• Published 4th Apr 2013
  • 1,149 Views, 54 Comments

World of Tanks Chronicles: Tales of the 20th ERAD - TS874

Equestria has always been a relatively peaceful land. This all changes in the 10th century after Luna's banishment. Technology of a long forgotten civilization are found in mysterious ruins. One particular piece of technology stands out-the tank

  • ...

Chapter 9: ...Is Just Before The Dawn

Far Shot jolted awake. Everything was as they were before...that is to say, there was nothing at all.

Phew, it was just a nightmare, Far Shot thought, Wait...this better not be one of those recursive dreams. He looked around. Nothing. He perked up his ears and listened. Still nothing. He then slapped himself in the face-they say you can't feel self inflicted pain when dreaming. It hurts...a little too much. Hooves tend to do that. Well, at least I'm not asleep anymore.

He sat there again to simply think. What was there to think? His mind started wandering off to the nightmare.

Old complex building. Twists and turns. Stairs. Railings. Moths. Skulls. Darkness. Orange. White. Black and gray. Blue and red. Green...

Far Shot had heard what was presumably the voice of death itself. It was terrifying-being flat in emotion and yet sounding thunderous and distorted. But there was another voice. It sounded very familiar.

Admittedly he cried a little bit in the nightmare. Okay, well maybe more than a little. He probably came off as a wuss now that he thought of it. Hoo dear, that's something I'm not so proud of, Far Shot thought.

He also swore that at certain times he didn't look nor felt like himself. At one point he thought he saw his foreleg switch colors-green instead of blue.

Then there was the skulls...decayed, foreboding, and their eyeholes looked like they were each a bottomless pit that tried to drag your soul inside. When he had gotten close to them his vision flashed and distorted. He also started going colorblind-it had started to look like the darkness was trying to swallow him up.

While he was reviewing whatever he could remember from the nightmare, he heard a faint noise.

Bloody hell that better not be the real deal this time, Far Shot thought. He perked up his ears and listened really hard.

It sounded a little like crying.

Now Far Shot has seen way too many horror movies to not get the feeling that this is some kind of trap. It could might as well be some depressed mutant mare with sharp claws and red eyes that will maul him to death the moment he startles her. Well, he's dead anyways but that's beside the point.

Yet something nagged at him. It didn't just sounded like crying. No, it sounded like it came right out of his nightmare.

Nope, that's it, I'm going the other way.

But the nagging only tugged at his brain harder the farther he walked away. After taking a deep sigh, he walked towards the sound instead.

When he got close enough, the sound was more distinct. It was definitely crying. While he half-wanted to run back the other way, the nagging part of him told him to go faster. So he ran. Eventually he got close enough to actually see the source.

He could not believe it. It was Chalkboard. She was lying on the ground, forehooves over her eyes. Like Far Shot, she wasn't wearing a uniform yet her ponytail was still there. There was a steady trickle of tears coming down her face.

He broke into a mad sprint towards her.


Chalkboard heard a familiar voice. She took her forehooves off her eyes and looked over to where she heard it from, her eyes still blurry from her tears. What she saw was a vague blue form running towards her.

"F-Far S-Shot?"

"Chalky, I'm here!" Far Shot yelled. He ran to her side.

"Oh Far Shot, I t-thought I was a-alone h-here..." Chalkboard said through her tears, "I t-tried t-to s-sleep, h-hoping this w-was all a b-bad d-d-dream." Chalkboard starting crying more. Far Shot sat down and tried to comfort her.

"A-and t-then I-I w-w-was t-trapped! Ru-ru-running away f-f-from..." Chalkboard covered her eyes again. "Oh Ce-ce-cel-e-e-stia! The sk-sk-kulls! Th-those d-d-deathly sk-skulls! Th-th-they w-w-wanted t-t-to take m-m-me away! I d-d-don't w-w-want t-to go-o-o!"

Far Shot realized what the second voice in his nightmare was. It was her.

"Chalky, I'm here with you know. There's nothing to be afraid of," Far Shot said. He wasn't good at consoling others, but this was his crew mate.

"P-p-please d-d-don't l-l-leave m-m-me..."

"I won't, mate. I never abandon my crew."

"I-I-I m-miss ev-everyone..."

