> The Quest for Inner Peace > by InnerWisdom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter I: Wisdom's Domain > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our quest begins with my student and friend Rocket Sky who after several long and progressive days had finally gotten back from his journey to Canterlot. I am not at liberty to say what he did there because of my sworn spiritual advice to anypony. After Rocket returned he was not surprised to be welcomed back by all the ponies. He noticed that their was only one pony who wasn't there to welcome him back. "Where's Wisdom?" Rocket said, "It's not like for him to not be here to welcome me back, did i miss something." There was an ominous sound of silence from all the ponies. Peachy Keen walked forward and said "He is at his temple getting ready for some big journey. . .but I don't know where he is going. . . you know what, now that you're back we should go and see where he is going." They headed up to the top of the mountain where a dragon used to live. My temple is a place for anypony to come and get my advice or wisdom. When they arrived Rocket looked above the temple to see a floating mansion,"When did he have a mansion built. . . I thought he'd stay and live down in ponyville." Then Tick tock said, "He wanted to have a place where he could live in peace and also give people advice and wisdom on any of their problems. They walked up to the door and noticed that the doorbell was a mini-gong. Then Pinky Pie appeared out of nowhere (as usual) whacked the little gong and then ran off without saying anything. The door opened and a voice came from within "come in, i’m a little busy trying to get all my books and maps in order." They walked slowly on into the temple and realized the staircase up to the mansion. What they noticed at the bottom of this cloud staircase was a table with small shot glasses of a potion. On the table was also a note that said drink me. They drank the liquid but didn't head up the stairs just yet. They then did some exploring around the temple when something red flew up the staircase. They thought it might of been a breeze but they decided to follow it. They climbed up the 200 steps and reached an amazing sight. They can see waterfalls, green foliage, bamboo trees, several rooms with titles such as The Meditation room, The Relaxation Room,The Library of Peace, The Library of Evil, and the Room of Secrets. There are also several bedrooms and kitchens. My student decided to enter the room of secrets but before he could even open the door he was stopped by a code lock. "If I was Wisdom, what would my code be" . .so he tried a few different codes all with no success. Peachy Keen decided to enter the Library of Peace and when she opened the door she found several hundred rows of shelves with enough books to take a lifetime to read. "This room is huge. . .and it has books on everything about peace and wisdom." Tick Tock entered the Relaxation Room and found several instruments including his most prized possession,"Why is my LTD H-8 with neon strings and multicolored technology here?" . . .and when they met back up they see only one room left...THE LIBRARY OF EVIL! When they reached the door knob to open the door they were stopped by the sound of my voice. . ."Do not open that door...unless you are prepared to see your deepest darkest future secrets." They all turned around to see Wisdom and Spirit looking at them with a grin on his face. "Wisdom, your mansion is huge and has a vast amount of knowledge" said Peachy Keen. I said "But of Course, How do you think I know everything." Let me show you around some more and afterwards I'll take you to my study room. After several hours of exploring they got to see some amazing rooms that they didn't know existed. Rooms include: The Astronomy Room, The Room of Magic, The Stadium (A giant dome where Pegasus can challenge one another),and The Room of the Wise. They then entered the Study where I flew up to a desk and lowered some seats for his friends, "So before I answer any questions about my quest. . .do you have any questions?" "Yes" said his friend Rocket Sky, "Why weren't you in Ponyville when I returned?" I responded with "I have had a vision. . .A vision that has shown me something so big, so important, that I must go find it, secure it, and use it wisely." Then I realized something very different. . .ROCKET HAS WINGS! I didn't really get into questioning him about his wings but I knew that he would make all the ponies happy. "So, What could be so important that you don't show up to my return. . .I mean did you find more Pegasus who are just as wise and knowledgeable as you?" "My student, first off, if their were more Pegasus as smart and wise then they would come find me. Secondly, I found another ELEMENT OF HARMONY, I'm calling the Seventh element...Knowledge." Everyone Gasps and then Wisdom says "I am the only one who can use it. . .because it takes a pony with wise, knowledgeable, and spiritual beliefs." "Dear Princess Celestia, I am writing to inform you of an amazing discovery. I have found another Element of Harmony. . .I'm