• Published 23rd Feb 2013
  • 2,852 Views, 63 Comments

The Machine - ADRNEL

Adam Gray, 19th century scientist, Time Travels into the future and ends up in Equestria.

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Chapter VII~The Princess (First Part)~

Chapter VII

The Princess

First Part

Day 30

At Golden Oaks Library, Adam and Twilight are packing up, getting ready for their trip to Canterlot to meet Princess Celestia. Adam gets all of his items ready into a small saddlebag while Twilight leaves Spike instructions on how to run the library while they're gone. They then hear a knock on the door, Twilight uses her magic to open it to reveal Fluttershy, with saddlebags.

"Fluttershy? What are you doing here?" asked the confused purple unicorn.

"Well...I heard you were going to see Princess Celestia, and I thought I could come along to put a good word in for Adam...if you don't mind of course." nervously stated Fluttershy, letting herself in.

"But I thought you said you had things to do." continued Twilight, still confused.

"Don't worry about it Twilight, if Fluttershy wants to come along, then she can come along, the more the merrier." stated Adam, he needs all the support he can get when facing Celestia.

What Adam and Twilight fail to realise is that the real reason Fluttershy wants to come along is so she can spend more time with the human.

At the Ponyville train station, Adam, Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy all board the next train to Canterlot and say goodbye to Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash who have work obligations.

Adam, Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy get into their compartment and sit down, Adam sitting next to the window, Fluttershy next to him and Twilight Sparkle across. Adam spends most of the journey stareing out the window, watching the passing landscape. He is reminded of his first time riding a train when he was 18, it was to go from his home in Tennessee to Columbia University for school.

“From the instructions Princess Celestia gave me this morning, several royal guards will be waiting for us when we get there, and they’ll escort us to the palace.” explained Twilight.

After several hours travel, Fluttershy speaks out “There it is!” Adam turns to look out the window to see a beautiful city next to the side of a mountain, and impressive castle. He realizes that he’s looking at the capitol of the world he is now in.

The train stops at the train station, and the three of them get off the train, only to be greeted by several guards, especially their leader, a white unicorn with a blue mane. “May we ask that you step away from the creature so we can escort him to the castle.” said the unicorn, Adam figures out that he must be their leader.

“Shining Armor?” said Twilight, confused. “What are you doing here?”

“Sister?” said Shining Armor, also confused. “I should ask the same.”

“We came hear to see Princess Celestia as requested.” explained Twilight.

“Well, Princess Celestia ordered that we personally escort him, to safeguard the safety of her subjects.” he explained. “So you and your friend can go to the castle yourselves, while we escort the creature.”

“He’s not a creature, his name is Adam and he has rights like anypony.” complained the purple unicorn to her brother.

“Sorry sis, just following orders.” explained Shining.

“But-“ Twilight was about to interject but Adam gently nudges her.

“Don’t worry, as long as we follow orders, things will be fine, I’ll be okay, don’t worry.” whispered Adam into Twilight ear. Twilight relents and backs-off as ordered by her brother.

Shining Armor then throws at saddlebag at him. “The princess also requested that you put all items you brought along into the bag to be confiscated until the end of the hearing, and we’re also confiscating the machine you came in as we speak.”

Adam got upset over the last part, but reluctantly follows his instructions, he does not want to cause trouble. He places his pocket watch, almanac, and pistol with bullets into the saddlebag and hands them to Shining Armor.

“Come with us.” ordered Shining Armor, Adam follows his lead while being surrounded by several guards. Twilight and Fluttershy are transported by carriage to the castle instead.

Adam looks around seeing the city, most of the inhabitants are unicorns, and many of them stareing at him and the sight of the guards escorting him. He feels like a man about to face execution. They finally reach the castle at the far end of the main street and enter the grounds. The castle doors are opened with magic and Adam is escorted inside, the group stops.

“Okay, I’ll take it from here.” announced Shining Armor. The rest of the guards leave to return to their posts. Adam follows Shining Armor deeper into the castle.

“I never knew Twilight’s brother was head of the royal guards, must be why she’s close to the Princess.” theorized Adam. Shining Armor didn’t speak.

Soon the two are down in the dungeons, Adam sees that it’s hardly been used, until they reach their destination.

“You are free to wander the castle grounds and main floor, but no where else, you are expected to stay inside your cell from sunset until sunrise and you’ll be given meals twice a day, understand?” explained Shining Armor.

Adam just nods, “Good, sunset is in four hours, and your hearing is planned for noon tomorrow, good night.” Shining Armor then walks off, leaving Adam to check his cell.

The cell has a bed, nightstand and a squat toilet in the corner farthest away from the bed, with a sink.

“We’ll at least it’s only house arrest.” said Adam to himself.

In the throne room, Celestia is secretly speaking to a guard.

"You've been spying on him for a month now, what do you have on him?" asked the princess to the guard.

"Nothing that threatens your kingdom ma'am." answered the guard. "He even managed to save Ponyville from a corrupt Trixie."

"I heard about that from Twilight, the method he used to defeat her disturbed me." explained Celestia, blushing.

"But at least it stopped her." added the guard.

Celestia just sighs, "Just make sure he doesn't cause or get into trouble, understand?"

The guard just nods in agreement and marches off.

"He saved Ponyville for the sake of the ponies? What kind of human is he?" mumbled Celestia to herself.

Adam is walking around the castle, although he sees guards blocking all stairways up, even the elevator, making him limited to only the main floor, Adam then sees a huge portrait of Princess Celestia in the main hall, a while unicorn with pegasus wings and a large flowing mane and tail.

