• Published 8th Mar 2013
  • 9,696 Views, 387 Comments

Her Destiny - Broken

Twilight is turned into an alicorn against her will, paying a terrible price. Now she becomes Equestria's worst enemy, and sets on a journey to uncover her world's greatest secret: The truth behind the nature of the alicorns.

  • ...

Thirteen - Always Together

“C’mon Spike, I know you can do better than that!”

Shining Armor and Spike were sparring on a garden near the south wall of the majestic Crystal Palace. It was a really nice place, resembling a plaza of sorts, with a big, green field, a few benches near a huge, beautiful ornate fountain. It was a nice, cozy day, with the bright sun bathing the Crystal Empire in a warm, soothing light.

It has been weeks since the little dragon have asked the emperor to help him with something curious: He wanted sword lessons.

At first, Shining was reluctant, but Spike’s stubbornness was beyond the emperor’s endurance.

Questioned as to why he would wanted to learn the way of the sword, the dragon reply was swift and firm, he wanted to become stronger and help Twilight in her quest as soon as possible.

Shining was aware of the attachment the little dragon had to his sister. He couldn’t possibly keep negating his right to help her. Eventually Shining agreed, but he wasn't planning on being lenient with Spike.

If he wanted so badly to learn how to use a sword, he would learn the same way as all the knights Shining taught before.

“I’m striking with all my strength, I swear!” Spike yelled, as the small purple dragon viciously attacked Shining's Ward spell with charges and leaping attacks using a short, silver sword.

“Then you will need to strike harder if you ever hope to make me move an inch. Dragons are acclaimed to be the strongest creatures of our world! I want to see that strength, Spike!” Shining yelled at him, with a serious expression.

Spike was panting, and sweating. He paused for an instant, putting his hands on his knees and gasping for breath, “If only I was older...”

Shining sighed, and lowered his shield, walking near the dragon, “I have to agree that maybe you’re too young Spike. If we compare the lifespan of a pony with your immortal existence, you’re nothing but a newborn.”

“No,” he protested, raising his body and looking straight to Shining’s eyes, “I can do it! Twilight is out there, fighting with Equestria and the world; I can’t possibly stay here doing nothing. And if it’s too dangerous for me to go unprepared, then all I need to do is become a warrior capable of defending her, right?!”

Shining patted his head, “Yeah. You’re right boy. Let’s keep practicing okay?”

Inside, Shining felt a little sad for Spike. It would take years for the little dragon to actually have any actual strength to challenge even a rookie knight, or any kind of bigger treat his sister surely was facing. But he didn’t have the rights to destroy his hopes... He wanted make Spike feel he was somehow helping Twilight, even if the real way he was helping was by only staying safe at the Crystal Empire with the rest of her family.

With those thoughts, the emperor walked back to his previous position, and shouted towards Spike, “Try using your hips a little more, and put more emphasis on your leaping attacks! You need to compensate for your lower stature, Spike! C’mon, all you have to do is move me an inch from place!”

After regaining some breath, the dragon nodded firmly, and tightened the grip around the handle of his small sword with his claws, “Okay!”

He charged, striking Shining’s ward with all his might.

A female voice called them from the long, tiled corridor linking the castle to the park, “Hey, you two! I made some cake! Can you stop just a little?”

They turned around to find Princess Cadence walking towards their direction with a huge basket and a sweet smile. Their nostrils were quickly invaded by a delicious smell.

Shining smiled to his wife, and then turned to Spike, “Cadence made a cake? That’s not something you see every day.”

Spike scratched his scaly head, nodding, “You’re right. She’s always so busy.”

“We better go check it out. Besides, her cakes are amazing, I don’t want to miss a slice.” The emperor smiled, and winked to his little apprentice.

Spike licked his lips with his big, lizard-like tongue, “I guess a little pause won’t hurt.”

The duo walked towards Cadence, the alicorn was already placing a checkerboard tablecloth above a small, cement table near the fountain, and taking a big, pink cake from inside the basket.

