> Hope for Harmony > by fancivalunicorn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Conflict at birth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun rose over the blood soaked battle field, Unicorn and Earth ponies alike. The struggle of House Moon and Star and House Earthborn wages on. Harmony is lost, the magic of Friendship is all but gone  and many lives have been vainly lost. The Elements of Harmony have vanished and the ponies that use them are now bitter enemies.  A dying Earthborn solider lay helpless and hopeless on the desolate barren battlefield, looking up at the flawless crystal sky as his life slowly dwindled away from the sword of a Moon and Star Lunar Knight. He faintly sees two figures approaching him, a stallion clearly dressed in the armor of a Moon and Star Knight, and the other is an Inquisitor, a mare. The two stop in front of them and look at him sympathetically, almost apologetic, the Inquisitor’s horn starts to glow and he feels a numbing sensation that he was dying. But a miracle happened, his wounds healed and he felt life in side of him grow like the trees of Sweet Apple Acres. He looked at the mare and the stallion with puzzlement as to ask why, but ran off in fear of worse happening.  "You know, if Twilight caught us doing this we'd be burned alive, right?"  "Yes, but would you rather the poor colt bleed to death just because the Grand Inquisitor has but her ideal on friendship? That does not mean we have to." The stallion looked in to the mare’s blue eyes and smiled. "Solstice, we must keep the little one," he eased his hoof gingerly and rubbed her stomach. "We must teach them the ways of friendship and slowly, maybe the houses will unite again." "Eclipse, you must not speak of such a thing! You don't know who may be watching." He observes the trembling body held together, her shining grey coat. He  smiled to reassure her he was going to be around. "Aside from that colt anyone important here" Eclipse looked around inferring to someone of great importance on the opposing side. "No.The inquisitor will be disappointed to find that Applejack was not on the battle field this day." A look of relief fell over her and the two grew silent. Eclipse finally said, "We need to be heading back to Canterlot before were missed, plus the council meeting will be starting soon." They ran off toward Canterlot, Eclipse used the magic to open the protective bubble Shining Armor had over the entire city. The city, from what the couple remember thinking back on it, was a lot more hostile. Back when Celestia ruled, ponies use to run and frolicked  through the streets of the great city… Now the militaristic and constantly warring states has caught up to it. Most of the time ponies that aren't tried for heresy mutter to themselves, "Call nopony happy who is not dead." Walking towards the castle is always a sobering feeling but it bothered nopony more than Eclipse and Solstice, they both have been called "the saint of the slums" buy both there superiors and the nobility. As they were walking through a mere trot from the castle that over arch the crumbling city like a golden beacon of tyranny. A solider stands over a unicorn bool raged in his voice "If i ever see you near the castle again you'll look a lot worse if you can still breath you worth piece of trash!" Solstice was filled with a fury that could only be measured by he compassion for the people of Equestria. "Solider!" she glared at him as somepony would only look as somepony for commiting blasphemy "What are you doing? What has this Mere done to deserve this?" There was a long pause and the guard spoke. "I caught her sneaking around the garbage she was up to no good." "That's funny because that fact that she might be trying to feed her family with the scraps of food you soldiers waste would be a better option! Get out of here you can be sure Inquisitor Twilght will hear of this!" She smiled at the bloodied and beaten and healed her wounds after word handed her a pouch of gold coins and polity said "Go about your way and remember the kindness your were shown" the mare couldn't believe it but accept the gift and did as she said. The castle of Canterlot was worlds apart from the slums below. As the city of Canterlot crumbled into poverty the castle grew more lavished, rich golden statues of the Celestial Sisters every ten feet, and marble archways. Eclipse, now with the armor retired for the moment, his black coat and red mane shone in a mirror in the tower suite that use to welcome guests of the royal family which now served as Solstice and Eclipse's living quarters. The bureaucracy of new royal family knew no bounds, after all, some of the most adequate Unicorns have been turned down from the council because they had no ties to Princess Cadence or Shining Armor . Eclipse was a distant relative of Shining Armor and Solstice was a dear friend of Twilight. After the falling out of her Ponyville friends that, both were fortunate enough to escape the transformation experiments and land in a seat of influence. After freshening up after the battle, Eclipse went to meet his wife Solstice and