• Published 29th Jan 2012
  • 613 Views, 1 Comments

Double Trouble - CometDweller

Two twin ponies somehow find themselves travelling to Ponyville in crates. What are they up too?

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Rocky Arrivals Part 2

(Sorry that the last chapter took so long. School is always going to distract me from writing. Also, Skyrim and Modern Warfare 3 and Gears and well... you see where this is going. I'm guessing that until I go on vacation i'll write at least two chapters a week. Seems adequate, I guess. *Sigh* like I noted in the previous chapter I need an editor. Going over my own work numerous times cuts into the hours I can continue writing. Anyway, here's chapter 2.5.)

Trade's face went completely red, and his ears felt like they were burning. Both ponies were caught in some sort of trance, like a deer in cartlights. Trade knew he was caught, he was screwed, and he was teetering atop a twelve foot bookshelf. In the instant of her intrusion Trade's mind went blank, as was Twilight's. The window was but a few inches in front of his face, but he couldn't take his eyes of of her. He could have just easily jumped through, but he couldn't muster up the will to do it. The static in his head told him to say something, anything... so he did. His throat tightened and his thoughts focused, but out of all the things he could have said. "Uh... hi..." blurted out.

Twilight's face went from shock and confusion to well, even more shock and confusion. She just continued to stare at him with bewilderment. Trade's comment was met by an immediate creaking noise. His eyes shot to the size of pebbles as did Twilight's. Even more creaking sounded from the wooden behemoth as it began to tip over. Spike approaches Twilight pouting, totally oblivious to the situation. Stomping with impatience he finally reaches the doorway, "Twilight, whats going on were late. WHO IS THAT!" The random outburst within the room broke the ambiance. Trade's focus went from Twilight face straight to the bookcase.

Twilight broke from her trance, "What the hay are you doing in here!" Just then Trade lost his balance and plummeted to the ground. Both Twilight and Spike fixing their eyes to Trade. Twilight was about to unleash a tongue lashing, but suddenly the bookcase creaked even louder. The enormous behemoth was about to reek its revenge on every lumberjack in the world, and came crashing down on top of Trade.

Trade looks up only able to fit in a "Oh shit!" before the bookshelf came crashing down. *BOOM* The sound streaked throughout the whole library and perhaps the whole town. Twilight and Spike were thrown back into the mainroom as billow of dust seeped out of the study. Looking back, Twilight saw nothing recognizable; the room was filled with too much dust. Spike got to his feet and scurried to open a window. A gush of cool air flowed in knocking back the grey cloud, revealing the disaster within the study.Rubbing her head with her hoof, Twilight finally came to her senses. She drew her gaze toward the study to see what had happened.

Carrots and books were scattered about, shards of glass were everywhere, and her immense bookcase was in shambles. None the less Twilight's face is in shock, but then it clicked. "Oh my Celestia, where is he!" The white-haired pony was no where to be seen, only a mound of books and wood lay in his place. She jumps into the room kicking the bookcase's parts aside. Spike follows to help remove the wooden beast. At the bottom of the wreckage, Trade was dazed with stars in his eyes and books in his face.After a full minute, Twilight sees the pony and removes the book on his face. Trade gaspes for air announcing in a semiconscious state, "I can fix that," just before blacking out.


"Aaaaaoooooow, what just happened..." Trade regained consciousness to see that he was dragged out into the mainroom. "Hey you're finally awake," Twilight said from the kitchen. "I was getting ready to pour ice cold water on you." In the background Trade hears a pout, "Hmf I wanted to see him get soaked." Trade glances into the kitchen to see the purple unicorn giving the dragon a stare. Trade lifted his hoof rubbing his face, "Hey, sorry about... that." He looks at the wreckage in the study. Twilight walks in holding a tray of hot towels with her magic, "Well, I hope so. You caused a rather large mess." Trade sits up listening to his bones and muscles ache, letting out a loud sigh. Twilight lifts one of the towels and hands it to Trade at a distance. Rather than using his own magic, he gets up and takes it for himself.

