• Published 8th Mar 2013
  • 9,695 Views, 387 Comments

Her Destiny - Broken

Twilight is turned into an alicorn against her will, paying a terrible price. Now she becomes Equestria's worst enemy, and sets on a journey to uncover her world's greatest secret: The truth behind the nature of the alicorns.

  • ...

Eight - Creator

“Where are we uncle Astera?” A hooded little filly asked an old-looking earth-pony stallion. Wearing an azure mantle which covered his whole back, the old earth-pony also donned a huge pointy azure hat. His outfit displayed a star motif, as if his garment aimed to resemble the night sky or the cosmos itself, his neck adorned by golden collars and bejeweled amulets.

His fur was as white as snow, the same as his mane and tail. They were long and straight, just like one could portray the image of the old, full-grown magician from fairy tales. His eyes were magenta colored.

One of his most prominent features was a beard of sorts, protruding from his chin. The long fur was tied by a piece of cloth.

“It’s a very special place, Sunny,” he replied, with palatable wisdom in his serious, raspy voice, “This place is one of the many Akashic Records spread through the Promised Lands.”

“What are those places, uncle?” A second hooded filly asked. This one was clearly even younger than the first one, not only by her lower stature, but also for her immature voice.

These places, Moon, are the closest places to the Heart of The World. A small portion of its power escapes through the earth and reaches those underground caverns, forming those chambers. This one, we call it the Chamber of Awakening. All the Akashic Records are important, but each one of them has an unique feature. This one has this; The Sephiroth.

“It’s huge!” The first filly gasped in awe.

“It’s beautiful too! Look how it glows, Sunny!"

“What is that tree, uncle Astera?” She questioned.

“Its a living entity born from the Heart of The World. It’s not like a common tree for it's not made of wood and leaves, but rather of magic, the very force which moves everything in our planet. A proof that every single living being that walks through this planet was born from magic and draws sustenance from magic. Sephirot is older than ponykind, and is the sole testifier of eons and eons of history."

“So, why did you bring us here, uncle?” The younger filly questioned.

He smiled bitterly and grew silent. The two hodded fillies waited for a reaction from their uncle.

“The necessity arises. Both you and Sunny are too young for this moment, however we have no other choice. His advance will not stop and the situation will only worsen day after day. Come here, you two,” the stallion concluded and moved towards the shore of the lake. The fillies followed suit.

Astera stopped, gazing over Sephirot with respect.

“I’ve brought them, Creator. I know its too soon, but the chaos being spread through the Promised Lands is out of control.”

The whole lake lit with an intense white glow. It blinded the fillies, prompting them to hug each other out of fear. Astera remained stoic and observing.

The water froze. It became solid, transparent, like a thin blade of glass. Sephirot emitted a different glow, stronger and fiercer and then, as if traversing a veil, an uncanny figure trotted out.

It was hard for the two fillies to fully comprehend what their eyes showed them…

This entity was made purely of white light, like a silhouette clad in a mantle of luminescence. It was clear that, although it wasn’t transparent nor even translucent, there was no flesh composing its structure. It towered the fillies and even Astera with an imposing height.

Its features were strange and unfamiliar to them, but the curvy, delicate, accented forms composing it's body could only belong to a female.

it wasn’t a pony. At least it didn’t look exactly like one. Instead of a tail, she displayed a huge and impressive bird-like tail made of the strangest feathers they had ever seen. The feathers opened upwards like a fan, markings resembling eyes in them, seemingly gazing down on them.

Her body was divided into two sections; her lower half had the features of a pony, four long legs ending in hooves. The two closer to her hindquarters having stronger thighs in contrast to the other two.

However, in place of her head, the torso continued upwards and morphed into a structure unlike anything they had previously seen.

It reminded them of the bodies of young dragonesses they had seen depicted in Astera’s various books' few pictures. Waists, shoulders and all those strange joints with weird names they didn't understand. However, this being's four appendages didn't end in claws like those of the dragons', but formed unique clawless "fingers" quite unlike all but one species she was in likeness of.

Finally, it had an oval, uniquely shaped head. No muzzle, its place being occupied by a small snout and a tiny lipless mouth right below. She had no eyes, giving her face a sinister and featureless appearance. Flowing upwards as if a perpetual wind blew it about, her mane melded into her forehead, fluttering in every direction.

The being moved her head towards Astera and towards the fillies. A smile surged in her otherworldly face and she floated in their direction.

Sunny and Moon cowered, trembling on the ground. The older sister protecting the younger with her body, placing herself above the other in the small pile they formed. Both tried to look at it through their hoods, like one would see a small child peek from below the safety of its blanket.

“Why art thou two are afraid of me, my little ponies?”

The creature spoke, with a soothing and gentle voice. Its motherly tone helping the fillies to feel less fear and slow their panicked reactions.

Astera observed and smiled tenderly.

“You can’t blame them. Donning The Mask of The Creator can only upset little children, my liege.”

“This is but the form of my inner soul, Astera. Sephirot can only bring my essence here, not my body,” she replied to the earth-pony.

“I understand,” he said, nodding and turning to the little fillies, “Ye two, there’s nothing here to fear. Queen Iridia only wishes to speak with thee.”

The older sister moved, getting up. She gazed over the giant being of light and gulped, then turned to her little sister still on the ground, “Please Moonie, get up.”

Still scared, the younger sister also got up, but immediately moved as close as she could towards her sister.

