• Published 22nd Mar 2013
  • 388 Views, 5 Comments

Equestria Gateway.com - Gyrofluff

Curiosity can lead to strange things.

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curiosity can lead to strange things

Equestria Gateway.com

curiosity can lead to strange things

It was 2:00 am on Saturday night, I was in my dorm of the college. The dim computer screen and my silver lamp gently lit the room enough to be able to see. I was bored of the game I was playing so decided to wander the internet in search of something to entertain me. As I was a Brony that would most likely be something pony related.


Suddenly an add for a site I’d never seen before called Equestriagateway.com appeared. It was unlike me to wonder on a popup site but since it was late, I was bored and it sounded pony related I figured “Why not”. The site was simple but elegant. It had no buttons no pictures but one in the center of the screen. It had a smooth light hearted pink title which read “Equestria Gateway” written in a font style very similar to the actual show. My eyes were drawn to the picture in the center of the screen, a simple animation of ripped fabric and inside it was some equestrian scenery slowly drifting back and forth, like looking through a camera that was on a chain swinging gently in a breeze. Below the picture was a button that said “click here for a pony to be delivered”. It looked like an obvious scam add but as I was bored anyway and I could just close the window if something started trying to install to my computer so I felt there was nothing to lose.


The screen flickered and I heard an unnatural buzzing coming from my screen.


Within a blink of an eye a pink form flew from the screen over me and dropped onto the carpeted blue floor just behind my chair. If I hadn’t been sitting sideways from my computer with my legs on my bed it would have crashed into me. I slid back on my chair to get a fully view of the form. My mouth stuck open in utter shock and confusion. It was a small creature, all pink though its hair was darker than its body. I got off my chair and knelt down beside the unmoving animal to get a better look. Its body was about three feet long from head to tail and it may have been around four feet standing but I couldn’t tell for sure in its current face down position on the carpet. The size of its head caught my attention the most it was nearly as big as its body. Its body was covered in a smooth fine fur that I could only compare to a short haired cat. Its head and tail sported a much thicker curled hair that was quite large. This, this was a pony but not just any; I think it was Pinkie Pie. Every logical thinking part in my head fought me on how this could happen, it didn’t make any sense it just flew out of my screen. I tried to get my head back to the real world to the little animal in front of me. Its body slowly moved up and down as it was breathing. I moved myself to the front of it and bent down to try to see its face. I couldn’t see much since its… her hair er mane was over any of it that wasn’t faced into the carpet.
It gasped loudly and jumped onto its legs I gasped with it and I jumped backwards hitting against the wall behind me. It stood idly for a moment eyes huge and wide staring at me. I was sitting against the wall legs in front of me, completely transfixed at the massive blue eyes looking at me my mouth semi open in shock.

“Hi there” Who are you. What are you” Are you gona eat me, I don’t taste very good even though I eat lots of cupcakes but well I’ve never eaten myself so I guess I wouldn’t know but still don’t eat me” The Pinkie fearfully spoke without a breath in-between.

“I’m not going to eat you” I responded automatically though I could probably of worded it softer if I had thought about what I was saying first.

“Oh Good” The Pink creature breathed out relaxing a bit.

“OOOOO OOO your uh..” The little Pony fought for the words

“a Brooooony.. Ya a Brony! That’s what they’re called I told my friends you were real every time I get a burning ear I said. That’s when a Brony’s watching nopony really knew what I meant I didn’t even really know but they didn’t really question much cuz they know my pinkie sense is never wrong”. “But I’d never thought I’d see one with my own eyes oooooooooo” She bounced around me looking at me from all different angles trying to decipher what to think of me.

“And you can talk too and can you stand or do you just sit and move like that I mean I never saw a brony before I just kinda knew that they were there and my pinkie senses they just told me “yup that thing right there is a Brony pinkie” and I was so excited” She paused semi crouched looking like a cat about to pounce at a bird, awaiting my response.

“Um actually I’m called a human” I corrected and I stood up revealing my height and the ability to stand. I could have just said “yes I could stand” or anything else would have sounded better but sometimes when a transdimensional pony just jumps through your computer you get a little dazed and at a loss for words.

“wooooooohhhh you really big well not really that big but really tall and you don’t have any hooves of nothing” she looked up in awe and then down to my hands and feet.

“What are those things how do they work I’ve never seen anything with limbs like that in Equestria well except for maybe griffons but those are different, speaking of Equestria where are we?”