“How does she brush that thing?” pondered Adam to himself.

"Ah, Twilight, Fluttershy, great to see you here!" greeted Celestia in her study as the unicorn and pegasus walk in to meet her.

"Thanks." greeted back Twilight, happy to see her mentor again.

"So I'm guessing you two know why you're here?" asked Celestia, the two mares just nod in agreement. "What do you think about the human?" she asked.

"He seems eager to fit in here in Equestria, and tries really hard not to upset any ponies back in Ponyville." explained Twilight.

"I heard about his brave actions when Trixie came to your town, his method of defeating her was...intresting to say the least." stated the princess.

"Well...he really didn't know what would happen, he just did to save us from getting hurt." sheepishly answered Twilight.

Celestia then turns to Fluttershy. "Fluttershy, you're a good judge of charcter, what do you think about him?" she asks.

"Oh um...he's really nice and dependable, heart in the right place and very wise." timidly stated the pegasus.

Celestia just smiles at her answer, although her eyes hint that it was not the answer the princess wanted to hear.

An hour later, Twilight is wandering the castle grounds looking for Adam, she decides to search for him in the castle statue garden and maze. Twilight then finds Adam examining a random statue.

“Facsinating, these statues are very detailed.” said Adam to himself.

“Found you!” exclaimed Twilight.

Adam turns around, and they both greet each other.

“How are they treating you?” asked Twilight.

“Fine, I’m restricted on where to go though.” explained Adam, slightly hostel at his treatment.

“So, you’re examining the statues?” asked Twilight, curious to what the human is doing.

“Yes, they look so realistic, every fine detail captured, who was the sculpter?” asked Adam.

“Hm, never asked.” wondered the unicorn.

Adam then goes over to another statue, this time the statue wasn’t a pony, but one of a strange looking creature. “But this, this is the most intresting.” pointed out Adam. Twilight looks to find the statue of the creature she was responsible in turning into a statue. “You can actually feel it’s pain, you almost feel sorry for this creature.” Adam went on about the creature.

Twilight was about to explain to him about the creature but is interrupted by her brother, Shining Armor. “Sunset is in an hour, time to escort you back to your cell.” he announced.

Adam reluctantly follows him, but not before taking a quick look at the statue. “And I must scream.” mumbled Adam to the statue, and is taken to the cell.

Twilight looks back at the statue and can almost hear the creatures laugh again.

In the guest chambers in the Royal Palace, both Twilight and Fluttershy are getting ready for bed, the unicorn sees her pegasus friend just laying on the bed, blankly stareing at the ceiling.

"What's wrong Fluttershy?" asked a concerned Twilight.

"Uh...nothing," states the pegasus, snaping out of her thoughts. "I'm just worried about Adam...that's all."

"Don't worry, I'm sure he'll be fine, I can guerentee you that by tomorrow, Celestia will see that he's not a threat and will let him stay for as long as he wants." stated Twilight, cheering her friend up.

"I hope you're right..." mumbled Fluttershy.

Adam is in his cell, looking at the ceiling, suddenly, he hears a knock on the door and food is pushed into the room thru a small hatch at the bottom of the door. It is dinner time.

He goes to door to pick up the tray to see a sandwich, but not just any sandwich, but a HAM sandwich. He tastes the sandwich and finds it great, just as great as the stuff served in the local delis from his hometown.

“A ham sandwich, how did they know!?” said Adam to himself while eating it. He manages to eat the whole thing within 10 minuets. Then, he hears the door to his cell open, and turns to see a dark blue unicorn with pegasus wings, wearing armor. Adam is intimidated by this but remains calm.

“ARE YOU THE ONE THEY CALL ADAM GRAY?” asked the imposing figure in a booming voice.

“Yes, that is me.” answered Adam.


“What do you want?” asked Adam, still slightly intimidated.

“I just came to see what my sister will be facing tomorrow at the hearing. Sorry for the armor, but it was they only way my sister would allow me inside your cell alone.” explained Luna, speaking in a normal voice.

“Well, as you can see, I’m not much, I’m just Alice in wonderland.” stated Adam.

Suddenly, Luna’s horn starts to glow and Adam kneels down in sudden pain. Adam starts to feel his memories and dreams surging in his head, he can feel his skull trying to contain this surge and at the same time he can hear voices from his head until a gunshot is heared and the pain stops. Adam opens his eyes to find himself in a park in winter along with Luna.

“Where…how…?” asked a confused Adam.

“I was scanning your memories and dreams, and I found this to be the most powerful.” explained Luna. “Athens, Ohio, winter, age 30, the day your girlfriend died.” she stated.

Adam looks to see his past self holding Mary in his arms, “Please wake up, please.” said past Adam to himself repeatedly.

“Please Luna, stop, I can’t see anymore.” said present Adam, starting to cry from the sight, to Luna. Luna’s horn glows again and they then find themselves in the cell again.

“I’ll be presenting my findings to my sister to be used in your hearing tomorrow.” explained Luna. “Have a good night’s sleep.” Luna then walks towards the door.

“Wait! Is she going to use what you saw against me?” asked a confused Adam.

“What my sister does with the knowledge I give her is up to her.” said Luna as she leaves the cell, the door closes again.

Adam then decides to go to bed. He looks up at the ceiling, thinking about his life before finally falling asleep.

To be continued...

NEXT TIME: The Princess (Last Part)

Author's Note:

Part 1 of 2

This chapter also introduces the main villian of the story!

NEXT WEEK (3/30): Chapter VIII~The Princess (Last Part)~

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