• Published 22nd Mar 2013
  • 388 Views, 5 Comments

Equestria Gateway.com - Gyrofluff

Curiosity can lead to strange things.

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A Portal to a brighter world

Equestria Gateway.com

A Portal to a brighter world

Pinkie Pie sat on my bed and inquisitively stared at the keyboard and mouse that my hands took control of and how the monitor changed correspondingly.

“Sooo do you humans have unicorns that use magic to make stuff like this thing?” Pinkie asked pointing at the computer.

I was slightly lost in thought trying to think of what episode would cause the least problem if she were to see.

“no its powered by electricity” I said without facing her.

After the moment of silence I turned to face the pink pony whose eyebrow was raised in confusion. I thought to myself “Right they don’t have electricity in Ponyville all of their things are powered by magic or fire”

“ It’s kind of like magic, I guess its human magic in a sort of way, anyway this machine is a computer and it can perform many functions but it’s also what I view your world from in the episodes I mentioned.

“Okie.. dokie.. loki?” her voice pitched up at the last syllable in a questioning tone.

I knew she really didn’t understand anything about it but it really didn’t matter she had no need to understand human technology. I came to a conclusion I would show her some of season 2 episode 24 “Mystery on the Friendship express”

“Hey that’s me!” Pinkie exclaimed with excitement as she pointed at herself in the screen.
“but how can that be me. I’m me unless I’m not me…” she trailed off.

“it’s not exactly you it’s from the past, it’s called a video which is thousands of pictures all played one after the other you should recall this event” I explained to the confused little pony.

There was a pause I expected some sort of response from Pinkie to what I had just said but heard nothing. I turned to face her. She was crumpled on the bed with her head in her hooves. I was off my chair and beside her in an instant.

“Are you okay Pinkie Pie?” I asked her I had no idea what could have happened in such a short time to her or how to help a creature such as her.

“I’m… fine *cough* okay maybe not so much… I just got this awful headache and I don’t really think I can move around right now” Pinkie sickly responded through the now flat hair that covered her face.

My mind grasped at straws “It might be the travel to this world or how this world affects someone like you, I don’t know but only another pony would know what to do, we should get you home right away” I explained more to myself than to her.
The only response was a groan from the Pink form. I reached under her to carry her to the nearby portal. She was quite light and quite soft. Her body was not solid like tensed muscle. She was kind of floppy for lack of a better word similar to moving a tired cat. As I moved her I could smell cotton candy from her mane. I walked the step it took to get the portal in the middle of my room carrying her.

“Wait… come with me *cough* they’re never going to believe I talked to a human back in Ponyville unless they see one” Pinkie fought to say.

I was in no position to refuse the request of a potentially dying pony so while holder her I grabbed the shirt off my desk and touched the portal with my arm and Pinkie in it.

The portal expanded and enveloped us with wisp like tentacles and then everything went black.


The blackness started to fade as I slowly managed to open my eyes to be greeted by more blackness. I had no idea where I was all I knew is it was dark. I was ripped out of my daze by a loud thud and crack that sounded bonelike. I flung myself up onto my feet and looked toward the sound, all I saw was some form hitting against a wall or maybe a door.

“Oh you’re awake goody, sorry about the noise just cleaning up a bit “the voice was familiar, memories of before started rushing back, that was Pinkie Pie.

A crack of light filled the room accompanied by a Pink hoof leading me towards it.
Pinkie and I walked up the narrow stairs illuminated by a small oil lamp dangling from the ceiling until we reached an old weathered looking door. As it opened the sunlight flooded into my face making me tempted to retreat back into the darkness. A few blinks and some squinting later my eyes had adjusted to the light. I looked down at myself; the housecoat I was wearing was ripped apart only leaving enough of it to hold onto my one arm and my shoulders, the muscle shirt I grabbed last minute was twisted tightly around my one arm underneath the remaining shreds of housecoat. My jeans on the other hand were nearly completely unsaved. I took off the shredded coat and unwound the shirt from my arm. On closer examination it was in fine condition so I put it on, the same could not be said for the coat. After I got myself into a condition that I could move freely in I turned back to the surprisingly quiet pink pony I had come here with. She was locking the door which we just came from with several different keys and chains.
I shifted to look at the beaten down shed we had just left. “What is this for?” I asked

“Oh nothing it’s just a littleshedfluttershysaidIcoulduse” she mumbled looking away to avoid eye contact.

“ Aaaanyyyway lets go there so much to do and we should go see Rarity no, Apple Jack no, we should definitely see Twilight first” Pinkie bounced beside me then past me.

I looked around the vivid green on the trees behind the shed and the brilliant clear blue sky above. As I turned around I saw the town of Ponyville in the distance just far enough to not be able to see any movement within the town. This world was amazing so much brighter and cleaner than my own, but it was more than that I had a strange feeling inside me… I felt… lighter.

“Come on, Auron” Pinkie called back from ahead of me.

I took a moment to soak in the magnificence of the new world.Speeding up my pace I caught up to where Pinkie was walking ahead of me. Her smile would have lit up the room if we hadn’t been outside in direct sunlight.

