• Published 25th Apr 2013
  • 341 Views, 1 Comments

A play with the dark - Crimson_Sky

I'm not crazy. I'm just different, right?

  • ...

Chapter 3, So much for a little sleep

Slowly I make my way thru the dark town, most of the ponies seems to be asleep.

Where am I supposed to go? I mean I could probably just tap on some of the doors and if I'm lucky somepony would let me in.

I don't think they would tho, considering I've most likely woke them up with my tapping.

I know I wouldn't be happy if somepony woke me up, so I better not.

Maybe if I try and look for an open window I could just fly in, nopony would notice a thing.

I start trotting around on the streets, avoiding the streetlights on my quest to find a open window.

It doesn't take too long before I find one and I decide to make my way up.

There's no light whatsoever so the ponies in the building is most likely sleeping.

I do my best in not making any noice when I go thru the window, shorty after getting in to the house I close my entrance with my mouth and look for a spot where I can sleep.


I lose all my balance and fall over on the floor, making a loud thud.

Before me is a young little colt looking at me tierdly, I just lay there.

-Why do your eyes do that?

-Uh, eh I didn't mean to wake you up.

I look at the window.

-What's your name? Mine's Flowy.

Why is the window not opening when I want it to?

I hear somepony coming closer, got to hide fast.

-Flowy you're not supposed to be awake this late.

Oh buck, it's probably his dad.

-I was just talking to the mare with the glowing eyes.


-She was right here I promise!

-Well she's not here now so why don't you go back to sleep?

-Dad I saw her!

-It was just a dream ,Flow.

-No I swear, she came thru the window!

-It's locked flow, nopony came thru there.

The little colt starts looking around the room trying to find me, best for everypony would be if he didn't.

-Go back to sleep okay?

-She's there, look.

He points his hoof at my hiding spot, under the bed.

I got to make a run for it.

I roll out from under the bed an look at the door.

-Flow go to your mom!

The little colt runs out the door and his dad closes it as fast as I take my hoof off the ground.

-I don't want to hurt anypony I just want somewhere to sleep over the night, I've been up really long and.

-What are you doing in my sons room?!

The pony before me looks really angry.

-The window was open and I thought I.

-You thought you'd brake in to our house?

-Geez, I'm sorry but you're making such a big deal out of this.

-What are you anyway, a changeling?

-No I'm not.

-Then why the glowing eyes and the sharp teeth?

-You'd rather not ask me that.

-You're in MY house, I make the rules here. The rules are, you're going out.

-If I refuse?

I lay down on the floor, yawning loudly.

He walks up to the window and opens it.

-Get out.

Irritated, I look at him and then walk up to the window.

Flowy is standing by the door looking sadly at me when I fly out.

-But dad she's my friend!

-No she's not, she's a bad pony and I don't want you to be like her when you grow up. I'm not even sure if she's a pony at all.

I sit down on the roof, waiting.

It only takes a couple of minutes before I hear the window slide open and the little colt starts to whisper out over the dark streets, looking for me.

I fly up in front of him and he backs down from the window sill.

-Thanks kid.

-Not so fast, what's your name?

I look at him, rolling my eyes.

-It's Sky.

He lets me pass.

-You can sleep with me Sky.

-Sorry, but I'm better off on the floor.

Oh, okay.

He hops up on the bed and makes his way down in his sheets.

-Good night Sky.

-Good night.


The next morning I wake up with an angry dad shouting at me.

-Didn't I tell you to get out?!

-Flowy did you let her in again?!

I moan, covering my ears.

-That's it miss!

He grabs me by my tail and drags me out in the hallway, Flowy following of course.

-You can walk on your own, get out now!

-Dad don't yell at her, she's nice.

-No she's not!

Flowys dad pokes my flank.

-Move it!


I groan, standing up.

-So I won't get any breakfast then?

He almost slams the door straight at my muzzle.

-I guess not.

I turn around and step out on the street, there's atleast a dozen guards out there who are certainly looking for me.

I run up to the door again and start to rapidly tap on it.

-Let me in, please!

