> The Battle for the Weak > by Wisp_Flare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Friend in Need > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I frowned as I calculated the distance between Equestria and Earth. 'Getting there will be impossible without some unicorn ponies help...' I frowned deeper at the thought. I knew the only unicorn I'd trust for the job but what would father think of her. Wiping my hoof across the map I counted the leagues of space between the two dimensions again making my decision. Looking up at the group of colts and fillies presented in front of me, my ears dropped as I saw their eager faces. "I don't mean to disappoint...but...f-father this mission will need magic not brute force or numbers to cross the thrash hold." Someponies gasped at my blunt statement but I simply looked over at the alicorn that was my father. He had a brilliant light mint coat and eyes his wing stretched far behind him and held crests at the base of them emphasizing royalty while his horn was long, strong and sharp. He sighs as he trots up to me. "Whom did you have in mind then my little pony?" As he raised his brow at me I became nervous and looked at all the other ponies around me. Giving a nervous smile I hopped over the pedestal that was holding the map and walked up to a young red unicorn her ears flatten against her head as she stepped away from me. "Flare Wisp!" I said with a big smile. My shy friend glared at me as she tried to get away from the stares of everypony. I pouted at her, silently begging her with my eyes. I became even more nervous not wanting to look foolish in front of my dad if she really told me no. "Come on Wisp..please..I need you.." I whispered to her in fear. Her eyes widen as she frowned and reluctantly walked toward me with a nerved smile on her face trying to look brave. With Wisp by my side I turned and presented her to the others. Flare was the strongest unicorn I knew, she just lacked....focus and confidence in herself but I truly felt this mission would be too dangerous for any other unicorn...they lacked the raw power that Wisp had in her. As I opened my eyes I saw the disapproving frowns of the other ponies and I glared at them daring them to question my decision. "Okay my daughter I respect your decision but are you ponies ready?" I smiled as I stood confidently in front of my father. "Of course we are!" Nodding my father turned to the balcony in the large room and quickly walked outside. "Okay my little ponies. Flare Wisp are you ready?" My father spoke gently as he tried encouraging her. She frowned in confusion as she watch me unfold my wings and take flight. Hovering in front of them I looked at Wisp. "I..um...what do I do?" Wisp looked at her Prince in earnest. "Just follow my lead but then you'll be on your own my little pony, I leave Shower Rain's life in your hoofs..." Wisp's eyes widened tenfold as she began to freak her magic faded as she began to back away again. "What!?!?" Tears come to her eyes as she looked for a way out of this. "I...I..I can't..she'll die!" Wisp fell to her haunches and began to cry. Staring at her I frowned then gently called her name. "Flare Wisp..." Slowly her head rose and I stared straight into her purple fearful eyes. She didn't even know what she needed to do and she was already doubting herself. It was because she was my best friend and cared about my safety that I choose her above all the other ponies. Reaching out I wiped the tears from her eyes giving her a weak smile. "Flare Wisp your my best friend and because your my best friend I know no matter what you wont fail me." Staring at me in shock she blushed and slowly got up. She was scared but if everypony were to survive it would be up to her and me to get this message to Equestria. "My Lord Prostáti̱s we must hurry their coming!" Somepony yelled out in a panic. I frowned as my father turned to me. "Princess Rain?" Turning to Wisp I looked at her pleadingly.... "O..Ok..I...i'll do it." ++++++++++++ As I shot into the cloud i picked up speed willing myself to go faster. As the first Thunder bolt headed my way I zigzagged around it. Stealing a glance down at the magic ball around my neck I sighed with a small smile. "Flare Wisp..." Another lightening bolt zipped into my path causing me to nearly slam into it. I had to stay focus. 