Twilight for the meeting. At the doors of the old throne room which was turned into the council hall after the fallout of the kingdom, Eclipse stood in front of two familiar mares. Smiling, waiting for him both dawning the traditional Canterlot Inquisitor robes, Twilight looked at him with a joking angered look. "Your late, Mister." He smiled as he could tell she was joking. "Oh no Mistress Twily, please don't throw me in the Canterlot dungeon!" Solstice laughed. "Ok hold your horses you two. As for you, bucko, what exactly where you doing for the hour you were up there?" Twilight  inquired, tilting her head to one side slowly. Eclipse's stoic black face turned bright red, almost to match his mane. "I was um…" Twilight and Solstice simultaneously said "Out with it, Mister!" "I was doing my mane." The two of him looked in disbelief, and the laughter of the mares could be heard throughout the castle. They then walked toward the great doors leading into the Council Chamber. The room was darker than usual, and there was nopony to be seen. Then, there arose a thunderous "Surprise!" Solstice's face beamed up. "What’s all this." "It’s you baby shower, silly!" Twilight said laughing with a friendly smile. Solstice looked at Eclipse and glared. "You knew about this, you jerk." He just stood there in smiled. A few hours into the party, everypony was enjoying themselves, jubilantly congratulating the mother and father. The room was a glow with streamers and candle and the finest music in all of Equestria. To those who can remember this was the greatest event since the Grand Galloping Galla was abolished then Solstice smiled "Well I goes I should tell them." “Attention everypony! I have an announcement to make. I will not be bringing one baby to the world. I’ll be bringing three!" Everypony was a gasp, and Eclipse nearly fainted, but just then Solstice fell down in pain she uttered the phase, "My water just broke! Celestia's mane, I'm having these fillies!” They rushed to the castle infirmary, and after six hours, she gave birth to three babies. The first a unicorn who's mane was yellow as the sun, and her coat was a white as snow. Her name was Marecus Aurelius But a tragedy occurred. On what should be a happy occasion, Solstice also gave birth to and Earth pony, they named Goliath, due to his monstrous size, even as a baby, and a Pegasus named Bolt because of his lightning resembling tail. His blue coat reminded Eclipse of the Wonderbolts. After they celebration of the lives of there triplets the realized that the law of house Moon and Star was set in stone and must end the two of the lives that have been brought into this world. > A mothers love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eclipse looked at Solstice the silence in the hospital room so dreadful and death's eerie shadow was prevalent more so than the three babies in their mother's arms. Eclipse finally broke the silence "You know what-" "No!" Solstice finally spoke with an anger "How can you even process that thought through your head!" Eclipse looked at her tears starting to form "We don't have a choice. At least we get to keep..." "Twilight doesn't have to know! They will be safe, now get out! I don't want to see you right now!" Eclipse walked out with his head hung low and tears falling from his eyes. Like the days have grown darker, so had the room. Solstice knew the law that any baby born under the house of Moon and Star must be terminated. She stay up with Bolt, Goliath, and Marcus the whole night. In the dying hours of the night there began a glow in the room, as flickers of light started to illuminate the darkness. A magical "zap" filled the room with noise, waking Solstice. A cloaked mare stood before her. "I don't have much time. Listen, be wary of your husband, his duty binds him to a different loyalty." Solstice began to speak but couldn't get a word out before the mysterious mare vanished. Just then a massive knock on the door swung it off its hinges. Twilight entered the room Eclipse following, "You disappoint me Solstice. I knew of your insubordination before, but this… It's unforgivable." She walked around the room, face full of outrage and disbelief. "Hand them over and I will ease your sentence." She looked down to the faces of her three children, then looked up at Twilight. Solstice said nothing but responded with a stare. Her horn started to glow but at the same time so did Eclipse's. Just before Solstice was able to fire off a spell, Eclipse formed an orb around Bolt and threw him out a window. Such a rage boiled within Solstice that even Twilight Sparkle herself jumped back in fear. Solstice let out and unearthly scream and "poof" she used a teleportation spell to exit the room. Waiting outside the hospital in the streets of Canterlot were the Moon and Star knights which she barreled through effortlessly. Solstice's speed was unrivaled even to this day. She stole a hot air balloon and escaped Canterlot. The chariots of Moon and Star were hot on their trail. The brisk night air struck the ballon and carried it away from it's destination: the Everfree Forest. It drifted towards