“What art thy names?” The being that Astera referred as 'Queen Iridia' questioned.

“I’m Sunny Skies."

The older sister replied and took off the mantle hiding her identity, revealing a bright white fur, a long and straight, vivid pink mane, almost covering one of her eyes, a pair of small wings and a little horn protruding from her forehead. Bright, innocent pink pupils beaming with both passion and kindness. She was still a blank flank.

"It's your turn Moonie. Don't be scared, I'm here for you."

“I-I’m Twinkle Moon…”

Stuttering and still shaking a little, the younger sister did the same. She had an indigo blue coat and her straight mane -a lighter shade of blue- was cut in a shorter fashion, whereas her tail was as long as her sister’s. Her turquoise green pupils gleamed with the tears ready to go down her cheeks. She had wings and a horn as well, and too, was still a blank flank.

Iridia smiled gently, passing as much confidence as her almost indistinguishable facade could.

“I’m happy to finally meet ye."

Sunny passed a hoof around Moon’s neck and asked, “Who are you, missy?”

“I’m Iridia. I’ve designed all the creatures of this world. Some of them call me Creator. My duty is to oversee all life forms of Gaea and help them grow.”

“Are you God?” Moon asked with a concerned look on her face.

Her simple innocent question prompted another smile from Iridia.

“I’m not. At least not more than you or your sister. We are all the same my little pony. Can you tell me why you asked to come here with your uncle Astera?”

Both fillies gasped in surprise.

“H-How did you know we asked him to bring us to see God?” Moon took a step further, getting off from her sister’s protective embrace.

“I’ve been watching you two. I know a lot about you and your sister and how the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony has tormented your land. How the ponies of the Promised Land suffer because of their past sins…”

“Make him go away!”

Moon closed her eyes and shouted with all the strength of her bellows. Her sudden outburst startled both her sister and Astera.

“Moonie! Y-You shouldn’t yell at ponies. Especially at one like her!" Sunny tried to reason with her little sister.

“No, Sunny! I’m tired! I can’t accept what that monster does with our family. With our friends! No one sleeps, no one lives, no one smiles or is happy, all because that monster treats them like his dolls! I can’t accept that anymore! I want mom and dad to smile like they did when it was your birthday!”

Tears started to flow from Moon’s eyes. Tears of sadness and revolt, coming from a small, weak infant, that could do nothing to protect what she loved the most…

“I want them to live! I want everypony to be happy and free! We can’t live with the constant fear of being toyed with by him! She's God isn't she? Then, she's the only one strong enough to make him leave us in peace!"

She sat on the ground and started to clean the streaming tears with both forehooves, “Make him go away! Please make him go away!” Her voice pitched and failed, as she forced the words to pass through her tightened throat.

An uncomfortable silence befell the cavern.

“Discord is too strong, even for me Moonie,” Iridia breathed.

“Then there’s nothing we can do? Our mom and dad said that if we prayed, eventually our prayers would be answered and Discord would disappear… They lied to us, didn’t they?”

Sunny hugged Moon, wanting to comfort her younger sister in an attempt to cease her tears.

“No. They didn’t,” Iridia shook her head in denial.

With care to not scare the foals, the being of light stretched one of her four arms and opened the palm of her strange clawless hand, showing to Moon and Sunny, a small seed appearing to be made out of crystal.

“Take this small seed with you. Plant it in the fertile soil, of the most special place you two discovered. Give it water every day and keep it safe from Discord. Be good to Astera and to your father and mother and to your family and friends. Keep telling them to be strong and trust in their love and friendship. This seed will become a tree someday and when it bears fruits, something truly special; something that will make Discord go away for sure, will be at your disposal."

Sunny looked to the seed in Iridia’s hand with concern. Nonetheless, her tiny horn flared and she grasped the seed with her magic.

“Moonie, we need to go. We need to plant this seed.”

The younger sister raised her head and with eyes still wet from the tears asked, “Where are we going to plant it?”

“In the Evergreen Forest, of course! Discord hates that place because he can’t find us when we hide there.”

Moonie wiped the tears, sobbing, “Let’s plant it inside that cave we found!”

Sunny nodded, “Yeah!”

The older sister looked towards Iridia one last time, “Thank you, Lady Iridia.”

Iridia remained in silence. Her enigmatic visage seemingly observing Sunny.

“Do you love your little sister, Sunny?” She asked, out of the blue.

“Of course I love her!” Sunny answered and kissed Moon’s forehead tenderly, “She’s my little Moonie, my most special family in the world! I would do anything for her.”

“Anything?” The enigmatic being asked further.

With the confidence of an adult, Sunny nodded, “Anything!”

“Then you can go,” Iridia concluded.

Both fillies bolted towards the entrance. Astera simply watched them go, with a stern expression.

“That seed,” he breathed, “You sacrificed all the Harmonizers only to produce that small seed?”

Iridia moved her faceless head towards the lake below her hooves. Apparently, she was observing the uncountable quantity of dull gemstones, resting inside the lake.

“The Harmonizers failed, Astera. They weren’t strong enough,” she replied, voice full of sadness and regret.

“Even so, they were the only means of defense against things such as King Sombra and Queen Chrysalis. What are Concordia, The Crystal Empire and Unicornia going to do without their powers?”

The old stallion sounded bitter, almost resentful. Iridia hung her head low and answered.

