• Published 8th Mar 2013
  • 9,696 Views, 387 Comments

Her Destiny - Broken

Twilight is turned into an alicorn against her will, paying a terrible price. Now she becomes Equestria's worst enemy, and sets on a journey to uncover her world's greatest secret: The truth behind the nature of the alicorns.

  • ...

Three - Crystal Heart

Three days have passed since Twilight’s ascension.

As per Celestia’s request, the government was doing everything in their power to halt the spreading news about the event that took place on that fateful night...

The legends about the Twilight Princess. The rightful heir to the throne of Equestria, Goddess of harmony, harbinger of an eon of pure happiness and peace to all ponykind.

Those preposterous words were echoing inside Princess Luna’s mind as she hastily trotted by the corridors of a mysterious place: The Night Wing.

An underground facility, located inside the Canterlot Palace. It was a special area, where just Luna and few ponies of her small Night Guard were allowed to enter.

This secrecy was necessary for keeping anypony away from the dreaded treasures that were left dormant inside, sealed away from Equestria to never be discovered.

Although it was a dark place, the architecture requested by the Lunar Sister to compose these underground chambers were breathtaking, just as her beautiful and mysterious night.

The corridors were less spacious than the ones belonging to her sister’s wing above ground level. They were adorned by beautiful pillars made of a silver stone that gleamed with the several magical lights that lit the way through those dusky galleries, placed in strategic places at every junction or crossroad, and held inside luxurious glass lamps at each side of the corridors, made of a rare type of dark-blue marble.

For the floor, the architects choose a special gem, black in color, but dotted with several small sparkles of silver color, aiming to resemble the night sky.

All the doors inside were made of an ebony wood, adorned with a painting of the lunar cutie mark belonging to the ruler, made by the most famous and well-known artists of Equestria.

Luna trotted hastily through the galleries. She traversed many corridors and passed by many doors, until finally reaching the end of one. The alicorn faced a big, double door ahead of her, and her horn flared with magic, opening it.

She entered, reaching a large room. It had a big round table at the center, where six chairs were waiting. Each of those chairs were made of plain brown wood, same as the table. Stuck on the wall at the other side was a giant map of Equestria.

It was an unbelievably simple, empty room.

Luna calmly walked towards the table, and sat down in one of the chairs.

After taking a deep breath, her glorious, flowing magical mane vanished, revealing her simple looking pale-blue mane, larger than when she was first saved from Nightmare Moon, but retaining the same style and cut. Her tail, also in tangible form, presented the same color and smoothness, but it was also much longer than before.

Almost immediately, two bat pony mares entered.

The first one had dark-gray fur and a very cute looking short mane, pitch-black in color. Her big, bright eyes were green like shining emeralds.She was wearing blue, metallic armor very similar to Midnight Blossom’s. Her long, black tail was tied at the base by a silver ring, and flowed through the air with grace.

The second one was a taller and bulkier mare with gray fur. Her short mane had a cut resembling a military style, and was dark-blue, having two big pale blue streaks. Her spiky tail also had the same streaks flowing from the base to the end of it, and was also tied in the base by a silver ring. Her eyes were magenta, with a cold glow to them, and she had interesting marks right at the sides of her eyes: two small dots.The mare was dressed with the same decorated armor as the first one.

“Hope we aren’t late, Lady Selena!” The green-eyed mare chirped.

“No. Both of you are always really good with time-keeping,” Luna gave them a weak smile.

“Unfortunately, it looks like our friend Midnight Blossom does not share this trait with us,” The second one said with a low and cold voice.

Luna giggled, “Leave her be. I bet she’s trying to hook a fine stallion for her right now. You bat ponies are such naughty mares...”

The green-eyed mare pulled a chair and hopped onto it, resting her forehooves upon the table, “You made us this way Princess Selena. Weren’t you just self-projecting?”

Luna’s cheeks blushed instantly.

“Can you be more professional, Jasmine?” The magenta-eyed mare spurted, taking a seat in front of Jasmine across the table, “We are the Princess’s friends, but we still owe her some respect!”

“Don’t start sounding like an old mare, Night Watch! Princess Selena isn't a cranky old grandma that doesn't know how to have some fun! Right Princess?”

The dark-blue alicorn giggled again, nodding, “You are right Jasmine my dear, but Night Watch is right too. We can chat all about stallions and naughty things during my breaks. Right now, we need to work.”

Night Watch looked back to Jasmine with the half-lidded eyes of somepony who just won a bet, while the black maned mare ballooned her cheeks in a very childish expression of anger.

“Then, Princess Selena,” Night Watch ignored her friend and turned to Luna, “What is your request?”

“I’ve called you three, my most trusted and skilled warriors to perform a mission that only you three are capable of doing,” Luna affirmed somberly.

Jasmine scratched her mane, confused, “Aren’t all our missions important? I mean, you and Celestia are always very touchy with the whole assassination stuff and all...”

“That’s because-”

“Because we aren’t supposed to kill our target this time, right Princess Selena?”

Midnight Blossom trotted inside, her feline amber eyes shooting daggers against the alicorn.

Luna cleared her throat, “You are right, Captain Blossom.”

“Hey Button!” Jasmine jumped out from her chair and offered a hoof to Midnight Blossom.

“Hey Bubbles!” The amber-eyed bat-pony hoof bumped.

“Got some new boy toy to play with?”

“No, I was doing some field research...”

Luna raised an eyebrow upon hearing the last sentence coming from the bat-pony’s mouth.

“Seems serious,” Jasmine chirped.

Midnight Blossom smiled, “Nothing special, just searching for the poor sod that helped the Twilight Princess escape from the Deep Level. I wonder who could have been...”

“I don’t know who it was, but I would be happy to stab him to death with my spear if I get the chance!” Night Watch thundered her hooves against the table.

“Maybe you will get the chance someday Night Watch,” Midnight Blossom turned her attention to her fellow night guard, “for now, his or her trail is just too cold to find anything worth.”

“Don’t you have at least some speculation?” Luna asked, curious with the subject.

“It was a knight; only them have access to the Deep Level, and a member of either the Sun or the Night Guards, because only those knights have the rights to manage prisoners of high rank.”

“It could be anypony...” The princess breathed.

“Yes. Even somepony that is here right now...” Midnight slowly smiled.

The dark alicorn only raised an eyebrow, and looked around the room at each one of her most trusted guards.

“It wasn't me!” Jasmine shouted.

“I’m not pointing any hooves Jasmine, don’t worry. Midnight is correct though, It could be anypony seeing how even some Sun Guards like to remain up late at night to perform some tasks and training. I will put somepony in the case, you shall focus in the mission I’m going to give to you, Midnight Blossom.”

“As you wish my liege,” The amber-eyed bat-pony bowed down.

“Then what is it? Who do we have to not kill?” Night Watch asked all of a sudden.

“Jasmine, Night Watch and Midnight Blossom, my three most trusted knights and my precious friends; you shall bring Twilight Sparkle, the Twilight Princess back to the city of Canterlot, but not a single bruise must be seen in her fur.”

The reactions from each mare were unique.

Night Watch’s face twisted into a enraged frown, as she grinded her teeth and looked to Princess Luna with fury in the eyes.

Jasmine led both forehooves to her face, covering her muzzle, while her expression showed shock and confusion at the same time.

Midnight Blossom smiled widely.

“That’s absurd!” The red-eyed bat pony shouted, “She’s a threat to Equestria, to the peace, and above all else, to you Princess Selena! Give us permission to track her down and kill her on sight!”

“You have your orders, Night Watch. You must bring Twilight unscathed to this place, and you have six months to do it.”

