• Published 25th Apr 2013
  • 341 Views, 1 Comments

A play with the dark - Crimson_Sky

I'm not crazy. I'm just different, right?

  • ...

Chapter 2, Let's go out

We start walking down the hallway of the dungeon, cells on all sides.

-So we're going out. Right?

-Yes of course we are. You wanted to remember?

-Why wouldn't I remember? It was just recently.

-So why are you asking?

-No, no. Just checking you know.

-Still don't have any trust in the guards then?

-I guess I don't.

We come to a staircase leading upwards, made out of stone as the rest of the halls under Canterlot.

The steps are sort of unkempt and slippery, easy to fall down.

What if I bucked him down the stairs and flew away? Nah, that wouldn't work with the collar and chain around my neck, if he fall so do I.

Slowly making our way up the staircase is easier than expected and we'll be up in no time, no complications.

Well that's of course just what I thought.

Just as we're about to reach the top of the staircase another unicorn comes down the stairs.

-Oh Celestia, look who you have there. Was a while ago I saw her.

-Yep, she's my responsibility at the moment, we're going for a walk since she wanted to have some fresh air.

-Well then, just watch out for her teeth, they're you know, kind of sharp.

-I've noticed.

-Guys, I'm standing right here.

-And soon you're standing outside. Sorry Featherburst but I've got to get this one out in the garden before she decides to do something stupid.

-Why would I do something stupid? You're stupid.

-Thanks crazy. Come on, let's get moving then.

He nudge me as to tell me to start walking.

We trott up the last steps of the staircase and proceeds down the second hallway leading to the gardens.

The hall is made out of white marble and the statues, the stained glass, it's breathtaking.

The castle is many thousand years old but it's still in a better shape than anything else I've seen.

I wonder why they have the dungeons under the castle, it just doesn't seem like a good idea to keep the dangerous ponies right under the castle, it just doesn't.

It's really stupid if you think about it.

Well, most placement of things in Canterlot is sort of stuipid.

We arrive at a big set of wooden doors, atleast eight meters high or something.

-Open the doors guys! Comming thru with your favorite red pegasi!

The doors are encased in a yellow glow and starts to move.

I just can't belive how they can keep this place in such a good shape when there's never anypony to be seen cleaning around here.

I really feel like biting the guard in his back or something, but I guess he wouldn't be so happy over that.

I better not do that or I might never get to go out in the garden ever again.

The door is now fully opened and the guard decides to nudge me again.

-No way! Guys look who he brought!

-Oh shit, where did they catch you this time Sky?

-Don't say my name.

-Guys, looks like Sky is as shy as usual.

-Stop it.

-Hey, Plasma, Acidfire, don't make her upset.

I give them a cold glare and turn around.

-Sky I think that's the wrong way.

-I'll bite your head of Plasma, bite it of.

-Why so angry Sky? Does the light hurt your sensitive eyes?

-Acid don't try me.

-Come on prisoner, let's go get some fresh air.

We walk past the two armoured ponies heading for the garden.

The cold air hit my coat as we come out of the building and I slightly shiver, it's still winter but most of the snow have been wrapped up.

From the garden you can see almost everything.

Every little inch of the enormous Canterlot town, every house, every tree, even the pond on the outside of the town.

I bet the town would look even better on the night, when I don't have to peer out of my sort of closed eyelids.

Yes, the sun do hurt my eyes and Acid is right, they're sensitive but they still work in the light of day.

Sometimes I wish I could just go back.

Back to when I had friends and family, when I was just a normal red pegasi who minded her own business.

That's too late now.

I let a tear slowly flow down my cheek.

-Wow. When I heard about you I expected a cold blooded pony whitout feelings, and here you are, crying.

-I'm not. It's the sun, it hurts my eyes.

-Sure it does.

-Hey! I'm not crying!

I hit him softly in the side.

-Look, she's playful too!

-I'm still the most dangerous pony you've ever met.

I sit down on the marble slabs, shielding my eyes from the sun.

-I didn't think the sun would be so, bright.

-Hey, why did you get so upset earlier when they called you by your name? In the cell you sounded like you wanted me to use it?

-I don't like when they use it.

-So is it okey if I, call you by your name?

-Yeah, it's fine.

-So, Sky, why do you, you know?

-I have to.

-You don't want to talk about it do you?



Now how am I going to do this? I can't just fly away when he have me chained, well I could but, shouldn't consider bringing him with me.

Maybe I could tell him to unchain me, possibly force him if I had to.

I could bite the chain straight of, or I could bite his hoof straight of, both would take too much time and I don't feel like hurting him, he's been nice to me I guess.

I can't get attached to anypony in any way, not even a friend is possible for me anymore.

Why is he making this so complicated, I've escaped magic prisons, killed more than two guards at a time, but when it comes to a chain and not wanting to hurt my keeper, I don't know what to do.

-If I where to face my adjudication, how much would I have to take?

-I'm sorry but your in really deep Sky. You're stuck here for the rest of your life and I'm not allowed to tell you but, they're going to torture you, I'm sorry.

I look down on the marble slabs where I recently decided to put my flank, my ears down.