“Those fillies. Are you fully aware of what you’re witnessing, my dear friend? They are strong. Stronger than I was, than any alicorn born into this world before them has been. All because they have something we lack…”

He turned around, back to the majestic being of light speaking with him, “What do you lack, Creator?”

“Love. Their undivided love is what makes them so powerful. They will command the sun and the moon and the very stars one day. They will succeed in turning the Promised Land into a place we can only dream about. They will nurture that seed I gave them and make The Tree of Harmony a reality.”

Astera smiled, “The Tree of Harmony? You mean, you sacrificed the Harmonizers to create-”

The Ein Soph, the True Elements of Harmony. The six elements that encompasses the very music which flows from the Heart of The World and sustains our existences” Iridia interrupted, “Loyalty, Kindness, Honesty, Generosity, Happiness and Magic. The very foundations of our world and the most effective weapons against the chaos. And they are the only ones who can truly create them, for they don’t fear their hearts, like we do.”

“You’re forgetting something, Creator,” Astera said, with weight on his voice. “If they do not fear their hearts, it also means they are one step closer to the Cage. What will happen if one of them opens it?”

“I shall pray my friend, for it to never happen,” she replied, monotone, “We are ‘God’. However, we are also Nightmare and it is what leads this world of dreams, to destruction.”

It stopped.

Twilight felt the electricity running wild through her body suddenly stopping. The cristalline growth binding her weakened, and then it shattered. That scene happening right in front of her eyes, like a movie playing direcly inside her head, made Twilight feel her body completely numb.

With the strong grasp of Sephirot gone, she lost her only support, and her weak legs faltered. She crashed pathetically to the side.

Her right side pressed against the cold, hard floor, her face glued to it. She couldn’t move a muscle; only stare blankly at the runes carved on Sephirot’s trunk, still burning in a bright crimson.

She breathed slowly, trying to formulate a reaction. Then it clicked.

Twilight noticed that she had learned a few things, as if something had softly whispered at her ears, answering some questions she was previously doing to herself.

“Sparkle! Sparkle what did you do?”

She heard Trixie’s voice calling for her. Twilight wanted to get up, turn around and explain, but she couldn’t move an inch.

Suddenly, she felt someone grabbing her and turning her around. Twilight noticed that her gryphon friend had enveloped her in his arms, and was trying to hold her with kindness.

“Mistress! What did you do? What happened?”

Twilight’s mind couldn’t exactly process what just have happened. She could only smile to them.

“Don’t you tell me you fried your brains Sparkle! Say something, will ‘ya!”

“I’ve found it…” She breathed.

It immediately spawned a confused gaze from both her friends, flocking around her.

“You found what?” Trixie questioned.

“What we came looking for Trixie. Clues." Whispered Twilight, still smiling.

She forced herself to get up, prompting Louis to try and hold her on place, “Calm down, Mistress, you may not be strong enough to get back on your hooves.”

“Don’t worry Louis, I’m alright now,” she replied and got back to all four.

Twilight breathed, alleviated. Her journey found a new meaning, a new purpose. She turned to Trixie and to Louis and started to explain.

"This tree isn’t just your standard run-of-the-mill tree. It’s called Sephirot and it is made of concentrated magic. It has a will of its own and although it can’t directly communicate with us, it can understand us and speak with us through its magic. All this time, it was sending a small portion of its power to the surface, calling somepony here. If weren’t for all this obsidian, it could probably be discovered before. A thousand years ago, Starswirl the Bearded came to this cavern accompanied by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna and they called somepony through the higher magic that Sephirot possesses. The temple and antechamber we passed through were made to protect Sephirot from danger. Unfortunately, with the passage of time, its castle also became its prison.”

Trixie and Louis exchanged unsure gazes. The blue unicorn turned to her companion and dumbfoundedly asked, “How in the name of Celestia do you know all about it so suddenly?”

“Because Sephirot spoke with me. It passed some information regardings the events, which potentially relates to present struggles via its magic right to my cortex. I’ve, in a sense, inherited some of its memories.”

Louis, also dumbstruck, asked, “Then, those ragnarök runes we saw were really meant for you.”

Twilight shook her head in negation, “No. They were prepared by Starswirl for when the Two Sisters needed to come back. They were meant to active it together, but I guess the being so close to them during my whole life somehow confused the runes and the mixed magic signature was imprinted on me. That’s why I managed to active them with my presence.”

“How much of its memories this tree has given you?” Trixie stepped further, worry plastered all over her expression.

Twilight smiled, “Enough. Sephirot is really, really old. It passed only enough information to not fry my brain.”

“Then, can you tell us what are those Elements of Harmony resting inside the lake?” Trixie asked further.

She nodded, “Yes. Those are called Harmonizers. They’re the prototypes of the Elements me and my friends used. Three thousand years ago, the Unicornians created them through complicated magic rituals to act like tuning forks. Their goal was to power up the inner magic flowing inside of one’s body by adapting its frequency to the same wave of the rest of our world. It enabled a pony to perform great deeds… Things that only an alicorn would normally be capable of doing. In the ancient times there were thousands of Harmonizers spread across the world. They were strong, but even their powers weren’t enough to rival those of the monsters they had to face.”

Louis was breathless, he sat on the ground, gaze glued to Twilight’s placid facade, as she explained mysteries he tried to solve during his whole life, “What happened to them? Why are they discarded here like this?” He asked, curious.

“They were sacrificed. Their essences extracted and their powers recycled to produce another thing…” Twilight answered to him, calmly.

