• Published 4th Mar 2013
  • 353 Views, 2 Comments

a cat named shadow - Darkwill45

many things are both known and unknown, lets see where this takes us.

  • ...

chapter 2

Chapter 2

When you take those first few steps into a school building, what exactly do you expect to see? What do you expect to hear? What do you expect to feel and smell? Whenever I passed by this building, I would often pondered as to what it was that I expected to encounter when I entered such a place. Sometimes my imagination impressed me, while other times it failed me. When Derpy and I took those first few steps into the school, I was torn. Torn between awe and disappointment, the floor beheld a classic wood paneling with classic plaster walls that was what disappointed me. I let her lead the way so I could take in the rest of the sights, the sounds, the smells and the feel of the energy within the halls that filled me with awe.
Despite being indoors the excited chatter of the little ones could be heard coming from both inside and outside the walls of the school. The halls still had some of the little ones in small groups of 2 -4 consisting of colts and/or fillies discussing plan for the days to come. If I recall correctly today is, what they called, a Friday. Meaning that tomorrow will be Saturday and the day after will be Sunday, which in turn meant that there would be no school for two days in a row. Hmm, that in of itself is most intriguing. Maybe it will be a chance for me to…

“Clopclop, clopclop, clopclop” oh, oh dear guardians, Please let that clatter of hooves not mean what I think they…

“Kitty!!” oh, cra…

“Whump pu bump bu daf”

“You’re tho cute!!”

Oh sweet guardians, why must you curse me so?!! Despite the gleeful giggling and my gasps for breath being funneled into my ears, they pick up the snickers and chuckles of the little ones that happened to be around during that tumble. After gathering enough air in my lungs, I sigh as I turn my gaze to the ceiling beseeching those who may be beyond that horizontal wall, why? Why do I have to be so cute and cuddly? Were the circumstances different I would still bemoan the fate of my appearance. I stare at the ceiling a little while longer before turning my gaze to my captor, and what I found did not surprise me in the least.

My current captor happens to be a little one, a filly to be exact. Her mane and tail are a reddish brown hue, while her coat is light beige in color. While my gaze moves to her face I see that she wears glasses. And when I see her smile I take note of the pieces of metal on each tooth, connected together with more metal. I guess that explains the speech impediment.

“Looks like you made a new friend mister kitty!” Derpy exclaims, ignoring the fact that I almost got crushed by said “new friend”. Besides after that was said I just waiting for it.

“What’th hith name?” the little one asked derpy, eyes big behind her glasses.

“He doesn’t have one sadly, but he lets me call him mister kitty.” She replied.

“Wait, he’th not yourth?” and there it is, with a sigh derpy and I shake our heads in the negative. We both know what coming ne….

“TWIST!! Get your hooves off of that cat!!” … ok, we were not expecting that. The three of us look in the direction the voice came from to see a mare, who looked very familiar to me. As she stomped closer I could see that her mane and tail held a half purple, half cream coloring format, while her coat was a light brown. What’s more I could see that she didn’t have wings nor did she have a horn and looking back at… Twist I think that mare called her, I could see that she didn’t have any extra appendages as well. Earth ponies are what these two would, at any rate, be called… I think.


“No buts, or did you forget what happened last time tried to hold a cat like that.” When she finally stopped I saw an image of two to three pieces of candy, still in their wrapper I might add, on her flank. Looking back at twist I saw that she had two... candy canes I think they're called on hers, while a glance at derpy's flank confirmed that she had bubbles on hers. Cutie marks are what they call them.

"I mean you got scratched, and started to swell, and all that cat did was hiss in amuse..."

"Bonbon calm down." said a mare stopping on the left of "bonbon", her mane, tail and coat being a green so light that it brought to mind that candy that's eaten before, during and after certain events. While adorned on her flank was an image of a musical instrument that looked like a harp but was smaller... a lyre perhaps, she had a horn on her head. I guess it’s safe to say that she is a unicorn.

"Lyra, how in the hay can I calm down when she's allergic to cats?!"

