• Published 4th Apr 2013
  • 1,148 Views, 54 Comments

World of Tanks Chronicles: Tales of the 20th ERAD - TS874

Equestria has always been a relatively peaceful land. This all changes in the 10th century after Luna's banishment. Technology of a long forgotten civilization are found in mysterious ruins. One particular piece of technology stands out-the tank

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Chapter 4: Nightfall

The M4A3E2 was able to catch up to the Tiger despite it making several maneuvers to lose it's pursuer. Its engine was simply too damaged to make any of them effective. By then the moon was clearly out on the night sky. Just as the E2 closed within effective on-the-move weapons range, the Tiger slowly rotated its turret and hull to fire back. The E2 was able to send several shots towards the side of the Tiger before it fired. While most harmlessly bounced off, one shell was able to penetratre when the Tiger's side was perpendicular to the shell. The Tiger finally bore its turret on the E2 and fired. Its shell failed to penetrate.

"Wow. Didn't think this tin can's armor was THAT heavy," Blaze commented. The Sherman fired again before the Tiger could face its frontal armor. The Tiger was still responsive as it started driving backwards while shooting at the Sherman. "Okay, it has its front to us. What now?"

"Just keep driving, I'll figure it out in a moment," Far Shot replied. He aimed for the lower glacis plate of the Tiger, since most tanks had thinner armor in that area, and fired. He guessed right-the Sherman's 76mm cannon was able to penetrate. "And now we just shoot at it until it stops." The sound of crunching armor and glass was suddenly heard. Chalkboard had only just ducked, narrowly avoiding the shell that went through the commander's cupola and the subsequent spalling.

"You might want to do that quick, he's aiming for weak spots!" she shouted. The Sherman fired again, this time the shell bounced. The Tiger then angled its front at roughly a forty five degree angle with its opponent. "We cannot penetrate the glacis at this angle, shoot at their cupola! Driver, turn and try to flatten the angle of the Tiger's front!"

The Sherman was able to fire another shot before the Tiger was able to fire again. The shell missed. The Tiger fired back, hitting the thick turret mantlet. The Sherman turned in order to get itself perpendicular with the Tiger's frontal armor. It fired. This time the shell tore into the driver's area. The Tiger stopped, then fired back a shot that missed. It didn't move again. "I think the driver's dead, flank the tank before they can get it moving again!"

"Already on it," Blaze said. The Sherman turned to the right and drove around the Tiger. As it fired a shot into the Tiger's side, the Tiger retaliated with a round that hit the Sherman's side in return. It ripped through the ammunition rack, bending the rack but not detonating the shells.

"Uhh...guys? Ammo rack is damaged," Carry All said.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah just do your job," Far Shot replied. Carry All struggled to pull a shell out of the rack. Luckily it wasn't malformed or punctured from the impact. He loaded it into the gun. The Tiger meanwhile was struggling to bring its gun to bear on the E2, as its turret had suffered damage due to the penetrating hit from the Jagdpanther a few minutes ago.

"AP, up!" Carry All declared. Far Shot fired the shell into the Tiger's rear, causing even further damage to the engine. This caused a fire.

"Enemy Tiger is on fire! I think we're done here!" Chalkboard declared. Suddenly the engine compartment started glowing. "Uh-oh. Driver, get us out of here!"

"On it!" Blaze replied. She turned the Sherman to drive away from the Tiger as fast as possible. Just as Blaze shifted both treads to forward gear, the Tiger violently exploded. A shard of its armor jammed itself into the far right of the Sherman's rear. Luckily, it did not damage anything vital. Another flew into the back of the turret and was deflected due to the thickness of its armor.

"Looks like this tank's armor just saved us again," Chalkboard commented.

"Meh," Blaze said, "I still prefer going fast than being well protected."

"A risk taker, aren't you?"

"Hey, I'm just saying. Better not to be shot at in the first place."

"I'll say. If that round had hit just a little closer to the right we would've been dead," Carry All added.

"Command's transmitting to us right now," Merry interrupted.

"Patch him in," Chalkboard said.

"This is Firehawk here, requesting a situation report on all elements."

"Warrant Officer Cogswing, enemy is neutralized. Minor casualties, no one died but some of us are going back in a stretcher."

"Sergeant Dartboard, Panther received no damage. We knocked out two enemy tanks. Got some shell marks, but I think the engineers can buffer it out. None of our tanks have been knocked out but a few need repairs."

"TANK DESTROYAH REPORTING! ...eh-hem, sorry. Staff Sergeant Loudmouth here. We knocked out six tanks, including both of the VK3601Hs. All shots glanced off of our front. Conclusion? I LOVE THIS THING!"

"Sergeant Chalkboard, reporting that the Tiger has been knocked out." A few cheers were heard over the radio.

"Confirmed, aerial recon is showing the wreck," Firehawk replied, "It's completely annihilated-what happened?"

"Nailed it again in the engine. Looks like that was enough to cause it to blow up. Must have been unstable."

"Copy that. You colts and fillies did well; keep it up and a nice medal and promotion will be right around the corner. Return to base and get some rest."

