…..It wasn’t a date!

Panic at the Diso-Bus! (edited by Starblade)

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It was another clear day in Sanctuary City, the breeze was blowing, and the sun was shining at the same time that On their way back from the grocery store was none other than Spike being accompanied by his house guest Twilight. Spike took a look at Twilights face while she was walking beside him, he realized there was a pretty noticeable smile on her face which he questioned, Twilight had had this smile on her face since their date-research mission.

“Hey Twi,” Spike spoke up.

“Yeeeeees Bae?” She asked looking up art him with puppy dog eyes batting her eye lashes at him.

“You seem pretty cheerful; did you read a good book or something?” Spike asked with a raised brow.

“hmhmhmhmhmh oh Spike of course I did, but that’s not why I’m so cheerful,” She replied.

“Oh, Then why?”

“Like you don’t know,” She said giving him a coy look.

“Uh…No I don’t.”

“Oh come on Spike, it’s because of what you said the other day.”

“Oh that, well yeah you know I meant it Twi.”

“I know you did, that’s why I’m so happy! Now I know how precious I am to you, and I know you won’t let anyone hurt me,” She said cuddling up to his right arm.

“Y-yeah of course,” Spike said while inwardly thinking, “I wonder if what kind of message Twilight received when I said that, she’s been getting more and more affectionate ever since.”

“So I’ve decided to return the favor and protect you Bea, because you’re just as important to me,” She said looking up him.

“Thanks Twi, I know you will,” He replied to her, just then they heard what sounded like loud but muffled music.

“Do you hear that?” Twilight asked.

“Actually yeah, sounds like disco music,” Spike replied. The driving around the corner and approaching their direction a bus showed up, but this was no ordinary bus it was tall, wide, black and had raging music blasting out from it, it also had multi colored lights flashing from its windows.

“Bae, what is that?”

“No way…..I didn’t think there were any left,” Spike said in awe.

“What is it?”

“It’s a Disco bus.”

“A disco bus, what’s that?”

“It’s exactly what it sounds like, you see back in the day we had a thing called Disco music, it was a pretty big thing in this world, and people loved it so much they incorporated it into everything like toys ,commercials, and TV shows.”

“I see.”

“This City in particular took a liking to it all those years ago, in fact it became famous for inventing what they called a disco bus, it’s where people travel around the City partying like animals with your friends or sometimes complete strangers,” Spike finished.

“Fascinating, so if that all happened years ago how is there one right now?”

“I honestly don’t know, I guess someone’s trying to bring back disco, if they are then their probably gonna try to pick random people up to try and get the groove started.”

“Oh boy it looks like their gonna pass us, you think that they pick us up?”Twilight asked him.

“I doubt it, neither of us really fit what their looking for,” Spike said shrugging as the bus passed by them without making any sign of stopping. “See, I told you now let’s get home before all the groceries go bad.”


The duo turned their heads at the speed of light at the sound of the Disco-bus coming to a sudden halt. Then it sped back towards them at break neck speed before coming to a complete halt. The door on the bus opened up to reveal a strange figure whose appearance was sort fuzzy in their eyes because of the flashing party lights in the back ground.

“HEELLOOOOOOOO” The figure screamed/greeted so loudly it made their hair wave in its wind.

“Wha-ahhhhhh” Spike screamed as he was forcefully pulled onto the bus, dropping his groceries before the door shut and the bus rode off into the distance leaving a severely confused Twilight state.


Meanwhile on the bus Spike found himself in a mobile mosh pit, there was crowd in there that was so lively he thought it might just be able to raise the dead. If that wasn’t enough the flashing lights were so bright it could give a blind man sight again and then blind him once more, the music as well seemed to be able to burst eardrums, hell it felt like his was about to pop from how loud it was. He then noticed that everyone in the room was wearing a costume, some were dressed as clowns, others as old historical figures, cheerleaders, all kinds of things. Then somehow however through all the jumping, lights and noise a voice was able to come through loud and clear. When Spike heard this voice, it was as if he was standing next to them (he probably was) in a quiet room, how could someone defy physics like that?

“What….” Spike asked confused, not about what the voice said but at the confusion of how he managed to hear it.

“I said Hi! My names Pinkie Pie,” A squeaky feminine voice informed.

Spike squinted his eyes ever so slightly to get a good look at the girl infront of him and noticed she was about half a head shorter than Twilight, she was currently wearing a white T-Shirt under an pink hoodie jacket a pair of pink skinny jeans with baby blue go-go boots, her hair was big and fluffy looking, her eyes were baby blue, her bust wasn’t as big as Twilights impressive melons but still looked rather enticing. He also noticed that she was dressed as one of the pony girl immigrants complete with pink ears and tail.

“Oh uh…Hi my names Spike, nice to meet you,” Spike said introducing himself to the rather cute girl. “Pinkie Pie? That must be her nickname or something” Spike thought to himself looking at the seemingly normal girl through all the flashing lights.

“Hi Spike, let me be the first to welcome you to the great Disco bus revolution! She cheered with her hands in the air making all the people on the bus yell almost deafeningly loud in approval.

“Well, I’d like to say I’m glad to be here but the fact that you just took me off the street makes this feel like more of a kidnapping than a party,” Spike deadpanned.

“Oh come on, the best parties aren’t planned, their spontaneous!....well unless I’m the one who planned them,” She said cockily, Spike would have thought that was pretty cocky himself is she hadn’t seemed so gosh darn cute when she said it.

“So that’s what you are? A party planner.”

“Uh yeah, it’s what I was born to do, other than baking of course.”

“Oh you bake? That’s pretty cool; I do a little cooking myself.”

“Really wow, do you own a restaurant or a work at a bakery like I do?”

“No not really, I just cook for myself and my roommate.”

“What? That’s a waste of good talent! Why don’t you help me open a bakery? I need someone to help me get to know about the delicacies of the country and if you’re as talented as you say you are then you can help me,” She asked hopefully.

“Well thanks for the offer but I already have a job, by the way you sound like you’re new to here. Did you just move to this country?” Spike asked.

“Oh yeah, I came to learn about your cultures foods and eating habits, from what I’ve seen so far it’s similar to our own but still has that uniqueness to it that keeps me excited.”

“Yeah, you seem like an excitable girl,” Spike observed.

“I know I get that a lot. So how about we stop the talking and start partying!” She screamed loud enough for the entire bus to hear her.

“YEAHHHHHHH!” was the crowds’ response.

“Well as much fun as this looks I really should be getting off, my friend is from the other dimension and like the law says I can’t leave her alone so if you wouldn’t mind dropping me off where you left me that would be great,” Spike said rubbing his ear from the defining scream a second ago.

“Sorry, if you want to get off the bus you gotta talk to the driver,” Pinkie said pointing to the front of the bus.

“Oh well alright, thanks anyways,” Spike said walking in the direction he was pointed in.

“No problemo!” Pinkie called out disappearing into the crowd.

Spike made his way through the amped up crowd to the front of the bus, hoping to convince the bus driver to stop and let him off so he could get back to his no doubt worried roommate. He made it to the front of the bus and started to approach the driver.

“Hey man listen, this is a great party and all but I really got to get back to my roommate before she gest worried, so if you could just stop for a second that would be great.” Spike asked.

“Awwwww but why would you want to leave this party, it’s awesome!” The squeaky feminine voice of the driver rang out.

“Huh?!” Spike said is shock as he realized that the bus driver was the same girl that he had left behind in the crowd not one minute ago.

“Hi again Spike!” Pinkie greeted happily.

“P-pinkie, is that you?”

“Of course silly, who else would it be? Queen Chrysalis?”



“Never mind.”

“Okie doky lokie.”

“I don’t know how you got here Pinkie but I kind of need you turn around like I asked earlier.”

“Do you have to go?” Pinkie asked with a pouty lip and puppy dog eyes.

“Yes, so are you gonna let me off?”

“Well….Okay, but I don’t know if you want me to let you off here, it’s kind of a far walk,” Pinkie said pointing out the window. Spike looked outside the window and almost did a back flip at the sight. In the span of time that they drove from the store close to his house to now they had not just left the city but where driving up a mountain! And it looked like they were half way up.

“Pinkie! How the heck did we get this far?!” The young man exclaimed in utter shock.

“Silly Spike, we drove here of course,” Pinkie said to the young man.

“B-b-b-b-but this drive is normally an hour long, and I’ve only been on this bus for 5 or ten minutes! How is this possible?”

Pinkie just shrugged it off and kept driving, still not looking at the road.

“You know what? I’m done, I get the feeling you’re the type of person you try your best not to figure out so I’ll leave it at that, but I need to get back so please tell me you’ll take me back.”

“Don’t worry, I pinkie promise I’ll take you back.”

“Pinkie promise?” The green haired young man asked out of curiosity.

“Yeah, I made it up and it goes like this, cross my heart and hope to fly-stick a cupcake in my eye!” and with that last line she pulled a literal cupcake out of her hair and stuck it in her eye, and while that did good to make the point of the promise, however it wasn’t so helpful to the stability of the bus as pinkie had completely turned to look at Spike to complete it. The effect was instant, the bus began to lose control without the driver controlling it properly, and the crowed on the bus began to scream in terror as they all jostled around the out of control vehicle. Spike was luckily able to grab onto a safety bar and stay standing, and as for pinkie she just stood perfectly still, literally standing in place keeping the pose she struck earlier.

“Pinkie! The bus is losing control Do something!” Spike yelled barely holding on to the safety bar on the wall of the bus.

“Alright….” Pinkie sat down and squinted her eyes as she observed the pedals, and much to Spikes dismay made no effort to use the breaks.

“What are you waiting for!”

“Uh….I can’t remember which one is to stop,” The pink haired girls explained with a nervous smile.

“Are you serious!?”

“Oh wait I think this is it.”

“Pinkie NO that’s the accelera-WOOOOOOOW!” Alas the young man Spoke too late has she hit the accelerate sending the bus forward even faster toward the edge of the mountain scaring even her. That’s when Spike decided he was done standing by and watching, he leapt forward and grabbed pinkie much to her surprise in an attempt to take the seat. Spike knew if he completely pushed her off the chair she might fall to the back of the bus and hurt herself, so he decided the best place to keep her still…..was his lap. “This better work!” The young man said as he hit the break and took control of the wheel to try and stabilize the bus.

The bus began to de-accelerate the closer it got to the ledge, “Every Body get down!” Spike warned the crowd just in time as a low hanging tree branch burst in through the wind shield completely shattering the glass and going over the heads of the crowd. The bus was now only a few feet from the edge of the cliff moving slowly but still not stopping. It wasn’t until the entire front half of the bus was hanging off the edge that the bus stopped. “Aright…nobody panic.”

Just then the bus began to slowly shift forward making the occupants scream in terror, all the drinks that had spilled over onto the ground were now flowing forward to the front of the bus. “I said nobody panics!” Spike yelled successfully silencing the crowd; he looked to pinkie who was still on his lap, holding him tightly with her eyes shut. “Everybody just move to the back of the bus so we get some stability going on here.”

The crowed followed Spikes orders and save for Pinkie and Spike moved to the back where there was an emergency exit. “Alright….everybody get off, just don’t take anything off the bus yet so when I move there still some weight balance it out,” The crowed again did as it was told and exited the bus while ensuring there was enough weight to give Spike a chance to leave. When he felt the time was right he decided it was time to move. “Pinkie, come on its okay now, let’s get a move on” He spoke in a calming tone to the girl on his lap who had gotten a bit shook up after the branch shattered the wind shield completely.

“O-Okay,” She said as she slowly got up. She had gotten to her feet and was preparing to leave before the mess of drinks that had flowed to the front of the bus caused her to slip back toward the glassless wind shield and falling out causing her to scream to the sky. In her mind she thought this was it, this bus disaster was her last party as she felt the open air of her fall down wards hit her. Then a miracle, she stopped falling, and she felt……like she was being held.

She opened her eyes to see Spike had jumped out of the bus and was tightly holding her with one arm while the other was holding on to the bus.

“S-spike…y-you saved me…again,” The shaken girl said looking her hero in his emerald eyes.

“Shhh…Pinkie, your safe in my arms…” The young man comforted the scared woman in his arms. With that he used his other arm still attached to the window to pull them both up, though tiring it was. He successfully got them back in the bus and walked out competently fine. As they exited the bus the crowd cheered for their green haired savior.

“THREE CHEERS FOR OUR HERO, GREEN HAIR!” One man shouted and the crowed quickly followed suit.


“Actually my name is…”


“Its not green hair its…”


“Never mind...” The young man sighed.

“Hello, do you folks need help?” The crowd turned to see the local mountain rangers in their green uniforms approaching. They were relieved they that help had found them so quickly as the rangers went into the crowd asking questions and giving aid to anyone who was injured. Then one approached Pinkie and Spike to check on them.

“Excuse me are you too alright?” He asked

“Yeah, I think we’re good, how about you Pinkie?”

“I’m A-okay thanks to you Spike,” She said cuddling up to the young man much to the rangers amusement

“Good to here, hey Pinkie don’t you want to take off your pony costume?” He asked noticing she still had it on.

“*giggle*..Silly Spike, I’m not wearing any costume I’m actually a pony girl.”

“Wait…what? You’re a pony girl?”

“Yeseire Sweetie!”

“Then….where’s your host? They should have been with you this whole while.”

“Oh their probably at the morgue by now,” She waved it off.

“Huh!-the morgue!? Pinkie…did you k-kill your…”

“Of course not don’t be silly, their morticians and their soooooo boring” The girl explained.

“I see, well little lady that’s gonna be a problem. See there’s a law that says if you leave your hosts then I as a law enforcer have to take you in to my department and process you until you return. But after a stunt like this we just might just deport you back if the law calls for it.” The officer informed the two.

“What? But I don’t want to go I just met someone I really like,” She said latching both arms to Spike pressing her bust into his chest.

“Ahem….officer surely there’s something we can work out here; she doesn’t deserve to get sent back for this.” Spike pleaded.

“Sorry sir but that’s the law, unless you get special authorization I can’t let her go, so I’m afraid I’ll have to take her into custody.”

“That won’t be necessary officer! This man does half special clearance,” A familiar voice said. The three turned around to see Agent Sunset who came seemingly out of nowhere holding a piece of paper with clear details of Pinkies host transfer to Spike.

An hour later….

Twilight had been worried all day, when Spike had been kidnapped she had frozen almost completely still for a few minutes before she realized that she was breaking the law without Spike nearby. She ran home and probably called the authorities a million times to tell them about what happed but no one had come to tell her anything.

“Oh Bae…where are you?” She asked herself in worry.

“Twilight I’m home,” She heard the familiar voice of her hopefully soon to be lover call out.

“Spike?!” She yelled as she raced from the living room to the front door. Hearing the sound of his voice made her heart jump for joy, but when she arrived her joy was replaced with…confusion. Standing at the door was her handsome, caring and hard working host, he was also with Agent sunset but that wasn’t what was stopping her from going over there and planting his face with several kisses, no it was the fact that there was a poofy pink haired earth pony girl seemingly glued to Spikes arm and….purring?

“Um…Bea, who is that?” she asked feeling slightly hurt.

“Uh Twi this is Pinkie Pie, she’s going to be living with us from now on,” He said with a nervous smile.

“…..Im sorry what? I don’t think I heard you right,” she said scratching her head.

“Oh you heard right Princess Sparkle,” Agent Sunset said stepping in. “You see I’ve assigned Mrs. Pie here to Spike because every time we get her a host she runs off in search of a party, but now from what I observe she’ll be willing to stay as long as it’s with him,” The government Agent finished.

“W-what! But I thought Humans were only allowed to have one inter-dimensional guest!” The Princess exclaimed.

“Actually Princess Sparkle there is no law that says that, we just try to limit it to one but since Spike takes so good care of you we figured….why not?”

“That’s right! Its gonna be you me and cupcake!” Pinkie said speaking for the first time since they arrived while continuing to cuddle up to Spike making him blush.

“Wait, why did you call him cupcake?” Twilight asked in rage.

“ Well cupcakes are my favorite treat and now Spike is my favorite person so I just added one and one together princess Twilight, I thought some one as smart as you could handle basic math like that giggle…Oh my names Pinkie by the way, nice to meet you!” She said giving her a friendly wave.

Twilights eye simply twitched after hearing what she had to say.

“Well you seem to have everything under control here Spike, I’ll leave you and your friends alone...and remember, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” She winked at him before exiting.

“Well alright, I guess I’ll get dinner started. Come on Pinkie I’ll show you around first, Twi just wait in the living room for a bit I’ll get you alright?” With that Spike left to show his new roommate where she would be staying and left Twilight by herself.