“How’s the training going?” She asked when they reached her, Spike immediately sitting on one of the four banks around the table, and eyeing the cake with attention.

“Smoothly,” the emperor quickly answered, “What he lacks on ability he compensates with effort. Spike will be a great knight one day.”

Shining and Cadence couldn’t resist sharing a peck. They smiled, exchanging passionate gazes.

“Since when you started to have time to bake cakes, honey?” Shining asked, cocking an eyebrow.

Cadence giggled, “Whelp, funny enough since Auntie Luna become regent.”

Shining’s expression contorted into a confused frown, “Really?”

Cadence proceeded to sit down beside Spike. With care, she took a knife from the basket with her magic and began to slice the pink cake. Spike’s eyes were beaming green while he watched Cadence separating the first slice.

“It looks like Auntie Luna is more diligent than Auntie Celestia when it comes down to diplomacy. She already responded to all those reports about our food supply being shipped last week, and about those shipments of jewels we send two days ago. Auntie Celestia takes at least two weeks to respond. It lifts so much paper work from my shoulders!”

Cadence placed the slice on a plate, and Spike immediately snatched it before Shining could even think about taking it for him. The dragon took a fork from inside the basket, and promptly begun to eat the cake.

“That’s quite interesting. We never had trouble with her Holy Lady before; I didn’t know she was... well...A lazy regent.”

“She isn’t lazy,” Spike interrupted with a mouthful, “You see, Princess Celestia is always the first to be called to all kinds of meetings. Some ponies of Equestria are still afraid of Princess Luna, so I bet she isn’t being invited to those kinds of things. Princess Celestia always made sure to be present because she wanted her ponies to know she was there for them, so paper work was always left aside.”

“I see.” Shining nodded, waiting patiently for Cadence to get a slice for him, “Sometimes I forgot you lived most of your infancy with Princess Celestia, Spike.”

“Yeah...” He sighed, “Princess Celestia was the closest thing I had of a mom. It kinda hurts to think she’s doing all those awful things to Twilight.”

Cadence pouted, seeing how Spike’s mood dropped. The alicorn hugged the young dragon, and begun to nuzzle him, “Oh you little poor thing! Don’t worry; Auntie Cadence is here for you now! Do you want more cake?”

Even without a reply, Cadence immediately cut another big slice of cake and placed it on Spike’s plate. Shining crossed his fore hooves, but before he could protest further, yet another female voice called his name coming down the steps coming from the castle.

“Emperor Armor! Empress Cadence! Please, we need both of you at the library!”

Shining, Cadence and Spike turned their attention to find a distressed Laurel galloping towards them.

“What’s the matter?” Shining got up and walked towards her, Spike and Cadence following close behind.

“Mister Fancy Pants is calling you both. He said he has something really important to say that letter he has been examining.”

Shining’s and Cadence’s expressions turned serious. Spike looked at their preoccupied expressions, confused and scared.

“We need to go, Cadence.” Shining called, turning his face to her.

Cadence nodded, and turned to Spike, “Can you return to your room and wait for me there, my baby? I promise I will bake another cake just for you!”

“He can come if he wants, Cadence,” Shining interrupted his wife, “Spike is training hard to help Twilight. We all know those matters affects my sister’s fate, so Spike has the right to know against what he will be fighting with.”

The alicorn was surprised, “But Shining, he’s just a baby dragon!”

“Please, let me go with you, Cadence!” Spike yelled. He was firmly clenching his fists, “I know I’m just a baby, but... But Twilight means the world to me! I can’t possible think about letting something happen to her without doing anything!”

“He’s a young stallion already, honey. He needs to protect what’s important to him.” Shining affirmed, looking at how Spike’s had grown in the last month.

Cadence sighed, but then she opened a timid smile, and nodded, “Alright.”

“We’re here Fancy, what have you got?”

Fancy Pants, both the emperor and the empress, and of course Twilight’s dragon companion reunited around a table made of crystal, at one of the many balconies inside the giant Crystal Library.

