• Published 4th Apr 2013
  • 1,149 Views, 54 Comments

World of Tanks Chronicles: Tales of the 20th ERAD - TS874

Equestria has always been a relatively peaceful land. This all changes in the 10th century after Luna's banishment. Technology of a long forgotten civilization are found in mysterious ruins. One particular piece of technology stands out-the tank

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Intermission: The Desk of the Captain

-Attempted Coup Successfully Repelled, Royal Sister Returns-
As the sun rises once again over the city of Canterlot, the Equestrian flag still flies high and proud on Castle Canterlot despite the violence that broke out during the night. Soldiers of the Royal Army and Canterlot Defense Force have successfully prevented the Nightmare Cult forces from overtaking the city. While the reason is not yet disclosed, the cultists had surrendered when the sun rose. Amazingly, no deaths military or civilian have been confirmed although some military personnel have gone missing.
This victory has since been overshadowed by news of Princess Luna's return. Though many are belligerent due to her apparent involvement in the attack on Canterlot and Celestia's disappearance, many more cheer for her return to the throne alongside her sister who had "reappeared just as the sun rose" as one eyewitness reported. Royal Guards have forbidden any news interview with Princess Luna. "Orders from Celestia. Give her some time to adjust, she said," one guard explained to the disappointed news reporters.

-VK Granted Kirov Plant License, Production Will Start Soon-
After pending for two months, Canterlot Royal Ordnance has authorized Vladhoof Korporation to produce Kirov Plant vehicles such as the renown T-34 and KV series tanks. VK has also secured license to produce the legendary Ilyushin IL-2 "Sturmovik". Request to gain access to the KV-150 and KV-122 has been denied. "These vehicles are still under testing and not yet ready for the factory line," one CRO official stated.

A KV-1, a VK representative stated that they will be testing out several proposed Ancient variants that never entered mass production back then.
-New Neurological Technology Discovered-
North of Fillydelphia, Royal Army surveyors found a form of Artificial Intellegence that was apparently designed to aid those with mental impairments. Their designation: Mimo. They are currently placed in storage as a method to implement them has not been figured out yet. There are rumors that some of the personnel responsible for finding them have befriended the AIs. "We are not confirming nor denying it," one officer stated.
-FMC Embarks on Another Ambitious Venture-
Fjord Motor Company, known for being a major producer of the KV and Churchill series of tanks, have volunteered to aid the Royal Army on restoration efforts on the T95 discovered weeks before. This surprised CRO officials as FMC had stated before that it was concentrating most of its R&D efforts on what it calls "Project Abraham". When asked if he is sure about helping the Royal Army despite already straining his resources, FMC CEO Jarl Fjord states that "It's no problem." Restoration begins tomorrow, as it was pushed back due to the recent attack on Canterlot.

Old photo of T95, on-site picture unavailable. "This [T95] is a very valuable find and thus must be handled with care," one Royal Army engineer stated.
-New Brain Drug Created-
In the pursuit of creating ways to enhance combat performance in desperate situations, one doctor has created a drug that enhances memory and mental clarity which allows for heightened awareness during the stress of combat and allows information be processed on a dime. This can also be used for civilian purposes. Two groups (the experimental group given the new drug while the control group were given placebos) were tested by first taking a high school level test before taking the drugs and then taking another test of the same level a week afterwards, this time given either the drug or a placebo. The experimental group showed greater overall improvement than the control group. "It also tastes rather minty," one of the testers stated. It has been agreed to call this intelligence enhancing drug by the name that the testers came up for it: Mint-als.
-Hostility Between Nomadic Tankers and Diamond Dogs Continues, Situation Worsening-
Peace talks between the Jewel Dogs and the Nomadic Tankers have yet again devolved into insults and death threats. Royal Army attempts to discourage fights between the two are starting to become less effective. "Either you fight with us or you get out of our way!" one changeling of the Nomadic Tankers shouted, angered at the Royal Army's unwillingness to use force to help them reclaim their rightful home. "You are either with or against us, little pony," one diamond dog of the Jewel Dogs stated. The Royal Army forces in the Frontier are already stretched due to increased bandit activity and a seperate diplomatic crisis between the ponies of Appleloosa and a herd of bufallo lead by Chief Thunderhooves.


