• Published 28th Feb 2013
  • 1,427 Views, 35 Comments

Never Let Go - Melakai Symphonia

Twilight and Spike are ordered to observe some strange activity near the Everfree Forest. What she finds there will forever change her life.

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Time Heals All Scars

The day had broken in Ponyville. There was a slight chill and the town’s residents have begun to awaken from their sleep. The day was partly overcast with a light drizzle of rain. As the townsfolk had gone about their business and tended to their daily tasks, the drizzle had become a steady rain and the town’s streets had became barren. However, Twilight Sparkle and her faithful assistant Spike had business that needed to be tended to. Shortly before Twilight and Spike had left her library, Princess Celestia sent Twilight a letter. It had asked her to check out something near the edge of the Everfree Forest. According to the letter, there was strange activity reported from that area. As Twilight and Spike arrived, they begin to search for anything suspicious.

“What in the world are we looking for Twilight?!” Spike blurted out.

“I am not too sure…the princess only said to check out for anything suspicious.” Twilight responded.

“Ugh! Fine…” Spike sulked and wiped the rain from his brow.

Twilight had searched around the area thoroughly, but didn’t find anything out of the norm. As she nearly almost gave up the search, she heard a rather precarious shuffle in the woods nearby. It was hard to clearly identify the noise over the rain. She peeled back the emerald leaves of the forest and pursued the noise.

“I could have sworn it had come from around here.” Twilight said to herself quietly. She searched for about 15 minutes before Spike lost patience. The weather had began to wear on them as well.

“Come on Twi! This rain is becoming unbearable. Let’s head back before we get sick.” Spike called out.

“I guess so…it is rather chilly, isn’t it?” Twilight said in response to Spike.

As Twilight had made her way back out the forest, she noticed something gleaming in a bush. She used her magic to raise it out and brought it closer to her.

“A locket?” She asked herself. It was a silver locket; one that was very unique in it’s own way. It had a slight tarnish but was marvelous otherwise, nothing like Twilight had ever seen.

“I wonder who this could be…” Twilight was cut off immediately by Spike.

“Twilight, behind you!!! “ He screamed to warn her about the approaching danger.

As Twilight turned around, a brown mass ran into her and snagged the locket she had began to examine. As Twilight refocused on the escaping mass, she noticed that it was a brown pony that was roughly her size. She immediately sprang into pursuit.

“Hey, wait! Who are you and why are you out here?!” she yelled out to the running pony.

Twilight kept in pursuit of the mysterious pony. As they ran, the forest became more jagged and coarse. As the pony ran ahead, a jagged rock struck its leg and it had come crashing into the thick shrubbery that lied ahead, gashing into its side. The pony became still in agony and gave up its escape. Twilight carefully approached in anticipation of the hurt pony lashing out. As Twilight got closer she noticed that it was a colt, a unicorn at that; he was brown with a dark brown mane and had blue eyes. His body was interwoven with scars and a few sores. Suddenly he spoke.

“Go ahead! Take me back…I don’t care what you do to me anymore…” He said somberly. Twilight was confused by his words.

“I’m sorry, I am afraid that I don’t know what you are talking about…” The colt struggled to move. His leg was a mess and he had lost a fair amount of blood already. He was cut up from the thorns that he had fallen into also.

“Oh sure! How do I know that your not one of them looking for me?! You even tried to take my locket! Why should I trust you?” He spat out in pain and anger.

Twilight cringed at the sight of the poor thing. He had given up at this point and just laid there on the cold wet ground.
“Let me help you…” Twilight said as she began to approach slowly.

“H-help?! Why?! Just so you can take me back to that…that hell!?” The colt shouted with all the strength he could muster.

“I am not going to leave you here to die! I am better than that…please, you have to trust me. I won’t harm you or ‘take you back’ to wherever.” Twilight said stern and firmly.

The colt took a glance at his locket that he had previously retrieved and sighed. “Fine…I will trust you mare. You may be around the same size as me and all, but I am no pushover.” The colt had begun to stand up, slowly and pitifully however.
Twilight walked over and began to untangle the last bits of shrubbery that kept him entwined, pulling out a few thorns in the process. She proceeded to help him stand. The rain still came down on them as the Everfree Forest encircled them. As the colt stood up, their eyes locked. The colt could tell that Twilight’s eyes were watered with tears.

“What are you crying for?” The colt asked.

“It was just hard to see somepony like that is all…and your body, what happened to you?” Twilight softly responded.

“Its nothing, I will explain later perhaps.” He responded.

“Okay, well let’s get you out of here. Those wounds aren’t looking too good.” She said.

“I see…so, where are we headed to Madame?” The colt said somewhat comically despite his condition. Twilight grabbed onto him and they began to walk slowly. She too didn’t know where they were going to go. He had become really slow to respond as they were on their way out. By this time, Spike had caught up and seen the two together.

“Twilight!” Spike called out gleefully. “What’s going on?! Who is this pony?!” He asked.

“We all will have to become acquainted later Spike, we have to do something or he is going to die.” Twilight said in a panicky tone.

Spike had noticed his wounds and all the blood that he had lost. He was paralyzed by the sight, but only for a moment. He went to the other side of the pony and helped walk him out of the forest.

“Th-th-thankyou…” The colt said as he fought to walk along with Twilight and Spike; his locket was firmly clamped in his teeth.

“It’s gonna be okay, just try and stay with me here okay?” Twilight said to reinsure the consciously-fading unicorn.

“Where are we going to take him Twi?” Spike asked.

“Lets take him to the library, he’d be safe there.” Twilight responded. She remembered what he said about “going back” to some “hell” of a place. She didn’t want him to be found in public, not until she found out what all happened and is going on. The rain beat down on them as the sun set; it was cold and dark. The three made it through Ponyville to her library, unspotted Twilight had hoped.They came in though the front of Twilight’s library. Twilight’s mane was a mess and Spike was ill feeling from the weather and exhaustion. The colt’s body was cold and still.

“We got to get him upstairs Spike…come on, we can do this.” Twilight said, breathing very heavily. Spike nodded in agreement.They carried the colt upstairs and laid him in Twilight’s bed. Spike had plopped to the ground out of exhaustion of carrying him; Twilight’s body did the same.

“Thankfully, I’ve been experimenting with some medicinal magic recently. I hope that it’ll…work…” Twilight said with fading hope as she looked at the lifeless colt’s body. Spike began to panic.

“Twilight…I…I can’t do this…I don’t want to see somepony die…we have to do something Twi, we have to take him to a hospital!” Spike said shaking.

“I know…but we can’t.” Twilight responded as she grabbed a few books from her desk.

Upon examination of the colt, Twilight could tell that he was still living. She took the locket that he had clutched between his teeth and sat it to the side. His pulse was weak and his body was that of ice. At Twilight’s best efforts she raised her horn, focused, and aimed at the colt’s gruesome wound; the aura was beautiful however.

It could have been hours; Twilight never once stopped to consider the chance of self injury from exhaustion with her magic. Spike had fallen asleep sometime ago; his body had hit its limit. Unfortunately, Twilight was at her limit as well…however, she was not about to give up. She knew that this colt had a reason to live, and no reason to die like this. After hours of endless focus and tension, Twilight released the grasp on her magic that had been reconstructing the colt’s wounds. She paused and looked on.

“Did it work?” Twilight asked herself quietly. The pony remained still and silent…until.

