• Published 7th Feb 2012
  • 1,068 Views, 32 Comments

A Perfect Key - Jonnydash

You find a mysterious key, to what you have no idea and just and eerie e-mail.

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Chapter 2 (The Awakening )

A Perfect Key

By Jonnydash

Chapter 2 (The Awakening)

I felt my mind race through my thoughts at what felt like a million miles an hour trying to find some kind of logic to what had just happened to me. All I could see was black and I didn’t think I could move so I didn’t try. My mind felt like it was on a racetrack running through what I thought had just happened to me questions like “Why did I not freak out about the door? It was out of place and would have normally scared me?” “why was I so insistent on using the key to open an already strange door?” it wasn’t making any sense and all I could think was I was drawn to open it by a unforeseen force almost a will of someone else to open it and take that step that inevitably led me to this moment. When my brain landed on this thought I felt an overwhelming sense of fear and anxiety over what was happening to me. I was unable to move or see anything and I felt like I was in a dream world filled with my own thoughts and feelings in pitch blackness.

All of a sudden my ears began to ring a very light ringing building slowly and slowly for what seemed like hours and when it was almost unbearable to hear it any longer a white light started to build around me, encompassing my entire vision. White light surrounded my vision and I started to feel my body and my surroundings. I felt warm and comfortable I began to think I was dead and felt my heart pound faster and faster. I could suddenly feel my body lying in a bed, just the feeling I could instantly tell I had a wet rag on my forehead and its cool dampness calmed my nerves. Once I knew I was not dead I dared to open my eyes and the brightness of the world instantly made me shut them. I managed to mumble out a few words from my exhausted body “ah……..my…head….”

Immediately following my words I heard a soft but almost scared “EEP!” and 4 soft thumps on what seemed to be a wooden floor.

I asked almost unsure of what to say “is anyone there?”

I waited a good few moments to hear a response from the stranger but to no avail. I decided to try and open my eyes almost afraid of what to say. Again I opened my eyes and it seemed to work if I squinted and focused to keep my head from spinning. I lift my head up from what I think is a pillow and proceed to look around the room. I find myself in a medium sized room, to my left was a small nightstand and sitting on top was my cell phone and wallet. Directly across from the bed I am lying in is a doorway half opened with a bright pink tail curled up outside of the door.
I managed to blurt out the words “hel….hello?”

The strange bright pink tail twitched and another familiar “EEP” was heard from behind the wooden door.

“It’s alright….ah, I just wanted to say thank you for helping me….” I managed to say still writing in pain from a massive headache.

“Um…………uh…” a high and very shy voice poked out.

“It’s ok you can come out and talk to me.” I said

The tail slowly moved completely behind the door and heard what sounded like little stomps and a shadow move across the doorway. What peeked behind the door was a small pale yellow face with pink hair and blue eyes staring back at me.

The creature I now recognized slowly and lightly said “um…I..uh ..hope your…ok now…. I didn’t mean to scare you if I did….”

“Wait I know you!” I exclaimed with a quick response and it made the small creature return behind the door with a quick and quiet yelp.

“I’m sorry” I responded “I didn’t mean to frighten you”

At this point I realized I must either be in a dream or some type of hallucination, this creature I was having this conversation with looked and sounded exactly like Fluttershy. Fluttershy was a Pegasus pony from a children’s show called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. This show is based in a magic kingdom called Equestria, she and her five other best friends try to learn lessons about friendship and report it to the princess of Equestria, Celestia. I decided to keep what I knew secret from her until I felt that it would be appropriate I didn’t want to scare her or any pony for that matter.

She poked her head around the corner and seemed to work up her courage before walking towards the bed she moved very gracefully and slow as she approached.

“Did you say that you knew me?” she asked almost unsure of what to say.

“I guess I thought I did but I actually don’t remember much at all...” I quickly responded with the lie.

“You’re um……a weird pony” “my name is Fluttershy... I’ve umm…..never seen you here before and I know everypony in ponyville.” she asked looking up at me from the side of the bed.

“A pony? I don’t think I look like a pony? Why do you say that?” I responded quite intrigued.

“Here….let me get a mirror.” She quickly turned around and flew off down the hall.

I lay in the bed quickly running thoughts through my head, “what does she mean I’m a weird pony?” as this thought crossed my mind I decided to look at my hands they didn’t feel right like they were balled into some sort of fist. What I seen was what appeared to be a hoof covered in a bluish fur on both of my arms.

“This must be a dream” I whispered “this can’t be real..”

Fluttershy had just flown into the room hovering over my bed holding what appeared to be a small mirror. She proceeded to show me my face from the mirrors reflection I looked upon my pony face. I had large hazel eyes topped with a brown and orange highlighted mane. I had a squarish muzzle and large rounded ears protruding from both sides of my mane. and most astounding of all was a large protruding horn in the middle of my forehead.
All I could mutter out was “I….I really am…a…a…..pony….” I was shocked beyond all belief but not just any pony i was a UNICORN! How could this have happened? All I did was step out of my room and I ended up in a children’s show. I closed my eyes and hoped and wished as hard as I could to be home. I felt my heart beat a million times faster than it was before when I suddenly heard another voice say.

“Is he awake yet Fluttershy?” the voice said.

This voice sounded familiar too and I opened my eyes to see 5 other ponies push the wooden door open and walk into the room. The five other ponies I quickly identified as Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity and lagging behind her was Pinkie Pie. Twilight sparkle had said the words to Fluttershy and she was fixed upon me with her gaze.

“Hello there I am Twilight Sparkle and these are my friends” she replied

Suddenly my head was throbbing and I felt very weak. I replied with a soft and weakening voice “hi I’m……” and I found myself drifting back into blackness.

Twilight Sparkle quickly said “let him rest he has had quite a day already.”

I heard this echo in my head as I slipped into my sleep.