A majestic view of the kingdom encircled them. The mustached stallion had quite the serious countenance, and calmly smoked a pipe.

“It’s been a month since you came to me on Canterlot, my friend, and asked me to analyze this letter you received from Equestria, demanding you and your wife to hand down both your mother and father to the army for interrogation.” Fancy spoke, taking his time with each word.

Shining nodded, “Yes. You said you wanted to make sure before giving us any verdict. That’s why you have been taking so long, isn’t it?”

“Indeed,” the unicorn agreed, and came closer to the table where the trio sat, placing a fore hoof over the said letter, “After analyzing it over and over again, repeating tests to assure the error margin was as close to zero as possible, I finally reached a conclusion.”

“What did you found, Fancy Pants?” Cadence asked, worry was clear on her voice.

“This letter is legit. It isn’t a fake, nor is the royal seal falsified..”

The revelation fell like a bomb over Cadence and Shining. The couple exchanged distressed glances, and the alicorn sighed, saddened.

“What does that possibly mean?” Shining asked to no pony, frustrated and confused.

“Is Equestria betraying us?” Cadence did the same as her husband; they both lowered their heads deep in thought.

“It’s too soon to assume, my dear Princess,” Fancy called their attention, “It’s been a month, and since no other letter reached you, nor did the Equestrians try any kind of military move against the Crystal Empire even though you never expressed any kind of intention about handing over Shining’s parents, we cannot say for sure what their intention truly was when this letter was sent to you.”

“And the fact Night Watch came here to try and spy on us after we received this letter makes everything even more strange...” Shining breathed, grinding his teeth.

Fancy nodded, “Indeed it does, my Emperor. Princess Luna was already crowned the new regent. It makes this attitude kind of overkill; to send a knight and a letter, both with the intention of spying on your country and trying so desperately to gather information about your sister’s whereabouts is something unimaginable coming from Equestria. The Royal Council would not allow such lack of tactic with an allied nation as the Crystal Empire.”

“Maybe we are looking from the wrong perspective,” Cadence raised her head and gazed over both her husband and Fancy Pants, “Maybe Auntie Luna wasn’t aware of the letter!”

Shining cocked an eyebrow and his expression contorted into one of curiosity, “Fancy, does the Royal Council has the power to operate independently from the Two Sisters?”

The unicorn shook his head in negation, “I’m afraid not, my friend. Even if they do have a voice that needs to be respected, the Two Sisters hold the ultimate power to take any decision regarding the country’s behavior.”

“It means there’s no way this letter was send without their consent...” Cadence sighed, turned her head away.

Fancy added, “There’s more, only somepony with her Holy Lady Celestia’s or Luna’s blood is capable of touching and using the royal seal. The one used on this letter is a legitimate one, meaning that only one of them could have sealed it.”

“I’m not convinced,” Shining crossed his fore hooves, “Last time me and Cadence heard about her Holy Lady, we were informed she was ill...”

His wife interrupted, “Which is strange, because alicorns can’t get ill!”

“Apart from that, Celestia was retired, and she wasn’t in Canterlot, where the royal seal remains hidden. It points out to only one culprit...”

Cadence looked over Shining with a distressed expression, “Auntie Luna.”

“I disagree!”

For the first time so far, Spike’s voice cut through the tense atmosphere, calling everypony’s attention.

“What do you mean young gentlecolt?” Fancy asked with curiosity.

“Princess Luna would never put Twilight in danger! Twilight and she were close friends. Since her return, no one really tried to befriend Princess Luna, but Twilight! Princess Luna even stayed at Golden Oaks with us during nights when Twilight had too much to study and needed to remain up until late, keeping her company and even helping with her studies. They enjoyed each other’s presence so much!”

“Do you think those bonds their formed could even be stronger than Luna’s duty as regent, Cadence?” Shining asked to his wife.

She nodded, “The few times we’re together, Auntie Luna did said how she loved to be around Twilight. She even remarked that she felt as if they had some kind of special connection, as if Twilight was closer than just a friend. I’m sure if there’s somepony over Canterlot who’s suffering with the current situation more than anypony else it’s Auntie Luna!”

