• Published 11th Mar 2013
  • 2,694 Views, 105 Comments

Pinkamena's Awakening: A Promise Unforgotten - Kingsley

Pinkamena returns to reality with the help of Pinkie Pie and her friends, but everything is not as it seems when events start to take a turn for the worse.

  • ...

Swirls, Smiles, and Sorrow

Chapter 5: Swirls, Smiles, and Sorrow

"Alright Twilight, I think I've rested long enough." Eternal Sleep said, getting up and stretching her body.

"Really? Already? I would have expected you to rest for a while rather than just a few hours after what Pinkamena did to you." Twilight said.

"You'd think that yes, but even though I don't possess healing capabilities like Pinkamena, I still recover faster than any normal pony." Eternal Sleep said. "Now then, what is it that you wanted to ask me?"

Twilight waved Pinkamena to come over.

"Oh this is so exciting! We're finally going to be able to set you free!" Pinkie said. "Aren't you excited too!?"

"Heh, yea I suppose you could say that, as long as I don't have to go back to my prison I'm happy." Pinkamena said.

"Now then..." Twilight said softly. "Eternal Sleep, do you know anyway to separate Pinkamena from Pinkie's body?"

"Yes I overheard you asking Celestia this before... unfortunately there isn't anything I can do for a situation like this..." Eternal Sleep said.

"What!? I expected more from "The Embodiment of Death" y'know!" Pinkamena mocked.

"Calm down Pinkamena! I-I'm sure there's something Eternal Sleep can do!" Pinkie said worriedly.

"I don't want to go back to that place! After finally leaving it there's no way I'll go back!" Pinkamena declared, sitting on the floor angrily.

"There isn't anything you can do?" Twilight asked.

"Listen, I know my own powers and I know for a fact that there isn't anything I can-" Eternal Sleep said.

"You've got to be able to do something E.S." Lilith said. "After all... you saved me... surely there's something you can do for this one..."

Eternal Sleep looked at Lilith with hesitant eyes.

"Fine... I'll try... Just give me a minute to think..." Eternal Sleep said, pondering for a bit.

"Ya think of anything yet?" Pinkamena said rudely.

"There isn't anything I can do." Eternal Sleep said. "However there may be something that can..."

"What is it?" Twilight asked.

"Well... I've been around for a while and on one of my reapings I came across... a very unusual artifact I should say." Eternal Sleep said. "I've done some researching on it in the past, and I actually only found out recently what it is."

"Well what is it?" Twilight asked excitedly.

"It's a black book, but whomever opens it is taken to another realm I should say." Eternal Sleep said. "This realm is called "The Apocrypha" and it contains an unfathomable amount of knowledge in the known universe, you could say it's just a massive library."

"A library!?!" Twilight screamed. "A library that contains all of the knowledge in the known universe!"

"I didn't say all the kn-" Eternal Sleep said.

"This is great! That place must have the answer we're looking for!" Twilight said. "Also I wouldn't mind helping myself to some other books..."

"I'm still not entirely sure that it will have the answer you seek." Eternal Sleep said. "Pinkamena is a once in a lifetime case, I've never seen anything like it before, and I'm pretty sure no one else has."

"So you're telling me that even if we go to this big library, there's a high chance that it won't even have any information on freeing me!?" Pinkamena said angrily.

"I'm sorry, but that's the truth." Eternal Sleep said.

Pinkamena looked down at the ground, infuriated that she may never escape the prison that bonded her.

"But even so there is still a chance that the answer you're looking for is there." Eternal Sleep said. "With that being said, would you like to enter The Apocrypha? I have never been there myself, so I don't know of the dangers within there."

"You bet we'll go!" Twilight said. "If there's a chance, then that's all the motivation we need!"

"Alright, but let's do this tonight, I want all of you to be fully rested and ready to go." Eternal Sleep said. "Meet back here in the throne room at midnight."