The mare knew her Princess enough to know when Luna was upset, or being really serious just by hearing her voice or looking into her eyes. The dark alicorn’s visage never was so serious as it was right now...

“Yes, my liege,” Night Watch bowed down.

“How am I supposed to bring somepony without harming them? I’m an assassin, I only know how to kill ponies,” Jasmine breathed.

“I know you will find a way Jasmine.”

“Alright...” She sighed with exasperation.

“You’re all dismissed. I await for good news from each one of you.”

Both Jasmine and Night Watch bowed down, and trotted outside the meeting room. Midnight Blossom remained, looking with a gaze full of discomfort to Luna.

“What happened Selena? Why Twilight is a monster now? You loved her, and admired her for bringing all those smiles to your beloved sister’s face. She had become an alicorn, but she’s the same inside, and who can tell for sure that she killed her friends in the process?”

Luna turned to the bat-pony, eyes half lidded, face twisted between sadness and guilt.

“We don’t have any guarantee that she can resist the Darkness of the Heart and control the transcending power that is inside of her. We can’t take any other risks...”

“You are hiding something!” Midnight shouted.

“I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“Stop lying Selena! This isn't like you at all! You were the sweetest and most gentle mare that I ever met! I was proud of being part of the Night Guard just to serve you, and to become your friend was like a dream come true! However, I don’t even think that I know you anymore beneath those lies!”

Luna just wiped her tears before she could start crying, masking her feelings with a visage of pure coldness.

“Who do you think I am, lowly mortal?” She yelled back, “I’m Selena, Queen of the Night! You don’t have any right to shout at me and inquire me with those stupid questions!”

“See!” Midnight hadn't flinched even the slightest with Luna’s shouts, “Who are you? You are not my friend Selena, nor my Princess Luna! You are just...”

Luna stared, shocked, to her knight.

“That monster who cursed us a thousand years ago.”

The dark alicorn turned her face away, biting her lips, and trotted to the entrance door.

“What would you be capable of doing, to protect the one you love the most in this world Midnight?”

“What do you mean Selena?”

“Find Twilight. Bring her back at any cost, unharmed.”

Twilight was awaken by a sudden change in the temperature.

She was inside a cabin, alone. The purple alicorn had traveled all the afternoon, passing through the cities of Baltimare, Fillydelphia, Manehattan, all the way from Dodge Junction.

At her side, three books had formed a pile in the soft couch, victims to her insatiable desire for knowledge. She was taken to the land of dreams during the conquering of the fourth volume, probably soothed to sleep due to the soft rock of the train.

This time, using the money Midnight had put inside the saddlebags in their encounter at the palace, Twilight rented a top class cabin, one reserved just for nobility. She wanted a place where she could take a quick shower, and take care of the bruises and cuts that her long journey so far had given against her fragile body. Everything she needed, was around that expansive cabin.

Her other needings were sleep and rest, until she finally could put her hooves on the Crystal Empire’s soil. Everything was in check.

After getting up from the absurdly soft couch, Twilight walked calmly towards the two big windows, and saw the wheat fields of Manehattan slowly fading away at the distance, while the landscape started to change to a rocky appearance. The train was already at the final part of the trip: The Crystal Mountains, and from there, Frozen North.

Her horn flared with a pink glow, and she used her telekinesis spell to lock the windows in order to protect her cabin from the cold that was about to envelop the region.

Twilight trotted back to the couch, throwing her body there, belly up, resting a hoof against her forehead and focusing her gaze into the ceiling.

I am doing the right thing going to Cadence to ask for help? I can’t even begin to think about all the political problems that the Empire can face if they help a wanted criminal that is charged of killing five national heroines, making a ritual to transform into an alicorn and is about to led a rebellion against Equestria.

Twilight rolled in the bed, she wanted to take a look at her wings. With a movement, she opened them upwards, flapped them three times, before folding the pair back into their place.

I never thought in all my life what means to be an alicorn. I just took for granted that they were really powerful and noble ponies whose magical prowess far surpassed any unicorn. Then, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were the most powerful ones, being something akin to a God...

She sighed, and rested her head on the couch, closing her eyes.

However, by the looks of it, alicorns really are Goddesses! Even if I don’t feel almighty at all...

From her mouth, a cute yawn escaped. Maybe she still needed some more sleep.

What is the true meaning of being an alicorn? There are no books on the subject at all. hope I can find something in that library at the Crystal Empire, and I hope Cadence can tell me something about it.

In the next second, the innocent purple alicorn was sleeping again. She still was some hours away from her destination, resting some more could not do any harm.

A pure white snow covered the crystalline streets of the Crystal City. It was late at night, thus the bustling activity that normally lightens the atmosphere around was nowhere to be found.

It looked somehow magic and sacred, like an untouched holy ground.

In its place, a glorious peace walked in the streets, enveloping the kingdom in a comfortable feeling of protection. It was snowing, small flocks of ice falling from the skies calmly, inviting the citizens to a good night sleep.

The last train coming from Equestria just arrived at the station. The train-career stallion trotted out first, yawning, and bringing with him a mug of coffee in one of his forehooves. He slowly walked over the last open ticket cabin at the station, offering the mug to the poor vendor, cooped up inside the cold cabin. Both were Equestrians earth-ponies, not crystal ponies, which made the cold atmosphere even more terrible to them.

The doors from the train opened, and another train-career stallion led Twilight to the platform. The purple alicorn was carrying her absurdly heavy saddlebag, and she once more concealed her identity using the black hood that Midnight gave her.

“Thank you for your kindness, I can go just fine from here,” Twilight smiled, thanking the stallion who helped her reach the right place.

“Are you sure that you don’t need anything else to protect yourself from the cold? The Frozen North isn't frozen for nothing!”

“I feel fine, don’t worry. It’s not the first time I set hooves here, and I am getting used to the climate.”

“If you say so my lady, I will go back to my duties. Thank you for riding with us tonight!”

He returned inside, leaving Twilight to walk away from the station and towards her next destination: The Crystal Palace.

The snow made low noises as her hooves opened small holes in it. Twilight walked slowly through the empty streets of Crystal City, completely covered by a white blanket.

She had to admit, her heart was racing a little. Deep inside, the alicorn feared that even her family was going to reject her. However, there was little to do, besides keep going against the snow towards the palace.

After some time walking, the alicorn reached a large plaza, the same place where they held the fair to awaken the memories inside the crystal ponies when their kingdom resurfaced about one year ago.

The sound of hooves getting close attracted Twilight’s attention. Worried about being discovered by the wrong ponies, she quickly found a construction to hide.

From the darkness of that night, a chalk-white stallion trotted near the magical lamps that lit a monument dedicated to the Crystal Savior, Spike, constructed in the place where the Crystal Heart used to be. The stallion was followed by a young crystal pony mare, clad in a very beautiful and unique armor.

“Emperor Armor! Please listen to the reason! We already made a terrible mistake attacking that facility belonging to Equestria to find your sister. If that Captain Blossom from the Night Guard did not appeared to knock some sense into this thick skull of yours, we could have shaken the relationships between our countries forever! It is a cold night and the sun did not even raised yet, and worse, our spy at Canterlot did not send us any new information. We should wait until doing a new crusade to find your sister!”

“You speak too much, Laurel!”

Upon hearing the sound of that voice, Twilight knew exactly who he was.

“My sister is in danger! I can’t stand idle while she’s lost in a world trying to capture her and kill her!”

“I understand sir, but we should wait a little until we get everything settled. We just returned from an incursion against Equestria! Lady Cadence is still writing those letters of apology to the Two Sisters. I can’t even start to imagine the trouble we would cause to the empire if we just go and create another ruckus at their core within a day.”