Twilight stood there not really sure what to make of what had just happened, but she knew one thing, she didn’t like this, no sir. Not.One.Bit.

An Apple for Today (Edited by Julian the Dreamer)

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*Yawn* Came the sound from Twilight's mouth as she woke up for another beautiful day of living with her sweetheart. She hadn’t opened her eyes yet so she could enjoy a few more minutes in her Bae’s room as she wrapped both arms around his body. She suddenly felt the arm she was sleeping on wrap around her back invitingly. She was kind of surprised as he didn’t usually do anything like that when she slept in his bed, but it wasn’t unwelcomed in the slightest. Instead she decided to not look a gift horse in the mouth and laid her head on his chest to see if she could just enjoy it a bit longer. As she laid her head on his broad chest the softness of it was almost too much to bear as she nearly went back to sleep. There was however one problem, his chest has never been this soft…

“Hmmm?” The Equestrian Princess made a curious noise in her sleep as she began to run her arms up and down his body; instead of the usually toned and well defined muscles she’d feel when she cuddled with him, she felt smooth curves and soft skin. “*Sniff…Sniff*” suddenly a sugary sweet scent rushed into her lungs so quick it burned. She was in shock for a few seconds until she realized just where she had noticed these features the day before. Her eyes began to slowly open to get answers only to be blinded by the huge, pearly white smile of a wide awake Pinkie Pie.

“Eeeeeeek!” She squeaked in surprise as she jumped back to get a full look at her.

“Morning Twilight, I didn’t know you were such a cuddler.” The Pink haired menace greeted her. Twilight observed as she got up; she was wearing a pair of pink yoga pants and a baby blue tank top that matched her eyes.

“P-Pinkie! What are you doing in here?” She asked as she got up wearing her usual lavender night gown. She looked around the room for her closest companion to ask him why the latest addition to their household was in his bed, receiving the affection he should be basking in.

“Oh, I saw Cupcake leave early this morning to go do some shopping, and then I noticed you all alone in his room moving your arm around like a baby looking for its stuffed animal. So I decided to come in here and keep you company, you’re really good at cuddling by the way,” She complimented.

“So… he went to the store?”

“Yeserie sweetie.”

“Well, did he say when he’d be back?”

On the road

“*sigh*… iI feels good to get some peace and quiet,” Spike said to himself as he walked out of the store carrying bags full of groceries for himself and his house mates. As he walked he enjoyed the peace of the early morning, something he had taken for granted before his housemates came along. Now, it wasn’t that Spike didn’t like Twilight or Pinkie; it was just that they had really started to shake things up in his normally boring home. “I hope those two are alright on their own-wait. what am I saying? I hope the house is still in one piece when I get back!” The young man worried as the thought of a demolished house entered his mind. He continued to walk until he made it to the fruit vendors, hoping to pick up some apples; however his hopes were dashed as he made his stop onl to see there was no apple vendor there. “What? No one’s here? That’s odd; all the vendors are here in the morning. Where could they be?”


“Huh-Ahh-OW!” Spike yelled in pain as a full apple cart hit him from behind and sent him flying into the empty space reserved for the apple vendor. He hit the wall face first and dropped his bags full of groceries, along with a few apples that had spilled from the cart before sliding to the ground.

“Oh sweet Celestia! Ah’m sorry sugar cube, Ah didn’t see yah there.” a feminine voice with a southern drawl came, apologizing frantically for the sudden and very intimate relationship between Spike's face and the ground.

“Ouch...” Spike said as he squeezed himself from the tight spot and dusted himself off. He remembered that someone had just come to apologize for it; Spike was the kind of person to forgive and forget type so he began to address them. “Hey don’t worry about it, believe it or not this isn’t the most life threatening thing to happen… to… me… this week...” The young man went on as he turned, only to look up to the owner of the voice. She was a tall blonde woman wearing some cut off jeans, a brown Stetson and a checkered button up shirt that showed off her midriff. Her bust was bountiful; Spike found it difficult not to stare at the massive melons in front of his face, he tried his best to look her in the eye or to try and focus on something else. As luck would have it there was something more eye catching: a pair of pony ears on her head.

“You sure yer alright sugar cube? You seem kindah out of it,” She said getting his attention.

“Huh?... Oh! Sorry I just sort of noticed your ears, you are Equestrian aren’t you?” Spike asked, looking at the woman that was a little less than head taller than him.

“Yah got that right, partner. Mah name's Applejack, Ah just came over to this dimension to expand mah family’s business, I actually thought yah might be Equestrian too with that green hair of yours,” She gestured to his spikey hair.

“Heh, yeah this is a long story. So your family has a business? Are you farmers?”

“That’s right, apple farmers to be exact. And our business had spread all over Equestria, so when we heard there was a whole new world looking for inter dimensional trade we knew it was destiny saying ¡come on over¡.”

“Wow, so you came over here with your family to start a branch here?”

“Well actually no, its just mahself; see Ah was the only one who could since mah sister's young , mah granny is elderly and Mah brother needed to run the farm,” She said, sounding slightly depressed. Spike didn’t fail to notice that.

“Wow, it must be hard for you to do that since you sound so close to your family.”

“Yeah, Ah suppose it is.”

“What about your host? Don’t they keep you company?” Spike asked realizing she was all on her own.

“Well yah see, Ah don’t have a host as yet, since Ah’m here for business purposes, so Ah was given a pass to be on mah own fer a while longer than those here to study culture and whatnot,” She explained. She noticed that he'd dropped all his groceries when the cart hit him so she decided to at ñeast help him pick them up. “Here sugarcube, let me pick those up for yah, it’s the least Ah can do.”

“N really its fine I can-wow….” The young man said as the green eyed woman turned around and began to pick up his belongings without bending her knees. Spike knew it was impolite to stare, but he’d be damned if this wasn’t the most well rounded rump he’d ever seen.

“I really should stop starring before I get an-”

“Hi Spike! Lovely day isn’t it?” Said Spike's erection.

“Dammit boner get out of here!” Spike screamed inwardly.

“Aw come on, again? This is like the hundredth time this week.”

“Leave now or I’ll think about that time we walked in on our granny naked!”

“No! anything but that! I’ll leave I’ll leave!”

“Uh….yah alright there partner? Yah seem kindah out of it,” Applejack asked, noticing that the green haired young man had a focused look on his face.

“Huh?... Oh, uh, yeah. Sorry about that I kinda dozed off for a second,” He chuckled nervously.

“Well, here let me get some apples fer yah, on the house,” She said, taking a few steps forward until she stepped on some of her own fruits. “Woah!”

“I got you!” Spike said quickly running behind her. He managed to catch her just before she hit the ground; many people turned their heads when they saw the tall woman fall, however what kept their attention was the position Spike and her were in.

“Thanks there sugarcube Ah-” She stopped when she opened her eyes to see his emerald eyes staring back into her own. Spike was currently holding her by her back with both arms while she held onto his neck with her own. Neither of them knew what to do at that moment but they found themselves unable to break their hold in each other. After a few moments of feeling the other’s breaths on their faces Applejack regained control and spoke up.

“Wo-ho there lover boy, let's back it up a bit,” She said standing up and pushing the young man out of his trance.

“Huh… Oh sorry, yeah, I didn’t mean for that to happen-well I did mean to catch you just not make you feel like I wanted you-NOT saying you’re not attractive! Definitely not saying that, you’re in fact very attractive and I think any guy would be lucky to have you- no wait please don’t think I’m coming onto you! I’m just-”

“That’s alright sugarcube, Ah think yah have said enough,” She said, hoping to try and alleviate some of the awkward tension in the atmosphere. “So Ah noticed yah have a lot to carry, yah want some help?”

“Well… Sure,” With that she helped him with his things and walked in the direction of his house, passing by several different shops and stores. Spike decided he should get her something to try and make up for the stuff that happened. “Hey Applejack, did you have anything for breakfast this morning?” He asked. looking back at an indoor restraunt that had breakfast specials on its menu.

“No, nothin' this morning, why?”

“Well I didn’t really eat anything either so you wanna grab some grub? My treat,” he gestured to the restraunt.

“Well, Ah don’t see why not.”

“Great, lets go,” So the two went into the dinner to get something to eat. However as they walked in they failed to notice a rusty old van pulling up on the other side of the street, its two occupants eyeing the dinner.vTheir next target.

“Okay so this is the place, remember the plan. Get in get the money, get out.” The first shady figure explained to his partner.

“Yeah I got it, I’m not a dumbass,” The other replied annoyed. After that he quickly reached out and tucked in a long object into his trench coat and put on a pair of shades before calmly walking toward the dinner.

Meanwhile Spike and AJ had sat down and were waiting for a waitress to come take their order.

“Hello, welcome to the Early Bird! May I take your order?” The waitress asked.

“Well Ah guess Ah’ll have a small salad,” Applejack replied.

“A small salad, you sure that’s all you want?” Spike asked.

“Well yeah, Ah don’t want to order too much, it would be impolite to…”

“I insist, I’m treating you to it so order what you want.”

“Well… alright then. Ah’ll have a large salad-no, wo large salads, an extra large veggie burger with fries and….a large soy milk smoothie,” Applejack gave her order.

The waitress stood there. wide eyed and speechless; she was about to say something before Spike spoke first.

“Now that’s what I’m talking about! I’ll just have bacon and eggs please, thank you,” The waitress stood there for a second and blinked before smiling and saying their order would be with them shortly.

“So, you’re not surprised by how much Ah ordered?” Applejack asked when seeing the green haired man’s reaction.

“Not at all, I already have two roommates who both eat a lot, and you know something? I’m starting to take a liking to girls with healthy appetites, heh,” The young man chuckled and threw a wink her way, though he honestly meant it. His chuckle caused him to fail to notice the slight blush on her face. She wasn’t used to this kind of attention. Spike was about to ask her why she had her hat down before they heard a yell from the counter.

“Oh my god!”

“Shut up and put the money in the bag!” A raspy voice ordered from just a few feet away from Spike and AJ.

“Oh no.” Spike said in shock.

“What’s going on?” Applejack asked as she noticed all the worried and scared looks of the people inside.

“Everybody just stay down and nobody will get hurt,” The criminal ordered as the cashier put all of the store's money in the black bag on the table.

“This guy's robbing the place, and he’s got a shotgun which is a dangerous weapon! We should just stay down and it should be over soon,” Spike explained.

“What’s a shotgun?

“It’s basically a small canon, do you understand?”

“Yeah, ah get it. He’s a no good thief, where Ah’m from we don’t let varmints like them do what they want,” She looked back at the thief to see his back was turned. “And Ah aint startin’ now.”

“What are you talking about?” Spike asked worriedly as he noticed the determined looked on her face.

“Look, his back is turned to us so he won’t see it coming; it’ll be easier to take away his weapon.”

“You’re not going to try and take his gun away, are you?”

“Of course not.”


“You are.”

“What!?” he whisper-yelled.

“Ah’m Equestrian so Ah can’t hurt this varmint without riskin' getting sent back to Equestria, but you, on the other hand, can.”

“That’s crazy! There’s too much distance between him and me. He’d see me coming a mile away and blow my head off.”

“Don’t worry none, that’s why Ah’m gonna use this lasso to tie him up from here like a bull at a rodeo before you go. Ah’m not technically hurting him so it’ll be okay.”

“I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”

“We go on three, I’ll lasso him then you run up take his weapon, got it?”

“Hold on, think about this for a second, please.”

“Three!” with that the cowgirl stood up faster than Spike could believe and hurled a lasso at the thief, successfully tying him up around the arms and forcing him to drop the gun suddenly, leaving the criminal shocked and startled by his sudden restriction.

“Spike quick, go now!”

“Huh?..Oh right,” Spike then took off, a bit shocked and impressed with her success.

“What the hell!!?” The robber cried out as he realized what was happening.

Back in the rusty van his partner in crime hadn’t failed to notice the sudden turn of events. He watched in shock as the thief was tied up by the foreigner. He knew it was over, they would take his partner captive and he would rat him out to the police. He failed to notice Spike ecause he was crawling on the ground, seizing the shotgun. His eyes and his rage were focused on the tall blonde pony freak show; he decided to get some payback before he ran his ass out of there. He looked behind him and for an answer. He removed a few sheets until he found something that would do nicely.

Back in the dinner everything had surprisingly gone according to plan. The thief was tied up, Spike had successfully seized his firearm without needing to hurt him, and everyone was relieved that no one was hurt.

“I gotta say Applejack, I was pretty nervous about your plan but it worked out great. You’re a real hero,” Spike complimented.

“Aw shucks it was nothing, besides you helped just as much as I did.”

“Me? Oh no, all I did was crawl my way towards his gun. I think everyone here can say you are their heroine,” The crowd all mumbled words of agreement as they gave their heroine a round of applause. Though Applejack was the focus of the crowd’s admiration, she was also the focus of a criminal’s hatred. This became apparent as he burst in through the door, aiming the cocked second shot gun at the farmer.

The crowd all screamed as they saw the second firearm; Applejack saw the weapon aimed directly at her. She may have not known what it was going to do but she knew, based on their reactions… that it was going to kill her.


The ear shattering noise rang out as she shut her eyes tightly. Her entire life flashed before her eyes, her family and her friends, everything she held dear as she waited for impending death. But several seconds went by and nothing happened.

“Wh-what… Huh?!” She yelled out as she realized what had happened. Spike had taken the shot for her. This became apparent as his motionless body laid on the ground. “SPIKE!”

Two words crossed Spike's mind at that very moment before blacking out:“I’m dead…”

“Or at least that what I thought… turns out it was just a beanbag shot gun. Heh. Funny, huh?” Spike explained to Agent Sunset outside the restraunt while he sat on an ambulance with bandages on his chest. The agent had shown up at the dinner after she heard there may have been an incident involving an Equestrian and a robbery.

“Funny to me? Yes. To you? I can’t imagine why since you’ve got that huge bruise right on your chest,” she said surprised at his attitude towards the very painful looking injury.

“Well you know, normally this would hurt me really bad, but after experiencing all this craziness with Twi and Pinkie I’m getting used to it. That… is probably a bad thing now that I think about it.”

“Yeah, pretty soon you’ll be begging them to hurt you. 'Harder Twilight, please! I’ve been such a naughty boy!' 'Burn me pinkie!' AHahahahaha!” The agent burst out laughing at her own imitation of the young man.

“Oh ha-ha very funny. Speaking of Equestrians, where is Applejack?”

“Um, right here sugarcube,” Came the answer from behind Spike. “Ah wanted to say…. thank yah kindly for doing what yah did back there.”

“No need to thank me, it wasn’t like it was gonna kill you.”

“But yah didn’t know that at the time! And you still took what could’ve been certain death for yah. But why? Yah just met me and yah still did it,” She questioned.

“Well Applejack, to be honest, something just sort of came over me. After you told me about your family and the passion you have for what you do I just couldn’t let such an amazing person die like that. You are special Applejack.”

That hit her hard; her granny always told her that if someone put themselves in harm’s way for you, you are special to them. And you should never let them go because they’re as good as family.

“W-well thanks Spike, A-ah think you’re really special too,” she said, using her hat to hide her blush.

Just then a certain red headed agent had an idea that would save her a lot of time and paper work.

“So you two seem to be getting along nicely,” Agent Sunset said. “Miss Applejack, would you like to perhaps have Mr. Draco here to be your host for your stay here in our world?” She asked.

“Really!? YES!-ahem. Ah mean, yes Ah would in fact like that. Thank yah kindly,” She answered, embarrassed from her girly outburst.

“Hold on Sunset, is that even…”

“What’s the matter Spike? Are you saying that you don’t want Applejack here to stay at your house? You certainly have enough space,” Spike was about to explain himself until his eyes caught sight of Applejack's increasingly saddening face. Something he just couldn’t stand the sight of.

“No, of course not. If she wants to stay at my home she’s more than welcome to,” He said while throwing his arm around her shoulder.

“Excellent! you two can get a move on then, I’ll have some people pick up her belongings and send them to your place. Bye now,” Sunset said while taking her leave.

“Well, come on Applejack, let's go home.”

“Spike, Ah want yah to call me Jackie. Only people who are special to me can call me that, and after today yah are one of them.” She said, hiding yet another uncharacteristic blush from him.

“….Sure Apple-Jackie. Lets go,” he said, putting an arm on her shoulder and leading her to his home.

“Yeah, lets go home… lover boy.”

Spike couldn’t help but blush a bit at yet another nickname he’d earned. It was then that he wondered how Pinkie and Twilight were doing.

*Back at the house*

“Put it in your mouth!” Pinkie ordered.

“No Pinkie I can’t, please! Get it out of my face!”

