• Published 4th Mar 2013
  • 354 Views, 2 Comments

a cat named shadow - Darkwill45

many things are both known and unknown, lets see where this takes us.

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chapter 3

Chapter 3

While little Twist carries me out of the school building, I bet you’re all clamoring for answers. Like what the hell was that, or don’t you think your over reacting? Sigh, sometimes I wish it was that simple, after all not everything is as it seems. Take this day for example; the sun is shining on a pleasantly warm afternoon, the air is filled with the screams of joy and laughter that belong to the little ones, whom are enjoying their time out in the sun. The birds are singing, the bees are buzzing. It all seems to be sunshine, lollipops, rainbows, and everything that makes the world look so nice and pretty. But just like everyone and everything else in this world, a beautiful day like this has its secrets, and its lies.

When twist finally sets me down I take note that she brought me to a bunch of bland brightly colored wooden picnic tables, I turn to look at her only to find that her eyes are down cast, and her ears are folded back while her hooves are scuffing the ground. I don’t even need to meow to get her attention or ask what she did. Simply put all I have to do is wait and she'll speak on her own.

"I wath planning a thurprithe party for mith cheerliee," she says after a few moments of silence, eyes still down cast in shame. I feel my eyes half-lid themselves, questioning the reason for her shame. She looks up to see me rotating my right paw, giving her the all clear to continue.

“I couldn’t help but notice that thhe doesn’t get any appreciation, dethite how much effort thhe putth into her work. Tho I thought what better way thay 'thank you' than a thurprithe party,” she concludes a spurred on by my interest. In all honesty that doesn't sound like a bad idea, in fact it sounds quite nice. Having the heart to let someone know you care for them and appreciate them with a pleasant surprise. Yet I feel an eyebrow rise letting my confusion be known, I mean how could she be in trouble for the idea.

"Oh, um..." she pauses, turning shy upon sight my confusion. “Well that'th becauthe..."

"It’th a thupid idea," mimics a voice, causing twist to freeze up upon hearing it. Smell her anger rise. She doesn't need to look to know who it is, I on the other paw do.

With a glance to my right, I see a light pink filly with her mane and tail a mix of white and blue. Adorned on her head is a tiara and while to image of one is on her flank. A couple paces behind her is a grey filly with a lighter grey mane and tail, like twist she wears glasses. However, hers are different in color and are connected to a strand of pearls, while adorned on her flank is the image of a spoon. Just like Bonbon and Lyra they look familiar to me, but at the same time the pink filly ticks me off.

"What do you want, Diamond?" Twist asks, though a strained smile.

"Oh, nothing really," the aptly named Diamond replies nonchalantly looking at her hooves, "just wondering if you enjoy talking to a stupid cat like the loser you are," she continues. Oh goody, one of those ponies. I turn my gaze to the filly who has yet to be named. Only to find her gaze fixed on me with a gleam of recognition dancing in her eyes, and in that gleam I see that her heart it still pure. But this makes me wonder why she puts up with that stuck up loud mouth. My gaze shifts back to said loud mouth when I hear her sigh out;
"I mean you’re still friends with those blank flank losers,” she looks away for a moment only to look back with a smug smile. ”It almost makes me ashamed to have ever considered making you one of my friends.”

I can’t help the smirk that curls up my lips and a glance at twist's face confirmed that I wasn't the only one who was amused at that. Had something more intelligent come from her mouth the grey filly to her left wouldn’t have let out a muted sigh, she seemed to have some choice words in mind. It’s also good to see that I wasn’t the one who thought that she was blind.

“I don’t really care about being your friend, diamond.” Twist says with a sigh,”bethideth it doethn’t matter if you think my idea ith thupid anyway.”

“Oh really?” diamond smirks, making my eyes half lid themselves at her question, could one be any more predictable.

“Did you really just ask that?” the grey filly asks giving diamond a deadpanned look. Good to see that she to is unamused.

“Yeth, really.” Twist responds with a sigh, the look on her face shows that she been down this road before and does not want to be back.

“Well,” diamond begins smirk turning into a grin, while she kicks at the dirt. “With the little chat I had with Miss Cheerliee, I think it does matter.”

“What chat?” the grey filly asks, turning to diamond confusion clear on her face.

“Oh silvy, it wasn’t much of a chat really,” diamond begins with a dark chuckle. “But I will tell you that when all was said and done. I left her all. Tied… ooh piece of candy!” diamond suddenly stop her tirade diving after and hastily unwrapping a yellow and blue piece of candy immediately popping it into her mouth.

“Wow,” twist giggles at the sight of diamonds antics. Silvy, short for silver I’m guessing, on the other paw… facehoofs? Sorry, I’m still trying to wrap my head around equine terminology. Diamond just sits there for a few seconds, letting the piece of candy role around in her mouth before we hear a…


Huh, must have been a hard candy. A few seconds more and diamonds eyes flutter open, a blush forming on her cheeks as it takes a second for her to remember where she is. Twist tries to smother her laughter as diamond turns to the three of us, attempting to intimidate us with a glare only to fail as the remaining blush makes her look cute.

“And what are you laughing at, loser?” diamond says, her glare focused on twist.

“You and your sugar addiction. “ Silver mumbles under her breath, “It’s almost as bad as your table manners.” Ouch.

“Jutht thomepony, who I’m not concerned about.” Twist responds, after getting her laughter under control of course.

“Whatever, you parentless bitch.”… Wow, Twist doesn’t show any reaction to what was said, other than a deadpan expression on her face.

“You didn’t,” silver whispers in shock, the look on her face shows that this was not the first time that diamond made an off paw comment like that, and I doubt that it will be the last.

“You know for one with thuch high clath thophithtication, that wath really disappointing, diamond.” Twist says turning her gaze skyward for a few seconds letting a single tear that only I can see fall from her eye, after a moment of silence she turns her gaze back to diamond. “If anything I expected you to jutht turn tail like the coward you are.”

“I’m not a cow…” diamond begins stomping the ground with a hoof.


At the sound all diamond can get past her lips is a high pitched yelp before dashing off slamming head first into a tree. As twist and silver cringe at the sight, I turn my gaze skyward to see a small formation of clouds, most likely a thunderhead. Upon sight of it the only question that comes to mind is, just how long has that thunderhead been up there?

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