calling it the element of Knowledge. I request that I have this Journey to me and my friends so that we can learn more about Inner Peace while on this life changing journey. Afterwards I will write to you about our journey and what my friends have discovered about themselves. Your Faithful and wise Advisor...Inner Wisdom" Meanwhile in Ponyville, "Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle, I regret to inform you that their is another Element of Harmony which has possibly been discovered by Inner Wisdom. He hasn't revealed the location of this element but I request that you and your friends monitor Wisdom and his friends every move to make sure they aren't planning something. Afterwards please write to me on this quest for Inner Peace." Princess Celestia Back at Wisdom's Mansion, "Dear Inner Wisdom, I am glad to hear about this discovery but I'm also quite worried. I am humbled to hear that you want to find this element and I am excited to hear you want to help your friends discover their Inner peace, but I require reports every so often to ensure everything is O.K." Princess Celestia > Chapter II: The Realization > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Princess Celestia, So you expect me to basically babysit Wisdom and his friends while they go on some journey to find some Element of Harmony that probably doesn't exist. You also expect my friends and I to follow them into the Dark Everfree Forest, help them find this supposed Element of Knowledge, and write back to tell you what their Inner Peace has been revealed to be. I hope there's something i'm supposed to learn from this. . .because if there isn't anything then i'm not going to take any other favors for a while. Your somewhat Faithful student, Princess Twilight Sparkle Moments afterwards another letter arrived Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle, I know this seems like a lot to do but I need you and your friends to go with Wisdom and his friends to find not just this supposed element of Knowledge but also understand what Inner Peace is. Afterwards I hope you'll understand why I need you to aid Wisdom on his quest for Inner Peace. Also please go to his mansion and prepare for a long journey of Peace, Wisdom, and Knowledge as I know you will. Your Friend and Mentor, Princess Celestia So Twilight went and gathered her friends. They headed to my Temple and when they arrived Pinkie Pie said "I know what to do. . .(Whacks the gong several times) Now we just wait for him to open the door, let us in, and Party." Then Twilight said "Party? We are about to go on a journey with Wisdom, not Party. We also have to discover our own Inner Peace." Then a voice came from above. They looked up and could see me waving my hooves. "The door is unlocked. . .Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy just fly up here; AppleJack, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity take the stairs inside." The ponies arrived to my mansion and entered to see my amazing decor, environmental scenery, and rooms. They walked down a hallway that contained my Libraries and Secret studies. "What's in the Library of Evil and what are you hiding in the Room of Secrets," said Twilight. I then looked at her and said "The Library of Evil contains books that hold powers that can be used to stop peaceful ponies. I use these books to create methods that reverse it's affects. The Room of Secrets contains secrets on everypony. This room is for the sole purpose of protecting, understanding, and aiding ponies who have very useful abilities and or purposes." "I'd like to enter both of these rooms and also see your Library of peace," says Twilight. "You can't enter the room of secrets because of a potential threat. A threat that you and your friends will endure sometime in your life. It also contains future secrets that allow me to see into the future of all of us," I said. They stare down each other and finally Rainbow Dash decides to try to bash into it. She hits the door and falls to the ground. "That was not the smartest thing to do," says Rainbow Dash. They then Enter the Library of Evil and they all start to explore the many books that are on the shelves. "This room creeps me out," says Fluttershy. I then led her to another room. "This is my environmentally themed room. Nature is a powerful source of Inner Peace. You, though, Fluttershy have known your true Inner Peace all along. Your Inner Peace is Nature," I said. Fluttershy then flies around the room which is filled with wildlife, plants, trees, and a waterfall. I knew right away that she loved it. I then decided to go back to the Library of Evil and take them to the Library of Peace but there was just one problem. . .they weren't in the Library of Evil anymore. I frantically ran to the Room of secrets and thanking the almighty Celestia found it was not touched. I still couldn't figure out were they went until i heard Rainbow Dash say "This dome is awesome. . .I didn't realize how much fun this can really be." I walked into the dome to see her flying through all the obstacles. "Rainbow Dash. . .where is everyone?". . .I said. "I don't