• Published 1st May 2013
  • 619 Views, 4 Comments

Bloodmare Moon Night - dark pony

Princess Luna had hard time, getting along with her subjects from Poniville, but with assitance of Twilight Sparkle everythung ended well. But Fluttershy reacted freakingly bad. What happend to her? Have she met Princess Luna before?

  • ...

Album of painfull memories

Chapter 1

Twilight held her breath, before knocking. The royal sun of the elder princess, sent a colorful waves into the sky, before the sun itself would appear.

Though it was so early at the morning, the magneta pony knew, that her friend was already awake. She have heard the trembling through the walls of the hut.

"Fluttershy?" she called, as she knocked on the door with her hoof. Whining muffle answered her. "Fluttershy?" She repeated. Another whining muffle answered her. Twilight got tired of it, already.

"Fluttershy! Open up! It's me! Twilighit sparkle!" She shouted.
Light hoofsteps been heard, and then a light squeak. "Twilight? Are... are you..... mmm alone?" Asked Fluttershy with a trembling voice.

Sure, Twilight was worried about her friend, but she couldn't help it and rolled her eyes. "Yes. Now can you let me in?" She asked in anoyyed tone. She was worried and tired, to the point where her nerves could explode any moment.

This was the end of very eventful Nightmare Moon Night festival. Princess Luna visited Poniville, to celebrate the holiday with her subjects, but was rejected by fear. Fear of the dark pony she was- before~ Nightmare Moon.

But with assistance of Twilight Sparkle, the holiday was saved and everypony enjoyed together. Except of Rarity and Fluttershy.

But Rarity probably just felt that ithis a silly common villager's holiday. It's Fluttershy wich made her worry. She reacted really bad when she came with Princess Luna. She actually lost conscious with open eyes!

That was overreacting, even for Fluttershy! And that why Twilight lost her nerves when the answer she heard was:"So... pl..please come later! I an kinda busy ... right now.... righ~right, Angel?"

Twilight growled, and narrowed her eyes. "That it." She anounced, as her horn glowed with magneta aura and forced the door open by telekensis.

She heard wihmpers and few crushing objects. She sighed and already regreted her violence. She galloped in, and shuted the door behind her.

The usualy warm and organized home of the gentle pony, looked now dark and grim.
A lonely cup of tea sat on little round table and, few chairs was thrown against the wall, and one was even broken.
On the floor was an open book and old newspaper.

But no sign to her friend.

Usually there was alwayes a critters wich was seen or heard, and turned this house into a warm home for any living.
But now the house was so quite, that twilight heard her own hoofsteps, breathes and the anoyying ticking of the clock.

"Fluttershy?" She asked quitely, stopping next to the book and the newspaper.

There was long and nerving moment of silence. "Yes... Twilight?" She heard shaking voice, and light hoofsteps. And Then she saw, stepping from the second floor yellow coated pony with pink mane, wich looked now messy and hidden her face.
Oh! Fluttershy, I am sorry about that I bargained here, I just was so worried!" she breathed with a relife. "I am glad to see that you are ok!" she added with smile.

"But I am NOT Ok!" Fluttershy whined. with cry, galloping. forward, crushing her with deep hug, even using her wings.

Twilight gasped for air, while the histeric mare strangled her. "Oxygen~need~to~breath..." she said between gasp and gasp.

She felt tears falling on her face, but Fluttershy lightened the hug. "I am so sorry!" She whined. "Its just bad time for me...." she wihmpered.

Twilight tapped on her back with her hoof. "I'v noticed it. That why I am here." She said softly.

"Its nothing.... it's just the album wich~" Fluttershy said with almost unheard voice, and was cutted by Twilight that burst:"ITS NOTHING BUT NOTHING!" She shouted. "Its a big problem, and~ wait a moment...." she stopped, while narrowing her eyes. "Have you said something about am album?" She asked quitely.

Fluttershy mambled. "Who? me?" she giggled nervously. "Nooooo. I am just cunfused and m-" she started poor attempt to lie.

Twilight simply, took the album, with her telekentic magic. "This... what made you cry?" Twilight asked with curiusity.

Fluttershy took a deep breath, moving her mane from her face, exposing teary red eyes, with deep shades under them. "Well... no. yes... I mean..." she looked away from Twilight's face.

"You see, this album is from my high school, and that bringing me... very bad memories about Nightmare Moon Night. Not something intresting...." she said it, tapping on the floor with her hoof, as she was waiting for Twilight, simply leave her alone.

But she didn't. Instead, using her magic, she opend the albun at it's last page.

There was group of about 30 photos of ponies, in their teen years. There was one picture with "Fluttershy" written beneath. But the mare in the photo, had grim grin, and her mane was black, and hidden half of her face, and the other heavy black eyeliner.

Twilight blinked, and stared with open mouth. After long minute she wanted to ask, but Fluttershy sighed, and already answered her.

"Emo. Yes. I was.... quite diffrent back then. I had.... diffrent friends." she said quitely, as the shadows was playing games, on her face.

"But how is this connected to-" Started Twilight to ask, but Fluttershy, cleaned with her wing, her eyes from the tears and pointed at group of photos. They all was marked with black, and each name had R.I.P. as add.

And if that wasn't enough, one pony looked very familiar. She was blue and had wild mane, and smile. Just like Pinkie Pie. and that name, wich were written under was :"Blueberry Pie."

Twilight gasped with shock. "All of them... died... and all of them are were your friends?" she asked with shocked tone.

Fluttershy's eyes started to water, and it looked, she going to burst into histeric cry. "Yes." she said, in the end, quitly taking control of herself.
She stepped slowly, and threw to Twilight the old newspaper.

Twilight readed the paper quitly:
"Mysteriouse slaughter at Poniville at Nightmare Moon Night!
Said the title.
and there was picture of emo Fluttershy standing alone at the grave yard.

"What happend there?" Twilight demanded to know.

Fluttershy sighed. "I guess no avoiding it..." she sighs.

Comments ( 4 )

Hello everypony! I posted my first chapter! english isnt my first laungauge, so please, help me!
and comments please!

You really need an editor. The story itself seems like it could be interesting but it is riddled with errors. Twilight Sparkle's name, Ponyville and etc are mispelled a few times and some sections have two speakers in them, which makes them confusing to read.

Even the summary had lots of errors, which will turn people away from this story. It doesn't invite them to come and read your story.

So just look for an editor. There's lots of people out there that are willing to help you out with your story :twilightsmile:

oh! thank you!

yes english isn't my first laungauge, and I was thinking a lot if I sould try it at all.... i'v got many ideas, and there not many bronies at my country.....

But how to find an editor?

Hello, everypony. Nopony proofreaded it yet, but I am still looking, someponies said yes...
But I haven't heard from them, since.
So, I proofreaded it myself, and found a dozens errors, so I fixed them. I still need proofreader, but now it's more readable.:twilightsheepish:

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