• Published 19th Apr 2013
  • 469 Views, 14 Comments

A Young Flier's Heart - JoeChacho

Ever wanted to be the one who gets the cute girl who likes you for who you are? Me too, the only difference is I let the chance slip by and ended up they way I am now. my name is Chacho and this is my story.

  • ...

Will you ever come back?

[The day before prom]

It was getting close to that time of the year when all the ponies in Ponyville High would celebrate one last time with their friends as students in Ponyville High, that night was prom night. Sadly this morning I found out the reason why my mother had sold the cottage. We were moving, and out of all my friends I am moving the furthest, Philadelphia. Some of my other friends are going to Canterlot some staying in Ponyville and some of the pegasi going to Clouds Dale. So I knew I had to have as much fun as possible with all of my friends.

While the day came closer I found out a few of my friends weren't going to prom so I had to find time to hang out with them because I after this its graduation and then Goodbye Ponyville. I wanted to ask Velvet to go to prom with me but I thought that she would already have a date for prom. My infamous two of my friends were walking toward me.

"Hey Chacho" both stallions said almost in sync.

"What's up guys?" I replied cheerfully.

"Going to hang with Red and Caleb at the park after school want to come?" Quills asked.

I answered "Sure I'll meet you guys there."

All three of us nodded and walked away going to our last period classes. I walked into the room full of computers (this was my architecture class room) we didn't have anything to do today and I finished the work that's due at the end of the day yesterday so I was in the clear I sat down next to Velvet. She was struggling to finish her work again so I started to help her with her work. She soon finished and handed it to the teacher. Delighted that she was finished as well she opened her saddle bag, "Want a cupcake?" she asked politely.
"Sure what kind is it this time?" I asked. "It's a surprise" she said giggling. I took a bite and it was amazing I loved every bite of it.

I started to muster up the courage to ask her to go to prom with me. After I psyched myself up I asked her "Are you going to prom?" Nailed it.

"No I can't." she said as her ears drooped down.

"Oh" I said with disappointment in my voice. The bell dismissing the class.

"Hey I'm headed to the park want to tag along?"

She shook her head, "I can't. My mother is out of town and I need to watch my dog. But maybe we could hangout tomorrow." I gave Velvet a hug and said goodbye. I went to the park to meet my friends there, and soon I arrived at the park.

At the park, in the hot sun we played hoof ball, but after four hours of playing hoof ball I started to feel tired, and started to go home. I had to quit the job because I was moving and there wasn't an opening in the Philadelphia WPHQ.

I started to fly home but got tired and decided to walk instead. I started to remember that tomorrow is the prom and then graduation in the next three days wow time flew by too quickly. I got home to the apartment and noticed a note on the door form mom,

"Hi sweetie,

I left with the movers to start getting settled in our new home. I left you fifty bits for the time being. I'll be back the day before your graduation. Have fun at your prom tomorrow.
Love, Mom"

After reading that I went to bed tomorrow was going to be a big day, even if I don't have a date.

[Prom day]

Today is the prom I was excited and sad all at the same time. I went to take a shower and put on my blazer for prom. While leaving the apartment building I noticed my friends and some ponies I didn't know. They wanted to take pictures with me. I didn't mind so I went with them. I was technically going to the prom alone.

We went to take some pictures by a garden and then soon went to Canterlot where the prom was being held I heard it was in the same hall as the Grand Galloping Gala. I really was impressed at the sights. As we were walking in Princes Celestia herself greeted us and congratulated us on graduating. We were all looking our best with our fancy blazers and dresses. Of course Sunny Day was with somepony I didn't know but I didn't care because I never had a shot at her to begin with even being her friend and all.

We all danced to our hearts content, ate with each other and reminisced all the good times we shared together. We all enjoyed the prom, but all good things cone to an end. So we eventually started to go home. I had an awesome time with my friends. But to my surprise I found myself thinking about Velvet I did want her to come too, but she couldn't.

Just getting into my apartment I received a letter from my mother saying that she will be bringing a moving truck tomorrow night to move my stuff to Philadelphia. I told myself that I would pack first thing in the morning because I was too tired and it was almost two in the morning.

[The morning after prom]

I awoke and instead of packing went to the park remembering that one of my friends, Red, wanted to play hoof ball he didn't go to the prom so this was my last friend to hang out with unless I saw Velvet again. It was around mid-afternoon I started to walk home to my apartment thinking about passing by the school once more just to say goodbye to the building like it knew how to talk or something.

After passing by the school one last time before heading back home I noticed some ponies I recognized they lived in my building as well but to my surprise Velvet was with them. The last time I remember speaking to her was two days ago and I usually talk to her everyday so that was a long time. As we all approached the door the ponies all brohoofed me seeing as I knew them all they walked inside and Velvet pulled my hoof.

"Um Chacho" she started "C-can w-we talk?" she said with a tear in her right eye. She was hurting and I had no idea why so I gave her a hug she started tearing. "I- I" she started again tears still welling up in her eyes "I-I love you!" she said while burring her muzzle into my chest. "Please, Please don't leave!" I couldn't control myself. The only other mare that I liked was crying over me. I raised her muzzle with my hoof and I kissed her passionately. She was shocked but she didn't pull away or struggle to get away. The tears in her eyes started to stream out I could feel them on my muzzle when I pulled away. We stared into each other's eyes for a moment but it felt like an eternity so I opened the apartments' front door then we walked up the staircase and I unlocked the door to my apartment.