New Ponyville, but was shot by Twilight and the balloon flew down. With another quick teleportation spell, Solstice and her infants escaped the plummet into Ghastly Gorge. Looking around, she saw the chariots getting closer. She knew it was only a matter of time before they caught up to her and killed them all, or worse. Desperately, she started to gallop towards New Ponyville, with Marcus and Goliath on her back. "Stop right there you Unicorn scum!" In the morning, the sun rose and the gigantic silhouette of an Equestrian Juggernaut appeared on the hill. " What are you doing round these parts?" Solstice quickly explained her situation as the chariots began their decent. Time was running out. She worked up enough strength to say "This is my son." She used her magic to gently lift Goliath, and place him on the ground. He was sill asleep. "I will not live to see him another day." Tears choking her words "Please, you must take him. Please!" The stallion's green eyes turned from cold to having a sense of sorrow. He looked to the grey colt, then to his mother. He smiled and said "Eyup." A look of sadness and relief struck Solstice's face. She looked at Goliath and whispered " I love you so much little one," Tears were falling down her cheek. "Mama will always be with you. Remember that sweetheart." The stallion galloped away Goliath on his back. "Solstice!" Twilight screamed as she raced through the sky. Solstice took Marecus and Galloped as fast as she could towards the Everfree forest. As she neared the edge of the forest, she started to feel safe. That was when Twilight cut off the entrance. "No more running my friend!" Twilight stood there and smiled with a blood lust in her eye. "You Don't even know the meaning of the word anymore" Solstice stared down twilight with a passionate rage that is only reserved for bitter enemies. Twilight laughed "How can that be when princess Celestia…." Solstice's horn lit up "Don't speak of her! You are nothing like Celestia! Nothing!" She fired a bolt of lightning from her horn. "So that is how this will end" Twilight's face grew solemn and she teleported it was almost instantaneous. But Solstice was able to doge the attack she put Marecus down and fired a beam from her horn. "Thats a nice trick from magic kindergarden but let me show you a new one." Her horn started to glow bright and then the glow of light turned into a glow of green fire and several skeletons of dead ponies rose from the ground. Solstice looked at her and said "Celstia would be disappointed in you." The raised horses charged at her the more of them she had slain the more came to oppose her until she was overwhelmed. The skeletal ponies returned to the ground and all that was left was the blooded broken body of Solstice. Marcus crawling to her mother for comfort started to cry,but there was no mother to calm her. Twilight left with her with the phase "I'll leave you to the timber wolves." Then somepony hearing the cries of the abandon filly pick Marcus Aurelis up into her hooves and said "Oh my what have we here. It is ok child no need to fear." The pony and filly walked back into the Everfree forest. The corpse of the mother lay there at the edge of the forest restless and unknowing. There was a serenity in her face though that her filly is maybe not in the best of hooves but the hooves they needed to be in. What Twilight did that night number her and the royal families days it was only a matter of time. > Chaos in the north tower > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twenty years after the death of her mother Marecus spent her life under the apprenticeship of Zecora. She learn the basic of the schools of magic and alchemy, the fire of revenge grew in her heart, though constantly on her mind was the thought of who killed her mother and what happened to her father. Being a filly durning the battle between Twilight and Solstice she remembered nothing of her mother or father. During her time with Zecora's zebra tribes she excelled in a great many things so much so the that even Lady Fluttershy took and interest in the young Mare. One of her many talents which proved use full was her mastery of the art of Teleportation. She could do this in such proficiency that it was almost instantaneous, she actually could do so with out looking where she was going which served a helpful skill on the battlefield . Along with her skill in magic was her silver tongue she could out negotiate even the most shifty and persuasive of house White Gold ponies. One rainy afternoon she walked over to he master Zecora's house she said she had a surprise for Marecus. Zecora smiled and said " Ah my student best of any, it is time for you to meet your destiny." Marecus stared into her etchers eyes with wonder and puzzlement "I'm sorry teacher but what do you mean exactly" Zecora mixing a brew laughed and said " This brew will bring you your cutiemark, but only after a spiritual lark." it was tradition for the tribes of the zebra to go in a spiritual journey to find there cutiemark, Zecora began to poor a strange liquid into a bowl. "Drink this and you will see, it will bring