• Published 7th Feb 2012
  • 1,067 Views, 32 Comments

A Perfect Key - Jonnydash

You find a mysterious key, to what you have no idea and just and eerie e-mail.

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Chapter 1 (The Beginning)

A Perfect Key

Chapter 1.

By Jonnydash

The ever growing sound of that all too familiar beeping jolts me from my dreamy wonderland. I was in the middle of enjoying the most satisfying and tasty club sandwich, when my alarm clock had gone off and snapped me out of it. I quickly realized that the sandwich from my dream had been half of my pillowcase. I spat out the case and sat up in my soft mattress and sleepily looked about my room. It was a quaint room full of odds and ends from my life, posters of bands hung on the wall, a 40 inch TV displayed across the room and my desktop sat in the far corner. I flipped on the light on the nightstand beside my bed and rubbed my eyes to wake myself up.

I proceeded to walk almost stumbling out of my bedroom and down the hall to the bathroom to start my morning ritual. After putting in my contacts and taking a long hot shower I stepped out into the laundry room to pick up my work clothes. After putting on the shop uniform and placing mechanics nametag on I proceeded back towards my room down the hallway. Out of the corner of my eye I catch the hint of a silver sparkle rested just underneath the low end table. Not knowing what it is I bent down to pick it up and noticed it was an old style skeleton key. The key had a tarnished silver coat to it and black smudges all around the very ornate head. At the end were two small jetted out teeth and a short almost box jetted edge to it. Looking at the key I wanted to find out where it came from and why it was in my house in the first place. I racked my brain over and over trying to find answers to this question and I couldn’t find any sort of reasonable answer. I shrugged and said to myself “eh, I must have forgotten about it or something.” I continued to my room and sat in my comfy computer chair to check my e-mails and messages. I stared at my applejack wallpaper for a second before opening my emails and going through the mountains of spam I normally receive.

The first e-mail I stopped my cursor on was sent from an unknown source and was titled “Hello Jonnydash.” I opened it thinking it was just another one of those spam mails and send to so many people for a such and such, but this seemed to be different and I couldn’t place my finger on it. I figured it was the use of my screen name, since I only used it for my little pony things and cursing about the fandom. Maybe Austin had sent me some sort of e-mail on our next project. I read the e-mail out loud “Jonnydash, I sent you the key, instructions are within.” I had no clue what it was talking about and figured it was a spam message and moved on. Having nothing left in my e-mail folder I remembered the crazy e-mail. I figured Austin was playing a joke on me so I pulled up Skype. Seeing he was online, I placed my cursor over the username “Austin673” and clicked the call button. It rang a happy tune for a few short seconds and an eager but obviously tired voice answered “what chu want jonny?”

“Well good morning to you too sunshine” I said almost chuckling.

“Oh shut up” he laughed, “But seriously it’s like 8 o’clock in the morning there right? So what’s up?” he responded.

“Well yes it is, I just had a question for ya.”

“Shoot” he said simply.

“I got a weird e-mail about some key and instructions I just wanted to know if you sent it.”

“Nope I sure didn’t dude but it sounds like someone is playing a joke on you.” He responded obviously trying to hold back from laughing.

“Alright man well I just wanted to be sure, I gotta get going to work though bro and I’ll catch ya later.” I said.

He responded with a “peace” and the Skype ending call tone. I gathered up my jacket and headed towards the door of my room still realizing I had the key in my pocket and thought about it for a second before reaching the door.

I placed my hand upon the knob and found it to be locked. “What the Heck?!” I stammered out, as I know my door can’t lock itself because it has no lock on it. I tried turning it again and again and looked down at the bottom of the door where a crack had started to form on it. The crack was small less than a few inches but it was not there before last night I knew that for sure. I realized this was not my normal door. It looked almost exactly like my old door but with a brighter white color to it. The knob was also different; it was a tarnished gold color with an old style hole for a key. Above the hole for the key was etched “inside you”. As I wondered what had happened to my old door I realized I still had the old style key in my pocket. I figured I’d try it and give it a shot; I wiped the black smudge off the face of the key revealing an etched and embroidered “E” on the face. I inserted the key into the hole and turned. I felt the tumblers fall and the door unlock with a loud thud that sounded almost too big for the door. I pushed it open and proceeded to take a step but I realized too late that what I was stepping into was pitch black and had no floor to step on. I blacked out as I felt a falling sensation and wind rush through my body slipping me into an unconscious state only to faintly hear the sounds of female voices talking about a “strange pony” before I blacked out completely.