“Looking from a more logical point of view, Princess Luna wouldn’t be so careless to do this. It would be too obvious and too dangerous for her image, and we all agree her image isn’t exactly good already.” Fancy remarked, turning his attention to Shining.

“But if both Celestia and Luna aren’t responsible and if this letter and her incursion against us aren’t related... It means that both events took place without mutual knowledge.” Shining scratched his chin, trying to look for an answer inside his head.

“It points to another, darker scenario my friends. Something I was considering, but had dismissed... And it looks like it was the sad truth all along.”

Fancy serious voice raised the tension. Cadence, worried, turned to him and asked, “Which scenario, Fancy Pants?”

“We may be dealing with a third party; an unknown force trying to force a clash between Twilight and its supporters, like your country, Empress, and the Two Sisters, for their own personal gains.”

Shining felt lost. She couldn’t find a place to focus his vision on. He moved his neck erratically, trying to digest that possibility, “Y-You mean... That there’s somepony deliberating trying to provoke a conflict?”

“Unfortunately, yes my friend. And maybe you and I have already encountered them.”

Shining’s memory fell over Fleur de Lis and that mysterious caped unicorn from that night on Canterlot...

“Them...” Shining breathed.

Fancy Pants nodded, “Yes my friend. What scares me the most is that they managed to assassinate somepony in the middle of a Canterlot’s upper class neighborhood, and nopony seems to be able to find them. Besides, they took Fleur from us, and made her behave completely out of character, as if she was brainwashed.”

“Those guys... Could they have enough power to control Princess Luna and make she write this letter?” Shining asked, his mind completely lost in turmoil.

“I’m not sure my friend,” Fancy replied and sighed, “We don’t even know if they truly are a third party. But rest assured; if our assumptions are true, they will make their next move, soon...”

“Not that soup again! This tastes horrible!”

Trixie complained. She was lying on a soft bed inside of Zecora’s hut, her whole body full of patches and bandages. Twilight was at the other side of the small hut, cooking a soup her mother used to prepare for her when she was a filly, on a rustic oven.

“Oh, c’mon don’t complain! My mom used to give me this soup when I was sick, it can’t be that horrible. Besides, I’ve changed the recipe a little to go with a few medicinal herbs Zecora indicated to help treating your wounds.”

The alicorn took a small plate in her magic grasp, pouring some of the soup on it with the help of a laddle, and walked near her friend, “Open your mouth, Trixie!”

Her friend filled her cheeks with air, just like a little filly, and looked to the alicorn with narrowed eyes. Twilight giggled, “You’re so cute! However, you need to get better soon. We can’t go to a hospital; you and Lightning are both wanted criminals from now on. Those herbs are everything we have.”

“I can’t believe it’s already been two weeks since we fought with Luna’s troops...” Trixie sighed, lowering her head.

“Me neither. We are lucky they don’t know the truth about our hiding spot. After all, they must be thinking you know how to properly teleport, and must be clueless we actually are still on Ponyville’s area.” Twilight gave her a sympathetic smile.

“I’m feeling strong again, Sparkle. We should be able to go by tonight. The question is, to where?” Trixie asked, taking the soup from Twilight’s magic field with her fore hooves, and resting it on her lap.

“We are going to Manehattan. Lightning told me she saw a filly with Silver Spoon’s description disembarking at Manehattan’s station when she was looking for me over there. Taking in consideration she’s still an infant, I guess her family did moved over there after the exodus from Ponyville.”

Trixie sighed, giving Twilight a small smile, “I’m glad we are still on the road. Thank you for everything, Sparkle...”

“I’m the one who should be thanking you, Trixie! You’re an amazing, precious friend and somepony I wish from the bottom of my heart to still have with me when we fix this whole mess. Now, stop trying to get away, and drink your soup!” Twilight declared, and levitated the spoon full with the smelly liquid near Trixie’s snout.