you a personal prophecy." Marecus drank the glowing green liquid. Trying not to vomit she swallowed. She began to feel drowsy and pasted out. She found her self floating in a void "Hello?" she said hoping to solaced any type of response. No one answer then she saw her mother, She stood the same as the day she died and began to speak. "Marecus…my daughter how you have grown." Marecus looked in disbelief "You must reunite the houses, restore harmony to Equestria and avenge my death they have fore seen this don't worry you will meet then when you are ready." Marcus feeling compelled to speak "Who killed you mother." The Grey mare said "My killer will find you in due time for the time being you must find your brother Goliath whom lives among the earth-ponies of house Earthborn. Go to him he will be the first of many allies you must make." Maercus Aurelius woke up in a cot in Zecora's be the cricket's chirps filed the night air and the fire provide comfort for the now cold mare. Zecora looked with eyes wide open and asked "Could it be, is that a cutiemark I see." Marecus looked at her flank to revel one third of a shield with a sun inscibed and not knowing its meaning . She looked at her cutiemark baffled then spoke. "Zecora,I saw my mother in the vision she said i had to find my brother do you know anything about that?" The zebra pondered this for some time before speaking pacing back and forth then looked at Marecus and said "I don't know my dear, when first we met it was just you alone I fear." Zecora looked at the disappointed mare be for to comfort her she said "My dear don't worry you head, what there anything else your mother said." Marecus thought long and hard to think about the vision " She said something about him being with the earth ponies of house Eathborn." Zecora spoke with some reluctance " You must beware the ponies of house Earthborn, they do many cruel things to Unicorns." Marcus looked at her mentor angrily "Then how am i suppose to find him?" she asked with a puzzled and fluster tone The zebra laughter at her youth "My dear marcus so rash you are, the whereabouts of your brother are not far." She noticed that she was still confused in this. Zecora continued "There is an ally to our house you may not have heard, The dragonicus Discord. With him you must speak, if your destiny you seek." She gleamed with excitement she ask "How could i find him?" She franticly looked for guidance from her mentor this Zecora spoke" To find him is not that hard. In fact he is in our back yard. To the ruin castle you must go, tell him of your plight and he will help this I know." After gathering a few supplies and bidding her master farewell Marecus stared her journey from the zebra tribes she use to call home to the the ruins of the royal castle. After many days of traveling she could see her destination the pillars of the ruined castle stood tall over the tree's of the forrest. The animal of the forest have grown more gentle since Lady Fluttershy had spread her influence, these day it was more likely to be afraid of the ponies lurking in the woods than the animals. The forest in front and back of her grew ever darker and thicker, then after an eternity of traveling there its stood before the gargantuan ruins of the royal castle, where the element of harmony changed Nightmare moon back to the princes of the night. There was a spooky feeling about the place it didn't seem to fit right to the natural balance of thing. After teleporting across the gap were a bridge would sat she walked up to the castle and open the ancient door to the main hall. The place looked abandoned,but tranquil there was some kinda of peaceful presents about it. Marecus walked up to the North tower but knew she was getting close upon opening the door it was like entering a whole new world. The room seemed to spin and the door was no were to be found it was complete and utter chaos in the north tower. Marcus found her self unable to move and the room stop spinning. There would be no time in her life where she would feel more fear. Trying to get an answer from the being responsible she said with a fearful voice"Is any pony here" she paused mustering up some courage "show your self!" Just then an ominous voice spoke and the room turned black as the night "Who enters my domain?" > The Spark > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marecus stared in to the horrifying yellow eyes as she struggled to move. She whispered "Are you…Discord." He smiled bowed "The one and only." His politeness turned to something resembling joyful rage when he ask "Has Lady Fluttershy sent you?" he asked with the most devilish smile on his face. She replied "No. This is a visit of my own agenda." he looked at her puzzled He laughed historically and said "So you actually came to make a social call? hahahaha!" The echoes of his laughter could be heard across Equestria. Marecus interrupted the raving draconacus' laughter "I need your help Discord. Please your the only one who can help me." He looked at the white mare he flowing pale yellow and then shrank him self down to only a forth of his size. "What little