"I do too, Chalky. I do too..."

Chalkboard's crying started to subside. The emotional trauma inflicted on her had tired her out. Eventually she fell asleep.

That's when a shadowy apparition of Nightmare Moon appeared. It began walking towards Chalkboard. Far Shot got up and stood in front of Chalkboard's sleeping body. He clenched his teeth and prepared to fight it. Suddenly, his body was surrounded by a red aura. The aura grew more and more intense until the apparition disappeared. It then started to fade.

Far Shot didn't know what just happened, but he is sure that the apparition must be what was causing his and Chalkboard's nightmares. Thinking about it gave him the chills. Certain that it will come back, he stood guard over Chalkboard.

Sleep tight, Chalky.


Dartboard was curled up into a ball on the floor of her tank. Life held no more worth in it. Or at least it felt like it didn't right that moment. Her crewmates were also very solemn. As their tank was now behind the bulk of the Equestrian forces, they ran no risk of being hit.

"Dart! Dart!!" someone yelled over the radio.

Dartboard didn't respond.

"Sergeant Dartboard, answer me!" it was Loudmouth.

"L-Loudmouth?" Dartboard stuttered.

"Focus, Dart! A bunch of invisible tanks and the Tiger II are still active!"


"...Look, Dart. You can still avenge your sis. We need that monster disabled before it can hurt more families."

Dartboard's expression hardened. The Tiger II was responsible for killing her sister. She was going to make sure the crew will regret ever stepping foot on Equestrian soil.

"Crew, get ready for combat," Dartboard commanded, "We're going to bring down that miserable pile of scrap once and for all."

Dartboard's VK3001H joined in the fray. Much of the tanks were occupied with taking on the invisible cultist tanks-there were only a few that were directly engaging the Tiger II. Her tank fired after flanking it-still a bounce. They weren't kidding when they said that even side hits were deflected. Driving behind it and firing did no better-its rear was just as thick as its sides.

"Out of the way!" somepony shouted. A Matador was cutting right through the combat on a collision course with the Tiger II. One cultist Panther shot at it, striking the transmission. The truck started moving erratically, and then made a sharp turn. Its occupants (a uniorn, a batpony, and two changelings) jumped out right as the truck lost control. It then made a half donut counterclockwise-right into the Tiger II. It slammed into the side opposite to the M7, breaking the Tiger II's other suspension.

"Das vidanya, svoloch!" the unicorn said. He then lifted up a remote detonator and pushed the trigger.


Nothing happened.

"Wuh?" the driver said dumbfoundedly. He pushed the trigger a few more times.

*click* *click* *click*

Still nothing.

"Argh, I knew I should have just brought a wire detonator..." The driver kept on pushing the trigger, but there was still no response. He then tossed it at the Tiger II in frustration. When the detonator hit the tank, the impact accidentally pressed the trigger. This time the truck exploded. A roadwheel from the Tiger II flew out. "Hahaha! It worked!"

"Ura, comrade!" the changeling sprawled on the ground said. She lifted up her forehooves in triumph.

"We should do it again!" the other changeling yelled.

"How about we don't?" the batpony replied.

"Lighten up," the unicorn said, "we took down that tol-" when the dust cleared, there was a large blast mark on the Tiger II's side but no penetration, "-stak. BLYAD!"

The red Crusader came in to engage the Tiger II.

"If ya wont sumfing done, ya gonna 'ave ta do it yerself!" the commander said, "'Ard'Ead, you an' me will get on dat tank an' shtomp da crew."

"Aye, boss," the gunner replied, "Youse wont me ta take da chain choppa?"

"Just fer choppin up dat armor. 'Ugegob Iron'oof's gonna make da crew suffa!" 'Ugegob then readied his powerklaw. It was about twice the size of a regular pony's head at the very least.

The Crusader drove up next to the Tiger II, on the side with the M7. The two ork ponies climbed out of the tank and prepared to board the Tiger II. Right then a Panther shot at the Crusader, forcing it to drive away. This in turn knocked over 'Ard'Ead and 'Ugegob.

"Oi! Get back 'ere!" 'Ugegob shouted. The two then tried to board the tank without the help of their Crusader. The sloped sides just simply cause them the slip off.