'This is going to be a long journey.' > Crash and Burn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There was a pain in my wing as I pushed myself to the max. The storm in this cloud was intense but I knew I could do it because it was my destiny. I ignored the desire to glance back at my flank and pushed myself farther along the storm drift. If I lost focus even once in this dangerous cloud jump I could very well die with or without Wisp's help. A sudden wind change forced me to rear left. A panic started to over take me as I was being forced out of the cloud. I had already lost count how long I've been traveling but leaving the clouds before the right league probably wasn't a good idea and I didn't very well want to test to see what would happen either but it was clear I had no choice as I popped rear first out of the clouds and into the rain storm below. Upon seeing the ground below I swallowed my heart back into my chest and continued onward. Nothing looked familiar but i didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing just yet plus the fact there was a terrible storm going on around me didn't help with familiarity anyway. Doing a loop midair I dived down closer to the ground to see if I could see anypony or maybe a city or something. The landscape stretched far beyond what i could see and I was slowly tiring out as the rain pelted down upon me. 'It's all this rain. I gotta get higher!' I was the only Pegasus pony I knew that could cloud jump, it was my special talent. While cloud jumping was indeed dangerous it was a faster way to travel. It's only recently that some science pony figured out it was also a form of teleportation through dimensions and through our desperation I would be the first Pegasus to test his theory and as long as I was doing it his theory wouldn't be proven until i returned home safely. Zipping back up into the air I never got a chance to make it to the clouds as a lightening bolt zipped towards me from those very same clouds. I quickly dodged it thinking nothing of it...that is until the same bolt followed my fast moments through the sky. I was for a moment left dumbstruck as I dodged for my life. I dodged another bolt...then another! My wing beats started to slow as the heavy rain weighted me down, drenching my wings and my coat. The pain was intense as the first bolt struck me clear in my back knocking me off course. I groaned in pain as I fought to keep a float. I was to slow to dodge full blows anymore. As the second bolt glazed my side I called out in pain and was on a quick path straight down and what was best suited to be hurling after me but the last bolt of lightening. I'm finished! my ears flattened to my head as I waited for my unavoidable death... "SHOWER RAIN!!! My eyes widened at the desperate and fearful cry. The orb around my neck lite up bright blinding me as I felt myself crash through stone. "What was that?" I questioned as I slowly got up from all the stone and debris coughing. I was answered by a high pitched squeal and the sound of animals running every which way. Once the dust cleared and my coughing stop I looked around from the look of things I landed in someponies house. "Hello?" I called. Looking around at the pictures on the walls for a moment I didn't noticed the Pegasus pony that dived under the couch in fear. Upon folding my wings at my side I yelped in pain as my left wing erected back out in a weird way. Looking at it in horror for a moment I sat on my haunches and inspected the whole wing. I breathed a sigh of relief as the crest at the base of my wing wasn't damaged. The crest that was very much the same as my father's, the crest that also proved my lineage. It wasn't gold like my father's no, it was the same color as my coat, a beautiful dark mint green. I awkwardly whipped my white mane out of my face and looked around again. Sticking out of the underneath of a couch was a quivering plot of yellow fur. Attached at the base of that plot was a long flowy pink tail. Looking closer her mark became clear to me. Butterflies. Four pink butterflies lined each sides of her flanks. Stopping for a moment I pondered what her mark could mean before my ears flattened to my head at the dark oppressing feel I suddenly got from the air.Bounding over the couch in one leap I galloped out of the ponies house to defend her and her home. When I made it to the end of the path I reared back at the oppressing gray clouds that suddenly started rolling in around me. Cackling was the first thing I heard as a tall alicorn stepped out of the clouds. Immediately it stood out that he was a zebra alicorn with a teal coat and white stripes. His blue eyes were just as piecing as his sharp looking horns. That's right this alicorn had 5 horns instead of one while his unicorn horn stood tail and proud he had four others along the side of his head. They were twisted together in away that they looked like one but I knew better. I stood firm ready to charge this pony, I wasn't afraid. "Awww don't look so tense my little pony." The alicorn said sarcastically. "I'm not your pony!" I yelled hoofing the ground. "Now tell