• Published 19th Mar 2013
  • 379 Views, 4 Comments

The Quest for Inner Peace - InnerWisdom

I InnerWisdom take my friends and the readers on an adventure to find their true sign of Inner Peace

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Chapter V: The Journey- Day Two

The next morning, my friends Rocket, Peachy Keen, and Tick Tock awoke and heard nothing but silence. . .until I could be heard in the distance talking to some pony. They all left their tents to find Rainbow Dash and I meditating. My friends didn't dare say anything but before they left Peachy Keen looked at Rocket and said "Do you think Wisdom knows what he is doing?" and Rocket responded with "He's Wisdom, if anypony knows what their doing, He always will be right."

They went back to the camp to be welcomed by Princess twilight, Rarity, Pinky Pie, Applejack, and Fluttershy. Twilight looked at them and asked "Have you ponies seen Wisdom or Rainbow Dash?" rocket stepped forward and said "Nope, we definitely haven't seen them meditating over their in the forest." Twilight and her friends looked at them with a very curious expression. They didn't bother to go and look because it was time for breakfast. AppleJack and Pinky Pie started a fire and began cooking food.

Meanwhile, back in the forest, I was training Rainbow Dash and helping her discover Inner Peace. (While she is sitting on a stump, hooves touching each other, and eyes closed) I said "Focusing is the first lesson before discovering your Inner Peace. You must have a need to focus on something such as finding your Inner Peace." Rainbow Dash then asked "How long does this take? I would like to stretch my hooves sometime." I looked at her and said "Patience is the second lesson, you must be relaxed, calm, and take the time to look around and see the beauty that is. . .(I then remembered we were in the Deep Dark Everfree Forest and the scenery was quite dark) well, once you have looked past the dark and creepy scenery, you will have mastered focus and Patience." She then opened her eyes and said "I can smell eggs, deep fried hay, and a whole bunch of assorted sweets compliments of Pinky Pie!" She then ran off towards the campsite. I then started to walk towards the campsite saying "We'll continue this later."

Back at camp, everypony was enjoying a big breakfast compliments of AppleJack and Pinky Pie. I grabbed a bucket and filled it up with food and walked into my study tent. While I was in my tent studying the maps, reading the book, and pin-pointing our location. . .Rocket approached me and asked "So, I heard you say that their are more then just the Elements of Harmony and Knowledge, do you know where the other Elements are?" I look at him and said "Yes, but they are much more dormant then the Element of Knowledge. You see, I have been studying each of us and have noticed several great and dangerous gifts that we all have. For example,You, my student and friend, have a power that has been building up and in a way is saying 'Let me out' and you just haven't realized that this power is getting out of hand. I give you this advice, 'Don't let power overtake you, let the power share throughout all of us, because once it has corrupted you, you will be a threat to the Ponies,' once you have controlled this secret power, you will have found your Inner Peace." I slammed my face in the bucket of food and began eating. Rocket walked out and once he entered his tent he was meant with a dark and mysterious presence.

Everypony was enjoying their breakfast until a loud and voluptuous scream was heard coming from Rocket's tent. We all ran to his tent to find Maximus grasping Rocket with a magical hold. I knew that their was only one thing to do. I looked at Rocket and said "You have to find the power from within and use it to stop him!" Rocket focused on his energy and released a massive explosion. When the dust and debris cleared we could see that Rocket had blown himself up. We all started to mourn until we all could hear a faint shrieking sound from above. . .we all looked up and could see Rocket falling from the sky. Rainbow Dash, Twilight, and I flew up from the gaping hole in the tree line and grabbed Rocket before he hit the ground. Once he was on the ground he looked at all of us and said "What just happened?" I looked at him and said "It is time, your power has been unleashed and now it has strengthened. You must focus your energy and keep yourself at Peace. I now see that your Inner Peace is, your friends. If any of your friends are in danger you always help and protect them."

We all gathered around and packed whatever we could salvage. We continued up the road towards the next marker. After several hours we reached a giant tree with several symbols. I looked carefully at each one and found the symbol for Knowledge. I touched the symbol and all of a sudden, the tree started shaking and then an arrow popped out of the tree pointing West towards the Tiles of Minimum. I looked at everypony and pointed West.

We followed the path west to reach the Tiles of Minimum. We looked at each tile and I realized that each tile was numbered from 1-10 but their were more then ten tiles. There were at least 25 to choose from, so many of the numbers repeated. There was a sign above the tiles that read "An Irrational number that goes on forever!" They all looked around and asked "what does it mean?" But before I could answer Twilight tried to fly over the tiles but was smacked down by the sign. I looked at them and realized that the answer was so clear. I said "The answer is 3141592653." They all watched as I stepped on the tiles and was crossing safely. They followed and when we all crossed safely continued onward. Rainbow dash pulled me aside and said "That was awesome. . .but how did you know that Pi was the answer?'' Everypony looked at me and wanted to know the same thing. I looked at them and said "Pi is an irrational number that never ends but since there are only 10 tiles to choose from I knew it had to be Pi."

We found the next campsite and set up with our back-up tents and prepared the fire. Tick Tock looked around and said "I admit, these back-up tents were a good idea. . .but mine has no Red Pony in it. I still thought you guys would've considered Red Pony for me as a reward for saving you all the other day." I looked at him and said "The Red Pony is only for emergencies. Not for regular consuming. Everypony I think we should camp for the night. we all have a busy day tomorrow." The ponies went to sleep but I stayed up and prepared for the big event that was to unfold tomorrow.