• Published 11th Mar 2013
  • 2,694 Views, 105 Comments

Pinkamena's Awakening: A Promise Unforgotten - Kingsley

Pinkamena returns to reality with the help of Pinkie Pie and her friends, but everything is not as it seems when events start to take a turn for the worse.

  • ...

Eternal Sleep

Chapter 2: Eternal Sleep

"You... Have no idea?" Pinkamena asked, a hint of discontent in her voice.

"Nope!" Pinkie said.

"...So how exactly do you plan on freeing me?" Pinkamena asked.

"Well first things first, you remember Twilight right?" Pinkie asked.

"Yes, she's the egghead of your group of friends that can get quite obnoxious sometimes, right?" Pinkamena said.

"Hey! That's not nice! I thought your view on everypony changed!" Pinkie asked.

"S-Sorry... Being stuck in this place again after working so hard to get out can really get to you..." Pinkamena said. "I'm glad you come to talk to me every night when you go to bed, if you didn't..."

"Pinkamena?" Pinkie said. "Are you alright?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah, I'm... I'm fine," Pinkamena said, unsure of herself. "So what about Twilight exactly?"

"Twilight told me to come and talk to you and ask you a few questions on what we should do," Pinkie said.

"That makes sense," Pinkamena said. "What does she need to know?"

"Well first, she wants to know why we can't talk to each other while I'm awake anymore, since we used to be able to hear each other last time," Pinkie said.

"It's the binding, when I was re-imprisoned here, it sealed your mind up to the point where we couldn't hear each other anymore, but no more than that," Pinkamena said. "Hence why you can enter this place every time you fall asleep."

"Is there anyway to weaken it?" Pinkie asked.

"Yes, I could probably struggle hard enough to disrupt the seal like I did last time, but only to the point where we could talk again," Pinkamena said.

"You could always do that?" Pinkie asked. "Why didn't you do it before?"

"I wasn't sure if you'd like that," Pinkamena said.

"How could I not like it!? I love talking with you Pinkamena!" Pinkie said.

"Heh... Yeah, of course," Pinkamena said. "I forgot it's you were talking about... So you want me to weaken the binding?"

"Yes! That would make things so much easier!" Pinkie said.

"Alright, give me a minute," Pinkamena said, as she contorted in her bindings, releasing her dark energy throughout the area. The sound of something shattering could be heard shortly after.

"Did you do it?" Pinkie asked.

"Yeah, It wasn't very hard considering it's not nearly as strong as it used to be," Pinkamena said.

Pinkie looked at Pinkamena's body, she was surging with that black electricity of hers.

"I noticed you still have those powers of yours," Pinkie said.

"Yes, I can't exactly get rid of them since it's technically a part of me," Pinkamena said. "But don't worry about that, we should be able to talk now."

"Awesome!" Pinkie said. "Think you could wake me up?"

"You can't wake up on your own?" Pinkamena asked.

"I don't know how, that's why I just suddenly disappear when were talking sometimes!" Pinkie said.

"Well now it all makes sense," Pinkamena said, sarcastically. "I'll wake you up now."



Pinkie woke up in her bed abruptly, startling Twilight who was standing next to her.

"Wake up a bit more subtle next time would you!?" Twilight said.

"Sorry Twilight, I didn't realize she could do that so quickly," Pinkie said.

"Did you ask her my questions?" Twilight asked.

"Yep! Well only one, she was able to get us to talk while I'm awake again," Pinkie said. "I thought starting out with that would make things more easier."

"That's great Pinkie! That will definitely make things much more simpler," Twilight said. "Ask her right now if it's possible to switch places temporarily."

"Alright," Pinkie said. "Hey Pinkamena! Is it possible for us to switch places?"

"Switch... Places? You mean as in me taking control of you again?" Pinkamena asked.

"Yeah! Twilight wants to be able to talk with you directly about the situation," Pinkie said. "Can we do it?"

"I... I think we can," Pinkamena said. "Yeah... Yeah I could probably take control of you again as long as you let me."

"Alright! Let's do it!" Pinkie said.

"You... You trust me to do this? You don't think I'll keep your body and start everything from scratch again?" Pinkamena asked.

"Of course I trust you Pinkamena! You're my friend now after all!" Pinkie said.

"Sometimes I think you're too trusting Pinkie," Pinkamena said. "But thank you... That means a lot."

"Anytime!" Pinkie said. "Now hurry up and switch places with me! Twilight is getting impatient!"

"Alright ,alright, but this'll hurt a bit," Pinkamena said.

Pinkie's body started to surge with Pinkamena's black electricity. She fell to the floor and did her best to endure the pain as her body contorted and twisted.

"This! This isn't as painful as it was last time! OUCH!" Pinkie yelled.

"Pinkie are you going to be alright!?" Twilight asked.

"Don't worry Twilight! Erh... I'll be fine, I can tell she's trying not to hurt me as much!" Pinkie said. "I've just gotta be strong! If were going to save her... Gah!"