know. . . but what I do know is that we should race and see who truly is the fastest," said Rainbow Dash. "Being the fastest doesn't make you the best pony. . .using your flying abilities to help others is truly the more important and right thing to do,"I said. "True. . .but i guess we'll never know who truly is the best (As soon as she said this Wisdom then pushed a button which opens the domes top)," says Rainbow Dash. "If you really want to see who is the fastest then be it," says Wisdom. They flew up to a starting line in the clouds. A green flag waved to signal GO but when Rainbow Dash took off. . .I stayed behind and waited while she had a huge advantage. I then took off at such a speed that a giant peace sign erupted from him. I shot past her that she couldn't even say anything but WHOA. When she got to the checkered flag and saw me sipping on a cup of tea and she said "How did you do that. . .No one has ever surpassed me not even when I use the sonic Rainboom." Before I could even answer the giant wave of energy that had erupted passed by them and caused a change in the world's dark energy. I then said "That was my special ability. . .I call it," then before I could tell her I heard the other ponies shouting. "Rainbow Dash I'll tell you more later, but before I do we have to find the others' I said. They fly back into the dome and Wisdom shuts the top and then they run into the mansion to find the others. While looking Rainbow says "That was actually really cool, how did you cause such a change without having to gain speed first." I respond with "My Inner Peace. . .I am able to focus my energy and use it in anyway I need. I noticed that your Inner Peace seems to be unbalanced. You try to be a really cool pony that wants to be the best flyer but what you haven't realized is that showing off doesn't truly allow you to use your abilities for good but actually for a benefit. This is what you must work on. You must find something that makes you happy. . .I know flying makes you happy but I think you should go to the Relaxation Room." Rainbow Dash then went to the Relaxation Room. She enters the room and when the door closes she gets surrounded by clouds and by members of the Wonderbolts. She spends several minutes in their before she realizes that her true Inner Peace is not to be better than the Wonderbolts but to help those who need it and to learn more about her Inner Peace. When she finally realized this everything returned to normal. She left the Room of Relaxation and met back up with Wisdom. “I hope that helped.” I said. “It sure did,” Rainbow Dash says this and then both Rainbow Dash and I continued to search the mansion for their friends. > Chapter III: The Confrontation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Rainbow Dash and I started searching the mansion for the ponies. I came to a revelation, I thought deep and hard discovering something about each pony that will help us find them. What I knew was that Pinkie Pie had to be in either the Kitchen or the Balloon room. Rarity had to be in my Costume Design Shop. Fluttershy was in the Nature Room. Applejack had to be in the Lasso Room. Twilight, though I was unsure of. She could've been in my study or trying to find secrets in the mansion. My friends, though they were trying to explore my mansion. . .I knew they were in a special room each developed to occupy them in order for me to find them. Rocket Sky had to be in the Writer's room. Peachy Keen had to be in the Cutie Mark study room. Tick Tock obviously went to the music chamber which had been right next to the experimental potion room. Rainbow Dash and I split up. She went and gathered her friends while I went and gatherend my friends. I walked into the Writer's Room. The Writer's Room is a room where I create stories that give hope and joy to ponies around equestria. I found rocket reading several of my stories including "Don't hate yourself, Love and Tolerate instead," he also read "Stop hitting yourself, Start caring for yourself," and finally my most successful story "Share, Love, and Accept." After he realized i was there he said "You have some interesting stories, some of which are inspiring, others are a little bit confusing." I then responded with "In order to understand any confusing story, you, the reader, must focus on its importance to your life." We left and walked into the Cutie Mark Study Room where Peachy Keen was reading up on all the cutie marks that have ever been seen. She saw us standing there and said "Look, I love all these colors, and symbols. I think I will create my own. Ooh, look at this one," before she could continue Rocket interrupted her by saying "We need to get tick Tock and then get ready for the quest. They walked into the Music Chamber and couldn't find Tick Tock until he fell from the ceiling. "That was Awesome," tick tock says. . .as soon as he stood up, everyone including I saw that he had wings! "How did you get wings?" says Rocket and Peachy. "Let me guess you drank that can of Red Pony over there. Then afterwards you grew wings and decided to fly." "Yep" says Tick Tock. "It should ware off in