“Who sacrificed them?” Trixie interrupted.

“Sephirot didn’t showed me much about her. She’s Iridia, the All-Creator, designer of life. She reunited and condensed the powers of those Harmonizers and created what she called ‘The Ein Soph’, the True Elements of Harmony. Infinite light to combat infinite shadow. They are the six Elements of Harmony you are familiar with."

Louis grew silent, seemingly analyzing the story unfolding in front of him. Trixie was perplexed, even a little scared. "How this whole mess has anything to do with you looking for your friends and your transformation into an alicorn Goddess?" She asked.

“It tells me enough. I finally know that the answers I sought aren’t here, in Equestria. I need to go further, to speak with her, with Queen Iridia, the All-Creator. Sephirot told me that the ‘Ein Soph’ system can’t be easily destroyed. The True Elements of Harmony are bound to still exist somewhere else, meaning that their bearers are must also be alive!”

Twilight clasped a hoof against the stone floor, producing a loud noise.

“Are you sure?” Trixie asked, tilting her head.

“It’s only speculation,” Twilight sighed, “I’m still clueless on how and why they broke in the first place. Nonetheless, it sure filled my heart with even more hope!"

“Then our next objective is to find this ‘Queen Iridia’. Sheesh… This creepy tree knows a lot about history, but didn’t help you much when it comes down to your future,” Trixie concluded.

“Yeah… Sephirot was always vigilant, but when the obsidian started to block its magic, it couldn’t oversee what happened across the world anymore. It could only show me events of the past.”

“Let’s go back then. I don’t think we can find anything else here. I’m just worried about how we are going to reverse that magic door operated by the sigil rune…” Trixie said, pondering.

Twilight moved her right hoof to her chin and rubbed it, deep in thought, “You’re right. As long as Louis is here to give us a ride we are fine on the way back, but that door can present a problem, seeing how it’s our only form of returning.”

Louis opened a huge mocking grin and broke from his silence, “Maybe you two could create a lunar beam and deactivate the rune together?”

Twilight blushed and giggled awkwardly, “I hope it doesn’t require us to actually do it. Trixie?”

The unicorn’s eyes shot open in surprise and she blushed even stronger than Twilight, “No! Please no! I will use a deactivating counterspell I know before trying anything that potentially can involve me and Sparkle linking together again!”

“I’m glad it worked!”

“C’mon, is it so bad to link with me Trixie?”

“D-Don’t even start it Sparkle! I’m not into mares! It’s shameful to be seen linking horns with a female, let alone by a friend of yours!"

Twilight and Trixie discussed as they trotted out of the library. It was late at night and their bodies started to feel the effect of sleep deprivation. Vanhoover’s nightly landscape welcomed them.

They breathed the fresh, night air with satisfaction. Their mission had succeeded without any major problems. Although it was only a step, Twilight thought, her renewed hope felt as strong as ever.

“We need to acquire information regarding this Queen Iridia now.” Trixie turned to her and warned.

Twilight nodded, “I’m aware. I will hit the Crystal Library again and have a quick search about any legends involving the strange being of light Sephirot showed me. It may be shallow, but we did discover something amazing today with this small clue I found. So who can say for sure that we can’t be lucky again?”

“Actually, my dear Mistress, it will not be necessary,” Said Louis, interrupting their questioning.

The ponies turned to the gryphon, “Do you know something about, Louis?” Twilight asked, with a confused expression.

He sighed, lowering his head and nodded slowly, “Yes... Yes I do know. It’s classified information belonging exclusively to House Crimson Feather. I was apprehensive to share it with you, but…”

“Showing our true colors now, are we?” Trixie hissed, “Why do you feel apprehension to share this with Twilight? Aren’t she your friend?”

“Trixie!” Twilight yelled, scolding her companion.

“Calm down my dear Mistress. Miss Lulamoon is right. I shouldn’t be doubting about my resolve to help you. I’m feeling ashamed for not giving you the information straight away when you said you were going to search for Iridia,” Louis confessed, head hanging low in shame.

“Louis… I’m sure you have a strong motive for not doing so…” Twilight breathed.

“Oh please!” Trixie yelled, “Why don’t you kiss him already? Can’t you see he lied to you? Just like I thought he would…” Trixie shot a cold stare towards the gryphon.

“Trixie, I know how you feel. I understand you want to help me and protect me, but…” Twilight turned to her and replied with a calm voice, “I’m glad to have you by my side. I’m glad to have a new friend to give me support, but my old friends are also important. Louis was with me during so much time and even if he changed, he’s still the same to me… That’s why I will trust him! Even if I shouldn’t!”

Trixie grew silent.

“Are you the same socially incapable young student Celestia sent to Ponyville that day?” Louis smiled and asked, looking Twilight straight in her eyes.

“I guess the friendship lessons worked,” she breathed and smiled back to him.

“Enough!” Trixie yelled, “Are you going to tell us what you know about Queen Iridia or what?”

Louis turned to Trixie and nodded, “I’m sorry. Like I told you previously, it is classified information coming from my country. A few years ago, our most renowned archeologist found an old sunken ship, belonging to the Saddle Arabians near our coast. We believe that this ship was destroyed during the war our races fought on the past. Inside the ship he found one of the most valuable pieces in terms of historical importance ever found on Gryphonian territory; the Rosetta Stone. It is a tablet made of diamond, with several inscriptions written on it. The content of those inscriptions however, was dubbed too dangerous to reach the public eye by the War Council …”

“That’s must be why I never heard anything about it,” Twilight said, trying to remember about anything related to this Rosetta Stone, “What’s so dangerous that it needed to be hidden from the public?”

