• Published 30th Jan 2012
  • 830 Views, 3 Comments

Metal Mare Solid 4: hooves of the patriots exempt - Reconiciliono

In the hallway of hell of Metal gear solid 4 pony edition );

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Radiation Hallway

Metal Mare Solid 4 exempt microwave hallway

By Reconiciliono

Rainbow Dash stumbled blindly towards one of the last doors, the CS (Celestia Sunrise) wasjust beyond the door, hopefully. It wasn’t looking to good Octavia had shown her , via video relay, that things weren’t looking to good on the decks above. Blood was flowing more richly than the waters that were all around them. All of her friends were fighting slowly losing their last flicker of life, just like Pinkie pie that day. The world was at a turning point, it was all behind this door. Blood began to pool from the beneath the cam-etal suit she was wearing. Having it since The incident in Mexicolt.

She had had blood on her suit which had slowly begun to cake all over the suit most of it didn’t matter she had blood on her hooves since the day she was born it didn’t matter whose blood it was.

The door opened, She was greeted by a blast of heat far greater than even Celestia’s sun. Her old artificially aged bones were just able to keep her on her hooves anymore. The hallway was a physical manifestation of hell. The room was tinted with the color of blood but most irritating enough was filled with demon tipped rods.

“Might as well get it over with Rainbow” said Octavia over the D-ragon. Rainbow dash gave a grunt of acknowledgement and looked at the hell in front of her. She felt her phyche drop and emptied her saddle bag and discarded them keeping only the socom, which she begrudgingly gave to the miniature dragon. She slowly began her walk.........

into hell

Twilight was belowthe sergeants wings as she looked down from the ruined captains quarters, She looked at him for comfort even though she new that their was nothing to subside the screams from below.

Bodies were strewn on the main platform where the Long barrel of the cannon was which was using It’s large deafening shots to sink a submarine. They were not putting any sign of fight over the triple reinforced, chemical treated iron and steel walls.

The Ship began to tip on It’s port side which meant only one thing the had launched them.

Several five headed creatures erupted from the water. Cascading the remaining soldiers on deck. It landed gracefully on the platform in front of the cannon It put its tail in the water and tore It’s super concentrated spray of water at the cowering soldiers below, Ripping them from their hides and their life. Those who were not instantly killed had their lives extinguished as they were stepped on by the other hulking F-Hydras that came incessantly from the from Blooded red water below. each impact of the lumbering masses caused the Pre-war ship to tremble and groan from the immense weight.

The ship came back to it’s composure as it slowly began to regain it’s equilibrium.


The suit was red hot her entire body was being burned as if a thousand red hot branders had fallen on her and refused to leave. The D-ragon had been tracking her movement encouraging her to continue. Tears welled in her eyes but were immediately boiled away from the excruciatingly strong microwaves. A Mech-tendon finally sprung not being able to take the intense radiation. She paused her old body unable to compensate from the change in weight that the suit had enabled. She had been reduced to a weak limp slowly dragging her front left hoof. Her skin becoming ever more a burden........


Applejack was balancing elegantly on her back hooves holding her favored blade in her mouth. Having lost her front arms wasn’t exactly the best scenario but atleast she could keep them at bay. She tasted the blood of her enemies as it trickled down the blood-red blade. She charged into a group of ZEBRA soldiers, who were unmatched from her new sense of balance. She mowed down innumerable amounts of ZEBRA soldiers, every cut getting slower than the last but she continued somersaulting and dragon kicking every last one of them. They kept falling and more and more came from the hallway she was facing, each slowly falling victim to It’s blade, she had only one purpose, to protect the elevator that Rainbow dash went down just moments ago. She felt a shallow cut on her back so immediately jumped in the air and cut of the head of the would-be killer..................


Another Mecha-Tendon broke the time in her back left leg. Sparks fell from the suit as it to slowly fell victim to the hell-like radiation. She collapsed, She was losing the strength to continue. She got up to her knees realizing that they would not let her stand up and began to make her way scraping her knees a door was only five feet away. She desperately gathered her energy and slowly made it to the door only to have it reveal an extension to hell..........


Twilight reached the fire button in the Captains quarters and with a deafening boom removered one of the huge masses from the deck. The Sargeant pulled out a pistol from his saddle bag and handed it to her. She reached for it with her mouth

He simply stared blankly at the More T-Hydras that found their way on deck.