"Are you sure its ok for me to be here?" Velvet asked curiously and clearing the leftover tears from her eyes.

"Yeah I live alone and my mom is coming tomorrow night to help me finish moving. If you need to I have a phone to tell your parents that you're staying at a friend's house" I answered offering her a hoof inside.

She shook her head and said, "My parents are out tonight and I was home alone so I figured to drop in and see if I could spend some time with you, if that's OK I mean." She trotted into the small apartment. We sat down me being tired from hoof ball and she was tired for some reason as well. I went to take a shower came out and told her.

"Well if you want you can sleep in my bed and I'll just sleep on the floor" She nodded her head no "Can we sleep together?" she asked softly while blushing in a cute voice "I hate being alone".

"Um OK" I replied beginning to become flustered in the face. We both got into bed both exhausted from what we each did on our day off.

Velvet asked "Chacho?"

"Yeah Velvet?" I asked.

Velvet asked "Could you umm hold me while I sleep so I can feel safe?"

"S-sure" I replied once again blushing.

I had never had a girl I liked over my apartment and yet one that I find really cute is in my bed with me asking me to hold her nopony would believe me even if I told them this happened so I'll just keep this to myself. As I raised my hoof to put it around her neck she sighed and smiled then she soon drifted off into a deep sleep. I was awake for what felt like an eternity just staring at the defenseless mare who just confessed her love for me. I soon drifted off into a deep sleep myself.

[Moving day]

I awoke at the slither of light that broke the darkness. I noticed Velvet was still sleeping. I didn't want to wake her so I flapped my wings so I could get out of my bed. I started to pack what little of my belongings I had and then I finished. I thought about making her breakfast but I had no idea what she liked so I decided to wait till she got up so I could take her out to eat. She awoke soon and smiled at me. I made my way over to her and nuzzled her and asked her where she wanted to eat. She looked shocked, she sat on her haunches and turned away then said, "And then what you ask me to be your girlfriend or something cheesy like that?" I wrapped my front hooves around her from behind and whispered in her ear, "Nope." I let a grin across my face then continued "I do have feelings for you but I'll be moving by the end of today and that wouldn't be right. Seeing me leave would hurt you and I couldn't do that to you." she smiled and noticed all of my things were packed.

After leaving the apartment we got breakfast and then went to our respected homes to get ready for graduation.

All the ponies were so emotional and we would all miss each other. Gizmo and Quills both gave me hugs as we said out final goodbyes to each other I started to cry because they are my Best Friends Forever. Then after all the people who knew me said goodbye to me and wished me luck Velvet walked up to me and started to ask, "Do you love me?" I stared at her and just kissed her. I think that answered her question because she blushed hard. Then she asked "Will you ever come back?" I averted my eyes and gave a shrug. I just took off and cried as I flapped my wings I yelled at the top of my lungs "I love you Velvet!" Then said it again softly to myself. As I moved the last of my stuff in a sky wagon.

After I was settled in I sent a letter to Velvet.

Dear Velvet,

I couldn't ask you to come with me because I might never come back, but I wanted to let you know that I love you Velvet I always have. I'll see if I can come back to Ponyville someday. Someday I'll tell you my feelings face to face. And maybe just maybe we could be together.

Love, Chacho

[The End]

Author's Note:

And here is the grand closing to my story. This chapter was my second favorite to write but was the easiest to write out. Hope you all enjoyed the story. I think ill stick to reading fics rather than write them although finishing this fills me with great pride that I started and finished. Thank you all for reading. In the comments tell me what you thought of the fic please, and once again constructive criticism is well accepted. Oh and if you find any mistakes you could either PM me them and I'll fix them ore leave it in the comments.

Comments ( 2 )

Wow, a BIG congratulation for finishing your first fic!! :pinkiehappy: I'm sorry it took me awhile to finish. What has impressed me most is your willingness to continue writing; most authors quit after their stories don't catch on like wildfire. Seeing any creative endeavor to the end requires great energy, and you've reached the checkered flag. :rainbowdetermined2: I hope you continue writing, but I recommend getting an editor/beta-reader for your next one. Collaboration is one of the most exciting elements of creativity. Congratulations again, friend. :twilightsmile:

PS - I loved how you put Chacho and his mom's letters in quote boxes. That's the first time I've seen that. Very clever! :raritywink:

Thanks it took a while but I wanted to finish it. I would write with another person but I don't think I have that kind of dedication just yet. I never saw anyone else do the quote for a letter so I figured eh lets roll with it see where it gets me. Glad to hear you liked it. And I kinda had an editor but being busy with college not much she could do to help besides check for some minor spelling/grammatical errors (something I find myself doing to others writing while reading.) but that was sufficient enough for me at the time. Who knows maybe ill do another fic just don't expect anything soon. :twilightblush:

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