“Wh-where?! What is this place?! Am I…alive?!” The colt said whilst still trying to catch air in his lungs. The first thing he noticed was Twilight; she was smiling, and then promptly fainted. The colt wanted to help her, but he was still far too hurt. Owlowiscious, Twilights pet owl, flew over to Twilight. He nudged her a few times but got no response, they could tell that she was breathing however. Owlowiscious then flew to the side of the colt and pecked at him twice.

“Ow! What the heck is your deal?! This isn’t…my fault…” The colt said lowering his head.

“Hoo!” The owl said to him, pecking him once more.

“What?! Im sorry…I can’t help her in my condition…I wish I could though. I owe her my life for all that I put her through.” he said somberly to the Owl, hoping that he understood his words. Owlowiscious hopped closer to him and stared directly into his eyes, letting out just one “Hoo…”

“…for an owl, you do know how to motivate someone…ill see what I can do for your friend.” The colt said. he sat up, clutching his side. He attempted to get up off of Twilights bed, but found it impossible to stand on his legs and immediately collapsed to the floor. He lay still for a moment and then began to crawl his way to Twilight.

“Curse these wounds…I…want to help her.” Agony had begun to overtake the colt. He managed to make it beside Twilight, but nothing else. Together, they both lay there exhausted, hurting, and unaware of what fate had in store of them. Just before the colt slipped out of consciousness he muttered a few last words.

“Thank you…mare. I hope that you won’t get in trouble for saving me. I don’t want to see somepony as kind as you suffer like I have. Goodnight, haha…” He placed his hoof on Twilight’s and slipped from consciousness just as she did.

The next morning, Twilight had awoken. She was sore and had a mild headache but was fine otherwise. She first noticed the mysterious colt on the floor in front of her. It surprised her and she jumped a little.

“How did he…” Twilight pondered to herself. Owlowiscious had flown over to Twilight gleefully, he was happy to see that she was ok. He nudged against her a few times and flew up to her table. She sat up and examined the surroundings. There was a lot of sitting rainwater and some blood around the floor and in her bed. After a minute or so, the colt had begun to awaken. He opened his eyes and looked at Twilight.

“Hey, you’re okay…good.” the colt said with a smile.

“How um…how do you feel?” Twilight asked curiously.

“I’m just fine thanks to you. I apologize for all the trouble I’ve put you through. Allow me to introduce myself; my name is Xavier...Xavier Bolt. Tis’ a pleasure to meet you.” he responded generously.

“It’s a pleasure myself kind gentlecolt. My name is Twilight Sparkle, I answer directly to the princess as her understudy.” she responded smiling.

“…I see…Celestia correct?” Xavier responded slowly and wore a grimace on his face.

“Yeah…what’s the matter, you seem troubled by that.” Twilight asked.

“It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.” Xavier then wore a fake smile, but Twilight simply bought into it and discarded her thoughts about the topic. She had another question.

“I am curious though. Where and what is that ‘Hell’ you have spoken of previously.” Twilight was nervous to ask. She did want to know how he had so many scars on his body. The two ponies had sat up and tried to move around a little. Xavier then went on about how he got the scars.

“I um…well, I am with a traveling caravan of ponies who care for Miss Nightsphere; she is our boss, and owners I am afraid. We are her personal escorts and lackeys; our payment is food, water, and what little shelter we have. Disobedience gets you…well…these.” Xavier turned to his side to reveal his scars. His cutie mark had a deep “X” engraved over it; it appeared to once be a lightning bolt of some sort.

“I’m so sorry to hear that. Did you runaway? Is that why you were hiding in the Everfree Forest?” Twilight asked.

“Yes…one night the caravan stopped to rest and let Miss Nightsphere sleep, as usual. We are commonly under heavy watch from the guards that travel with us, but there was a distraction one night and I was able to escape. I have no clue what had their attention, I simply bolted off and ran in one direction until the sun had risen. I’m sure they are looking for me now as we speak. Miss Nightsphere usually offers a high reward for the return of her ‘workers’. Please…don’t take me back Twilight…I-I can’t take it anymore. If you want, I can leave now and not another word, just please, I beg of you. Whatever you want me to…” Twilight had raised her hoof to stop the spiraling colt.

“Its okay, I won’t tell.” Twilight smiled and looked around.

“Wow, this place sure is a mess, huh?” Twilight said whilst examining the room.

“Yeah, I ‘m sorry for that too. I don’t mean to be a burden to you and your friends here. The owl…he is a very distinctive one that’s for sure.” Xavier glared at Owlowiscious but then smiled.

“No, its fine Xavier; I understand why you would runaway from somepony anyway. I would have been scared too if I was in the same situation.” Twilight had been wondering about his cutie mark and why it was in such bad shape.

“Xavier, why does your cutie mark have a huge “X” over it? Was it that Nightsphere woman?” Twilight hoped to not upset him with her question.

“No actually, it was I who put these marks into me. This here is the symbol of the Arcane Bolt; the magic of the mysterious. I, can indeed, perform Arcane magic…and I hate it more than anything. I am nothing more than a weapon to Miss Nightsphere because of it. A cutie mark is supposed to reflects ones special talents; I was born and raised to perform forbidden magic Twilight. I am nothing more than a killer…” Xavier lowered his head out of self hatred. Twilight was stunned by all of this. She had looked into the Arcane Arts before, but it was believed that no pony could ever wield them. She had so many questions, but began with the most concerning.

“How many ponies have you…killed?” Twilight was blunt and very forward. Xavier sighed and then responded.

“Over 100 if I had to guess. Miss Nightsphere is a very controversial and hated pony, therefore she has many enemies. I am nothing more than her shield from them…I was forced to kill them all because they had tried to hurt her. I understand if you want me to go, it can’t be easy to relax with someone like me around.” Xavier had begun to reflect on his past and wanted nothing more than to erase it.

“No, it’s okay Xavier. I know that you didn’t want to kill them; you seem to be a better pony than that. Do you have a home or family to return to?” Twilight smiled at him to reassure that it was alright.

“I wish I did. I do not have a family anymore; they’re all dead to me. Once my village found out what I was capable of they banished me from town and left me on my own. You see, one day I had accidently harmed a classmate. He was bullying and hitting my sister, so I intervened. I got very angry with him and unintentionally electrocuted him, the bolt just happened out of nowhere. He survived, but had permanent nerve damage according to the doctor. At the moment my lightning had resolved, this damned mark appeared on me. It was merely a sign that I am an abomination. I was removed from the school and banished immediately by popular ruling of the townsfolk.” Xavier held back tears from the memories of that day.

“Xavier…I…” Twilight was interrupted because Spike suddenly had begun to awaken. Twilight decided to save her question for later. Spike woke up to find the two sitting there. He was glad to see that they were both ok. His body was sore but he was able to move around and walk freely.

“I’m glad to see that you are okay. I knew you had it in you Twilight.” Spike smiled at the two and they in-turn smiled back. Xavier proceeded to introduce himself and explain everything to Spike, leaving out the harsher details due to his young age. The three pondered on what to do next. What was there to do honestly? Xavier wasn’t used to such hospitality from others yet was happy. He didn’t know what to think of all that had happened. He was extremely grateful to Twilight however. The three had moved downstairs and managed to clean a majority of the remaining rainwater and blood. Xavier was still very hurt, but was able to walk and function fairly well. His first bit of business was putting his locket back on around his neck. The three sat around as Twilight and Spike discussed Ponyville and its inhabitants. Twilight had made lunch for the three of them. Xavier didn’t even know what to think of her kindness, he never had someone make food for him before. After lunch, he had shown Twilight and Spike a few of his tricks that he could do with his magic without hurting anypony. Twilight was still ever so eager to learn about his technique and magical prowess. Later that evening, Spike asked the question that was on everypony’s mind at the time.