"Um, boss? Wot 'bout dat ponie tank ovah dere?" 'Ard'Ead asked. Right now there were three soldiers tried to get the crew out. One of them was Anton.

"Wot 'bout it?"

"I di'nt see anyone get out. Maybe dey's still in dere. Weez can use da 'elp."

"Mmm...fine. Weez get dem out." The two got onto the M7.

"Gerroff da bluddy tank and let da orkz get ta work," 'Ard'Ead said.

"The hatch is jammed shut," Anton told them.

"Not a problem fer me choppa," 'Ard'Ead replied. He revved up his chain choppa and brought it down on the roof of the tank. The sight of a chain choppa cutting through the roof startled the M7's gunner.

"Oh Celestia we're dead!" he exclaimed, "We're dead dead de-"

"Shut up," Blaze said, "I think it's a rescue." After a messy slit was cut into the front of the roof, it was pried open by the powerklaw like a sardine can. Looking down at the crew was the two ork ponies.

"Uhh...hi?" the commander said. The gunner was cringing on the floor. 'Ugegob ignored the two and pointed his powerklaw at Blaze.

"Youse da wun dat decided ta crash inta dis tank?"

"Uhh...yes," Blaze said sheepishly, "I was trying to save my frie-!" Ugegob bursted into a loud guffaw.

"Youse see dis ponie? I loiks 'er! Crashing inta a tank loik dis is very ded'ard!" Ugegob then bent down closer to Blaze. "Now, youse gonna finish da job?" Blaze nodded. The two orkponies pulled the crew out of their tank. Using the M7 as a foothold, they climbed first onto the engine compartment of the Tiger II.

Anton tried to pry open the ammunition disposal hatch on the back of the tank's turret. It wouldn't budge. As if the crew inside noticed the intruders, the turret rotated clockwise. This threw Anton off balance. He quickly spread out his wings and balanced himself again. This time they tried to get onto the roof of the turret. Easier said than done. The Tiger II would be constantly moving its turret. Anton, Blaze, and the pegasi of the group tried helping up the rest of them using their wings to lift them.

"Hey, I see somepony trying to board that King Tiger!" Blade 1's commander said, "Scratch that, it's several of them! All forces divert attention away from the Tiger, we have friendlies trying to board it!"

Upon hearing this, Dartboard opened the hatch of her tank.

"Chev, you're acting commander now," Dartboard said.

"Yes ma'am. And Dart?"


"Be careful out there. You don't want to leave your parents with no children at all."

"...Will do." Dartboard climbed out and ran to the Tiger II while avoiding stray gunfire. She climbed up the M7 and jumped onto the Tiger II's engine compartment. Several of the group had successfully gotten on top of the turret by then. 'Ugegob noticed her trying to climb aboard.

"Oi! Do youse 'ave a bone ta pick wiff dis tank?"

"You could say that," Dartboard replied darkly.

"Good enuff." 'Ugegob reached out his powerklaw. Dartboard grabbed onto it and was then pulled onto the turret.

"So now, what's the plan?" Anton asked.

"Weez gonna beat 'em up gud foist, an' den lattah weez make dem suffa sum more wiff sum gud ol' torcha...an' DEN weez gonna kill em," 'Ugegob answered. Anton started sweating a bit at how sadistic that statement was.

"Bzzt...uhh, maybe we should-" Anton began to say.

"Sounds good to me," Dartboard interrupted, "We're starting now, right?"

"Heh heh heh. Now dat's proppa orky thinkin'! No waiting fer da shtompin'!" 'Ugegob said, "'Ard'Ead! Will youse do da honah?"

"I thought ya nevah ask, boss," 'Ard'Ead complied. He revved up his chain choppa and slammed it down on the commander's cupola. Unlike with the M7, the chain choppa did not instantly shear through the roof. Eventually though it was able to cut through. 'Ard'Ead then ran it along the frontal half of the roof of the turret.

The crew of the Tiger II had already noticed this. The driver grabbed a Remington 870 that was right next to his seat. The commander pulled a G3A3 off of its weapon rack on the turret wall. They were ready for them.

The powerklaw reached in through the slit right above the gun, and pulled. The metal protested greatly, but it was slowly being torn off nevertheless. The driver and commander pointed their weapons at the opening in the tank's turret.