“The inscriptions. The text referred to an entity that could be the true ‘God’ which created life on our world, painting Zuu and all of our pantheon as a lie. The most religious shires didn’t want the followers to have their beliefs shaken…”

“What did the text say?” Twilight asked.

Louis cleared his throat, then begun reciting,

“Praise Princess Iridia, The All-Creator, watcher of life, observer of evolution, embodiment of harmony.

Blessed be you who sits atop the throne of the land of Henosia, at the Dawn Castle, beyond the Crystal Wall.”

“The Crystal Wall!?” Twilight yelled, surprised.

“Do you know anything about it Sparkle?” Trixie asked, looking at the excited Twilight with confusion.

She nodded, “It’s a geographical anomaly to the far north. Several years ago when our main land was still changing, two masses of air formed by completely opposite temperatures collided. It created a titanic structure. A chain of mountains made of pure ice, which ranges from one continent’s side all the way to the other. The extremely low temperatures of that region prevents the ice from ever melting. Explorers, geographers and researches dubbed it the Crystal Wall, the northest point of our main land and the farthest point you can reach…”

Louis nodded in silence.

“However, this tablet found in Griffonia says that there’s something beyond it, if I'm not mistaken?" Asked Trixie.

“Most likely,” Twilight confirmed and nodded, "When we met at the Everfree Forest, several weeks ago when I escaped from the dungeon, Princess Stella from Concordia did said something about a land inhabited by ponies called Henosia. I'm sure she was talking about Queen Iridia's kingdom."

“Are you planning to go there my Mistress?” Louis’s face filled with worry and he turned to Twilight, inquiring.

Twilight grew silent and gave it some thought. Henosia, the mysterious land to the far north, governed by who seemed to be the oldest living being of their world. Princess Iridia…

“I… I need to. Princess Iridia is defined as being the creator of life and observer of evolution. Such a being must hold the answers as to why I’ve become an alicorn. Besides, she also designed the ‘Ein Soph’, so there’s a possibility that she might know the whereabouts of my friends. Henosia holds all the answers I’m looking for, There’s no way around it."

“I see,” Louis took a deep breath, saddened, “I’m afraid I will not be able to accompany you on this next step, Mistress.”

“What!?" Trixie yelled, surprised.

“I wouldn’t ask you to. What I’m suggesting here is pretty much utter madness. And you have your duties as retainer of your lord. Will you be returning to Griffonia?” Replied Twilight, with a calm voice and a sad frown.

“Indeed. I must make haste too. The War Council is pressuring House Crimson Feather. They demand answers from me in respect to your intentions as living Goddess. Griffonia must know the truth about the Twilight Princess as soon as possible. We must part ways, right here, right now.”

Twilight felt a terrible knot forming at her throat. From the very moment they were reunited, she knew their meeting was going to be short lived, however, she didn't wanted to cry during the time to say her farewells. She wanted to say goodbye to him with a smile on her face and make her friend proud of her recent growth. However, she couldn’t help it…

She pouted, lips starting to tremble against her will. Twilight lowered her head and threw her gaze away, trying to hide her wet eyes, from Louis, holding all the tears with courage.

“Promise me you will return to me one day. That I will see your smile and hear your wise voice soon enough. This whole struggle has no sense if I can't bring everypony together again, and you're included." Sobbed Twilight, trying her best to not let the tears escape.

Louis reached Twilight’s chin with a claw, raising her face towards him, “In my country, we only do promises if we are staring in each other’s eyes.”

She failed. Two small rivets of fresh tears escaped from her eyes, rolling through her cheeks, "Louis..."

Suddenly the gryphon hugged Twilight strongly.

“I don’t care for customs though. I just wanted to say that you’re like the child I will never have. I saw you maturing from a timid infant and becoming an amazing leader and an invaluable friend. You’re strong, Twilight. Stronger than most enemies I’ve faced and stronger than most conrades I ever had. Never, ever lose this undying determination you have inside of you. I am sure that when we meet again, you will be not this shaken mare who fears the future, but a beautiful and brave Princess, proudly wearing her crown and fulfilling that ancient fairy tale.”

Twilight passed her forelegs around Louis’s back, tightening the embrace.

“Goodbye,” she breathed.

Louis broke from their hug and walked backwards, still gazing at Twilight with a smile on his face. He opened his wings and with a loud ruffling sound took off and disappeared into the night sky…

Twilight sighed and lowered her head, her ears deflating. She breathed sharply and looked towards the sky, as if saying her last farewells. Trixie walked near her, “His child huh? For a moment there I thought he was going to kiss you. I hope you didn’t fell for an old gryphon Sparkle.”

With her foreleg, Twilight wiped the tears persisting to escape from her eyes and begun laughing, then turned to her companion with a mocking grin over her face, “Rest assured, he’s not my type. Although I love a wise male, I'd prefer somepony younger.”

Trixie immediately yawned, “Sheesh! I’m beat!”

Her companion was right. She could feel that irresistible urge to stretch her limbs dominating her. It was late and the last adventure robbed Twilight even from her amazing earth-pony stamina.

“Do you think we are safe to keep hiding in your house until we figure out how we can reach Henosia?” Twilight asked, waving her neck from one side to another, feeling the tight knots popping.