“I promise you won’t choke on it!”

“This isn’t what I meant when I said 'treat me like a regular pony'!”

“You know you want too! Come on, just the tip!”

“This thing is huge! How were you able to hide it in those yoga pants?!”

“I’ll never tell! Now come on, I promise once you start you won’t be able to stop,” She said trying to push the thick object into Twilight's mouth, getting a white substance on her lips.

“Pinkie, for the last time I don’t want a cupcake! Especially this one! How did you even make one this big?” She asked, amazed at the sheer size of the baked good.

“Pleaaaaaase I need to know if its good so I can give a cupcake to Cupcake when he gets home!"

“If you want to, just wait until he gets back; then he’ll tell you about, your cupcakes and I’ll finally have some alone time with my assistant,” she said finally pushing Pinkie away and waiting for the return of her knight in green hair. she just wanted a nice peaceful night with her Bae. She was surprised when he left in the morning without her noticing and was surprised again at Pinkie's extremely hyper activity (she was tempted to run some tests her after all she witnessed the pink haired pony girl could do); the last thing she needed right now was another surprise.

Hormonal Hurricane

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The sound of rapidly running footsteps echoed off the halls accompanied by heavy breathing indicating panic or exhaustion…probably both. The source of the sounds stopped in the centre of the hall, believing he was a safe distance he stayed still so he could assess the damage. Blood dripped from his chin, there were a few scrapes and bruises here and there but that was about it.

“How...*pant*..how did this happen? One second everything was fine then there was that explosion and…..” Spike held his head trying to figure out how things could have gone south so quickly. “Alright, I got to get out of here and wait for things to blow over and-”


Spikes head quickly snapped to look behind him and froze still at what he saw. Two glowing lilac eyes that just screamed there you are. They stared at each other, one set of eyes filled with fear while the other one was dripping with hunger. It only however took one set of eyes to blink before Spike took off in the direction of the kitchen, moving faster than he had ever before as he turned every corner with his pursuer giving a chase that was just as determined. After a few minutes he finally lost her and sought refuge in the kitchen.

“Alright, I’ll stay here until whatever is happening to them wears off. I mean this is only temporary right?”The young man tried to comfort himself as he hid behind the counter.

Suddenly the sound a door creaking open caught his attention, he looked to his left to see the pantry door was slightly ajar. He watched it intently for a minute hoping it was just his imagination. Against his better judgment he decided to investigate and approached as quietly as he possibly could. Once he was there he grabbed the door handle and pulled the door open quickly. There was nothing there….

“Sigh….I got scared for a sec-” The young man stopped as something dripped on his nose, it smelled sweet, and it was thick and sticky. He wiped it off his nose and looked at it closely for a second before putting his finger in his mouth to taste it. “Its cake batter....but how did it…get..on…the…ceiling ?” His words died in his mouth as he shakily looked up to see yet another pair of eyes staring at his own, only these were baby blue, and inches away from his face. Seconds after his realizing he had company the sound of a slurping tongue sent him once again into run like a bitch mode. This time he was heading for the door, apparently his sudden sprint alerted his other pursuer where he was as he heard the sound of something moving not too far away from where he was.

“The door!” He screamed as he made his finally saw his way out of this madness. “I’ll leave, and comeback in the morning when things have probably calmed down,” He said to himself as he kicked the door open and jumped outside. He was about to go through the front gate but was stopped cold by lasso tying his arms to his torso and keeping him from making it the extra few inches to his safety. He again turned his head to see the rope lead back into the darkness of his home, and at the end of were third pair of glowing green eyes. The rope then began to pull him backwards towards whatever was on the end of it waiting for him.

He struggled in vain to get out of its grip, his eyes were shut tightly as he put all the effort he could into delaying the inevitable. He looked back one more time as he drew closer to the door to see all three pairs of eyes were ready and waiting for him, he could see the drool on their lips and the hunger in their eyes.

“Oh crap,” Was all he could utter before he was yanked back into the house into their arms as the door slammed behind him.

A few hours earlier…..

“Pinkie I think you may have made this cake batter a bit too thick, it’s almost like glue,” The green haired young man chuckled as he examined the hyper active baker’s latest mixture.

“I know isn’t it super duper fantabulous!” she responded jovially.


“Duh fantastic and fabulous cupcake,” she said bopping him on the nose playfully.

The young man simply shook his head and smiled at her playfulness, being around her was one of the best ways for him to smile no matter how bad the day before had been. “Okay pinkie yes, It’s “fantabulous” but I don’t think people will think that about your cake if they find themselves choking after one bite.”

The pink haired earth pony girl froze with her classic “oooooohhhhh now I get it” look plastered on her face.

“Oh Pinkie, have I ever told how much fun it is having you around?” The young man chuckled.

Pinkie slightly blushed at hearing that “Thanks cupcake, it’s good to know you like having me around, after all,” She got closer to him and put her hands on either side of his face. “I Love having you around.”

Spike blushed slightly as his eyes opened wide, Pinkie was flirty but not sensuous flirty. She was more playful flirty. “Ahem. Well you know Pinkie we all love having you around too, Twilight hasn’t said it but I’m pretty sure she gets her fair share of nerdy fun from examining your movements and behavior.”

“Really, you think so!? Wait. Studying my moves?” The pink haired party planner held her chin for a second and stared off into space before looking back to Spike. “You think that’s what this ankle friendship bracelet Twilight made me is for?” She asked.

“Ankle friendship…what?” Spike asked in confusion.

“This silly, she gave it to me the other day,” Pinkie said as she raised her leg in an impressive display of flexibility, and put it behind her head and showing Spike a rather large metallic ankle bracelet with a glowing red light on it.

“That looks like something you out on someone who’s on house arrest,” Spike said holding his head. He was also trying to hide the blush from staring at Pinkies long smooth leg, those yoga pants were really doing it for him.

“Oh I get it! This is her way of saying she never ever wants me to be far from her right?” She asked jovially getting closer to Spike while still on one leg.

“…Y-Yeah that’s totally what it means Pinkie, she just doesn’t want you far away from her,” He responded, it wasn’t entirely a lie Twilight probably wanted to keep her close to she could see what she was doing. “I bet Applejack likes having you around too, after that party you threw her when she first started staying here you made her feel way more welcome,” Spike was right, Applejack certainly did like that little welcoming party Pinkie threw together. Especially since Twilights reaction was pretty…fiery…and not good fiery either, Spike had to cool her off with a fire extinguisher.

“Oh stop it cupcake, I’m just being my normal peppy self,” she said blushing and looking away.

“Well, you are peppy but I don’t think normal is the word I would use,” Spike chuckled. “So do you want to get rid of this cake batter?”

“What? Absotivley not cupcake!”


“Absolutely positively not silly filly.”

“Ah…but why? You said it was too thick as well.”

“Yes siree sweetie, but there’s way more to cake batter than just making cake, just watch me!” she said as she bent over a bit to dip her hands in the thick substance while Spike caught a quick glance of some else that was thicc. “Behold!” She yelled standing up right displaying her batter soaked hands.

“All I see are two hands your probably gonna lick clean in a second.”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, oh cupcake, you have so much to learn. Now watch as I become, SPIDER PINKIE!!!” She yelled as she jumped into the air and stuck her super sticky hands to the ceiling and crawled away into other parts of the house.

Spike could only roll his eyes in amusement at her antics; he really enjoyed having her company as well as the company of the other girls. Maybe he could learn to like having a lot of house guests.

“Hello lover boy, Ah’m home!” called a country drawl from the front door. She walked into the kitchen to see Spike.

“Hey there Jackie you made it just in time for dinner,” Spike said pulling out a large bowl of veggie salad for him and the girls. “So how was business today?”

“A lot better than before, the first time Ah tried selling business was moving slower than molasses running uphill in July,” She replied.

“Well that’s great to hear. Pinkie! Twilight! Dinner time,” Spike called out.

“I’m already at the table,” they heard Pinkie call.

“Huh…I was sure she’d be on the roof by now.”

“Say what now?”

“Never mind, here take this to the table while I go get Twi,” He said handing the bowl to Applejack and going to get his likely busy house mate. Spike walked into the room to see Twilight at her desk levitating several of the books they’d borrowed from the library and reading about four of them at the same time while writing into a scroll that she would probably send back to her homeland. “Hey Twi, dinner is ready come on.”

“Oh Bae, you have no idea how much I’ve discovered in the past hour,” Twilight said looking up from her work. “Isn’t it a bit early for dinner though? It was just lunch.”

“Twi…its 6 o’clock,” Spike said with a deadpan look on his face. “Anyways let’s go, as a princess you don’t want to seem rude to your fellow house guests would you?”

“Of course not, but remember I told both of them that they shouldn’t see me as a princess but as a normal Equestrian citizen here on their own personal mission,” She said getting up and following her beloved Bea to the dinner table. “It’s actually how I prefer to be treated; even in Equestria I ask everypony to just treat me like another pony. I don’t really feel comfortable being waited on like that.”

“Well if that’s how it is I guess you don’t need me around huh?” Spike asked with mock sadness.

“Don’t be ridiculous!” Twilight said pulling the young man into a hug, tightly pressing her chest into his. “I’ll always need you around, no one could replace you my number one assistant. Speaking of which, I’ll need your help after dinner with a few things okay?” She asked letting him go and resuming their walk.

“Of course Twi,” Spike replied recovering from her vice-grip like hug. “Helping you and the other girls is what I’m here for,” He said with a smile.

They then reached the table and sat down with their other two house mates and ate dinner together. During dinner Spike talked to Applejack about the businesses in the city that may be willing to help her out with spreading the news of her apples and apple products. He also told Pinkie he’d take her to the local bakeries as well as show her some recopies for cakes, pies, and all sorts of pastries to further her goal of opening her own bakery here in the city. Of course Twilight went on about everything she’d learned in the past couple of hours about human history, science, and biology. She’d actually asked Spike if she could study his body a bit closer to confirm what she’d read. Spike was going to agree to it but the look she gave him when she asked sent chills up his spine, so he told her he’d think about it.

After dinner Spike and Twilight went up to her study to open up a shipment of potions she’d gotten delivered from Equestria to see how they reacted to this dimensions matter as well as if its atmosphere would affect its state.

“Alright Twi, how do you want to start?” Spike asked opening up the box to reveal several oddly shaped bottles with different liquids inside.

“Good question, let’s start with stacking these on that shelf over there and these three on my table please,” She directed him. Spike followed her directions and set everything up.

“So what exactly are these Twi?”

“Well these are actually a collection of pony hormones I had sent here to see if they react differently when in a foreign environment,” She replied.

“Wouldn’t you have known if pony hormones acted differently when the first Equestrians crossed over?”

“Well I hypothesized the same at first but there are certain times of year when some hormones have greater effect on the biology of ponies and I want to see if they react similarly here or if they show increase or decrease in effectively.”

“Wow, you think they will?”

“Not likely, the environments of our dimensions react very similar so I doubt there will be drastic change if any.” She said as she took the three bottles and observed them closely. “Okay let’s see what we have here-” Just before she could finish a certain pink haired hurricane blew into the room.

“Cupcake, quick I need you,” Pinkie pie came rushing in and grabbing onto his arm.

“Pinkie what is it?” he asked.

“I just came up with 267 new flavor combinations for my pies and I need your help to make them! If we start now we’ll finish by dawn, oh I just came up with another 37!” She said tugging on him.

“Hold it right there Pinkie!” Twilight said grabbing his other arm and pulling his side into her chest. “Bae was helping me out; you already got your chance earlier!”

“Pretty please cupcake! Pretty please with sprinkles a cherry and a Pinkie on top!” she said throwing herself into his arms. She grabbed his head and pulled his face into her chest making him blush heavily.

“Oh no you don’t, we were just having a nice time!” Twilight said determined by jumping on his back, wrapping her arms and legs on him and pulling on his neck restricting the air flow.

“Wait, girls wait I can’t brea-”

“What in tar nation is going on in here?” Applejack said walking in and seeing the three of them or more specifically Spike caught in an entanglement of legs, arms and cleavage. She however noticed that Spike was struggling to breathe as well as he stumbled back and forth close to the table. “Y’all don’t see the poor boy can’t breathe?! Get off him!” She ordered taking hold of Spikes side and trying to pull him out to no avail.

As the mess of bodies was pulled back and forth Spike stumbled back and hit the table casing it and them to fall over. All the bottles spilled but didn’t break as they hit the ground, the chemicals began to mix with each other as the four house mates began to get up.

“Ouch, you girls really know how to ride a guy out….forget I said that,” Spike said getting up.

“Ah’m terribly sorry there lover boy, Ah was trying mah best to keep these varmint form hurting yah,” Applejack apologized.

“Yea cupcake I’m really super duper sorry, I feel I a big meany,” Pinkie said looking down.

“I Spike, sorry about jumping you like that I was just enjoying my time with you,” Twilight also apologized.

“No girls it’s alright, I know you would never want to hurt me or anything.” He said stretching a bit. “Let’s just clean up this mess and-”

“Wait!” Twilight yelled interrupting him. “These chemicals aren’t supposed to mix!” She said as the pool on the ground of mixed chemicals began to glow pink.

“Ohhh its glowing Pinkie like me!” Pinkie said approaching until she was yanked back by Twilight.

“Everyone get down!” Twilight yelled as the four house mates hit the deck just before a huge explosion of pink gas went off. When it was over Spike was the first to get up.

“*cough*….Are you girls..*cough*..okay?” He said as he stood up. When he got no response he turned to see they were all passed out on the floor and rushed to them. “Girls!” he yelled trying to wake them up, he was about to call for help when a hand belonging to a certain Alicorn girl reached up grabbed him by the shirt collar and pulled in into a sloppy kiss.

Spikes face went completely red as he felt her tongue prod his mouth. After a few seconds he parted the kiss and looked down to see Twilight fully awake with glowing eyes and a lustful smile on her face. “Twi what was that for?”

Before he could get an answer he was forcefully pulled back by Pinkie and Applejack and pinned to the floor. He noticed that they also had the same look on their face. He was struggling as they kept him down, and felt a trickle of blood run from his nose as they all began to remove their clothing starting from their bountiful busts to their splendid hips. Spike couldn’t understand why they were acting like; they never tired anything so bold.

Either way he knew they weren’t in their right mind, and he couldn’t give them what they wanted no matter how badly he wanted it too. Spike decided to take action and slipped out of their grip by taking off his shirt and maneuvering around them so quickly it made them stumble. He then quickly ran into the hall as he heard them get up as well.

The sound of his rapidly pacing footsteps echoed off the halls accompanied by heavy breathing indicating panic or exhaustion…probably both. He stopped in the centre of the hall, believing he was a safe distance he stayed still so he could assess the damage. Blood dripped from his chin, there were a few scrapes and bruises here and there but that was about it.

“How...*pant*..how did this happen? One second everything was fine then there was that explosion and…..” Spike held his head trying to figure out how things could have gone south so quickly. “Alright, I got to get out of here and wait for things to blow over and-”


Spikes head quickly snapped to look behind him and froze still at what he saw. Two glowing lilac eyes that just screamed there you are. They stared at each other, one set of eyes filled with fear while the other one was dripping with hunger. It only however took one set of eyes to blink before Spike took off in the direction of the kitchen, moving faster than he had ever before as he turned every corner with his pursuer giving a chase that was just as determined. After a few minutes he finally lost her and sought refuge in the kitchen.

“Alright, I’ll stay here until whatever is happening to them wears off. I mean this is only temporary right?”The young man tried to comfort himself as he hid behind the counter.

Suddenly the sound a door creaking open caught his attention, he looked to his left to see the pantry door was slightly ajar. He watched it intently for a minute hoping it was just his imagination. Against his better judgment he decided to investigate and approached as quietly as he possibly could. Once he was there he grabbed the door handle and pulled the door open quickly. There was nothing there….

“Sigh….I got scared for a sec-” The young man stopped as something dripped on his nose, it smelled sweet, and it was thick and sticky. He wiped it off his nose and looked at it closely for a second before putting his finger in his mouth to taste it. “Its cake batter....but how did it…get..on…the…ceiling ?” His words died in his mouth as he shakily looked up to see yet another pair of eyes staring at his own, only these were baby blue, and inches away from his face. Seconds after his realizing he had company the sound of a slurping tongue sent him once again into run like a bitch mode. This time he was heading for the door, apparently his sudden sprint alerted his other pursuer where he was as he heard the sound of something moving not too far away from where he was.