The unicorn blushed, her frown contorting into a displeased expression. She opened her mouth, and Twilight immediately moved the spoon inside. Trixie gulped it, and coughed, putting her tongue out of her mouth.

“Is it really that bad?” Twilight asked, tilting her head.

Trixie looked towards her and blushed further, then looked away, “It is. But I’ll drink it if it makes my Princess happy. After all, you’re the first friend I had to look after me like this...”

Twilight smiled, happiness washing over her. She couldn’t resist hugging Trixie strongly, and nuzzling her, “I love you, Trixie.”

“Okay! Okay! I got it! Now, don’t you have something better to do? Like those flight lessons with Lightning?”

Twilight laughed, and broke from their hug. She nodded, “You’re right, I'd better let you rest and see if I can improve. I’m still far from being reliable as a warrior, and I’m tired from having those wings for nothing but decoration. Flying can be something useful for us, so I'd better try to master it too.”

Twilight left Trixie alone inside the hut and trotted to the outside. The thick Everfree Forest circled everything around her. The sun was blocked by the canopy, giving the always weary atmosphere to the place, although being there for two weeks was already making Twilight get used to it.

Twilight quickly found Lightning Dust doing push-ups near the margin of the lake. She observed that the pegasus was completely absorbed into the physical activity, despise having her abdomen enveloped in bandages.

“I’ve tried to warn her that she broke two ribcages and needed to rest a lot more,” Zecora said, startling Twilight.

The alicorn quickly turned to find the zebra sitting on the ground by the side of the entrance door to her hut, observing the pegasus too, “Oh, Zecora! I didn’t see you there!”

She smiled to Twilight, “How’s Trixie?”

“She’s feeling stronger than a mule and is as stubborn as one too. We will be good to go by tomorrow’s night. Thank you for everything...”

“It’s alright,” she breathed, “The spirits have told me about your ordeal, and I couldn’t remain idle any longer.”

Twilight gave her a timid smile, “What happened? Why can’t you rhyme anymore? I know it’s an important tradition of the druids from your country...”

Zecora replied with the same timid smile, “I exchanged my ability to talk with the forces of nature to help somepony who helped me, Twilight. I have no regrets, seeing how those spirits once warned me about the big shadow looming on the horizon, threatening this whole world, and about the twilight that’s about to take place and change it. You’re part of it, old friend, and helping you was the least I could do to give our wailing world a chance of combating this shadow.”

Twilight lowered her head and turned her gaze away. “I don’t know if I will be such a big difference without the Elements of Harmony and without my friends from Ponyville. But we will try Zecora; me, Trixie and Lightning, we’re going to give our best to discover why Princess Celestia is doing what she’s doing, and to find them.”

“I trust you, Princess Twilight. Now if you excuse me, I need to go pick some herbs and fruits for our lunch.”

The zebra left. Twilight thought as to why she insisted in calling her a Princess, if she wasn’t anything but some kind of strange mistake, and was looking for a way to revert back to her original form. She even had asked her to stop, but the zebra just replied with a cryptic answer, leaving her to wonder more and more about her own condition.

Twilight sighed, and followed towards Lightning, who continued to do her pushups.

“You should be resting, Lightning, those ribs aren’t going to heal if you keep pushing yourself so much.” The alicorn called her attention.

Lightning motioned her gaze towards her, and smiled, “Worried with me, huh?”

“Of course I am! We are allies – Well, kinda allies since you’re coming with us to find Dashie and kill her; but as long as you are fighting to our side, you are our friend!”

The pegasus stopped, quickly flapping her wings and floating near Twilight, stretching her neck and limbs, “Look Princess, I’m fine, okay? Those ribs already healed, it’s just that paranoid zebra who insisted that I would continue to use the bandages to be safe. I hate to lay around doing nothin’ so I had to at least keep my training routine in order.”

Twilight pouted, “I’m glad to hear, especially since it was me who broke them...”

Lightning laughed hard, “Yeah! What a punch you have, Twilight! I thought your hoof was going to impale me!”