about 5 seconds, 4, 3, 2, 1," the wings disappeared and he fell again. We headed back to the main lobby to find five of the mane six staring at me. "Twilight wants to see you in the study," says Rainbow Dash. I walked into my study, shut the door behind me, then when I turned around I saw Princess Twilight Sparkle staring me down. "Sit down," says Twilight, "Explain, in detail, how I can trust that you know that this Element of Knowledge exists!" I grabbed a book from a shelf and then said "Well, in order for me to do that I have to do a few things, including; showing you some documents from the room of secrets, this book, and the map of Canterlot." "Fine, grab whatever you need, then prove that my friends and I really need to believe you," says Twilight. I went to the room of Secrets and grabbed several maps and a very old book and then returned to the study. "This book, describes the six elements of Harmony. It also describes four other elements of Harmony that have yet to be discovered. These elements are known as the elements of Knowledge, courage, drama, and care. With this in mind (Pulls out the maps) these maps show the location for each of these mysterious elements. These maps come from the secret Temple beneath Canterlot," says I "Wait, You went to the secret Temple and stole these maps!," says Twilight. "Borrowed! Until I no longer need them. I also found several books that have taught me how to make portals and potions that will allow me to create peace amongst the Ponies of Equestria," says I. She then took a deep and thorough look of all the information in front of her. She looked back at me and said "Wisdom, we have a Journey and a Quest to complete. A journey for Knowledge, and a Quest for Inner Peace. I hope these maps and that book lead us to the Elements. . .if they don't then I hope you can move on." We grabbed our gear and started for the Roof of the Mansion. When we reached the roof, I looked at my friends and showed them a catapult and said “We have a few options of transportation but since Rocket, Twilight, Rainbow, Fluttershy, and I are carrying all the gear then those who can’t fly will use this catapult. Here's how it works: You put on this Parachute, you climb into the bowl, you keep your hooves together, and then when it launches you. . .pull the cord on your left. Do not pull the cord on your right for it shall release a floatation device. when you land on the ground you should realize that you are outside the Dark Everfree Forest. We will be there shortly so don’t enter the forest until then. I stayed behind to monitor the launches while the other Pegasi took off for the Dark Everfree Forest. Peachy Keen climbed aboard and before she took off I told her “O.K. here’s what you do before you pull the cord. . .Scream, Pray, Look at the cord at your left, Activate parachute, Touchdown.” She looked at me and said “Wait doesn’t that spell SPLAT!” and before I could answer him I pulled the lever. After several successful launches it was Tick Tocks turn. . .I gave him the same talk and when I launched him. . .He pulled the cord on the right, activating his floatation device, and when he fell through the clouds he was lucky enough to land in a river bed nearby. > Chapter IV: The Journey- Day one > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rocket and Peachy Keen started chasing down Tick Tock. They caught him just in time too. When they returned to the main path, I looked at everyone and said "Do we have everyone, Good!, (Pulls out maps) So it looks like we have to follow this trail for about 3 miles, then we will make camp, and in the morning we will go another 4 miles, and then afterwards we look for this symbol (shows the symbol of Knowledge) and then find the chest." We started our Journey into the Dark Everfree Forest. After just 35 minutes of walking, Tick Tock said "I'm tired, thirsty, and hungry. . .did anyone bring Red Pony with them?" Then I said "You do not need anymore Red Pony. . .the last thing you need is to be energetic." twilight and the group look at me and ask "What's Red Pony?" I spent a few moments explaining red Pony as such "It's an experimental potion that gives earth ponies and unicorns, Wings! I also have another version that gives ponies magic powers. My most successful version is the one that freezes anypony that drinks it." We continued on the path when we heard something big, scary, and monstrous coming towards us. Fluttershy ran and hid in a bush. Twilight, rainbow dash, and I started preparing for battle. Rocket, Peachy, and Tick Tock prepared for the battle.Then a group of Dwinglings (Big and tall creatures that are twice as tough as Dragons) appeared and started attacking the group. Twilight, and Rainbow Dash couldn't find any weak point and said "There too strong, We can't stop them." I then grabbed from my bag a 16 ounce can of Red Pony. I then ran over to tick Tock and said "Drink this, and when you're-awake, I need you to Rock n Roll." Tick Tock drank the Red Pony, he fell onto the ground, fell asleep, and when he fell asleep I was rudely yelled at by the ponies who all said "Why did he fall asleep, we need more help." Then all of a sudden a big glow of light illuminated the forest and when it cleared Tick Tock, who had wings, looked up at the Dwinglings and said "It's time to get Brutal. . .