“Twilight, should I write a letter to the Princess about all of this?” Twilight thought to herself for a bit.

“No, I want ‘Mr. Arcane’ here to stay for a bit. Of course it wouldn’t be free.” Twilight said in a lustrous voice and smiled at Xavier, causing him to blush horrendously. He had no idea what she truly meant by that and had hoped that his assumptions were wrong.

“I would like to know about the Arcane Arts, if you would want to show me. Don’t worry; I would only use that knowledge to advance myself as a student.” Twilight had walked over to her desk to grab a book. Xavier was extremely relieved by that being the “payment” and not “other” activities.

“Sure, I can teach you what I know. It all kind of came natural to me, but I can describe it to some extent to where you can possibly understand.” Xavier was surprised yet happy to see somepony who was actually interested in his abilities.

Eventually, night time had come again and Twilight had prepared a bed for Xavier. His bed wasn't too far from hers, but was far enough to be considered civil and unassuming of anything. Twilight had wished him and Spike goodnight and they all lay in bed to go to sleep. However, Xavier’s mind was full of dissonance so he couldn't sleep; he was worried. He didn't want Miss Nightsphere’s guards to come find him and Twilight get in trouble or hurt. Xavier sat up from his bed and looked out of the window in Twilight’s bedroom. The moonlight filled the room and glowed with a relieving tone.

“Never in my life…” Xavier thought to himself. He remembered back to when Twilight carried him and fought to save his life. He then recalled lunch from earlier that day and all the things that they had discussed.

“Mr. Arcane huh?” He chuckled to himself. He found the name laughable, but it was her nickname for him so it was special. Xavier didn’t want Twilight to ever be hurt. His anxiety made him restless and unable to sleep, so he just looked on. He looked at Twilight and smiled at how peacefully she slept. He stayed up most of the night watching her sleep and keeping an eye out for anything suspicious. Eventually, he fell asleep after calming down some.

The next morning, the three had awoken and all met down stairs. After breakfast, Twilight had informed Xavier that she was going to be meeting her friends at a picnic and that she wanted him to come along. She reassured him that they were good ponies like she was. Xavier was nervous at first, but then agreed to going. Spike had grabbed a basket and the three left the house. It was a great day outside. The sun shined and Ponyvilles residents were about tending to their business. Flying over was Twilight’s good and loyal friend Rainbow Dash. She was on the way to the picnic just as they were.

“Woah! No way! Is that guy Twilight’s boyfriend?! Hmmmm…” She thought to herself for a moment and got an idea. She quickly flew up, grabbed a cloud, and flew in behind them.

“Hahaha this is gonna be so awesome!” She laughed to herself.

The three were walking about whilst Twilight described Ponyville to Xavier, completely unaware of what Rainbow Dash had in store for them. Rainbow flew in closer, silently, and then struck the cloud causing it to set off, scaring Spike and Twilight half to death. Xavier however, didn’t take it as a friendly prank. Even though Rainbow Dash was merely joking and the prank was harmless, Xavier was unaware of who Rainbow Dash was and why she was firing lightning at them. After he saw how scared Twilight was, he immediately took the offensive.

“ARCANEUS MORTEM!” Xavier shouted. His horn had begun to glow red and blue and his eyes became the color of ice. From his horn, a furious and jagged spear of lightning had been aimed directly at Rainbow Dash. Thankfully, she is the fastest flier in Equestria and was able to dodge it; it did singe a few feathers on her left wing however.

“XAVIER! STOP IT!” Twilight shouted and grabbed him. His eyes remained cold and locked on Rainbow Dash. After a few moments, his horn stopped flickering and his eyes returned to normal. Rainbow Dash was furious at his attack and flown toward him.

“What the hell was that?!” Rainbow Dash asked. Before she could utter another word Xavier spoke up above her.

“You tried to hurt them, therefore, I returned the favor…you should look up now.” Xavier said whilst turning his head upward.

Rainbow Dash looked up to see the same bolt that missed earlier heading right for her. She flew to the side to miss it, but the bolt simply homed in on her. Just before the bolt was about to pierce her, it fizzled away. Xavier had called off the bolt to ask some questions.

“Who are you?! Who sent you here?!” Xavier asked in a demanding tone.

“XAVIER! That’s one of my friends!” Twilight shouted at him frantically.

“What?! What type of friend does that?! If she was any slower, she would be nothing more than dust right now! If I hadn’t had called off that bolt, she would’ve…” Xavier ended his sentence after he realized what he had done.

“Xavier…you can’t just assume that ponies want to hurt you, okay? No one here in Ponyville is like that. Now, I want you to go apologize.” Twilight was still somewhat furious but understanding of his actions. Xavier walked over to where Rainbow Dash was hovering and knelt down before her; this kind of puzzled her and Twilight.

“Pardon my actions, Madame Dash. I was simply acting on instinct; I thought that you were trying to harm them.” Rainbow Dash reached down and grabbed Xavier and pulled him close to her face.

“Look here kid! I don’t know what you are and what that bolt was, but sorry isn’t going to cut it here since you just nearly killed me! If you ever pull anything like that again, I will not make it pretty for you! YOU GOT THAT?!” Rainbow Dash was screaming at him relentlessly. Xavier chuckled.

“Ha…you wouldn’t be the first, you know. I’ve been struck hundreds of times, once more can’t hurt.” Xavier wore a slight smile.

“What is that supposed to mean?! If you think I am gonna go easy on you then you’re sadly mistaken!” Rainbow Dash was still enraged over what just happened.

“Then why not harm me like you said? I bare many scars, why not add to the collection?!” Xavier said while grinning.

“Rainbow Dash! Xavier! Come on, can’t you two just talk this out? Dash, I understand that what he did was foolish and dangerous but…he had a reason. You did sneak up on us and scare us. Xavier, you can’t just go around doing that, somepony innocent can get killed.” Twilight did her best to maintain peace amongst them. Xavier and Dash looked at each other. Dash gave him a look of anger while he gave her a look of repentance; he felt terrible for what he had almost done.

“Come on, let’s go ahead and head to the picnic okay? I know that the others are probably waiting for us. Ill explain everything to you, okay Rainbow Dash?” Twilight walked toward the two; Rainbow Dash’s eyes were still locked on Xavier’s. She let him go and began to hover near Twilight. Xavier had walked up to them and the four continued onward. The walk was silent up until Xavier asked a question.

“Rainbow Dash…tell me, why didn’t you hit me? Not even one good time?” Rainbow Dash was surprised by his question.

“What do you mean?! I only didn’t because Twilight would’ve gotten mad.” She crossed her arms and looked away.
“No…it’s not that. You didn’t want to hurt me, did you?” Xavier looked toward her but she was still looking away.
“Oh whatever, is there something that you are trying to getting at here?!” Rainbow Dash became frustrated toward Xavier again.

“You have eyes that were like my mother’s.” Rainbow Dash paused and looked at Xavier. He turned back to look at her and spoke again.

“That’s right. You have that same rose color in your eyes. You couldn’t hurt anypony, could you? Not unless you had to of course. Am I right?” Xavier smiled at Rainbow Dash. She didn’t know what to think about what he just said, but he was right. She wouldn’t hurt anypony without a proper cause.

