• Published 22nd Mar 2013
  • 388 Views, 5 Comments

Equestria Gateway.com - Gyrofluff

Curiosity can lead to strange things.

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Shadows ablaze

Equestria gateway.com

Shadows ablaze

The morning came and with it the light from the window passed through onto my closed eyelids encouraging me to begin waking up. Before I had even opened my eyes my body felt an unusualness of the surroundings. My eyes shot open and I immediately sat up, my mind swam over my thoughts to find the memories of where I was. The memories of the past day reappeared and filled my mind putting out the flames of the past confusion like a warm current. I sat down against the headboard of the bed and let my mind drift over the dreamlike events of yesterday that appeared to be not a dream at all. I suddenly remembered that I had been sleeping at Twilights house and the guilt of having done nothing at all to repay her hit my like a punch to the gut. I sat up from the bed and my mind began its usual morning checklist. I would usually take a shower first but… I thought to myself looking around, “I don’t even think ponies have showers” I thought to myself as I scratched my head in thought. I paused as I realized that my hair had not become oily as it normally would after this amount of time. “That doesn’t make any sense” I thought to myself. I’m a little insane about hygiene as it is something I pride myself on but do to the circumstance it appeared I was clean. I chuckled to myself dismissing the event as just another weird thing to happen today and compared to being in an alternate dimension with talking technicolored ponies it was quite small.

I opened the small door to exit the room, ducking to get underneath the smaller-than-my-world rounded door frames. I looked into the center of the library where some dishes were set out with some food that seemed to resemble bacon and a small pile of flowers. On closer inspection the bacon was made out some sort of fried hay. I brought my eyes up from the food to see the two ponies that sat in front of each dish; Twilight and Pinkie Pie. Pinkie was first to notice me after I had taken a few steps towards the table.

“AURRRYYYYYY!!” Pinkie Pie exuberantly called out to me. I cringed a bit at her volume. I was kind of flattered aside from being deafened that Pinkie had already given me a pet name.

Twilight caught onto my discomfort as she turned to Pinkie requesting that she speak a little softer.

Pinkie whispered back to both of us “sssooorrryyy”

“Good Moring” I greeted them with a smile.

My smile was reciprocated by Twilight and met with one five times as big from Pinkie.

“Can I get you something to eat er..” As Twilight asked she cut herself-off with another question.
“What do humans eat?”

I didn’t want to be picky but a pile of flowers and fried hay wasn’t the most appealing thing for me to eat. I also didn’t want to lead on that humans are omnivorous, since I didn’t need them with any more reason to fear me.

“Do you have an apple?” I asked, deciding it was the safest thing to find and the first thing I could think of that both humans and ponies ate.

“Sure” Twilight responded and at once her horn began to glow. There was a small burst of light and an apple floated towards me. It was fascinated seeing magic like that in real life. Rarity had used magic yesterday around me but I was far to tired to really appreciate it. I put out my hands to receive the apple. As it floated down into them I could feel its gravity come back to it as the aura faded. I stared for a little too long at the apple lavishing in the amazement of seeing their magic first hand.

“I just teleported it from the kitchen there shouldn’t be anything wrong with it” Twilight tried to assure me.

“Sorry, there is nothing wrong with it I’ve just never seen magic before in real life, you see in my world, we don’t have any magic”

“Ya, that’s right they have Electricity over there” Pinkie added.

“Electrici-what?” Twilight asked.

I thought of how best to try to explain what electricity was to someone who had never seen or used it before. Luckily simplification of things is kind of a talent of mine.

“We harness energy from things like explosions or natural processes and use that energy to power many different machines; it’s like powering Pinkie’s flying machine with energy from your river that was stored”

“Hmm interesting, I’ll definitely research a spell to use natural energies in the future but there are more important problems at hoof” Twilight responded.

“Pinkie, you said you had strange spontaneous symptoms soon after entering his world right?” Twilight asked Pinkie to which Pinkie nodded with an unfitting enthusiasm for being deathly ill.

“That makes it hypothetically feasible that you too will experience strange effects here” Twilight explained to me. It made sense and it would explain why my skin wasn’t exuding any oil.

“Have you been experiencing any anomalies in your anatomy?” Twilight asked me. I had no problem understanding her use of big words, I found it actually quite cute how she would say it and then wait a second expecting me to ask her what she meant.

“Nothing serious or damaging, I’ve had a general feeling of being a bit lighter as well as my skin has seemingly stopped exuding any excess oil, it seem to be only positive changes” I answered her.

“Your skin lets out oil? So you’re like frog in your world and you get all shiny for swimming and that’s why you aren’t covered in fur?” Pinkie questioned with a childlike demeanor.

“Um no Pinkie its very different humans are not amphibians” I replied. Pinkie began to open her mouth to probably add another innocently curious question but Twilight cut her off.

“Still we should get you back to your own dimension as soon as possible who knows what will happen if a creature from another dimension is away from its origin for too long”

I shrugged in agreement, though I wanted to stay here I’d rather not die or cause some sort of rift that would destroy Ponyville or my own world.

“Pinkie you’ll have to take him back to the portal” Twilight stated.

“awwww, but he never even got a chance to meet Fluttershy or Dashie or” Twilight cut Pinkie off with an authoritative stare.
“oh all right” Pinkie frowned as she walked out of the library looking back to me to follow her.