me why your here and when you're done get lost!" The alicorn just laughed again and shifted slightly drawing my attention to his mark. Again that day my ears fell and I took a step back. There was no way this pony could be.... "Zeus?! Alicorn of T...Thunder?" I said the second part in a quieter voice, a timid voice. His mark was that of a thunder bolt nothing more nothing less. It was just a very clear lightening bolt. Never had I seen anypony with that mark and he was a alcorn....who else could he be and why was he here? His cheeky smile unnerved me and i felt sick to my stomach. The orb around my neck suddenly grow brighter again as Zeus took a step forward. This made him frown and suddenly without reason or words the alicorn started returning to the clouds he came from as the clouds rolled away back to where every they came from. As things started to quiet down and the skies began to clear I fell on my haunches in the wet mud pondering what all this meant. Zeus, the Alicorn of Thunder, Lightening, and the sky had just stood before me, had just struck me from the sky not once but three times. What threat did I pose to him that he felt the need to even appear before me let alone attack me? My eyes widened as a blush covered my face. In total fear i'd wet myself. As I remembered the words I said to the alicorn a hoof covered my face. "Stupid...what was I going to do? Buck him to death?!" I growled out at my own stupidity. "or perhaps invite him to a flying contest and let the best pony win?" I shook my head as I slowly got up and shakily walked back up to the yellow filly's home. Walking through the door my eye was drawn to the big gaping hole in the ceiling of the house. Looking around some more I once again saw the frighten filly hiding under the couch still. "Um...it's okay now..you can come out..." Awkwardly I scratched my head after all I was probably the pony that caused her the most fright if she was still hiding in the same position I left her in. Good, it's best she know nothing about the alicorn Zeus... "Um...miss..it's okay now..sorry if I frightened you..." I sat on my haunches too tired now to hold myself up. I watched as she slowly climbed out from under the couch and turned to me. The yellow filly with a all pink mane and tail looked upon me shyly and in total fear. I smiled at her guiltily trying to ease the tension. "Are you alright?" Her round face lite up in a wave of shock at my question. Too stumped to speak just yet she nodded slowly, shyly. Smiling ear to ear I felt myself fading. "That's...goo.." I felt as my eyes rolled to the back of my head as I hit the floor. Rain... I heard Wisp's soft voice in my head as I faded slowly away. > What's This? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Voices were all around me when I came to. Nothing coherent but voices none the less. The pain I felt was noticeable but bearable as I shifted the weight of my wings. I stained to listen trying to piece together words to make sentences so that I could know what was going on. "...but who is she?" " And Are you sure you're alright sugarcube?" It was a chore but I finally manged to open my eyes and let the light pour in them. I first noticed the orange obviously country mare seated in front of me. On her rump was three red apples that stood for her mark. The young mare had both hooves placed gently on the yellow....mare? Blinking I shook my head at the female I had thought a filly just last night. "N-No..no I'm okay..honest." Her voice was quiet and soft as she tried to reassure the other pony. Gingerly I stepped one hoof at a time off of the very same couch the yellow mare had hid under. "But Fluttershy I still don't understand, what happened?" I was only halfway off the couch when I heard the new voice. "It was...um...well.." Testing my hooves I was careful getting up, I couldn't waste anymore time listening to these ponies bicker. I had to finish my mission. It would seem though that luck wasn't with me that day as my legs locked on me at the last moment and what was worst I slipped on the very blanket that had kept me warm only moments ago. "Whoa!" And down I want off the couch. "Well someponies awake...maybe she can explain what happened!" All eyes were on me now as I fought to untangle my self from the blanket. "Here...let me help you." Using her teeth the orange mare helped me out of the blanket. Finally free I sat on my haunches on trying to clear my head. When I finally looked up I was met with a anger distrustful face in my own. I immediately knew she was a pegasus because she had zipped in to question me and was now floating inches from my face. "What did you do to Fluttershy's house and who are you?!" Her blue coat and rainbow mare stuck out