“Yeah, I guess so. What’s the point of saying that anyway? Are you trying to get under my skin or something?” Rainbow Dash was oddly touched by his words, but she didn’t show it; she is too tough for that.

“Nope, I just figured that I would let you know that you don’t have to hide that half of yourself from others.” Xavier smiled again. She was surprised by what Xavier said but felt good about it. She tried to play off her good feelings.

“Ahhhhh you’re full of it, kid!” Rainbow Dash responded. Their conversation brought ease to Twilight; she was worried that they wouldn’t be calm around each other at the picnic. Shortly after their conversation, the four had approached the rest of Twilight’s friends. They were all surprised to see Xavier; Pinkie was the most surprised of course, she thought she knew everypony in Ponyville.

“Hey there Twilight and Rainbow Dash, who’s your new buddy here?” Applejack said. They couldn’t help but notice the scars on his body. They all looked at each other nervously and were worried about what to say. Xavier took notice of this and spoke up to answer Applejack’s previous question.

“Greetings everypony, my name is Xavier Bolt. I, umm, well…help me out here Twilight; you can explain it better than me I think.” Xavier and Twilight explained the situation to everypony over lunch. They also discussed what happened to Xavier when he was little and as to why he is covered in scars. Rainbow Dash wanted to mention what had happened earlier, but chose not to.

“My word…I am dearly sorry to hear all of that.” Rarity couldn’t think of nothing else to say in response to what she had just heard. Pinkie Pie was dismayed as well despite how energetic and cheerful she is at heart. Fluttershy and Applejack were both deeply upset as well. Applejack knows how it feels to be away from family, she certainly couldn’t imagine going a lifetime without them. Xavier felt bad for depressing everypony so he got an idea and spoke up about it.

“Hey, don’t worry everypony, I am fine now. I tell you what; if you cheer up ill show you all a neat trick with my magic.” Everypony sat up and focused on what Xavier was about to do. Rainbow Dash almost wanted to go hide behind something, she hasn’t forgotten the last “trick” that he had.

“Here goes, now focus on the center for the best effect…Ignis et glacies sphaera!” From his glowing horn came a beautiful amalgamation of colors so precious that few have ever seen. It was a chimerical mix of fire and ice magic in the shape of a sphere, spontaneously canceling itself out. It gave off a purple hue that was exceptional to say the least. The entire group was in awe of its glory. Xavier let it glow for a bit and then let it die off safely. Twilight was beyond impressed by his performance. She never thought that she would ever meet someone who was so adept at magic.

“You like it?” Xavier asked with a big smile on his face. Twilight and her friends were still amazed by it. They had begun to ask him other questions more related to his magic. After a few hours of conversing with everypony, the group had split ways and returned home, however Rainbow Dash decided to tagged along with Twilight, Spike, and Xavier up until they got back to Twilight’s library. Once they had arrived, Rainbow Dash landed and spoke.

“Hey Xavier…umm…well…” She trailed off and got quiet.

“What is it Rainbow Dash, something wrong?” Xavier replied.

“No, no, not that, I just wanted to say…sorry for earlier, there I said it!” Rainbow Dash pouted to the side and Xavier just smiled and snickered a little.

“What’s so funny? I’m just trying to be nice about it!” Rainbow Dash shouted. Xavier walked up to her.

“Its okay, the fault is mine to take for earlier; I apologize.” Xavier hugged Rainbow Dash, hoping that she didn’t pulverize him for it.

“Never let go of your dreams, Rainbow Dash.” Xavier smiled and Rainbow Dash smiled back. Xavier didn’t want her to be his enemy. He wanted to be friends with all of Ponyville if he could. Afterwards, Rainbow Dash proceeded to fly off to Cloudsdale after saying one last goodbye to all of her friends.

“Xavier, what was all that for?” Twilight asked curiously.

“My mother once told me the same thing long ago. I hope that she takes the advice better than I did. She is a persistent one; she will go far, I can see it.” She had told Xavier about her dreams of one day joining the Wonderbolts. Based on what he has seen of her so far, he knew that she had what it took. Not many ponies can dodge lightning. It was getting dark so they all headed inside.

The sun had begun to set and a strong wind had begun to blow. Xavier enjoyed his day with all of the ponies, despite a few odd stares that he received from some of them. Twilight and her friends had informed him about the Elements of Harmony and the powers they held. They also discussed some of the adventures that they all had shared, like what happened with Discord and at the Royal Canterlot Wedding. Pinkie had made him a cake and Rarity stitched him up a cape to help cover his scars. Both of their deeds made him quiver in happiness and acceptance; it was truly the best treatment anypony had ever given him in his life. Upon heading inside, Twilight asked Xavier to come upstairs. She had a few concerning questions for him.

“Xavier, where did those scars come from?” She asked. She hated to ask him this, but she had to know.

“These things, huh? Well…the punishment for disobeying Miss Nightsphere was rather excruciating. Some of us were whipped many times, daily at that. I was whipped when I would refute an order to kill somepony. I always argued that I couldn’t do it or that I was too sore to use magic; she never cared. She would whip me prior to and after her orders, and taunt me about it for days after.” Xavier said.

“Wow…that’s terrible. I’m sorry to hear all that…I never knew that some ponies had it so bad in Equestria.” Twilight said as she got an idea.

“How would…you like to stay in Ponyville, permanently?” She asked. Xavier was quiet, then responded.

“Yes…I would love to. It’s so nice here and everypony is so caring. Can you make it to where I can stay? Xavier asked.

“I can try; let me talk to Princess Celestia about it okay? I can tell her that you are good for educational purposes!” Twilight said smiling.

“Haha, well I can try to…” Xavier was interrupted by a banging on Twilight's front door. The two looked at each other and ran downstairs to see what was going on. Twilight opened the door to find Apple Bloom and Scootaloo there; they appeared to be shaken up and scared. The wind was strong and whipping their manes about.

“Please, you have to help us Twilight!” Apple Bloom screamed.

“Sweetie Belle is hurt, please Twilight!” Scootaloo was crying.

“What happened?! Where is she?!” Twilight asked.

“She’s by the forest. You see, we were looking around and exploring the woods when a big monster with black eyes and long claws attacked us!” Apple Bloom exclaimed.

“We weren’t in the forest though; it came out to get us. Sweetie Belle was…attacked…” Scootaloo couldn’t bear to describe the situation any further.

“Some other ponies came to help us and the monster ran off. Please Twilight; can’t you do something to help her?” Apple Bloom had begun to break under the thought of her best friend dying.

“Oh my…Xavier!” Twilight called out.

“Yeah, let’s go!” Xavier responded. Twilight ordered Spike to inform Rarity and the others while they went to the scene. It had gotten dark and the wind was cold. Upon arrival at the scene, a few of the locals and a doctor had surrounded Sweetie Belle. She was still and had a large cut across her abdomen; her white coat was partially stained with her own blood. The doctor tried everything that he could to keep Sweetie Belle conscious and living. Sadly, his attempts were to little avail.
After a few minutes, Spike had returned with Rarity and Applejack. The sight of Sweetie Belle’s body made Rarity unable to stand. She began to cry and tried to make her way to her sister, but Applejack stopped her.

“You don’t want to go over there, Rarity…” Applejack said softly to her. She held Rarity to try and comfort her.
Everypony stood silent as they watched the doctor try and save her. After ten minutes or so, he stood up and gave his verdict.

