• Published 19th Mar 2013
  • 380 Views, 4 Comments

The Quest for Inner Peace - InnerWisdom

I InnerWisdom take my friends and the readers on an adventure to find their true sign of Inner Peace

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Chapter I: Wisdom's Domain

Our quest begins with my student and friend Rocket Sky who after several long and progressive days had finally gotten back from his journey to Canterlot. I am not at liberty to say what he did there because of my sworn spiritual advice to anypony.

After Rocket returned he was not surprised to be welcomed back by all the ponies. He noticed that their was only one pony who wasn't there to welcome him back. "Where's Wisdom?" Rocket said, "It's not like for him to not be here to welcome me back, did i miss something."

There was an ominous sound of silence from all the ponies.

Peachy Keen walked forward and said "He is at his temple getting ready for some big journey. . .but I don't know where he is going. . . you know what, now that you're back we should go and see where he is going."

They headed up to the top of the mountain where a dragon used to live. My temple is a place for anypony to come and get my advice or wisdom. When they arrived Rocket looked above the temple to see a floating mansion,"When did he have a mansion built. . . I thought he'd stay and live down in ponyville."

Then Tick tock said, "He wanted to have a place where he could live in peace and also give people advice and wisdom on any of their problems.

They walked up to the door and noticed that the doorbell was a mini-gong. Then Pinky Pie appeared out of nowhere (as usual) whacked the little gong and then ran off without saying anything.

The door opened and a voice came from within "come in, i’m a little busy trying to get all my books and maps in order."

They walked slowly on into the temple and realized the staircase up to the mansion. What they noticed at the bottom of this cloud staircase was a table with small shot glasses of a potion. On the table was also a note that said drink me. They drank the liquid but didn't head up the stairs just yet.

They then did some exploring around the temple when something red flew up the staircase. They thought it might of been a breeze but they decided to follow it. They climbed up the 200 steps and reached an amazing sight.

They can see waterfalls, green foliage, bamboo trees, several rooms with titles such as The Meditation room, The Relaxation Room,The Library of Peace, The Library of Evil, and the Room of Secrets. There are also several bedrooms and kitchens.

My student decided to enter the room of secrets but before he could even open the door he was stopped by a code lock. "If I was Wisdom, what would my code be" . .so he tried a few different codes all with no success.

Peachy Keen decided to enter the Library of Peace and when she opened the door she found several hundred rows of shelves with enough books to take a lifetime to read. "This room is huge. . .and it has books on everything about peace and wisdom."

Tick Tock entered the Relaxation Room and found several instruments including his most prized possession,"Why is my LTD H-8 with neon strings and multicolored technology here?" . . .and when they met back up they see only one room left...THE LIBRARY OF EVIL!

When they reached the door knob to open the door they were stopped by the sound of my voice. . ."Do not open that door...unless you are prepared to see your deepest darkest future secrets."

They all turned around to see Wisdom and Spirit looking at them with a grin on his face. "Wisdom, your mansion is huge and has a vast amount of knowledge" said Peachy Keen.

I said "But of Course, How do you think I know everything." Let me show you around some more and afterwards I'll take you to my study room.

After several hours of exploring they got to see some amazing rooms that they didn't know existed. Rooms include: The Astronomy Room, The Room of Magic, The Stadium (A giant dome where Pegasus can challenge one another),and The Room of the Wise.

They then entered the Study where I flew up to a desk and lowered some seats for his friends, "So before I answer any questions about my quest. . .do you have any questions?"

"Yes" said his friend Rocket Sky, "Why weren't you in Ponyville when I returned?"

I responded with "I have had a vision. . .A vision that has shown me something so big, so important, that I must go find it, secure it, and use it wisely." Then I realized something very different. . .ROCKET HAS WINGS! I didn't really get into questioning him about his wings but I knew that he would make all the ponies happy.

"So, What could be so important that you don't show up to my return. . .I mean did you find more Pegasus who are just as wise and knowledgeable as you?"

"My student, first off, if their were more Pegasus as smart and wise then they would come find me. Secondly, I found another ELEMENT OF HARMONY, I'm calling the Seventh element...Knowledge." Everyone Gasps and then Wisdom says "I am the only one who can use it. . .because it takes a pony with wise, knowledgeable, and spiritual beliefs."

"Dear Princess Celestia,

I am writing to inform you of an amazing discovery. I have found another Element of Harmony. . .I'm calling it the element of Knowledge. I request that I have this Journey to me and my friends so that we can learn more about Inner Peace while on this life changing journey. Afterwards I will write to you about our journey and what my friends have discovered about themselves.

Your Faithful and wise Advisor...Inner Wisdom"

Meanwhile in Ponyville,

"Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle,

I regret to inform you that their is another Element of Harmony which has possibly been discovered by Inner Wisdom. He hasn't revealed the location of this element but I request that you and your friends monitor Wisdom and his friends every move to make sure they aren't planning something. Afterwards please write to me on this quest for Inner Peace."

Princess Celestia

Back at Wisdom's Mansion,

"Dear Inner Wisdom,

I am glad to hear about this discovery but I'm also quite worried. I am humbled to hear that you want to find this element and I am excited to hear you want to help your friends discover their Inner peace, but I require reports every so often to ensure everything is O.K."

Princess Celestia