• Published 8th Feb 2012
  • 1,239 Views, 4 Comments

Her plan, her revenge. - kirbyzilla

Fluttershy decides to get Rainbow Dash back for every, single, prank.

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Her day had passed with no suspicion. Dusk slowly approached the small town of Ponyville, as it did every day. She began to reconsider what she was going to do. Rainbow Dash was the only one who didn’t know of Fluttershy’s plans, and Fluttershy was determined to keep it that way.

Fluttershy was nervous; Pinkie Pie was far savvier in this sort of field, and she told Fluttershy that she didn’t expect that she would do that kind of thing. Similar responses came from the other four- Applejack said that eventually she knew she would do this. Perhaps it was her nervousness and fear that got the best of her when she tried to do these kinds of things- but Fluttershy told herself that she could do this, she told herself to think of it as revenge.

She sat in her cottage as she waited for the night, only thinking about what she would do if Dash woke up before she could pull off the hit. She had no idea what to do- would she shoot anyway? Or she could run, but naturally Dash would catch up with ease, possibly pinning her to the ground in anger. But that wasn’t like Rainbow Dash, right? She would just laugh it off… Maybe…

“Oooh Angel, I just have no idea whether I should do this or not… I don’t know the first thing about what I’m doing… Should I just call this whole thing off?”

The bunny made a gesture that implied that she should carry on, and that Dash would deserve it.

“Are you sure Angel? You and I both know that I’m no good for this kind of thing…”

Angel nodded, and pointed at his wrist, then the door, meaning that its dark enough, and that she’s probably asleep.

“O…Ok then… I-I’ll see you later then,” Fluttershy said as she flew out the door, quietly, to make sure she didn’t wake any of her many pets.

“Oh wait,” she said as she flew back in, just as quiet as she went out. “I-I forgot this…” she said as she grabbed the gun (I know, they have hooves).

Fluttershy decided to fly around Ponyville to see that all the other ponies were asleep, particularly Pinkie Pie, for she tended to fall asleep very late, considering her, “special” diet. Rarity- asleep. Applejack- asleep. Twilight Sparkle- asleep, but spike was saying something in his sleep; she could almost make it out as “Rarity,” and his arm was doing something strange.

“Weird,” Fluttershy whispered to herself, and then flew on.

Finally, she went to see if Pinkie Pie was asleep, which, to her relief, she was.

“Good- that’ll mean for sure that Dash will be asleep, and it’ll make this all the easier,” Fluttershy said maliciously.

Rainbow Dash’s house was quite the sight in itself, for earth and unicorn pony standards, but it was an average house for a Pegasus, and best of all, you couldn’t possibly miss it.

Fluttershy flew up to the door, and she almost rang the doorbell, as she normally would.

“C’mon Fluttershy, don’t be so nice all the time,” she said through a facehoof.

As carefully, if not even more careful than how she flew through her garden, Fluttershy crept around the house to find a window. She had only been in Dash’s house a few times, and she hadn’t quite memorized the place. Once she found a window, she creaked it open, oh so slowly. Dash was a forgetful pony, and often forgot she even had windows, much less bother to lock them.

She had to travel the house a bit to find Dash’s room, it was a rather largish house, if you will. It was surprisingly clean, but then again, Dash was rarely at her house. Naturally, the furniture is, as well made of clouds, for solid furniture would fall to the ground below.

“Its nice that the house is cloud so nothing will creak…” Fluttershy said to herself, making sure first that Dash was out of earshot.

After several more minutes of aimlessly wandering, with the only light being the moonlight seeping in from the windows, Fluttershy finally discovered Rainbow Dash’s room. Her room didn’t at all match the rest of the house; random things laying askew, Wonderbolts posters plastering the walls, and drawers were hanging open. As she walked by, she peeked in one of them, and saw a magazine titled, “Playmare.”

‘I have certainly seen some strange things tonight,’ Fluttershy thought, as she had no idea what the magazine was, and if she did know, she certainly wouldn’t know why Rainbow Dash had it.

Rainbow Dash’s sheets had her all mangled up in her bed. She almost looked as if the sheets were trying to strangle her. Rarity would have fainted if she had seen the room.

‘Enough putting this off,’ Fluttershy thought, readying the gun. She was about to pull the trigger when Dash tossed around in bed a bit. Fluttershy had darted behind a dresser, as she normally does when she gets scared.

She went through the process of sneaking over there, making sure every step didn’t hit anything, but then realized that she had wings. Her wings were kind of like an owl’s. Her feathers were soft and flexible, so they each bent slightly with each wing stroke to prevent any sound.

After she readied herself again, she took a stance that would allow her to immediately dart out of the room once she fired.

‘3… 2… 1…,’ her trigger finger pulled. There was a slight moment, before her shot made contact with dash where the world seemed to stop. Would it work?

Contact was made. Right as it hit, Dash sprang up, but Fluttershy was already out of the room. She looked at the place where contact had been made, and giggled.
“Oh, Fluttershy,” she said to herself. “Looks like you’ve got me back. You and your water guns.” A small smile crept across her face, and she drifted back to sleep.

Did it work? I tried to make the story sound a bit grim, and I wanted it to sound like she was doing a murder. I thought it was rather clever, and I think it was a nice, short little story.

Comments ( 4 )

Actually considering the othe four knew, I was guessing she either had a toy gun that made a loud noise or a dart gun, didn't guess water gun though.

i was almost expecting blanks or something like a party cannon, the hand-held version.

I read the comments first, so I already knew. Though the way you wrote the story, I must say, I was expecting a dart gun or something.

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