Muffling the towel on his face, "Yeah, it's a long story. And about the bookcase, I'll fix that up for you and get out of your mane." Twilight looks to the study, "Well, that can wait till tomorrow... are you sure you're feeling alright. You were almost crushed by a four hundred pound bookcase." Trade retreats to his spot on the floor waving his hoof in the air, "I'm fine, I'm fine. You don't need too worry about me, but I do need to get out of here." Twilight steps back into the kitchen. "What's the rush, it's already midnight." Trade immediately swings his head around to look out the window. To his surprise Luna's moon was high in the night sky.

"Oh great, I'm never gunna hear the end of this." Trade laments. Twilight returns with a batch of bright pink and green cupcakes, eating one on her way in, "By the way, my name is Twilight Sparkle and my little helper here is Spike." She walks past Trade placing the tray on a table behind him. Trade brings his attention to the purple mound sleeping on the couch snoring away. "My name's Trade Dweller," he responds. Twilight trots over to the snoozing dragon and lifts him with magic. "Sorry, I'll be right with you. Let me put him in bed." Twilight said as she trotted upstairs. Trade thought it was funny how Spike just floated there in her grasp, as she brought him upstairs.

Trade looked around taking in the ambiance of the room. The room itself wasn't entirely square like a normal home would be. Apart from the obvious fact that it was a library, the wood detailing was all natural and unrefined, not even varnished. Trade stood up taking in every detail of the oddity that is this 'home'. All of a sudden the aroma of strawberry and apple filled the room. Trade looked over to the cupcake, his mouth moist with the sight of them. He trotted over examining the small delicacies. They were no more than fourteen of them, all with a small difference in pattern, design, and... sprinkles. Trade pick one of them up, sampling it. His mouth stung with the explosion his taste buds felt. Immediately he gobbled it up, bringing his hooves to his face from the overbearing sweetness.

Minutes later, Twilight slowly stepped down the stairs, being careful not to wake Spike. Her gait was gentle, as if she was walking on thin ice. Almost floating as she took each step. Making her way to the bottom of the stairs she glanced over at Trade, who seemed to not have moved. He remained siting on the ground, like an oblivious dog lost in his thought. Twilight trotted over to the couch where she plopped herself down, making a loud *fwoop* sound.

"So Mr. Dweller, what are you doing here in Ponyville?" Twilight says in a friendly tone. Trade sighs, "Like I said, it's a long story and I really wouldn't want to trouble you with it." Twilight takes her sight off Trade and to her platter of cupcakes, only to see that one remained. She smirks, taking the last cupcake, "Well, if you're staying the night anyway. I might as well know why you're here." Trade's eyebrows perk at the unannounced invitation, "You can actually just call me Trade. And for being in Ponyville..." Trade pauses mid-sentence, trying to think of something. "My brother and I are travelling the world."

"In boxes..." Twilight retorts. "Yeah... before I can get out you carried me here." Trade rises from his spot, sighting an open chair across the room. "We just love travelling. Always on the go. It's an adventure." Twilight senses that he's covering up for somthing so she decides to change the topic. "You mentioned a brother." Trade plops down in the open chair. Somewhat a challenging task. "Yeah, he's my twin brother." Trade says nothing more, leaving an awkward silence followed by a loud yawn. Twilight knew that he wasn't going to say much more. He wasn't about to let his walls down to just any stranger. Twilight coughed breaking the silence, "Well, for tonight you can sleep in the guest room. It's at the end of the hall past the kitchen. We can talk more tomorrow. For now, you should get some rest." She gets up from her couch neatening it with a quick wave of magic, returning it to its 'couchy' glory. "Feel free to make yourself comfortable, and grab a book or something." She trotted to the stairs yawning, "Good night, and try not to climb on any of the furniture." Trade lets out a chuckle, "I'll try not to, thanks."

(Trade's perspective)

Twilight made her way upstairs, leaving me with the rest of the house. It was dead silent, yet peaceful. I sat in her chair for what seemed like an hour, just taking in the silence. To close my eyes and hear nothing, was bliss. I didn't even want to budge, it felt so good just to sit here not to worry about anything. I know Comet is out there somewhere, but I'm sure he's safe for the time being. But yet again, he's still Comet. I'm sure he'll find a way to get into trouble.