“The door!” He screamed as he made his finally saw his way out of this madness. “I’ll leave, and comeback in the morning when things have probably calmed down,” He said to himself as he kicked the door open and jumped outside. He was about to go through the front gate but was stopped cold by lasso tying his arms to his torso and keeping him from making it the extra few inches to his safety. He again turned his head to see the rope lead back into the darkness of his home, and at the end of were third pair of glowing green eyes. The rope then began to pull him backwards towards whatever was on the end of it waiting for him.

He struggled in vain to get out of its grip, his eyes were shut tightly as he put all the effort he could into delaying the inevitable. He looked back one more time as he drew closer to the door to see all three pairs of eyes were ready and waiting for him, he could see the drool on their lips and the hunger in their eyes.

“Oh crap,” Was all he could utter before he was yanked back into the house into their arms as the door slammed behind him.

Spike watched as they yet again pinned him down, the only thing separating them from him were his pants.

“Time you lived up to yer name mah lover boy,” The overly aroused Applejack said as she began to remove his pants only to be stopped by a hand.

“What do you think you’re doing? I go first,” Objected Twilight

“Nuh-uh Pinkie goes first!” Pinkie said jumping up making her breasts swing as well. The three went into another heated argument over the young man, giving him time to crawl away a few inches.

“Hold it y’all he’s getting away!” Applejack called directing them to his escape attempt. Before they could re-capture him however the door flung open revealing a curvy silhouette holding something in her hand.

The trio of horny pony girls were about to address whoever this was when they each suddenly felt slight sting hit their necks. Before they had time to say ouch they each fell unconscious.

Spike watched in partial relief and partial worry as they slept surprisingly peacefully on the ground.

“What’s going on? Who are you?”

“Calm Down there lady killer, it’s just your friendly neighborhood agent,” Mary Sunset said as she stepped forward revealing herself.

“Agent Sunset! What are you doing here?” The young man asked forgetting he was in nothing but his underwear as he got up.

“Well not that it’s any of your business but I have some pieces of tech in your house that monitor quite a few things, like the hormone levels of everyone in the house,” She explained.

“How is that none of my business?” He deadpanned. “Wait…..hormone levels? That must be what made them go crazy! The hormones in the bottles must have sent them crazy when they spilled over,” Spike realized.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about but okay,” she shrugged nonchalantly holding a tranquilizer gun.

“Wait, you didn’t know what was going on? Why’d you bring a tranq gun?”

“Oh this was for you actually, I thought they were just getting hot because you were getting ready to rock their worlds “lover boy” She chuckled at the nickname AJ gave Spike.

“Oh haha very funny. Now could you give me a hand with taking them to their rooms? I’ll have to explain all of this in the morning to them,”

“Ugh fine,” She relented as she picked up AJ while Spike carried Twilight and Pinkie to their respective rooms for the night.

“Nice boxers by the way…”

“Shut up.”

Camping and a new Friend part 1

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“Oh this is SO exciting! My first camping trip in the human world! Or really my first camping trip ever since I never really went camping in Equestria either but now I’m really really excited about finally going to camp and meet all the cutsie wootsie animals in the woods and all of the beauty Oh I know I said it but I’m really really Excited!” Pinkie droned on as she skipped next to Spike, AJ, and Twilight as they made their way to a camp site just outside the city.

“Heh, and here I thought Jackie would be the excited one, this was her idea after all,” Spike said amused by his pink haired house mate.

“Don’t worry lover boy Ah am excited, when yah said there was a camping site around here it left me ichin to get into the dirt and just roll around like a hog on a hot day,” The pony girl farmer enthusiastically said.

“I’m glad Jackie, after all I wouldn’t be a good host if I didn’t show all my girls a good time,” he said with a nudge and a wink. This was enough to make the farm girl turn her head away for a second to hide the shade of pink that had developed on her face. “This is for all of us after all, I’m sure we’ll all have a great time right Twi?....Twi?”

“Subject seems to be able to speak for long periods of time without need to inhale, conclusion is still unsure,” The lavender pony girl in question spoke into a small handheld tape recorder. “I’m sorry did you say something Bae?” She asked turning her attention to him.

“Never mind, you can go on.” He replied.

Moments later the group found themselves approaching an open large wooden fence with a dirt road that lead into the woods.

“Oh Oh Oh! We’re here!” Pinkie beamed as they made their final approach.

“That we are pinks, alright girls just let me go talk to the ranger so we can get a map of the--”

“LOOK OUT!” Came from AJ as she pulled Spike out of the way of a speeding truck, she unknowingly also pulled him into the valley between her bouncy bust. “Wow, what in the samhill was he running from?”

“Mpph!”Came a muffled sound.

“Huh?...Oh sorry sugar cube!” AJ said releasing him from the confines of her chest, a thin pink line evident on her face.

“Wowwie Zowwie he was driving like an insaniac!” Pinkie commented as she and Twilight went over to check on their beloved house man.

“Are you okay?” Twilight asked holding his face.

“Y-yeah…I’m fine, not the closest I’ve come to dying this week,” The young man chuckled.

“Hey are you folks alright!” Said a park ranger dressed in green pants black boots and a green button up shirt.

“Yeah we’re fine, a little shaken up but don’t worry, you should probably find out what happened to the guy driving,” Spike replied walking up to him.

“Oh I think I have an idea, the same thing that’s been driving a lot of folks out lately,” The ranger replied rubbing the back of his neck.

“Yah do? Well what in tarnation has folk’s running like that?” Applejack asked

“Well, there have been reports of someone or something running around in the woods scaring off people, but what’s strange is everyone that was questioned turned out to be hunter ,” He explained.

“Hunters, I thought hunting was illegal here,” Spike said.

“It is some say that’s why it’s happening. They’ve been calling it the sanctuary woods witch, it supposed to be a spirit that’s protecting the local wild life.”

“Uh Spike, is it really safe to be here with such an entity making itself known?” Twilight asked grasping his shirt.

“I don’t know, is it ranger?” He asked the park ranger.

“Well as far as I know it’s only been spotted in the deep woods, none of the campsites have reported anything strange,” He replied.

“There yah go, ain’t nothing to worry yerself for,”Applejack said reassuringly.

“Wait, maybe we should postpone this outing until we know it’s really safe” Twilight said in objection.

“Oh oh oh ! Maybe she’s just hungry! She could be willing to try out my new tofu flavored recipe!” Pinkie said in her usual excited tone.

“Well, if Pinkie and Jackie don’t mind it…I guess we’ll be okay,” Spike said making his decision.

“What, Spike are you sure?” Twilight asked shaking a bit.

“Come on Twi you’re not just gonna let some urban legend stop you from spending time with us will you?”Spike asked putting an arm around her.

Twilight blushed a bit as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders; she nodded her head giving her okay to let the trip continue.

“Yeah, besides if this is anything like those silly billy horror movies I was watching we just have to avoid drugs, walking alone into the woods and making out,” Pinkie chirped before looking at Spike. “Well, maybe we could do one of those things~,” Pinkie said giving Spike a wink and a kissy face.

Spike blushed a bit but shook it off before proceeding to ask the ranger for a map and directions which he promptly did. It had been about half an hour’s hike to the campsite; upon arriving they saw the camp ground was considerably large. From what they observed there was a considerable amount of tents of many kinds, some people even brought RV’s and set up TV’s complete with game consoles, the sound of crunching chips bags filled the air around them as well.

“Hey Jackie, is it me or are those people not doing camping right?” Pinkie asked.

“No, Ah don’t think they are…and only lover boy can call me Jackie,” Applejack said in a monotone voice.

“Bea…I am pretty well read in many fields, and while I acknowledge that I shouldn’t believe everything I read, albeit painfully, I don’t think they are following the guidelines to proper camping,” Twilight remarked.

“Yeah, people just don’t seem to find joy roughing it these days, it’s a damn shame,” Spike said shaking his head.

“GASP, Cupcake you said a naughty word! Come here so I can give you spanking,” Pinkie said pulling a stool seemingly out of nowhere and sat on it with her knee sticking out.

“No pinkie, this time Ah gotta go with lover boy on this one, this ain’t right! This is a gosh darned tragedy!”Applejack proclaimed.

“You still didn’t use a naughty waughty bad word.”

“Well we can’t go over there and make them change that would be rude,” Twilight said.

“Well that don’t mean diddly for us! We ain’t about to move with the herd none, we are gonna do this the right way, the apple way!” Applejack declared.

“That’s what I like to hear!” Spike said. “Now let’s all start setting up girls.”

With that the four of them set up Twi tents, one large one to hold all three of the girls and a smaller one for Spike. They had wanted Spike to stay in their tent but Spike wanting to avoid any awkward turns chose to get his own. A few hours had passed and the moon was beginning to rise, the four of them were around a campfire making roasted wieners.

“Hoooweee the smell of these here wieners is making me so hungry mah stomach is gnawing on mah backbone,” AJ said enjoying the scent of the nearly cooked sausages.

“Oh I think mine is ready,” Twilight said pulling the sausage away from the fire toward her mouth blowing on it a bit.

“Twilight are you sure that you didn’t-”

*Crunch* “Blah!!”

“..burn it…” Spike finished watching Twilight spit out the over cooked meat pole.

The other three enjoyed a quick laugh at watching her clean her tongue of the over bitter meat.

“Ah well that’s why I do the cooking at home huh girl?” Spike asked rhetorically. He turned his head to see how Pinkie was enjoying her wiener on a stick; he however froze at seeing just how much she was enjoying it. A noticeable blush formed on his face, Pinkie was enjoying it too much, and she was practically bathing it in her saliva as she maneuvered her tongue over every inch of it from tip to base, all while staring him right in the eye.

“Ugh that was just unpleasant, Bae could we just move one?” Twilight asked getting the last of the bitter taste out of her mouth.

“…huh?! Oh yeah sure let’s do something else. What did you girls have in mind?”

“Well when Ah was a filly going camping with mah older brother Big Macintosh right about now is when we would start telling scary stories,” Applejack suggested.

“Oh That’s a great idea! I got one, the story of the birthday party with noooo cake oooooOoooOOo,” Pinkie said waving her arms.

“That doesn’t sound very scary, you know what is? The story of the book that was a hundred years overdue,” Twilight brought up trying to sound spooky herself.

Applejack and Spike simply gave them unimpressed looks before looking at each other.

“Hogwash Y’all, Ah’ve heard lullabies scarier than that.”

“Yeah girls, I don’t think you’ll freak anyone out with those bed time stories,” Spike chuckled.

“Well do you got a scary story lover boy?”

“Me? Don’t you have one? You have done this before.”

“Well Ah got some but none that are very scary.”

“Hmmm…okay I guess I got one or two that are kind of short, but we should head to bed afterwards okay girls?”

The three women each nodded in agreement and each sat up to hear what stories their man had to offer.

“Alright then…”Spike began telling the story.

One creepy as hell story later.

“…and that was the last anyone ever saw of him,” Spike finished. The girls were all a bit shaken up from they had just heard

“Uh...Ah think it’s about time we hit they hay y’all.”

“Yeah, I think it’s in the guide to proper camping that we turn in right about now.”

“Yeah Cupcake waddaya say?”

“…..” When they got no response their heads snapped back to where he was seated.

He was gone.

The trio looked around frantically but he was nowhere to be seen. They called out his name to no avail, beginning to get worried they got up to go check to see if he had slipped into their tents. They looked inside to see a lump in his tent. The three of them sighed in relief.

“Bea you scared us.”

“Yeah lover boy don’t scare us like that yah here?”


“Cupcake?” Pinkie asked as the three of them got into the cramped space to move the sheet, when they moved it was revealed that it was only pillow.

“But if this is just a pillow then where in tar nation is…”

“Abogabogabogaboga!” came a yell from outside, three Equestrians screamed in shock and tumbled inside of the tent causing it to fall apart. “oops, I think I may have go a bit overboard heheheh,” The green haired young man chuckled. “Sorry girls…didn’t think you’d get that scared.”

The Trio struggled to get out of the tangled remains of the tent and each other, from outside Spike could hear them saying “Get off me!”, and “Your fat butts in my way!” When they got out and on their feet they stared daggers in Spikes direction earning a nervous sweat from the young man.


“I’m sorry I’m sorry it was just a little scared for fun,” He defended.

“That ain’t gonna cut it lover boy, you need to be taught a lesson,” Applejack said walking up to him and pulling him close by his shirt collar and smiling.

“W-what are you gonna do?” He asked as he looked into the earth pony’s eyes.

“Death by snu-snu!” Pinkie yelled out.

“Now girls let’s just calm down, there’s no need for that. He was just trying to have a little fun and that’s what this is about right? Besides we already destroyed his tent, so he doesn’t have anywhere to sleep tonight,” Twilights eyes widened as she came up with something. “Hey Spike, since we destroyed your tent you won’t have anywhere to sleep, so why don’t you sleep in ours?”

“What? W-wouldn’t it just get really cramped.

“Actually ah wouldn’t mind if yah did, this could be how yah make it up to us,” Applejack said a thin blush forming on her face.

“Oh that’s a fantabulus idea,” Pinkie chirped. With that Spike was brought to their tent and thrown in without a second thought, followed by his house guests all taking a place next to him. The tent had only been built for three people to sleep in comfortably; Applejack took the left side snuggling into his arm while Twilight took the right doing the same, Pinkie being the smallest of the three took the liberty of lying on his chest and wrapping her arms around him.

“Night bae.”

“See yah in the morning lover boy.”

“Nighty Night, don’t let the bed bugs bite cupcake, if anyone’s gonna bite you it’s gonna be me~”

“Uh..night,” Spike said as what Pinkie said reached his ears. He managed to calm the fire in his pants (which he hoped Pinkie hadn’t noticed) before going to sleep like the others.

A few hours had passed since the big happy household had fallen asleep in the tent and now slept peacefully. That is until Spike was awoken by natures call.

“I have to pee,” He said opening his eyes gorgy though they were. After maneuvering his way through the entanglements of legs and cleavage he got out and walked to the nearest bush to let the waters flow. After he was done he zipped up and turned to head back to the tent, but something caught his attention just before he took the first step.

*Squeek squeek Squeek* came a whimper from the woods.

“Huh?” Spike said as he turned to the thick brush of the woods and stared, he didn’t see anything but the faint sound of an animal in pain was audible. Spike couldn’t help but feel a tug at his heart when its pained squeals reached his ears, he didn’t like to see or hear innocent creatures suffer so against his better judgment he walked in the hopes of locating it. After a few minutes of searching and pushing through he found the source of the noise, a fawn was caught in a bear trap.

“Shhhh, it’s okay I got you,” Spike said soothingly as he approached its trapped leg. When the creature didn’t react negatively to his presence he took it as a sign to examine the trap, he observed a release button on its side. Unknown to him he was being watched from above by something that seemed rather….pleased with his actions.

Spike pushed the button and the creature was set free, it leaped out of its spot and limped away happy to be set free. Spike dusted his hands and got ready to walk away before suddenly being stopped by the sound of moment just behind him.

“Hold it right there freak!” A raspy deep voice yelled.

“Huh?” Spike said as he turned to see three armed men, each of them with double barrel shot guns, hunting gear and very displeased looks.

“Wait…you ain’t the witch!” One of them called.

“I’m not the what? Who are you guys?” Spike asked confused as they shone a light into his face.

“Shut up!” One of the thugs said knocking Spike to the ground; he looked down at Spike sitting on his butt. “Your ruined my plan! I was gonna get some payback and hang that bitches head on my wall!” The head hunter yelled in rage at the young man for ruining his trap.

“Maybe we should take him instead, since this witch hasn’t shown herself,” One of the hunters joked.

“Dammit take this seriously you two!”

“”How can we? So far neither of us has seen any proof this thing exists,” One hunter pointed out.

“Did you not see what happened to the last guy I brought out here to hunt? He’s a mess!” The established head of the group argued.

“He’s always been a pussy, that aint proof,” The other hunter argued.

Spike meanwhile was listening to the conversation a bit confused, he heard them say something about a witch? They must be talking about the one the ranger warned him about, but if that’s the case then they must be hunters. “Wait, hunting is illegal in these woods, so they’re not just hunters their law breakers, armed lawbreakers,” Spike realized as they three suddenly shifted the conversation back to him.

“Well in any case we can’t just let him go he’s seen us, and if the rangers hear about this we’re all headed to the slammer,” One of the hunters pointed out.

“You’re right,” The lead hunter relented.

“What do we do?”

“Let’s just stuff him in the truck, when we’re done here we just beat some sense into him,” The third hunter suggested.

Spike got a chill up his spine, though it wasn’t because of what the hunter had suggested. While the three were deciding what they were going to do to him, Spike spotted something looking down at him and the three hunters, more so him however.

“Hey what are you looking at chump?” One of the hunters asked

“Uh….her!” Spike pointed upwards directing the attention of the all three hunters to the descending figure of the very same creature that drove them out.