"We'll have to return these afterwards, don't we?" Loudmouth asked sadly.

"Roger, but seeing as you performed well in it I'll see if I can't get the higher ups to make sure you're one of the first to get the production model version of it." A scream of triumph and excitement was heard on the radio.

"So, looks like we're all still very much not 'bloody dead', Far Shot," Chalkboard commented.

"Aahhhh shut up," Far Shot retorted.


Battle: Murovanka 9 June 1000

Vehicle: M4A3E2

Battle Achievements: Mastery: 3rd Class, Valor Shield

---Dawn of the Final Day---

"Morning everyone. You all get a good sleep?" Firehawk asked. The briefing room was filled with personnel that had only just awaken. Some of them are in the middle of having a quick breakfast, while others are getting a few extra minutes of sleep in.

"Yawn...yeah, nothing like a little time for rest after a battle," Cogswing replied. Firehawk nodded.

"Alright, today's an important day," he said, "This year they are hosting the Summer Sun Celebration in Ponyville, and that means we're pitching in to help set everything up. Also, as usual, security will be tightened up a little bit seeing as the Princess herself will be here for the occasion. There's also someone else we're told to look after." The slide projector switched on, showing a photograph of a lavender unicorn with a star burst cutie mark.

"Hey, I saw that unicorn before. Isn't that Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia's personal student?" Chalkboard commented.

"Indeed it is. We got a letter from the Princess that she's sending her to Ponyville. From what the letter said, it's to apparently make some friends."

"Wait, what?" Far Shot interrupted, "So you're saying that she is being sent here just to make friends? What kind of reason is that!?"

"I'm not going to question the Princess' logic, Corporal. She always has a good reason behind her choices," Firehawk replied. Far Shot muttered something unintelligible in return. "Anywho, just keep an eye on her. For today, each of you will be given a specific task. Once you are done, you're free to go do wherever you want in the town. Consider it an off-duty day. Dismissed."


"Grrrr. This stinks. Why do I have to be assigned to decorations?" Far Shot quietly complained. He was getting very impatient at how Rarity wanted the decorations in the Town Hall to be arranged just right.

"No, no, no, oh, definitely no. That doesn't fit at all with that color." Rarity was examining the various ribbons.

"Hmph....if I didn't know any better I'd say she has OCD...." Far Shot muttered.

"Hey, it isn't all that bad. At least we aren't carrying heavy loads in the noontime heat," Carry All replied, "Besides, she pays attention to detail. You'd just try to make it as simple as possible." He carefully tied one of the ribbons on a wooden pillar with his magic. The sound of a door being opened was heard. A lavender unicorn and a purple dragon walked in. "Well then, looks like she's here."

"Hey, noticed something a little off about her?" Far Shot asked. Carry All had only then noticed that the unicorn's hair was all in a mess, not unlike the same kind Chalkboard had gotten a week ago from a certain rainbow-maned pegasus.

"Decorations. Beautiful..." the dragon said.

"Yes, the decor is coming along nicely," the unicorn replied, "This ought to be quick. I'll be at the library in no time. Beautiful indeed."

"Not the decor, her!"

"Oh geez. Looks like someone has the lovebird syndrome," Far Shot commented.

"Good afternoon-" the unicorn began to say.

"Just a moment, please! I'm 'in the zone', as it were," Rarity interrupted, "Oh, yes! Sparkle always does the trick, does it not? Why, Rarity, you are a talent. Now, um, how can I help yo-WAHAHA! Oh my stars, darling! Whatever happened to your coiffure?!"

"Oh, you mean my mane? Well, it's a long story. I'm just here to check on the decorations, and then I'll be out of your hair!"

"Out of my hair? What about your hair?!" Rarity began to drag the unicorn out of the town hall.

"Oi, we done here?" Far Shot asked.

"Hmm? Oh, yes you are dearies," Rarity replied, "You can go now. I'm going to have to take care of this affront to fashion!"

"Wait! Where are we going?! Help!" the unicorn exclaimed.

"Finally, no more fru-fru duty," Far Shot said.

"Hey, do you think we should maybe help her?" Carry All asked.

"Nah, I already have my monthly quota of frilliness here. You want to go play dress-up, be my guest." Far Shot began to leave.

"H-hey! Wait up!"


Chalkboard hummed a little tune while she was arranging books in the Golden Oaks Library. There were a few times where her tongue accidentally touched the books, but she took the precaution to dry her mouth before carrying them. She walked over to another pile of books, this one being used by Merry Melody to hang party ribbons. "You sure that throwing a party for her is necessary?" she asked.

"Of course it is, silly!" Pinkie Pie replied, "I throw a party for every newcomer to Ponyville. Remember the one a week ago?"

"Oh yeah, that one." Chalkboard thought back to last week. The day after her and her crew arrived Pinkie had set up a huge party in the mess hall. Apparently the entire town was invited-it was comfortably filled when normally it would have only had a fifth as much in there at maximum. "Though she comes off to me as one of those social recluses. Never really talked to anyone every time I saw her. Just stuck to her books."