“I am sorry…there was nothing I could do…” The doctor said. The silence was broken by Rarity’s crying for her sister. All of her friends were there to comfort her and keep her calm. Xavier stood and watched as Rarity and her friends broke down over Sweetie Belle’s passing. He also happened to notice Apple Bloom and Scootaloo holding onto their Cutie Mark Crusader capes; they would be an avid memory of their good friend. Xavier thought to himself for a moment, and then stepped forward toward the doctor.

“Doctor, you’ve done all you can do here.” Xavier nudged his head to the side, signaling for the doctor to step aside. He did so.

“How could this happen to such a young filly?” He said. The crowd was observing him as he began to lower his head.

“No…not today. It’s not your time yet, Sweetie Belle.” Xavier stood firm and his eyes became pale like before. He lowered his head in determination and sought throughout himself for courage. He looked upon Sweetie Belle’s body and began to mutter words to himself. The words he spoke were that of his mother’s and used them for strength. He began to talk aloud.

“…My child, let the wind speak to you. Let its grace flow through you. Let it tell you to never let go of what you love, and keep all your hopes and dreams close. Never let go of your friends and the love that you all share. When all is dark in the world, never give up…because, YOUR FRIENDS WILL NEVER GIVE UP ON YOU!” He shouted loudly and his horn began to glow. An aura surrounded Sweetie Belle’s body, it was white. Xavier focused on her despite the tears he had begun to shed. The crowd watched on as he conducted his magic.

“Alright…here goes…Donum Vitae!” Xavier shouted as he closed his eyes. He could see her. He could see her memories. He saw how happy she was playing with her friends and her sister. He wasn’t going to let her die. He spoke aloud again.

“It be not Death’s will to take you today, says I. But I say that Death can take me, should he bare a toll.” Xavier focused again and the crowd watched as Sweetie Belles body began to twitch and move.

“Yes…YES! Can you hear me Sweetie Belle? I need you to help me here. Think of the best memory you’ve ever had if you can!” Xavier closed his eyes again and he saw it. It was her and Rarity, both hugging after they had won the Sisterwhooves Social race together. Sweetie Belle had heard his request and was able to fulfill it. The warmth from that moment flowed throughout Xavier and into his magic. At last, he was successful.

“Got it!” He said aloud. Sweetie Belle’s body hovered momentarily, and with one last surge of Xavier’s magic, it lowered back to the ground. The aura had faded and Xavier collapsed to the ground from exhaustion. He looked on in anticipation, grinning.

“*cough* *cough*…wh-where am I?” Sweetie Belle asked. The crowd’s eyes glowed with happiness. Rarity had run over to her sister and hugged her. Xavier rolled on his back and begun laughing.

“Hahahaha! I did it! Kiss my flank Death! Hahahahahaha!” Xavier was sore but happy to see that his magic was enough to save her. Momentarily after, all of Twilight’s friends and their sisters dog-piled on top of Xavier out of gratefulness and celebration of his good deed.

“Thank you so much, Xavier! You’re the best bestest ever!” Pinkie said.

“Yeah mister, you’re the greatest!” Apple Bloom said as she clutched his leg.

“Gah!!! Alright, you’re all welcome just please get off me, I need to relax haha.” Xavier sat up on his side for a bit as Rarity approached him.

“Xavier…thank you so much. If I can ever repay this debt to you, let me know.” Rarity’s makeup was a mess but she didn’t care. She was just happy to see that her sister was okay. Twilight had started to trot over to him.

“Xavier! That was so amazing! What was that?” Twilight said as she sat down beside him.

“What, that old trick? That there was a spell I learned long ago. You see, even though her body was dead, her spirit was not. I could see her memories and her dreams. She fought with me to come back. I was able to patch that cut up as well. I swear…when I find that damned creature, he will pay.” Xavier had begun to try and stand, Twilight helped him up.

“Come on, let’s head on back. I have to report this to Princess Celestia. After today’s deed, she HAS to let you stay” She said with a smile. Xavier smiled back as him, her, and Spike made there way back to the library. After arriving, Twilight asked Spike to take a letter. He grabbed a quill and paper and began to write what Twilight was saying.

“Dear Princess Celestia…” she started. She told her everything that had gone on. She also informed her of Xavier’s youth and his current situation. She also went into detail about his special magic. It was late, so Twilight wouldn’t expect a response until morning. As she finished up, she noticed Xavier cleaning that locket of his.

“Hey Xavier, why do you always keep that locket on you? Is it a magical charm?” Twilight’s eyes grew at the thought.

“Nah, its just a precious gift is all.” Xavier responded.

“Ohhhh I see, from whom?” She asked.

“My father; He gave it to me right before I was exiled. I have always kept it close to me.” He responded.

“So that’s why you were so protective over it then! I understand though.” She responded smiling.

“No…not just because of the locket itself, but for what is inside.” He grabbed it and walked over to her. He sat next to her and opened the locket. Inside was a picture, a family portrait. Twilight couldn’t help but notice a younger filly in the photo. She was dark blue and had orange eyes. She stood out because of how normal their parents looked.

“Is that your sister?” Twilight asked.

“Yes, she looks out of place, I know.” Xavier said laughing.

“Wow, and she’s a unicorn like you. What’s her name?” She asked. Xavier was quiet.

“Is something wrong Xavier?” Twilight was concerned about his silence. Xavier shut the locket and looked at her.

“I can’t remember. But hey, lets head on up stairs. I may be sore, but I can teach you some old magic lore.” Xavier had obviously avoided her question, but she went with it and they headed upstairs.

After an hour or so of practice and teachings, the two were tired and laid down. Spike had already fallen asleep shortly after they began practice.

“Ugh! I don’t understand, how do you do this stuff?” Twilight said out of frustration.

“Practice, Twilight. Time is the best teacher.” Xavier responded.

“Yeah, I guess your right…good thing that you are gonna be here for a while then. But anyway, goodnight Xavier.” She said.

“Sweet dreams, Twilight.” He responded. He thought about what she just said, about him being “here for a while”; it made him cheerful inside.

The moon hung over them as it shined through Twilight’s window. Twilight had fallen asleep, but Xavier was unable to. He eventually sat up and stared at Twilight. The sight of her sleeping so soundly brought a deep inner peace to him. He couldn’t defeat his thoughts; he knew what was happening and there was nothing her could do to stop it. He was falling in love with Twilight. He wanted to be everything to her and more. He paused on the thought for a while and eventually went to sleep. The next day, Twilight had received a response from Celestia. She had decided to allow Xavier to stay due to all that had happened with him and Sweetie Belle. Xavier, Twilight, and all of her friends were overjoyed with the news. Pinkie even threw a party for the occasion. Xavier knew that his time in Ponyville would be much enjoyed.

After a few weeks had passed, everypony was still happy with Xavier’s company, especially Twilight. Xavier would put on little shows for her friends and help out around Ponyville. The Cutie Mark Crusaders would often ask him for advice about things; he would also help them on getting their cutie marks every once in a while. Every night her and Xavier would stay up and practice. Twilight was still eager to know everything there was to know about the Arcane Arts. Xavier was more than happy to teach her, it was his favorite time of the day. It was time that him and her had alone together. He chose to keep his feelings about her a secret though, he was worried about how she would respond.

However, anything that is so good can never truly last forever.

Early one morning, Twilight received a knocking on her door. When she went to answer it, two larger ponies rushed in.

“Where is he?!” One of them demanded.