“D-Don’t even jest!” Twilight stuttered, scared.

Lightning planted a kind hoof over her head, “Calm down Princess, I’m kidding. No harm done and I'm glad I was able to know the true strength of an alicorn Goddess. Now I know the kind of power I’ll face someday, if we ever need to knock some sense into Celestia’s skull.”

“Can we continue with the flight lessons?” Twilight asked, changing the subject abruptly.

“Alright,” Lightning nodded, “We will continue with the long leaps okay?”

Twilight nodded. She observed Lightning preparing a kind of course with some stones, big enough for a pony to balance on them. They have been practicing like that for some days already: Lightning would put several stones lined for Twilight to follow, and all she had to do was leap from one to another, one at a time. The trick was to use her wings to propel her jumps, and even glide to reach the ones which were farther.

Lightning positioned herself above the first one, “I increased the distance, so pay attention. No touching the ground is the only rule. Also, remember you’re a pegasus on this; I don’t want to see any horns flaring, nor those earth-pony muscles getting too tense.”

She glided from the first one to the next for a demonstration, and called Twilight with a hoof, “C’mon, your turn!”

The alicorn walked towards the rock. She leaped, and balanced her bigger body above it, the stone shaking under her four limbs erratically. She gulped, and looked towards Lightning, “Is it really how a pegasus foal practices it?”

Her pegasus friend laughed, “Not really! Generally, we eventually fly! It’s as natural to a pegasus as it is for a unicorn to cast their first telekinesis. I thought this one up for you, big bad alicorn! You know: baby steps!”

Twilight analyzed the distance between the rock and her position. It was impossible for her to reach there. She gulped, and spreads open her big wings.

“Remember to feel the wind Twilight! Flying is about feeling, not thinking! Give yourself up to the wind!”

Her breath accelerated. Twilight had discovered on the last two weeks that flying is pretty close related to casting magic; concentration and technique coming together to get the desired result. Still, it was a whole lot difficult for her…

“Ugh!” Twilight breathed and leaped to the second stone, flapping her wings erratically and out of any kind of accord. Somehow, her limbs managed to propel her towards it before she could touch the ground.

“What’s the matter, Princess?” Lightning yelled, mocking Twilight, “I’m sure you can do better than that!”

“I’m trying my best, okay?!” She yelled back, balancing above the second stone.

“You better be! If you hope to ever fly like this forget it.”

Twilight ignored her friend’s mockery and focused on the next stone, looking over it with narrowed eyes. She breathed slowly, wings moving up and down mimicking the rhythm of her breathing.

She leaped, spreading the feathery appendages and gliding to the next stone with precision, although she almost failed to balance over it.

Twilight looked over her friend. Lightning was floating above her, fore limbs crossed, and a proud smile plastered on her face.

Okay…There are three more to go. The next one is a little far away than the last one, so I need to apply some more power…

Focusing in the same manner as before, the alicorn leaped one more time. She glided with perfection, but upon reaching the destination, she noticed she was too fast. Twilight planted her hooves too strongly against the rock and it almost rolled. She had to flap quickly in the opposite direction to stabilize herself, and managed to balance on her hind hooves only.

It prompted a laugh from Lightning Dust, “Good one, Princess!”

“Stop calling me a Princess!” She whined, “I’m not a Princess, Lightning, and I can’t concentrate with you mocking me like this!”

“Do you expect to have time to concentrate while flying to save your life? Twilight, flying needs to become something instinctual for you; it needs to become part of who you are. You aren’t a unicorn anymore, you’re a freakin’ alicorn and you carry the powers of all the three tribes. I’m sure you want this kind of power at your disposal to find your friends, right?”

She was right, she did want it.

“Yes…” Twilight answered and nodded quietly.

“Then you better stop acting like a spoiled little child and get tough. The world wants a piece of you! What are you going to do when they mock you, when they come for your head? Are you going to ask for a ‘time to concentrate’?”

Lightning was right. Twilight had to leave her past self behind if she wanted to survive this ordeal. She needed to become stronger not only in power, but in mind too.