old me." Marecus bursted out laughing which he enjoyed it has been a while since he "put on a show" for somepony he then started to make his famous cotton candy cloud filled with chocolate rain. "You my dear have but me in a wondrously good mood what is it that you need?" "My mother was killed when i was young and all of my family was lost I was hoping you could help me find my brother he lives with the Earthborn house can you find him " Discord pondered this question for what seemed like forever. After stroking his beard for what was obviously dramatic effect he finally said" No I'm sorry my dear… Marecus was it, I'd like to help you but sadly theres no global pony satellite that could magic find you long lost brother." he snickered at his own joke then continued "I could however send you back in time and you could warn your mother of anything that could happen." Her jaw dropped at the fact that time travel was even possible then after finally getting the idea in her head she promptly asked Discord the send her back to her birth. Discord stood ready and said "Keep in mind this will only last an hour oh and after you must help me do something." There was a flash of light and Marecus was gone there was a puff of smoke where the mare stood and time receded. Marcus appeared in a hospital room in a cloak she grabbed to hide her self. She saw a grey pony holding three children her smile somehow illuminated the dark room a tear was almost brought to her eye as she gazed at her mother sleeping but the noise woke her and marcus explained to her of the danger she was in than teleported away to conceal herself because she heard somepony coming. Towards the Everfree forrest where Zecora said she found her. The night was quite only disturbed by the crash of a hot air balloon. she saw her mother hand a red pony with a black mane to a heavily armored equestrian juggernaut after which she he mother with The filly version of herself on her back and was there long enough to see a purple pony with a star cutiemark descend form a chariot and and kill her mother. There was another flash of light an discord was there to see her crying. "What happened Marecus? " His face showing general concern. She dried her tears and said " I know where my brother is now. I also know who my mothers killer is … Twilight Sparkle the leader of house Moon and Star and I will have my revenge." Discord look in amazement and again laughed " Your they funniest pony i met since Pinky Pie I almost thought you said your going to kill Twilight who is perhaps the most powerful being in Equestria." He looked at the mare's serious face and released her intentions were true "Well all the same I wish you luck on your quest now there if that favor you owe me" "Name it!" Marecus Aurelius said with enthusiasm "I am a slave to the house of Everfree Fluttershy uses a powerful zebra magic,this fortress has a spell that binds me to it through these chains they also restrict my magic flow destroy them. That is my favor I ask of you." Marecus agreed and her horn started to glow "zap" with a quick use of magic discord was free again. "There you go my friend you are no longer a slave to the house Everfree." Discord thank his newly found friend and said "Thank you Marecus" he said with exuberant delight. "I can't tell you how many ponies have fell to my magic." he looked around frantically and said "I must take my leave now my fair mare however, I have a feeling this is not the last we will see of each other". With a flash of light Discord was gone. Outside the Castle Marecus Aurelius emerged with a fire in her heart and the knowledge of her brothers location it was off to New Ponyvillie. "Hmm.." she said to herself "Even if half the stories about house Earthborn views on unicorns are true I'll need to go undercover to find Goliath." She used her magic to make her horn invisible. "Now I can move about freely with no unwanted attention." and she made her way through the dark Everfree forest. It wasn't long before she exited the prison that was the forrest and her quest to find her brother was nearly complete. Marecus arrived in New Ponyville overwhelmed by the large number of equestrian juggernaughts in the town. But also ,to her anyway' how big the town was when compare to the small zebra village she lived in. She began to walk into the Tavern where the the bartender had just finished cleaning and opened up the place her an about seven other ponies were in the tavern she turned to the bar tender and said "I'm looking for Goliath have you seen him." The entire room gasped for air as if it where the last they'd ever have and it grew more silent then a morgue. The ground then seemed to shake as a gigantic Stallion walked into the bar saying nothing walked straight to the frightened bartender. He finally said "I here'd my name who's asking for me." The bartender franticly pointed to Marecus all she could think about was "someone has been eating his hay." then she spoke with a polite smile "Are you the juggernaught called Goliath." The gigantic stallion order an apple cider smirked and said "Eyup." > Unwelcome family > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marecus looked at the rustic giant that looked like the colt she saw many years ago "Hi my name is Marecus Aurelius is your name Goliath." The stallion looked at her in silence and responded with a nod Marecus smiled and said "Its very nice to meet you, you might not recognize me but I'm you sister!" The stallion looked at the white pony with an intrigued but a little creeped out because of her stupid smile. Then he started to laugh and said “All right y’all who here is yankin’ my chain-mail” he clopped around laughing “Miss Marecus I’m sorry but i was raised be by my big brother Mac” Marecus franticly explained “No we were separated at birth our mother was killed by Twilight sparkle please…” as tears fall down her cheeks “You have to believe me!” Then goliath looked in to her eyes and said “Listen darlin’ I don’t know who sent you here, that joke ain’t funny no more I’m sorry I’m not your brother.” Marecus begged him to at least hear her out. Goliath replied "OK. I could use a good mare's tale…" he made himself comfortable and spoke sarcastically "Ok on you..sis." he snickered through his sentences. Marcus went to explain Goliath's origin he's facial expression as soon as she mentioned the house moon and star she saw the angered clenched teeth of her brother. She justified this with "I'm sorry to say our mother was a unicorn." Goliath's face turned from rage to disbelief the way the mare in from to of him was talking it was like she was there. "Wait!" he said "If you were about the same age as me when all this happened how do you remember so much." The mare looked at him with a reluctant face "Because …I was kinda there I saw everything happen i tried to warn her but nothing changed our father betrayed her Goliath there was nothing i can do." Tears reached his eyes and suddenly A memory of a grey unicorn pasted before his eyes Then he noticed the cutie mar on her flank. It looked like a golden shield with strange symbol on it then he realized that his not only match it went with his. Almost like a missing piece of a puzzle, he then got up and said "None of this is making any since but I'll tell you what. Big Mac he's been but in charge of this here little town lets see what he has to say about your story" and pushed her in the general direction of the building where Macintosh was staying. Marecus,while walking to Bid Macintosh's quarter, actually had chance to finally look around at her surroundings the rustic also shanty looking town was overwhelmingly populated she wold have never genes that such a rundown old town who be able to hold this many ponies. The moon and stars where out and they light up the street, as she was kind of taking in the fact that she actually found her brother a shimmer of glee something that she hadn't had since childhood over came her. She stared to talk to Goliath some more " So what have you been doing all these years its looks like you've been going pretty well for yourself and if mother could see how strong you were." Goliath smiled though he didn't believe her story in the slightest flattery didn't come often particularly being one of Big mac High ranking Clydesdales "Well thank you miss I'm very flattered and assuming that what your saying is true. How in the hay did you survive so long on your own in the Everfree forest" Marecus laughter and corrected him "Oh no no I wasn't alone i lived with a tribe of zebra they cared for me and that actually how I got my cutiemark. They performed this strange ritual that how i saw mother and why i wanted to find you." But fore for she could say anymore Goliath stopped and looked at her with anger and confusion in his eyes once again. "Listen I've been patient until now I know you aint eathborn What do you want!" Then a spark appeared on Marecus' forehead and her horn reappeared and then thats when Goliath lost it "You fillth you magic wielding garbage how could you do this." Marecus franticly tried to explain "No Brother…I knew" Goliaths voice horse with rage "Don't call me brother! I will give you five seconds to run before i paint this town red with your corpse and and use your horn as a tooth pick!" He started to count but Marecus' horn just started to glow and a zap hit Goliath but nothing happened to him Marecus with Tears in her eyes ran away she couldn't risk teleport or else have the hole town on her. she hid in a an in a small alleyway between to of the biggest buildings in town. She was only safe for a couple of minuets before she felt a colt metal pipe on her head and the breathing of a big animal on her neck. A voice from the darkness crawled out and said "Good evening darling you by the looks of your forehead seem to be lost." Marecus trying to be coy Said to the figure which she couldn't see "Oh no you know just Site seeing I was just on my way home so if you'll excuse me." She started to walk alway but was stopped but the animal that was breathing down her neck. The voice asked her "Were y'all going sweetheart its ok…" he looked a her with a deviant smile and said "… you know its been awhile since I seen a mare pretty as you before" She