“Where is who?” Twilight asked.

“Xavier! We know that he is here!” The other responded. Xavier had trotted down stairs to see what was going on.

“Grab him!” The pony yelled. They both rushed at Xavier and wrestled him down. They then drug him outside.

“Is this him, Miss Nightsphere?!” One of them asked. Twilight and Xavier’s hearts both sank when they heard that name. “Is it true” they thought. Is Miss Nightsphere here to take Xavier back? Twilight stormed outside after the two mysterious ponies to find another regally dressed pony. She was blue in color and had…orange…eyes. Twilight remembered Xavier’s photo.

“You…I remember you. Wait?! You’re…his sister aren’t you!?” Twilight screamed. Xavier’s secret was out; it was his sister who had enslaved him long ago.

“That’s right, my name is Raine Nightsphere. So tell me brother, how long did you expect to evade me? You must’ve known that I would’ve found you eventually.” Xavier was shaking. He didn’t want to leave; he couldn’t leave. He wouldn’t be able to bear the thought of being away from Twilight. After a few moments, all of Twilight’s friends arrived and stood between Xavier and his sister.

“Sorry, he is ours now!” Rainbow Dash yelled.

“Yeah, y’all best better get going or it won’t be pretty.” Applejack said. Miss Nightsphere simply laughed and responded.

“Oh how cute, you’ve made friends! Sorry kiddies, but you are no match for me.” She lowered her head and her horn began to spark with a vicious red haze.

“MOVE!” Xavier screamed. He shook off the two ponies restraining him and charged forward, stepping in front of his friends.

“Malum Interficientis!” He yelled. From his horn came a barrier, warding off his sister’s attack.

“Your fight is with me, Raine!” He said.

“You filth; you will address me by my proper name!” She attacked again but Xavier was able to ward it off like the first. Her magic was dark and evil like Xavier’s. It was very lethal to say the least.

“No! From this point on I will never address you as a superior, but as my equal!” Xavier screamed as he rose up on his back legs. He told everypony to get back, his intentions were to defeat his sister and obtain his freedom.

“I would rather die than leave! Anima Interfectorem!” Xavier yelled. From his horn, a black bolt of anger was fired. It was aimed precisely at his sister. However, she too knew how to ward off dark magic as well. Xavier was stunned by this.

“What?! You learned how to ward off lethal magic? Why was I needed to defend you if you could have easily done it yourself?” He asked.

“Because…it was fun watching you suffer afterwards! It was fun and cheap entertainment.” Raine said laughing. Twilight stepped forward and spoke.

“You…how could you do this to your own brother?! Xavier never wanted any of this! This is a free land, how can you say what he does with his life?! Who are you to say where he can’t go, huh?!” Twilight screamed.

“A contract…that’s who; he is bound to me by law. Sure there are terms to free him, but I am afraid that none of those terms have been met.” Raine responded. Twilight was un-accepting of the truth. Suddenly, Rainbow Dash bolted forward.

“Look here, kid! I don’t care what he’s bound to, he isn’t going! Xavier is a good friend and I am not going to let you take him back. Ponies like you are trash; he is your own brother, why would you treat him so badly?! If you aren’t gonna be a sister to him, then I will be! ” Rainbow Dash yelled. Raine’s expression had grown insensitive as she spoke up to Rainbow Dash.

“I am growing tired of you wretched ponies. Here, I have a present for you ‘kid’. Armati Spiritum…” She lowered her head once more and then quickly raised it up, cutting into the air. She used her horn create a black portal. From the portal, two long arms had protruded, eventually revealing its whole body. At that moment, the Cutie Mark Crusaders began to scream franticly.

“That’s him! That’s the monster!” Apple Bloom and Scootaloo screamed. Sweetie Belle was paralyzed with fear at the sight of the creature. That figure is one that she would never forget. Xavier had his suspicions before about the creature’s origin, but he knew for certain now.

“So…you used a Nexus Spiritum in order to find me, huh? That creature…” Xavier thought back to that night Sweetie Belle was hurt.

“Indeed I did. It took him forever to report back to me though. Judging by the little ones reaction over there, I am assuming that he got hungry on his way. So…how many did he eat? Phillies were always his favorite.” She said sadistically.
“None…and that’s how it’s gonna REMAIN!!!” Xavier shouted. His eyes became a deep red color as his horn begun to flicker. His eyes were tearing with anger toward the Spiritum.

“Dia-Bolt.” he said firmly. He aimed his horn at the monster and launched a white bolt. The bolt was pure and divine; it struck the monster, causing it to writhe and then die. Xavier then focused his anger on Raine.

“You…you BITCH!” Xavier screamed as he rushed at her. He had begun to conjure a spell but was cut off by Raine.

“That old trick won’t work Xavier. Here…try this one! Plures Catena!” Raine yelled. Immediately after, her horn glowed yellow and Xavier was stopped dead in his tracks. Tiny yellow chains had him bound as she lifted him into the air with her magic.

“Do you remember this one? I would often use this one to choke the life out of hapless runaways…like you.” Raine said. She tightened her magic’s grip. Twilight and her friends could do nothing but watch.

“Wait! Is that dad’s locket there?” Raine asked. She used her magic to pull it off Xavier’s neck.

“Give that back!” He shouted.

“Hmmmmmm, let me think about it…no.” Raine continued to tighten her grip. Xavier had begun to scream and choke out of agony. Twilight’s eyes had begun to tear up at the sight. Xavier struggled to breathe as he spoke out to her.

“Twilight…listen to me. No matter what happens, don’t attack her. She is too strong for you all I am afraid. I ran away, so I have to face my verdict. But hey, don’t cry okay? I remember when you almost cried the first time we meet in the woods; you are prettier smiling. Be happy Twilight, same goes for the rest of you. Never let go of our friendship or the memories we shared, okay?” Xavier was losing consciousness. Twilight was crying heavily, but still manages to respond.

“Ill never let go Xavier…I promise.” She responded. Xavier smiled and said his last words.

“I love you Twilight…thank you…for everything…” Xavier had shed his final tear. He had left this world, smiling.

“Awww, how pathetically sweet this is. It’s such a shame.” Raine said. She signaled to her two minions and began to make their leave. She had kept her grip on Xavier, planning to take him with her. Suddenly, a familiar voice to all of Ponyville had spoke.

“That’s far enough!” From the skies, Princess Celestia had descended. She used her magic to cut the chains that had Xavier bound; he fell to the ground, lifeless. His locket had done the same.

“Who the hell are you?!” Raine asked.

“I am Princess Celestia. I was informed of some trouble happening in Ponyville. I believe that we do have a problem here, thank you for writing to me Spike.” She responded aloud. Spike had taken the liberty to write to her in the midst of everything.

“Oh, and what problem do we have?! He is my property, here is your proof.” Raine said. She had asked one of her minions to pull out the contract. Raine used her magic to toss it to Celestia. In turn, she used her magic to catch it and began to read over it.

“See?! He is mine, so ill be making my leave n…” Celestia stopped Raine.

“I’m afraid not.” Celestia said. She used her magic to then tear up the contract and cast it into the wind. Everypony was in awe of her actions. She began to speak again.

“You violated the contract; therefore, I have the right to revoke it. It states that the contract is valid as long as runaway ponies are reclaimed peacefully from villages and houses. Judging by young Sweetie Belle’s scar across her stomach, I believe that the contract is void. I saw that Nexus Spiritum you conjured, I know quite a bit about them. Sweetie Belle’s injury was your doing. Sorry, but I am deeming that contract as null and invalid.” She said. Raine was furious and responded.