Shining Armor stopped at the middle of the plaza, and turned to Laurel asking, “Do you have a family Laurel?”

“Yes sir! I have a mother and a small filly already, and my husband works at the train station.”

“Twilight is the most important part of my family to me! Just the fear of her being in danger is enough to make me feel anger! I can’t let anything happen with her without trying to do something about it.”

Laurel looked at the burdened face of Shining Armor, as the stallion hanged his head down and bit his lips. It was obvious that he was struggling against his feelings.

His duties as leader of a nation were in conflict with his protective instincts, and he was unable to choose a single path to follow.

“I’m not going to stand here Laurel! I’m sorry but my family comes before my place as Emperor.”

“What if Equestria declares war against us due to your foolish actions my liege?”

“Then, it shall be a war worth fighting for me...”

Laurel gasped, but the shining determination inside his eyes told the knight that Shining Armor was going to take any action necessary to save his sister.

“I understand sir. I shall return to my duties at the castle.”

The armored mare turned around and trotted away until disappearing in the darkness of the night, leaving Shining Armor alone in that plaza with his feelings.

“Twilight, I refuse to let them harm you! It doesn’t matter what I will have to do, I will save you!”

The stallion breathed, his voice close to a wail.

“Always playing the hero...”

Twilight exited from her hiding place and walked near her brother.

“Even when we were just foals, you always said that you were going to be near to protect me.”

Shining Armor’s eyes almost popped out of his head, “Sis! It’s really you sis?”

Twilight took the hood out of her face, looking to her big brother with a kind smile.

“I wish I had the chance to warn you about my coming but-”

Before Twilight could utter another word, she was practically tackled by the big, chalk-white unicorn, hugging her furiously.

“Sis! Sis it’s really you! Oh, by Celestia I’m so glad! You are alright!”

Two big trails of tears were coming from the stallion’s eyes, as he furiously nudged Twilight’s lavender fur.

He’s hugging me.

He’s isn't hating me, or trying to harm me.

He’s hugging me like he always did.

“Big bro...”

“I was so scared Twilie. I was so scared of losing you! I don’t even know what I could do if Equestria killed you! I’m so happy right now! I’m so happy!”

“You’re warm...”

“Ah, yes! I’m wearing some clothing below this armor, you are barely covered. Mom is going to pick on you so much for coming to the Crystal City without decent garment.”

“That’s not it silly...”

Twilight’s eyes watered up, as she finally embraced back her brother, nudging him with all her strength, “I miss having somepony to hug. I miss this feeling of being loved...”

“Don’t worry, everything will be just fine from now on.”

“Big bro...” Twilight called with her most infantile voice.

“Yes Twilie, what do you need?”

“Can we just stay like this? Just a while longer?”

Shining Armor smiled, tightening the hug around his sister’s body, “We can stay like this as long as you like Twilie.”

Some time later, when both ponies were recovered from their emotional shock, Twilight and Shining began to trot back to the palace.

“Sis, can you show me?”

“Big bro...”

“You don’t need to if you don’t want. You are taller, your mane is much longer and your horn is different. You don’t need to show me the wings, I can clearly see that you are different, but I wanted to see with my own eyes.”

Twilight sighed, and stopped, “Please don’t make a fuss over them ok? I don’t even know how to use them yet.”

She used her telekinesis to take off the saddlebag and the hood. Finally, she flapped her large wings open, showing them to her brother with her face hanging low, as if show her wings was an act of shame.

Shining Armor smiled, “I never thought they would fit you so well. After marrying an alicorn, you kind of get used to the combination of horns and wings.”

Quickly, Twilight perked her head up, giving her brother a content smile.

“Can you tell me what truly happened? I’m not buying the lies that Equestria spread about you.”

Twilight nodded, and after lifting everything back to its place around her body, they resumed their walk.

“I don’t know exactly what happened either. I only remember activating the power of the Elements to use against Grogar as I always did, but then everything started to go out of control. I felt this absurd power, and I was unable to stop it and then everything went white and I passed out. When I woke up, my friends disappeared, and I was turned into this...”

“After all, there’s no proof that the girls are dead? Equestria is simply saying they are to accuse you?”

She sighed. Inside, Twilight wanted to defend her kingdom, even with them trying to kill her, but her brother’s words were the pure truth.

“It looks just like it big bro...”

“That’s preposterous! It makes them sound like they are searching for a scapegoat for something!”

Twilight shook her head in denial, lost in thought, “I don’t know big bro. Nothing makes sense.”

Shining Armor trotted near his sister, and passed a hoof around her back, “Don’t worry Twilie, you are safe now.”

Even knowing that her temporary peace wasn't going to last for long, Twilight smiled back to her brother. She was just too happy to be thinking about problems right now.

“Why is she still up? It’s so late at night already!” Twilight asked to her brother. Both ponies were inside the big Crystal Palace, and were waiting just outside the royal throne room.

“It’s my fault,” Shining answered apologetically.

“What did you do?”

He gulped, fearing that his sister could wish to kill him the same way his wife did some hours ago, “I kinda invaded a military facility belonging to Equestria in order to save my little sister using a platoon from our army. You know, it is not the wisest way for an Emperor to act, specially if the country you just invaded was the biggest ally of your own country.”

Instead of scolding him, or just smiling due to her brother’s embarrassed expression, Twilight looked away, “It was because of me right?”

“Don’t blame yourself, I would move a mountain to rescue my little sister,” Shining nudged her, trying to cheer her up, “Besides, Midnight Blossom stopped me before I was able to cause any major ruckus, so the damage to the relationships was minimal. Cadence is working on an apology letter to Celestia right now.”

“She really wishes to see me? I’m a traitor to Equestria, thus, a traitor to the Crystal Empire too.”

“You are family. Not only that, you are innocent, because there’s no way in hay that you would harm your friends Twilie-”

Before the rant coming from Emperor Armor’s mouth could proceed any further, a crystal pony stallion opened one side of the huge, adorned doors and called.

“Twilight Sparkle, the Crystal Empress wishes to speak with you.”

The chalk-white unicorn sighed, “Finally, what’s gotten into Cadence? She made us wait forever!”

“She wishes to speak with the Twilight Princess alone, my liege.”

Shining’s face twisted into a puzzled frown, like if he just received a punch in the gut. Twilight gulped upon hearing that, becoming a little worried with what Cadence had in store for her.

“Can you tell mom and dad that I’m here and that I going to see them right after seeing Cadence big bro? Pretty please?”

The emperor came back to reality with his sister’s voice, looking to her with a worried expression too, “O-Of course Twilie! Sheesh! Maybe she’s really mad with me...”

Twilight hugged her brother, smiling, “Don’t worry, I know that it’s nothing serious.”

The chalk-white unicorn kissed the top of Twilight’s head, “I will be at mom and dad’s room, you know where it is right?”

She nodded.

“Good. We will be waiting for you.”

Shining trotted away. Twilight drank up her hesitation, and entered the throne room.

Inside, several knights formed a tunnel from the entrance, through the hallway, ending near the throne. Twilight felt a little intimidated, but kept walking towards Cadence.

The Crystal Empress was sat in her throne. She sported an austere visage, looking to Twilight with a serious and rather cold expression. Her eyes weren’t showing any emotion...

Upon seeing that, the purple alicorn lost focus of everything around her, and just stared at Cadence, looking at her from above.

“Knights, leave us alone!”

The powerful voice of the Crystal Empress echoed through the room, and in a perfect march, all the crystal ponies walked through the entrance door.

Twilight, too scared to go any further, stopped midway, gaze still locked at her sister-in-law.