I can't flee from that many guards, not when it's so bright outside, I wouldn't see a thing.

The door opens.

-No, and if you don't leave very soon I'll tell the guards over there to move you for me.

He slams the door shut.

-Aw come on!

I trot out in the crowd of ponies on the street, hoping the guards won't see me.

It's okay Sky, just stay low and you won't have to hurt anypony.

I can hear them talking with some of the passing ponies, asking questions about a crimson coloured mare, sharp fang-like teeth, hard not to notice.

Yep, that's me they're looking for alright.

-You mean her over there?

When I turn around the guards are already halfway to me, it's a bit hard to see with all this light tho.

There is no way I can fight out her on the street with all these ponies around me.

-Guys can't we just talk about this?

-Get that rope around her wings!

I run off as fast as I can but sompony got my tail.

Stupid big fluffy tail, always in my way.

-Buck it.

I relax and let them put the rope around my wings, the crowd of ponies staring at me.

I don't like when everypony looks at me.

I breath in to make sure they can't get the rope on too hard, so that when I breath out I might be able to get my wings free.

-Come on guys, this just isn't fair.

-I bet the ponies you've killed would want to hear that from you.

You've just got to wait, just a little waiting and when they let go of the rope, snap.

-Come and help me move her.

-I could fly on my own if you didn't wrap that rope around me.

-Haha very funny, I don't think so.

They let go of the rope.

I let go of my breath.

-Look out.

I say before I buck the guard behind me straight in the face.

-Told you.

I take off running, trying to get away from the guards so I can find somewhere to hide before I leave the town.

-Don't let her flee again, what are you waiting for?!

I see a sharp pipe sticking out of a wall in the alley to my right and I shoot towards it.

I could totally use that pipe to cut off the rope.

Running past the sharp object I lean down a bit to make sure I get the rope off of me while still keeping my speed.


I scream in agony as I pass the pipe, the sharp end digging into my left wing, feathers being ripped off and sent flying around in the air.

Blood start to drop from the injured area, but I'm not going to stop, they're not getting me!

-Somepony stop her before she kills herself!

So much for trying to fly away from the guards, I can't do that without my bucking wing.

In the near distance I hear a train engine.

That should do, it will have to be my ticket out of here.

I can feel my legs getting weaker every minute.

-Out of my way!

It's just too much ponies on the streets, and that sun really isn't helping me right now.

Some ponies tries to stop the guards.

-What have you done to her?

That should get me some time to get up on the train without being noticed.

I slide to the left, hiding behind some supplies standing on the station just beside the track.

The guards run to their right and stops.

-Where is she?

-I don't know.

-Guys just follow her blood trail.

I take a look at my bleeding wing, the train engine starts up and the train makes its way forward.

I jump up on the train.

-Phew, I'm glad that's over.

I collapse on the train floor, barely staying awake.

Somepony notice me.

-Oh Celestia are you alright? I-I'll get some bandages right away!

I just sigh.


I'm laying on one of the seats, being fixed up when she asks.

-What's your name? What happend to you?

-It's all a long story.

-We got time, it will be a couple hours before the train stops.

-Where's the train going?

-You're on the train but you don't know? It's going to ponyville.

I freeze, suddenly feeling fully awake, that's where I had my accident, in the forest.

-What's wrong?

-It's nothing.

-Oh, okay. If you say so miss I avoid telling ponies my name.

I let out yet another sigh.

-You can call me Sky, and you didn't even tell me yours?

-Oh I'm very sorry, names Star blossom.

I put my head against the seat and desperately tries to relax on the soft pillow Star had gotten for me.

I'm about to drift off as she interrupts me.

-So what happend to your wing, did anypony do that to you?

-I did it.

-You did what?

-It was an accident, I don't want to talk about it.

-But why do you have, she trails off, fangs?

-That's an even longer story.

-Come on, can't you tell me? I'm interested to hear why.

-Fine, I'll tell you. I'll start from the beginning.

Author's Note:

You can probably figure out what the next chapter is going to be about. Yep, that's right.

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