Pinkie's body started to change to a darker shade of pink, her mane deflated and turned dark pink as well. Her body underwent the same transformations from last time, along with the cloak that she once wore during her resurrection.

"...Hello," Twilight said.

"...Hi," Pinkamena said, as they looked at each other for a few minutes.

"It's... Nice to see you again," Twilight said, nervously.

"...Likewise," Pinkamena said, stretching her body. "Just so were clear, I could keep her body and start over again if I wanted to, and there would be nothing you could do to stop me this time!"

Twilight looked at Pinkamena worriedly.

"...But I won't just because I want to try out this "normal lifestyle" Pinkie tells me about. Yep! That's the reason," Pinkamena said, turning her head away.

Twilight smiled and reached her hoof out to Pinkamena's shoulder.

"I'm glad you changed," Twilight said.

"Yeah... Changed," Pinkamena said. "So! Any ideas on how you could separate me from Pinkie?"

"Not exactly, that's why I wanted to talk to you about it, do you have any ideas?" Twilight asked.

"If I did I would have told Pinkie a while ago," Pinkamena said.

"Well there's gotta be something we can-" Twilight said, cutting short as she heard hoofsteps coming up the stairs.

"Hey, Twilight! You here? Spike said we could find you he-" Rainbow Dash said, stopping mid sentence. "W-What... What is SHE doing back here!?"

The rest of the group made their way upstairs shortly after Rainbow's outburst.

"It's nice to see you all again too," Pinkamena said.

"Why in the world is she back!? Did she take over Pinkie's body again!?" Applejack asked.

"I thought we were done with you months back!" Rarity said.

"Why have you returned now?" Fluttershy asked.

"It doesn't matter why she's returned, I'm about to knock her senseless right here and now!" Rainbow Dash said, flying towards her.

Pinkamena raised her hoof and stopped Rainbow mid-flight, air choking from a distance.

"And here I thought we could all be mature about the situation," Pinkamena said, tightening her grip.

"That's enough Pinkamena! Put Rainbow Dash down!" Twilight yelled.

"...Very well," Pinkamena said, dropping Rainbow to the floor. "I'm just trying to be the orderly one here."

"Choking our friend isn't helping!" Rarity said.

"She came at me. What was I supposed to do...?" Pinkamena asked.

"I'll come at you again if you don't shut th-" Rainbow Dash said, cut off.

"ENOUGH!" Twilight yelled. "Guys, Pinkamena is back because me and Pinkie want to help her lead a normal life here in Ponyville!"

"Lead a normal life? Here in Ponyville?" Applejack asked. "Seriously?"

"We can't possibly let her frolic around in Pinkie's body again!" Rarity said.

"Isn't there an alternative?" Fluttershy asked.

"That's why she's here, I'm trying to find a way to separate her from Pinkie's body," Twilight said. "I need you guys to help me!"

"Why should we trust her? How will we know she won't just trick us and start attacking us and everyone else again?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Trust me, if I wanted to go back to my plans of conquest I wouldn't be sitting here talking with you," Pinkamena said.

"...All right fine," Rainbow Dash said.

"I guess we can give her a chance..." Rarity said.

"If you guys are all okay with it..." Fluttershy said.

"You better know what you're doing Twilight," Applejack said. "We don't want a repeat of last time."

"We won't. I promise you that," Twilight said. "Now then, how exactly should we approach this?"

"Hey! Don't I get a say in this?" Pinkie asked. "I'm still here you know Pinkamena!"

"Oh, Pinkie has an idea," Pinkamena said. "What is it?"

"Is she talking with our Pinkie?" Applejack asked.

"Yes, they can talk with each other again, that's also how they can switch between each other now," Twilight said.

"Pinkie actually has a good idea if you don't mind me speaking," Pinkamena said.

"What is it?" Twilight said.

"Well, Princess Luna is the one who overseers the night and everypony's dreams, correct?" Pinkamena said. "Well, Pinkie thinks that maybe we, or you, should go ask her if she knows anything at all on the subject."

"That's actually a good idea," Twilight said. "I think I'll head over to Canterlot right away!"

"You want us to come with you Twilight?" Applejack asked.

"No, you stay here with Pinkamena," Twilight said. "Actually, have her switch back to Pinkie and wait for me in the Library, having her go outside as she is would not be very good at the moment."

"If you say so," Rainbow Dash said.

Twilight left Sugarcube Corner and made her way down towards the train station. She boarded the train headed for Canterlot and hoped for the best, that Princess Luna would know something, anything on the matter.


Celestia's Castle - Before Twilight's Arrival

"I know there's something you're not telling me!" The Little Pony said. "What are you hiding?"

"What makes you think I'm hiding something? There's nothing here out of the ordinary!" Celestia said.

"Because I'm your little sister and it's only natural for big sisters to lie to their siblings!" The Little Pony said, turning around and walking away from Celesta. "I'm different from you and Luna though, I sense it and I'll find out what you're hiding here in the castle..."

"Wait! Eternal Sleep!" Celestia said. "Please stop! You won't find anything, I'm telling you!"

"One lie after another Celestia," Eternal Sleep said. "One lie after another..."