(Lets out a deep yelp) YEEEEAAAAAH." He takes off from the ground and starts beating up the Dwinglings and after the Dwinglings are defeated he looks at us and says "Can I keep the Wings, I like being able to fly." After he says that, I looked at him and started counting down. . ."5, 4, 3, 2, ( before I even got to one he started begging)." He begins by saying "Please let me keep the wings, this is the coolest thing ever." I then say "1," and he loses his wings. He then looks at me and says “So you did have Red Pony, Can I have another.” All of us look at him and ask “Why are you so addicted to Red Pony, and What causes it to make these changes.” I look at the ponies and say “The main ingredient in Red Pony is Crystal Sugar, and the main magical ingredient is Paurine which is an extremely magical crystal extract that allows me to bend it and create different blends.” Tick Tock looks at me and says “I think i’m addicted to it because it makes me so warm and cuddly on the inside, it’s the only drink that takes the metal from within and turns it into fun and happiness.” We then continued to the campsite where we started setting up. When the tent and fire were made, my friends and the others sat around the fire while I went and climbed onto a branch and started meditating. I could only think about the Wise advice I had given my friends. I opened my eyes and realized two things: 1) I was upside down in the tree and 2) Rainbow Dash was on the branch next to me. I panicked for a second but of course I didn't show it. She asked “Why are you upside down? Are you trying to sleep?” I looked at her and said “I am becoming one with myself by meditating and by focusing on inner peace.” (With a very vague look on her face) She said “So how can one find inner peace within themselves, Do we hang upside down in a tree? What does it require?” I looked at her and said “Patience, Focus, and the will to concentrate, these are what is required to find inner peace. I will teach you everything I know but I need you to know that once you find inner peace you will not feel any different.” We shook hooves on it and then returned to the campfire. When we got to the Campfire, everyone looked at us and asked “Everything O.K.?” and we both shook our heads and sat down. They then asked me to tell a story. I started by saying “They say that something else lives in these woods, something so evil and frightening that even the Dwindlings run in fear. . .They call him Maximus. He has been said to have the abilities to turn invisible, turn anyone he touches evil, and cause the most utter destruction amongst the ponies of Equestria. (There’s an ominous sound from the bushes) There have been reports of him being sighted near these parts but by the time you see him. . .you are either dead or turned evil.” Tick Tock shrieks and says “HE’S BEHIND YOU!” and when I turned around I saw what appeared to be someone wearing a sleeping bag with eyes drawn on it. I pulled the sleeping bag off to reveal Peachy Keen who just started laughing at Tick Tock. I then look at her and say “You think this is funny, he really does exist, and the worst thing is (puts a flashlight up to my face) he could be amongst us. . .Well Good Night everypony.” We all went into our tents and fell asleep. Little did we know we were being watched. > Chapter V: The Journey- Day Two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning, my friends Rocket, Peachy Keen, and Tick Tock awoke and heard nothing but silence. . .until I could be heard in the distance talking to some pony. They all left their tents to find Rainbow Dash and I meditating. My friends didn't dare say anything but before they left Peachy Keen looked at Rocket and said "Do you think Wisdom knows what he is doing?" and Rocket responded with "He's Wisdom, if anypony knows what their doing, He always will be right." They went back to the camp to be welcomed by Princess twilight, Rarity, Pinky Pie, Applejack, and Fluttershy. Twilight looked at them and asked "Have you ponies seen Wisdom or Rainbow Dash?" rocket stepped forward and said "Nope, we definitely haven't seen them meditating over their in the forest." Twilight and her friends looked at them with a very curious expression. They didn't bother to go and look because it was time for breakfast. AppleJack and Pinky Pie started a fire and began cooking food. Meanwhile, back in the forest, I was training Rainbow Dash and helping her discover Inner Peace. (While she is sitting on a stump, hooves touching each other, and eyes closed) I said "Focusing is the first lesson before discovering your Inner Peace. You must have a need to focus on something such as finding your Inner Peace." Rainbow Dash then asked "How long does this take? I would like to stretch my hooves sometime." I looked at her and said "Patience is the second lesson, you must be relaxed, calm, and take the time to look around and see the beauty that is. . .