Cadence stood up, opening her huge wings in a single motion, their ruffling sound falling upon Twilight as if it was heavy. Calmly, the Princess walked over her long-time friend, and stared at her very soul.

“Its really true. You have become an alicorn, just like the legends told us. You fled from Equestria, and now you stand before my throne as a betrayer. The fairy tales said that I, the Crystal Princess, was supposed to be the first to fall by your hoof, Twilight Princess. Are you here to kill me?”

Twilight hanged her head low, eyes starting to burn and water up. She sobbed in silence, as she steadily shook her head vigorously in negation, although the shame of such an accusation made her unable to look to Cadence in the eyes.

“Do you understand the heavy load you put into my shoulders by coming here?”

Ashamed, Twilight nodded.

“You are an enemy to Equestria, thus an enemy to this country. The simple fact that I received you into my throne room is enough to cause a war between the Crystal Empire and our mother nation of Equestria. Do you understand that?”

She nodded once more.

“It was supposed to be my duty as ruler to arrest you and send you to Equestria immediately!” Cadence shouted, making Twilight cower even more.

“I know...” She wailed.

“My people suffer because of you! My country can be led to fight a war that we can’t win if your hooves continue to walk through this land! Do you understand this Twilight Princess?”

Cadence’s shouts stopped.

Twilight heard a faint sob.

The purple alicorn opened her watered eyes to see from where it was coming. However, her attention was immediately robbed by the image of several tears dropping in the floor right in front of her.

“I’m not going to do anything. I can’t! I love you! You are my precious family and you saved this kingdom, and you saved my life when I needed somepony the most. I can’t do anything about my feelings Twilight! I can’t put my duty as Empress in front of my own heart!”

Twilight rose her head, exchanging gazes with a crying Cadence, who was desperately trying to control her emotions and swallow the tears. Unfortunately for the pink alicorn, they just continued to force their way and fall to the floor.


“What am I going to do Twilight? I’m scared! I don’t want my people to suffer anymore! They suffered too much in the past... They don’t deserve to see another war... However, you don’t deserve to carry the burden of everypony in your shoulders!”

“I promise to go away as fast as I get to see my parents and my Spike Cadence-”

Twilight was interrupted by the sound of the big double doors opening suddenly. In seconds, the throne room was flooded by armored knights, led by Laurel.

“Empress Cadence! We are here for the Twilight Princess! Please allow us, we are going to be brief.”

Cadence was very confused, she looked to each crystal pony face below the helmets, trying to understand what was happening. Twilight bite her lips and closed her eyes, how she was supposed to fight all the way through so many knights?

All the huge battalion drew their beautiful crystalline swords from their sheaths, and presented them towards the purple alicorn.

“Stop! I didn’t gave you orders to harm her!” Cadence shouted.

“This is above your orders my liege,” Laurel shouted back with a smile, “This is the will of each crystal pony who was alive in that day one year ago when the pony that goes by the name of Twilight Sparkle and her six friends fought with everything they got to save this land from Sombra.”

Then, in a perfectly rehearsed movement, all the knights bowed before Twilight, clasping their swords in the ground.

“We are the Crystal Guard! And by the will of the Crystal Heart, this nation foundation, we hereby swear our sacred vow to serve Twilight Sparkle, the Twilight Princess! May our swords be thy blade and our armors thy shield! For as long as those bones have life in them, we shall protected the Princess of the Dawn!”

Neither Cadence nor Twilight could believe in what their eyes just saw.

Laurel stood up, walking over Twilight, “Equestria may be doubting your integrity Twilight, but not a single crystal pony of this land will remain idle as they accuse one of our saviors of treachery. We vow to protect you, to fight alongside you, and there’s no alicorn in this world that can bend our will!”

The crystal pony mare turned around, raising a hoof to the crowd behind her, “Long life to the Twilight Princess!”

Several hooves were thrown to the air in response.

“Are you going to ever forgive me for being so foolish? It was obvious that my people would choose to fight even against Equestria to defend the one who saved them.”

Cadence closed the doors after the last knight exited the room.

Twilight trotted near Cadence, head hanging down, eyes shadowed by her fringe which was falling upon her head.

As if she slapped Cadence’s face, Twilight embraced her sister-in-law strongly, almost tackling her down to the floor, “I never felt anything other than admiration and love for you. I don’t need to forgive you, because you never did anything against me. Maybe now, I admire you even more for standing strong against your feelings and putting them aside for the greater good. If someday I truly become a Princess, I want to be like you Cadence!”

The pink alicorn locked her forehooves around Twilight’s back, once again suppressing the upcoming tears. She rested her head on top of Twilight’s head, while the purple alicorn nudged her chest strongly.

“You are my family Twilight. My savior and my little sister too. I would never let something happen to you.”

“Can you help me? I’m a little confused with this alicorn business.”

“Of course I will, but there’s still some ponies you need to see right?”

Twilight nodded silently.

“Then go. Feel free to wander in the castle, it’s yours too. After all, my knights crowned you a legitimate Princess tonight.”

The purple alicorn calmly walked by the corridors, as the magical blue flames coming from the crystals used to illuminate the interiors showed her the way. Never her heart was at so much peace, and Twilight could finally revive the feel of being at home.

After entering the galleries pertaining to the royal chambers, Twilight found at the edge of a corridor, her brother sat right besides a door. Shining Armor was struggling against his own drowsiness, it was very late at night already and the emperor was supposed to be sleeping.

“Big bro...”

“Twilight!” Startled by her voice, Shining Armor shot his eyes open, “What happened between you and Cadence?”

Twilight giggled, “She said something about the royal couch being soft enough for you tonight.”

Shining laughed, ending his fit with a sigh, “I screwed up big time.”

“Don’t worry, she will forgive you eventually, you know how she loves you and all. Mom and dad are asleep?”

Shining Armor mood dropped immediately, “Dad is sleeping right now. He was unable to keep up with everything happening around him, so mom gave him some medicine, and forced him to sleep, you know how he can be over protective with his family. Mom is...”

“She’s giving you a hard time right?”

“Mom refuses to eat, sleep, and leave her chambers for three days already. She said that she’s going to pray non-stop for your return...”


“To Celestia, whom else? Mom is the religious type remember?”

Twilight mood dropped as well, and she nodded in agreement, looking away.

“She said that Celestia is going to bring you back to us, and that everything the others are talking about you, and about Princess Celestia is a bunch of lies.”

“I will talk to her right now...”

“She’s waiting for you inside.”

Twilight trotted towards the door, Shining decided to follow his way to the guest room, and think about a good way to apologize to his wife before sleeping.

“Celestia wants me dead,” Twilight breathed before entering.

Her brother just hanged his head low, sadness washing him over, “I know. Still our mom doesn’t want to believe that Celestia abandoned us. Irony can sting like a poisoned arrow.”

“I can’t blame her big bro. If she can’t pray to Celestia, who’s she is going to pray to?”

The siblings parted ways. With care to not make any loud noises, Twilight opened the door.

Inside the barely lit room, the purple alicorn found her dad, sleeping soundly in a big and confortable bed for two ponies, his form hidden beneath some blankets to protect him from the cold that was permeating the room. A big curtain of light coming from the moon entered through an opened window. Resting right below it, looking to the moon and the stars outside, even if they were hard to see due to the clouds, Twilight Velvet, Twilight Sparkle’s mother, whispered some inaudible words...

“I knew all along my prayers would be answered. Celestia never failed us before, why she would fail now?”

Twilight eyes shot open in surprise, “How did you know it is me?”

The white unicorn moved her head around, giving Twilight a warm smile, and gazing at her with eyes full of joyful tears, “A mother always knows, Twilie.”

