• Published 6th Feb 2012
  • 1,464 Views, 12 Comments

Testamintin' - PresentPerfect

The last will and testament of Granny Pie.

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by Present Perfect

So, I figure, if'n I gotta croak and leave all my worldly possessions to all y'all, then y'all're gonna get some choice words alongsides. This is a last will and testament, of course, so I aims to do some testamintin'!

Firstly, to my younger son, Shepherd Ezekiel Pie, I bequeath the business dealings of the Pie estate, and all money matters therein entailed, etc. etc. With that out the way, I got a few things to say to y'all. It's high time you bucked up and had yourself a family! Ain't nopony knows how much time I got left on this earth, and nothin' would make your dear, sweet momma happier than some grandfoals! Y'all got the head for business deals, but you ain't never had a heart for nopony. Well, just you heed your poor momma's almost-a-dyin' words and find yourself a mare right hasty-like! Don't gimme no words otherwise, just do it already! Ponies talk.

To my elder son, Mutton Hezekiah Pie, the words're comin' first. How I done raised such a dull, uncreative, uninteresting son I will never understand. Y'all are the most boring pony I ever had the misfortune to know in my life! However, I know y'all mean well at heart, and while you maybe ain't as good with money as your brother, y'always did have a knack for farm work. So that's why I'm bequeathin' y'all the land from the Pie homestead. I'm sure you 'n yours'll find some excellent rocks to harvest there, and I do honestly wish you the best. I just wish y'all would lighten up and learn to have a little fun sometimes!

To my daughter-in-law, Roxy Pie, I leave my finest dresses. I hope they bring some color into your dull and dreary existence. Y'all're just as boring as your husband, and you two deserve each other. I only regret that my grandfillies have had to be raised by you.

Speakin' o' which, to Blinkabeth Hester Pie I leave my entire library of books. Y'all got a good head on your shoulders, kiddo, and while I'm afraid y'all're just gonna follow in your daddy's footsteps and take over the farm one day, the least you can do is expand your mind in the meantime.

To the next youngest, Inketta Octavia Pie, I leave my baby grand piano, my double bass, and my cello. Go ahead and try 'em all out and see which one you like best. Y'all're about the age I was when I learned to play, and my only hope is that y'all won't let your talents go to waste. Knock 'em dead, sugar!

Finally, to my youngest grandfilly, Pinkamina Diane Pie... y'always were my favorite. Not just because y'all got my name as well as my coloration, mind. I know what it's like, not fittin' in with nopony, and I always kinda felt like you needed a little extra care 'cause of your fears and all. Now don't deny it; I seen you, hidin' under your bed at night when I come 'round to visit. Y'all are afraid of your own shadow, sometimes. But hidin' ain't the way to deal with your fears. Pinkie, you gotta stand up tall and learn to face 'em. Soon you'll see they can't hurt you none. You gotta learn to laugh -- though Celestia knows that ain't easy considerin' who your parents are -- that's the sure-fire ticket to chase your fears away! So that's why I'm leavin' y'all the rest of my instruments: tuba, banjo, accordion, washboard, cymbals and harmonica. I think your sister may have the real raw musical talent, but you're gonna learn how to have fun, if I have any say! Funnin' don't take no talent. In addition, I'm also leavin' you my record collection. It's mostly oompah music and band marches, but maybe it'll help you figure out how to have a real hoof-smackin' good time.

Last and most certainly least, to my one and only good-for-nothin' daughter, Mince Alberta Pie, I leave nothin' but the image of my rear leg kickin' your hindquarters! I told y'all I'd cut you out of my will if'n you ran off with that hotshot pegasus! This is me livin' up to my word, so help me. Good riddance!

Well, that sure felt good. I hope all y'all remember your momma 'n granny with love and kindness in your hearts, but if'n y'all don't, I ain't gonna hold it against y'all.

I, of sound mind and body, do hereby declare this to be my final will 'n testament, on this day, yadda yadda, hereby undersigned,

Pinkamina Ernestine Pie

Author's Note:

This was my second fanfic, too short for EQD, so I'm putting it here. I tried to explain a few things from the show circa season 1, while crafting a solid voice. I may revisit this in the future, so critique is not unwelcome.

Comments ( 12 )

One manly tear. It was shed.

Author Interviewer

Thanks! :)

This. is. awesome.
got this warm fuzzy feeling in my heart~
and i love pinkie pie:pinkiesmile:

I love this piece so much. :twilightsmile:

I think you could have a funny moment on your hooves by implying some connection with the background pony known as "Peachie Pie", but that's just me.

Fantastic work. ^^

Author Interviewer

I have a rewrite planned for this in which that very well may happen. :) Pinkie of course won't know that Peachie's her cousin.

Hehe. A nice rundown of the Pie family, a little nod to the "Octavia Pie" fanon and even a dash of "old people racism". Good show.

Author Interviewer

I've always been in love with the idea that Octavia is one of the Pie sisters, but I'm not married to it. In fact, I've been revisiting an old Octavia fic I never finished the first time 'round and I'm considering changing her last name away from Pie.


I see how the idea came about, but I tend to find it more interesting when she's unconnected to anyone and thus has to meet everyone fresh and with no base.

Author Interviewer

It's also useful in that way to have her family be a certain way, that the Pie family is not.


Exactly. You can do more with it. Like in "Two's company..." when you see Octavia's father is a giant Scottish, malt-growing harpist.

I've always read Granny Pie depicted as all sugar and sweetness, but I think I like your Granny Pie better. My new head canon might just be this version of her, actually.

This definitely produced a genuine chuckle. The Southerny speech was a little odd, but goddamn it if I didn't like it.

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