Dear Captain Basil,

Last night has been a rough one hasn't it? Nothing keeps you up like a full blown battle right on your backyard. Or front step, whichever way fits better. From the news I read, it looks like Luna's magic worked. Amazing it is, how you can store magic. It can be inside a jar, a rock, a pendant, a tree...or a tank shell. I've got to admit-keeping your opponents alive and unharmed while making it look like you're actually killing them is a good show of force and intimidation while not damaging potential resource in the process. As they say, an experienced pilot is more valuable than the aircraft he or she flies. Though the price for repairing and replacing vehicles are going to be a little steep...I'll see what reserve vehicles we have to use. In the meantime, I'm going to have our troops in Ponyville take a little vacation. We'll shift the reserves in while our regulars get some well-deserved rest.

Signed, 2nd Lieutenant Firehawk

P.S: If it isn't too much to ask, I'd like to request an audience with Princess Luna. When she's fine with accepting visitors, of course.

-After Action Report-
Commander, Driver
M4A3E8: 80%, 68%
M4A3E2: 78%, 53%
[Skills & Perks]
Crew gains more experience
Educated (Commander)
Commander bonus is increased by a flat 3%.
Read the Manual
Training in a new tank is faster until 95% competence.

Far Shot
Gunner, Commander
M4A3E8: 81%, N/A
M4A3E2: 78%, 52%
[Skills & Perks]
Anti-Boarder (Earth Pony)
Earth ponies are usually more physically adept and thus more capable of hoof to hoof combat. Additional training allows boarders to be fend off easily and quickly. Because of this, boarding attempts last a shorter amount of time. While a boarding attempt is in progress, the crew member with the Anti-Boarder skill will be inflicted a penalty on their crew role as they fight the boarder.
Increases view range and also increases the view range of a damaged viewport.
Loyal *New Perk Unlocked!*
One of the latent Elements of Harmony existing in all has manifested in this crew member.
Decreases chance of fellow crew being injured by 10% while adding it to the specific crew member's chance of being injured. When injured, crew role competence drops down to 50% instead of 0%. Increase crew role competence by 5% when a nearby ally is in danger, increase to 15% for a short time after ally has been knocked out. If an allied crew has the Honest or Honesty perk, remove their camouflage penalty and boost their view range.

Cromwell: 87%
M4A3E2: 70%
M4A3E8: 78%
[Skills & Perks]
Snap Shot
Decreases gun dispersion when traversing the turret.
Effective crew role competence depends on crew morale and status. If all crew is in action and morale is high, it is 110% of the total competence. If only the specific crew member is active and morale is low, it is 10%. The Camaderie skill increases minimal effective competence to 60% of total competence at maximum. If there are multiple allies with Camaderie, only the highest rating applies.
Anti-Boarder+ (Hiveless Changeling)
Changelings that have long since been intergrated into a society other than a Hive are more capable of independent action than a majority of their Hive-based brethren, while still maintaining the advantages of working in a group. While not the physically strongest, their natural chitinous armor grants them extra protection in hoof-to-hoof combat. Because of this, Hiveless Changelings are less likely to be knocked out of action when fighting during a boarding attempt and injury priority switches to them. While a boarding attempt is in progress, the crew member with the Anti-Boarder skill will be inflicted a penalty on their crew role as they fight the boarder.
Improves morale and crew competence of allies.
All You Need is a Little Love
Crew member can slowly recover and return to action after being knocked out of action. Speed of recovery depends on crew morale and crew status. Recovery can occasionally be very rapid due to the love taken from the intense worry and caring for the injured crew member. Chance of this happening increases if the crew has the Brother in Arms perk or if one of the other crew members has the Kind or Kindness perk. Recovery speed stacks with Medical Aid skill and the Kind and Kindness perks.