Twilight went ahead to ask Princess Celestia for spare rooms they could use for the day. Lilith however stayed close to Eternal Sleeps side, and Pinkamena looked angrily upon them. However, after looking at Lilith for some time, a smile came across Pinkamena's face, as she laughed silently to herself.

"What's so funny Pinkamena?" Pinkie said.

"Oh it's nothing you need to concern yourself with Pinkie." Pinkamena said. "Nothing at all..."


Ponyville - 4 Friends Perspective

"Well, now what should we do?" Applejack said.

"I guess we just have to wait for Twilight to return with good news yes?" Rarity said.

"I suppose, but until then I think we should-" Applejack said.

"Excuse me... but... do you... know... where.... City Hall... is..." The Brown Pony said, breathing heavily. "I've been... running around this place... all day!"

"Yea it's um right here." Applejack said, pointing to the large building next to them.

"Whaaat!? I've been running around this town all day! How did I miss this!?" The Brown Pony said.

"I'm going to assume you're new here correct?" Rarity asked.

"Yep! I got here hours ago and I was looking for City Hall so I could register into the town and I could get a house and start meeting other ponies and make some friends and-" The Brown Pony said.

"Calm down there sugarcube, you sure are an energetic one." Applejack said. "I think you'd get along real well with our friend Pinkie Pie."

"Really? Where is she? I love making new friends!" The Brown Pony said. "Oh! My name is Caramel Swirls by the way!"

"You're even named after a type of candy!" Rainbow Dash said. "You're a laugh already!"

"Is there something wrong with my name!?" Caramel Swirls asked.

"No no no, nothings wrong with it, it's just such a coincidence." Rainbow Dash said.

"Ohh alright then!" Caramel Swirls said happily. "I was afraid you wouldn't like me."

"Not at all dear, and I must say I absolutely love your mane!" Rarity said, admiring Caramel's mane. She had a long, blonde mane and crystal blue eyes. Her cutie mark was that of a tornado, which was unusual at the moment. She also seemed to wear hoofbands and be quite hyper.

"Thanks! I love yours too! It's very lovely!" Caramel Swirls said, remembering what she had to do be doing this whole time. "Oh! I completely forgot I was supposed to register! I'll talk to you girls later!"

Caramel Swirls said goodbye and then sped off into City Hall at unusually fast speeds.

"She can sure move quickly can't she?" Fluttershy said. "That could explain her odd cutie mark."

"At this point in time Fluttershy I wouldn't be surprised if we came across a pony that could breathe fire." Applejack said, walking away with her friends.

"Come please now Applejack! Surely you are just-" Rarity stopped, turning around and looking at the bushes. "Hmm... how odd, I could have sworn I heard something... guess not."

Rarity disregarded her thoughts and continued on to catch up to her friends, when a mysterious figure with a black mane rose up slightly from the bushes, and cautiously followed the group.


Throne Room - Midnight

Twilight and Pinkamena had returned to the Throne Room at midnight, just as Eternal Sleep instructed them to.

"How are you guys feeling?" Lilith said softly, whom was standing next to Eternal Sleep.

"I'm ready to do this!" Twilight declared. "How about you Pinkamena?"

"Hmm?... Oh yes... I'm ready whenever you are..." Pinkamena said, grinning at Lilith.

"Alright, if you guys are ready, then I'll get the book ready." Eternal Sleep said.

"I'd just like to say one thing first if you don't mind..." Pinkamena said.

"What is it?" Eternal Sleep said.

"Well you said you haven't been in there yourself, and you know nothing of the dangers..." Pinkamena said. "I think it's be absolutely horrible if someone inside got hurt... more so your little friend there..."

"Lilith?..." Eternal Sleep said, looking into Lilith's eyes. "I suppose you do have a point..."

"Don't you think it would be for the best if she stayed behind for now? I'm sure we won't be in there too long right?" Pinkamena said. "Why don't I walk her back to Twilight's Quarters?"

"Umm... S-Sure... I guess that would be alright." Eternal Sleep said, looking over to Lilith and hugging her. "I just don't want anything bad to happen to you alright?"

