• Published 22nd Apr 2013
  • 284 Views, 12 Comments

Hope for Harmony - fancivalunicorn

Set in the Equestria Divided universe Marcus Aurelius must restore harmony to Equestria and avenge her family's death. With the help of her some new friends she might be able to defeat Twilight sparkle.

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The Spark

Marecus stared in to the horrifying yellow eyes as she struggled to move. She whispered "Are you…Discord."

He smiled bowed "The one and only." His politeness turned to something resembling joyful rage when he ask "Has Lady Fluttershy sent you?" he asked with the most devilish smile on his face.

She replied "No. This is a visit of my own agenda." he looked at her puzzled

He laughed historically and said "So you actually came to make a social call? hahahaha!" The echoes of his laughter could be heard across Equestria.

Marecus interrupted the raving draconacus' laughter "I need your help Discord. Please your the only one who can help me."

He looked at the white mare he flowing pale yellow and then shrank him self down to only a forth of his size. "What little old me." Marecus bursted out laughing which he enjoyed it has been a while since he "put on a show" for somepony he then started to make his famous cotton candy cloud filled with chocolate rain. "You my dear have but me in a wondrously good mood what is it that you need?"

"My mother was killed when i was young and all of my family was lost I was hoping you could help me find my brother he lives with the Earthborn house can you find him "

Discord pondered this question for what seemed like forever. After stroking his beard for what was obviously dramatic effect he finally said" No I'm sorry my dear… Marecus was it, I'd like to help you but sadly theres no global pony satellite that could magic find you long lost brother." he snickered at his own joke then continued "I could however send you back in time and you could warn your mother of anything that could happen."

Her jaw dropped at the fact that time travel was even possible then after finally getting the idea in her head she promptly asked Discord the send her back to her birth. Discord stood ready and said "Keep in mind this will only last an hour oh and after you must help me do something." There was a flash of light and Marecus was gone there was a puff of smoke where the mare stood and time receded.

Marcus appeared in a hospital room in a cloak she grabbed to hide her self. She saw a grey pony holding three children her smile somehow illuminated the dark room a tear was almost brought to her eye as she gazed at her mother sleeping but the noise woke her and marcus explained to her of the danger she was in than teleported away to conceal herself because she heard somepony coming.

Towards the Everfree forrest where Zecora said she found her. The night was quite only disturbed by the crash of a hot air balloon. she saw her mother hand a red pony with a black mane to a heavily armored equestrian juggernaut after which she he mother with The filly version of herself on her back and was there long enough to see a purple pony with a star cutiemark descend form a chariot and and kill her mother. There was another flash of light an discord was there to see her crying.

"What happened Marecus? " His face showing general concern.

She dried her tears and said " I know where my brother is now. I also know who my mothers killer is … Twilight Sparkle the leader of house Moon and Star and I will have my revenge."

Discord look in amazement and again laughed " Your they funniest pony i met since Pinky Pie I almost thought you said your going to kill Twilight who is perhaps the most powerful being in Equestria." He looked at the mare's serious face and released her intentions were true "Well all the same I wish you luck on your quest now there if that favor you owe me"

"Name it!" Marecus Aurelius said with enthusiasm

"I am a slave to the house of Everfree Fluttershy uses a powerful zebra magic,this fortress has a spell that binds me to it through these chains they also restrict my magic flow destroy them. That is my favor I ask of you."

Marecus agreed and her horn started to glow "zap" with a quick use of magic discord was free again. "There you go my friend you are no longer a slave to the house Everfree."

Discord thank his newly found friend and said "Thank you Marecus" he said with exuberant delight. "I can't tell you how many ponies have fell to my magic." he looked around frantically and said "I must take my leave now my fair mare however, I have a feeling this is not the last we will see of each other". With a flash of light Discord was gone.

Outside the Castle Marecus Aurelius emerged with a fire in her heart and the knowledge of her brothers location it was off to New Ponyvillie. "Hmm.." she said to herself "Even if half the stories about house Earthborn views on unicorns are true I'll need to go undercover to find Goliath." She used her magic to make her horn invisible. "Now I can move about freely with no unwanted attention." and she made her way through the dark Everfree forest. It wasn't long before she exited the prison that was the forrest and her quest to find her brother was nearly complete. Marecus arrived in New Ponyville overwhelmed by the large number of equestrian juggernaughts in the town. But also ,to her anyway' how big the town was when compare to the small zebra village she lived in. She began to walk into the Tavern where the the bartender had just finished cleaning and opened up the place her an about seven other ponies were in the tavern she turned to the bar tender and said "I'm looking for Goliath have you seen him." The entire room gasped for air as if it where the last they'd ever have and it grew more silent then a morgue. The ground then seemed to shake as a gigantic Stallion walked into the bar saying nothing walked straight to the frightened bartender. He finally said "I here'd my name who's asking for me." The bartender franticly pointed to Marecus all she could think about was "someone has been eating his hay." then she spoke with a polite smile "Are you the juggernaught called Goliath." The gigantic stallion order an apple cider smirked and said "Eyup."