“When Princess Celestia came personally to see your test that day, the day when you hatched Spike’s egg, I was so proud seeing my little girl attracting the attention of our Holy Lady Celestia. Eventually, you grew so attached to her that I started to feel losing my place as your mother...”


“You were happy my dear, that was everything in the world that I needed to know. I have to admit though, that I missed being with you all the time. I missed seeing you blooming into the beautiful mare that you are today, I missed seeing you going to school for the first time, I missed so many things my dear, that I don’t know if I’m deserve being called your mother anymore.”

Velvet was crying, tears falling freely from her eyes. Twilight hugged her even strongly.

“Stop saying those absurdities!”

“They are the truth Twilie. It’s sad and shameful, but Celestia is your true mother when it comes down to who stayed with you through the path of your life. I was nothing more than a shadow in the background! I regret it so much, and I beg to you to forgive me!”

“Everything you said may be true, and if somepony would made me choose between you two, maybe I would flinch and be unable to say one name, but don’t even try to say that you aren’t my mother!” Twilight shouted, her voice echoed through the room.


“You were there when I got my first cut remember? You dried my tears, took care of me, hugged me and said that everything would be fine. Remember those nights during the weekends when I came back home from the school? Who read me stories despite being so tired with her work? It was you miss Velvet. Who shaped me into a mare worthy of being Celestia’s protegé and the Element of Magic? You did!”

Twilight stopped a moment to sob. It was like screaming out things that she wished to shout out for so much time...

“You gave me my first book, you helped me face my first love, you were always by my side. Even if it was just in the background, I always could hear you cheering me on with your prayers mom!”

Velvet wrapped her forehooves around Twilight’s arms that were passed around her neck, and tightened her eyes, making even more tears fall down.

“So, never! Never, are you hearing me? Never again you dare to say that you aren’t my mother miss Velvet!” Twilight shouted, putting more strength in her arms, closing the hug they shared even more.

“I love you my child. To the hay with this world, I just know that you aren’t to blame for what happened to the other girls! I know you are a victim too! You don’t have to suffer anymore, just stay here with us.”

“I can’t. I need to find them and find the truth mom.”

“You will suffer more! You will get hurt and be in danger!”

“Yes, I will. However, that’s something I need to do. It’s the only way to heal my soul, and the only way to know what truly happened to the rest of my family.”

The room went silent. Only the faint sobs from Twilight Velvet and from Twilight Sparkle could be heard. Mother and daughter knew that this was going to be a long and painful goodbye...

“I can’t let you go Twilight!” Velvet shouted.

“I need to mom, I’m so sorry for making you have to bear this pain because of me, but I can’t live with the feelings of being a murderer inside of me.”

“Let her go Velvet...”

A sultry male voice spoke. Both mares looked behind, finding Twilight’s father, Nightlight, getting out of the bed.

“Good night dad.”

“Hello, honey. You were going to embark in a long journey without telling me a goodbye?”

Twilight’s cheeks turned red, and she smiled awkwardly, “I was planning on leaving you a big letter. Shining told me that you were sleeping, and that you went through a hard time...”

Nightlight smiled, “You and your brother are just too overprotective with me. I’m not a colt, alright?”

The blue unicorn walked towards his daughter.

“You have become a beautiful alicorn my dear. I’m so proud...”

“Sometimes I feel ashamed dad.”

Twilight lowered her head and closed her eyes. Her father hugged her, and stroke her mane kindly with a hoof.

“Don’t feel any shame. Put your head up and be proud of yourself. Did I ever tell you what I felt on the day you were born my dear?”

Twilight shook her head in negation.

“Right after your mother gave birth to you, the nurses wrapped your small body in some clothes and gave you to me. From the very moment I took you in my arms, I felt that you were destined to do great things. You grew up so fast... First you entered the school for gifted unicorns, then becomes Celestia’s student, and then heroine of two countries! I can only be proud of the mare that I can call daughter.”

“Oh, dad...”

“Rise your head Twilight and go find your friends. You and me, we always were dreamers, and ponies who followed their dreams even if the others told us that was impossible. I would never married Velvet if I hadn't followed my heart as it was saying to me to try and conquer that silly filly over there.”

Nighlight winked to Velvet, making her blush. Twilight nudged her dad’s fur with the tip of her muzzle.

“I don’t know what is going to happen. I don’t even know if I will ever see you and mom again!”

Her dad laughed, “If your heart tells you that we are going to share more hugs like this one, then I have no doubts that we will see each other again. We will pray for you my child, and we will be forever waiting for you to return with open arms, right Velvet?”

The white unicorn washed away the tears streaming from her eyes and nodded.

Twilight looked to her dad with tears in the eyes, the stallion hastily cleaned them, before they could escape from Twilight’s grasp.

“Don’t cry on me right now. Be strong my child, and go with your heart in peace.”

“I love you dad. I love you mom. I will miss you two so much!”

Twilight closed the door of her parent’s room. She walked slowly, following the corridor from where she came from the throne room. Shining Armor opened one door right at the moment when his sister passed in front of it.

“Did you talk with her?”

Twilight nodded, “You can go and sleep too, I made her eat some apples and get to bed. She’s in shambles, doubting everything. We can’t do much about it, I only ask you to stay by her’s and dad’s sides while I’m gone.”

Shining raised an eyebrow, curious.

“Gone to where?”

“To find them big bro. My friends, and the truth. I need to know why I’ve become an alicorn, and what truly happened with my Princesses. I just can’t sit idle here at the Crystal Empire and make the crystal ponies fight a war against Equestria because of me.”

“Looks who is playing the hero now...” Shining smiled, passing a kind hoof at his sister’s head.

“I’m not trying to be any hero, I am doing what is right.”

“I know. You need to see Spike too, the little one wanted to see you so badly, but he’s just too young to stay up so late.”

Twilight nodded, “Don’t worry I will go see him right now. Where is he?”

“In your private chambers.”

“I’m going then. Tomorrow, we shall part ways.”

“Yes. I will take my platoon and scout you to the border.”

The siblings exchanged glances for some seconds,in silence. Shining wanted to say something for Twilight, but he could not. Twilight also wanted to say something, but was unable to find the right words.

Twilight walked some more, and kissed her brother in the cheek, “I will miss you big bro. I love you and I promise to come back to you, thank you for being the best family in the world...” She whispered in his ear with a soft voice.

“I wanted to walk down this path with you but I can’t. I’m sorry Twilie.”

The purple alicorn trotted back, and shook her head with a smile, “This is my destiny big bro, it’s time for me to face it, alone.”

“I’m going, Cadence needs me.”

Once again, the two parted ways in silence.

Twilight trotted calmly towards a bedroom dedicated just for her. She never accepted being treated differently, even if she had the right to, after all her brother is the emperor of those lands, and the empress was her foalhood friend.

As such important family member, a very expansive and luxurious chamber was reserved for her. However, those walls were going to see the purple alicorn for the first time.

With a flick of her horn, Twilight turned the golden knob with caution; she didn’t wanted to awaken the important guest that was inside. The alicorn entered slowly, sticking her neck first to see what was awaiting her.

The room was barely lit by the magical crystals glowing in a pale blue light. Everything was neatly kept, from the shelves of books to the giant circular bed.

Twilight opened the door some more, just enough for her to enter. With a inspecting glance around her surroundings, she found what she was looking for: Spike.

The small purple dragon was sleeping soundly inside of a basket. Twilight could not help but to laugh internally, thinking of how humble Spike was; he could just hop on the bed and sleep there. Maybe it was time for her to say to the dragon that he was far from being her pet...