"A party can't hurt, though. After all, one of the reasons she was sent here was to make some friends," Merry Melody replied.

"Don't you think this might be forcing it a little?"

"Hmm..." the two relatives pondered in unison, "...nah!"

"Heh. Oh well, why not." Chalkboard returned to putting the books on their proper shelves.

"Hey, Chalky, can you stand still like that for a moment?" Pinkie asked.

"Sure, but why you as-AAHHHH!" Pinkie lept onto Chalkboard's shoulders while she was standing upright to place a book into one of the higher shelves. Pinkie then jumped straight up, using Chalkboard as a springboard, and hung up one end of a party banner.

"Aand done! Thanks Chalky!"

"Argh, no problem Pinkie but could you warn me next time about this?"


"...and then she said something along the lines of 'okie dokie loki' and honked my nose. As in she literally made a honking noise with my nose. How is that even possible?" Chalkboard proceeded to self-consciously rub her nose, pressing on it a few times to make sure it wasn't making any odd sounds. Currently everyone was gathered at the town hall. Most of the military personnel were near the back of the audience, close to the entrance. The tank crews were discussing about what happened in their tasks during the day. Cogswing and Anton were listening to the conversation; Katie was off in the audience with her friends. Firehawk was walking around, making sure that everyone was present and that no incident occurred.

"Geez, why does it seem like I'm the only one of us that gets the boring job?" Far Shot asked.

"I was there too," Carry All added.

"You don't count. It looked like you were actually enjoying it."

"What? I did."

"And that's why you're such a bloody wimp."


"I don't need to break up a fight, do I?" Firehawk interjected.

"No sir," Far Shot replied.

"Good. Cause the last thing we need is hooficuffs while the Princess is here. This isn't a bar you know."

"Right..." Far Shot began awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. Right then, mayor of Ponyville stepped out on the stage.

"Fillies and gentlecolts, as mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration!" she declared. The large audience (specifically, the entire town) cheered. "In just a few moments, our town will witness the magic of the sunrise, and celebrate this, the longest day of the year! And now, it is my great honor to introduce to you the ruler of our land, the very pony who gives us the sun and the moon each and every day, the good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria...

"Here she comes..."

"Princess Celestia!" Rarity pulled back the curtains on the balcony above. No one was behind it.

"Huh?" Rarity said.

"What." Far Shot said right after.

"Uh-oh. Not good," Blaze said.

"Indeed. Soldiers!" Firehawk yelled, "Weapons at the ready! Crews! Get to your vehicles immediately!" A small thundering of hooves was heard as crews rushed out to man their vehicles. Several of the crew members stayed in the town hall, among them were Far Shot and Chalkboard. Far Shot readied the Lee-Enfield he was carrying on his back. The audience was filled with anxious murmurs.

"Remain calm, everypony, there must be a reasonable explanation!" the mayor shouted.

"Ooh, ooh, I love guessing games! Is she hiding?" Pinkie asked.

"She's gone!" Rarity declared after looking in the room behind the balcony. Much of the audience gasped.

"Ooh, she's good." Far Shot facehooved when he heard that. Pinkie yelped when a blue mist started to form on the balcony. Once it gotten large enough, it suddenly dissipated, revealing a black alicorn in blue armor. Her mane and tail was made up of the blue mist, which also appeared to have stars in them.

"Oi, just my day." Far Shot slid the bolt of his rifle into the closed position, ready to fire. By then many of the other military personnel in the town hall had readied their weapons too.

"You think a bullet is going to be enough?" Chalkboard asked quietly.

"No," Cogswing replied back in the same amount of volume, "and that's why we have enough firearms and sharp weapons to take down a manticore in five seconds."

"Oh, my beloved subjects," the black alicorn said, "It's been so long since I've seen your precious, little sun-loving faces."

"What did you do with our Princess?!" shouted Rainbow Dash. She tried to fly toward the alicorn, but was held back by a orange earth pony wearing a Stetson. The alicorn chuckled.

"Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?" she asked.

"Ooh, ooh, more guessing games!" Pinkie said, "Um, Hokey Smokes! How about... Queen Meanie! No! Black Snooty, Black Snooty-" a treat was shoved into her mouth by the same earth pony. She still tried to talk through her chewing.

"Does my crown no longer count now that I have been imprisoned for a thousand years? Did you not recall the legend? Did you not see the signs?"

"Oh shite," Far Shot said.

"Is she who I think she is?" Chalkboard asked. Far Shot nodded back grimly.

"I did," someone declared in the audience, "And I know who you are. You're the Mare in the Moon-Nightmare Moon!" The audience gasped. Several ponies began to panic, including some of the soldiers. Chalkboard looked over at the source of the voice and noticed that it was Princess Celestia's personal student-Twilight Sparkle.

"Well well well, somepony who remembers me. Then you also know why I'm here."

"You're here to...to..." Twilight gulped.

"Remember this day, little ponies, for it was your last. From this moment forth, the night will last FOREVER!"