"You'll come back won't you?" Lilith said. "Staying close to you helps me stay sane..."

"Of course I'll be back! I won't be long at all alright?" Eternal Sleep said, smiling.

"A-Alright." Lilith said softly.

"Come on Lilith, I'll walk you back to Twilight's Quarters." Pinkamena said. "I'll come back as soon as I've dropped her off..."

"Alright, we'll wait here for you!" Twilight yelled, as Pinkamena and Lilith exited the Throne Room.

Pinkamena and Lilith were walking for a few minutes, getting farther from the Throne Room with each step.

"Hey! Pinkie! You there?" Pinkamena whispered.

... ... ...

"Nothing, she must have fallen asleep..." Pinkamena whispered to herself. "Perfect..."

Pinkamena walked up closer behind Lilith and put both of her hooves on Lilith's head.

"H-Huh? Pinkamena? W-What are you doing?" Lilith asked scarily.

"Sorry Lilith, but the chance of me never getting out of my prison is too great, and I can;t wait any longer..." Pinkamena said. "I can't survive outside Pinkie's mind since I'm still merely a "personality"... not without a vessel that is..."

Pinkamena's body turned shadowy, as her hooves integrated with Lilith's face, she slowly poured herself in Lilith's mind and took control of the small demon.

"W-Why... I... wanted to help you..." Lilith said. "We were... so similar..."

"Not similar enough I suppose." Pinkamena said, transferring successfully into Lilith's mind and taking away whatever will she had. "Hmm... it seems that I'll need to feed off what remaining life force Lilith has left in order to survive... how irritating... but it will have to do for now."

Pinkie's body had fallen to the ground, asleep the whole time.

"Pinkie!" Pinkamena said, speaking as Lilith. "Get up!"

"Huh!? What? Where am I?" Pinkie said.

"No time to explain, you have to head back to the Throne Room! Twilight and Eternal Sleep are waiting for you to enter The Apocrypha!" Lilith said. "Pinkamena switched places with you because she was still tired, so hurry up and go!"

"Alright alright! Thanks Lilith!" Pinkie said, making a break for the Throne Room.

Lilith waved Pinkie away, turned around and walked back to Twilight's Quarters, laughing silently to herself...


Throne Room

"Guys I'm sorry I'm late!" Pinkie said, out of breath.

"Pinkie? Why did you switch places with Pinkamena?" Twilight asked.

"Lilith told me she switched with me because she was still feeling tired, so I'll just take her place for now." Pinkie said.

"Hmm, she looked fine to me." Twilight said.

"She must have just been nervous, I would be too if we were going into some unknown universe that determined my future after all." Eternal Sleep said.

"I suppose you're right." Twilight said. "Well, let's open that book shall we?"

"Here we go." Eternal Sleep said, opening the book, the words glowed green and after a few seconds of staring into its' contents, multiple black tentacles sprang from the book and pulled the 3 ponies inside, disappearing shortly after.


The Apocrypha

Twilight, Eternal Sleep, and Pinkie woke up on an iron floor. The Apocrypha was nothing what they thought it would be like. There was an ocean of an unknown green-like liquid everywhere, and black tentacles rose up in all different locations. The sky was a mix of brown and green, but the walls were lined with an obscene amount of books.

"I don't know how to feel towards this." Twilight said.

"Me neither." Pinkie added. "It's really gloomy."

"It doesn't look like there is any real hostile activity though." Eternal Sleep said. "At least that's good."

Twilight turned around and noticed a larger book on a pedestal.

"Hey guys, come look at this." Twilight said, walking towards the book. "Do you think this has the answers were looking for?"

"Is there something I can help you with?" A Voice said.

A large eyeball formed above the book with tentacles sprouting from every side.

"What the heck is that?" Twilight yelled.

"Maybe he's friendly!" Pinkie said.

"Yea right Pinkie! When you look like that you're anything but friendly!" Twilight said.