Trixie nodded, “Yes, we can, as long as you don’t go showing your pretty face around.”

The duo decided to sneak their way back to Trixie’s manor and pray for a safe journey.

Swiftly, Trixie and Twilight managed to reach the unicorn’s house without raising any suspicions from the patrols nearby.

Once there, they barely exchanged a few words, as Trixie directed Twilight to a previously prepared guest room, going to her own bedroom right after.

Twilight opened the door using her magic and stretched her neck inside to take a peek. It was a simple bedroom, but she didn’t care.

The alicorn walked towards the bed and crawled to the soft couch awaiting her. The sleep came almost immediately.

Slowly, Twilight begun to wake-up. She didn’t knew for how much time she slept, but the birds were already chirping by the windowsill. The sunlight timidly entered through the gaps of the window, bathing everything around her in a calm dim light.

She felt refreshed, although a little lazy still from her recent waking.

Twilight yawned and stretched her forehooves by throwing them upwards. She thought about how long it had been since the last time she slept so peacefully.

With a slow start she hopped out of her bed, moving towards the bathroom.

Twilight scanned the surrounds; pretty average bathroom. She motioned her attention towards the mirror hanging on one of the walls. A mix of sadness and relief tackled her chest the minute her reflection appeared before her eyes; she was glad to be alive and be able to continue searching for her friends, but...

How I wish to wake up one day and have my old body back... To discover that everything that happened was just a nightmare.

Her messy mane needed some care. Her unkempt fur also desired a good brush. Twilight started to imagine if Princess Celestia also wakes up every morning like that and has to make everything a mortal like her needs to do in order to look presentable.

She turned her attention to the shower behind her and smiled.

I guess I can do it right now. Who knows when I will have another chance?

A murky, moisty vapor filled the bathroom. The sound of running water was cut, as Twilight turned the handle with a hoof, switching off the water stream. Dripping, she walked out of the shower box and sighed. Her mane and fur were feeling heavy due to the water.

Twilight walked near a cabinet and opened it to find a few folded dry towels. She applied her telekinesis making one float towards her.

She scrubbed her whole body, passing it through her strange new shell.

Everything was bigger; her legs, torso, chest, rump and neck. Everything was larger and bigger. It was both scary and funny at the same time; Twilight did had some pride about her appearance, coming from the beliefs of the minds from the classical era about how healthy and sculped bodies were the beautiful works of nature, which would house even healthier minds. Seeing everything so different was upsetting her, even though such a minor subject shouldn't upset her.

I`m looking more like Cadence now. It`s so strange, but I have to get used to it, at least until I can find a way to turn back.

She stared at the mirror for a few seconds. Her longer mane falling heavy to the sides of her head, her immense horn jutting out of it, even the design of her face looked different, as if she had somehow passed through a growth spurt again, even though a mare her age wasn't supposed to grow any longer.

I had so much trouble with all those exercise routines only to have everything changed by some wacky magic... I should be happy for being taller and thinner, but even so it's strange to stare at the mirror and looks like this!

Twilight was almost done. She needed to do something about her wings though. A sedulous research like her knew that the feathers composing the wings of pegasi aren`t waterproof like those of birds, but they are rather more similar to a pony`s fur, thus needing to be dry with care. Normally pegasi use mane blowers on their feathers or let them dry in the sun.

Does Trixie have a mane blower? Oh dear… Those wings are nothing but trouble!

The drawers from the cabinet present on the guest room were all opened by an array of spells. However, Twilight still couldn't find the gadget she was looking for.

What am I going to do? Look at this mess! Trixie is going to kill me!

Twilight looked to all directions, stomping her hooves frantically on the ground, like somepony desperate to find a toilet...

“Sparkle, are you awake?”

Trixie’s voice boomed from the corridor outside. Twilight thought about returning to the bathroom and hiding, but it was already too late. As the alicorn turned around, a blue furred unicorn was standing still on the doorway, observing her expansive carpet being bombarded with a mixture of water, soap and mare’s sweat…

“What are you doing, Sparkle?” Trixie asked blankly.

Twilight grimaced, uncomfortable, “I needed to take a shower - and you see - I’m not sure how to handle my wings and I - came here searching for a mane blower…”

Trixie sighed and lead a forehoof against her face, closing her eyes and lowering her head, “Look, I know you detest as much as I do to be treated like a foal, but you could have called for my help.”

“I didn’t want to wake you up…” Twilight replied, pouting.

“I’ve been up for several hours already. You were probably much more tired than I was,” Trixie answered, coming closer to the wet mare, “I decided to take this opportunity and find some information to help us not to go flying in the dark.”

“Really!” Twilight opened a huge, excited smile, “What did you get?”

“I’m not telling you,” Trixie’s eyebrow rose, forming a discontent frown, “Not before we dry those feathers.”

The loud sound of a mane blower working to its full capacity filled Trixie’s bedroom.

Laid upon the soft couch covered by the azure blanket donning silver star patterns, Twilight waited patiently in silence for Trixie to finish her wings. While her friend was at it, the alicorn decided to use the time and read a book entitled “Wings, a Quick Reference Guide.”

“At least those feathery appendages are easier to do than our manes and tails,” Trixie shouted trying to win over the loud noise, “Don’t you hate when you dry your mane and or tail and it ends up looking like a bale of hay?”

“Indeed!” Twilight yelled back, “Wing care is easier than it seems! I guess I will get a hold of it in no time!”

