• Published 18th Mar 2013
  • 423 Views, 19 Comments

The Battle for the Weak - Wisp_Flare

Shower Rain is a young Pegasus mare from a whole different dimension then Equestria. When her father learns about the rift between these two worlds he, in desperation sends her on a important mission to Equestria.

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Crash and Burn

There was a pain in my wing as I pushed myself to the max. The storm in this cloud was intense but I knew I could do it because it was my destiny. I ignored the desire to glance back at my flank and pushed myself farther along the storm drift. If I lost focus even once in this dangerous cloud jump I could very well die with or without Wisp's help. A sudden wind change forced me to rear left. A panic started to over take me as I was being forced out of the cloud. I had already lost count how long I've been traveling but leaving the clouds before the right league probably wasn't a good idea and I didn't very well want to test to see what would happen either but it was clear I had no choice as I popped rear first out of the clouds and into the rain storm below.
Upon seeing the ground below I swallowed my heart back into my chest and continued onward. Nothing looked familiar but i didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing just yet plus the fact there was a terrible storm going on around me didn't help with familiarity anyway.
Doing a loop midair I dived down closer to the ground to see if I could see anypony or maybe a city or something. The landscape stretched far beyond what i could see and I was slowly tiring out as the rain pelted down upon me.
'It's all this rain. I gotta get higher!' I was the only Pegasus pony I knew that could cloud jump, it was my special talent. While cloud jumping was indeed dangerous it was a faster way to travel. It's only recently that some science pony figured out it was also a form of teleportation through dimensions and through our desperation I would be the first Pegasus to test his theory and as long as I was doing it his theory wouldn't be proven until i returned home safely.

Zipping back up into the air I never got a chance to make it to the clouds as a lightening bolt zipped towards me from those very same clouds. I quickly dodged it thinking nothing of it...that is until the same bolt followed my fast moments through the sky. I was for a moment left dumbstruck as I dodged for my life. I dodged another bolt...then another! My wing beats started to slow as the heavy rain weighted me down, drenching my wings and my coat. The pain was intense as the first bolt struck me clear in my back knocking me off course. I groaned in pain as I fought to keep a float. I was to slow to dodge full blows anymore. As the second bolt glazed my side I called out in pain and was on a quick path straight down and what was best suited to be hurling after me but the last bolt of lightening.
I'm finished! my ears flattened to my head as I waited for my unavoidable death...


My eyes widened at the desperate and fearful cry. The orb around my neck lite up bright blinding me as I felt myself crash through stone.

"What was that?" I questioned as I slowly got up from all the stone and debris coughing. I was answered by a high pitched squeal and the sound of animals running every which way. Once the dust cleared and my coughing stop I looked around from the look of things I landed in someponies house.
"Hello?" I called. Looking around at the pictures on the walls for a moment I didn't noticed the Pegasus pony that dived under the couch in fear.

Upon folding my wings at my side I yelped in pain as my left wing erected back out in a weird way. Looking at it in horror for a moment I sat on my haunches and inspected the whole wing.
I breathed a sigh of relief as the crest at the base of my wing wasn't damaged. The crest that was very much the same as my father's, the crest that also proved my lineage. It wasn't gold like my father's no, it was the same color as my coat, a beautiful dark mint green. I awkwardly whipped my white mane out of my face and looked around again.

Sticking out of the underneath of a couch was a quivering plot of yellow fur. Attached at the base of that plot was a long flowy pink tail. Looking closer her mark became clear to me. Butterflies. Four pink butterflies lined each sides of her flanks. Stopping for a moment I pondered what her mark could mean before my ears flattened to my head at the dark oppressing feel I suddenly got from the air.Bounding over the couch in one leap I galloped out of the ponies house to defend her and her home.

When I made it to the end of the path I reared back at the oppressing gray clouds that suddenly started rolling in around me. Cackling was the first thing I heard as a tall alicorn stepped out of the clouds. Immediately it stood out that he was a zebra alicorn with a teal coat and white stripes. His blue eyes were just as piecing as his sharp looking horns. That's right this alicorn had 5 horns instead of one while his unicorn horn stood tail and proud he had four others along the side of his head. They were twisted together in away that they looked like one but I knew better.

I stood firm ready to charge this pony, I wasn't afraid.

"Awww don't look so tense my little pony." The alicorn said sarcastically.

"I'm not your pony!" I yelled hoofing the ground. "Now tell me why your here and when you're done get lost!"

The alicorn just laughed again and shifted slightly drawing my attention to his mark. Again that day my ears fell and I took a step back. There was no way this pony could be....

"Zeus?! Alicorn of T...Thunder?" I said the second part in a quieter voice, a timid voice. His mark was that of a thunder bolt nothing more nothing less. It was just a very clear lightening bolt. Never had I seen anypony with that mark and he was a alcorn....who else could he be and why was he here?
His cheeky smile unnerved me and i felt sick to my stomach. The orb around my neck suddenly grow brighter again as Zeus took a step forward. This made him frown and suddenly without reason or words the alicorn started returning to the clouds he came from as the clouds rolled away back to where every they came from.

As things started to quiet down and the skies began to clear I fell on my haunches in the wet mud pondering what all this meant. Zeus, the Alicorn of Thunder, Lightening, and the sky had just stood before me, had just struck me from the sky not once but three times. What threat did I pose to him that he felt the need to even appear before me let alone attack me? My eyes widened as a blush covered my face. In total fear i'd wet myself. As I remembered the words I said to the alicorn a hoof covered my face.

"Stupid...what was I going to do? Buck him to death?!" I growled out at my own stupidity. "or perhaps invite him to a flying contest and let the best pony win?" I shook my head as I slowly got up and shakily walked back up to the yellow filly's home.

Walking through the door my eye was drawn to the big gaping hole in the ceiling of the house. Looking around some more I once again saw the frighten filly hiding under the couch still.

"Um...it's okay now..you can come out..." Awkwardly I scratched my head after all I was probably the pony that caused her the most fright if she was still hiding in the same position I left her in.

Good, it's best she know nothing about the alicorn Zeus...

"Um...miss..it's okay now..sorry if I frightened you..." I sat on my haunches too tired now to hold myself up. I watched as she slowly climbed out from under the couch and turned to me. The yellow filly with a all pink mane and tail looked upon me shyly and in total fear. I smiled at her guiltily trying to ease the tension.

"Are you alright?"

Her round face lite up in a wave of shock at my question. Too stumped to speak just yet she nodded slowly, shyly. Smiling ear to ear I felt myself fading.
"That's...goo.." I felt as my eyes rolled to the back of my head as I hit the floor.

Rain... I heard Wisp's soft voice in my head as I faded slowly away.