With careful steps, Twilight walked towards the drake resting in the basket. She planted a kind kiss on his forehead and with a soothing and whispering voice, she breathed on his ear, “I’m so happy to see you alright...”

Hearing her voice, Spike slowly opened his emerald eyes. He failed to recognize the face in front of him, as if he was still sleeping and having a dream about happier days.

Twilight just gazed at him with a kind smile.

No words were exchanged when Spike finally noticed that he was looking at the most important pony of his life right in front of him. His big eyes watered up at the same time as his lower lip started to tremble, and with a single move, the dragon hugged Twilight strongly, passing his arms around her neck, breaking into tears...

Twilight just hugged him back, resting her head into his shoulder, “There, there. Why are you crying silly?”

“I was so afraid that something bad had happened to you Twilight!” Spike struggled to speak against the tears flowing freely from his eyes.

“I’m alright, you don’t need to cry,” Twilight breathed.

“When all those soldiers came to the library and started to say absurd things, I was so scared...”

Twilight felt her chest being pierced by those last words. Her loved friend was in danger, and she wasn’t there to help him.

“Then they started to take all our books away and burn them! I tried so hard to stop them and to save your books Twilight, but they were so many!” Spike was raising his voice, venting out his frustration. In response, the purple alicorn hugged him back even strongly, trying to make the dragon feel safe.

“Thank you Spike! Thank you so much!”

“They said that I was too dangerous to stay in Ponyville. I asked them why, and they started to call you a murderer and a traitor! I just couldn't keep hearing those lies, but before I was able to do anything, the guards knocked me out cold. When I woke up, I was in a cage...”

“It’s all my fault Spike. Can you forgive me?”

“It’s not your fault Twilight. They just released me inside the Everfree Forest and said that I was banned from Equestria forever. Your brother found me not long time after and explained to me everything that happened.”

“Still, you had to endure so many horrible things because of me, that I don’t even want to think about it...”

Spike broke from their hug. The young drake looked to Twilight, and with his arm he wiped away the tears streaming from his face. He clenched his fists and puffed up his chest, “Don’t feel bad! I was able to face everything because you taught me that true friendship can overcome anything!”

Twilight opened another smile. A tear of joy escaped from her grasp and rolled down her cheek, her heart filled with pride, “You are growing into a really noble and brave dragon Spike...”

“All thanks to you Twilight.”

Twilight hugged her faithful assistant again, this time just to make sure that everything was real. The two friends stayed together for quite some time, just hugging each other and letting their hearts find the solace that was so much needed for both.

“What you need to find so badly in the library Twilight?” Spike asked as they walked through the corridors of the palace, back to the throne room.

“Answers,” Twilight said somberly, “The library of the Crystal Empire is very old and it can contain some information regarding the subject I need to research right now.”

Spike scratched his head, confused.

“Which subject?”

The duo reached the huge and imposing front doors of the throne room. Twilight nudged Spike’s head with her muzzle and kissed his forehead, "You really do not mind staying up all night with me? You can return to my room and sleep there if you want, Spike...”

He shook his head vigorously, “Nope! I’m going to help you with whatever urgent research you need.”

“Thank you,” Twilight breathed smiling, “I need to see Cadence before going to the library, can you wait for me here Spike?”

“Of course! Take your time.”

Twilight nodded, and magically opened the doors.

As she did when entering her chambers, the purple alicorn sticked her neck inside first, glancing around the room to make sure that she didn’t come at a wrong time.

In the distance, she found the balcony windows opened, and several snowflakes falling inside the room. A cold wind was blowing from outside, making she shiver.

Twilight entered, closing the door behind her. The sound of her hooves echoed inside the empty gallery, as she walked towards the opened balcony, following a winged shadow projected by the light of the moon.

“You should at least wear some garment if you are observing the nightly landscape. Your kingdom is really cold, and you can get ill,” Twilight said as she reached a solitary Cadance, who was looking to the Crystal City covered in the white blanket, deep in thought.

Cadence waited until Twilight came to sit at her side, she smiled and turned to her, “Alicorns can’t get colds Twilight...”

“I didn’t know.”

“You came here looking for answers about your new condition right?”

Twilight nodded, her expression turning sad.

“I do not know how to answer to you. I am the youngest Princess of the world, and my knowledge about our race is very limited.”

“Are alicorns really Gods?” Twilight asked all of a sudden.

Cadence’s expression turned to pain. Slowly, she raised her head and looked to the sky, observing the clouds shedding the precious white snow into her kingdom, “Yes and no, we are closer to accursed existences than Gods.”

“Luna and Celestia have the power to raise the Sun and the Moon. You have power to awaken the love in the hearts of all ponies. The magical abilities you three possesses are... amazing to say the least. It far surpasses any unicorn’s power.”

“Still, being an alicorn is nothing more than a curse.”

Twilight didn’t understood exactly why her sister-in-law was so bitter about their race, “Can you tell me why?”

“One could say that it is the immortality, but that is not really a problem. We have enough magical power to give the gift of eternity to others if we so wish. The true curse, lies upon our destinies.”

“Our destinies?”

“I never wanted this Twilight. I never wanted to be a Princess or a God. I wanted to be just an ordinary mare, having to work to buy my house, marrying the stallion I loved and having foals to raise. I wanted to grow old and see my family getting bigger and bigger. However, I didn’t had any choice, my destiny was sealed from the very moment I was born into this world. Alicorns aren’t individuals Twilight, they are symbols...”

The purple alicorn started to understand what Cadence was talking about, “You mean...”

“I love my people Twilight. I love this land and I want to make them happy for all the eternity, but deep inside, I know that their happiness must come before mine. I see so many children running around smiling and laughing, and I regret being unable to bred a foal...”

“Cadence! You mean we can’t be mothers?”

Cadence nodded.

Twilight opened her mouth from the shock. She was still young for thinking about having a foal, however this dream would never come true for her...

“What happened today between you and me was beyond torturing. My family will never grow, and each precious friend and relative I lose will never be replaced. We alicorns don’t have the right to suffer because of it, we need to be strong all the time for the sake of our kingdom and our people. We can’t cry, we can’t feel despair or show emotion, we are but the flags of our nations.”

“That must explain why Princess Celestia is always trying to be so collected and formal.”

“Celestia is a powerful Princess, Twilight. She’s one of the oldest alicorns to be born into this world, and she endured so much suffering in the course of those years. If I were in her place, I do not know how I was supposed to choose between the happiness of my people, and the salvation of my young student...”

The two princesses remained silent for some moments.

“Why does she wants to kill me Cadence? Why does she hates me so much?”

“I don’t know Twilight, and pains me to say that to you. Celestia must have an ulterior motive for doing what she did to you.”

Cadence passed a hoof around Twilight’s neck, and pulled her nearer, “Can I ask you a favor?”

“Of course.”

“Please, don’t lose faith in Celestia. Never stop believing in her, even if it is the hardest thing to do.”

“I will try.”

“What you are going to do right now?”

“Research the Crystal Library and try to find any information about the alicorn race.”

Cadence sighed, “I can’t guarantee you are going to find it. I do not posses your skills with research Twilight, but in my spare time, I wandered inside the library and tried to find anything about the same subject, but nothing came to light.”

“Cadence,” Twilight breathed, “I never knew anything about your past. What about your family?”

The pink alicorn hanged her head low, giving to Twilight a bittersweet smile, “I can’t seem to remember. I can only tell you what Celestia told me. The family I know was an adoptive one, and I never really met my true parents, I only know that I was born an alicorn. I do wonder if they rejected me and abandoned me because of my race...”

“Cadence, I never knew.”