like a sore hoof. "Back off! I don't have time for you or anypony right now I-" "Rainbow, calm down." The orange pony pulled at her tail causing her to back a few feet back and take to standing rather then flying as they began to argue. "Stop!" All eyes want to the yellow mare as she spoke up to gain everyone's attention. "O-oh my...um..RainbowDash, AppleJack I'm sorry..it's just...well..if it weren't for her I probably wouldn't be here right now..." All of us looked at her in shock as she continued. "It's...it's just...well.." The yellow mare seemed to be trying to contain herself as she explained. "...she was amazing..." There was a big shy smile on her face as the mare looked from her friends to me. On her back I noticed a white bunny shaking its head agreeing with her. "Yeah..she crashed through my ceiling and scared all my poor animals away...but the way she took that big bad, mean alicorn on was amazing!" My eyes widened as a small blush came to my cheeks. Everypony in the room looked over at me as I stood up. Shaking my coat out I stood speechless, regarding everyone in the room sighing. 'So she did see...' "And what was more..she even checked to see...if I was aright when she was done with him.." She finished shyly. "Well...it seems we all here din misjudged you miss...?" Orange mare. I sighed, if I didn't finish with introductions I'd never be able to get back to my mission. "My name's...uh...ShowerRain....I don't mean to be rude but I have a very important mission to get back to if you don't mind..Speaking of can you be so kind as to tell me where I am?" I had to at least know if I had crossed the thrash hold or not. If I hadn't I was way far behind then I'd care for and I'd have to use even more magic to get my wing fixed up in a giffy. "Oh um..my name's AppleJack and this 'ere be RainbowDash and FlutterShy..." AppleJack started. "And.. your in Ponyville...sorry about the way I acted." RainbowDash finished with a sorry note. "Ponyville?...oh no...it's a town right?...no no I must know the country or world?" I questioned myself. I wasn't really sure, was Equestria a country or was it the world? They all looked at me weirdly as I debated with myself for a moment. "Um....It's Equestria and it's a country...are you okay?" AppleJack asked. I had made it. I was here. If that was the case I needed to finish this mission and quickly everyone was counting on me, especially Wisp. 'FlareWisp..that was you that saved me wasn't it?...hold on I'll be back as quick as I can.' "You said something about a mission? Is it anything we can do to help..I mean anypony that helps Futtershy is a friend of mine." Rainbow commented. My eyes widened as I realized something. I couldn't get these ponies involved it would be too much to ask especially if the alicorn Zeus was after me. "Um..no no its alright I really must be going though..." I awkwardly trotted out of the house now it was time to see how much damage had really been done. "Oh and um...FlutterShy was it? I promise on my way back through I'll stop by and repay you for your house." I was after all the pony that crashed through it lightening or no. "There's no way your flying on that wing sugarcube, you should have Dash here deliver it for you. She'll get it there lickity split too, she'll one of the fastest flier in Ponyville." AppleJack said in worry. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't touched by her concern for a pony she barely knew. Looking at Dash for a moment (who was smirking at the compliment) I didn't doubt that but this mission was given to me and I had to see it through to the end. I was in Equestria, now all I have to do is find the most magical pony here, surly that pony had to be their ruler or someone close to their ruler. Either way, I looked at the ball of red light around my neck, with Wisp's help I'd find him or her. Stretching my wings out I bit through the pain and swallowed my calls. Hearing the pop I fought the cringe and forced myself into the air with a moan of pain, at the last second I felt Wisp's magic coat my wing soothing it. A small smile came to my lips as I focused on the magic. I knew something was wrong when the pain came rushing back on me in huge waves. It actually hurt more then when we first started. I came crashing down again with a cry of pain more so from my wing then landing on my rump. All three ponies came rushing up on me. "Oh my...are you okay?" FlutterShy asked as I shakily stood up again. My ears flatten to my head in total worry as I looked at the red ball of light around my neck. The light was really weak now, it was barely glowing. Tears came to my eyes at how stupid I was for not realizing it. "Oh no...FlareWisp, I'm so sorry!" 