“It’s her; I told you she was real! Quick shoot her before-” The hunter couldn’t finish his sentence before the bat winged witch grabbed onto Spike and took off into the forest night. The two hunters stood silent as they watched the cloak figure fly away with the curiously green haired young man.

“No way…”

“That’s impossible.”

“I told you she was real! She’s been giving us hunters a really hard time, she thought she could keep me out of here after one scare but there’s no way I’m gonna lose to witch with a bestiality,” The head hunter declared as he directed his partners back to their trucks where they would get what they needed to hunt the witch.

Speaking of the witch, she had taken our green haired protagonist to a cave in and isolated part of the woods. As she landed with the panicking young man, she gently put him down only to receive a terrified shriek before he jumped back to gaze at the clocked figure.

“L-listen, if you’re going to eat me you s-should know I’m n-not very nutritious,” Spike said as he took a few steps back.

“No please, don’t be afraid I only meant to help you,” came from the figure in a surprisingly soothing and mother voice.

“Huh?” Spike said as he stopped his retreat and closely watched the figure begin to remove what were apparently plastic bat wings, in reality they were actually a pair of butter colored angelic ones, not like Twilights but still much gentler looking. She removed the cloak from around herself and instead of a horrid and gut wrenching frame; Spike found himself staring at a voluptuous figure, one with breasts as bountiful as Applejacks but not really as tall. Really as Spike approached he couldn’t help but notice that she was likely only an inch shorter than himself, as he got closer he noticed a few other things. Her eyes that were at first a brilliant amaranth color were now a moderate cyan that almost glowed, under the cloak she wore a couple of large leaves that served as a figure hugging gown. It also revealed that she had a pair of butter colored pony ears and light pink hair with tail to match, Spike was almost certain he was talking to an angel.

“Are, you okay? I hope I didn’t hurt you,” She said getting a little nervous as the young man drew closer.

Spike shook his head before responding. “Uh…yeah thank you so much you have no idea how much I owe for-” Spike stopped his talking as the pony girl jumped just before he could shake her hand. “….I’m sorry, did I do something…?”

“No!..no its okay I’m just a little nervous.”

“Well Sorry of I startled you, I’m Spike by the way.” He said as he gave her a warm smile eliciting her to blush a bit.

“Hi Spike, I’m Fluttershy.”

Camping and a new Friend part 2

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“Well Fluttershy, it’s nice to meet you and thanks again for showing up when you did,” Spike thanked the pony girl as they both finally sat down in the cave.

“Oh well, of course I wasn’t going to let those mean hunters hurt you after you saved that poor little dear,” She replied. “Besides, I think you helped me too…they were probably going to try and trap me.”

“Huh, I guess you’re right, they did say something about me ruining their plan,” Spike realized. “So hey, I noticed that you’re a pony girl. Are you Equestrian?” Spike asked.

“Um yes I am, I crossed over from Equestria as part of a group that was touring the world’s forests and noting if there were any different species of animals,” She replied.

“So you weren’t gonna move here?”

“Well I hadn’t really decided yet, but on one trip through these woods I got separated from the group and I lost them, I was so scared at first, I wanted to cry because I felt so abandoned but then the animals of your forest helped me.”

“They helped you?”

“Yes, ever since I was little I’ve always loved animals, and animals have always loved me. I actually worked at a wildlife sanctuary back in Equestria, and I kind of like animals more because they don’t judge you or criticize you like most ponies or people do and the ones in this world are just as warm and loving,” She beamed.

“Wow, it was just you all alone in these woods with just the animals for so long huh?”

“Well…not all alone, my best friend angel bunny was with me the whole time.”

“You have a bunny? Where is the little-OW!” Spike yelled though more in surprise than in pain as he felt something hit the back of his head in a failed attempt to knock him out. “What the!?”

“Angel you stop that now! He isn’t here to hurt us he’s a friend,” Fluttershy scolded to something directly behind Spike.

Spike turned around to see a rabbit that was just a few inches tall, standing next to a small pile of rocks and pebbles.

“Oh this is your little bunny?”

“Yes, and he can be very rude sometimes, I’m so sorry if he hurt you,” Fluttershy apologized profusely.

“No its okay, I probably just scared him is all-ow!” Spike yelled a bit quieter this time as another pebble made contact with his head. “Geez…feisty little fellah huh?” Spike said with a small chuckle.

“You have no idea,” Fluttershy replied. “So Spike, what were you doing out here, are you with the campers?”

“Yeah actually, I came here with my house mates they’re actually from Equestria too.” Spike replied.

“Wow, why did you help the fawn?”

“Well I was already awake; before I could go back to bed I heard it crying, it sounded so hurt and helpless, so I just couldn’t let it go on like that….” As Spike continued to Speak the moonlight shone into the cave illuminating his emerald eyes causing Fluttershy’s face to light up a bit pink. “…and it’s never been in my nature to let the helpless suffer like that, even it means I could get hurt,” Spike continued. “I guess I shouldn’t talk about it like that, you probably get that don’t you Fluttershy?....Fluttershy?” When Spike got no response he looked closer and noticed that she seemed a bit spaced out.

“hmm…OH yes!? Of course, I know exactly how it feels, thank you.”

“Hey it’s cool, no need to thank me I was just doing what anyone would do.”

Just then the sound of distant footsteps could be heard, accompanied by the sound of barking dogs.

“Oh my, what is that?” Fluttershy asked.

“It sounds like dogs, but why would dogs be out here….?..oh no…” Spike said as he realized that they had been tracked.

“Oh no they must have followed us!” Fluttershy cried

“And those dogs are going to sniff us out in seconds; we got to move now before they get close!” Spike said. Fluttershy nodded and got into her witch outfit, picking up angel and leading Spike to the entrance of the cave.

“Spike, quick grab onto me!” Fluttershy said as they halted their run on the outside of the cave. Spike reached round from behind Fluttershy to get a hold of her, only to feel a series of pin like bites on his arms. “Angel stop that, we he don’t have time for this!” Fluttershy begged as the rabbit reluctantly let Spike grab onto her.

“I think I see them, there just outside the cave!” One of the hunters pointed toward Spike and the witch.

“Good, is the net canon ready?” The head hunter asked as they stopped not too far from their targets.


“Well hurry, looks like they’re about to take flight!” The head hunter ordered.

“Done!” Just as one of the three hunters finished arming the net gun the head hunter ripped it from his arms and began to take aim.

Spike had gotten a good grip on Fluttershy and she was now starting to take flight with Angel in her hands and Spike on her back, she did her best to deal with the weight and took off.

“Fluttershy, we should head back to the campsite! The rangers will help you get rid of those hunters,” Spike suggested.

“Okay Spike, whatever you say,” Fluttershy replied. However seconds after her reply Angel began to frantically jump and squirm in her hands. “Angel what is it?”

The rabbit quickly gestured for Fluttershy to look behind her, upon doing so she saw nothing but a large net open wide prepared to swallow her whole, she turned and stuck her hand out releasing Angel and shaking Spike off in the process.

“Fluttershy!” Spike yelled as the three of them fell to the ground. Though the fall wasn’t a lethal one, the landing was hard and Spike was now moments away from blacking out. As he neared unconsciousness all he could her were murmurings of excitement as footsteps grew closer, followed by the sound of something being dragged off, seconds after he blacked out.

Spike woke up about 15 minutes later, he looked up and around to try and get a good bearing of his surroundings. “Fluttershy…are you out there?” Spike called to no avail. “Uhg…my head…what happe-OW!” Spike yelled as a small pebble collided with his head. Spike looked to see an infuriated white rabbit still trying to pummel him. “Angel….where is…? Oh no…those hunters…they got Fluttershy!” Spike realized.

The rabbit simply gave Spike a deadpan look and shook its head before flailing its fist angrily and hopping off in the direction of the hunters.

“Angel wait! We need to work together togeth-”

“phhhhhhttttt!!!” The bunny blew a raspberry at Spike before being on its way.


Angel hopped his way following the tracks until he came up to a small clearing where he saw Fluttershy tied up and the hunters all around her drinking to their hearts content.

“Well well well, looks like the witch ain’t so tough after all” One of them laughed in her face causing her to whimper.

“What should we do with it?”

“Like I said I’m gonna hang her on my wall. Right above my fire place should be good ahhahaha!” He laughed manically.

Angel charged in ready to fight to the finish for Fluttershy, he was just about reaching the first hunter when a hungry looking dog jumped infront of him.

“Huh…hey aint that the rabbit that was with her?” one of the hunters asked.

“I think it is…heh…you know ripper looks awful hungry. You thinking what I’m thinking?”

“I think I am…ripper…dinner time,” The head hunter yelled as the large dog lunged forward. Angel ran as fast as his little legs could carry him into the woods.

“Angel NO!” Fluttershy cried as she watched her rabbit run into the woods. Angel did everything he could to get away from the dog taking twists and turns, but ultimately he couldn’t get away and tripped over a stone. Now the dog opened its jaw wide to devour the small rabbit, angel closed his eyes and hoped it would be over quickly. Seconds later he heard the dog cry out before a loud thud hit his ears.

Angel opened his eyes to see the dog was out cold, and standing over it and himself was non-other than Spike, holding a stick and a thankful look on his face.

“Phew…if I had come just a second later you would’ve been as good as kibble,” He said getting on a knee and picking the small rabbit up. “Are you okay?”

He nodded.

“Did you see where they took Fluttershy?”

He nodded again and pointed in the direction of the camp.

“Good. Listen, I know you don’t like me…but you love Fluttershy…and that means you don’t want to see her hurt right?”

He nodded.

“Well neither do I, I think we can both agree that with someone or somepony like her around the world is a better place. So how about for now at least we put aside our differences and get her out of here?”

He hesitated. He wasn’t sure he could trust this human, but Fluttershy seemed to so…why not? He nodded.

“Great, now I’ve got a plan.”

Back with the hunters.

“What’s taking ripper so long? It shouldn’t take this much time to rip a rabbit to pieces,” There was suddenly a ruffling the bushes close to them.

“Ripper is that you? What are you doing get over here!” One of the hunters called to n response. Getting mad the hunter stormed over to the bush to get his dog.

“Heh heh, I guess he’s got better things to do,” One of the hunters chuckled.

“Dammit dog get out here or I’ll make dog food of yah-ahhh!” The hunter screamed as he was dragged into the woods forcefully.

This put the other hunters on high alert as they brandished their rifles and aimed into the woods infront of them.

“What the hell was that!”

“How should I know?”

“Well what are you standing here for, go check it out,” The head hunter ordered. The second hunter hesitated for a minute but followed orders and walked over. He peeked inside the bush to see nothing there, no body, no gun, not even any tracks. He turned his back to the bush and yelled back to the head hunter.

“There isn’t anything here, they must have-woooow!” He yelled as he suddenly tied up with a vine like a lasso and pulled in.

The other hunter fired his gun a few times and stared of in the direction where his partners disappeared.

“What the hell is going on? Where did they go…? You! You’re behind this!” He said pointing at Fluttershy who up to this pint was just watching in shock.

“W-what!? No I’m not honest!” Fluttershy said truthfully confused at what was happening.

“You’re lying! This freak shit is all because of your magic huh? Well if you don’t stop this shit right now I’m gonna blow your head clean off!” He yelled aiming the rifle at her.

“Leave her alone you cold hearted beast!”

The hunter turned his head and looked to see Spike standing there staring him dead in the eye.

“Wait….you’re the green haired little shit she saved earlier, I thought you’d up and run after we caught her,” He said aiming his gun directly at him. “Well, there isn’t any space on my wall, but theres plenty of space in my trash compacter for yah,” He said cocking the gun.

“Well I think there’s someone else you should be worrying about right now,” Spike said calmly.

“Oh yeah, who?”

“Him. Angel now!” Spike yelled. So like a bat out of hell the white rabbit sprung from a nearby tree and latched itself to the hunters face and began to scratch like a mad man.

“Angel! Spike!” Fluttershy screamed as she watched her rabbit maul the hunters face, meanwhile Spike ran over to untie her.

“Fluttershy are you okay?” He asked as he removed the net and rope. Her answer was to jump and give him the tightest and warmest hug he’d ever received.

“Oh thank you thank you!” She yelled nuzzling him with all her might.

Spikes face went crimson for a bit but he returned the nuzzle, he’d gotten plenty of practice after all.

“No problem, but it’s not over yet. Angel over here!” Spike ordered. The rabbit acknowledged his command and ceased his assault on and jumped off as the hunter staggered forward with scratch marks on his face.

“Ahhh dammit you little runt!” He yelled in fury as he tried to wipe the blood from his eyes, he looked around only seeing blurry before his vision finally cleared, however the next thing he saw was the bottom of Spikes boot before passing out.

“That’ll teach you to mess with my friends,” Spike said as he placed his foot back on the ground from his especially delivered kick.

“…Wow Spike, where did you learn to kick like that?” Fluttershy asked amazed.

“Oh I learned it from a friend; she taught me a thing or two on how about kicking. Man that girl knows how to buck hard….why do I feel dirty for saying that?”

Angel walked up to Spikes leg and pulled on his pants.

“Oh hey good job out there little guy. So does this mean we’re cool?”

Angel bunny looked Spike in the eye and gave him a thumbs up before hoping off to his owner.

“Well I guess that’s a start, now it’s just to get these thugs back to the campsite,” Just as Spike said that bright lights shone on him and the people around him, this also caused Fluttershy to jump with far and latch onto him.

“Hold it right there!” A distorted voice ordered from beyond the light. “You are suspected of illegal hunting and kidnapping, surrender now or…huh? Spike is that you?” The distorted voice asked in confusion.

“What the? Who’s out there?” Spike called. The lights went off and out from behind them stepped a familiar bacon haired agent.

“Spike, We’ve got to stop meeting like this,” She said stepping out.

“Agent Sunset, what are you doing here?”

“Oh they called me over after you vanished from your tent.”

“Who called you ove-wow!” Spike yelled as he was suddenly caught in a soft and tight death trap from three sides.

“Oh bae we were so worried when we couldn’t find you!”

“Are you okay cupcake! Do you need me to kiss your booboos?”

“Don’t you ever scare me like that again yah hear?” Came the worried calls of his roommates, when he’d gone missing into the night they panicked and called sunset that in turn didn’t want to lose her greatest asset-friend and sent help over.

“Yes yes, we’re all glad that Spike is safe,” It was then that Sunset took notice a rather scared looking Fluttershy. “Who are you?” She asked.

“I..I’m futtershy” She said quietly.

“I’m sorry could you repeat that?”

“She said her name is Fluttershy,” Spike said finally escaping the deathtrap of softness and kisses. “She’s been stuck here for a while now; she didn’t want to leave with the hunters causing so much trouble, she’s a bit of an animal lover.”

“I see,” Sunset said. “Well I’m sure I can arrange to send you back, you’ll be home in no time.”

“NO!” She cried out getting everyones attention. She quickly realized what she did and reverted back to her shy state. “I..I…Would like to stay…if that’s alright.”

This time agent Sunset heard her.

“You want to stay? Well…if you still have business in this world I suppose I could find you somewhere.”

Fluttershy nodded her head; after all she was still pretty interested in this world’s wild life.

“Hmmm now where could I put this poor, defenseless, and absolutely adorable girl,” Sunset trailed on as she gave Spike a look that just screamed her intentions to him.

“Sigh…Fluttershy, would you like to stay with me and my roommates?” Spike asked deciding not to drag this on.

“Oh yes please!” Fluttershy cried as she latched onto his firm chest. “You hear that Angel bunny we have a home,” She said happily to her rabbit that just rolled his eyes.

“Yaaaay a new friend,” Pinkie said happily.

“Well howdy do partner, welcome to the family,” AJ said welcomingly.

“…What..?” Came from Twilight.

“Well come on, let’s go get the paper work ready,” Sunset said as she called everyone back to the campsite. Everyone followed behind until Spike somehow tripped.

“Oh my goodness Spike are you okay?” Fluttershy asked walking over to him and helping him up.

“Yeah yeah I’m fine, looks like this…vine tripped me,” He said pointing to vine that looked like it had been set up as a trip wire.

“Well how in tar nation did that get there?” AJ asked.

“I don’t know but lets get out of here, it’s almost morning,” Sunset said getting everyone to move on.

All while a certain white rabbit smiled deviously. Boy was he going to have fun with this human… �@�"ZE

A Fabulous New Addition (Edited by Starblade)

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It was afternoon in Sanctuary City, and Fluttershy and Spike were currently walking through the urban streets side-by-side. Well...it was more like side-to-side, as the meek pony girl had been leaning into Spike during their entire trek through the city. More at home surrounded by woodland critters and nature’s glory, the pinkette was nervous moving through the city and passing by so many unknown humans.