"Coming into someone's home and then insulting them is not the best way to start off a conversation..." The Figure said. "You should be more understanding like your friend here..."

"Who are you exactly?" Eternal Sleep said.

"Someone with some sense I see... "The Figure said." My name is Hermaeus Mora... and I oversee everything here in The Apocrypha."

"See Twilight? Don't go jumping to conclusions, this is exactly the guy we need to talk to." Eternal Sleep said.

"S-Sorry..." Twilight said.

"Now, why is it that you've come to my sanctum? Surely it cannot be for such a trivial matter?" Hermaeus Mora said. "No you've come here for... information on a more dire situation..."

"Hermaeus Mora, our friend here has been cursed, or gifted, with having a split personality that has taken on a mind of it's own, and now we are trying to separate the two of them." Eternal Sleep said. "I did not know anything on the matter, but perhaps you must know something correct?"

"You ask for something that you do not need... for I sense no one else within this pony's mind." Hermaeus Mora said.

"What? What do you mean there isn't anyone else in her mind?" Twilight said.

"If you doubt my answer then by all means, check for yourselves..." Hermaeus Mora said.

"Come here Pinkie." Eternal Sleep said. "Put your forehead against mine, I'm going to check for Pinkamena."

Pinkie walked over to Eternal Sleep, their foreheads touched and Eternal Sleep scanned Pinkie's mind.

"...!?" Eternal Sleep realized. "S-She's gone!"

"What do you mean she's gone!?" Twilight asked. "She can't leave Pinkie's mind!"

"Well she must have somehow because I don't sense her within Pinkie's mind!" Eternal Sleep said.

"H-How could she have escaped!?" Pinkie said.

"I don't know!" Eternal Sleep said. "...We have to go back. Now. Hermaeus Mora, can you please open a portal for us to leave?"

A green portal formed across from the pedestal that the book was on. Eternal Sleep rushed through the portal and Pinkie followed swiftly.

"Bye mister eye guy!" Pinkie said, jumping through the portal.

Twilight turned around and headed towards the portal, but she was stopped by Hermaeus Mora.

"Twilight Sparkle." Hermaeus Mora said.

"Y-Yes?" Twilight said.

"Do not let anxiety and fear cloud your thoughts... not while the demon hides within the angel..." Hermaeus Mora said.

"W-What?" Twilight said, noticing the portal expanding and ultimately consuming her.


Throne Room

"Twilight get up!" Eternal Sleep said, infuriated.

"W-What? Where's Pinkamena?" Twilight asked.

"I don't KNOW!" Eternal Sleep said. "I go out of my way to help her and what does she do? She just leaves without any warning or trace!"

"I thought I heard something." Lilith said, walking into the Throne Room. "I'm glad you're back..."

"Lilith!" Eternal Sleep said, running up to her and hugging her, feeling something was off. "Lilith? Are you alright? You feel... different."

"Well... I was away from you for a bit, I started to get a bit... unstable since I was alone..." Lilith said. "But now that you're back, I'm starting to feel better..."

"That makes sense... I'm sorry I left you alone." Eternal Sleep said. "Now we have other problems to deal with..."

"We might as well head back to Ponyville in the morning, I promised my friends I'd inform them of whatever good, or bad, news we receive."

"Fine, but know that I'll keep my eye open for Pinkamena's whereabouts the entire time." Eternal Sleep said. "I have no sympathy for her anymore, and when I find her..."

"I understand..." Twilight said. "I'm sorry Pinkie, that this happened..."

"I... I just can't believe she'd do something like this y'know?" Pinkie said. "I thought I could trust her..."

"Come on, let's all get some sleep for now." Twilight said. "We'll head back to Ponyville first thing in the morning."

Twilight and Pinkie left the Throne Room and returned to their quarters in the castle.

"Come on Lilith, let's get some sleep." Eternal Sleep said. "We'll find Pinkamena... don't you worry about that."

"Alright E.S." Lilith said, smiling in the other direction. "I have the utmost faith in you that you will..."