'Of course your not ready after taking on that alicorn.' "Stupid...why do I have to be so stupid?!" I yelled into the air as I started pacing back and forth. I stopped mid step as I felt Wisp's magic caressing my damaged wing. It was a weird feeling and it almost..felt as if..she were apologizing for not being able to do it. I sat on my haunches thinking. 'Leave it to me I'll find a way to get to their ruler you just rest...' If magic was what was needed to find their ruler then I would talk to every unicorn I could for information and advice, And I'd do it without giving too much away, somehow. I ignored the other ponies stares as I spoke. " I'm sorry but...It seems I need your help again...I need you to point me in the direction of the most magical unicorn you know." I didn't care if I looked or sounded crazy. Wisp saved my life and I'd save her's by not using her magic to finish my mission. She had done enough, she got me here. 'I'm sorry everyone. I'll bring help as soon as I can..just hang on.' > Taking Charge > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The town of Ponyville was a small establishment compared to home. There were many different shops and stands selling all different types of items and foods. "There are lots of unicorns in Ponyville but what do you need them for?" RaindowDash asked from the sky. I frowned not sure as to how to answer her. "I..um need to ask them about magic." Rainbow looked at me funny. "What about it?" "Wait now one minute, I thought ya said ya had something to deliver?" AppleJack said in suspension. 'They'll catch me if I directly lie to them.' I thought. "I do but I can't deliver it yet with this wing." AppleJack looked at me with a raised eyebrow. Looking ahead I watched as a white unicorn lifted a basket of food with her magic and started walking contently along the road, that is until I trotted up to her. "Excuse miss but by chance do you happen to know any healing magic?" She reared a little startled by my sudden appearance. Frowning at me she gave it thought as she looked me over. "Well hi to you to," she rolled her eyes. "If you mean to fix that wing I don't have enough magic for that, only gifted unicorns that service the princess would know top of the line magic like that. Your best bet would probably be to go get it looked at by a doctor and pronto." Her worried expression shocked me for a moment until I remembered she mentioned a princess. Before I could ask though AppleJack interrupted and the unicorn hurried away. "I'll catch you gals in a bit I got somepo...er I mean errands to run around town. I'm pretty sure Rainbow and FlutterShy can help you around until I get back though Shower." "Actually I have a few weather jobs to do real quick. FlutterShy take care of Shower for now maybe grab a bite to eat." Rainbow finished. 'Well this is awkward...' I smiled at FlutterShy sheepishly as the other two mares rushed off. ------------------------------- "Twilight I don't think you understand, something is really off about this pony." AppleJack stressed as she followed Twilight into her kitchen. Twilight sat at the table content on finishing her oatmeal. As she went to take a bite she noticed immediately that the once warm and full bowl was empty. Looking around she frowned as she saw Spike licking the remaining oatmeal from his fingers and placing the spoon in the wash. Sighing Twilight turned to AppleJack. "I don't know AppleJack, from what you guys described she just sounds like a lost Pegasus." "But what if she's a evil lost Pegasus?" Rainbow said dramatically landing next to Twilight. "I'm awfully worried about her wing mainly..." AppleJack mumbled. "And she has this weird amulet thing. She really starting freaking out when it wouldn't work." Rainbow ranted in worry and suspension. At the mention about her wing and an amulet Twilight looked up in alert. "Ok wait wait wait, so a hurt, lost Pegasus with a magically amulet? I don't like the sound of that.." "I think I agree with Twilight, AppleJack. I know we've had our share of evil amulets before but to top the cake she's looking for unicorns too." Rainbow Dash stated. "Unicorns? Why unicorns?" Twilights ear flattened at the sound of that. "Maybe it's so she can drain them of their magic and refill her amulet!!" Everypony jumped as Pinkie Pie came out of no where and pretended to suck the magic out of Rainbow. "Rainbow don't forget she did save FlutterShy from the Alicorn she saw." AppleJack glared at Rainbow as things were starting to get out of hoof. "Hm...maybe I will write the Princess just in case. In the mean time you guys bring her here. I'll talk to her." "Twilight, are you sure that's a good idea?" Rainbow asked in worry. "I mean she did ask for the strongest unicorn we