“A-A-Are you sure they’ll have clothes for me there, Spikey?” stammered Fluttershy, holding onto Spike’s arm tightly. She was currently wearing a pair of purple jeans and a green T-shirt, both of which she had borrowed from Twilight. The clothes proved to be a bit tight--especially around the chest area--much to the princess’ envy.

“They should. This new store is supposed to be designed for Equestrians,byEquestrians. In fact, I’m pretty sure an Equestrian runs it,” Spike said, looking down at her. “You look a bit scared Flutters, you okay?” he asked. He was currently wearing green and purple sneakers, a pair of blue, baggy jeans, and a button-up, blue shirt with a white T-shirt underneath.

“Oh um, yes…I’m just a bit nervous to be out here, especially without Angel,” she sighed, missing her bunny.

“No need to worry, Flutters. I’ll take good care of you while we’re out,” Spike said, putting an arm around her shoulder.

Fluttershy blushed furiously and looked away from his gaze, but she kept her tight grip on him. It was weird. She only ever really felt safe when she was with her animals. Ponies and people alike never gave her that sense of safety and understanding, but here was someone who could comfort her just as much as her animal friends.

“Well, this is the place,” Spike said, breaking her out of her thoughts. The two had arrived infront of what seemed like a strip mall with no shortage of Equestrians making their way in and out of the place.

“Goodness, Spike. It’s so big,” observed Fluttershy.

“Yeah, the city council was in a real rush to build this place after Equestrians started moving over,” Spike replied taking in the sight. “So, shall we get started?”

“Okay, Spike.”


Inside one of the offices of the shopping outlet, an Equestrian woman was having a heated discussion over the phone. And by the sounds of frustrated sighing over the receiver, the person on the other end of the line was growing more and more irritated.

“My apologies for testing your patience like this, darling. But if I’m going to spread my inspirational sense of style and fashion to this world, I simply can’t be housed with just any of this world’s hosts, no matter how qualified they may be. I hope you understand, Agent Sunset,” the Equestrian said.

“*Sigh* It’s alright, Miss. As an agent representing Earth’s support for the Cultural Exchange Program, my duty is to ensure that all those who cross over to this world are given the best possible housing that is to their liking. But what I don’t understand is what the issue was with the last couple of families I showed you,” the red-headed agent replied.

“There’s nothing at all wrong with them, darling. They all seemed like fine families...and that is precisely the problem. You see, afinefamily isn’t good enough. If I am to stay in this world as an avatar of glamour and fabulousness, I want the ones who are closest to me to be my muse. They must be my partners, my companions, my….”

The curvy Equestrian’s voice trailed off as she stared with wide eyes through the open blinds of her office window. The sight of a couple passing by her office had set her artistic spark ablaze. One was a woman with flowing pink hair, and smooth, jade-like skin. Despite clinging to her partner, she moved with a natural sense of grace and poise that many ladies took years to perfect. And within her ill-fitting clothes was a curvy figure that would make most supermodels green with envy. Speaking of “green,” the young man whose arm was in the pinkette’s embrace was a tall, lean hunk of a human with a spiky head of green hair that, in just the right light, looked like an emerald flame. His eyes carried a soft and caring intensity to them as he looked after his more anxious companion.

“…inspiration,” she whispered.

“Hello? Miss Rarity, are you alright?” asked Agent Sunset.

Rarity’s lips curled into a devious smirk as she watched the couple pass by.

“Yes, Agent Sunset, I am quite alright. In fact, I believe I may have just found the solution to our little problem.”

“How about this one, Flutters?” Spike asked, holding up a lime green sundress. He and Fluttershy had made their way to the nearest clothing store the complex had to offer.

“Oh, um…I don’t know…it seems like it would be sort of...tight,” she replied.

“Oh. Well, that’s okay. There are still plenty of clothes for you to try out. I’m sure will find something,” Spike said, exchanging the sundress for another outfit.

For the next two hours, Fluttershy and Spike continued to scower the various stores in the complex, trying to find clothes for Fluttershy. However, even after all that searching, they came up almost totally empty handed. It wasn’t just that some of the clothes offered didn’t suit her likes; she just couldn’t seem to talk to some of the store personnel trying to help her. Every time they tried, Fluttershy would always find herself hiding from them behind Spike’s back.

“Oh Spike, I’m so sorry,” Fluttershy apologized profusely. “I know we’ve been here for hours now, but I just can’t seem to do this. Let’s just go home.”

“Hey now, Flutters, there’s no need to lose hope. I think the only reason you haven’t been able to get any clothes is because most of these stores’ clerks are humans. You’re just not completely comfortable around all of us, yet,” Spike said. It was true, they’d been all over the strip mall and most of the clothing retail stores they’d visited were managed and staffed by humans. “Alright, here’s another one,” Spike said, pointing to yet another clothing store.

“Do you think this one will be able to help?”

“I sure hope so,” Spike replied.

“Help! Stop that man! He just robbed us!” cried one of the clerks inside the store.

Just as Spike and Fluttershy had walked in through the front entrance, they were surprised by the frightened scream of a girl working in the store. They saw her pointing at a man wearing a pair of torn jean shorts and brown trench coat, who was hauling a bag full of money. He was making a mad dash towards the entrance in his efforts to escape.

“Out of my way!” he yelled, shoving people aside as he passed. Looking back over his shoulder, he saw a small group of security guards rushing over to chase him. They’d be on him within seconds if he didn’t do something. Thinking quickly, he looked around him in search of someone to use as a hostage. Just ahead of him were Spike and Fluttershy, standing just past the entrance. The robber noticed the sheer terror in Fluttershy’s eyes and her trembling form and knew he’d found the perfect candidate. He pulled out his knife from inside his trench coat and rushed towards the two, reaching out a hand towards Fluttershy in an attempt to rip her away from Spike’s side.

Big mistake.

Before his hand could reach Fluttershy’s shoulder, Spike thrust his hand out and grabbed him by the wrist. Fluttershy jumped in fright and ran out of the store to hide behind a nearby fountain. She timidly peaked her head out from behind her hiding spot, worried for Spike’s safety. Meanwhile, Spike had flipped his wrist, twisting the thief’s arm into an uncomfortable position.

“Get your hand off me!” yelled the thief, yanking his wrist out of Spike’s hand.

“That’s what you get for trying to steal,” Spike said coldly.

“What!? Why you...!”

The thief raised his knife with his right hand before thrusting towards Spike’s chest only for the young man to dodge to the side. Again, Spike grabbed the thief’s wrist with his right hand, only this time he followed up his grapple by disarming the thief. He caught the dropped knife with his left hand and threw away.

“Andthisis what you get for trying to hurt my friend,” Spike said in the same chilling tone as he grabbed the thief’s collar with his left hand before delivering an almost jaw shattering punch to the face with his right.

The security guards made it just in time to find the thief pass out on the floor with Spike standing over his unconscious form. There was a brief applause from the crowd around Spike while the security thanked him for his assistance. Once everything was over and it was safe again, Fluttershy came out from behind her hiding spot.

“Oh Spike, that was so scary,” she whimpered, reattaching herself tightly to Spike’s arm. “That mean man looked like he was coming for me.”

“Don’t worry, Flutters, it’s all over now,” comforted Spike. “I guess we should go ahead and get your clothes, huh?”

Spike turned towards the clothing store and suddenly stopped in his tracks. The security guards were in the midst of ushering everyone out of the store. The employees were still shaken up from the attempted robbery and in no mood to continue servicing customers, so the store was being closed early.

“Oh no! I’m sorry, Spike,” Fluttershy said, trying to comfort him.

“It’s alright, Flutters. We can try again tomorrow,” sighed Spike, feeling a bit discouraged.

“Excuse me, dears, but I believe I may be able to help you,” said a feminine voice from behind them.

Spike turned around and felt his heart nearly jump into his chest. There, standing before him, was easily one of the most gorgeous pony girls he’d seen to date. She had moderate azure eyes, an indigo mane and tail, and a pair of white, fluffy looking pony ears. Her attire was just as heart-racing as the pony girl who wore them. She wore a short black skirt emblazoned with a trio of diamonds--which Spike assumed was her cutie mark--a frilly, white, button-up blouse, a pair of dark stockings that showed off her long, sexy legs, and a pair of black stiletto heels. Spike would’ve drooled at the sight of her if he didn’t have self-control. It didn’t help that she had this air of class around her that Spike had to admit he found hot.

“Excuse me, darling? Did you hear me?”

“Huh?…Oh! Yeah, sorry,” Spike said, coming out of his daze. “What is it that you can help us with, miss….?”

“Rarity. My name is Rarity Belle, and I was hoping to help you with your clothing troubles. I overheard you say you were unsuccessful in getting your friend here some clothing,” she said, gesturing to the pegasus girl hiding behind him.

“Oh yeah, that’s right. Out of all the places we visited today, none of them seemed to be able to help us.”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk...yes, that is the first thing I noticed about this place when I first opened my boutique here. Despite all the potential this place has, it simply doesn’t know how to put it to good use. That is why I will be taking over soon. With an Equestrian in charge, I’m certain we will see an overwhelming increase in satisfied customers,” she said confidently, placing her hands on her hips.

“Yes, that definitely sounds good for the Equestrians, but what does that have to do with us?” Spike asked.

“Oh! Yes, of course. My apologies, darling, I seemed to have gotten a little worked up there, as it were. Please, I insist that you come over to my boutique setup in the mall, I should be able to fix you and your beautiful friend here with the proper service,” Rarity claimed, gesturing in the direction of her store.

“That would be great! We can finally get you some clothes, Flutters!” Spike cheered, holding Fluttershy close. Fluttershy could only let out a small squeak before hiding behind her mane again.

“Excellent. Now, if you’ll just follow me...”

Rarity pulled ahead of the duo, leading them through the mall towards her boutique. As they walked, Spike found himself getting flustered at the sight of Rarity’s peach bottom bouncing under that tight skirt with each step. At one point, Spike thought that Rarity had caught him staring, but he wasn’t sure. However, he was fairly sure that after that, Rarity’s hips seemed to have a little more sway in them when she walked.

The trio eventually made it to a small store with a sign that read “Carousal Boutique ~ Earth,” and inside, Spike and Fluttershy found an absolutely massive selection of clothing to choose from.

“Wow, this place is amazing,” marveled Fluttershy.

“No kidding. This place must be doing well,” Spike added.

“Oh of course, darling. In fact, it’s the most popular store in this facility. It’s one of the reasons why the owners are going to let me manage this place. To spread the success not only to the other clothing retailers, but the whole mall in general. But enough about me, let’s get you some clothing shall we?”

“Oh, um, sure,” said Fluttershy reluctantly, releasing the young man.

“You stay here, Mr.…Spikey, was it?” asked Rarity with an arched brow and coy smile.

“Spike. Spike Draco,” Spike replied.

“Well Mr. Draco, don’t worry about your friend. I’ll take good care of her.”

Rarity escorted Fluttershy towards the dressing rooms while Spike took a seat near the entrance. After they reached the dressing room, Rarity sat Fluttershy down on a bench before joining her. The fashionista had a number of questions she wished to ask the shy pegasus girl.

“So, Miss Fluttershy, was it? Could you tell me what it is you’re looking for?”

Truthfully, Rarity didn’t need to ask what Fluttershy wanted. Years of practicing her craft, her attention to detail, and the added magic from her special talent, allowed her discern the meek girl’s character and needs with a glance. And what her skills and talent were telling her now was that Fluttershy was the type of girl who didn’t want to show off, but also didn’t want to look like a grandma. She wanted to be modest up to a point, yet still look like any other young woman.

In truth, Rarity thought it was a bit of a waste of good material. With Fluttershy’s natural beauty, grace, and enviable curves, she had a great deal of potential to model a number of fashionable styles, even a few pieces that were a bit...risqué. Oh well, to each their own.

“Oh...well…um, I’m really not sure what I’m looking for. I don’t really want any flashy clothes, or…anything too revealing,” Fluttershy said, falling into her shy tendencies.

“Hmmm...well darling, you seem to have trouble telling me what you like when it comes to clothing. So how about you just tell me what else you like, anything at all. Well, besides the fine, green-haired gentleman over there,” Rarity said, pointing towards Spike.

“What!?? I….I don’t…I mean I do, I just…”

“Oh hush now, darling, I’m only teasing; now, out with it. Tell me what you like.”

“Well…I like….nature,” Fluttershy answered, looking Rarity in the eyes with a straight face.

Rarity shivered. Whenever she thought of “nature,” she could only really envision the parts that grossed her out about it: dirt, snakes, rain, dirt, feces, dirt, bugs, and worse of all,dirt!But she knew it was just her personal view of nature that was trying to cloud her mind. She wouldn’t let it, not when dealing with a customer...and potentially something else.

“Well darling, let me see what I can get you,” she said, getting to work

About two whole hours had passed and Spike was getting bored. He’d played all the games on his phone, and even watched an episode of his favorite anime, ‘Bull Frog Cube Super’. It was a wonder that he hadn’t dozed off at this point. He wondered what was taking so long.

“Spike, darling, do you think you could help out over here for a moment?” Rarity called.

“Huh? Coming!” Spike answered, as he got up and walked toward the dressing rooms.‘What could they need my help with?’Spike wondered. Once Spike entered the dressing room, his eyes flew wide open in shock. Fluttershy and Rarity both stood there with wide smiles on their faces and bags full of clothing by their sides.

“Spikey, look at all the clothes I got!” Fluttershy chirped happily, holding up her bags.

“Yeah, this sure is a...lot?” Spike paused when he realized Fluttershy was no longer in Twilight’s clothes. She now wore a lime green sweater, and a pair of sky blue skinny jeans, both of which were a far better fit on Fluttershy’s figure than the previous set of clothes. “You changed your clothes?”

“Oh yes, I just felt so good in them that I figured I’d wear them out. I hope that’s okay?”

“Of course it is, I’m just surprised at how much you got. Thank you so much, Rarity,” Spike thanked. “Where are Twilight’s clothes, by the way?”

“Oh, I put them in one of the bags, though the shirt is a bit stretched out,” Rarity replied, a hint of envy in her tone aimed towards Fluttershy’s well-endowed chest. Of course, she was rather busty herself, just not as much.

“So, how much will it be?” Spike asked.

“No charge, darling,” Rarity replied.

“What? You’re giving us all this for free?” Spike gasped.

“Oh no! You have to let us pay you. You saved us a lot of trouble,” Fluttershy added in.

“I didn’t say I wouldn’t get paid, I just don’t want money,” Rarity cryptically replied with a smirk.

“Oh. Well then, whatdoyou want? A favor?” Spike asked.

“Yes, something like that. But let’s discuss that later. It will be closing time soon, and I have a bit of work to do,” She replied, pointing towards the clock.

“Well okay, thank you again, Rarity,” Fluttershy said, hugging her.

After saying their goodbyes, Fluttershy and Spike walked back home with Spike carrying most of the bags, of course. They walked next to each other as the sun slowly set over the horizon.

“I’m really glad we got you these clothes, Flutters,” Spike said.

“So am I, Spikey, and we even made a new friend. I hope we can pay her back for all this clothing.”

Spike was about to agree when he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He put the bags down, pulled out his phone, and noticed that he had gotten a new text message. Once he unlocked his phone, he discovered that the message was from Agent Sunset. It read,“Stopped by your house to get it ready for your new house guest. Hope she enjoys her stay! ;)”

“Who is it?” Fluttershy asked.

“It’s Agent Sunset. She says she stopped by the house to get it ready for my new house guest.”

“But I already moved in, and my room was already renovated.”

“I know. Who could she be talking about?”

The two approached their house just as a crowd of construction workers were leaving it behind in their trucks. Then, a sleek black car pulled up the driveway. Stepping out from driver’s door was non-other than the fashionista herself. She turned around and caught the bewildered duo approaching her.

“Hello darlings, good to see you again,” she greeted warmly.

“Rarity?!” Spike exclaimed as he walked up to her. “What are you doing here?!”

“Oh, this is my new home. I’m sure you were informed of me coming.”

“I…Agent Sunset. Of course,” Spike said holding his head.

“Yes. She told me that if anyone could take good care of me, it would be you, and you seemed like such a gentleman when we spoke earlier. You don’t mind do you?”

“Of course not, Rarity,” Fluttershy said as she walked up to her. “Please come in. I would love for you to meet the other girls.”

“’Other girls,’ you say?” She looked back at Spike with a smirk. “So, a bit of a womanizer, is he?” she winked.