knew what was about to happened but she was constantly thinking "Oh this is bad do i call him what is it didn't work ir do i risk teleportation and risk starting a riot in town." the Marecus said aloud "Oh I'm very flattered but I smile but be going" The figure stepped out of the darkness to be a golden earth pony with red eyes and a blonde mane and in front of her she could make out the outline of a buffalo. Golden pony finally said "Oh you aint going anywhere, But first where are my manners I'm Hooves Du'oh and this is my trusty companion the buffalo Bill Quiet-lamb" Just ask the pony finished talking Marecus found her self on the ground with the golden pony over her and said "I only told you my name so you know what to scream." Just as Hooves was about to do whatever foul deeds he had planed for Marecus the scream of of a buffalo was heard through out the town. A Clydesdale bucked the stallion of the screaming mare and Hooves Du'oh finals screamed "Who do you think you are!" Goliath turned and smiled "I'm the juggernaut bitch!" > First step > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning Marecus awoke to a make shift cabin with her brother standing over her, in fear of what would happen to her she tried to keep her self asleep. Goliath noticed this and playfully asked his sister "Well are you gonna stay in bed all day or are we gonna talk bout last night." Puzzled she rose from her bed and looked at him confused she noticed that the cabin they were in wasn't in New Ponyvillie it was next to a lake the Everfree forest just on about a trot from where they are. Goliath looked at her sternly "So you weren't lying were you." She looked at him with a sympathy "No, no i wasn't" she then smiled to her self and though "This is great it actually worked" Goliath noticed her smirk and knew what she was talking about. Walking away from the kitchen with a tray on his back he walked to the other side of the small cabin where marecus was laying. "It didn't work you know." he said an his souther draw that had developed over time. and then Marecus noticed what he was referring to but Goliath continued "Your memory spell it didn't work and I'm actually quite flustered that you'd try something ilke that." Marecus hung her head low in shame then the past event flashed before he eyes. She Turned to her brother and said "Then why would you save me" she looked at him even more puzzled and" it just doesn't make any sense you where ready to kill me" he looked at her and laughed "Well Marecus I tried to explain last night but you just passed out,and after the actions of last night I have a lot to answer for but nothing i can't explain." Looking passed his rustic roots her brother was vastly intelligent which from she experienced with other Equestrian Juggernauts was not the case. She asked delicately "No offense Goliath but for someone of your rank and position on the Eathborn army your so-" Goliath interjected "Intelligent? Yes I know i was ostracized by all my brethren for this well everyone except for Big Macintosh." Marecus then stopped to address the elephant in the room "Then why the hay did you attack me before I had that unpleasant meeting with those to charming gentlecolts." He though for a second and then it all came back "Well sis because of my house background and strength along with my intelligence, I was seen as a threat to house earthborn but I also showed great promise as a solider so i was put on a constant stream of depressant to slow my brain function you showing up broke me of that." He cracked a smile then went back to back to keeping watch. Marecus finally got up and started walking towards the fire the only source of heat they had. She turned to her brother and noticed the bandages around he stomach. "What happened there" Marcus inquired he covered it and said "Its nothing don't worry about me." Her horn shown a golden aura to see through the bandages then she looked at him i with a conceded anger "You were shot!? and you tell me thats nothing!" Marecus finally stood up and the glow in her horn began to change she began to tremble and then a spark came out of her horn and hit Goliath where he had been shot. A sting of pain came over him then nothing it was ilke the wound wasn't there and it wasn't. He examined were the wound was and looked and his sister her knees buckle but she caught her self. "You..how can you do that even among unicorns healing magic is taboo" She looked at him pleased that his wounds were gone and then replied "Thats because equestrian unicorns rely to heavily on the magic to do the healing.Being raised by a medicine mare helps a better way to heal with magic is using small aging spells on curtain points of the body to speed up the healing process." She looked out the window and saw that dark was approaching she then turned to her brother and said "We can't stay here. and if we are to get our revenge brother we need to put a small force together at the very least i think i know where we can start." He quickly gather some provisions and then asked "Well you talked me into it where are we going." She simply replied "Manehattan."