My romp was getting sore so I jumped to my hooves, slowly making my way around the house. I didn't want to touch anything, but I felt like giving myself a quick tour if Twilight's home. I saw enough of the mainroom to know that it was the library, so I trotted over to the the kitchen. There wasn't anything too significant about it. All together it was pretty standard with fruits and vegetables stacking the shelves. "She said to make myself comfortable, I guess she wouldn't mind if I made myself a quick bite."

Rummaging through the drawers and cabinets I found the essentials to make myself a quick sandwich. Some white bread, lettuce, tomato, cheese, and daisies would do. I had about everything, except a plate or something to eat on. Looking around the kitchen, I noticed that Twilight places all the dishes and bowls up the high shelf. I grabbed a chair from the mainroom, placing it in front of the counter top where the shelf was. I hopped on trying to reach the plates, but I still couldn't reach. I let out a big sigh, jumping down.

"Dammit, I guess I have to use magic." With a turn of my head I concentrated on the plate. I felt a force of energy rise from my head and to my horn. I closed my eyes clearing my thoughts, only thinking about the plates on the top shelf. A faint gold haze enveloped my horn as the plates started to clatter together. "Oh c'mon, I just want the plate. Let's not make this a fiasco." I concentrated even harder, trying to use the least amount of magic as possible. "... c'mon, c'mon, c'mon.....oh buck it." I relaxed and gave a dead stare at the plates. My horn suddenly shined, illuminated the whole room with light.

With surgical precision each plate rose, allowing the last plate to fly out of out of the shelf. "Ok, now stop. Let's stop. Stop please." As I held the plate I felt the energy funneling into my horn. I was like a balloon filling with air, ready to pop at any second. "Oh hay, no no no!" The plate was shaking in place as beats of sweat trickled down my face. "No no no, I need something." My heart was almost throbbing, I needed to use up my magic. I turned to the counter where all my ingredients were. In a lightning fast motion the plate slammed to the table, kicking up all the ingredients in a magic glow. Knives flew out from the cupboard prepped for further use. My head started to ache and rattle with pain. "Alright... now the sandwich." In the gold aura the knives met the produce, slicing and dicing them in an organized fashion. I felt the head lighten up as the vegetables fell to the counter in their own little piles. With magic, I picked up the bread and cut two slices. "Almost... done, c'mon enough magic. Stop." All the ingredients came together forming a sandwich. "Just a little more, seriously stop." I held the sandwich in front of me, letting the rest of my magic out. I clamped my eyes shut, just releasing the energy.

Seconds later, I collapsed on the floor panting from my culinary episode. "Finally" *huff* "over" *huff*. I rose from the floor, stumbling to my hooves. Bringing my attention to the counter, I saw my sandwich sitting there steaming with a delicious aroma. It was toasted to fine brown. Detailed swirls and lines coated the toast, as if done by a coffeehouse brew-master. Aside from the sandwich I pretty much trashed the kitchen. As if I can't do one thing without a disaster happening.

After a good thirty minutes of cleaning, I took my gourmet sandwich an proceeded down the hall. Holding a plate in my mouth wasn't the hard part, but to see where you were going is another thing. I tip-toed down the hall, slowly bringing each hoof ahead. The library eventually looked more like an actual home the further I trotted down the hall. There were actual walls rather than the natural wood. It was painted green with pictures lining the walls. I recognized all the pictures with Twilight and Spike, but there were dozens more. Some even had Princess Celestia and Luna in them. I would have been more surprised, but I had a sandwich waiting to be eaten. I didn't really care.

I turned the corner of the hall revealing the spare room. It was average at best, having the basic commodities. A bed, bookshelf, dresser, closet, you name it. I sat down on the bed eating my sandwich, enjoying each and every bite. It had probably been two weeks since I had a actual meal... other than carrots and scraps. Setting the plate aside, I plopped into my bed, immediately tossing the covers on top of me. I chuckled at the feeling, as the comfort was overbearing. It felt so wonderful to finally have a bed to rest in. Letting out a big sigh of relief, I threw my head into the pillow. It was like a big soft marshmallow, graciously wrapping around the outline of my head.

I was asleep in seconds, sleeping in my poofy marshmellowy heaven.

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