“Don’t worry, Celestia found me and handed me down to a family of nobles from Canterlot that raised me and showed me the power of love and how it could transform everything. When I got my cutie mark, I wondered why it was a heart made of crystal. Turns out that I was a Princess of a lost kingdom, destined to rule over this place.”

“Are you happy with it?”

“It’s not about my happiness Twilight. It’s about their happiness. The happiness of each crystal pony living below the flag of this country. If I have to keep sacrificing my own well being in order for them to be happy, I will gladly accept it. That’s why we, alicorns, exist.”

The colossal doors from the crystal library are opened.

From outside, the silhouettes of a small dragon and a young alicorn watched in awe as the magical crystals spread through the huge place lit in an intense blue light, revealing the several bookshelves housing a huge amount of books.

“We will have our hoofs full,” Spike breathed, scared by how the library was giant in comparison to their small, old oak tree.

“Who was planning on getting some sleep?” Twilight turned to him, and smiled sheepish.

Both walked inside, eyes scanning through the countless covers resting in the wood shelves at the walls. Any of the different, colorful books could contain the answers they seeked, they just needed to find it.

“Do you know where we can start looking Twilight?” Spike inquired, starting to feel dizzy from all the scanning.

Twilight’s irises run to the top end of her sclera, as she tried to access her memory bank and remember something relevant from the time when she looked through this same library, searching for any hints of how she and her six friends could save the Crystal Ponies from Sombra’s curse.

“Come,” she chirped, “let’s begin with the history section.”

The pair walked through the barely lit galleries, following Twilight’s memory. After some time walking towards the right set of shelves, Twilight stopped.

“Here, it will be hard finding anything but it will be worth it.”

Spike observed the several books perched on the shelve, “Twilight, I know I asked it already, but why are you so interested in discovering things about the alicorn race?”

The purple mare was already using her telekinesis to take some volumes out of their places, and was selecting more with vigilant eyes. After hearing Spike’s question, Twilight sighed, and turned back to him, “Everything started to go out of control because I’m an alicorn now. That fairy tale about the Twilight Princess don't make any sense, and I can’t use it to help me find the truth about my transformation. I need to know something about the alicorn race, anything at all that has some logic to it, and it’s not shrouded in mystery.”

The young drake smiled, and nodded, “I see. That’s very like you Twilight.”

“I have those wings now, but I’m still me right?”

Twilight moved the pile of books enveloped in her pink magic aura near her assistant, and he picked all the thick compendiums in his arms, following the purple alicorn as she trotted further, taking any interesting title that crossed her field of vision.

“Maybe we already took a good amount here,” Spike breathed, “Why don’t we take a look at another section?”

“Good point, let’s get going. We have a night full of research to do.”

Several hours later, and the pair had raided almost the entire library.

Twilight easily saw through Spike’s drowsiness, as the dragon was constantly yawning and scratching his eyes while helping her take notes about the books they were reading, and any possible useful information they gathered so far.

She wished to ask him to stop and take some rest, but the alicorn knew her assistant just too well. Spike’s pride would just make him stay.

With a kind smile, Twilight turned her attention from the book she was reading, to her friend which was also reading a tome, “How many sections we already checked?”

Spike lazily looked to her with half lidded eyes, “Let me check,” he breathed and picked up a small notebook and a quill, “twenty four, everything from the World’s History section to the Pony Biology section.”

“That’s so many things, and we still had found nothing...”

Twilight’s voice sounded frustrated. She hanged her head low, thinking that maybe Cadence was right when she said that the chances of finding anything related to the alicorns inside the Crystal Library were low.

A glimpse of light shone through the stained glasses and hit the corner of her eye. For an instant, Twilight moved her head to the majestic window at her right side, basking in the beautiful design, depicting Spike and Cadence using the power of the Crystal Heart to defeat Sombra.

“The sun is already up,” Spike sighed, seeing that his sleep was condemned to wait until the new night, “and we didn’t made any progress...”

“I’m sorry. Maybe we just need to try and find another way of getting our hooves into some rarer books.”

“Maybe. I wonder if the girls are seeing the same sun as us right now.”

Twilight felt her heart flood with nostalgia and doubt at the same time...


The sun invaded the library, covering Twilight into an warm light. Her fur bristled in excitement, as the warm glow washed away the harsh cold of the night that enveloped her body.

She just closed her eyes and smiled, as if she was received a kind hug.

“I love her sun...”

The alicorn’s eyes shot open, as if a sudden realization just had hit her brain like a crashing pegasus.

“That’s it! The sun!”

Spike used all his strength to raise an eyebrow and asked with an unimpressed voice, “What are you talking about Twilight?”

“Come here Spike, I think I remembered something!”

Twilight bolted towards one of the sections that they still had not explored yet. Spike followed her, and with curious eyes, he observed the signs showing which sections they were.

After some time running, the drake’s eyes felt on the sign “Astrology”.

Twilight entered on the corridor formed by the two big shelves. Spike just got more confused.

“Twilight, what do you plan to find on this section? We are looking for something related to the alicorn race!”

“Just a minute Spike! I remember that the last time we visited, I was reading an astrology book. Then, I skipped a chapter that had Celestia’s crest designed on it, and it was showing some kind of temple...”

The young drake crossed his arms and leaned against one of the shelves. Twilight kept looking for the book as fast as she could.

“Here it is!”

The purple alicorn lifted a small tome with a dark gray cover and several golden trimmings from the shelve.

Spike came closer to see the title.

“Places of Adoration Through Equestria?” The drake rubbed his chin.

Twilight opened the book using her magic, and the pages rapidly turned until she reached the chapter she was looking for.

She cleared her throat, and started to read out loud for Spike.

The Nameless Cathedral at the city of Vanhoover is a unique place in Equestria. Researchers state that the construction was made three thousand years ago by an unknown race of ponies as a place of adoration and meditation, where they could feel closer to their Gods.

No pony, not even the closest ministers to the Two Sisters know if such edification has any ties to the actual beliefs in our present day Goddesses, but any pony that enters the place affirms that they could sense something “Supernatural” just from being around it.

“Cadence told me that we, alicorns, are entities that are the equivalent to Gods, because of our higher powers and duties as guides to the ponies. If this place was constructed by an ancient race, then it can only mean they made it in order to have a place to worship an alicorn God!”

Spike looked in awe to Twilight for some seconds, trying to catch some breath after the torrent of informations that flooded his ears.

“You mean you are going into Equestria’s territory! That’s too dangerous Twilight!”

“I know Spike, but that’s the only hint we found after so much research. Maybe I can find something related to the alicorn race over there, I can’t miss this chance.”

Suddenly, Spike hugged Twilight strongly.

“Then, please take care! Don’t let Equestria take you, or hurt you! We can’t help you from here.”

She smiled.

“I’m glad that you aren’t trying to convince me to bring you along.”

“I need to stay here and help your parents. They need all the support they can have, after all, their child is going on a mad quest to find five ponies that can be dead, all while fighting against the most powerful nation of the world...”

Twilight kissed Spike’s head, “I’m so proud of the dragon you are becoming Spike.”

“Do you promise to come back soon?”

“As soon as I get some information regarding my condition.”

“Pinkie Promise?”

“Yes! Totally a Pinkie Promise!”

Twilight came alone to the station, bringing nothing else than her saddlebag. The train bound to get her back into enemy territory was waiting for the rest of the passengers to enter.

She looked one last time to the Crystal Palace, shining beautifully into the sunlight.

The purple alicorn had to force the tears back to her throat. To see everything she loved; everything that still remained at least; so far in the distance was really hard.

However, she had vowed to herself that no pony would be hurt because of her ever again...

One of the train carer stallions came out of the main wagon and warned Twilight, “Hey! We are about to go! Could you place take your seat missy?”