Suddenly black masses appeared in front of them staring back with a red eye it had three hooves that ended in 5 pointed claws and were bashing thier heads into the glass


Fluttershy and Big Macintosh had pumped the last of their machine gun rounds into the ZEBRA soldiers. They were pinned just out side the elevator that Rainbow dash had just gone down. Fluttershy ducked behind a chair, rounds hitting the spot her head had been in just moments ago causing foam to explode from the velvet chair.. She pulled the safety off of the saddle mounted hoofguns and tore down the enemy that had just tried to shoot her head off

Big Macintosh also did the same having fun out of ammo brought out his last remaining weapons his two hoof held hoofguns. He got up and shot a couple of rounds into the approaching ZEBRA but yelled in pain as bullets found their way through the gun knocking his gun away and finally embedded themselves into his bone. He fell grabbing his arm, cussing quite loudly and picked up his shot-away gun and tossing it into the elevator. His accuracy was poor his tears were blocking his vision.

Fluttershy looked over to the failing stallion, things weren’t looking to good. She shot down two more ZEBRA soldiers down before reloading them manually. 4 more clips she peered down at the meager stash she knew that even if her nanomachines were down she wold still be locked out from any of the other fire hooves strewn around them.

He stood once again from his cover over the velvet seat. The pain was so immense and was immediately shot in chest. He collapsed seeing the world around him slowly becoming enveloped in black.

Fluttershy jumped over to the next seat and was shot in both her front right leg and her left leg. She grabbed Big Macintosh and slowly started to give him CPR occasionally shooting off warning rounds to scare the ever looming enemies. He came back giving slow shallow breaths. He tried to kiss her but was immediately pressed back by her own lips. They looked into each others eyes at the moment they lay on top of each other and began to roll. They took aim looking up from their rolling embrace to give shots into the ZEBRA’s heads making every shot count.They reached the chair that Fluttershy had been in cover of, with the chance they had been given Fluttershy had managed to drag Mac into the unworking elevator. She was exhausted, blood from the coughs of Mac had been sprayed into her eyes as he looked up into her fully understanding that they weren’t going to live to see tomorrow. She unhooked the guns from the saddles.


The nuclear rail gun was being aimed at the sun If the shot were to connect it was all over and it was already charging which gave it an unearthly glow.


The colonel and Rarity looked from a satellite feed looking down at the fight in the sea’s. Rarity averted her eye’s and the Colonel looked away from her.


The second to last Mecha tendon broke off the suit. Rainbow dash collapsed and fell on her burning belly. Her insides felt like their were on fire and in fact the stomach acids inside her were boiling slowly eating from the inside out. She was beckoned to continue. Octavia’s voice was funneled through a deep abyss. She couldn't get up and blood began to trickle from her mouth. She had flashbacks of her life of her friends and it gave her strength. She could not get up and used her knees to slowly propel her self farther........


three clips left, from the both of them, she shot the remaining bullets of the gun into the heads of the soldiers that continued to funnel into the room.

Mac handed her the gun that he had been reloading, he coughed adding volume to the blood that he had already coughed out. She grabbed it swiftly and took aim taking down the Enemies. She had begun to weep and hiccup making each shot harder and harder to aim. She wasted her last bullet and yet still more began to flood through.


Sunny Smiles was making her eggs again, She picked up the lid that read happily Sunny Smiles Sunny Side fortune telling. Under the lid Her large eyes lit up as she saw one perfect egg........


Rainbowdash’s last mecha tendon exploded causing her to wince from the all-ready overwhelming pain. She collapsed, her lungs were on fire and her head throbbed so bad it felt like a sledgehammer had been pounded by a hardworking stallion. She could not continue. her wings had melted away leaving only bony charred “things” Octavia’s Robot opened the door with It’s wire tentacles. it was right there the exit. Her body had betrayed her. Her old body could not continue. Her eyes rolled back into her throbbing head, and slowly the lights went off.

She felt feelings of hate over her body, her hatred almost eclipsed the pain that had her crippled on the spot. Yet She remembered the feeling of her friends and how they had helped her back in Ponyville and then in the barracks Back during the Shadowmare Incident.

She reached her hoof out and jabbed it into her suit and took out Pinky’s dog tags. They powered her. Her life wood not go in vain. She used her front to hooves to drag herself along the molten floor new tears being boiled away. Each one of her memories had brought her a hoof away from release.

She had made it. She managed to get onto her hooves after a few seconds after leaving hell. It was the wrong move She immediately felt light headed and was blinded. She began to Release the molten bile that burned her throat as it exploded out from her mouth and nose. She didn’t care she was being counted on but collapsed onto her side. once again her remaining feather sizzling as the his the comforting cold metal. and then turned on her other side and watched as her own feathers began to fall away.