“Good!” Trixie replied, turning the machine off and normalizing her voice, “I don’t want to have to babysit you forever.”

Twilight flexed the muscles of her wings. They felt light as feathers with all that water gone. She folded them, thinking if one day she would put those appendages to good use instead of only using them to ruin her friend’s carpet.

Curious about Trixie’s endeavors, Twilight immediately brought the subject pestering her mind up, “Now that we have taken care of those problems, can you tell me what did you discovered?”

Trixie walked near a saddle bag left above her dressing table and applied her telekinesis on what seemed to be a magazine, throwing it towards Twilight.

The alicorn gazed over the cover, to find the word ‘Geography’ written in big, golden lettering.

“A geography magazine?” Twilight’s face contorted into a confused frown, questioning if her eyes weren’t deceiving her, “You mean like one of those to help tourists choose their vacations?”

“What’s so surprisingly about it?” Trixie shrugged, “You know, books aren’t the only way of finding good info.”

The alicorn blinked in rapid succession, “I guess you’re right,” she moved her attention back to the magazine, “What of value is supposed to be here?”

“As you can see, this one is a collector’s edition of an old magazine that is no longer being published. I got it from my grandfather, Gray Mane. The first time you mentioned the Crystal Wall, I couldn’t remember very well. Then last night, it clicked. My grandfather is a famous tourist guide who traveled all across Equestria-”

As Trixie continued to explain, Twilight divided her attention between hearing her friend’s words and flipping the pages of the old magazine. It was full of comments about hotels and tourist spots in different places of Equestria and beyond. A few articles even commented about places located on Griffonia and Saddle Arabia.

“Several years ago he wrote this article about an expedition led by North Pole, a noble from Canterlot. North Pole wanted to discover if the legends about the Crystal Empire were real, so he took a group of scientists, history researches, geographers and explorers to the Frozen North. They couldn’t find any clue about the Crystal Empire, but they did found something-”

Twilight flipped another page and a huge article about North Pole’s discoveries featured two pages. It even had an old-fashioned photo of a small group of ponies wearing heavy winter attires, plunging the mast of a flag in a snow covered field, a giant wall of white-bluish ice right behind them.

“The Crystal Wall. They say on the article it was so cold and the climate was so harsh that they couldn’t keep going, dubbing it the farthest point you can reach if you travel north of Equestria. North Pole and other two explorers tried to enter, but their further attempts were short lived-”

The alicorn suddenly interrupted Trixie by beginning to read aloud a passage from the magazine,

“We tried for three days to keep going, but we discovered that it’s impossible for a pony to climb those walls, even with the best equipment we can and will ever be able to fabricate. The howling winds cut like razors; the temperature so low that remaining around for too long will cause your lungs to freeze from the sheer cold of the air you’re breathing; at some points the ice is so thick it was capable of bending our mountaineering equipment made of sturdy steel.

After experiencing the natural wonder that is the Crystal Wall, I’m starting to question myself if it even is truly natural…

If a God of our world wanted to create this place to serve as an inaccessible frontier, then I can only say that no mortal has means to defy God’s will.

Mercury, one of my fellow explorers and my most trusted mapper, found what seems to be an entrance, leading to an internal set galleries, which tortuous tunnels formed a labyrinth. We did try to take this route as well, but Mercury wasn’t in the best physical shape and I demanded we return. He has little Silver Spoon and beautiful Headdress waiting for him at home… I couldn’t run the risk of him throwing away his life for a lost cause. I guess the maps he drew are going to be really handy the next time we try to explore this death trap.”

“Exactly,” Trixie finished.

“Those are actually good news!” Twilight shouted excitedly.

“What?” Trixie shot a gaze of uncertainty, “Those famous explorers said it’s impossible to cross. How can those be good news?”

“Trixie, you should remember how experimentation works. You experiment with something not only to discover the answer for yourself, but also for the ones trying after you doesn’t repeat the same mistake,” Twilight replied, hopping out of the bed.

“English, Sparkle. I’m not versed in ‘Dorkess’,” Trixie rolled her eyes.

“If you had paid attention, you should have noticed a few details. First, North Pole states that he and two of his comrades found a possible way in, through internal galleries. Second, Mercury, his mapper, actually managed to draw a map of those internal galleries and third, they had plans on returning, probably with more equipment and better prepared to cross it via those galleries. Seeing how North Pole was willingly to return, they probably managed to reach pretty deep within this labyrinth he describes and that he expected to find an exit if they could continue,” Twilight concluded and smiled towards her friend.

Trixie opened her mouth for a few seconds.

Twilight was happy, she was still as sharp as ever, “I think our objective is clear now: Find North Pole and ask him for the map. Maybe we can even be lucky enough to convince him to come with us as a guide.”

“You do really think you can just go to somepony else and ask those things with a clean face?” Trixie retorted.

“Not really. My plan actually involves us paying him and sponsoring a new expedition to the Crystal Wall…” Twilight replied, timidly.

Trixie’s eyes widened in surprise, “You do realize how much it costs to sponsor an expedition, right?”

“I do,” Twilight noded, “Let’s say I have plenty of money for such a thing.”

“Amazing…” Trixie rolled her eyes, “It still leaves us with the problem of finding him.”

“I know where we should start, actually,” Twilight smiled.

“You do?” Trixie asked, shooting an impressed gaze.

“Yes. Did you took notice of the names North Pole says on the magazine?” Twilight pointed.