Trail Blazer
M4A3E8: 80%
M4A3E2: 78%
M7: 54%
[Skills & Perks]
Controlled Impact
Increases ramming damage given while decreasing ramming damage recieved. Both vehicles must be in motion. Skill does not go into effect against allied vehicles.
Increases view range when vehicle is immobile and decreases the view range penalty inflicted by fog, mist, rain, and snow.
The Earth Pony Way (Pegasus)
For one reason or another, this pegasus crew member really doesn't mind being stuck on the ground. Increases crew role competence by a flat 5% when on soft fertile ground and the pegasus-specific morale penalty of being underground is removed.

Merry Melody
Radio Operator
M4A3E8: 80%
M4A3E2: 78%
[Skills & Perks]
Improves morale and crew competence of allies.
Crew member can sing or play songs, which invokes general improvement of morale and crew competence of allies when active. Depending on the song, certain buffs will be granted such as lower gun dispersion or faster loading.
Improve morale while also granting a random buff or debuff for the battle.

Carry All
M4A3E8: 80%
M4A3E2: 78%
[Skills & Perks]
Clumsy Hooves
Occasionally loading will be paused for 3 seconds.
There will be a chance that the shell type will switch instantly when changing shell types, regardless of whether the gun was loaded and ready to fire or in the middle of the loading process. Sometimes the wrong shell is placed, and sometimes the reload time is doubled after switching shell types instead.

Jagdpanzer IV: 80%
StuG IV: 100%
[Skills & Perks]
When in direct combat, enemies will prioritize this vehicle over more vulnerable allies at the cost of camouflage. Morale and crew competence of allies are also improved. Enemies can still ignore this vehicle if a more dangerous ally is present.
Improve morale and crew competence of allies.
Improve morale while also granting a random buff or debuff for the battle.
Morale penalty inflicted by situations such as fighting in close combat with a tank destroyer are eliminated. Taking damage no longer inflicts morale damage.
*Unique Perk*
Crew competence in a tank destroyer is increased by a flat 10%. Tank destroyers also grants more experience.

Sleep Shot
Jagdpanzer IV: 80%
StuG IV: 100%
Panzer III: 73%
[Skills & Perks]
Crew member occasionally falls asleep during battle. When this happens, crew role competence is reduced to zero. Immediately after waking up, crew role competence is restored and boosted a flat 10% for next five minutes.
Snap Shot
Reduced gun dispersion when traversing gun.
I'll Take a Nap
If engaging a slow vehicle with a slow reloading gun or being in a slow vehicle that hasn't encountered any action for a good amount of time, the crew member might just fall asleep from the lack of activity.
Remembrance *Unique Perk Unlocked!*
Now coming to terms with a past she didn't even knew she truly had until now, Sleep Shot has heightened alertness in the right situations.
Thinking about the past and remembering all the happy times she had in both this life and the one of long ago clears her mind, temporarily disabling Hypersomnia and I'll Take a Nap while decreasing aim time down to .01 seconds and boosting gunner competence by a flat 10% while perk is active. Anything that triggers a memory of the frightening times from long ago also disables Hypersomnia and I'll Take a Nap, but it actually slows down aim time slightly and decreases competence by a flat 5%. Fortunately, minimal spotting distance is increased to 100 meters when this happens.

Stingy Wheel
Jagdpanzer IV: 80%
StuG IV: 100%
[Skills & Perks]
Destroyed modules are repaired faster.
Clutch Braking
Increases vehicle turning speed.
Engine Blues
*Unique Perk*
For some reason engines really hate her, breaking down at the most inopportune times and at the slightest trauma. Engine durability is decreased by 10%. For what it's worth, she has gotten better at repairing engines, decreasing repair time for a destroyed engine by 50% and restoring it to 70% effectiveness in the process. This effect stacks with the Repair skill.

Jagdpanzer IV: 80%
StuG IV: 100%
[Skills & Perks]
Clumsy Hooves
Occasionally loading will be paused for 3 seconds.
Tasty Meals
Occasionally crew and all allies will gain a flat 10% boost to all crew training and skills for the battle.
Oily Shells
*Unique Perk*
Cooking grease makes for surprisingly good shell lubricant. Reload time is decreased by 4 seconds. Guns with a reload time shorter than 4 seconds receives a 50% reduction instead. When a shell hits the vehicle it will occasionally pause reloading for 4 seconds.