“Who are you to make that decision!?” She asked.

“The Princess of this land, that’s who. You will be making your leave now...without Xavier” Celestia said.

“Fine…you can have him, he’s dead anyway. He was a good toy while he lasted.” Raine said as she turned to make her leave. Twilight then rushed to Xavier’s side. She placed her hoof on his face, he was cold.

“No…...no…Xavier! Come on, wake up! Please wake up Xavier!” He was still and silent. Twilight had begun to cry more heavily as the realization set in. She reached over to grab his locket and placed it around his neck. She then spoke.

“I love you too…Xavier. I-I won’t forget anything…I promise. I hope that your time here was good and that you felt loved by everypony. Ill keep up my lessons that you taught me too. Ill miss you Xavier…” She clutched Xavier and hugged him tightly as her tears fell onto his body. Her friends walked up to them, they all had tears in their eyes. Twilight looked up to see Raine walking away, her anger had begun to rise.

“Bring him back! I know you can so do it!” She screamed. Raine turned around to face Twilight and respond to her demand.

“Why should I?” Raine responded. Rarity stepped forward and spoke.

“You know...it was my sister that your creature almost killed. You caused a lot of grief and suffering that day. My sister means the world to me…just as your brother should mean the world to you. He told us about the time he stood up for you and protected you. He got himself exiled because of you…you owe him that. So bring him back…please…” She said. Raine was silent to her response and thought about that day Xavier told them about. Raine had begun to walk back forward to Xavier.

“…Fine…if you want him so bad, you can have him. I do owe him for protecting me all these years. He was the one who taught me the evil-warding spells anyway.” She approached him and Twilight and asked her to move aside. Twilight looked up at her and moved.

“Xavier has done a lot of protecting in his life. You ponies here make sure to protect him. Donum Vitae…” She said. From her horn came a glowing white aura, similar to the one Xavier used on Sweetie Belle.

“I remember when Xavier saved my life with this once. It was I who taught him this one. I am glad that he was able to use it to save your sister’s life” Raine said turning to Rarity. After a few moments the aura resided and she gave her brother a kiss on the cheek.

“He will awake soon. Tell him that I said thanks for everything.” Raine said.

“Why not tell him yourself?” Twilight asked. Raine looked up and responded.

“It would be best if I remained out of his life…I’ve hurt him enough.” She said

“Tell him that I am sorry for everything and that I love him…” Raine and her minions had turned around and left ponyville, never to return. A few minutes later, Xavier had begun to move and awaken. Twilight was ecstatic and grabbed him and held him close; he did the same and began to speak.

“Did I hear you right? Did you say that you…loved me?” Xavier asked smiling. Twilight had wept with joy and responded.

“Yes Xavier…I do.” Twilight leaned forward and gave Xavier a kiss. Afterwards, all of Twilight’s friends gathered around and hugged Xavier. Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo all dove in too. It was true; Xavier did feel loved by everypony.

Eventually, the townsfolk had returned home and Celestia returned to her castle; Twilight and Xavier were ever grateful for her actions. Celestia had given Xavier permission to stay with Twilight as long as he didn’t interrupt her studies. Later on at Twilight’s library, Twilight informed him about what his sister had said and done. Xavier was sad, yet grateful for her saving him like she did. He was able to fix his locket and wear it again; he did so in good memory of his sister and family.

Xavier and Twilight relaxed with each other later in the evening while Spike did some cleaning. She would nuzzle him and he would nuzzle her back. They both had grown to love each other dearly and had hoped to share their lives together. Later that same night, Twilight and him practiced some magic and then proceeded to go to bed. However, things went a little different than usual.

“Ummm, Xavier?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, what is it Twilight”? He responded.

“You know, you could sleep up here with me tonight if you wanted.” She had begun to blush immensely. Xavier did the same.

“Sure.” He said. They both lie down next to each other and hold each other closely. Twilight had another question however.

“Xavier…promise me that you will always be here to love and hold me, okay?” She asked. Xavier tightened his grip on her.

“I will forever Twilight…and I will never let go.” They both smiled and went to sleep. They both had dreams about the future they were going to have together. Xavier had made many friends in Ponyville and was looking forward to spending his days with them. And Twilight was happy to have finally met somepony who was skilled at magic and sophisticated like her. Xavier and Twilight wanted to live out the rest of their days together, and nothing could stop them.

The End.

And remember everypony, never let go of your loves, hopes, and dreams.

Author's Note:

This is my first fan-fiction so please go easy one me. I hope you all enjoyed!

Comments ( 35 )

I haven't read this, but everything about the story seems slightly off. It seems like someone who doesn't understand exactly how English works has written a story using it. This is not meant to be antagonizing, just an observation.

2191030 What exactly do you mean? Whats is off about it? I am new to writing stories like this and all. Some supportive criticism would help.

I've noticed a few large problems with the story. I'll skip grammar, because even though you did use it wrong on several occasions, that was minor compared to the real problems.

The biggest one is that you either have no idea how the mind of a sentient being responds to conflict, or you don't understand how to put it on paper. Your characters constantly skip obvious thoughts that they should have to advance the plot more quickly. You need to write the story as if it were from some sort of mindset. I only read the start of the story, but Twilight should not have responded to the colt as she did. She is too passive on the matter. She takes the initiative to chase him, but when she catches him, she defaults to the submissive role, even though he is clearly in a disturbed mental state. A responsible adult would try to comport the child first. I read like five things like this in just the first 1500 words.

Second, you have no understanding of tone. The story is tagged sad, but it's written like a comedy in terms of style. You made no effort to form a connection to any of the characters. You just listed the events that happened in chunky paragraphs and separated it with clunky dialogue that sounded unrealistic because of what I said before. To make a story sad, you have to get people to relate.

I suggest you read some books -- or at least some quality fanfiction -- and take a serious note as to how the writers achieve an effective story. There's really no simple fix for this story. You just have to learn the hard way, how to write.

Very good and intense also i very much love it.

Ok.. I just gotta say to FakeScienceMonthly... go easy on him, he's a good friend of mine and listening to Micthemicrophone read fanfics inspired us to start writing them. I personally think it's a really great story even if the grammar is slightly off. Not only that but he did put a LOT of hard work into this fanfic. This... isn't criticism... this is a pretty cruel comment.

Actually almost none of the "Sad" stories of this fandom are sad. They just pretend to be sad. Or they try it way too hard for their own good.

2192974 You are reading the wrong sad stories mate.

2191817 Its true. I don't really have a lot of experience with writing these. I work full time and do full time college so I didn't have the time that I wanted on it. I'm used to writing damn college paper and nothing else sadly. Thanks for your input though, Ill try and do the next one better :)

2191904 Thanks. Ill try and make the next one better.

2191817 This is great criticism. It points out the problems, makes suggestion on how to improve, and is critical without being a total douche.

2192695 Your problem is you're his friend and you're taking it as a personal attack. The point of the comment was to help the guy improve. Being your friend doesn't mean he gets a free pass. It might be direct, but your friend should be happy to have someone tell him the truth. Stories and writers fail because of the ego that they can't do wrong or improve. I sincerely hope he heeds the advice and improves.

And as for you author, I agree with the first guy, and think you need to learn to tag things better. Your OC is obviously going to be the focus of the story, that should be a character tag over the rest. On top of that, he's heavily Gary Sue.