“Sorry, the whole part about the family of his mapper sounded too uninteresting to me,” Trixie blushed, “Don’t tell me I should have paid attention to it too?”

Twilight giggled, “Don’t worry, there is practically no way those names could ring a bell to you. As for me, they sure did…”

The alicorn suddenly hung her head low and her face turned into a sad frown, memories invading her mind’s eye. Trixie took notice and quickly asked, “What’s the problem, Sparkle?”

“Silver Spoon is Mercury’s daughter… I know this filly, Trixie. If we can find her, we probably will manage to find clues about her father and if we find her father we can find North Pole,” Twilight replied, finishing with a sigh.

“It still doesn’t explain why are you so down all of a sudden,” Trixie spurted, pressuring her.

“Well, Silver Spoon is a little filly from Cheerilee's class. It means we need to travel someplace I wished to never go back again, not without solving this whole situation… We are going to Ponyville.”

“I think you look gorgeous with the new regalia we have prepared for you, my liege.”

Luna stood still in front of a mirror inside her room on Canterlot. She was testing a new set of royal regalia crafted by the best jewel artisans from the capital; compared to her older and usual jewelery this one posed more prolonged crystal-bluish hoof shoes, a larger black chest-piece adorned with a blue crystal, and a bigger crown to allude to her important position as the new regent, adorned with sapphires and a big pearl at the center.

She stared at the mirror and the mirror stared back at her. Luna felt nothing but uncertainty filling her chest. A thousand years ago, she wanted this…

A thousand years ago, she was Nightmare Moon. Her sorrow, jealousy and pride… Her resentment and her desire for recognition drove her to do something that no matter how much everypony around her said it was forgiven, deep inside, she knew it was not. She tried to kill her own sister, her only family, the one who she truly loved.

Deep inside, Luna would never manage to forgive herself…

And suddenly, she was the one sitting atop the throne of the most powerful nation of the entire world.

She felt afraid. She felt incomplete. She wanted her big sister by her side, to help her and tell her everything was going to be alright.

But Celestia was far away. Both physically and mentally.

Luna was all alone, once again. This time however, her cage wasn’t a cold chunk of rock, far from her ponies. It was one made of gold and jewels, with more attention than she desired for. Luna felt like a rare bird; receiving all the attention, but still unable to fly away somewhere else, where her heart wanted to.

She turned to the mare reflected on the mirror, the one holding the power to change the world on the back of her hoof and she asked…

How would you feel if you were the one here now, Nightmare Moon?

Would you be happy for finally conquering what you sought so much?

Would you stand strong and proud, instead of fearful, like am I?

This weight and this responsibility… This is what Tia had to endure for a thousand of years. How did you manage to do this, my dear sister?

“Are you alright, my liege?” The mare responsible for helping Luna get changed asked. She had a light pink coat with a purple mane and tail. Her cutie mark was of three colored buttons in a triangular formation. She was wearing a two-tone blue crossed scarf and a headband held up her mane in the back.

“I’m sorry Suri. Thank you. You and the artisans did an amazing job.”

Suri bowed, a content smile plastered all over her muzzle, “If you’re happy, so am I, my liege.”

“If you excuse me, I must be on my way,” Luna breathed and trotted out of her bedroom, leaving a worried Suri behind. She wanted to be less blunt and display the same grace as Celestia, but her shaken resolve was on the way.

She followed towards the throne room, enveloping the golden handles of the doors within her azure magic grasp and entering. Inside, Luna found a distressed and saddened friend… Midnight Blossom.

They exchanged glances for a few silent seconds until the new regent sporting her elegant regalia could reach the throne and sit down. Luna observed that not even once, her friend rose her head to look at her straight in the eyes…

“Good evening, Midnight Blossom,” Luna spoke, blandly.

Although she knew something was wrong, the monarch couldn’t muster the strength to ask. Instead, she opted for keeping things between them professional; Midnight was her knight and she was the Princess commanding Equestria, period.

“Good evening my Princess,” the bat-pony mare replied, head still hung low in a mix of shame and reverence, “I’ve brought some important news for you.”

“Please, feel free to tell me,” Luna said, hoping for good news.

Midnight Blossom sighed exasperatedly. The alicorn could only guess her friend was growing more and more disappointed with her, as the days went by.

“Night Watch and Jasmine have both returned from their mission on the Crystal Empire,” Midnight spoke, derailing Luna from her train of thought and continuing, “They were successful in obtaining valuable information regarding the Twilight Princess..." Somberly spoke the captain.

Luna’s heart skipped a beat, making her pupils shrink. The monarch licked her lips and demanded, “Continue.”

“The Twilight Princess is still walking through our land, using the trains to navigate. Jasmine discovered she`s using fake names to buy tickets and Night Watch perceived that those fake names were monikers used by her mother Twilight Velvet when she published her books. Recently they bumped into a list of reserved chairs on a train and they found another moniker used by Velvet listed as the reservee of the seats. We are sure that the Twilight Princess is inside that train and moving towards her next destination...” Midnight breathed. Luna was sure that her friend was forcing the words to come out from her mouth.

“To where?”


Author's Note:

Credits for Iridia's art goes to the tumblr Stories From The Front, by Severus. I can't provide a link, 'cause both his mod tumblr, and the tumblr from where the art was taken are NSFW. Just google up the name, and you guys will find it.

Credits for Princess Luna pic goes to 90Sigma from deviantart.