“Well...I-I-I…I would love to have you here Rarity, please make yourself at home,” Spike said smiling awkwardly.

“I will, darling, thank you; I hope that taking care of us all doesn’t tire you out,” she said as she walked in with Fluttershy to meet her new roommates.

“Don’t worry Rarity,” Spike muttered, “If taking care of all these girls has given me one thing…it’s endurance.”

Technical Difficulties

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Hey guys, I'm afraid I've got some bad news. My laptop stopped working a few days ago, I'm not certain what's wrong with it but I'm definitely gonna be put into a forced hiatus.

This also includes my other story spikes night job.

I'm really sorry this happened, I'll try to repair my laptop or get a new one soon, but that may take all of summer.

Again I'm sorry, and if it takes too long and I'm unable to continue, this story will be up for grabs to anyone who wants it. Hopefully it won't come to that.


Man Vs Rabbit

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Spike sighed in relief as he sat down in his easy chair for the first time in what felt like weeks, the young man reclined and let the scarce tranquility of his house consume him. Any other day the house might have been in a completely different state due to his growing number of house mates, today however was different as Rarity not long after moving in decided to take all her new female companions to the nearby spa, it was owned and ran by Equestrians so it went without saying that they knew how to treat their own people.

"I'm glad the girls all get a chance to unwind and bond on their own, being house mates with so many people must get stressful," Spike said to himself as he continued to lounge in his chair. "Now that I think about it Twilight might have needed this the most, I swear it looked like she'd started going red after Rarity moved in."

Flash Back.

"Girls, I'd like you all to meet Rarity, she's the pony that helped me get all my new clothes while at the mall," Fluttershy said introducing the white coated mare to her friends.

"Well howdy there miss Rarity, mah name is Applejack."

"Oh I new friend! Yaay! My name's Pinkie pie."

"Oh hello there, my name is Twilight-"

"PRINCESS TWILIGHT SPARKLE!" Twilight was interrupted as a blur of purple zoomed toward her before getting on it's knees and bowing it's head. "Princess Twilight, the one and only Princess of friendship, hailed throughout Equestria as the peacekeeper of nation's, I'm honored to be in your presence," she said before she started kissing the ground Twilight stood on. Twilight was a bit shocked at first but smiled at her.

"Hey now, we aren't in Equestria anymore so you can just call me Twilight. By the way, not to be rude but what brings you here?" Twilight asked.

"Rarity's going to be living with Spike now," Fluttershy said with a smile.

Twilight's cheeks fell and her eyes went wide at that statement.

".... what..."

"Well ah guess that explains the whole herd of people that came rushin' in and out like cattle, they were fixin' up yer room."

"Indeed they were darling, hope you don't mind."

"Are you kidding! Of course not, now we all have a new friend!" Pinkie cheered hugging her.

"This is going to be great," Fluttershy said.

"I'm so glad you think so darlings, because now I have a little treat planned for us all I'm sure you'll all enjoy it. Especially you Twilight, you look like your about to explode...."

Flashback end.

"Now I can finally relax," Spike said reclining. A sudden growl from his stomach told him he needed something to eat so he groaned as he got up and left for the kitchen.

Spike was returning with a bowl of various kinds of chips in hand hoping to enjoy then while watching some TV. He stopped in his tracks when he heard the television flick channels.

"What the...."

Spike approached the chair slowly and cautiously then quickly peered over to see a white fur ball with long ears better known as angel sitting in his easy chair flicking through the channels.

"Oh hey it's you."

The rabbit changed the channel one last time and out of sheer luck it landed on a channel where the onscreen character uttered the words...

"ehhh What's up doc?"

The rabbit looked up at him with a bored look.

"Oh hey it's you....you mind getting off my chair? I uh was hoping to relax a bit today," Spike asked nicely.

The rabbit simply shook his head and went back to channel surfing.

"....*sigh*... alright I guess I'll just crash on my couch," he relented as he moved over to the sofa and took a seat.

Not one second after sitting down did he let out an ear piercing scream that rocked the house. He sprang upwards causing his bowl of chips fall to the ground as he rubbed his behind gently.

"What the heck was....?" He said as he turned to see a pin was planted between the pillows of the couch. He quickly moved over and pulled it out from its place and before he could ask himself where it came from the hysterical laughter of the white rabbit behind him told exactly what happened.

"You little....you planted that there!? Oh wait till Fluttershy hears about this."

The rabbit stopped laughing and looked at Spike with wide eyes for a split second before chuckling and going back to surfing through the TV.

Spike sighed, he knew what that meant. Fluttershy would just scold him at best if at all, this little rabbit really was starting to try his patience even if it didn't look like it. This wasn't the first time that Angel has gotten on his nerves, just the other day while he was enjoying some cider AJ brought home for the girls, the rabbit thought it would be funny to pour some on the ground right as spike was getting up from his chair, he slipped in it and and got his favorite shirt covered in the yellow substance he really hoped was the cider.

Or a bit further back when he poured Spikes home made pepper sauce into a slice of cake, needless to say the taste wasn't pleasant.

"I know better than to to try and reason with this little guy, I'd be better off just watching TV in my room," Spike said leaving his living room. He made his way upstairs with the hopes of just avoiding the little demon by staying in his room. He grabbed onto the door handle and was met with a sudden surge of pain to his hand, he quickly pulled his hand away and held it with his other hand groaning at the pain.

"Sweet galactic grass hoppers! what was that!?" Spike yelled as he looked back and forth between his hand and the doorknob. As soon as he touched it Spike felt a shock of pain, Spike quickly retrieved a thick rubber glove from a nearby closet and opened the door. After swinging the door open and looking at the other side Spike was met with an elaborate entanglement of wires that lead from his doorknob to a joy buzzer hanging under it.

"How did....?" Spike was about to ask himself before the sound of whistling came from behind him. He turned to see Flutteshys little bundle of joy standing in the door way, a carrot in hand and a satisfied look on his face.

The rabbit got him again.

"Is no where I go safe from you?" Spike asked hands on his head.

The rabbit held a paw to his chin as he looked up as if wondering before looking back at Spike and shaking his head at him.

Spike grunted and walked out of how room. He needed somewhere he could just have a moment of peace.

"Maybe a quick walk will calm me down," He said walking out the front door. He was in such a rush he failed to notice a rake that had been laying on the ground in front of him.


The sudden and intensely sharp pain in his nose brought him out of his thoughts and back to the real world.

Spike held back a curse as he stepped back, the pain in his nose dying down only bit by bit. Soon the pain in hos nose was accompanied by a squeaky cackling the likes of which he'd never heard before. He didn't bother turning as he already knew who it was.

Instead he chose to just continue walking.

It wasn't long before Spike made it to a small park near his house. He sat down in one of the benches and enjoyed the cool breeze in his face. As the pain in his nose subsided he began wondering how he could get the little fur ball back for all the shenanigans. He slumped in the bench as he remembered that Angel was Flutteshys favorite little criter, there was no way he could do anything to that rabbit without breaking her heart and that was the last thing he wanted. He was just about to admit defeat when he heard his phone ring.

He grabbed his phone from his pocket and answered it to hear the voice of the same sweet Pegasus that'd moved into his house..


"Hello Spike, I'm sorry to bother you but I need a favor, unless you're too busy," she said in her usual shy tone.

"No no I'm not busy, I actually need something to do. So what is it?"

"Well, um, me and angel spent a lot of time living in the woods eating and drinking what we could get, I was scared angel may get sick from something he ate, so I requested that a care package be delivered so that I could take care of him while we lived with you," She said.

"yeah," Spike acknowledged.

"so he's been taking these pills lately and today he's due something different today to help those pills work in his system, and he needs to take it in the next hour or it'll make those pills ineffective. ," Fluttershy said in a bit of a panicked mood.

"Okay okay don't worry calm down I'll help you," Spike's attitude worsened now that he was being asked to help that bunny devil. To be perfectly honest he was going to do this for Fluttershy, after all who could say no to her? "So what exactly is it you need me to give him?"

"He needs to be given a shot," Fluttershy replied.

"A shot huh?" A quick grin made its way onto his face for a split second. It was probably bad that the idea of stabbing that bunny ,even if it was for his own health ,pleased him a bit. "Sure thing flutters, just tell me where the shot is and I'll see to it he gets it in the next hour," Spike said as he began to make his way back home.

"Oh thank you Spike, before you go I should tell you that angel has a terrible fear of needles so i hope he doesn't give you too much trouble," Fluttershy said completely unaware of the wide shit eating grin that seized Spike's face.

"Don't you worry flutters, I'm sure he'll be just fine."

Back at the house

Angel sighed as he continued to flick through channels, nothing he saw amused him and the boredom was beginning to become unbearable. He wished that human was still here for him to mess with, the look on his face when he got pissed always cheered him up. Suddenly the sound of the back door opening and closing made his ears perk up and his lips curl into a smile.

Ask and you shall receive.

The little rabbit jumped from his spot on the couch and sneakily made his way to the kitchen where the back door was located. Upon arriving he saw clear signs that the human had come back, however he wasn't there.

The sounds of footsteps coming from the floor above him caught his attention. He swiftly but quietly ran up the stairs already devising some new way to get on the green haired man's nerves. Maybe a box of pins on the ground? A jump scare of some sort? A surprise nut shot would be a classic.

When he arrived at the top of the stairs he turned his head to get a look at Spikes room. He wasn't in there. The rabbit gave a perplexed look before turning his head yet again to see that it was his caretakers room that was open.

Angel blinked, there's no way Fluttershy would have come back without looking for her beloved bunny first. His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a drawer opening and what he thought sounded like a dark chuckle. He hopped over and looked inside to see the back of the man who owned the roof over over his head.

He was a bit surprised at first, then he began to get upset at the intrusion into his caretakers room. He was just about to go over and deliver that punch to the nut before realizing that the human was talking into his phone. He slowly walked over to the door to hear what he was saying.

"Hey Flutters, I found it it was right were you said you it would be," He said in a slightly up beat tone.

Angel heard some murmuring come from over the phone, he recognized it as the sweet tone of his caretaker. what was she saying to him?

"Don't worry flutters, I'll take care of this. You and the others just enjoy the rest of your day at the Spa, okay?," Spike said into the phone.

There was a bit more murmuring on the other end before Spike said bye and hung up the phone.

Spike sighed. "Y'know something rabbit?"

Angel froze in surprise as he realized Spike was aware of his presence.

"Karma is a funny thing. Always has, always will be. Every time I wonder if its even there it gives me a reminder that it is, like this morning," Spike said.

Angel didn't like where this was going.

"Then just like that, wham! a little reminder that its always watching. It came in the form of a call from dear sweet Fluttershy, saying that she needed a serious favor." Spike turned to face him. "A favor involving this little trinket," Spike said with an eerie smile as he pulled the syringe from behind his back.

In that moment Angels white fur turned even more colorless, his eyes turned into pin pricks, and his heart dropped to his stomach which now rapidly rising and falling as he took shaky breaths.

"So, we gonna do this the easy way, or the hard way?" Spike asked as he took a step forward.

The bunny, not even thinking twice, bolted. Spike smiled.

"Good choice."

Angel ran down the stairs to find a hiding spot, looking around the best place to go that wasn't obvious was inside a vase that Rarity had brought with her when she moved in. It seemed just big enough to fit him to he quickly stuffed his furry body into the cramped space. He figured this was a good place to hide out until Fluttershy got back, from there he could just figure something out.

"Aaaangeeeeel, come out and playyyy~ayyy" Spikes voice sounded out.

Angel gulped as he heard footsteps pace back and forth through out the living room. With every step he heard it seemed like spike was getting closer and closer. Then as quickly as it started it ended, there were no more sounds of walking coming from around him. Cautiously he stretched his ears and listened carefully for indication of his presence. Nothing. He poked his head out and looked around the living room to see no trace of him. He sighed in relief. That is until he heard the bone chilling sound of someone slowly exhaling behind him. He turned his head slowly to see the a pair of sinister, hungry, emerald eyes.

"Fouuuuund you." He grinned.

The rabbits head dropped into the vase just as a pair of fluffy feet shattered the bottom of the vase. These fluffy legs launched the bunny, along with the still intact upper half of the vase, off the counter in the direction of the basement.

"....Well I guess its a good thing Rarity didn't like that thing anyway." Spike said nonchalantly.

The blinded bunny continued to run despite that its view being blocked by the vase, this ended up causing the rabbit to run right off the first step into the basement. He immediately fell over and rolled down the steps in the vase until he finally hit the bottom causing the ceramic antique to break around him. Angel rubbed his head as he stood back up, that was hard fall.

"There you are! Maybe watch your step next time? I wouldn't want you to get hurt too badly," Spike said as he walked down the steps.

Angel immediately regained his composure as he ran deeper into the basement, looking around he realized there was an open vent door in the wall a few feet away. With a few swift jumps he dove inside and closed the door behind him before running deeper inside to avoid being seen.

The rabbit jumped further labyrinth, climbing up and crawling through until he reached another vent opening. He peered out and noticed he was now looking into the kitchen. He decided to sit still and wait right there for Fluttershy to come home and get him even if the vent was cold and.....claustrophobic inducing. However the longer the bunny sat there the more he realized it wasn't so cold anymore, kinda toasty actually. The rabbit wiped some of the sweat off his forehead, now it was really getting toasty . Not too long after, Angel realized his sweat was now just evaporating off of him! HOT HOT TOO HOT! the rabbit thought as he jumped out of the vent into the kitchen. He ran around with his tail slightly smoking before jumping into the sink and cooling it off with a sigh of relief.

"I thought I smelled overcooked rabbit," A voice said behind him. He turned around to see Spike leaning on the wall just a few inches from the thermostat. "Maybe next time I'll cook you over a lower heat for a longer period of time."

Angel again ran like mad. Jumping off the counter in the direction on the back door, the sliding door was wide open and practically calling to him. However as he jumped for freedom he found himself tangled in something sticky and clear. Plastic wrap. The rabbit struggled but he just couldn't break free, he kicked and gnawed but found himself almost completely immobile.

"Well Well well, lookie what I caught." Spike chuckled as he stepped closer to his prey. "It was fun chasing you around rabbit but I think its time we end this huh?" The green haired man said as he picked the white fur ball up.

Angel was on the verge of tears, if he could speak in that very moment he'd tell Spike about how sorry he was, how he wished he'd been nicer to him for taking care of Fluttershy and himself. He wanted to say how he promised to behave himself just as long as Spike spared him of this terrible fate.


All he wanted was to see his pink haired caretaker one last-- Angel eyes opened.

"You're a real drama queen aren't you?" Spike asked as he carried the rabbit to the living room. Spike sat on the couch with a very confused and shaking bunny in his lap. "Hey there calm down would you?" Spike said as he gently applied some medicine to where he'd injected Angel. "Well that was sure fun huh? Hope you've learned not to start battles you can't win," Spike said putting the rabbit on a pillow. "Sweet dreams." Angel heard Spike say as the medicine started putting him to sleep.

A few hours Later.

"Welcome home girls," Spike greeted his housemates as they walked into the living room. "Wow you girls look great, that Spa really knows how to treat its customers. Spike said noticing how their skin was practically glowing, not to mention how relaxed they looked.

"Why thank you Spikey-wikey," Rarity said blushing.

"Thanks Bae," Twilight said walking up and hugging him for a brief moment.

"Eeyup, Ah feel better than an apple fresh outta the wash," AJ said giving Spike a hug, as well as a face full of her own special apples.

"Hi cupcake!" Pinkie said bouncing by.

"Hello Spike," Fluttershy greeted him.

"Hey flutters," Spike said once the earth pony let him go. "I took care of Angels shot like you asked," He said as leading her to the living room where her sweet little...Angel... slept.

"Oh thank you thank you!" Fluttershy said as she said nuzzling his cheek before going over to pick Angel up. "I can't thank you enough for this, he normally gives me a bit of trouble when I try to give him the shot, he didn't over react did he?" She asked rocking the bunny back and forth between her arms.

"He was a bit feisty, but I could handle it," Spike said smiling.

"Oh that's great to hear, I knew I could trust my....honey," Fluttershy said as her face went ruby red.

Spike rubbed the back of his head, a faint red line on his cheeks as well. "Well, you know you can ask for anything Flutters," If you ever need help with Angels shot again I'd be glad to help."

"Oh thank you Spike, but...Angel won't be getting any more shots. His next treatment involves him taking a different kind of medicine." She said.

"Really? What's he taking next time?" Spike asked.

"A suppository."

Rainbow rescue

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It was an early morning in Sanctuary City as Spike had already gotten up to cook his house mates some breakfast. Joining him was his country friend Applejack, who had grown used to helping Spike wake in the early morning hours.