The hatch on the commander's cupola was suddenly pulled off. Dartboard jumped right in through th cupola and grabbed the commander from behind, causing him to drop his weapon. Dartboard held him in a chokehold while the driver pointed his shotgun at the two. In the moonlight, Dartboard was able to see that the driver was a female zebra and the commande was a male batpony.

"Do it. Take us both out," Dartboard threatened. The driver did not fire. The commander then flared his wings, shoving Dartboard back and making her fall on the floor. The loader stepped over her to grab another shell.

"Not so fast, bastard!" Dartboard yelled. She grabbed the loader, a male zebra, by the legs. This caused the loader to fall over. The commander reached for his weapon.


The driver looked back up before 'Ugegob landed on her through the opening in the turret. Blocking a shotgun blast aimed at his face using his powerklaw, he then grabbed the driver and tossed her outside. By then the commander had aimed his G3A3 at Dartboard.

"YAAAH!" Blaze screamed. She dove right into the commander and grabbed his neck, throwing off his aim. He fired erratically, sending bullets flying around inside the tank. 'Ugegob grabbed the gunner, a wingless batpony, before she could fire the main gun after loading a round by herself. He then slammed her into the side of the interior. He then proceed to climb outside the tank with her still in his powerklaw. This was to give him more space to pound her.

The radio operator, a unicorn, got off the hull machinegun and pulled out his M1911. As he went into the turret to shoot Dartboard, Anton flew down and grabbed him. The radio operator started thrashing about, making it hard for Anton to fly. Anton had to drop him the moment they were outside the tank. The radio operator fell on the grass. He then aimed his pistol at Anton, and fired.

Anton moved barely just in time-the bullet glanced off of his chitinous exoskeleton. If it had hit him center of mass instead of at the edge of his body, it could have potentially killed him. He dove to the ground as the radio operator shot more bullets at him. 'Ard'Ead jumped off the tank and right on top of the radio operator.

The driver had recovered from her brief toss and now aimed her shotgun at 'Ard'Ead. Anton charged right into her and knocked away her weapon.

"The Tiger II's not firing anymore..." one of the Panzer IV commanders said, "I think they done it!"

"Outstanding, fillies and gentlecolts! Now let's mop up the stragglers," Blade 1's commander said.


Chalkboard woke up. The first thing she saw was that Far Shot was standing next to her, alert.

"Feeling better now?" Far Shot asked.

"Yeah..." Chalkboard replied. She wiped her face, which was still a little wet from the tears, and then sat up. "Thanks for being here for me."

"Like I said, I never abandon my crew." Far Shot sat down on Chalkboard's left. The two just looked off into the white expanse silently for a while. Eventually Chalkboard broke the silence.

"You think we'll ever see them again?"

"To be honest, I don't know."

"You think there's anypony else here?"

"I highly doubt it."

"So this is it then. Spending eternity trapped in this featureless world. Nopony to be seen except for us."

"If it is eternal though...I'm glad to have you to spend it with." Chalkboard blushed.

"Far Shot..."

"What? Don't get me wrong, I'd like to have at least somepony to be with me if this is life after death. It's nice to have someone to talk to other than yourself. But after my sister, and maybe not even her, you would be the pony I would wish to be with till the end of time."

"You really mean that?"

"Should I humor you by saying no instead?"

"Okay, okay, I get it...I sort of feel the same way too."

The two resumed looking back at the empty horizon. Far Shot put his right forehoof on Chalkboard's right shoulder. Chalkboard leaned on Far Shot, and put her left forehoof on Far Shot's left shoulder.

Eventually though, they both felt tired.

"Yawn...I feel all drowsy again," Chalkboard said.

"Yeah, me too...ah no...." Far Shot said.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Me staying awake was what...yawn...what kept away whatever it was that was causing your nightmares...if we both go to sleep..."

"Oh no...no no no...I-I don't want to go through that again..."

"A-aaaahhh-at least this time we don't have to face it alone..."

"I-yaaawwnn-wouldn't have it any other way..."

The two fell back-they didn't have the energy to sit up anymore. Both fell asleep almost simultaneously.

That's when a apparition of Nightmare Moon appeared.