With her goal clear, the alicorn jumped to the farthest stone so far, and she glided with perfection towards it. She even landed with almost no problems except for a small shaking caused by her bigger body.

Lightning watched in silence this time. Twilight had reached the point where, so far, she failed. The last rock was really far away; only gliding wouldn’t be enough. She needed to truly beat her wings and fly like a Pegasus if she ever hoped to succeed.

In silence, Twilight observed the distance. Inside her mind, she made measurements, calculations, always trying to find a logical solution based on her performance so far. The conclusion came not before long…

“It’s impossible Lightning… I can’t do this.”

The Pegasus sighed and put a hoof over her face in shame.

“What are you talking about, Twilight?” She asked, upset, “You are an alicorn! You have big, purple wings on your back that aren’t just for decoration!”

Twilight was afraid. Failure always terrified her, and this was no different. The frustration of being unable to find a solution; the doubt of having no certain answer and finally the bitter taste of being unable to succeed, this was the reason as to why she choose to search for knowledge on books and researches.

“I need more practice… More time to test my wings and do better estimations about speed and maneuverability. This distance is impossible for me right now.”

Lightning smirked, and then she walked near Twilight, “You are lying to yourself. You know it isn’t the case, you’re just running away because you are afraid of the failure.”

Twilight pouted, “I’m sorry…”

“Go ahead, fail, I won’t laugh. I promise.”

Twilight stared at Lightning’s eyes for a few moments. They were training for quite a while together on the past two weeks, and never had she observed so much confidence coming from the pegasus.

The alicorn turned her attention back to the distant rock awaiting her.

“Let me try.” Twilight affirmed, and Lightning gave her more space.

She leaped, opening her wings. She managed to glide quite a huge distance, but her first impulse wasn’t going to be enough. She begun to beat her wings, but they felt weak, devoid of any life or strength to keep her on the air. In no time, she plummeted to the ground, head slamming first against the soft soil of the Everfree.

Twilight closed her eyes and grinded her teeth. Yes… It still tasted horrible.

“The problem is that you still can’t free your heart, Twilight.” Lightning said, reaching her to lend a hoof.

Twilight rolled to the side, taking her friend’s help to get back up and asked “What do you mean?”

“There are too many things chaining you down to the ground, Twilight. I dunno what those things are, but you will never fly if you keep carrying so much weight on your back. To fly, you need to free yourself from whatever is chaining you down…”

The alicorn wasn’t sure about what could possibly be chaining her down, as her friend told her. There were so many things left undecided…

Lighting planted a kind hoof over her shoulder, and called her with a serious, but reassuring expression, “Look, let’s not pressure your little God head with those things anymore, alright? You made so much progress in two weeks that I almost can’t believe how fast you learn. In due time, you’ll find your answers.”

“Okay…” Twilight breathed, turning her gaze away, saddened by the lack of any kind of resolution.

“Now, let’s grab some grub and pack up! If Trixie is ready to go by tonight, we can’t lose the opportunity!”

Lightning cheered, brightening even Twilight’s sour mood.

She nodded, “Yes. Next stop: Manehattan.”

Luna had arrived.

Far away from the bustling Canterlot, the Two Sisters had choose a place to erect their second castle, a resort for their own privacies, secluded from the rest of the world, from the ever curious eyes of their subjects…

It was located amid the woods of Baltimare, to the southwest. An area where very few ponies used to wander, pretty much due to the fact that those woods were formed by nothing more than pine trees, barely of any use to them.

They called it the “Soleil Couchant Chateau”. A simple, castle-like manor, masked amid the thick vegetation, constructed with plain white marble and tiles. It was the opposite from the glorious Canterlot Castle, a masterpiece of Equestrian’s architecture. It was however, what they wanted…

“So, the Soleil Couchant Chateau is located here, huh?” Blind Dive smirked as he landed on the trail cutting through the pine forest, right at Luna’s side.

The alicorn nodded, looking over the horizon. The setting sun was painting the whole landscape in a magnificent orange glow.