“Well, given that she isn’t a balloon right about now. I’d say you don’t have to worry, because she’s not allergic.”

“… Ok you’ve got a point, but she’s still in trouble.” Bonbon relented taking a few calming breaths to sort out her thoughts, If you are wondering where I am during this exchange. The answer is I’m still in the arms of twist, that should not be a surprise. When Lyra finally looked at me she did a double take, glad to see that I’m not the only one with the buzz of recognition in their head.

“Excuse me…”

“Say Bonbon, doesn’t this little guy look familiar to you?”

“Excuse me…”

“Why are you asking me? All cats are evil in my eyes.”

“Excuse Me… ”

“I’m asking, because he looks familiar. And not all cats are e… ”

“EXCUSE ME!” All eyes turn to derpy in shock.

“Whump” Well, almost all eyes. With a sigh I get up, dusting myself off and looking about just in time to hear derpy ask,

“What’s this about, Twist being in trouble?” Both Lyra and Bon bon are silent for a spell, I can easily tell that they weren’t expecting to hear concern from another in regards to their charge.

“Well…” Lyra begins,

“Twist came home with a note from her teacher, asking us to come to the school concerning her and a few others.” Bonbon concludes… why do I not like the sound of where this might be going? A glance at derpy’s face confirms that I’m not the only one who feels as such. When I turn my gaze back to twist I see a sheepish smile dancing on her lips. If I could speak as they do my words would be, what did you do, but I guess my eyes will have to do. When she sees that I’m staring at her she mouths...

"I’ll tell you later." it's clear that she is hiding something and that she wants to tell me, maybe it's because like lyra she recognizes/knows me or maybe it's because I’m just a cat and I won’t be able to give away the secret. Eh, whatever when I get around to looking about notice that we're standing in front of a door marked "faculty office". I let out a meow to get every ones attention, and unsurprisingly it doesn't work. I do it a few more time before I finally get a reaction.

"what do you want you stup..." bonbon begins finally giving me a glance only to stop and stare, more often than not I find that to be strange it's almost like they've never seen me before.

"Oh hey long time no see." she says with a sheepish smile.

"Really bonbon, now you recognize him?" Lyra asks a look of mild disbelief on her face. Trust me you wouldn't believe how often that happens, you're not around someone for about a week and ones subconscious locks any memory of you until you meet again. This is not the first nor will it be the last. I point my right paw at each one then the marked door nonverbally asking if this was the place they were headed.

The door began creak open before they could respond, revealing a... very questionable sight. Beyond the doorway lies a simple dean-like desk, under normal circumstances such a desk would not be questionable. However it's what's on the desk that makes it so... wrong. On the desk is an earth pony mare with a dark purple coat, with mane and tail a mix of white and grey with a smiley faced flower on her flanks. She is on her back with a ball gag in her mouth, blindfold over her eyes, bound in rope so that she can't move around with a sign behind her head. The sign itself reads;

"Come play with my kitty"

I drop my right foreleg, shutting my eyes and shaking my head a couple times, looking again to see that the door is closed. A look to bonbon and Lyra shows me a mix of concern and confusion on there faces, while a glace to twist shows mild innocence in regards to my reaction. I look to derpy to see that she is looking at me that's how I know that she saw the same.

"You see it to?" her eyes ask me, I don't even need to blink or nod for her to know that I did.

"Say Bonbon, is it alright if Twist takes Mr. Kitty outside?"

"..." she doesn't know how to respond, I wouldn't either if I didn't know what was going on.

"sure she can, twist why don’t you go outside with the little guy while we big ponies talk. " lyra answered it was clear that she didn't know what was going on either but I could tell that she had a hunch.

"Ok" was all I heard before I was lifted by the scruff of my neck. I looked back one last time to share a glance with derpy.

"Be careful" was my silent response.

"I will" was what her eyes told me. And with that we were gone.

Author's Note:

we failed to ask this the last chapter, so we shall ask this of you now. what maybe wrong/right with this story?
let us know with your comments.