All hope was lost. The Elements of Harmony, the only way to defeat Nightmare Moon, lay shattered at the black alicorn's hooves. For the second time in her life, Twilight had no idea what to do.

Suddenly she heard voices coming from the stairs. It was from her friends. That's when she realized what the spark is.

"You think you can destroy The Elements of Harmony just like that?" Twilight's friends had made it, along with their escorts minus one. "Well, you're wrong, because the spirits of The Elements of Harmony are right here!"

"What?" Nightmare Moon said, astonished.

"You okay, Cogsy?" Noteworthy asked Cogswing.

"Ugh...yeah, I'm fine," she said, "Wait, what about Spigs and Petro?"

"I'm okay," Petro replied. She was still flipped over but relatively unharmed.

"I'm...I'm going to need a nap..." Spigot said before fainting. Meanwhile, Twilight and her friends stood together in front of Nightmare Moon along with several of their escorts. The shards of the elements began floating around each of them except for Twilight and the escorts.

"Applejack, who reassured me when I was in doubt, represents the spirit of... honesty!"

"Fluttershy, who tamed the manticore with her compassion, represents the spirit of... kindness!"

"Pinkie Pie, who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger, represents the spirit of... laughter!"

"Rarity, who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift represents the spirit of... generosity!"

"And Rainbow Dash, who could not abandon her friends for her own heart's desire represents the spirit of... loyalty!"

"The spirits of these five ponies got us through every challenge you threw at us. And we had help from these brave mares and stallions who accompanied us!"

"You still don't have the sixth Element! The spark didn't work!" Nightmare Moon exasperated.

"But it did!" Twilight declared, "A different kind of spark. I felt it the very moment I realized how happy I was to hear you, to see you, how much I cared about you. The spark ignited inside me when I realized that you all... are my friends!"

Suddenly the sixth element materialized, surrounded by light. It was so bright that Nightmare Moon had to shield her face from it.

"You see, Nightmare Moon," Twilight explained, "when those Elements are ignited by the... the spark, that resides in the heart of us all, it creates the sixth element: the element of... magic!"

Her friends were levitated into the air. The shards that surrounded each of them combined and transformed into necklaces, each holding a gem that resembles its wearer's cutie mark. The final element transformed into a tiara, and rested on Twilight's head.

With the six elements present, a massive ball of light began forming in the middle of the six. Once it grew big enough, a burst of pure energy in the form of a rainbow spiral out. It then descended upon Nightmare Moon.

"No! NOO!" Nightmare Moon screamed.


"Ugh, my head," Rainbow Dash said.

"Amen to that," Spigot said, having regained consciousness.

"Everypony okay?" Applejack asked.

"Oh, thank goodness," Rarity said. Her sheared off tail has grown back.

"Why Rarity, it's so lovely," Fluttershy commented.

I know! I'll never part with it again.

"No. Your necklace. It looks just like your cutie mark."

"What? Ooh. So does yours."

Fluttershy looked at her own necklace and gasped.

"Look at mine! Look at mine!" Pinkie said excitedly.

"Aw yeah!" Rainbow said after looking at how cool her necklace was.

"Gee, Twilight! I thought you were just spoutin' a lot of hooey," Applejack said, "but I reckon we really do represent the elements of friendship.

"Indeed you do." The sun began to rise and in a flash of light, Princess Celestia appeared.


"Kzzz-This is Bravo One, we are losing this position!"

"Delta Five is getting pummeled! We're out of here!"

"Charlie Actual to all Canterlot Defense Force elements, retreat to Canterlot Castle! The cultists are trying to breach the doors!"

"*BOOM* *CLACKCLACKCLACKCLACK* This is the Delta Two! We're doubling back!"

"Saber Six! Falling back to defend!"

"This is Captain Shining Armor! All Royal Guard regiments, fall back to defend Cantlot Castle!"

"Oh deary THEY GOT ISUs! Get down!"

"*WOOSH* *BOOM* Rocket fire! Rocket fire! Delta Four, turn left!"

"Captain Basil to all ERAD elements, get back to the castle! We need to stop them here and now!"

"Move move move! Go through the buildings!"

"Push! *CRASH* Belay that! Back up! Back up!"

"Gunner, target that ISU, we have it flanked! *CRACK* Kzzzt"

"*RATATATA* Get that wreck out of the way!"