“It’s good to see you’re feeling better pinkie” I genuinely commented.

“mmmhmm I don’t know what was wrong with me but as soon as I came through the portal I was back to my usual Pinkie self and I’m doing especial great now that you’ll get to meet all my friends they're gonna love you” Pinkie’s voice picked back up to its normal hyperactive tone.

I smiled it was good to see her back to normal I was really worried, even though I had only really met her earlier today the fact that I had known her from show made it seem like it had been a lot longer.


“And that’s when I said oatmeal are you cra oh we’re here” Pinkie cut off her story as we reached the entrance to the town.
I was suddenly hit with massive tension about the fact that I, as human would just be walking right through the middle of Ponyville. That would be like an alien just strolling down the main sidewalk in a human city and was bound to cause trouble.

“uh Pinkie have you thought of what everypony is going to think seeing something like me just walking through town” I asked her more than a bit worried but a touch exited that I was actually able to use the word “everypony” in a real situation.

Just for an instant Pinkie’s face shifted to one of worry before it was back to her default smile

“ Oh I’m sure will be great”. I was hardly reassured but continued walking.

The moment I was in eye shot of the ponies of the town things got very quiet. I could feel the weight of their stares at me. I looked around. Almost every single pony within sight range had stopped whatever they were doing and were staring. Some with malice some with fear some with confusion even some who were just staring because their friend beside them was. To say I was uncomfortable would have been a terrible understatement, even Pinkie Pie was tense and she’s never uneasy.

“Maybe we should see Rarity first” Pinkie whispered up to me and motioned to the nearby boutique.

I followed her without question any chance to get out of the public’s piercing glare was welcome. Pinkie pushed the door open with her hoof and walked in I ducked under the doorway and followed through.

The bell chimed notifying Rarity of potential customers.
Rarity began her usual scripted greeting “Welcome to carousel boutique where everything is Oh Pinkie Pie what can I do fr” Rarity gasped and toppled into the mannequins and fabric behind her when her eyes drifted onto me.

“Hey Rarity this is Auron he’s a human” Pinkie introduced me to the white pony without the slightest bit of discomfort. It never ceased to amaze me how rapidly she could change her mood.

I tried to be as friendly as could. I crouched down to offer my hand in a handshake to her. Rarity nervously offered her hoof up in return.

“Nice to meet you um.. Auron”

I could see her begin to be less tense but she was definitely not at ease with the situation. Her eyes shifted over to Pinkie Pie.
“Pinkie I need to talk to you in private”

“Okie Dokie Lokie” Pinky responded and followed Rarity’s lead to the back room. Rarity paused.

“And Auron dear could you” She searched for the right word “just wait here for a moment and erm be careful”

I was left alone in the boutique while they were talking. I sat down and took a look around me. The boutique had a round shape which would be quite uncommon for something in my world to be. The walls were a light purple as was the floor but at least half of the wall space around the room had a red curtain over it. I reached into my pocket to check my ipod’s time as I usually do when waiting for something. “4:00am” well that explains why I’m so tired. I looked out the window and saw that the sun was only just going down. I thought about what time that meant it would be here. “if its summer and it’s just getting dark so, it’s probably around 9:00pm here” I thought to myself.

The door opened and the two mares walked out. Pinkie was her usual bubbly self and Rarity was drastically calmer than earlier and carried a look of determination on her face.
“Pinkie Pie told me everything, and so I hear you may be in need of a disguise” Rarity asked as she walked up to me floating a measuring tape beside her.

I opened my mouth to voice a response but pinkie answered for me with a “yup”.

I stood up again as Rarity walked around me spinning the measuring tape every which way and getting increasingly worried. She would turn quickly to look at some of the piles of fabric she had some a table and looked back at me without any relief.

“you’re pretty big dear… um I don’t think there’s anything in here that would help and even if it did you would only be a stylish uh whatever you are walking around Ponyville”. She stopped a moment and tapped her chin in thought.

“Oh wait I know what would be just perfect follow me”

Rarity proceeded to walked out the back door of the Boutique I followed behind her first and Pinkie Pie behind me.

“Oh here’s that old thing” Rarity commented in front of an old wooden horse cart with a black tarp in the back.
“It’s a crude disguise but a disguise nonetheless” Rarity sighed.

Pinkie chimed in “You just hop in the back and I’ll pull you over to Twilight’s with that tarp no one with think anything we’re gonna be like spies”

I obediently hopped into the back of the cart as Rarity levitated the tarp out and opened it up.
“It’s was nice meeting you Auron I wish you luck with meeting Twilight I really wish I was able to do more”

“Thanks for everything Rarity” I answered back to he, she paused a second with a puzzled expression.

“Oh I didn’t know you could actually speak he he.. wait how do you know my name?” Before I could say anything back to her Pinkie interrupted.

“well gotta go it’s getting dark bye” Pinkie pulled the cart away with me in it. The tarp was just over my shoulders as we got moving so I saw Rarity watch us go with an eyebrow raised. I pulled the tarp over my head to fully hide myself from the unknowing ponies. I guess Pinkie didn’t tell her “everything” after all.