I crouched down to her level to look at her face while I spoke “well first these are called hands you uh.. hold things and pick things up with them” I raised my hand in front of her and moved my fingers around in explanation. “ and you are on earth… uh Canada to be exact” I responded to her other question.

“WAAAwww cool so you can like hold something in each hand and speak all at the same time that sooo COOL” Pinkie ecstatically commented “oh and uh earth er Canada I’ve never heard of that place before I wonder how I would get back?” She looked around the room and spotted the swirling purple energy spiraling out from my computer screen.

“OH I guess that would probably work” She explained as she pointed at the portal.

I shifted and looked to where she pointed her hoof and in awe of the swirling portal projecting from my desktop. The portal swirled and made a sphere like shape a few feet from the desktop and a little less than a foot above the ground. The tail that fed the portal from my desktop detached from the screen and joined the portal that softly floated toward the center of the room.

“But I’m in not real rush to leave there are sooo many cool things here” She spun around.

“Like you” She smiled and I couldn’t help but smile back at the bright little pony.

“You’re a Human and you’re a Brony how does that work OH and where’s all your fur and OH OH is that all part of you or are you wearing like clothes and do all humans do that and what’s this and and WHATS THAT and are you like soft or are you like hard like a turtle OH OH and can I touch you?” She bounded around my room and pointed all over and then stopped on the last question.

“uh that didn’t come out right” she shifted her eyes to the ceiling in thought.

I struggled to grasp at all that she just asked me “Okay first I’m a human just like you are a Pony and a Brony is..” I paused for a moment to think how to word it not wanting it to sound a creepy as a human who watches ponies.

“a Brony is what we call humans who like Ponies like you” in hindsight that didn’t sound too much better than what I was trying not to say.

“OHHHHH sooo YOU LIKE ME! YEY! WE can be friends I’ve never had a friend human and I’m friends with EVERYPONY” Pinkie exclaimed while bouncing in excitement.
“OH and do you have like a name cuz I can’t just be calling my new friend human that be like you calling me Pony and I’m Pinkie Pie” Pinkie eagerly asked and sat down to wait for a response looking inquisitively at me her huge blue eyes filled with curiosity.

“I.. er My names Auron” I responded.

“orrr.. Aur. Auron Okay got it I’m Pinkie Pie” She grabbed my hand and shook it rapidly
Her hooves were not visibly differentiable from her leg but I could feel where her hoof ended and her leg began. Her Fur extended down her arm but not onto her hoof. the fur was very smooth to the touch and her hoof was of the exact same color as it. In natural response to the handshake I closed my hand to grasp her on hoof and tame down the frenzied hand shake.
She froze and stared at my hand that was gently closed three quarters of the way around her hoof.

“woh its so different” Pinkie exclaimed in interest as she touched her hoof to my arm to examine it. “Its like soft but smooth and soooo…” she searched for a way to try and explain it.

“flexible like a... well I’ve never seen anything like it” She lifted my relaxed arm and hand up to her face examine it.
“and its all like hairless accept I guess for these little tiny hairs. She rubbed her face up against my hand and palm to examine it further. She let out a little squee and closed her eyes in a big smile with my hand against her face.

Her eyes shot open again “SO what’s this?” She pounced onto me knocking me over and kneeling.
Her hoof rested upon my chest over the soft gray housecoat I was wearing. The fabric was partially open so my chest could be seen.
“It’s called a house coat, its a type of clothing, kind of like the saddles you wore in the winter or a dress” I explained to the pink pony sitting on me.

“Well it’s not cold sooo… OH! is there a PARTY here and you’re dressed up for it! Can I come I LOVE PARTIES!”

I tried to calm down the ecstatic pony “no pinkie it’s, there isn’t a party unfortunately, it’s just how humans do things”

She stopped and looked at me with a confused expression. I tried to think of someway I could relate it to something she’d know.

“It’s kind of like in Canterlot all the ponies are always wearing clothes just going about their daily lives”
Pinkie’s face changed to one of understanding “okie dokie loki… but wait how do you know about Canterlot I thought we weren’t in equestrian?” she questioned confused again.

“well… here every time twilight makes a letter to Celestia and some other occasions we are able to see it in an episode of My Little Pony” I tried to explain. Pinkie’s face grew even more confused.

“you see us? Episode? My Little Pony?” Pinkie Pie questioned with her head tilted and one eyebrow up.

“here I’ll try to show you come sit up here” I pointed to the bed beside my computer as I carefully moved around the portal and sat down in my chair in front of my computer.