-I'm sorry but I can't stay here much longer, the sun is going down and I have to get away from here very soon.

-I'm sorry Sky, I can't let you.

-No, I'm sorry. I don't want to hurt you but if you don't release me I'll have to.

-Is this some kind of joke Sky? Because it's not funny. I might have to call for more guards now when you say that.

I stand up, turning around to look straight at him.

-Sky, what are you doing? Take it easy Sky.

I take one step forward in his direction.

-Sky, please stop. H-help! I need some backup over here!

I take two more steps forward, I'm close enough to strike him down now, just a couple hits to the head would do.

In the right corner of my eye I see more guards coming this way.

He stumble back and look at me with frightened eyes, it hurts, for some reason it hurts, not physically, but the other way around.

Wasn't the guards trained for this? Why's this one so scared and, nice?

I feel something sharp enter the upper part of my back, a crimson liquid running down over my right leg.

I fall to the ground, a bit dizzy, oh how I remember that feeling, of blood loss, just this time it's really not that bad.

The guard before me stands up, my keeper.

-Plasma you idiot! You can't just shove your horn straight up into her back!

I close my eyes, but I'm awake of course.

It's much easier to hold on as long as possible if you close them.

-Hey what's your name? I ask.

-Sky you're still awake? Thanks Celestia for that. Plasma if I ever see you do that again I'm making sure you get suspended from being a Canterlot guard.

-Hey Acid, Sky's letting him use her name without being upset. Dream light you're not making friends with the prisoners now are you?

-Shut up Plasma, I'm not, but she seem like a nice mare to me. She's not been as violent as everypony says she is.

I feel something push against my wound, probably a bit of cloth or anything like that.

-Sorry to disappoint you Dream light, since that's your name, but I where about to hit you multiple times in your head. It was nice meeting you tho.

-I told you she was goin.....

I don't hear the rest of their conversation, I let sleep take hold of me.


Somepony's shaking me, I open my eyes and see Dream light to my left.

-Hi Light.

-Oh, good you're awake.

-Well you kept shaking me.

-Sorry, you've only been sleeping for about one hour, so you haven't missed much.


We're still outside in the garden, and it's not very dark but it's better than the beaming sun that was there before.

I look to my right only to see Plasma and Acidfire standing on full guard, spears in their hooves.

-You really need that spear when you got that horn Plasma? And Acid, I remember you used to buck really hard whenever I tried to launch myself on any of the other guards.

-There you are Sky, on the marble slabs, helpless.

-Plasma as I said earlier, I'm going to kill you whenever I get the chance.

-Right, you're not even strong enough to move your own flank in that state.

Yep, Plasma is so going to die.

I'm going to make sure to rip him apart bit after bit slowly till his body can't take it anymore and decides to shut down.

-Plasma, Acid, of you go, I'm taking Sky back to the cell.

-You sure you don't need help carrying the huge flank of hers?

He's dead, sooo dead.

-Just leave you pieces of shit. I hiss.

I only need to wait a little more before I can put my plan in act for real this time.

Acid turns around.

-Light, remember that she's much stronger than she looks.

-I'll be okay, I've got her in a chain.

Like if that's going to help.

They both leave and the big wooden door starts to close, again a yellowish glow encasing it.

-You know what I have to do Light.

I stand up, my right eye slightly flinching.

-Sky, how do you, you need to rest. You shouldn't stand up, you're weak right now, you've lost alot of blood.

-You call that alot? Really? Why are you so nice to me huh? Tell me!

-Sky calm down!

-Not a good idea to have your friends close the doors now was it?

I put a smile on my face, possibly too big and more considered a crazy smile.

It's gotten dark.

-Do you feel that? The darkness? In the dark there's no light, only dreams. Am I right Dream light?

-You're coming back in, the dark is clearly not doing a good impression on you Sky.

He begins to snatch the chain.

-It's dark now Dream light, you should sleep. Light's out.

I jump onto him and dig my teeth down into his back, I don't want to hurt him but I have to.

I. have. to. get. away.

He screams, it clearly hurts him badly, but why wouldn't it?

I bring my teeth out of his back.

-If you could have just let me go in the first place it wouldn't have come to this! And the opening in your armour isn't tactical in any way.

Once again I dig my teeth down into his back, he gives away another scream and proceed to throw me off, sending my flying up in the air.

I open my wings and gently hover down to the ground, we are chained together, he can't get away without releasing me first.

-Sky! Stop!

He's almost crying, I judge it on his shaky voice, he's scared, very scared.

-You can't get away from me Dream light, and you know it.

-Please Sky! Please stop!

-I can't, I'm sorry.

Maybe I don't have to hurt him, maybe I can get that chain away from his hoof ,and maybe I can let him go.

I launch at him again and grab his left hoof in my mouth.

He hits me and his right hoof connects with my muzzle.

I pull on the chain as much as I can and it let's go of his leg.

I back away a good five meters.

-Sky! D-don't you dare!

I go up to the railing of the garden, looks at him, and then I jump off.


He run up to the railing to look for me.

It's dark and he can't see where I am.

He goes away, and I fly out, heading for the middle of the town.

I need to find someplace to hide, the guards will come looking for me.

I know they will.