“It’s time…” She whispered in a sad tone.

Luna closed her eyes. She focused, channeling her infinity magic into her horn. As always, the whispers came…

A million of prayers were filling her ears. She heard a never ending chorus of voices, telling her about so many things.





Her subjects spoke with her.

And then, she was one with the cosmos. The moon; her moon, heard the call of her master. The mantle of the night begun to unveil, as the tiny silver dots appeared on the sky, slowly settling with the dark blue velvet that Luna had knitted with so much affection, covering the orange effulgence.

With a sharp breath she opened her eyes, and it was done. Night had come once again to the land of Equestria.

Blind Dive was waiting patiently for his Princess to finish her sacred duty, “Are we good to go now?”

She nodded, “Yes.”

They walked together the trail, reaching the entrance. They climbed the few steps leading to the entrance door. The manor had a really simple wooden door, painted white, with golden doorknobs and locks. Luna promptly opened it, much for knight’s surprise.

“This place isn’t even locked? Sheesh… You and your sister are really convinced no one will come around, huh?”

“Don’t worry Blind Dive, we can take care of ourselves just fine. If anypony manages to find this place, they deserved to come and talk with us about whatever they want.”

Luna entered, her knight followed right behind.

The interior of the manor were as simple as the outside. It looked quite a lot like a grandma’s house: There were several dusty, old furniture and the walls were filled to the brim with portraits of unknown ponies…

There was a set of stairs made of wood leading to the upper floor. Luna’s eyes scanned those stairs, and she turned to Blind Dive, “Can you wait here? I don’t want our subjects to see my sister in the state she is in.”

Blind Dive bowed down, “As you wish, my liege.”

Luna left her knight behind and slowly climbed the stairs, reaching a tiny corridor with a few doors to her left. It was just as vintage looking as the rest of the manor.

Passing the first two doors, the night alicorn applied her magic at the doorknob of the third one. It was the room where her sister was sleeping...

The tiny, cramped room was full of old, but conserved furniture. All the pieces and even the wall paper looked quite infantile.

“Moonie? Are you there my little Moonie?”

Celestia’s voice called. Luna bit her lips and sighed, replying, “Yes Sunny, I’m here.”

She trotted near the bed. Celestia was there, laid beneath a pink comforter. Her smooth, long pink mane probably hadn't seen a comb for days. Her face was weak, pained, as if the almighty monarch suffered from some kind of terrible illness.

Luna watched as her pink eyes moved inside their sockets towards her. Celestia’s lips slowly formed a smile, and she raised a fore hoof, “Can you come near, my dearest? I miss you…”

The night alicorn promptly nuzzled her sister’s hoof with her cheek, “I wish I could remain here with you, Sunny…”

“Equestria needs one of us, Moonie. We can’t abandon them. Do you bring any good news?”

Luna felt a knot forming at her throat. She felt her wailing heart sinking…

She trotted even nearer, and rested her head against her sister’s chest, closing her eyes.

“I’m afraid not, Sunny. Twilight… She…”

“She escaped once again, right?”

Luna remained in silence. Celestia embraced her neck with her fore hooves, closing her eyes too, “Our time is running out. I know I am weak, Moonie. I know I wouldn’t be able to endure this situation much longer. We need to capture Twilight before the excavation is complete.”

Luna passed her head firmly against Celestia’s chest, “There’s more. She has knights with her, sis. Friends… They seem to have bonded with her strong desire for answers to our sins.”

Celestia sighed sharply, “I know. I know about everything Moonie. Twilight and I are linked, and sometimes, when she feels too lonely, or too sad, I can hear her prayers… She still prays to me every night…”

The almighty Holy Lady of Equestria broke in tears. Luna didn’t seem surprised, although she did try to comfort her sister nonetheless.

“It will be alright, Sunny. Everything will end just fine. The excavation is proceeding smoothly. I will track her down again and-“

“Manehattan!” Celestia interrupted, yelling amid the tears, “She’s going to Manehattan!”