know..." Suddenly all of Twilight's friends were looking at her in worry. Her eyes widened as a blush came to her cheeks. "It'll be fine guys, I promise. Spike? Spike! I need to send a letter!" --------------------------- I picked at the hay fries awkwardly as I watched FlutterShy eat her salad. Suddenly being left with the pony who's house I destroyed was not a good idea, especially if it was a pony as shy as FlutterShy. I also didn't have any money so she had to buy my meal. I sighed at the thought. How could I possibly ever pay FlutterShy back when I couldn't even handle my current given task. Looking down at the orb I frowned more. I had no luck finding a talented unicorn as the first one said. They were either too young or not talented enough to give me the treatment I needed. I knew no earth pony doctor would be able to help me either. At this rate I'd have to be totally honest with them, I was getting desperate. Every second here anything could be happening back at home. The tyrant could have destroyed everything by now for all I know. "A..are you ok?" I heard a small voice from across me. Looking up at FlutterShy I felt a sting in my eye as tears were falling. Quickly I wiped them away and shook my head willing myself to focus. "Y..yea I just miss home." FlutterShy smiled at me. "W-what's your home like?" My eyes lite up as I grow still. "It was beautiful.." I said smitten with a small smile. "W-was?" She questioned with a polite glance. "Uh..y-yea I mean is." I grinned as I recalled the beauty of my home world back from when I was a little filly. "The forest are huge,plentiful, and bursting with life. The plains are wide and miles long. There were so many flowers, and plants and beauty. The farms were amazing, corn, wheat, apples, peaches, tomatoes, rice you name it we had it." My grin grow as I saw FlutterShy looked just as excited as I was. "Oh my that all sounds lovely. I hope I get to see it one day.." She said shyly. My eyes widen as I realized the dream in my head and the world I lived in now. My ears dropped as I recalled reality and what my world was now like. "Anyway..FlutterShy I just wanted to tell you sor-" I jumped as RainbowDash landed on our table knocking my hay fries to the ground. "Shower Rain, come on we have a pony we want you to meet!" She smiled as she jumped off the table. Standing up I got another scare as a pink earth pony jumped out of no where and started talking 100 miles per minute. Try as I may I couldn't catch most of what she said and looked at FlutterShy for help. She simply shrugged. "Pinkie Pie you can talk and introduce yourself later." Rainbow said as she pulled Pinkie away. --------------------------- RainbowDash's eagerness to get me here was kinda suspension but what could happen? Stepping through the door of the tree I could tell it was a library right away. Once the door closed behind me AppleJack and two other ponies I didn't know came into the room from the study. They both were unicorns. I grow nervous at the number of people in the room. There was six in all. "Um...what is this about?" My body grow tense looking at all of them one by one. Rainbow had said something about meeting one pony not three. Glancing at the door behind me I noticed Rainbow was already in front of it. FlutterShy looked worried as she stayed by my side. "Hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle" The purple unicorn stepped up to me nervously as she introduced herself. "U-um..I'm Shower Rain.." Her mark stood out to me, it was a star surrounded by littler stars. "My friend's told me you were looking for unicorns..?" She paused not knowing where to take the conversation. I was hesitant to ask her anything. Surrounded by this may ponies, they must be suspension of me. "They also told me that you wouldn't give them any clear reasons as to why.." I sat there for a moment panicking. It was my own fault I was in this situation now. "If you want my help..that's fine but you won't get it until I feel I can trust you and how can I when you've been lying to my friends up until now..?" She said seriously. I gave a heavy sigh as I let myself relax. 'Wisp...what should I do...?' As I felt the orb around my neck move I reached up to my head and pulled the leather hat off my head for the first time since being here. I whipped my white mane out of my face again and then watched as the orb floated off my neck and in to the center of the room. It glow weakly for a second then a very faint transparent figure appeared out of the grow. Leaving everyone in shock. "My name is Shower Rain...my friends call me Dodge and this..this is my companion and best friend FlareWisp. Please...we need your help." I stood tall and looked at Twilight with dead serious eyes.