(I then remembered we were in the Deep Dark Everfree Forest and the scenery was quite dark) well, once you have looked past the dark and creepy scenery, you will have mastered focus and Patience." She then opened her eyes and said "I can smell eggs, deep fried hay, and a whole bunch of assorted sweets compliments of Pinky Pie!" She then ran off towards the campsite. I then started to walk towards the campsite saying "We'll continue this later." Back at camp, everypony was enjoying a big breakfast compliments of AppleJack and Pinky Pie. I grabbed a bucket and filled it up with food and walked into my study tent. While I was in my tent studying the maps, reading the book, and pin-pointing our location. . .Rocket approached me and asked "So, I heard you say that their are more then just the Elements of Harmony and Knowledge, do you know where the other Elements are?" I look at him and said "Yes, but they are much more dormant then the Element of Knowledge. You see, I have been studying each of us and have noticed several great and dangerous gifts that we all have. For example,You, my student and friend, have a power that has been building up and in a way is saying 'Let me out' and you just haven't realized that this power is getting out of hand. I give you this advice, 'Don't let power overtake you, let the power share throughout all of us, because once it has corrupted you, you will be a threat to the Ponies,' once you have controlled this secret power, you will have found your Inner Peace." I slammed my face in the bucket of food and began eating. Rocket walked out and once he entered his tent he was meant with a dark and mysterious presence. Everypony was enjoying their breakfast until a loud and voluptuous scream was heard coming from Rocket's tent. We all ran to his tent to find Maximus grasping Rocket with a magical hold. I knew that their was only one thing to do. I looked at Rocket and said "You have to find the power from within and use it to stop him!" Rocket focused on his energy and released a massive explosion. When the dust and debris cleared we could see that Rocket had blown himself up. We all started to mourn until we all could hear a faint shrieking sound from above. . .we all looked up and could see Rocket falling from the sky. Rainbow Dash, Twilight, and I flew up from the gaping hole in the tree line and grabbed Rocket before he hit the ground. Once he was on the ground he looked at all of us and said "What just happened?" I looked at him and said "It is time, your power has been unleashed and now it has strengthened. You must focus your energy and keep yourself at Peace. I now see that your Inner Peace is, your friends. If any of your friends are in danger you always help and protect them." We all gathered around and packed whatever we could salvage. We continued up the road towards the next marker. After several hours we reached a giant tree with several symbols. I looked carefully at each one and found the symbol for Knowledge. I touched the symbol and all of a sudden, the tree started shaking and then an arrow popped out of the tree pointing West towards the Tiles of Minimum. I looked at everypony and pointed West. We followed the path west to reach the Tiles of Minimum. We looked at each tile and I realized that each tile was numbered from 1-10 but their were more then ten tiles. There were at least 25 to choose from, so many of the numbers repeated. There was a sign above the tiles that read "An Irrational number that goes on forever!" They all looked around and asked "what does it mean?" But before I could answer Twilight tried to fly over the tiles but was smacked down by the sign. I looked at them and realized that the answer was so clear. I said "The answer is 3141592653." They all watched as I stepped on the tiles and was crossing safely. They followed and when we all crossed safely continued onward. Rainbow dash pulled me aside and said "That was awesome. . .but how did you know that Pi was the answer?'' Everypony looked at me and wanted to know the same thing. I looked at them and said "Pi is an irrational number that never ends but since there are only 10 tiles to choose from I knew it had to be Pi." We found the next campsite and set up with our back-up tents and prepared the fire. Tick Tock looked around and said "I admit, these back-up tents were a good idea. . .but mine has no Red Pony in it. I still thought you guys would've considered Red Pony for me as a reward for saving you all the other day." I looked at him and said "The Red Pony is only for emergencies. Not for regular consuming. Everypony I think we should camp for the night. we all have a busy day tomorrow." The ponies went to sleep but I stayed up and prepared for the big event that was to unfold tomorrow. > Chapter VI: The Journey- Day Three > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning, the ponies awoke to find a buffet of food including vegetables, fruits, sweets, and apple cider. They began to feast when AppleJack asked “Who made all of this, this cider is delicious!” Everyone continued to feast when Rarity found that there were plates of food with all their