She looked up and was blinded by the Golden graveyard that was SS and was crawling way from it. Her eye’s burned from the boiling and the light was not helping. She crawled to the D-ragon and held her hoof out.

It gave the socom back.

“Octavia..............hurry.” The bot immediately began to go to the core of the Golden cemetery. Dash tried to crawl back but was paralyzed by a sound she heard behind her.
nooo not now

what looked back was a single red eye.


The sword had gone blunt each cut becoming excrucietingly slow. She had been backed up into a circle of the ZEBRA’s. Four drew their blades and charged at her. She was to slow as the blades made an X inside of her. She puked out silver blood as they retracted their blades one of them knocking her back and the blade flew behind her. She was sent on her back confused she tried to use her back hooves to flop herself onto the fallen blade. She got closer and closer until she finaly reached the blade and tentatively scooped it up with her tongue she brought her head back swing rapidly and smiled a bit as she saw all of them flinch but she knew that she could not get up and she to was going to die even though she would have never felt the pain.............


Twilight shot at the 3 “armed” bots that were coming in the quarters. She was a terrible shot missing every other round untill she was overwhelmed. The bots came over and piled themselves ontop of her. She screamed out but had an arm shoved in it.....................


Fluttershy only had the bullets that Mac had in his gun. She down to the bleeding stallion that had found his head of her knees he crawled up giving his las attempts to move. Found himself unable and finnaly fell limp. She gave him an embrace as he slowly left the world and a grenade clicked it’s way inside the elevator. Fluttershy made no attempt to throw it back.


that’s how long it would take to blow


not like it mattered, we were going to die no matter what, Let’s just go together she hugged him tighter.

She awaited for the end to come in a blinding fire ball. It never came. Big Macintosh had reached out and just barely brushed it outside.

“I’m.......not......dead.” he said between heaving breaths. Fluttershy kissed him again, Stopping him from saying anymore. Her life had rekindled and she shot out the stare outside. All of the soldiers stopped.

She positioned him so that he was laid on his hack onto her chest. She picked up the gun and put it in his hoof. She aimed for him, He fired for her. Taking out every ZEBRA with a single shot.

Once again the room was filled and they counted down from 10 counting the number of bullets that were left in the chamber and mag.

“Ten” Whispered flutter shy as they took out one of the soldiers that was trying to trow a grenade.

“.....Nine” moaned Mac as he again spurted out blood from his mouth.







“ Two” Big Macintosh looked at Fluttershy he wheezed out

“ I....Love.........you...”

They said “One" in unison the room was cleared once more but the glee that had them almost intoxicated faded away. As one more came from behind a chair.

Fluttershy leaned back into the wall of the elevator flipping Mac With her

“I love you too.” She embraced him as they waited for the end



She crawled faster trying to get away. They were to quick the socom had delayed their movement but hundreds started to flow into the room. Rainbowdash was overtaken and fell to the floor

“OCTAVIA!” she screamed before succumbing to the darkness of the bots.


Octavia was fervently trying to get the corruption codes into the computer So It would upload to SS. Taking every keystroke in she commanded the robot to look back and was alarmed to see the wave of red eyes coming at her. She punched in the last key’s and pressed enter.


Applejack had already taken in the idea of death when suddenly all the soldiers fell yelling and crying in pain. She watched as a smile came on her face as she looked out into the port side windows and saw the sun gleam over the horizon. The most beautiful thing ever.


Twilight suddenly felt all the arms go limp they stopped so suddenly it startled her even more.

She was dug out and was greeted by the Sargent and all the other ponies that had been in the captains quarters and the first thing that she stared at was the sun. So beautiful.


Fluttershy and Mac found themselves looking themselves in the eyes hoping that it would be swift but it never came. They heard yells of pain that were coming from just outside the elevator door. They looked back at each other and they though it was the most beautiful sight ever.


The Darkness receded

It was all over


She blacked out...............................

Authors note.

Just thought it would be fun to do this I really like this part and I hope you do to.



Comments ( 3 )

"Big Macintosh also did the same having fun out of ammo"
How do you fun out of ammo?

i think you used blood 5 times in one sentence

Horrid grammar at times but dear god this brought so many memories.
If I become a soldier, I'll do just this if I encounter a similar hallway. I'll even drag myself with my damn teeth if I must.

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