2192974 It's true, but there's still a big difference between a good sadfic and a poor one. They are actually very formulaic, and about as easy to dissect as action movies. The problem with most of them is that they degrade into crying porn, and when you look at the individual elements, they make no sense. It's certainly possible to use the sad tag for a story that incidentally is sad, but a lot of the time writers seem to start with the feelings and then work the plot around them, which is a big mistake. However readers on this site seem to like that, and those story's are often featured. So I guess at this point it's a supply and demand thing.

2193449 Yeah I admit I did take it as a personal attack on him because I do personally know him. But you're right, in the writing life style people are going to be cold hearted and criticize your writing to make you improve and for that I feel like I should apologize for how I reacted, my bad Melakai haha (I want to say your real damn damn it >> lol not used to calling you Melakai XD).

2191817 I feel like I've got to apologize for what I've said in response to the comment on my friends fanfic. Though he did put a lot of work into it. I still gotta say sorry.

2193516 You do have a good point. I am more a musician than anything XD My writings do need work. But I sure as heck wont give up! Do you know any good sad-fics/fan-fics I can read for a good pointers?

Dude... Can you read my mind? :rainbowlaugh:

2193449 I didn't know that there was an order for tagging lol. I wish I did have more time for this story though, it was rushed. Do you have any good stories to suggest?

2193652 Oh, don't feel bad. You've really got to go about the internet taking a step back from anything before you act. It can be hard writing, because you have to be open to do it (exposing your own weaknesses), and I can understand why you would want to defend your friend. I don't hold it against you.

For your first fanfic, you did pretty good. A bit rushed, but good nontheless. Also you spelled "philly" wrong. it's filly not philly. I really enjoyed it and hope to see more from you.

2193723 You're right XD but thanks though. I'm going to read around some and reattempt another one later on.

2193648 I'm sure no harm is done, and this reaction is... refreshing. To evolve we must first accept that mistakes were made.:twilightsmile:

2193714 You only tag main characters. If the story is abour RD, but it has Fluttershy in for moments here and there without any real plot importance, you tag RD and not Shy. However if Shy is say, Rainbow Dash's support, often being there to uplift and help her, than Shy should be tagged. You get five tags, choose the best five, if you even need five.

The Great Dragon, The Price of Friendship, and Precious Gem

2191038 I've got a lot of thoughts, so I am just going to list them.
1. Show, don't tell. I know this is such an overused mantra by every writing instructor ever, but It is true. Use less words to describe how character feels and more words to instill that feeling in the reader.
A) "“Twilight, behind you!!! “ He screamed to warn her about the approaching danger." - The part about approaching danger is unnecessary. Don't tell us about the danger, just give it to us. Something like: ["Twilight, behind you!" He screamed as a black mass knocked her to the ground and made off with the locket.]
B)"She searched for about 15 minutes before Spike lost patience. The weather had began to wear on them as well.
“Come on Twi! This rain is becoming unbearable. Let’s head back before we get sick.” Spike called out."
- You tell us three times that spike has lost patience. That isn't really necessary. Try something like:
[Spike watched Twilight search every branch, bush, tree and hole in the area, completely uphazed by the rain that battered his scales. "Twilight, can't we go in already? We're gonna get sick."]
2. Your word choices are a bit strange, and sometimes redundant. Fancy words are nice, but if you start using too many of them together, it begins to be distracting.
A)"As she nearly almost gave up the search, she heard a rather precarious shuffle in the woods nearby."
- This sentence has both of the problems. You don't need nearly and almost. They mean close enough to the same thing that either one will work, but not both. The other problem is "rather precarious". That is a weird way to describe shuffling and it doesn't really work. I would redo this sentence as: [Just as she was getting ready to quit, she heard a faint shuffle from the direction of the woods.]
3.You seem to be having a problem with your tenses. I know it can be challenging, but you really need to stay consistent.
A) "There was a slight chill and the town’s residents have begun to awaken from their sleep." - In this, the second sentence, you switch from the past tense to the present perfect. I know it's a little strange, but you just can't do that.
[The morning brought with it a cold breeze that chilled the waking townsfolk.]
4. You need to very your sentence structures. If you have a bunch of sentences that look the same all near each other, it will start to get repetitive.
A)”Twilight kept in pursuit of the mysterious pony. As they ran, the forest became more jagged and coarse. As the pony ran ahead, a jagged rock struck its leg and it had come crashing into the thick shrubbery that lied ahead, gashing into its side. The pony became still in agony and gave up its escape. Twilight carefully approached in anticipation of the hurt pony lashing out. As Twilight got closer she noticed that it was a colt, a unicorn at that; he was brown with a dark brown mane and had blue eyes. His body was interwoven with scars and a few sores. Suddenly he spoke."
- You start your sentences with "as" a lot, and not just in this paragraph. I completely understand, as I once found I had used the word "often" something like six times in one paragraph. As a writer, this is just something you need to check yourself on. Additionally, don't always start your sentence with the subject. I won't rewrite the entire paragraph, but I'll do a little.
[The mysterious pony showed no sign of stopping. Despite her best efforts, rocks, plants and other hazards allowed the fleeing pony to keep its lead. Struggling to keep up, Twilight saw the other pony leap over a log, only to come crashing to a halt as its leg caught on a stone and it slid across the ground. The pony gave a defeated moan and she could see that a jagged rock had torn a gash in the pony's side that was now bleeding profusely.]
5. My last advice to you is to read. A lot. Read as much as you can, whenever you can. The very best way to understand writing is to see as much of it as you can. There is a lot of great stuff just on this site and it would behoove you to check out as much as you can. I hope all of this helps and wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

2193879 Yeah I know that I totally screwed the tenses all to crap. You make a lot of good points though. Thanks for the time and effort on the comment :pinkiesmile:

2193879 Darn I can use this advice for my own fanfics lol

2193912 Feel free to ask for a review anytime. I'm happy to help.

Will you recommend me one good Sad story?

2196148 I linked 3 in the comments above.

Good story. The sentence wording seemed a bit off, a bit like the way people who've learnt English as a second language speak it. I couldn't help but read it with an accent in my head, but hey, that's not such a bad thing. Overall, well done, there are a few nitpicks i had, but nothing to warrant the amount of dislikes it has. I think a swarm of uber-critics read your story, that's all. Good work and i look forward to more from you in future. :pinkiehappy:

2203024 Thanks! And yeah I didn't really have the time that I wanted to put into this. I am used to writing strict essays and papers for college lol. But thanks a ton man :pinkiehappy:

2206480 I've uploaded another story. Take a look at that one and see if it's any better , if you haven't already. :D

Hmmmm, not bad the only problem is the 180 turn the villain did at the end. I mean she was happily choking the life from him and then the next she says she's sorry and she love him? :derpyderp2: I'd suggest re write of the ending and either giving more a reason for her shift or make her less of a monster otherwise its hard to really like this. but I will say beyond that point this is well done, I hope to see more from you in the future. :twilightsmile:

2376226 Yeah, I wish I had more time to work on this. I may re-write it one day ^_^ If you want to, you can check out my other story on here. That one got a great response from the community :pinkiehappy: Thanks for reading though :scootangel:

An interesting story... but I'm not quite sure whether or not I like it. It had me at first, but... as it went on, it started to lose me.
Still, I give it a like.

3136426 I understand. I had a lot of stuff come up and I wasn't able to really solidify the last half of it :ajsleepy: Thanks though :D

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