'Ugegob Iron'oof
Crusader: 97%
[Skills & Perks]
Get ta Da WAAAGH!
Allied vehicles with at least one orkpony crew member will gain a 10% speed bonus.
Da Warboss
"Orkpony Warbosses are some of the scariest individuals to ever fight one-on-one, but it's a kind of godsend for allies. A warboss rally other orkponies using sheer size and strength, though it's not uncommon to see warbosses not much bigger than a burly Earth Pony. There are even instances of warbosses that are only as big as a average pony. These are no less dangerous as they still have enough strength to carry a large weapon into battle without breaking a sweat, Lil 'Ugechoppa being a prominent example. Even non-orkponies have their morale boosted at the sight of one if he's on their side." -Excerpt from "A Study of Equine Species". If dat wuz too much ova mouthful for ya brainless gits, allied orkponiez gain a flat 7% ta crew compahtans and uddah allies gain 3% crew compahtans. Also loik da book sez, dey also run away less.
Anti-Boarder+ (Orkpony Warboss)
Oi! Wot's dis lil boarda thinks 'eez doing'!? GERROFF ME WAGON!
Tiny (Orkpony Warboss)
In reality "Warboss small" means they are just a little bigger than a average pony, which is pretty much normal Orkpony size. Youse call me small, an' I'll krump ya. Allied orkponies do not gain warboss bonus until the vehicle knocks out three enemy vehicles or has killed six boarders. Enemy orkponies gain a flat 7% crew competence beforehand but loses 7% instead when warboss vehicle has knocked out three vehicles or killed six boarders.

Zzapgutz Burnydeff
Crusader: 97%
[Skills & Perks]
Red Wunz Go Fasta!
Tank is painted red, boosting its speed but reducing its camouflage by 10%. The better the paint job, the faster it goes.
Expert Repair
Destroyed modules are repaired faster and can be restored to 60% effectiveness.
More Dakka
Reload times are decreased. Only unlockable by Mekboyz.
Mekanikul Geenieus
There's always something cooking up inside a Mekboy's brain. Experience costs for regular modules are cut in half and "speshul" variants can be researched.

Gunner-Slugga Boy
Crusader: 97%
[Skills & Perks]
Aiming? Wot's dat?
Automatic weapons including the Six-Pounda will inflict knockback if they do not outright kill those who are hit when perk is activated. Rate of fire is increased and aiming time is decreased at the cost of increased gun dispersion and decreased maximum accuracy.
Anti-Boarder+ (Orkpony)
If any git tries ta board da tank, he's gon' 'ave all 'is teef kicked in. Might also lose a limb or two.
Crew member can be returned to action using a repair kit instead of a medical kit.

*We have new recruits!*
Wolverine: 50%
[Skills & Perks]
Stubborn (Commander)
When this crew member puts their heart on something, nothing will stop them. Aim locking a enemy for the first time marks them instead. Only one can be marked at a time. Marked enemies take longer to disappear when out of view range and are spotted faster by this vehicle. Fellow crew members receive an additional 6% to commander bonus when perk is activated.
The Earth Pony Way (Earth Pony)
All earth ponies have a natural connection with nature, though it is prevalent in some more than others. Increase crew role competence by 10% when on soft fertile ground.
Honest *New Perk Unlocked!*
One the latent Elements of Harmony existing in all has manifested in this crew member.
Increases radio and view range by 30%. When their respective modules are damaged, this is increased to 60% to compensate. Enemy vehicles recieve a 40% penalty to their overall camouflage, while the vehicle itself receives a 70% camouflage penalty. When a allied crew has the Generous or Generosity Perk, eliminate their self repair time penalty and increase their allied repair time bonus.

Author's Note:

Find the Fallout: Equestria reference and get a piece of candy...well it tastes like candy.
Ideas for Vladhoof Korporation and Fjord Motor Company by Zatgeneral
Fallout: Equestria by Kkat.