“Yes, I’m going!”

As Twilight turned away to enter the train, a familiar voice called her from above.

“Twilight! Wait!”

She looked to the sky, and found Cadence flying towards her. The pink alicorn landed right in front of her, smiling.

“I almost thought that I wasn't going to make it!” Cadence breathed.

“Something happened Cadence?”

“Not at all, but you went straight from the library here, and I didn’t had the time to give you this...”

The Crystal Empress’s horn flared, and she produced from a small bag at her side a tiny booklet, immediately stuffing it inside Twilight’s huge saddlebag.

“I can’t tell you what it is about here in the open, so I took notes and hid them inside. Please, read it as soon as you get to your cabin.”

Twilight nodded, “Okay Cadence, I will.”

They exchanged silent glances for some seconds.

“I hate long farewells,” the purple alicorn turned her head away.

Cadence smiled, sending any signs of sadness back down her throat, “Me too. We will be waiting for you.”

Twilight trotted away, and entered the train. Cadence remained at the station, seeing her sister through the window, as the locomotive started to drive away, separating the two. They still looked to each other, as the train started to build up speed.

The purple alicorn raised a hoof, resting it against the glass. She saw Cadence crying...

When Cadence finally disappeared from her view, Twilight closed the curtain of her cabin’s window, and sat more comfortable at her couch. With a flick of magic, she brought the booklet from inside the saddlebag to her hooves, and opened it kindly...

Twilight, I will try to make it brief.

When I was young, Celestia told me something about the alicorn race. Something that scared me for all my life...

She said that inside of each alicorn’s soul, a door exists.

Sooner or later in our lives, we will see that door. It will ask us things, it will tempt us to become stronger and stronger.

It will try to feed upon our emotions, negative and positive, and it will try to dominate us, and turn us into things that we aren’t.

Be aware Twilight. If you ever see that door, don’t open it!

Don’t open it or you are going to lose yourself beyond repair!

“Cloud Skipper! Where are you?”

Pussywillow shouted from across the Canterlot’s castle garden. The red-haired mare brought with her a golden spear, resting it in her wing.

The night had already befallen once more.

“Where did that stallion get himself into? It’s almost time for our shift with the Night Guard, and he didn’t gave me my sword fight lessons!”

Pussywillow heard the sound of hooves getting nearby, and the grass being stepped on.

“Cloud Skipper?” She called, and turned to the bushes behind her.

However, the pony who came out was Midnight Blossom.

“Hey! Hello, Pussywillow!” She chirped, and smiled to the mare with a carefree expression.

The red-haired mare sighed, and looked back with the most annoyed expression that her face could twist into, “Good night, captain Blossom, what you are doing so far from the Shady Through?”

“I’m going to the Deep Level Dungeon to investigate about Twilight Sparkle’s escapade.”

Pussywillow raised an eyebrow, “Deep Level Dungeon? Don’t you need something like, permission from both the Princesses to enter there?”

“Yup, I sure need. I already got it from Selena.”

“Yes, but what about Princess Celestia?”

“ I’m going in with her, and I have acquired such permission.”

A male voice suddenly spoke, scaring Pussywillow. She screamed and jumped out of place.

“Are you alright?” Cloud Skipper asked, scratching his mane, while observing his friend floating right above him and Midnight Blossom.

“It’s not Nightmare Night yet to be so scared Pussywillow, calm down!” Midnight Blossom almost bursted into a fit of laughs.

“Did you just crawl out of Tartarus, Cloud Skipper?” The pegasus shouted, enraged.

“Nope. I came through the door.”

“Horse apples,” Pussywillow complained and landed, “So, you two are going to the Deep Level Dungeon?”

“Yes,” Cloud Skipper answered, “Midnight needs some help with her investigation. The Twilight Princess is top priority, and anything regarding her must be taken care of as soon as we can.”

“Can I go with you two?”

“Well...” Midnight trotted towards Cloud Skipper, “I don’t think so.”

“Why not? I’m just a patent bellow you two! I’m a soldier of Equestria, and it is my duty to find the Twilight Princess too!”

“We know,” Cloud Skipper turned around, “However, there’s things that you are not ready to see yet Pussywillow. Maybe next time ok?”

“Let’s get going Skipper. Also, don’t worry Pussywillow! I’m not going to steal Skipper from you!”

The red-haired mare blushed profusely, “What the buck are you talking about Midnight?”

Skipper looked to her, “Hey!”

“Let’s go tiger, or I’m not enough for you, and you want the newbie too?”

The stallion’s eyes rolled around his sclera, “Please Midnight, can we just stop flirting like this? I feel like a colt everytime you do that.”

Midnight Blossom laughed and the two trotted inside the castle, leaving an angry Pussywillow behind.

“So, when are you going to be true to your superiors and tell them you freed Twilight?”

Cloud Skipper asked the bat-pony mare as they walked through the depressing galleries of the Deep Level Dungeon.

“What about never? I just said that to you because you are that important to me.”

Cloud Skipper cleared his throat, “Please Blossom, not while we are working okay? Plus, we decided to keep it hidden until my family is ready to know that I’m not marrying a noble.”

She sighed, “Your parents are so traditionalists! I thought that the word ‘Love’ was more important than a title!”

“There’s isn't much I can do; let’s just wait until all this mess regarding Twilight is over.”

The bat-pony winked, “Yeah, you are right,” she crashed her flank against his’s, “We can just keep loving each other hid from the world, it makes the sex even spicier, don’t you agree?”

The stallion blushed and coughed, “Not here, you pervert! We are inside a creepy dungeon!”

“I think the atmosphere is just perfect. We have chains, torches, cuffs...”

“Can we please stop with this and focus?”

“Alright, sorry.”

Cloud Skipper did his best to regain his composure, “Ok, so what did we come here for again?”

Midnight Blossom’s expression changed completely. From her normal, casual look, the bat-pony visage turned into an intimidating focused and serious expression. Even her eyes looked more threatening than normal...

“Twilight turned into an alicorn. However, do you know why every noble and minister didn’t ask questions like how, or why?”

“Because the Two Sisters said so?”

She shook her head in negation, “No. Because they know that she was not the first one.”

“Twilight was not the first pony to transcend?” Cloud Skipper almost skipped a heartbeat.

They stopped in front of a certain cell...

Midnight kept looking at it, with a menacing gaze, as if something terrible was inside. Something that would jump at them in any moment.

“One year ago, Canterlot city was attacked by a mysterious race of beings known as the Changelings. Though the city was saved by the combined power of Princess Cadence and her husband, Shining Armor, we needed to do more research into their species.”

Cloud Skipper looked to the cell with the same serious expression, then back at his girlfriend, “What are you talking about Blossom?”

“We, the Unseen, discovered that the Changelings were all part of a different species of ponies, just like the Crystal Ponies at the Frozen North. They were an ancient race, but they turned into those monsters due to a curse put upon them, by a powerful individual that was alive, three thousand years ago...”

Carefully, Midnight took a key from inside her armor, and stepped towards the cell’s door, opening it slowly.

“This individual was an unicorn. She tried to use a forbidden spell to attain Godhood through the sacrifices of many innocent ponies from her own people.”

Cloud Skipper’s eyes almost popped out from his skull when he saw what was inside, chained by two magical restraints plunged into the walls...

“But instead of turning into an alicorn, she turned into what the changelings call a Hive Mother. Her name, was changed to something more fitting.”

The being’s glowing, neon green eyes looked back to the pair through the darkness inside.

“Right? Queen Chrysalis..."

Author's Note:

Credits for the Chrysalis pic goes to *Underpable (http://underpable.deviantart.com/)