"They're still pounding the gates! *BOOM*"

"*BOOM* Those doors are not goi*BOOM* any longer! Private! Get ba*BOOM*ver here!"

"Kzzz-Huh? What's happening? The shelling stopped!"

"Down on the ground!"

"Aw you little son of a.....huh? He's not shooting us."

"AAAA-Wha? Those tanks stopped firing!"

"They're putting down their weapons!"

"Shining Armor to all forces, status report!"

"Sir! The cultists are surrendering! It's a miracle-we did it! We won!"




"Drinks are on me, boys!"

"I can't believe it! We have beaten impossible odds!"

"You did it, Twily. You did it..."


Even though the crew was left without their Tiger II, they still fought back. The driver was in a scuffle with Anton, Dartboard was wrestling the loader, and Blaze was currently trying to choke the commander. 'Ard'Ead and 'Ugegob meanwhile were beating the living daylights out of the radio operator and gunner respectively.

The other cultist tanks were no different. Each time no one was paying any attention another ERAD tank was knocked out, initiating a scramble to find the invisible tank. It was a brutal game of cat and mouse.

Then the sun rose up over the horizon. Suddenly the cultists stopped fighting. All of the active invisible tanks stopped and decloaked, their crew exiting out from the hatches with their hooves up. Soldiers rounded them up and put them with the rest of the cultists who had their tanks already knocked out. Though many had a desire to kill them right then and there, it took their fellow comrades to stop them from doing something they're going to regret.

The driver decided to fall on the ground out of both frustration and exhaustion. Anton took a quick look at where her weapon was-way out of leg reach-before figuring out that she gave up. Better not beat the dead horse, as they say.

Dartboard managed to pin the loader down when she saw sunlight instead of moonlight pouring into the tank. She looked back at the opening in the turret before being kicked in the face by the commander-unintentionally, that is. The commander then collapsed-weakened both by loss of cause and lack of oxygen. Blaze got off of him and reached for his weapon in case he snapped awake again.

It took the two orkponies about ten seconds before realizing that the fighting had stopped. 'Ugegob dropped the gunner onto the ground.

"A'right 'Ard'Ead, da foitin's ovah. Youse kan drop da git now," 'Ugegob said. 'Ard'Ead shrugged and then let go of the radio operator.

"Youse be lukky weeze in da Royal Army," 'Ard'Ead said to the radio operator, "I heard dem gray poniez don't treat gitz loik youse so kindly. Heh heh heh."

"Oi! Where's Zzapgutz?" 'Ugegob said, "I'm gonna teach dat runt a liddle less'n fer runnin'." He then saw a red Crusader crashed into the left side of a Panther. The Panther's side was punctured by all the spiky bits on the front of the Crusader. "Hmmph. Nevah mind den. No bludd, but me tinkz it be bettah dat way."

Author's Note:

-Weapon Data-
Chain Choppa
A melee weapon that looks akin to either a sword or a axe. Their primary feature is that they possess a cutting chain system, making it similar to a chainsaw. The teeth are very sharp and thus allows its wielder to cut open thick armor.
Power Klaw
A large armored gauntlet that is strapped to an orkpony's arm. It has a pincer consisting of two or three snapping blades. Somehow it is also sheathed in energy, which allows the wielder to easily tear armor and flesh. There are two kinds of Power Klaws-one that can be taken off and put on, and one that is implanted. Due to its sheer weight, not many are capable of wielding one.
Remington 870
A pump action combat shotgun with a tight shot spread. It is also capable of using slug, airblast, beanbag, smoke, and fragmentation rounds. Not yet in mass production.
A battle rifle not yet in mass production. It has two primary firing modes: full auto and semi auto. The G3A3 is known for its powerful rounds and its high recoil. It has been proposed to replace the Gewehr 43 with this for the Jager marksponies in the Germane military, though there is not enough money set aside yet to effectively produce this in bulk.
A powerful semi-automatic pistol. Due to its reliability and ingenious design, it has been in service for countless years under Ancient ownership and has many different variations. Even with the Equestrians it is a popular choice, and not just because its original manufacturer was called "Colt". It is also used by others such as the Griffon Kingdoms, Germaneigh, Prance, Saddle Arabia, and Zebrica.