• Published 7th Feb 2012
  • 1,068 Views, 32 Comments

A Perfect Key - Jonnydash

You find a mysterious key, to what you have no idea and just and eerie e-mail.

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Chapter 8 (Vision)

Chapter 8 (Vision)

A Perfect Key
by Jonnydash

The blackness of my mind held an almost sweet taste in my mouth. I was unable to move, not feeling my body and seeing an infinite blackness. The only sense I had was a sweet almost sugary taste that enveloped my taste buds. This sweetness lasted for what seemed like days and my thoughts raced through what had happened. It was blurry, the normal vivid memories i had of my friends now felt like blotched images on a blank canvas. Each one seemed more faded then the last, the only memory that stuck out significantly was the look Twilight had given me before she was hounded by those black figures. The thought made me cringe, the more I thought about the fight the more it seemed like it was over in a matter of seconds. I began to think to myself "All of my friends are gone... That actually happened... And here I am stuck in my own happy hell". At that an overwhelming feeling of guilt and anguish spread throughout what was left of me, I began to take notice that I could finally feel something other than that awful taste in my mouth.

Then it hit me; like my head was just run over by a bulldozer, an excruciating pain spread throughout me. A slight tingling sensation followed my pain and continued all throughout my body. I felt my hooves on a soft wet surface, the left side of my body was drenched and the right side was against a soft but firm surface. My ears were ringing loud enough to make me momentarily deaf, my vision began to come back as a tiny white dot in the distance, slowly gaining in size and brightness. The whiteness consumed my vision and soon flecks of color started to appear scattered as if my mind was painting a side view of a mural or painting. The more I came out of my horrific slumber , the more I felt around me. I could feel the grass against my belly and the pools of liquid under my front two hooves.

The pain in my head was still very much active and it kept me from opening my eyes too wide, so I squinted and tried to move my body to see if I was still able too. My front hooves pressed against the soft and wet ground with ease "Okay" I thought to myself "Time to get up and see were I am and figure this out". I began to move my rear hooves and as I adjusted my weight a pain shot up through my ribcage. "Ah..." I moaned and inched my head in the direction of the pain. I opened my eyes to see my blue matted coat speckled with dark red all up and down my body. From the looks of things I was not bleeding and I tried to move again, this time less pain was met and I managed to roll onto my hooves before attempting to lift myself off the ground.

I finally took a look around after what felt like ages trying to pull myself together. Before me was the same field we had tried to cross before but it was different. there were no ponies around me just long field grass and dirt with patches of burn marks scattered about. I could find no gaping holes where the monsters had risen from, it was almost like it had never happened. Except for the traces of scorched ground and patches of blood strewn about the field was empty and barren. I struggled to my hooves taking extra care not to hurt my side again and stumbled over to a fallen down oak tree closer to the edge of the field. Taking a closer look at the tree I noticed it was snapped off at its base and deep slashes ran up through the bark on either side. I sat down and leaned my back gently against the broken tree staring across the field as I wondered through my thoughts my eyes began to blur and well. Thinking about my friends made me incredibly sad and I was now bawling like a baby. The loss of Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie Pie, The incredible act of heroism from Rainbow Dash brought me to the ground. I began pounding my hooves harder and harder on the ground screaming and crying losing track of what was going on around me. By the time I had finished my sorrowful rage tantrum before me lay smashed in grass, earth and rocks. my hooves had bloodied from the rocks and were now covered in mud from the ground before me. Out of the corner of my eye a gleaming metal object lay adjacent to me in the small grass I hadn’t destroyed. As I looked closer I noticed it was the key I had kept from earlier, it was gleaming now almost giving off its own light, there were no smudges to be found and the text read bright and bold on the face. The Y E and I were now clearly visible on the face and very ornately sketched , it was almost giving off a humming noise the closer I moved to it.

Picking up the key off the ground released the most deafening sound I had ever heard and I clasped my hooves on my ears. It quickly fell to the ground and in an instant released a blinding white light and I instantly covered my eyes to shield them. In an instant the light was gone and I uncovered my hooves to let my eyesight adjust after a few moments staring off into what seemed like a gigantic green blur a somewhat familiar voice echoed through the forest to my left.

"So you're the one that the dear princess sent.." The melancholy voice piped out almost laughing as they said it.

"You know my minions could have killed you but that stupid unicorn saved you before we could get a hold of you." the voice snickered at this. "Pity she didn't live long enough to see that it was futile anyways, but don't worry you will join her soon"

Letting my eyes adjust I could finally make out who was talking and to my utter disbelief stepping out of the forest was one of Equestrias mortal enemies, Discord. The creature took careful strides towards me, eyes fixed as if he was staring right through me. He smirked and gestured for me to stay were I was.

"Do not fret my little pony" He said with a sly smile. "Your pain will be over quickly and I can continue to cause my beloved chaos" He snickered.

I stared back I wasn't able to comprehend what was going on, what was going to happen and nothing seemed to bring me back. I was lost in thoughts of the happy moments I had spent with my new friends the fun I had with them and just like that I imaged each and every one of them vanish before my eyes in an instant I was left with nothing. Sorrow and rage built up once again inside of me but this time a guiding voice chimed in.

"Let your emotions flow through you..." This voice seemed so familiar, a regal female voice, but I could not seem place a name to it. "Think about the Key! what have you learned!" It shouted at me now and I quickly thought. The more and more I thought about it i realized this key was just an extension of me! All the letters corresponded with my actions and thoughts! The "I" meaning my intellect how I could solve problems so quickly and the "E" for effort, I never gave up I was always trying my best no matter what the situation. The last letter "Y" appeared when i first met my new friends so it must stand for You!
without holding anything back i jumped to my hooves and shouted at the top of my lungs "I am the key!".
The startled Discord reeled back, he was not expecting me to shout and he was certainly not expecting the move I made for the glowing key still in the grass a few feet from me.

The guiding voice now telling me to use the key to channel my emotions and let them flow. "Let them out, all of your anger, sadness and grief" From this I now realized the voice in my head was no others then Princess Celestia. Yet I had no time to think about it as the key now vibrated almost uncontrollably in my hoof.

I held out the key like a sword pointed directly at discord now standing staring straight at me. I shouted "This is for everything you have done to me! For my friends and everyone I love!"

Once again a loud unbearable ringing noise blotted out my hearing and bright blue light shot out from my hooves and everything slowly disappeared into a bright blue cloud of light...

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