• Published 19th Apr 2013
  • 469 Views, 14 Comments

A Young Flier's Heart - JoeChacho

Ever wanted to be the one who gets the cute girl who likes you for who you are? Me too, the only difference is I let the chance slip by and ended up they way I am now. my name is Chacho and this is my story.

  • ...

The Game

I served the ball headed towards Red. He hit it hard and hit the wall. The ball started to come back on my far left, as I hit the ball as low as possible on the wall it rolled back towards me.

“Woohoo chach killin balls this early in the game? I guess you are pullin out all the stops.” Caleb said

“Not all the stops I still refuse to fly because that’s unfair, but I will be trying my flank off.” I replied as I got back to serving position. This time serving to Caleb, he hit the ball towards me and I ducked so I wouldn't be a ‘wall’. recovering as quickly as possible I back-hoofed the ball but sadly Red was able to reach the ball before it bounced a second time which would have earned me another point. I missed the ball.

“Pony feathers” I stated angrily

Now it was Caleb’s turn to serve. Hitting the ball towards me I reacted and successfully hit the ball back at the wall. He then hit it towards Red. Red hit the ball on the wall far enough that Caleb couldn’t reach it in time.

“Darn.” Caleb said.

“Nice one Red.” I replied

“It’s not over yet.” replied Red

Now it was Red’s turn. He served it hard, fast and low.

“I got this Caleb.” I shouted moving towards the ball

I hit the ball and killed it.

“Lets gooo.” I replied pumped.

“Good shit Chach.” Red stated.

“Alright Chacho gotten a lot better so now I won’t go easy anymore” Replied Caleb.


The game continued with increasing intensity. Soon the game was almost at a three-way tie. Caleb and Red both had twenty points while I was sitting on eighteen points and it was my serve. I served the ball as best as I could -- serving low and fast -- and aced Red.

“Woah nice one chach you really got better.” Red said in between breaths of air.

We were all tired but too competitive to just let the other win. I hadn't realized until that serve that Velvet was there the whole time cheering me on. I pointed to her and then said, “This one is for you.” I then got ready and served the same way but to Caleb.

“Woah baby! Two aces back-to-back damn Chach you gotta learn to serve like that all the time.” Caleb complemented. Red added a simple “Word.”

“Isol!” I chuckled a bit being cocky as all hell “Thought I should give a little more interesting end to this game. Red you’re first.”

Sounding all confident but i was really nervous because Red was the one who taught me how to play hoofball in the first place. Serving as I did before thinking that I would be rewarded with three aces in a row, that thought was crushed when red hit it, but the ball hit off the wall and I just killed it. Red’s jaw almost hit the floor.

“Wha! You beat me! Celestia Damn, Chach you really have outdone yourself.”

I just chuckled a bit and replied “Learned from the best.” and hoof-bumped him.

“Caleb you next bro.” Red said.

I served a bit higher and Caleb hit it. I hit the ball to the far left to try and end it right there but he hit it and recovered from almost falling. Back-hoofing the ball to the far right I was able to win the game.

“Good game ... Buck that great game guys!” I shouted.

I looked at my watch and the game was a bit longer than an hour, it was 5:06pm.

“Buck!” I said in hush-tones then said “ OK guys I’ll catch you later gotta go somewhere and I’m late, but it was worth it.”

“Later Chach” Said red and Caleb almost simultaneously.

I trotted up to Velvet and hugged her as she said her goodbyes to me. I put my saddle bags on and took to the sky. While in the sky I began to think if i was really ready for a race. I then started to fly Searching for Dash.

‘Dash is probably napping like how she used to before she became a Wonderbolt.’ I thought to myself, ‘Hmm, now where was that cloud that she used to take naps on?’ asking myself questions once again, ‘Ah ha! There it is floating right over Sweet Apple Acres just like old times.’

Taking my time to restore as much energy as I could, I slowly reached the cloud where the Rainbow maned pegasus slept peacefully. Nudging her with my muzzle to try to wake her only made her grumble and turn over to face me.

“Dash. Wake up.” I whispered

She must have heard me because she opened her eyes a bit then responded sleepily, “Come nap with me for a little bit babe.”

My face turned a light shade of crimson after she said that and i was about to something but she continued, “Oh and could you hold me while we sleep? I always wanted to fall asleep on my special somepony.”

Then my face turned an even darker shade of crimson from the intense blush. I have never slept or napped with a girl before and here Dash was asking me to hold her while we slept together. So I did as I was told, I held Dash wrapped in my hooves. And soon after i started to drift off into sleep as well.


Soon I awoke but not on the cloud with Dash but on the floor a few feet from the stadium the wonderbolts had just finished performing in ‘Am I dreaming?’ It was dark outside and I was still wondering what I was doing on the floor. I rose to my hooves rubbing the back of my head. “Damn it felt like I was hit by a train.”

“Well you did take a nasty spill there Chacho.”

Turning around to see who made that statement was none other than Velvet.

“You look like you’ve seen a ghost Chacho. Its just me.” She said then chuckled.

“But... How... What happened to me? ... Wait I took a nasty spill? When did I fall?” I asked completely confused.

“Um, you’d better take a look over in that pond then.” She replied.

While raising a hoof to her mouth as if trying not to hurl, and pointing to the pond only a few feet away from where I was standing, Velvet had the look of horror on her face. As I looked into the pond I saw my reflection. It looked normal for a second, then I noticed the reflection had huge cuts all around then I heard a bone crunching sound and looked below me to realize my back right hoof bone was sticking out. Trying to escape the horrible image I took to the air. Soon after a few hard flaps my wings gave up on me and I was plummeting down to the ground. Closing my eyes as I fell made it worse and as soon as I opened them I awoke from my nightmare and sat up all sweaty and breathing heavily.

“It was just a dream” I spoke to my self in between breaths. I looked over to my right and saw Dash just staring at me while she was laying down.

“What’s wrong Chacho? Bad dream?” She asked with a sense of concern in her voice.

“Yeah. I thought I was going to die.” I shuttered at the thought.

“Oh.” she looked away for a second before asking, “So are we still gonna race?”

“You bet your sweet flank we are!”

“Cool because I’m ready to leave you in the dust.”

“Heh heh. confident as always Dash we’ll see about that when I whoop your sorry hide.”

“Enough talk. First one to the Everfree Forest and back is the winner.”

“How far in? Or should we turn around at Fluttershy’s cottage?”

Tapping her hoof on her chin Dash began, “Hmm, to her cottage and back seems to be far enough it is across town. Ok so to her cottage and back like i said first one back wins.”

“You’re on” I replied




We both yelled “Go!” and took off.

Author's Note:

Well this took wayyy longer than it should have. I was a bit distracted ever since I came back from NY. Just wasn't feeling well either but eh im not dead and neither is this fic so hope you all enjoy. Leave a comment on what you think I could improve on, or what you enjoyed about the fic so far.