"Thanks again for the help AJ, I really appreciate it," Spike said as he flipped some pancakes he had cooking up.

"C,mon now lover boy, there's no need to keep thanking me like that. Ah'm getting kinda embarrassed," AJ said turning to hide a thin pink on her cheeks while she poured some fresh apple juice into the cups she was going to set at the table.

"Sorry Jackie, I guess I just really enjoy your company." Spike said with sweet smile on his face. A smile his earth blood roommate found almost unbearable as the butterflies in her heart were suddenly fluttering faster. "I just wish there were more people like you who don't just... say....I don't know, gobble up all the muffins I'd made for the girls breakfast today.

"Phlew ould du sumthimmg laig dak?" A certain bacon haired agent said with a mouthful of chocolate chip muffin.

"Speakin of which, not to be rude there agent shimmer, but what brings yah by this mornin,?" Applejack asked as she set the drinks onto the table and took a seat.

"Oh just stopping by to make a routine check on my favorite house hold in the program. Making sure everything is in good condition , you're well treated and fed, which you obviously are," She said taking a bite out of another muffin.

"Well yeah, Spike's a real good feller to us, Ah wouldn't trade him fer the world," She said proudly while spike smiled nearby.

"That reminds me, I also need to check to make sure Spike follows all the rules regarding his interaction with you all," She said scooting herself almost uncomfortably close to the earth blood. "Has he been....affectionate towards you?"

"W-what do yah mean?" Applejack asked. "He's real nice to me and the gals if that's what yer-"

"Does he ever...express his care for you girls physically?" She asked raising an eye brow.

"Sunset..." Spike said in a sigh as he face palmed himself. " I know this is part of your job but c'mon"

"Well Pinkie says his hugs are 'sweeter than a sugar pie' and...ah think she's right." Applejack replied.

"These hugs, do they ever get....intimate?" Sunset asked putting a very short distance between her shade covered eyes and Applejacks increasingly pink face.

"I-intimate?" She asked as she realized just what sunset was talking about.

"Sunset that's enough, don't embarrass her," Spike chastised.

"C'mon I'm just joking there bud. I know you're not that kind of guy." She suddenly looked at AJ and whispered just enough for her to hear... "Even if some wish you were" She punctuated her statement with a wink.


"Morning Every Pony!" The sound of Pinkie's voice drew everyone's attention to kitchen entrance where her and the other girls were standing in their PJ's.

"Morning girls, hope you all slept well" Spike said with a smile as he set down breakfast.

"Morning bae," Twilight greeted as she gave him a hug, she'd chosen to wear actual pajamas this time around much to Spikes relief, the last thing they needed was for Sunset to see that.

"Hiya Agent Sunny!" Pinkie called "You're here early."

"Indeed she is, may i ask what this is a about?" Rarity said sitting down.

"Well it looks like she's here to eat all the muffins," Spike said taking notice as the agent inhaled another chunk of the baked goods.

"Oh haha very funny, actually I'm here with a gift" She said wiping her mouth with a napkin. "Have you guys heard of the up coming Equine talent tournament?" Sunset asked .

"I seem to remember hearing about something like that over the news," Spike said. "It's something like a talent show?"

"That's a pretty bland way of putting it but yes, come this weekend several different groups are gonna be showcasing several of their most mesmerizing talents and performances, some are going to incorporate humans into their acts as part of the general theme of "We can do great things together" Sunset explained.

"Oh that sounds incredible!" Fluttershy commented.

"I'm glad you girls think so, cause I've brought you tickets to go see the show in person at the New Celestial Stadium!" Sunset cheered.

"Wowee! really?!" Pinkie asked as she jumped onto the table.

"Well shoot, that sounds like ah hollerin good time," AJ commented.

"That's great Sunset, I don't know how to thank you," Spike said taking a seat.

"Oh I can think of a certain way~" The red head said in a husky voice as she slid from her seat into Spike's lap.

This caught the greenette off-guard as was evident from his rapidly reddening face. He wasn't the only one however, Twilight had a look on her face that indicated Sunset may or may not be turned into a potted plant in the next 5 seconds, Fluttershy and Applejack seemed rather flustered, Rarity raised a brow as she sipped on her tea while pinkie gave a 'Whaa?' face.

"W-what do you have in mind....?" Spike asked in a shaky tone.

"Make me some more of those fantastic muffins of course!" Sunset proclaimed jumping up. "How about some blueberry this time huh?" She asked with a smirk and a wink.

"Uh....yeah sure no problem." Spike said sweating a bit.

"Great! I'll be back for them later. The event is this Saturday at about 5 PM, you all have a good time!" Agent Mary said taking her leave.


"Miss, are you certain that you want to go through with this? you're injured."

"Of course i'm sure, and this is just a scratch," a raspy but high voice said as the speaker pointed to a few bandages wrapped around her wing. "Sometimes its the risk that worth thinking about, so sign me up now!" She said in a harsh tone.

The person taking names for the show sighed in defeat, the fact that this was the first event of its kind meant that the rules and regulations were't quite yet standard.

"Alright, I've got you down for Saturday night so please take this form and give a general description of your act," The man said giving the cyan feathered equine a paper and pen.

The Pegasus blood took a seat nearby and began to write down what she had planned for the upcoming show. "Aw yeah, this is gonna knock their socks off," She bragged to herself. "A few flips here.....some flaming hoops there.... "She muttered to herself. "Perfect!" With that she returned the form to the registration officer.

"Thank you for your submission, you'll receive a letter soon that will provide you with all the necessary details for your performance." He said putting her form in a folder.

"Awesome," The Pegasus said as she flew towards her temporary living facility.


"Good morning Sanctuary City! I'm your host Doug Domedima coming to you live from the brand new Celestial Stadium," The announcer spoke to the camera and the audience. He stood in the middle of a stadium roughly the size of a the average football stadium.

"Before we begin I'd just like to thank all our contestants for showing up to give us a show we soon wont forget, lets hear it for the inter-dimensional exchange!" He Cowboy-esque dressed man yelled as the crowd of Equine and human attendants cheered.

Among the ecstatic crowd a certain household had taken their seats in the very front row.

"This is super duper incredible!" Pinkie cheered in joy.

"Yeah, ah gotta say Ah'm kinda surprised that these seats are this dang good," AJ said giving the field a look across.

"I can't believe that Sunset said this was just some sort of hurry made stadium, this place isn't small by any means," Spike noted.

"I must say it certainly was generous of her to give us those tickets, I hope she's enjoying those muffins you made Spikey," Rarity commented. "Although from what i saw she may have been after more than that..." Rarity trailed off.

"W-what are you talking about Rarity-"

"Yeah what ARE you talking about?" Twilight asked jumping in her Bae's lap.

"Oh nothing at all dearie's. Fluttershy dear, how do you feel about the show?" Rarity asked the shy pegasus.

"Oh it's all quite lovely, but I'm glad that I could come spend time with you girls and Honey," She responded with a blush.

"I'm happy to spend time with you girls too, you five have been the best friends a guy can ask for. It Wouldn't be right if I didn't show you any love," He finished with a smile.

"L-love!?" AJ yelped in surprise as she covered her face with her hat.

"Oh Spikey stop, you'll make a mare blush," Rarity said with her hands on her cheeks.

"cupcake loves me! cupcake loves me! cupcake loves me!" Pinkie said bouncing around the green haired man.

Of course Twilight and Fluttershy both had similar reactions to Spikes comment.

"W-wait! hold on I-"

"Let the games begin!" The host called as the first act had already made their way to the center of the stadium. The performers were a unicorn female with a black coat and periwinkle mane and a brunette human female, both dressed in lab coats, standing in front a table containing several potions in strangely shaped bottles.

"Ohhhh I recognize these two!" Twilight said as she got on her feet. "They're Double Data Duo! I recall hearing about them on the news!"

"What do they do?" Spike asked.

"They found a way to combine a Equine magic and human science to create something they call Magitek madness," Twilight explained.

The two quieted down as the duo began their act.

First the human pulled out what appeared to be a six foot long quadruped dragon made of robotic parts. At first when she set it on the ground it moved around sluggishly making some roar sounds and even breathing some small flames. Then the unicorn mare stepped up and poured a purple potion on the metallic monster. A few seconds passed and then the par opened up a box containing several more pieces of metal and robotic limbs. In a flash the metal parts came flying out and converging around the dragon in a small tornado or parts.

moments later the alloy animal was now a whopping 18 feet tall, it was now a copperish color and it let out a roar worthy of any monster movie. The crowds cheered and hollered at the achievement of magitek, mystified by its movements.

"Okay that's downright awesome," Spike commented. "I always thought dragons were pretty cool."

The act continued for several more minutes with the duo performing several "magitek" tricks. In one they somehow managed to reverse the effects of fire and ice, causing ice to burn objects to a crisp and fire freezing them solid, in an another they turned an old fashioned crank TV into a holographic machine.

Alas their time came to an end as the two took a bow and moved off stage for a the net act.

Up next out came three teenage earth blood equines, with them they brought several cases upon cases of cups.

"Well what in the sam hill they gonna do with all those?" AJ asked.

"I dunno, but it looks promising," Spike replied.

Seconds after Spike finished talking the trio began what could be called a marvel of cup construction. The first earthpony who was aqua blue all over used his cups to build a two story high pyramid. The second built a replica of the Eiffel Tower that was roughly 12 ft tall. The third and final equine stacked the cups to look like the leaning tower of pizza minus the lean.

The crowd was amazed not just at the art that the trio created with the cups but she sheer speed as which they were built, it was like their hands had minds of their own. The trio continued to put on a show for the admiring masses until their time was up, with a bow they quickly dissembled their cup sculptures and walked away.

"That was incredible," Fluttershy commented.

" Yeah, its gonna be tough to follow that act," Spike said.

Meanwhile watching from the waiting area inside the stadium a blue pegasus observed the competition with almost nervous curiosity.

"Man, those first two acts were really got the crowd going huh...." She said to herself. "Whatever! wait till they get a load of me!"

Later that night.

"Tonight sure has been incredible," Twilight said cuddling up next to Spike.

"Yeah, all these performances have been mind blowing. Hard to believe the nights almost up," Spike said turning back toward the stadium.

"Ladies and gentlemen! I think I speak for all of us when I say our participants have all done an excellent job tonight!" The host announced into the microphone. The crowd cheered in agreement at his statement. "Well I'm glad you think so! cause we have ourselves one more act that I'm sure will knock your socks off! Allow me to present to you the stunt extraordinaire! the speed demon! the self proclaimed fastest from the equine dimension! RAINBOW DASH!"

Suddenly out came a speeding rainbow colored trail from the arena. It dashed up into the darkening sky and froze revealing a pegasus blood with messy looking but colorful hair, she was wearing a black skintight spandex suit, it looked rough around the edges making it look rather old and worn. That however didn't stop the crowd from giving her a warm welcome.

"Wowee Zowee that was fast!" Pinkie said in astonishment.

"Very fast, she's probably the fastest I've seen." Fluttershy commented.

"Yeah, pretty impressive." Spike agreed.

The high flying mare flew around the stadium a few times, stopping every now and again to pose for the crowd. On one circle she paused and hovered right in front of Spikes house hold and an gave the young man a wink before speeding off again.

"what was..." Spike asked himself watching the equine fly back into the stadium. He turned his head when he heard the laughter of his unicorn housemate.

"Oh dear, there he goes again," She said with a snicker.

"What are you talking about?" Spike asked. It seemed as though him and Rarity were the only ones to notice the cyan feathered mares move.

A hush fellow over the crowd as the clouds came down and formed hoops through out the stadium.

"Whats she doin?" AJ Wondered.

"It looks like she used magic to turn the clouds into obstacles for her stunt," Twilight replied.

"Pegasai can use magic?"

"Yes but not like how me and Rarity could, I guess you could call it there own signature magic. They can grab onto clouds like they're solid objects and shape them like play-dough. They can even walk on clouds, back in Equestria they built a city in the sky called Clouds Dale." Twilight explained.

"wow..." Spike attention was drawn back to she show as the mare was now swiftly speeding through the clouds. She did flips, made sharp turns and demonstrated great prowess in Ariel acrobatics.

sigh sigh sigh...."c'mon rainbow.....just one more stunt to go" She said to herself mentally, trying her best to ignore the sting slowly building in her left wing.

A few seconds later what looked like a large seesaw was brought out into the middle of the stadium.

"Ladies and gentlemen prepare yourselves! for Rainbow is about to perform her signature move, the SONIC RAINBOOM!" The host bellowed. "By dropping this 2,000 pound slab of metal and this large seesaw she's going to give herself the momentum she needs to combine with her already impressive speed to give us the show of a life time!"

"wooooow that sounds so cool!" Pinkie commented.

"Yeah, this should be interesting." Spike said as he watched the speedster land on the opposite end of the plank. For a brief moment however he noticed some white straps on her left wing. "bandages...?"

"Ladies and Gentlemen if you look closely you'll notice that Rainbow dash has a small purple crystal attached onto her suit, this is to prevent any magical interference while she is performing." The host explained as the dare devil stood on the plank and waited for the one ton object to be dropped on the opposite end.

"I can do this....I know I can."

In a flash the metal cube was dropped causing the momentum to launch Rainbow into the air at alarming speed. The crowd gasped as she elevated higher and higher, amazed as she had yet to actually used her wings.

As rainbow finally reached her target elevation she extended her wings and began to flap with determination. She drew closer and closer to her target speed....

"almost....got it....." The daredevil whispered to herself as she she could feel the breaking point approaching. A split second later she reached breaking point, but not the one she expected.

With a violent spasm her wing froze entirely. Immediately she veered off course and began to spin wildly in the air.

The crowd on the ground was unsure of how to react, to them this could have just been another trick of some sort. However there was one in the stand who knew better, and realized something had to be done.

"She's in trouble!" Spike declared.

"What? are you sure?" Twilight asked.

As if to answer her question the crowd suddenly gasped as she now began barreling towards the ground at break neck speed. Her right wing had kept flapping after her left one froze and this caused her to change direction straight down, going almost as fast as she first went up.

"HORSE APPLES!" She yelled as her other wing gave out from exhaustion. The wind was blowing on her harshly as she fell, the ground as coming closer and closer.

The crowd on the ground began to realize what was happening as crews on the ground hurriedly attempted to prepare some kind of safety net.

"There's no way to set those up in time," Spike realized. "Twilight can you use magic to get her out of there?"

"The crystal on her suit wont let me! It'll stop any magic to touching her!"

Thinking quickly Spike gave her an idea. "Twilight, teleport me as close as you can to her! I'll rip the crystal off and then quickly catch us with your magic!"



Twilight closed her eyes and did as she was asked.

As rainbow now saw the stadium closing in her she saw a flash of purple before second later the green haired man she'd winked at earlier had latched onto her and started speaking.

"Just hold on tight okay? I got you," He said with a smile. Rainbow looked down one last time to see the they'd stopped inches above the ground, surrounded by a violet aura.

"What....magic? the crystal was supposed to-"

"When I grabbed you I ripped it off and chucked it away, my friend nearby caught us." Spike said as she aura gently put down.

"You risked your life for me....why?" She asked feeling her legs go shaky.

"Sometimes it's the risk that's not worth thinking about." He replied.in a soft tone.

A few seconds later, everything went black.


The sound of beeping and a cold chill were the first things rainbow took notice of as she opened her eyes.

"Where....am I?" He asked.

"Oh good, you're awake," came a voice.

Rainbow turned her head to see a woman in a bright red blazer with bright red and yellow hair. However it was the person next to her that caught her attention.

"It's you!" She said seeing the green haired man who saved her life. "you're here...to see me?"

"Well yeah, after you passed out they took you to the hospital. When I asked where your host was they told me you hadn't gotten one yet."

"This is where I stepped in," The agent said. "See I've been getting reports about your antics for a while now and I couldn't find a place that seemed like it could hold you for long and accommodate you for your athletics based visit. When Spike heard you didn't have a host or a real home since you've been staying he offered to take you.

"Really?" Rainbow asked looking at Spike.

'Well yeah, one of our visitors really shouldn't be left alone to recover and live alone, especially one as amazing as you," Spike replied. "I just hope you wont mind taking staying with me and...having a few housemates."

Rainbow was at a loss for words, she smiled and slowly sat up in bed to give him a hug.

"Thank you so much...I don't even know your name actually,"

"It's Spike."

"Well Spike, thank you so much!" Rainbow said with a smile.

Spike looked away briefly with a small smile. "Hey I brought you some soup, I made it myself since I know personally hospital food isn't the best." He said pulling out a bowl.

"Wow really? Thanks Spike, you're a real stud."