names on them. They all began to walk towards the plates of food, but before they could even touch the plates I stepped forward from my tent and said “I hope you all enjoy the food, I made it all myself, I even took the liberty to make the apple cider.” They all walked up to the plates and carried it to the foldable table. Twilight had a plate that contained a plentiful amount of vegetables and fruits. She even had a strawberry shortcake on her plate. Rainbow Dash had a plate that contained a plentiful amount of sweets and Apple Cider. Fluttershy had a plate of Vegetables. Rarity had a plate that was decorated with doilies and linen. She had Vegetables and fruits along with eggs. AppleJack had a plate of everything and Apple Cider. Pinky Pie had a plate of sweets and Apple Cider. Rocket, Peachy, and Tick Tock had plates that had everything including Apple Cider. After breakfast the ponies began their journey. We continued up the road till we reached a small hut in the middle of the forest. I started to walk toward the door. I didn’t know what I would find but I knew that this hut shouldn’t have been here. I knocked and the door fell off and then bats flew out of the hut and several of the ponies including Tick Tock started tripping out. I walked in and found several chests. I didn’t know which chest it was but I knew that it had to be one of them. Rocket and Twilight Walked in and said “So did you find it?” and before I replied I said “Don’t move, the floors been rigged with spikes!” Then I said “we need to float above the floor and make sure that we don’t trip the spikes!” Rocket due to his achievements and Lessons with Twilight was already a pegasus but none of viewers know this yet. . .until now. We all floated above the floor and opened each chest, one at a time. After several empty chests, we found the last chest which when we opened it contained a clue. The Clue said “Those who are wise and Knowledgeable will find the Element of Knowledge in themselves .” It also said “Once the wise have found Knowledge within themselves. . .the Element of Knowledge will appear.” Everypony looked at me and said “You just have to look from within. The element is within your grasp.” I saw a loose piece of wood on the ceiling and used it to put myself upside down. I went into a deep meditation and after a few moments, I started to shine and then rays of light started to shoot out from my body. Then a massive bright explosion occurred. When the light cleared, everypony ran to the shack to find me but before they could even start pulling planks of wood off of me, I flew out of the rubble with the Element of Knowledge around my neck. All of them looked at the element as it shined with its green and yellow gem. I looked up at them and said “I am happy to announce, I am now in control of the element of Knowledge. I say, we should go and look for the other three elements. A few of you still haven’t discovered your Inner Peace, but I hope to change that. AppleJack, Rarity, Peachy Keen, Tick Tock, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle all will find your Inner Peace amongst this quest.” We started to head back to PonyVille when Twilight pulled me aside and said “I apologize for doubting you. I would like to accompany you on your quest. . .we all would.” I looked at my friends and then looked back at her “I would like nothing more than to have you accompany us especially since you still have to find your Inner Peace.” I then looked at all my friends and said “I want to say thank you for helping me find this (Holds the element in hoove), this would not have been possible without your support and our friendships.” We all had a big group hug. We continued walking and before we got more than 20 feet, Rocket pulled me aside and told me something very personal “Wisdom! If I told you something very personal about my feelings for some pony, would you keep it between us?” I looked at him and said “My friend and student, I keep everything confidential and make sure that the advice you're given is the best of the best. What seems to be bothering you?” He looked at me and said “ I think I have feelings for Twilight and I don’t know how I should express myself to her. What would you do?” I said “I would honestly just let her know. I think you and her would make a cute couple. If you aren’t feeling up to the challenge then you should take slow and cautionary steps.” He walked away with a smile of confidence and we continued to walk back to Ponyville. After several hours of walking we reached the hole that was made in the forest and so we flew as many of the ponies out and when we reached ponyville. . .we were welcomed back by the fine ponies. We had an amazing dinner and we were having a great time. I headed back to my temple and when I arrived I walked into the meditation room and began focusing my spiritual energy on finding the best way to find the other elements: Drama, Care, and Courage. After several moments I started to see the locations and then I left the room and I went to my study to begin marking their locations. I then headed back to Ponyville to party with my friends.