• Published 19th Apr 2013
  • 469 Views, 14 Comments

A Young Flier's Heart - JoeChacho

Ever wanted to be the one who gets the cute girl who likes you for who you are? Me too, the only difference is I let the chance slip by and ended up they way I am now. my name is Chacho and this is my story.

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Stuck In the Past

After we both took off Dash and I were neck and neck for a while.

“Heh. You’ve really gotten better since we last raced Chacho, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t improved either.” Dash said.

“Thanks Dash, but I wouldn’t expect any less from the greatest member on the Wonderbolts.” I replied.
Dash blushed a bit before she decided to take it up a notch in the race and started to fly faster than me. About half way across town she started taking the lead from me. Pulling away slowly but surely until she decided to go all out. She soon became a blur in my vision for a second then she turned around and started to fly back towards Sweet Apple Acres. She blew past me and wobbled me a bit.

Well I know that I lost but ... Aww hell I’ll try and kick it up on the stretch back. I told myself as I rounded Fluttershy’s cottage.

G-Gotta fly faster! I kept screaming this to myself louder and louder in my head. Come on wings, Come on! Go faster!

I started to catch up with Rainbow Dash but it was too late she was about to hit the cloud that we just took our first nap together on, when she flew down onto the ground below and skidded kicking up dust and since I already lost I followed suit.

“Whoo! Wadda rush!” Rainbow exclaimed as she folded and unfolded her wings a few times.

“Told ya I improved.” She said as she playfully hit me.

All I did was look at the ground wearing a frown. Rainbow Dash’s huge egotistical grin turned to a look of worry that something was wrong, “I-Is everything OK Chacho?”she asked worried, but soon her worried look turned into a sly grin after Rainbow noticed I had cracked a smile with my head down.

“Hey.” this time she slugged me pretty hard in the side, “that’s not funny Chacho. I really thought something was wrong. Jerk.”

“Ouch! Hey that kinda hurt Dashie.” I said rubbing the area she had just hit. “And I was only putting my head down because I was getting ready for all your gloating.” I raised my head and sat on my haunches and added slyly, “Although, you could prove me wrong and not gloat at all.”

Rainbow Dash sat where she was and rubbed the back of her neck and started, “UH, yeah about that. See I would gloat but seeing as you’re ... well you and I’m an Equestrian renown Wonderbolt so...”

“Ouch! That hurts even more Dash, saying I’m not good enough to gloat about.” I cut her off jokingly.

Rainbow just sat there at a loss for words until I gave her a peck on the cheek.

“Its OK Dash. You have matured a lot since we last spoke to each other, raced each other, or even laughed together. Its felt like decades since I've felt this way.” I looked up at the moon as I sat next to her and put my wing around her. “We have had some good times and even some bad. I know you probably would have kicked my sorry flank if we ever did get into a fight.” I chuckled. “But never once did I think that I’d get to be out here with you as your coltfriend. Since that day you went to prom with Thunder Lane.” My vision was beginning to blur. “I thought that I’d lost you forever that day. I thought about what I did wrong, and why you didn’t like me, thought about why didn’t you ask me to be your date to prom.” As the firsts set of tears started to roll down from my eyes I tried stifling a sob and tried to regain composure. “But then the next day you didn’t come back to school. I was going to ask you out but I never saw you for the rest of that year. I only found out that you’d been accepted into the Wonderbolt academy through Flitter. Then one day I saw posters for wonderbolt shows in Canterlot, Manehatten, and other places with your name on the poster at the end of the list of Wonderbolts.” Before I knew it I was on her lap with my face in my hooves and just bawling my eyes out. “Dash that day I remembered how much I loved you and it hurt so much that you never even said goodbye! You just left, without a word, and I was lost and heartbroken!”

Rainbow put her hoof on my back and stroked my mane to calm me down.

“Shhhh. Chach its OK. I was stupid back then. I knew that you had feelings for me, hell any mare I knew would have killed to have a stallion like your self. Treating me the way you did. Always making sure I was OK, walking me home, trying to keep me out of trouble and the Hearts and Hooves day gift you got me.”

She pulled out the heart shaped locket out of nowhere and pressed the little button with her left hoof and showed me the double sided picture locket which had a picture of me and dash on one side with a note on the other. The note had some writing on it. ‘Dash I love you. Will you be my very special somepony?’ I wiped my tears away and looked at Rainbow Dash as I sat up looking at her reminisce at the tiny trinket she held in her hooves.

“I always regretted not taking you up on that offer Chacho. I knew it hurt your feelings but I had a reputation for ‘being one of the boys’ and...” Her thought trailed off as she stared at the locket. She bent her head down and I heard sobs. Soon she looked up at me with tears streaming down her face. before she could say anything I pressed my lips against hers. The tenderness of her lips during the kiss was enticing. The kiss felt like it set my heart ablaze. Both of us sharing a passionate kiss in the middle of Sweet Apple Acres with a full moon above us. In my mind there was nothing more romantic than that. We soon broke from the kiss breathing sharply, part from being exhausted from the race and the breath taking kiss we just shared.

Rainbow was the first of us to break the silence. “You always know how to make a girl feel special Chach. I really like that about you ya know that.” she said as she buried her head in my chest.

“What can I say I’m a sucker for a crying mare” I replied, earning a chuckle from Dash. I looked at my watch to check the time. Seven-thirty PM was the time my watch read. I let out an audible sigh.

“Sorry to kill the mood but Dash I gotta head home. Soon my mother will probably send a search team of Celestia’s royal guards looking for me.”

“Nope.” Rainbow simply replied.

“Thanks for ...” I started, but then realized what she said. “What?! Did you just say no to me leaving?!” I asked in shock.

“Yup.” Rainbow simply replied again.

“OK fine what do I have to do so I can go home Dashie?”

“Take me home first.”

“That's all?” I asked in disbelief.

“Yup. That's all.”

We started to trot over to where Dash’s house was always floating. It wasn't a long way from Sweet Apple Acres but still far from where I lived. After we got under her house we flew up to her house. We both stood at her door looking at each other, before Rainbow Dash spoke.

“Thanks for actually taking me home Chacho.”

“Its no biggie.”

I leaned in to give her a goodnight kiss and was granted one.

“Good night Dash.”

After Rainbow Dash went inside her house I started to fly home.

Well this day went way better than expected. Dash didn't get all jealous and defensive nor did she bring up the fact that Velvet and me sit next to each other in class. Maybe I was right, Dash probably outgrew those childish antics.

I arrived at my front door and pushed past it. I let my mother know that I was home and went straight to my room. As soon as my body hit the mattress I passed out making way for a new day.

Author's Note:

well I deprived myself of two nights of sleep to do this. I checked it over at least 3 times but there still might be some errors if you spot any please point them out. If you don't find any then YAY comment with your feedback :D