The walk to the shed was quiet and rather fast. Pinkie was a little sulky about not being able to do what she had planned with me coming here but she knew that she had to do what was right. An additional factor that kept her quiet was trying to keep off the main paths and not draw attention to me.

We reached the deserted old shed which was barely bigger than an outhouse since most of it was underground. The door was blue, at least it was at one point, between the paint peeling, the weather discoloring it and the wood itself starting to decay away it was hard to tell. The rest of the shed was in even worse condition I don’t even think it was painted. As we walked closer a few tiny flecks of red paint left clinging to the decrepit wood panels revealed that it was in fact painted at one time.

Pinkie began undoing the many keys and chains that held the door shut. I have no idea where she got the keys from.

It took about two minutes to finish opening the door since the chain got caught on the hinge and some of the keys were reluctant to work on the ancient locks. The door swung open. Behind it was nothing but black and a little bit of stairs that could be seen leading downward. I followed Pinkie down the steps and noticed a few unnerving things. First Pinkie was really surefooted and comfortable in this dark shed that she apparently just borrowed from Fluttershy, as if she had walked down here many times before. The second thing was that there was a heavy nearly suffocating smell coming from somewhere in the darkness of this place. Come to mention it I had no idea how big this place was since the darkness made it impossible to tell if the walls were a few feet away or hundreds. The darkness of this place swallowed almost all of my senses and it got me thinking. Ponies’ eyes are far bigger than humans’ so not only would they have keener eyesight they could potently see exceptionally well in the dark. For many others these realizations might leave them unnerved them but to me it only made me curious. Curious about what this place is and curious about how much about these ponies the show didn’t show.

“The Portal is over here Auron” Pinkie mentioned in an uncharacteristically neutral tone.

I didn’t realize I lost track of where she had gone while thinking as I looked toward the voice. I could see her slightly lit up by the low red glow of the portal. I could have sworn the portal was kind of blue before.

I walked toward the portal that would take me to where I belonged. My steps felt cold on the stone floor. Pinkie stopped me as I walked past her.

“Hey I’m gonna miss you Auron” Pinkie spoke with some tears in her eyes.

Though she and I had only met about a day ago it felt like a lot longer, for me that would be because I knew who she was for two years prior but she seemed to share the feeling. I could guess that would be just because that’s how she is; it’s just part of her personality to get really attached to a friend quickly. I thought for a moment of how much she did for Cranky after just meeting him.

I crouched down to her level and put a hand on her head.
“I’m going to miss you too Pinkie, this is just how things have to be”

I stood up again and walked toward the portal.

Suddenly the portal that was only a few feet from me started flashing violently. Within an instant brightly glowing tendrils of energy shot out the portal but not toward me like before. At least twenty translucent tendrils shot out, then as quick as they did they all shot back toward the middle of the portal. The portal itself imploded and became a brightly glowing orb about the size of an apple. I braced myself for whatever would happen next. The ball of energy erupted with blinding white light like a bomb and I flew backwards. I could have sworn I saw a field of blue in front of me for a second before I crashed into the far wall and blacked out.
Within a moment I was woken up by Pinkie pushing on me. I groggily sat up from against the wall a put a hand to the back of my head which took a large part of the impact. I thought to myself for a moment, this was the second time I’d blacked out in only about a day and a half, that can’t be healthy. I shook my head back to the world at hand. Pinkie’s mouth was moving rapidly but I didn’t hear anything. Slowly the ringing in my ears faded and sound started coming back to me.
“ARE YOU OKAY WHAT HAPPENED HOW MANY HOOVES I AM HOLDING UP DO YOU NEED A DOCTOR!” Pinkie blurted out to me in panic. She had probably said that before but I hadn’t heard her.

“I’m alright, kinda” I tried to reassure her. My own voice sounded weird to me I guess the ringing in my head hadn’t faded completely. I looked down at my hand that I had just taken from the back of my head. It was red. That was blood.

“Oh that’s not good” I thought to myself out loud. Next thing I thought, how the hell can I see my hand wasn’t this place incredibly dark. I nonchalantly turned my head to look around. Oh fire.

OH SHIT FIRE. The whole room was engulfed in flame except for around three feet from where Pinkie and I were.
“GET UP WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE!” Pinkie shouted at me.
I managed to drag myself up and staggered toward the doorway which luckily was within the three feet that wasn’t ablaze. Pinkie tried to help support me but due to the height difference it really didn’t work.

The rest was a blur I think I recall Pinkie saying we should go to Twi’s right away or something. I don’t even know why.


I woke up in a bed somewhere. Looking around I recognized the surroundings. I was back at Twilight’s in the guest room. The only difference was that the bed was white and something was over one of my eyes. I tried to sit up but my body wasn’t listening very well and all that happened was a minor tensing and a pitiful slight movement upward before falling back to the bed. “I guess I was in worse shape than I thought.” I compromised to just listening to what was around me.

“and that’s when the portal just EXPLODED well not really BUT THEN it EXPLODED AGAIN if it wasn’t for some weird blue shield of something we would have both been like exploded.” I heard Pinkie explaining to Twilight. I couldn’t tell if they were in the same room or not maybe they just had the door open and were in the main library.
“A blue shield hmm” I thought to myself. I think I recall that too, but where did it come from.